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251.304688 90.03125 274.96875 L 90.179688 275.113281 L 90.324219 274.96875 Z M 125.890625 239.109375 L 126.035156 238.964844 C 111.582031 224.515625 102.644531 204.550781 102.644531 182.5 C 102.644531 160.449219 111.582031 140.484375 126.035156 126.035156 L 125.890625 125.890625 L 125.742188 126.035156 L 137.355469 137.648438 L 137.503906 137.503906 L 137.355469 137.355469 C 125.804688 148.910156 118.660156 164.871094 118.660156 182.5 C 118.660156 200.128906 125.804688 216.089844 137.355469 227.644531 L 137.503906 227.496094 L 137.355469 227.351563 L 125.742188 238.964844 L 125.890625 239.109375 L 126.035156 238.964844 L 125.890625 239.109375 L 126.035156 239.257813 L 137.792969 227.496094 L 137.648438 227.351563 C 126.167969 215.871094 119.070313 200.015625 119.070313 182.5 C 119.070313 164.984375 126.167969 149.128906 137.648438 137.648438 L 137.792969 137.503906 L 125.890625 125.597656 L 125.742188 125.742188 C 111.21875 140.269531 102.234375 160.335938 102.234375 182.5 C 102.234375 204.664063 111.21875 224.730469 125.742188 239.257813 L 125.890625 239.402344 L 126.035156 239.257813 Z M 227.496094 227.496094 L 227.644531 227.644531 C 239.195313 216.089844 246.339844 200.128906 246.339844 182.5 C 246.339844 164.871094 239.195313 148.910156 227.644531 137.355469 L 227.496094 137.503906 L 227.644531 137.648438 L 239.257813 126.035156 L 239.109375 125.890625 L 238.964844 126.035156 C 253.417969 140.484375 262.355469 160.449219 262.355469 182.5 C 262.355469 204.550781 253.417969 224.515625 238.964844 238.964844 L 239.109375 239.109375 L 239.257813 238.964844 L 227.644531 227.351563 L 227.496094 227.496094 L 227.644531 227.644531 L 227.496094 227.496094 L 227.351563 227.644531 L 239.109375 239.402344 L 239.257813 239.257813 C 253.78125 224.730469 262.765625 204.664063 262.765625 182.5 C 262.765625 160.335938 253.78125 140.269531 239.257813 125.742188 L 239.109375 125.597656 L 227.207031 137.503906 L 227.351563 137.648438 C 238.832031 149.128906 245.929688 164.984375 245.929688 182.5 C 245.929688 200.015625 238.832031 215.871094 227.351563 227.351563 L 227.207031 227.496094 L 227.351563 227.644531 Z M 274.820313 274.820313 L 274.96875 274.675781 L 263.355469 263.0625 L 263.210938 263.210938 L 263.355469 263.355469 C 284.046875 242.660156 296.84375 214.074219 296.84375 182.5 C 296.84375 150.925781 284.046875 122.339844 263.355469 101.644531 L 263.210938 101.789063 L 263.355469 101.9375 L 274.96875 90.324219 L 274.820313 90.179688 L 274.675781 90.324219 C 298.265625 113.914063 312.855469 146.503906 312.855469 182.5 C 312.855469 218.496094 298.265625 251.085938 274.675781 274.675781 L 274.820313 274.820313 L 274.96875 274.675781 L 274.820313 274.820313 L 274.96875 274.96875 C 298.632813 251.304688 313.269531 218.609375 313.269531 182.5 C 313.269531 146.390625 298.632813 113.695313 274.96875 90.03125 L 274.820313 89.886719 L 262.917969 101.789063 L 263.0625 101.9375 C 283.683594 122.554688 296.433594 151.035156 296.433594 182.5 C 296.433594 213.964844 283.683594 242.445313 263.0625 263.0625 L 262.917969 263.210938 L 274.820313 275.113281 L 274.96875 274.96875 Z M 182.5 16.640625 L 182.5 16.433594 C 90.785156 16.433594 16.433594 90.785156 16.433594 182.5 C 16.433594 255.859375 64.003906 318.097656 129.972656 340.082031 L 130.167969 340.144531 L 172.894531 211.972656 L 172.699219 211.90625 C 160.382813 207.804688 151.503906 196.191406 151.503906 182.5 C 151.503906 173.941406 154.972656 166.191406 160.582031 160.582031 C 166.191406 154.972656 173.9375 151.503906 182.5 151.503906 C 191.058594 151.503906 198.808594 154.972656 204.417969 160.582031 C 210.027344 166.191406 213.496094 173.9375 213.496094 182.5 C 213.496094 196.191406 204.617188 207.804688 192.300781 211.90625 L 192.105469 211.972656 L 234.832031 340.144531 L 235.027344 340.082031 C 301 318.097656 348.566406 255.859375 348.566406 182.5 C 348.566406 90.785156 274.214844 16.433594 182.5 16.433594 L 182.5 16.84375 C 228.246094 16.84375 269.65625 35.386719 299.636719 65.363281 C 329.613281 95.34375 348.15625 136.753906 348.15625 182.5 C 348.15625 255.675781 300.703125 317.765625 234.898438 339.691406 L 234.960938 339.886719 L 235.15625 339.820313 L 192.5625 212.035156 L 192.367188 212.101563 L 192.433594 212.296875 C 204.910156 208.140625 213.90625 196.375 213.910156 182.5 C 213.90625 165.152344 199.847656 151.09375 182.5 151.089844 C 165.152344 151.09375 151.09375 165.152344 151.089844 182.5 C 151.09375 196.375 160.089844 208.140625 172.566406 212.296875 L 172.632813 212.101563 L 172.4375 212.035156 L 129.84375 339.820313 L 130.039063 339.886719 L 130.101563 339.691406 C 64.296875 317.765625 16.84375 255.675781 16.84375 182.5 C 16.84375 136.753906 35.386719 95.34375 65.363281 65.363281 C 95.34375 35.386719 136.753906 16.84375 182.5 16.84375 Z M 202.902344 347.109375 L 203.027344 346.949219 C 195.652344 341.21875 188.511719 334.90625 181.683594 328.019531 L 181.535156 327.867188 L 181.390625 328.019531 C 174.792969 334.847656 167.910156 341.113281 160.816406 346.808594 L 160.441406 347.109375 L 160.917969 347.171875 C 167.984375 348.089844 175.1875 348.566406 182.5 348.566406 C 189.414063 348.566406 196.230469 348.136719 202.925781 347.316406 L 203.417969 347.253906 L 203.027344 346.949219 L 202.902344 347.109375 L 202.875 346.90625 C 196.199219 347.726563 189.398438 348.15625 182.5 348.15625 C 175.203125 348.15625 168.019531 347.679688 160.972656 346.765625 L 160.945313 346.96875 L 161.074219 347.128906 C 168.179688 341.421875 175.078125 335.144531 181.6875 328.304688 L 181.539063 328.164063 L 181.394531 328.308594 C 188.230469 335.210938 195.386719 341.53125 202.773438 347.273438 L 202.902344 347.109375 L 202.875 346.90625 Z M 191.792969 316.824219 L 191.636719 316.964844 C 200.742188 327.210938 210.519531 336.269531 220.722656 344.058594 L 220.800781 344.117188 L 220.894531 344.097656 C 221.574219 343.9375 222.253906 343.769531 222.929688 343.601563 L 223.15625 343.542969 L 205.3125 298.929688 L 205.09375 299.238281 C 200.808594 305.347656 196.3125 311.171875 191.636719 316.695313 L 191.519531 316.832031 L 191.636719 316.964844 L 191.792969 316.824219 L 191.949219 316.960938 C 196.632813 311.429688 201.136719 305.59375 205.429688 299.472656 L 205.261719 299.355469 L 205.070313 299.433594 L 222.6875 343.476563 L 222.878906 343.402344 L 222.828125 343.203125 C 222.152344 343.371094 221.476563 343.535156 220.800781 343.695313 L 220.847656 343.898438 L 220.972656 343.734375 C 210.789063 335.957031 201.035156 326.917969 191.945313 316.691406 L 191.792969 316.824219 L 191.949219 316.960938 Z M 182.257813 305.34375 L 182.421875 305.46875 C 188.113281 298.128906 193.472656 290.273438 198.433594 281.945313 L 198.484375 281.859375 L 182.5 241.898438 L 166.320313 282.34375 L 166.375 282.429688 C 171.253906 290.578125 176.511719 298.269531 182.097656 305.46875 L 182.257813 305.679688 L 182.421875 305.46875 L 182.257813 305.34375 L 182.421875 305.21875 C 176.847656 298.03125 171.597656 290.351563 166.726563 282.21875 L 166.550781 282.324219 L 166.742188 282.402344 L 182.5 243.003906 L 198.066406 281.917969 L 198.257813 281.84375 L 198.078125 281.738281 C 193.128906 290.050781 187.777344 297.890625 182.097656 305.21875 L 182.257813 305.34375 L 182.421875 305.21875 Z M 143.78125 343.804688 L 143.90625 343.96875 C 153.75 336.4375 163.199219 327.738281 172.027344 317.917969 L 172.152344 317.785156 L 172.03125 317.648438 C 167.527344 312.492188 163.195313 307.054688 159.058594 301.351563 L 158.839844 301.046875 L 141.84375 343.542969 L 142.070313 343.601563 C 142.625 343.738281 143.179688 343.871094 143.734375 344.007813 L 143.828125 344.027344 L 143.90625 343.96875 L 143.78125 343.804688 L 143.828125 343.605469 C 143.273438 343.472656 142.722656 343.339844 142.171875 343.203125 L 142.121094 343.402344 L 142.3125 343.476563 L 159.085938 301.546875 L 158.894531 301.46875 L 158.726563 301.589844 C 162.871094 307.304688 167.207031 312.753906 171.722656 317.917969 L 171.875 317.78125 L 171.722656 317.644531 C 162.910156 327.445313 153.480469 336.128906 143.65625 343.644531 L 143.78125 343.804688 L 143.828125 343.605469 Z M 182.5 364.796875 L 182.5 364.589844 C 132.21875 364.589844 86.695313 344.210938 53.742188 311.257813 C 20.792969 278.304688 0.410156 232.78125 0.410156 182.5 C 0.410156 132.21875 20.792969 86.695313 53.742188 53.742188 C 86.695313 20.789063 132.21875 0.410156 182.5 0.410156 C 232.78125 0.410156 278.304688 20.789063 311.257813 53.742188 C 344.210938 86.695313 364.589844 132.21875 364.589844 182.5 C 364.589844 232.78125 344.210938 278.304688 311.257813 311.257813 C 278.304688 344.210938 232.78125 364.589844 182.5 364.589844 L 182.5 365 C 283.292969 365 365 283.292969 365 182.5 C 365 81.707031 283.292969 0 182.5 0 C 81.707031 0 0 81.707031 0 182.5 C 0 283.292969 81.707031 365 182.5 365 L 182.5 364.796875 "/>
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  576.    <div class="RichTextModule-shortItems RichTextBody"><p>As Sergey and I wrote in the original founders letter 11 years ago, “Google is not a conventional company. We do not intend to become one”</p><span class="more-button">more</span></div>
  580.    <div class="RichTextModule-items RichTextBody"><p>As part of that, we also said that you could expect us to make “smaller bets in areas that might seem very speculative or even strange when compared to our current businesses.” From the start, we’ve always strived to do more, and to do important and meaningful things with the resources we have.</p><p>We did a lot of things that seemed crazy at the time. Many of those crazy things now have over a billion users, like Google Maps, YouTube, Chrome, and Android. And we haven’t stopped there. We are still trying to do things other people think are crazy but we are super excited about.</p><p></p><p>We’ve long believed that over time companies tend to get comfortable doing the same thing, just making incremental changes. But in the technology industry, where revolutionary ideas drive the next big growth areas, you need to be a bit uncomfortable to stay relevant.</p><p></p><p>Our company is operating well today, but we think we can make it cleaner and more accountable. So we are creating a new company, called Alphabet. I am really excited to be running Alphabet as CEO with help from my capable partner, Sergey, as President.</p><p></p><p>What is Alphabet? Alphabet is mostly a collection of companies. The largest of which, of course, is Google. This newer Google is a bit slimmed down, with the companies that are pretty far afield of our main internet products contained in Alphabet instead. What do we mean by far afield? Good examples are our health efforts: Life Sciences (that works on the glucose-sensing contact lens), and <a class="Link" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-cms-ai="0">Calico</a> (focused on longevity). Fundamentally, we believe this allows us more management scale, as we can run things independently that aren’t very related.</p><p></p><p>Alphabet is about businesses prospering through strong leaders and independence. In general, our model is to have a strong CEO who runs each business, with Sergey and me in service to them as needed. We will rigorously handle capital allocation and work to make sure each business is executing well. We’ll also make sure we have a great CEO for each business, and we’ll determine their compensation. In addition, with this new structure we plan to implement segment reporting for our Q4 results, where Google financials will be provided separately than those for the rest of Alphabet businesses as a whole.</p><p></p><p>This new structure will allow us to keep tremendous focus on the extraordinary opportunities we have inside of Google. A key part of this is Sundar Pichai. Sundar has been saying the things I would have said (and sometimes better!) for quite some time now, and I’ve been tremendously enjoying our work together. He has really stepped up since October of last year, when he took on product and engineering responsibility for our internet businesses. Sergey and I have been super excited about his progress and dedication to the company. And it is clear to us and our board that it is time for Sundar to be CEO of Google. I feel very fortunate to have someone as talented as he is to run the slightly slimmed down Google and this frees up time for me to continue to scale our aspirations. I have been spending quite a bit of time with Sundar, helping him and the company in any way I can, and I will of course continue to do that. Google itself is also making all sorts of new products, and I know Sundar will always be focused on innovation—continuing to stretch boundaries. I know he deeply cares that we can continue to make big strides on our core mission to organize the world’s information. Recent launches like Google Photos and Google Now using machine learning are amazing progress. Google also has some services that are run with their own identity, like YouTube. Susan is doing a great job as CEO, running a strong brand and driving incredible growth.</p><p></p><p>Sergey and I are seriously in the business of starting new things. Alphabet will also include our X lab, which incubates new efforts like Wing, our drone delivery effort. We are also stoked about growing our investment arms, Ventures and Capital, as part of this new structure.</p><p></p><p>Alphabet Inc. will replace Google Inc. as the publicly-traded entity and all shares of Google will automatically convert into the same number of shares of Alphabet, with all of the same rights. Google will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Alphabet. Our two classes of shares will continue to trade on Nasdaq as GOOGL and GOOG.</p><p></p><p>For Sergey and me this is a very exciting new chapter in the life of Google—the birth of Alphabet. We liked the name Alphabet because it means a collection of letters that represent language, one of humanity’s most important innovations, and is the core of how we index with Google search! We also like that it means <b>alpha-bet</b> (Alpha is investment return above benchmark), which we strive for! I should add that we are not intending for this to be a big consumer brand with related products—the whole point is that Alphabet companies should have independence and develop their own brands.</p><p></p><p>We are excited about…</p><p></p><ul><li>Getting more ambitious things done.</li><li>Taking the long-term view.</li><li>Empowering great entrepreneurs and companies to flourish.</li><li>Investing at the scale of the opportunities and resources we see.</li><li>Improving the transparency and oversight of what we’re doing.</li><li>Making Google even better through greater focus.</li><li>And hopefully… as a result of all this, improving the lives of as many people as we can.</li></ul><p>What could be better? No wonder we are excited to get to work with everyone in the Alphabet family. Don’t worry, we’re still getting used to the name too!</p></div>
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