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  58. <h1><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to Top 5 Reasons to Take Office Space in Austin, Texas">Top 5 Reasons to Take Office Space in Austin, Texas</a></h1>
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  66. <p>Deciding to move office space is a big move for any company. Executive suites, cubicle space, window offices, conference rooms; the choice of commercial real estate is endless, as is the choice of location.</p>
  67. <p>If you&#8217;re considering moving to US office space and you want to move somewhere hot then Texas could be the ideal choice for you.</p>
  68. <p>Hot, humid and vast; Texas is the perfect location for any business. But where&#8217;s the best place to take office space in Texas? Dallas, Houston, San Antonio and Fort Worth are all great locations for commercial property in the Texas area but in my view, nothing can beat Austin.</p>
  69. <p>Why&#8217;s Austin such a fantastic choice to take office space in Texas? You&#8217;d better read on!</p>
  70. <p>1. Austin is the capital of Texas. This means it has a growing population, which currently stands at around 790,000 people, so you&#8217;ll never be short of employees or customers. The city of Austin was christened 2nd Best Big City in &#8220;Best Places to Live&#8221; by Money magazine in 2006 and according to Travel magazine ranks as number 1 on the list of cities with the best people.</p>
  71. <p>2. <a target="_new" rel="nofollow" href="">Austin office space</a> is rich and plentiful. Affordable pricing, stylish interiors and versatile floor space means it&#8217;s one of the top office space locations in Texas. As a result, the city&#8217;s office space is home to 3 of the Fortune 500 companies &#8211; Whole Foods Market, Forestar Group and Freescale Semiconductor. Dell also has an office in the city, while earlier this year Facebook announced plans to build a new downtown office in Austin, which could bring around 200 jobs to the area.</p>
  72. <p>3. Austin is hot, hot, hot! The city has a sub-tropical climate which means that it experiences hot summers and mild winters. This makes it ideal for companies who hate the cold and enjoy warm winters.</p>
  73. <p>4. The city of Austin is a fantastic choice for technology and defence companies thanks to a steady stream of graduates from The University of Texas at Austin. As a result, Austin is known as major centre for high-tech and boasts a large number of major technology companies such as Apple, Google and AMD.</p>
  74. <p>5. Austin&#8217;s official slogan is &#8220;The Live Music Capital of the World&#8221;, which reflects the city&#8217;s vibrant music scene. The city is full of nightclubs, particularly on 6th Street and Austin&#8217;s annual film and music festival, South by Southwest, attracts thousands of tourists each year.</p>
  75. <p>In conclusion, Austin might not be the most high profile city in the United States but it&#8217;s certainly a fantastic choice for commercial real estate for any business.</p>
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  80.  <p class="tags">Tags: <a href="" rel="tag">houston real estate</a> <a href="" rel="tag">how to do real estate</a> <a href="" rel="tag">investing in real estate</a> <a href="" rel="tag">new real estate agent</a> <a href="" rel="tag">real estate</a> <a href="" rel="tag">real estate 101</a> <a href="" rel="tag">real estate advice</a> <a href="" rel="tag">real estate agent</a> <a href="" rel="tag">real estate basics</a> <a href="" rel="tag">real estate bubble</a> <a href="" rel="tag">real estate crash</a> <a href="" rel="tag">real estate deals</a> <a href="" rel="tag">real estate investing</a> <a href="" rel="tag">real estate investment</a> <a href="" rel="tag">real estate market</a> <a href="" rel="tag">texas real estate</a></p>        </div>
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  87. <h1><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to Top 10 Travel Fitness Tips &#8211; Part 1">Top 10 Travel Fitness Tips &#8211; Part 1</a></h1>
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  95. <p>I recently read two articles about travel fitness. One said that while you&#8217;re traveling, you should keep up with 50% of your normal training and the other said you should keep up with only one-third. Both were written by well known fitness professionals and both said that you should NOT expect to keep up your regular exercise program while you are traveling. That struck me as kind of &#8220;lame&#8221; and I said to myself, &#8220;Why the heck not? Why do people have such low standards and demand so little of themselves? Why do they let themselves off the hook and scale back?&#8221;</p>
  96. <p>Sometimes, of course, traveling is purely for a vacation &#8211; including a vacation from training. Occasional time off from intense training is beneficial and necessary to let your body recover and rejuvenate completely from chronic training stress, just as time off from the office is needed to disengage your mind for a while. It&#8217;s also true that it really doesn&#8217;t take much to maintain fitness once it is developed, and an abbreviated, but still effective, workout routine could certainly be used, if you choose, when you&#8217;re on the road.</p>
  97. <p>However, you still have healthy eating to think about and just because you&#8217;re traveling doesn&#8217;t mean you can&#8217;t follow your regular exercise regimen. Why settle? If you want to continue to improve your physique while on the road, you can! Here are 10 ways that I did it on my last extended business trip that you may find helpful as well. It begins with a simple decision.</p>
  98. <p>1. Decide to improve while you&#8217;re traveling and to come home in better shape than when you left</p>
  99. <p>Nearly every time I travel (the exception being if it&#8217;s a complete rest and relaxation vacation), I set a goal to come home in better shape than when I left. The only reason most people usually come home with lower fitness and a few extra pounds than when they left is because they didn&#8217;t make a decision to do otherwise. In fact, many people hold a belief that it&#8217;s &#8220;impossible&#8221; to stay on their eating and exercise program while they are traveling! Why not get in better shape no matter where you are? The truth is, all it takes is a decision and some planning. I find it a fun and exhilarating challenge to improve myself no matter where I am in the world.</p>
  100. <p>2. Write out your workout schedule in advance</p>
  101. <p>There&#8217;s nothing like writing your goals down on paper to keep your mind focused and keep yourself motivated. In addition to writing out goals regularly, preferably every day, you should also commit your training schedule to paper and especially when you are traveling. Write down the days, the time of the day and the exact workout you plan to do and you will be amazed at how easy you will find it is to get to the gym and have great workouts.</p>
  102. <p>3. Get a hotel with a kitchen</p>
  103. <p>The single most important part of my travel arrangements was to book a hotel with a kitchen. For me, not having a kitchen is not an option. If you don&#8217;t have kitchen, you will be much more likely to skip meals, it&#8217;s very difficult to eat 5 or 6 times a day (as required by any good fat burning or muscle building nutrition program), and you may end up at the mercy of restaurant, hotel or convenience store food. For my most recent trip, I stayed at Homestead Studio Suites, one of several national hotel chains in the USA which includes a full kitchen including a refrigerator, microwave, stove &#8211; the whole works. Exteneded Stay America and Marriot Residence Inn offer similar accommodations</p>
  104. <p>On previous trips, if there wasn&#8217;t such a hotel with a kitchen in the vicinity, I searched the internet for apartments for short term rental. You may be surprised at the type of lodging you can find and often you will be pleased with price as compared to hotels. I once booked a luxury condo for 7 days and it ended up costing less than the hotel I was first considering, and the hotel didn&#8217;t even have a kitchen. Nothing beats a full kitchen, but you may also find that many hotels will provide you with a microwave and mini-refrigerator if you ask for them.</p>
  105. <p>4. Go food shopping immediately after checking in</p>
  106. <p>The FIRST thing I did after checking in was to make a beeline straight to the local grocery store. I took a shopping list with me because on past trips I found that I nearly always seemed to forget one or two small items if I didn&#8217;t have the written grocery list. Once you have a fully stocked refrigerator and kitchen, your meal planning and preparation is NO DIFFERENT than it is when you are home.</p>
  107. <p>5. check the local restaurant locations and menus and commit in advance to making healthy choices when dining out</p>
  108. <p>Since I had a kitchen at my disposal, the majority of my meals were just business as usual. I cooked them right in my hotel room and brought them along with me wherever I went. However, when traveling, it&#8217;s likely that you will probably be having quite a few restaurant meals.</p>
  109. <p>I make it a habit to scope out the local restaurants in advance and even check their websites. Most have their menus online these days. I make a decision in advance whether it will be a regular meal or a &#8220;cheat meal.&#8221; If it&#8217;s a cheat meal, I enjoy whatever I want, but I always keep portion sizes in mind. For example, last time, I split a slice of cheesecake with a friend. Was I guilty? Heck no, it was my planned cheat day, I only ate half a slice and it was the first cheesecake I had in 12 months!</p>
  110. <p>If you walk into a restaurant without having made a decision in advance whether you are staying on your regular meals or having a cheat meal, you are much more likely to have a &#8220;diet accident&#8221; and make a poor choice on impulse, especially if you&#8217;re influenced by non-healthy-eating companions (don&#8217;t under estimate the negative peer pressure factor). All it takes is one unplanned cheat meal and that can often lead to guilt. Then &#8220;all or none thinking&#8221; tends to set in and you may tell yourself, &#8220;Well, I blew it,&#8221; so the next meal and then the rest of the week tends to completely fall apart as well.</p>
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  115.  <p class="tags">Tags: <a href="" rel="tag">24 hour fitness</a> <a href="" rel="tag">emma fitness</a> <a href="" rel="tag">fitness</a> <a href="" rel="tag">fitness battle</a> <a href="" rel="tag">fitness blender</a> <a href="" rel="tag">fitness challenge</a> <a href="" rel="tag">fitness channel</a> <a href="" rel="tag">fitness influencer</a> <a href="" rel="tag">fitness model</a> <a href="" rel="tag">fitness motivation</a> <a href="" rel="tag">fitness music</a> <a href="" rel="tag">fitness test</a> <a href="" rel="tag">fitness tips</a> <a href="" rel="tag">fitness video</a> <a href="" rel="tag">fitness youtuber</a> <a href="" rel="tag">planet fitness</a></p>        </div>
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  122. <h1><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to Stock Market Tips &#8211; Guidelines For Successful Investing">Stock Market Tips &#8211; Guidelines For Successful Investing</a></h1>
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  130. <p>When many people prepare to make their first couple of purchases in the stock market, they are usually filled with excitement and very optimistic that they&#8217;ve chosen companies that will provide them with an opportunity for making a profit, or at least earning significant dividends over the long term. The only problem is that few new investors take the time to become truly educated about the complicated terminology and processes involved with the stock market before they plunk their money down. If you&#8217;re going to be successful as an investor, here are some important stock market tips to keep in the back of your mind.</p>
  131. <p>One of the most important stock market tips to take to heart is advice from one of the world&#8217;s most successful investors, Warren Buffet. Mr. Buffet has been quotes many times as saying that you should only invest in what you know. This means that if you&#8217;ve worked in the banking industry, you should stick to currency and bank financing. If you&#8217;re passionate about the fashion industry, it&#8217;s probably a good idea for you to invest in clothing companies or something similar. This is good advice because you&#8217;ll be able to build on your existing knowledge about how the industry works, and won&#8217;t have to start your research from scratch.</p>
  132. <p>Another one of the most important stock market tips is that there is no amount of research or strategizing that can substitute for your own common sense and patience. It&#8217;s important that investors never get so comfortable or confident in their own trading ability that they forget that there is always risk involved with the market. Although there are strategies for predicting market movement, they are never guaranteed, and it&#8217;s always possible that you can misinterpret market signals and lose money if you&#8217;re not careful.</p>
  133. <p>Lastly, it&#8217;s important to make sure that you&#8217;re taking your stock market tips from someone that is worthy of your time and respect. Whether you enroll in an investing class, sign up for membership in an online community of experienced investors, or work with an online brokerage tool that provides resources for analyzing charts and trends, it&#8217;s important that you have a support system for questions and uncertainties as they arise. These resources can help you to notice market signals that you might have otherwise missed, or alert you to a promising stock that you hadn&#8217;t been tracking. There&#8217;s no reason to make common mistakes when others have already made them before you.</p>
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  145. <h1><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to Gaining Recommendations For Combining Video Advertising Approaches">Gaining Recommendations For Combining Video Advertising Approaches</a></h1>
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  153. <p>Video advertising is absolutely nothing more than making use of online video clips to market a business. By posting video clips on sites such as YouTube, or by yourself website, you can market your services and products. There are many various kinds of videos and means to use them, and the complying with ideas could help obtain you started.</p>
  154. <p>Google search tales are a superb method to keep yourself off the camera while still making video marketing which is effective. You seek your websites and show the world where they can be discovered, that is referencing them and the things that they include, allowing individuals to learn the things that you have to do with.</p>
  155. <p>Consider the things that others are preferring when they are looking for videos. A lot of people are searching for something entertaining along with informative. If you are describing how you can do something, use inflections as you chat and offer information that could not know. It is also beneficial to demonstrate how to do something while speaking.</p>
  156. <p>Try submitting your videos to numerous video clip sites. YouTube is preferred and ought to be used, however don&#8217;t forget there are a number of video clip hosting websites out there. Websites like Meta Coffee shop, Vimeo, and Daily Movement could supply some selection to your initiative. You could add videos to your very own site, but don&#8217;t overdo because it could influence your page loading time.</p>
  157. <p>Be confident throughout your video clip. Your clients are going to see you as an ambassador for the item meanings you ought to show complete self-confidence in its abilities and worth. Practice your presentation a few times to make certain you are creating the right experience and passion for your prospective clients.</p>
  158. <p>After you have released your video, feature your web address in the video description. You will certainly likewise want to include many key words that explain your video clip in the summary. This will assist users locate your information and search engines properly rate your video clip. Your internet address could additionally be included in your video clip.</p>
  159. <p>When writing a description of your video clip include your web address at the start of the description utilizing correct HTML. This will certainly allow customer to click the link and be immediately directed to your internet site. You need to also include a description using your primary and alternating key phrases for much better web page ranks.</p>
  160. <p>If you&#8217;re selling an item, create a video which tells your clients the best ways to use the item. You can begin with opening the box, run through how you can place it with each other, and afterwards show them how they could use it. This will certainly make them cherish just how much you value your customers.</p>
  161. <p>Always remember the songs! Making use of songs can help you boost the mood, provide a sense of suspense and even accentuate funny parts. If you&#8217;re bad with music options, ask family and friends to aid you out. Don&#8217;t play the songs as well loud and drown out the presenter, obviously.</p>
  162. <p>When uploading advertising videos on YouTube, be sure to mild remarks. Negative remarks or strifes between customers could develop into a nasty scenario that damages the message you wish to send out. If you are as well active to stay up to date with individuals comments and you are obtaining a lot of spam or negative comments, you can basic disable the remarks and stop them completely.</p>
  163. <p>Question a popular company person and share that video in your video marketing strategy initiative. This could not just help you construct your customer checklist, but can likewise assist the individual you interview construct their client listing. This kind of video advertising can aid set you apart as a market innovator.</p>
  164. <p>See to it your video clip is quick and has a great deal of information in it. People have short focus online. Video clips under 5 minutes are perfect. It does not matter exactly how fantastic your content is if your customers grow bored or sidetracked.</p>
  165. <p>See to it you are publishing videos on a routine, consistent basis. This needs that you place in the work and really post many video clips. Although your videos should not be dreadful quality, you should not fret so much regarding the high quality that you are ignoring to publish any kind of videos at all. You can not anticipate to have results in your video clip advertising and marketing campaign without a lot of videos.</p>
  166. <p>If you are camera shy, or you do not feel like you would excel at video marketing strategy, look within your company for somebody that would be a great fit. They are generally the most friendly and have a natural enthusiasm that transmits around them. This is the person you wish to choose for your video advertising and marketing.</p>
  167. <p>You ought to get to know your audience and discover exactly how most likely your clients will certainly be to subscribe to a video clip marketing strategy project. Video clip marketing will work most effectively if your viewers is most likely to share content on social networks or search for fast updates instead of reading through longer short articles.</p>
  168. <p>Give beneficial information in video clip advertising and marketing video clips. Offer your consumers and potential consumers a reason to explore your business&#8217;s internet site and make a purchase. Your video clips provide you the possibility to show twitter user what you do. Videos that give consumers valuable info are those that are shared across lots of social-networking websites.</p>
  169. <p>It is an excellent suggestion to keep subscribed to e-newsletters and online forums that will certainly assist you stay current with exactly what is trending. It&#8217;s easy to get caught up in what you&#8217;re doing and think you know sufficient when things are functioning. However, regulations and approaches are frequently transforming, so stay up to date.</p>
  170. <p>Make your marketing video concise. People like to get the message soon or much less, particularly if you are undoubtedly promoting something. To guarantee you get the message to the viewers make it quick and enjoyable to make sure that you are by wasting your time or your customer&#8217;s time.</p>
  171. <p>Now that you know some more regarding video marketing, you should start thinking of how you can integrate these concepts into your advertising and marketing technique. You could intend to merely make a couple of videos, or you might want to leap in headfirst. Whatever you decide, the pointers you have just reviewed will assist.</p>
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  176.  <p class="tags">Tags: <a href="" rel="tag">aarthi short videos</a> <a href="" rel="tag">comedy videos</a> <a href="" rel="tag">fail videos</a> <a href="" rel="tag">family video</a> <a href="" rel="tag">family videos</a> <a href="" rel="tag">full video</a> <a href="" rel="tag">funny animal videos</a> <a href="" rel="tag">funny fail video</a> <a href="" rel="tag">funny fails videos</a> <a href="" rel="tag">funny video</a> <a href="" rel="tag">funny videos</a> <a href="" rel="tag">funny videos 2022</a> <a href="" rel="tag">funny videos 2023</a> <a href="" rel="tag">kids video</a> <a href="" rel="tag">music video shoot</a> <a href="" rel="tag">race video</a> <a href="" rel="tag">racing video</a> <a href="" rel="tag">sad video</a> <a href="" rel="tag">shorts story videos</a> <a href="" rel="tag">shorts video</a> <a href="" rel="tag">shorts videos</a> <a href="" rel="tag">story video</a> <a href="" rel="tag">travel videos</a> <a href="" rel="tag">videos de comida</a> <a href="" rel="tag">videos de horror</a> <a href="" rel="tag">videos de miedo</a> <a href="" rel="tag">videos interesantes</a> <a href="" rel="tag">videos paranormales</a></p>        </div>
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  183. <h1><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to Where to Shop on Sanibel Island">Where to Shop on Sanibel Island</a></h1>
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  191. <p>If your favorite hobby is shopping, you won&#8217;t be disappointed while shopping on Sanibel Island. There are many shops tucked away all over the island. The stores feature gifts, t-shirts and souvenirs or you can go upscale with designer fashions and jewelry. Sanibel has a little bit of everything for every taste and style.</p>
  192. <p>One of my favorite places to shop is the Seahorse Shopping Plaza on Periwinkle Way. There are two stores that are quite special and fun to shop or browse. One store is the Sporty Seahorse, which has gift items and a large clothing area for men and women. If you are looking for great beach sandals or summer shoes you will not be disappointed. The other shop is Tuttle&#8217;s. It&#8217;s a small shop but fun, featuring jewelry, unique gifts and t-shirts. The owner has been living on Sanibel Island for over 37 years and is a lot of fun to speak with while shopping in his store.</p>
  193. <p>The Tahitian Gardens is another shopping complex located on Periwinkle Place. There are many unique shops to visit while walking undercover from shop to shop. There are<br />
  194. two restaurants in this complex which allows for the convenience of shopping and eating!</p>
  195. <p>You can&#8217;t go to Sanibel Island without visiting Jerry&#8217;s. There is a tropical garden on the first level of this complex with exotic birds in large cages. Quite a site to see! There is a grocery store but also many retail shops. Jerry&#8217;s is a great place to do your grocery shopping and find a gift to take home, t-shirts or other items for the beach.</p>
  196. <p>One of my favorite places to &#8220;bum&#8221; is Winds on Periwinkle Way. The shop has a huge selection of beach towels, t-shirts, custom t-shirts, beach shoes, umbrellas and gift items. It is a great place to spend time before or after eating dinner.</p>
  197. <p>The largest shopping plaza on <a target="_new" rel="nofollow" href="">Sanibel Island</a> is Periwinkle Place. There is a large parking area and multiple restaurants to get a meal or snack while shopping. Periwinkle Place is located on Periwinkle Way. It has covered walkways (which is great if the weather is not cooperating!) throughout the entire shopping area. It has a park-like environment which is very pleasant. The shops are numerous and you can find just about anything here. There are many upscale gift and clothing stores. Plus, I have found quite a few great t-shirts here too!</p>
  198. <p>The newest place to shop and browse on the island is Mango Bay, which is also on Periwinkle. It features an extensive selection of beach wear, shoes, sunglasses and gift items. It&#8217;s a fun and open store to shop and walk around. They have a large children&#8217;s section too, including clothing and toys.</p>
  199. <p>You will not be disappointed shopping on Sanibel Island. Just stay on Periwinkle Way and discover all the unique shops and stores that Sanibel has to offer!</p>
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  204.  <p class="tags">Tags: <a href="" rel="tag">baby shopping</a> <a href="" rel="tag">bella shopping</a> <a href="" rel="tag">disney shopping</a> <a href="" rel="tag">doing shopping</a> <a href="" rel="tag">grocery shopping</a> <a href="" rel="tag">kids shopping</a> <a href="" rel="tag">online shopping</a> <a href="" rel="tag">shopping</a> <a href="" rel="tag">shopping cart</a> <a href="" rel="tag">shopping cart song</a> <a href="" rel="tag">shopping challenge</a> <a href="" rel="tag">shopping dance</a> <a href="" rel="tag">shopping haul</a> <a href="" rel="tag">shopping karade</a> <a href="" rel="tag">shopping list</a> <a href="" rel="tag">shopping mall</a> <a href="" rel="tag">shopping meno t</a> <a href="" rel="tag">shopping song</a> <a href="" rel="tag">shopping video</a> <a href="" rel="tag">shopping vlog</a> <a href="" rel="tag">shopping vlogs</a> <a href="" rel="tag">sneaker shopping</a> <a href="" rel="tag">sommar shopping</a> <a href="" rel="tag">target shopping</a></p>        </div>
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  211. <h1><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to Self-Employed Opportunities">Self-Employed Opportunities</a></h1>
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  218. <p> In today&#8217;s world, locating a job or being employed is now extremely tough because of the economic recession. Due to this economic down-turn, everybody is now shifting their interests toward self-employed jobs.Economic decline is not the only reason why people search for self-employed jobs. If you aren&#8217;t satisfied with the monthly salary that you&#8217;re earning from your current job, researching self-employed jobs would be a good decision. This is an extra income source that will assist you to meet your everyday needs as well as any extra expenses.Some other reasons that men and women prefer being self-employed include avoiding being fired because of their organization merging with a new company. Also if you&#8217;re disabled and you don&#8217;t have the ability to work at an office you may look for another job.A number of the self-employed jobs include personal selling whereby you give away free goods and convince people to purchase them. You can do this kind of selling in your spare time especially on the weekends. Product manufacturers are invariably willing to compensate people who&#8217;re efficient, hardworking, and have good skills and wisdom about selling a product.Selling products on the web is also another way of earning an additional source of income. For example, you may have products in your house that you just don&#8217;t need but other folks could be willing to buy them. These goods can include old electronic equipment, toys, mobile devices, used clothes and shoes plus many more. You might want to sell all these on auction websites like eBay.Freelance writing is an additional way to earn an income. You can be a full or part-time writer which is usually determined by your daily schedule. Writing is extremely flexible as you select how long you need to work in a day and how much cash you want to make. You also have the choice to decide on which job is at your writing level and interest. For those who have perfect grammar, excellent spelling skills and good English, freelance writing might be for you.Babysitting is also another example of a self-employed job. You can choose to watch over a couple of children at the comfort of your own home by starting a little childcare business. You can opt to employ a nanny if you are not able to baby sit the kids at all times or if you have another part-time job. This is always a satisfying choice for moms.Self-employment occupations have several benefits that include: determining the amount of money you wish to earn, no teaching costs incurred since you&#8217;re able to train yourself. The hours will always be flexible as you decide how much time you want to work. Finally, the convenience of working from home as an alternative to having to go to the office is appealing to some.Many of the drawbacks include: sometimes it gets lonely as you have no-one to bond with thus bringing on boredom. There won&#8217;t be any insurance benefits like health, dental or vision. As a final point you will need to self-motivate to function if you want to be successful. </p>
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  229. <h1><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to Health and Fitness Benefits of Using a Cross Trainer">Health and Fitness Benefits of Using a Cross Trainer</a></h1>
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  236. <p> Cross-Trainer Provides Many Health and Fitnesss BenefitsThere are many health and fitness benefits to using a Cross-Trainer. Also known as an Elliptical Exercise Machine or Elliptical Bike, the Cross-Trainer provides a low-impact whole body workout.The Cross-Trainer machine combines the action of a stair-climber, treadmill, and exercise bike into one easy to use machine. This exercise equipment provides the health and fitness benefits of hiking, cross-country skiing, and biking.Standing on the machine your feet will move in an elongated oval or elliptical pattern while the dual action handle bars includes your upper body in the workout. Depending on the intensity of your workout, the Cross-Trainer will burn between eight and twelve calories a minute, more than a traditional treadmill.This low-impact machine provides many health and fitness benefits for those who have difficulty exercising because of bad joints or arthritis. While exercising your feet remain in constant contact with the machine at all times eliminating the stress on ankles, shins and knees common to jogging.The Cross-Trainer uses all of the lower leg muscles, making it a great choice for anyone wishing to strengthen their lower legs. The speed of the machine is determined by your own movement while the amount of resistance determines how much effort it will take to keep moving. When you stop, the machine stops, thus making it safe and easy to use.The reduced wear and tear on you also means less wear and tear on the machine. This is a very low maintenance machine which uses very little energy to run. The Cross-Trainer is a good home gym choice for just about anyone. It provides a whole-body cardio workout while reducing the impact found in traditional exercise making it a good choice for those who have difficulty exercising due to compromised joints or those looking for an economical solution for a home gym whole body workout. </p>
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  240.  <p class="tags">Tags: <a href="" rel="tag">Acne</a> <a href="" rel="tag">Anti Aging</a> <a href="" rel="tag">Beauty</a> <a href="" rel="tag">Cosmetic Surgery</a> <a href="" rel="tag">Diabetes</a> <a href="" rel="tag">Drug Abuse</a> <a href="" rel="tag">Health and Fitness</a> <a href="" rel="tag">Massage</a> <a href="" rel="tag">Meditation</a> <a href="" rel="tag">Nutrition</a> <a href="" rel="tag">Personal Training</a> <a href="" rel="tag">Popular Diets</a> <a href="" rel="tag">Skin Care</a> <a href="" rel="tag">Spa and Wellness</a> <a href="" rel="tag">Speech Pathology</a> <a href="" rel="tag">Weight Loss</a> <a href="" rel="tag">Yoga</a></p>        </div>
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  247. <h1><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to Black and White Photography As a Statement in the Art World">Black and White Photography As a Statement in the Art World</a></h1>
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  254. <p> Black and white photography, or monochrome photography, occupies a unique place in the world of art and the visual media. It has been around for almost two centuries now, and it still has a little bit of down-looking from the art world. Even though the monochromatic tradition has been around for a couple of centuries, it can be traced back to 6000 years in history when we start to take ink and carbon works into the wider frame. In terms of art itself, photography is very young, so it is just a mere matter of time for it to be excelled into a greater state in the art world.Here is a great fact that will help answering the question why many people diverge between choosing color or monochrome in their work: monochrome photography enhances composition, therefore it gives a stronger message by subtracting the distraction that color inherently has.Composition is a much more complex concept that goes beyond the very well-known rule of thirds. Elements in composition include the following:· Lines· Shapes· Forms· Simplification· Negative space· RhythmAll of these elements aid the photographer to compose a message into a much more pleasant or aesthetic view of reality. The message is something that only exists in the fraction of a second the photographer decides to include into his camera settings. The message is part of the moment that the photographer decides to capture. Therefore, the message is presented better rather the realism that accurate color can render. Color photography is great for many purposes, but when talking about message, its instant punch is quite softer than when it is presented to the viewer in a monochromatic format. The much accepted theory behind this statement, is that color pretends to achieve a greater grade of realism, and that black and white turn apart and pretend to see things differently, and by removing color we have:</p>
  255. <p>Something different from reality</p>
  256. <p>A greater message by removing the distraction that color gives<br />
  257. Another magnificent aspect about black and white photography, is that it has been a very democratic and almost generous medium. Developing black and white film is a work of art and creativity in a much larger scale if compared to color film. The thing is that black and white film can resist much more severe changes in the development procedure (temperature, time of development, time of fixation, etc.) and color film is much more precise work, it is a more delicate chemistry if you like to view into the chemical line. And this was somehow inherited in the digital format by allowing black and white photography to endure more extreme settings when contrasting than color photography. Color photography starts to get weird looks much earlier than black and white when cranking up the controls in RAW development. Even with printing, black and white photography has a richer history than color photography thanks to papers and printing processes. </p>
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  261.  <p class="tags">Tags: <a href="" rel="tag">ai photography</a> <a href="" rel="tag">digital photography</a> <a href="" rel="tag">ed sheeran photograph</a> <a href="" rel="tag">film photography</a> <a href="" rel="tag">landscape photography</a> <a href="" rel="tag">landscape photography tips</a> <a href="" rel="tag">landscape photography tutorial</a> <a href="" rel="tag">learn photography</a> <a href="" rel="tag">lyrics photograph</a> <a href="" rel="tag">outdoor photography</a> <a href="" rel="tag">photograph</a> <a href="" rel="tag">photograph lyrics</a> <a href="" rel="tag">photography</a> <a href="" rel="tag">photography for beginners</a> <a href="" rel="tag">photography ideas</a> <a href="" rel="tag">photography lessons</a> <a href="" rel="tag">photography tips</a> <a href="" rel="tag">photography tutorial</a> <a href="" rel="tag">street photography</a> <a href="" rel="tag">street photography basics</a> <a href="" rel="tag">street photography tips</a> <a href="" rel="tag">travel photography</a></p>        </div>
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  268. <h1><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to About US Auto Insurance and the Quotes">About US Auto Insurance and the Quotes</a></h1>
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  275. <p> US has a strict car insurance policy which is made mandatory in almost all states. According to their law, every person who owns a car needs to have insurance coverage. Not only that, the family members who are of age to obtain a drivers license must be covered by the insurance plan. Therefore, being a US citizen one can not but look for auto insurance quotes which suit their requirement the best.About US Auto InsuranceIn US, many types of insurance policies are available. One can go for a liability insurance plan which covers the insurance holder along with those in his family who have attained the age of holding a drivers license. However, if a member is not having his own automobile and is operating the vehicle of some one else, the coverage plan is not valid. One can also get insurance coverage from the party&#8217;s policy which covers a person when he is driving an automobile owned by that party. If someone does not have his own car, he can have non-owners policies, which are especially useful to those whose drivers&#8217; license has been suspended.Some car insurance companies give full coverage to rented cars which are established in advance. Other car insurance policies offered in the US states cover for the automobile&#8217;s bodily injury, property injury and other damages caused by an accident. Other forms of insurance policies available in US are loan/lease payoff coverage, car towing coverage or Roadside Assistance, auto policy and behavior based insurance coverage. With so many policies, one can also get a variety of auto insurance quotes to choose from.How to get the best auto insurance quoteGetting the auto insurance quotes of various insurance companies is not a tough matter. Nowadays, automobile insurance quotes are easily available in websites on internet. All one need to do is click on the website and choose his state (only applicable to US citizens). He would be required to fill an online questionnaire which is nothing but a set of simple answers relating your requirements. This questionnaire will be sent to the respective companies of the state. They would receive it and send the auto insurance quotes available for those companies. A person can evaluate these automobile insurance quotes and compare them at the same time. If he is interested in any particular quote that satisfies his requirements then he can make a purchase. The steps are simple and hassle-free.There are ample such websites which will offer you auto insurance quotes that range from very expensive to cheap rates. It is a common tendency of people to go for the cheapest auto insurance quotes available without considering the other factors. One should avoid this and go for that quote which is both affordable and ideally satisfies his requirements. These are common pitfalls that one should not fall in.Auto insurance quotes depend on many factors which influence their rates. The factors include the driver&#8217;s history, make and model of the automobile and the location. It has been found that the auto insurance quotes offered in different states of US are different. Therefore, before settling down with a policy one must carefully do a research in the market and find out the latest trend. </p>
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  286. <h1><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to Why Risk Poor Precision Metal Stamping Quality? Automotive Industry Averts Risk With APQP">Why Risk Poor Precision Metal Stamping Quality? Automotive Industry Averts Risk With APQP</a></h1>
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  293. <p> Precision metal stampings are a critical component of so many products. Automotive components, medical devices, electronic parts &#8211; all contain metal stampings. For the part or the device to function properly, the stamping needs to be free of defects and of perfect quality.We continue our metal stamping quality article series with a discussion on APQP.Automotive industry refuses to take chances with precision metal stamping quality.Poor quality is not an option with the automotive industry. That&#8217;s why the &#8216;Big Three&#8217; (Ford, GM, and Chrysler) created Advanced Product Quality Planning, better known as APQP.So what is APQP? Technically, &#8220;it&#8217;s a guide in the development process and also a standard way to share results between suppliers and automotive companies.&#8221; More simply put, it&#8217;s a way of making sure the automotive companies are involved in every step of the development and launch process with their suppliers &#8211; to ensure nothing goes wrong. Why? Ultimately, to ensure the &#8216;Big Three&#8217;s&#8217; customers are satisfied with their automobiles.APQP is typically deployed in 5 concurrent and collaborative phases:Plan and Define Program<br />
  294. Product Design and Development<br />
  295. Process Design and Development<br />
  296. Product and Process Validation<br />
  297. Launch, Feedback, Assessment, and Corrective ActionSome of the questions that can be addressed through the APQP process are:Can the product/process be error proofed?<br />
  298. Can the product/process achieve a higher level of capability through tolerance design and/or process variation reduction?<br />
  299. What controls must be developed to ensure that defects cannot reach a customer?The APQP process actually monitors 23 topics before production is even started. Topics like design robustness, design testing, quality inspection standards, product packaging, and more.Metal stamping companies need to be prepared.There are a lot of suppliers wanting automotive business. Automotive manufacturers and the companies that represent them can demand that their suppliers abide by APQP processes.And that requirement certainly applies to metal stamping companies as well. Automotive suppliers need to ensure the metal stamping companies they do business with are committed to APQP and should insist they:Establish and continually monitor company-wide APQP processes<br />
  300. Utilize APQP tools such as Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA) to ensure quality<br />
  301. Utilize advanced technology to verify stamping quality, thicknesses, and dimensions (sensors and gauges)<br />
  302. Implement sophisticated quality control plans and tools to ensure consistency and zero defect parts (i.e. Statistical Process Control (SPC)<br />
  303. Adhere to the Production Part Approval Process (PPAP)With these controls in place, metal stamping companies can do their part to ensure the automotive manufacturers achieve their ultimate goal of customer satisfaction.Want to know more about APQP?For comprehensive details on the APQP process, refer to the AIAG APQP Manual available through AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group). </p>
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