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  180.                    </a>
  181.                                    <a href="single/1242/wood-block-journey" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl upward cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
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  183.                            <img src="" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Wood Block Journey">
  184.                            <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Wood Block Journey</h2>
  185.                        </div>
  186.                    </a>
  187.                                    <a href="single/1241/hexa-block-puzzle" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl upward cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
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  189.                            <img src="" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Hexa Block Puzzle">
  190.                            <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Hexa Block Puzzle</h2>
  191.                        </div>
  192.                    </a>
  193.                                    <a href="single/1240/matches-puzzle-game" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl upward cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
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  195.                            <img src="" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Matches Puzzle Game">
  196.                            <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Matches Puzzle Game</h2>
  197.                        </div>
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  199.                                    <a href="single/1239/butcher-warehouse" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl upward cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
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  201.                            <img src="" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Butcher Warehouse">
  202.                            <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Butcher Warehouse</h2>
  203.                        </div>
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  205.                                    <a href="single/1238/tower-match" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl upward cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
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  207.                            <img src="" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Tower Match">
  208.                            <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Tower Match</h2>
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  211.                                    <a href="single/1237/block-blast" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl upward cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
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  213.                            <img src="" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Block Blast">
  214.                            <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Block Blast</h2>
  215.                        </div>
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  217.                                    <a href="single/1236/idle-mine&merge" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl upward cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
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  219.                            <img src="" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Idle Mine&Merge">
  220.                            <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Idle Mine&Merge</h2>
  221.                        </div>
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  223.                                    <a href="single/1235/flag-capture" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl upward cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
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  225.                            <img src="" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Flag Capture">
  226.                            <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Flag Capture</h2>
  227.                        </div>
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  231.                            <img src="" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="First Colony">
  232.                            <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">First Colony</h2>
  233.                        </div>
  234.                    </a>
  235.                                    <a href="single/1233/grass-cutting-puzzle" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl upward cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
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  237.                            <img src="" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Grass Cutting Puzzle">
  238.                            <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Grass Cutting Puzzle</h2>
  239.                        </div>
  240.                    </a>
  241.                                    <a href="single/1232/marbles-sorting" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl upward cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
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  243.                            <img src="" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Marbles Sorting">
  244.                            <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Marbles Sorting</h2>
  245.                        </div>
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  249.                            <img src="" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Modern Air Warplane WW2">
  250.                            <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Modern Air Warplane WW2</h2>
  251.                        </div>
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  253.                                    <a href="single/1230/kiss-me" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl upward cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
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  255.                            <img src="" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="KiSS ME">
  256.                            <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">KiSS ME</h2>
  257.                        </div>
  258.                    </a>
  259.                                    <a href="single/1229/let's-color-noob" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl upward cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
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  261.                            <img src="" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Let's Color Noob">
  262.                            <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Let's Color Noob</h2>
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  268.                            <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Air Hockey - Classic</h2>
  269.                        </div>
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  273.                            <img src="" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Real Motocross">
  274.                            <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Real Motocross</h2>
  275.                        </div>
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  279.                            <img src="" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Free Rider HD">
  280.                            <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Free Rider HD</h2>
  281.                        </div>
  282.                    </a>
  283.                                    <a href="single/1225/bubble-shooter---puzzle-games" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl upward cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
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  285.                            <img src="" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Bubble Shooter - Puzzle games">
  286.                            <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Bubble Shooter - Puzzle games</h2>
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  288.                    </a>
  289.                                    <a href="single/1224/rumble-stars-football----online-soccer-game" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl upward cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
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  291.                            <img src="" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Rumble Stars Football  - Online Soccer Game">
  292.                            <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Rumble Stars Football  - Online Soccer Game</h2>
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  295.                                    <a href="single/1223/save-the-masters" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl upward cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
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  297.                            <img src="" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Save the Masters">
  298.                            <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Save the Masters</h2>
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  300.                    </a>
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  309.                            <img src="" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Fashion Bedroom Redesign">
  310.                            <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Fashion Bedroom Redesign</h2>
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  313.                                    <a href="single/1220/girls-different-style-dress-fashion" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl upward cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
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  315.                            <img src="" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Girls Different Style Dress Fashion">
  316.                            <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Girls Different Style Dress Fashion</h2>
  317.                        </div>
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  319.                                    <a href="single/1219/counter-craft-3-zombies" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl upward cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
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  321.                            <img src="" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Counter Craft 3 Zombies">
  322.                            <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Counter Craft 3 Zombies</h2>
  323.                        </div>
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  325.                                    <a href="single/1218/baby-panda-boy-caring" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl upward cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
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  327.                            <img src="" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Baby Panda Boy Caring">
  328.                            <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Baby Panda Boy Caring</h2>
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  331.                                    <a href="single/1217/bike---dont-rush" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl upward cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
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  334.                            <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Bike - Dont Rush</h2>
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  337.                                    <a href="single/1216/merge-grabber" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl upward cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
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  339.                            <img src="" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Merge Grabber">
  340.                            <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Merge Grabber</h2>
  341.                        </div>
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  343.                                    <a href="single/1215/hasbulla-running-adventure" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl upward cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
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  345.                            <img src="" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Hasbulla Running Adventure">
  346.                            <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Hasbulla Running Adventure</h2>
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  349.                                    <a href="single/1214/stickman-party-parkour" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl upward cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
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  351.                            <img src="" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Stickman Party Parkour">
  352.                            <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Stickman Party Parkour</h2>
  353.                        </div>
  354.                    </a>
  355.                                    <a href="single/1213/low-poly-smash-cars" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl upward cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
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  357.                            <img src="" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Low Poly Smash Cars">
  358.                            <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Low Poly Smash Cars</h2>
  359.                        </div>
  360.                    </a>
  361.                                    <a href="single/1212/fnf-tails.exe" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl upward cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
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  363.                            <img src="" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="FNF TAILS.EXE">
  364.                            <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">FNF TAILS.EXE</h2>
  365.                        </div>
  366.                    </a>
  367.                                    <a href="single/1211/fnf-vs-huggy-wuggy" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl upward cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
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  369.                            <img src="" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="FNF vs Huggy Wuggy">
  370.                            <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">FNF vs Huggy Wuggy</h2>
  371.                        </div>
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  373.                                    <a href="single/1210/destruction-truck-derby" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl upward cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
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  375.                            <img src="" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Destruction Truck Derby">
  376.                            <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Destruction Truck Derby</h2>
  377.                        </div>
  378.                    </a>
  379.                                    <a href="single/1209/pantheon" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl upward cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  380.                        <div class="card-body absolute w-full h-full ">
  381.                            <img src="" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Pantheon">
  382.                            <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Pantheon</h2>
  383.                        </div>
  384.                    </a>
  385.                                    <a href="single/1208/skewer-in-the-sewer" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl upward cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  386.                        <div class="card-body absolute w-full h-full ">
  387.                            <img src="" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Skewer in the Sewer">
  388.                            <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Skewer in the Sewer</h2>
  389.                        </div>
  390.                    </a>
  391.                                    <a href="single/1207/pac-man-maze" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl upward cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  392.                        <div class="card-body absolute w-full h-full ">
  393.                            <img src="" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="PAC-MAN Maze">
  394.                            <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">PAC-MAN Maze</h2>
  395.                        </div>
  396.                    </a>
  397.                                    <a href="single/1206/bear-flight" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl upward cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  398.                        <div class="card-body absolute w-full h-full ">
  399.                            <img src="" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Bear Flight">
  400.                            <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Bear Flight</h2>
  401.                        </div>
  402.                    </a>
  403.                                    <a href="single/1205/etano-2" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl upward cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  404.                        <div class="card-body absolute w-full h-full ">
  405.                            <img src="" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Etano 2">
  406.                            <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Etano 2</h2>
  407.                        </div>
  408.                    </a>
  409.                                    <a href="single/1204/hipster-dolly-dress-up" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl upward cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  410.                        <div class="card-body absolute w-full h-full ">
  411.                            <img src="" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Hipster Dolly Dress Up">
  412.                            <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Hipster Dolly Dress Up</h2>
  413.                        </div>
  414.                    </a>
  415.                                    <a href="single/1203/detto-man" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl upward cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  416.                        <div class="card-body absolute w-full h-full ">
  417.                            <img src="" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Detto Man">
  418.                            <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Detto Man</h2>
  419.                        </div>
  420.                    </a>
  421.                                    <a href="single/1202/deck&amp;#x27;d-out" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl upward cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  422.                        <div class="card-body absolute w-full h-full ">
  423.                            <img src="" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Deck&amp;#x27;d Out">
  424.                            <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Deck&amp;#x27;d Out</h2>
  425.                        </div>
  426.                    </a>
  427.                                    <a href="single/1201/merge-dice" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl upward cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  428.                        <div class="card-body absolute w-full h-full ">
  429.                            <img src="" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Merge Dice">
  430.                            <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Merge Dice</h2>
  431.                        </div>
  432.                    </a>
  433.                                    <a href="single/1200/shadow-heroes" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl upward cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  434.                        <div class="card-body absolute w-full h-full ">
  435.                            <img src="" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Shadow Heroes">
  436.                            <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Shadow Heroes</h2>
  437.                        </div>
  438.                    </a>
  439.                                    <a href="single/1199/fastbox3d" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl upward cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  440.                        <div class="card-body absolute w-full h-full ">
  441.                            <img src="" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="FASTBOX3d">
  442.                            <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">FASTBOX3d</h2>
  443.                        </div>
  444.                    </a>
  445.                                    <a href="single/1198/fnf-character-test-playground-remake" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl upward cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  446.                        <div class="card-body absolute w-full h-full ">
  447.                            <img src="" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="FNF Character Test Playground Remake">
  448.                            <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">FNF Character Test Playground Remake</h2>
  449.                        </div>
  450.                    </a>
  451.                                    <a href="single/1197/catch-the-ball" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl upward cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  452.                        <div class="card-body absolute w-full h-full ">
  453.                            <img src="" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Catch The Ball">
  454.                            <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Catch The Ball</h2>
  455.                        </div>
  456.                    </a>
  457.                                    <a href="single/1196/gun-mayhem-2" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl upward cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  458.                        <div class="card-body absolute w-full h-full ">
  459.                            <img src="" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Gun Mayhem 2">
  460.                            <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Gun Mayhem 2</h2>
  461.                        </div>
  462.                    </a>
  463.                                    <a href="single/1195/otaho-bird" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl upward cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  464.                        <div class="card-body absolute w-full h-full ">
  465.                            <img src="" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Otaho Bird">
  466.                            <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Otaho Bird</h2>
  467.                        </div>
  468.                    </a>
  469.                                    <a href="single/1194/wild-west-freecell" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl upward cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  470.                        <div class="card-body absolute w-full h-full ">
  471.                            <img src="" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Wild West Freecell">
  472.                            <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Wild West Freecell</h2>
  473.                        </div>
  474.                    </a>
  475.                                    <a href="single/1193/color-pixel-shooter" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl upward cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  476.                        <div class="card-body absolute w-full h-full ">
  477.                            <img src="" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Color Pixel Shooter">
  478.                            <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Color Pixel Shooter</h2>
  479.                        </div>
  480.                    </a>
  481.                                    <a href="single/1192/roads" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl upward cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
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  483.                            <img src="" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Roads">
  484.                            <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Roads</h2>
  485.                        </div>
  486.                    </a>
  487.                                    <a href="single/1191/cut-for-cat-game" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl upward cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  488.                        <div class="card-body absolute w-full h-full ">
  489.                            <img src="" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Cut For Cat Game">
  490.                            <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Cut For Cat Game</h2>
  491.                        </div>
  492.                    </a>
  493.                                    <a href="single/1190/basketball-mania" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl upward cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
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  495.                            <img src="" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Basketball Mania">
  496.                            <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Basketball Mania</h2>
  497.                        </div>
  498.                    </a>
  499.                                    <a href="single/1189/remove-puzzle" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl upward cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  500.                        <div class="card-body absolute w-full h-full ">
  501.                            <img src="" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Remove Puzzle">
  502.                            <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Remove Puzzle</h2>
  503.                        </div>
  504.                    </a>
  505.                                    <a href="single/1188/long-lines" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl upward cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
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  507.                            <img src="" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Long Lines">
  508.                            <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Long Lines</h2>
  509.                        </div>
  510.                    </a>
  511.                                    <a href="single/1187/ww2-war-tanks" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl upward cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  512.                        <div class="card-body absolute w-full h-full ">
  513.                            <img src="" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="WW2 War Tanks">
  514.                            <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">WW2 War Tanks</h2>
  515.                        </div>
  516.                    </a>
  517.                                    <a href="single/1186/ball-up-3d" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl upward cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  518.                        <div class="card-body absolute w-full h-full ">
  519.                            <img src="" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Ball Up 3D">
  520.                            <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Ball Up 3D</h2>
  521.                        </div>
  522.                    </a>
  523.                                    <a href="single/1185/tmnt:-pizza-time" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl upward cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  524.                        <div class="card-body absolute w-full h-full ">
  525.                            <img src="" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="TMNT: Pizza Time">
  526.                            <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">TMNT: Pizza Time</h2>
  527.                        </div>
  528.                    </a>
  529.                                    <a href="single/1184/ninja-jump-game" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl upward cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  530.                        <div class="card-body absolute w-full h-full ">
  531.                            <img src="" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Ninja Jump Game">
  532.                            <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Ninja Jump Game</h2>
  533.                        </div>
  534.                    </a>
  535.                                    <a href="single/1183/hex-2048" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl upward cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  536.                        <div class="card-body absolute w-full h-full ">
  537.                            <img src="" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Hex-2048">
  538.                            <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Hex-2048</h2>
  539.                        </div>
  540.                    </a>
  541.                            </div>
  544.                        <h2 class="heading font-bold text-2xl mb-4 text-gray-800 mt-12 dark:text-gray-200">Action Games</h2>
  545.            <div class="grid">
  546.                                    <a href="single/12/moto-maniac-2" class="box block relative overflow-hidden large float-right rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  547.                        <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Moto Maniac 2">
  548.                        <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Moto Maniac 2</h2>
  549.                    </a>
  550.                                                    <a href="single/1244/kris-mahjong-rewarded" class="box block relative  overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  551.                        <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Kris Mahjong Rewarded">
  552.                        <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Kris Mahjong Rewarded</h2>
  553.                    </a>
  554.                                    <a href="single/1235/flag-capture" class="box block relative  overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  555.                        <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Flag Capture">
  556.                        <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Flag Capture</h2>
  557.                    </a>
  558.                                    <a href="single/1231/modern-air-warplane-ww2" class="box block relative  overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  559.                        <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Modern Air Warplane WW2">
  560.                        <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Modern Air Warplane WW2</h2>
  561.                    </a>
  562.                                    <a href="single/1135/quadcopter-fx-simulator" class="box block relative  overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  563.                        <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Quadcopter FX Simulator">
  564.                        <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Quadcopter FX Simulator</h2>
  565.                    </a>
  566.                                    <a href="single/1105/undisputed-mma" class="box block relative  overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  567.                        <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Undisputed MMA">
  568.                        <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Undisputed MMA</h2>
  569.                    </a>
  570.                                    <a href="single/1063/zombie-defense-go" class="box block relative  overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  571.                        <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Zombie Defense GO">
  572.                        <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Zombie Defense GO</h2>
  573.                    </a>
  574.                                    <a href="single/1054/wall-kickers" class="box block relative  overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  575.                        <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Wall Kickers">
  576.                        <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Wall Kickers</h2>
  577.                    </a>
  578.                                    <a href="single/1020/street-fight-space-station" class="box block relative  overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  579.                        <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Street Fight Space Station">
  580.                        <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Street Fight Space Station</h2>
  581.                    </a>
  582.                                    <a href="single/1012/object-hunt---hide-and-seek" class="box block relative  overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  583.                        <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Object Hunt - Hide And Seek">
  584.                        <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Object Hunt - Hide And Seek</h2>
  585.                    </a>
  586.                                    <a href="single/963/battle-for-powerful-kingdom" class="box block relative  overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  587.                        <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Battle For Powerful Kingdom">
  588.                        <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Battle For Powerful Kingdom</h2>
  589.                    </a>
  590.                                    <a href="single/938/tribal-job-hopping" class="box block relative  overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  591.                        <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Tribal job hopping">
  592.                        <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Tribal job hopping</h2>
  593.                    </a>
  594.                                    <a href="single/928/parkour-boss" class="box block relative  overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  595.                        <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Parkour Boss">
  596.                        <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Parkour Boss</h2>
  597.                    </a>
  598.                                    <a href="single/899/surfer-interesting" class="box block relative  overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  599.                        <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Surfer Interesting">
  600.                        <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Surfer Interesting</h2>
  601.                    </a>
  602.                                    <a href="single/898/super-artillery" class="box block relative  overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  603.                        <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Super artillery">
  604.                        <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Super artillery</h2>
  605.                    </a>
  606.                                    <a href="single/890/anaconda-disaster" class="box block relative  overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  607.                        <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Anaconda disaster">
  608.                        <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Anaconda disaster</h2>
  609.                    </a>
  610.                                    <a href="single/889/throwing-knife" class="box block relative  overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  611.                        <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Throwing Knife">
  612.                        <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Throwing Knife</h2>
  613.                    </a>
  614.                                    <a href="single/888/fresh-fruit-platter" class="box block relative  overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  615.                        <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Fresh Fruit Platter">
  616.                        <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Fresh Fruit Platter</h2>
  617.                    </a>
  618.                                    <a href="single/886/catapult-of-janissary" class="box block relative  overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  619.                        <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Catapult Of Janissary">
  620.                        <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Catapult Of Janissary</h2>
  621.                    </a>
  622.                                    <a href="single/883/peak-sniper" class="box block relative  overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  623.                        <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Peak Sniper">
  624.                        <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Peak Sniper</h2>
  625.                    </a>
  626.                                    <a href="single/863/bridging-forwardba" class="box block relative  overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  627.                        <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Bridging forwardba">
  628.                        <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Bridging forwardba</h2>
  629.                    </a>
  630.                                    <a href="single/858/murder-3d" class="box block relative  overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  631.                        <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Murder 3D">
  632.                        <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Murder 3D</h2>
  633.                    </a>
  634.                                    <a href="single/831/whack-your-boss" class="box block relative  overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  635.                        <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Whack Your Boss">
  636.                        <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Whack Your Boss</h2>
  637.                    </a>
  638.                                    <a href="single/830/kickin-it-old-school" class="box block relative  overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  639.                        <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Kickin it old School">
  640.                        <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Kickin it old School</h2>
  641.                    </a>
  642.                                    <a href="single/829/stealing-the-diamond" class="box block relative  overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  643.                        <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Stealing the Diamond">
  644.                        <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Stealing the Diamond</h2>
  645.                    </a>
  646.                                    <a href="single/828/fashion-zombies" class="box block relative  overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  647.                        <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Fashion Zombies">
  648.                        <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Fashion Zombies</h2>
  649.                    </a>
  650.                                    <a href="single/784/rebels-clash" class="box block relative  overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  651.                        <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Rebels Clash">
  652.                        <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Rebels Clash</h2>
  653.                    </a>
  654.                                    <a href="single/763/strongest-parkour" class="box block relative  overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  655.                        <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Strongest Parkour">
  656.                        <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Strongest Parkour</h2>
  657.                    </a>
  658.                                    <a href="single/759/extreme-parkour" class="box block relative  overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  659.                        <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Extreme Parkour">
  660.                        <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Extreme Parkour</h2>
  661.                    </a>
  662.                                    <a href="single/758/princess-parkour" class="box block relative  overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  663.                        <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Princess Parkour">
  664.                        <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Princess Parkour</h2>
  665.                    </a>
  666.                                    <a href="single/721/hill-dash-car---hill-climbing-racing-game" class="box block relative  overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  667.                        <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Hill Dash Car - Hill Climbing Racing Game">
  668.                        <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Hill Dash Car - Hill Climbing Racing Game</h2>
  669.                    </a>
  670.                                    <a href="single/711/street-mayhem:-beat-em-up" class="box block relative  overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  671.                        <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Street Mayhem: Beat Em Up">
  672.                        <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Street Mayhem: Beat Em Up</h2>
  673.                    </a>
  674.                                    <a href="single/696/" class="box block relative  overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  675.                        <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Nitro - Strategy Fighting Game">
  676.                        <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Nitro - Strategy Fighting Game</h2>
  677.                    </a>
  678.                                    <a href="single/694/martial-arts:-fighter-duel" class="box block relative  overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  679.                        <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Martial Arts: Fighter Duel">
  680.                        <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Martial Arts: Fighter Duel</h2>
  681.                    </a>
  682.                                    <a href="single/693/ultimate-robo-duel-3d" class="box block relative  overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  683.                        <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Ultimate Robo Duel 3D">
  684.                        <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Ultimate Robo Duel 3D</h2>
  685.                    </a>
  686.                                    <a href="single/613/glitch-dash" class="box block relative  overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  687.                        <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Glitch Dash">
  688.                        <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Glitch Dash</h2>
  689.                    </a>
  690.                                    <a href="single/588/drunken-slap-wars" class="box block relative  overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  691.                        <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Drunken Slap Wars">
  692.                        <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Drunken Slap Wars</h2>
  693.                    </a>
  694.                                    <a href="single/580/" class="box block relative  overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  695.                        <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="">
  696.                        <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2"></h2>
  697.                    </a>
  698.                                    <a href="single/577/zombie-mission-10" class="box block relative  overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  699.                        <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Zombie Mission 10">
  700.                        <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Zombie Mission 10</h2>
  701.                    </a>
  702.                                    <a href="single/568/pumper-crazy-defence" class="box block relative  overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  703.                        <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Pumper Crazy Defence">
  704.                        <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Pumper Crazy Defence</h2>
  705.                    </a>
  706.                                    <a href="single/567/poppy-playtime-survival" class="box block relative  overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  707.                        <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Poppy Playtime Survival">
  708.                        <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Poppy Playtime Survival</h2>
  709.                    </a>
  710.                                    <a href="single/549/medieval-battle-2p" class="box block relative  overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  711.                        <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Medieval Battle 2P">
  712.                        <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Medieval Battle 2P</h2>
  713.                    </a>
  714.                                    <a href="single/530/street-fight-space-station" class="box block relative  overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  715.                        <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Street Fight Space Station">
  716.                        <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Street Fight Space Station</h2>
  717.                    </a>
  718.                                    <a href="single/503/ultimate-robo-duel-3d" class="box block relative  overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  719.                        <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Ultimate Robo Duel 3D">
  720.                        <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Ultimate Robo Duel 3D</h2>
  721.                    </a>
  722.                                    <a href="single/485/paper-fighter-3d" class="box block relative  overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  723.                        <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Paper Fighter 3D">
  724.                        <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Paper Fighter 3D</h2>
  725.                    </a>
  726.                                    <a href="single/482/backrooms-slender-horror" class="box block relative  overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  727.                        <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Backrooms Slender Horror">
  728.                        <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Backrooms Slender Horror</h2>
  729.                    </a>
  730.                                    <a href="single/457/catch-huggy-wuggy!" class="box block relative  overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  731.                        <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Catch Huggy Wuggy!">
  732.                        <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Catch Huggy Wuggy!</h2>
  733.                    </a>
  734.                                    <a href="single/413/noob-mommy-escape-parkour" class="box block relative  overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  735.                        <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Noob Mommy Escape Parkour">
  736.                        <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Noob Mommy Escape Parkour</h2>
  737.                    </a>
  738.                                    <a href="single/408/minicraft:-imposter-war" class="box block relative  overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  739.                        <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Minicraft: Imposter War">
  740.                        <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Minicraft: Imposter War</h2>
  741.                    </a>
  742.                                    <a href="single/403/paddle" class="box block relative  overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  743.                        <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Paddle">
  744.                        <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Paddle</h2>
  745.                    </a>
  746.                                    <a href="single/396/paper-fighter-3d" class="box block relative  overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  747.                        <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Paper Fighter 3D">
  748.                        <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Paper Fighter 3D</h2>
  749.                    </a>
  750.                                    <a href="single/392/sports-car" class="box block relative  overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  751.                        <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Sports car">
  752.                        <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Sports car</h2>
  753.                    </a>
  754.                                    <a href="single/381/steve-vs-alex" class="box block relative  overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  755.                        <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Steve VS Alex">
  756.                        <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Steve VS Alex</h2>
  757.                    </a>
  758.                                    <a href="single/380/backrooms-slender-horror" class="box block relative  overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  759.                        <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Backrooms Slender Horror">
  760.                        <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Backrooms Slender Horror</h2>
  761.                    </a>
  762.                                    <a href="single/364/farmer-challenge-party" class="box block relative  overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  763.                        <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Farmer Challenge Party">
  764.                        <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Farmer Challenge Party</h2>
  765.                    </a>
  766.                            </div>
  769.                        <div class="drill flex resp gap-3">
  770.                <div class="w-full">
  771.                    <div class="heading flex items-center justify-between">
  772.                        <h2 class="font-bold text-2xl mb-4 text-gray-800 mt-12 dark:text-gray-200">Action Games</h2>
  773.                        <a class="text-gray-400 block mr-12 mt-6" href="">view</a>
  774.                    </div>
  775.                                        <div class="grid">
  776.                                                    <a href="single/1244/kris-mahjong-rewarded" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  777.                                <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Kris Mahjong Rewarded">
  778.                                <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Kris Mahjong Rewarded</h2>
  779.                            </a>
  780.                                                    <a href="single/1235/flag-capture" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  781.                                <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Flag Capture">
  782.                                <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Flag Capture</h2>
  783.                            </a>
  784.                                                    <a href="single/1231/modern-air-warplane-ww2" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  785.                                <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Modern Air Warplane WW2">
  786.                                <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Modern Air Warplane WW2</h2>
  787.                            </a>
  788.                                                    <a href="single/1135/quadcopter-fx-simulator" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  789.                                <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Quadcopter FX Simulator">
  790.                                <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Quadcopter FX Simulator</h2>
  791.                            </a>
  792.                                                    <a href="single/1105/undisputed-mma" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  793.                                <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Undisputed MMA">
  794.                                <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Undisputed MMA</h2>
  795.                            </a>
  796.                                                    <a href="single/1063/zombie-defense-go" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  797.                                <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Zombie Defense GO">
  798.                                <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Zombie Defense GO</h2>
  799.                            </a>
  800.                                                    <a href="single/1054/wall-kickers" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  801.                                <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Wall Kickers">
  802.                                <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Wall Kickers</h2>
  803.                            </a>
  804.                                                    <a href="single/1020/street-fight-space-station" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  805.                                <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Street Fight Space Station">
  806.                                <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Street Fight Space Station</h2>
  807.                            </a>
  808.                                                    <a href="single/1012/object-hunt---hide-and-seek" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  809.                                <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Object Hunt - Hide And Seek">
  810.                                <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Object Hunt - Hide And Seek</h2>
  811.                            </a>
  812.                                                    <a href="single/963/battle-for-powerful-kingdom" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  813.                                <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Battle For Powerful Kingdom">
  814.                                <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Battle For Powerful Kingdom</h2>
  815.                            </a>
  816.                                                    <a href="single/938/tribal-job-hopping" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  817.                                <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Tribal job hopping">
  818.                                <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Tribal job hopping</h2>
  819.                            </a>
  820.                                                    <a href="single/928/parkour-boss" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  821.                                <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Parkour Boss">
  822.                                <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Parkour Boss</h2>
  823.                            </a>
  824.                                                    <a href="single/899/surfer-interesting" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  825.                                <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Surfer Interesting">
  826.                                <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Surfer Interesting</h2>
  827.                            </a>
  828.                                                    <a href="single/898/super-artillery" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  829.                                <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Super artillery">
  830.                                <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Super artillery</h2>
  831.                            </a>
  832.                                                    <a href="single/890/anaconda-disaster" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  833.                                <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Anaconda disaster">
  834.                                <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Anaconda disaster</h2>
  835.                            </a>
  836.                                                    <a href="single/889/throwing-knife" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  837.                                <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Throwing Knife">
  838.                                <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Throwing Knife</h2>
  839.                            </a>
  840.                                                    <a href="single/888/fresh-fruit-platter" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  841.                                <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Fresh Fruit Platter">
  842.                                <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Fresh Fruit Platter</h2>
  843.                            </a>
  844.                                                    <a href="single/886/catapult-of-janissary" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  845.                                <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Catapult Of Janissary">
  846.                                <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Catapult Of Janissary</h2>
  847.                            </a>
  848.                                            </div>
  849.                                    </div>
  851.                                <div class="w-full">
  852.                    <div class="heading flex items-center justify-between">
  853.                        <h2 class="font-bold text-2xl mb-4 text-gray-800 mt-12 dark:text-gray-200">Shooting Games</h2>
  854.                        <a class="text-gray-400 block mr-12 mt-6" href="">view</a>
  855.                    </div>
  856.                    <div class="grid">
  857.                                                    <a href="single/1228/air-hockey---classic" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  858.                                <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Air Hockey - Classic">
  859.                                <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Air Hockey - Classic</h2>
  860.                            </a>
  861.                                                    <a href="single/1219/counter-craft-3-zombies" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  862.                                <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Counter Craft 3 Zombies">
  863.                                <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Counter Craft 3 Zombies</h2>
  864.                            </a>
  865.                                                    <a href="single/1193/color-pixel-shooter" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  866.                                <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Color Pixel Shooter">
  867.                                <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Color Pixel Shooter</h2>
  868.                            </a>
  869.                                                    <a href="single/1187/ww2-war-tanks" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  870.                                <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="WW2 War Tanks">
  871.                                <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">WW2 War Tanks</h2>
  872.                            </a>
  873.                                                    <a href="single/1156/rodent-whack" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  874.                                <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Rodent Whack">
  875.                                <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Rodent Whack</h2>
  876.                            </a>
  877.                                                    <a href="single/1138/epic-army-defense-rising-war" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  878.                                <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Epic Army Defense Rising War">
  879.                                <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Epic Army Defense Rising War</h2>
  880.                            </a>
  881.                                                    <a href="single/1125/merge-archers" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  882.                                <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Merge Archers">
  883.                                <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Merge Archers</h2>
  884.                            </a>
  885.                                                    <a href="single/1124/cat-vs-kripotians" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  886.                                <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Cat vs Kripotians">
  887.                                <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Cat vs Kripotians</h2>
  888.                            </a>
  889.                                                    <a href="single/1123/cat-clicker-mlg" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  890.                                <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Cat Clicker MLG">
  891.                                <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Cat Clicker MLG</h2>
  892.                            </a>
  893.                                                    <a href="single/1079/biozombie-of-evil" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  894.                                <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Biozombie of Evil">
  895.                                <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Biozombie of Evil</h2>
  896.                            </a>
  897.                                                    <a href="single/1077/multigun-arena-zombie-survival" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  898.                                <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="MultiGun Arena Zombie Survival">
  899.                                <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">MultiGun Arena Zombie Survival</h2>
  900.                            </a>
  901.                                                    <a href="single/1072/angry-zombie-2023" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  902.                                <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Angry Zombie 2023">
  903.                                <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Angry Zombie 2023</h2>
  904.                            </a>
  905.                                                    <a href="single/1040/xtreme-paintbal-wars" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay">
  906.                                <img src="" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="Xtreme Paintbal Wars">
  907.                                <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute  bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2">Xtreme Paintbal Wars</h2>
  908.                            </a>
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