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  112. <p class="text-center hero-p"><b>Brain Supplement Formula</b><br />
  113. For ADHD, ASD, ODD, DMDD,<br />
  114. Anxiety &amp; Mood Disorders<br />
  115. For Children and Adults<br />
  116. <span>for ages 4 thru adult</span></p>
  118. <p><span><b>SNAP CAPSULES OR LIQUID FORMULA</b> </span></p>
  120. <p><a href="">Brain Health Supplements</a> By <a href=""></a></p>
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  130. <ul>
  131. <li>Promotes Emotional Stability</li>
  132. <li>Improves Social Ability</li>
  133. <li>Enhance Moods</li>
  134. <li>Helps Reduce Stress &amp; Anxiety</li>
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  141. <p><span style="color: #006400;">Attention</span> <span style="color: #8B0000;">- Focus</span><br />
  142. <span style="color: #483D8B;">- Memory</span> <span style="color: #9932CC;">- Mood</span></p>
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  162. <h1 class="col-12">The Mind works in mysterious ways</h1>
  164. <p class="col-12 about-adhd-section-p">The ADD/ADHD brain is complicated &amp; beautiful. Many of the most successful people in the world have ADHD - It allows for quick decisions, strategy making, and survival skills in the world. While they are usually highly creative and intelligent people, symptoms of ADHD often cause issues with self-regulation, emotional regulation, behavior disorders and learning (focus). Conservative numbers show that more than half the people diagnosed with ADHD also have coexisting conditions. Problems with behavior or conduct disorder along with emotional regulation, child rage and anxiety issues are commonly seen. Accordingly, ADHD treatment for children or adults may need to include supplements for anxiety or emotional regulation or supplements for calming.</p>
  166. <p class="col-12 about-adhd-section-p">Toning down the symptoms of ADHD can make one feel better and day to day life gets a little easier to manage.</p>
  167. &nbsp;
  169. <h2 class="col-12 mt-4">Nutrients For Safe Neurotransmitter Support</h2>
  171. <p class="col-12 about-adhd-section-p">SNAP is a natural treatment for ADHD and other disorders including ODD, DMDD, ASD, Anxiety, mood and behavior disorders. A well-researched nutrient blend known to help stabilize moods, which calms wild minds and soothes the soul. Pharmaceutical grade nutrients provide safe, effective neurotransmitter support for the brain. When the brain regulates properly, symptoms improve.</p>
  172. &nbsp;
  174. <p class="col-12 about-adhd-section-p mt-3">A safe and effective alternative to prescription ADHD medications and the negative side effects they may have for some. SNAP is a blend of REAL nutrients that effectively manage symptoms and reduce impulsivity, anger and aggressive behaviors. SNAP nutrients are pure, natural brain health supplements delivering symptom relief for natural treatment of ADHD and other commonly diagnosed coexisting disorders or conditions including mood. defiance,and behavior disorders. Going beyond brain health supplements for ADHD, having a diagnosis for ADHD isn&#39;t required. Our specially formulated nutrients are natural remedies for anxiety and emotional regulation. Use SNAP nutrient supplements for calming, a safe, effective natural medication for adhd in children or adults, anxiety medication over the counter or to reduce problems from behavior disorders, excessive meltdowns or child rage. Use SNAP brain supplements as a natural social anxiety medication, natural supplements for depression and treatment resistant depression. Natural help for achieving the brain balance needed for health, happiness and well-being, safe for children and adults</p>
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  181. <p><span style="color: #D54C30;">Natural Treatment for ADHD,</span> ASD,ODD, DMDD and More To Improve:</p>
  183. <p>Attention - Focus - Memory - Mood</p>
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  207. <h3>Safe, PURE, Natural Treatment<br />
  208. for ADHD, ODD, DMDD, ASD Anxiety, Depression<br />
  209. For children, teens and adults</h3>
  211. <h3>Maximize mental agility without any stimulants:<br />
  212. no chemical drugs &amp; none of their side effects<br />
  213. <span>Premium Nutrient Blend Known To Help:</span></h3>
  215. <ul>
  216. <li><span>Increase Attention and Focus</span></li>
  217. <li><span>Stabilize Moods</span></li>
  218. <li><span>Reduce Anger Issues</span></li>
  219. <li><span>Improve Social Abilities</span></li>
  220. <li><span>Reduce Intrusive Thoughts</span></li>
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  239. <p>Liquid Formula</p>
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  267. <p>Natural<br />
  268. Neurotransmitter Support<br />
  269. For Brain Balance</p>
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  286. <h4><strong>Margie M. </strong><span>verified buyer</span></h4>
  288. <p>This is working amazing for us!!! We are on day 4 of great behaviors! I feel like I&#39;m in heaven. I have my little girl now. I can&#39;t thank you enough for getting us out of the h*** we were living in.</p>
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  295. <h4><strong>Suzanne L. </strong><span>verified buyer</span></h4>
  297. <p>Our son has been on it 3 weeks now and we can definitely see a huge improvement! It&#39;s like I&#39;m getting my old son back!! I recommend SNAP.</p>
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  304. <h4><strong>Christine J. </strong><span>verified buyer</span></h4>
  306. <p>Honestly, me and my husband can&#39;t believe the difference in him!! I don&#39;t feel like I&#39;m walking on eggshells anymore!! We are even away at the moment with friends. Usually by now he&#39;s getting very agitated and temperamnemtal but he&#39;s having so much fun and I&#39;m not feeling that I have to keep my eye on him every second!!</p>
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  313. <h4><strong>Richard G. </strong><span>verified buyer</span></h4>
  315. <p>I&#39;ve tried MANY varieties of this type of supplement.... So far this is the only one that actually brought some good control for him. We are more than a year now and it&#39;s working great for managing our ADHD, ODD and Anxiety issues.</p>
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  324. <h4><strong>Freddie F. </strong><span>verified buyer</span></h4>
  326. <p>We had a lot of issues with emotion instability, SNAP has resolved those issues for him and that has helped all of us. Now he has emotional control, he is able to do better.</p>
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  333. <h4><strong>Janet K. </strong><span>verified buyer</span></h4>
  335. <p>I saw SNAP recommended and decided to try it. Yesterday I received a call from my<br />
  336. sons teacher telling me she cannot believe the difference in him. He is focused, balanced and trying really hard with a whole new attitude. His speech and clarity has improved drastically and was even invited to some birthday parties! In short, thank you!</p>
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  343. <h4><strong>Mariana K. </strong><span>verified buyer</span></h4>
  345. <p>I can&#39;t thank you enough for this product. He is out of school at present. I&#39;m feeling very positive about putting him back into school! As he&#39;s been doing work at home with no issues at all!! Thank you. Thank you xxxxx</p>
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  357. <h2 class="heading"><span>FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS</span></h2>
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  364. <h3 class="mb-0"><button aria-controls="collapseOne" aria-expanded="true" class="btn btn-link" data-target="#collapseOne" data-toggle="collapse">Will SNAP cure ADHD or Other Disorders?</button></h3>
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  368. <div class="card-body">NO. Unfortunately, there is no cure, no magic remedy or pill that will cure ADHD, ADD. What it CAN do, is to help manage and control symptoms of ADHD and other disorders.<br />
  369. Increasing brain function, reduce fidgeting, aggression, anxiety and nearly every other symptom that comes along with the disorder. It will help with impulsivity, increase focus which makes day to day life much easier for most.</div>
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  375. <h3 class="mb-0"><button aria-controls="collapseTwo" aria-expanded="false" class="btn btn-link collapsed" data-target="#collapseTwo" data-toggle="collapse">SNAP is considered pharmaceutical grade, why is that important?</button></h3>
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  379. <div class="card-body">There are strict guidelines for manufacturer&#39;s of pharmaceutical grade products. The contents must exceed 99% purity and there can be no fillers, binders, dyes or unknown ingredients.</div>
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  389. <div class="card-body">Due to the addition of various other substances, no product is 100% pure. Pharmaceutical Grade Vitamins must be in excess of 99% purity containing no binders, fillers, excipients - substances used as diluents for a drug - dyes, or unknown substances. Regular Vitamins of the other two grades are available as Over The Counter (OTC) products. Questionable fillers and binders such as; cork by products, chemical FD&amp;C dyes, sodium benzoate, dextrose and ethycellulose to name only a few can be added in OTC products. Although these ingredients may be legal, what are the nutritional benefits and how does it affect your health?</div>
  390. </div>
  391. </div>
  393. <div class="card">
  394. <div class="card-header" id="headingThree">
  395. <h3 class="mb-0"><button aria-controls="collapseThree" aria-expanded="false" class="btn btn-link collapsed" data-target="#collapse5" data-toggle="collapse">How long does it take to start working?</button></h3>
  396. </div>
  398. <div aria-labelledby="headingThree" class="collapse" data-parent="#accordion" id="collapse5">
  399. <div class="card-body">Most people will begin to feel different after four to six days. It takes about a full ten days to two weeks for full effect. Subtle changes in behavior can usually be observed within the first two weeks.<br />
  400. This is not a fast acting formula. Just as in prescription medications, it can take weeks to reach the best effects. Be patient, give SNAP a few weeks, it is safe, free from negative side effects and with regular use. behavioral changes will become more significant with time.</div>
  401. </div>
  402. </div>
  404. <div class="card">
  405. <div class="card-header" id="headingThree">
  406. <h3 class="mb-0"><button aria-controls="collapseThree" aria-expanded="false" class="btn btn-link collapsed" data-target="#collapse6" data-toggle="collapse">What if several days are skipped?</button></h3>
  407. </div>
  409. <div aria-labelledby="headingThree" class="collapse" data-parent="#accordion" id="collapse6">
  410. <div class="card-body">If you skip several days, you may notice changes. You&#39;ll start to see the same symptoms you started with. Meltdowns can be expected, not feeling good, general behavior issues that were present previously will return.</div>
  411. </div>
  412. </div>
  414. <div class="card">
  415. <div class="card-header" id="headingThree">
  416. <h3 class="mb-0"><button aria-controls="collapseThree" aria-expanded="false" class="btn btn-link collapsed" data-target="#collapse7" data-toggle="collapse">I&#39;m an adult, how will I know it&#39;s working?</button></h3>
  417. </div>
  419. <div aria-labelledby="headingThree" class="collapse" data-parent="#accordion" id="collapse7">
  420. <div class="card-body">It&#39;s much easier to know it&#39;s working if you&#39;re an adult. You will feel the changes in your own personality and since you&#39;re an adult, you&#39;re going to recognize them better than children do. You will feel better, less stressed, more relaxed, focused and clarity that may have been lacking in day to day life.</div>
  421. </div>
  422. </div>
  424. <div class="card">
  425. <div class="card-header" id="headingThree">
  426. <h3 class="mb-0"><button aria-controls="collapseThree" aria-expanded="false" class="btn btn-link collapsed" data-target="#collapse8" data-toggle="collapse">What are the side effects of SNAP?</button></h3>
  427. </div>
  429. <div aria-labelledby="headingThree" class="collapse" data-parent="#accordion" id="collapse8">
  430. <div class="card-body">This formula doesn&#39;t have negative side effects. There are no stimulants, amphetamines, depressants, anxiety drugs, etc. It won&#39;t take away their appetite and it won&#39;t cause insomnia problems either. SNAP is a completely natural supplement that simply assists the brain to function as it should and works to achieve brain balance naturally. When the brain is balanced, symptoms settle.</div>
  431. </div>
  432. </div>
  434. <div class="card">
  435. <div class="card-header" id="headingThree">
  436. <h3 class="mb-0"><button aria-controls="collapseThree" aria-expanded="false" class="btn btn-link collapsed" data-target="#collapse9" data-toggle="collapse">Is SNAP approved by the FDA?</button></h3>
  437. </div>
  439. <div aria-labelledby="headingThree" class="collapse" data-parent="#accordion" id="collapse9">
  440. <div class="card-body">Dietary supplements are not subject to FDA approval and undergo FDA review only if new ingredients are introduced. The manufacturer is responsible for testing the safety and effectiveness before marketing a supplement. SNAP meets all FDA regulations and quality standards for dietary supplements.</div>
  441. </div>
  442. </div>
  443. </div>
  445. <div class="col-12 col-md-6">
  446. <div class="card">
  447. <div class="card-header" id="headingOne">
  448. <h3 class="mb-0"><button aria-controls="collapseOne" aria-expanded="true" class="btn btn-link collapsed" data-target="#collapse10" data-toggle="collapse">How does SNAP work?</button></h3>
  449. </div>
  451. <div aria-labelledby="headingOne" class="collapse" data-parent="#accordion" id="collapse10">
  452. <div class="card-body">Descriptions of what each ingredient does are located on our ingredients page. But in short, SNAP improves brainpower by increasing blood flow to the brain to increase nutrients, stimulating the central nervous system for energy and mental agility, and prevents free radicals from wreaking havoc on neural pathways.</div>
  453. </div>
  454. </div>
  456. <div class="card">
  457. <div class="card-header" id="headingTwo">
  458. <h3 class="mb-0"><button aria-controls="collapseTwo" aria-expanded="false" class="btn btn-link collapsed" data-target="#collapse11" data-toggle="collapse">Why do pharmaceutical grade supplements make me feel better than other supplements?</button></h3>
  459. </div>
  461. <div aria-labelledby="headingTwo" class="collapse" data-parent="#accordion" id="collapse11">
  462. <div class="card-body">To get a therapeutic effect from nutrients, they must be absorbed into the bloodstream. The extent to which they can be absorbed is referred to as their bio-availability. Manufacturing differences can affect the bio-availability significantly. Differences in manufacturing create significant differences in bio-availability. Pharmaceutical grade nutrients can only be manufactured in FDA registered facilities that follow cGMP, Certified Good Manufacturing Practices, regulations. This ensures the quality and purity of the supplement and allows SNAP to guarantee compliance with the governing regulations.</div>
  463. </div>
  464. </div>
  466. <div class="card">
  467. <div class="card-header" id="headingThree">
  468. <h3 class="mb-0"><button aria-controls="collapseThree" aria-expanded="false" class="btn btn-link collapsed" data-target="#collapse12" data-toggle="collapse">How much should I take?</button></h3>
  469. </div>
  471. <div aria-labelledby="headingThree" class="collapse" data-parent="#accordion" id="collapse12">
  472. <div class="card-body">Start as directed and take additional capsules as needed up to twice the lowest dose for the given age range. Taking a day or two off every 3-4 weeks will keep the effects fresh and more effective.</div>
  473. </div>
  474. </div>
  476. <div class="card">
  477. <div class="card-header" id="headingThree">
  478. <h3 class="mb-0"><button aria-controls="collapseThree" aria-expanded="false" class="btn btn-link collapsed" data-target="#collapse13" data-toggle="collapse">What if I miss taking my daily recommended amount?</button></h3>
  479. </div>
  481. <div aria-labelledby="headingThree" class="collapse" data-parent="#accordion" id="collapse13">
  482. <div class="card-body">If you forget to take it or miss taking it, just start again at your earliest convenience.</div>
  483. </div>
  484. </div>
  486. <div class="card">
  487. <div class="card-header" id="headingThree">
  488. <h3 class="mb-0"><button aria-controls="collapseThree" aria-expanded="false" class="btn btn-link collapsed" data-target="#collapse14" data-toggle="collapse">How will I know it&#39;s working for my child?</button></h3>
  490. <div aria-labelledby="headingThree" class="collapse" data-parent="#accordion" id="collapse14">
  491. <div class="card-body">When used as a treatment for disorders in children, you will notice behavior changes. These are usually subtle changes in the beginning and they just get better with time. If they&#39;ve been having behavior troubles or focusing and paying attention in school. If they have frequent meltdowns or outbursts, anxiety, disorganization and you&#39;ve been in tears together over getting homework done, adding SNAP to morning juice is likely to change your lives.</div>
  492. </div>
  493. </div>
  495. <div class="card">
  496. <div class="card-header" id="headingThree">
  497. <h3 class="mb-0"><button aria-controls="collapseThree" aria-expanded="false" class="btn btn-link collapsed" data-target="#collapse15" data-toggle="collapse">The directions say to increase the daily dosage if needed, what does that mean?</button></h3>
  498. </div>
  500. <div aria-labelledby="headingThree" class="collapse" data-parent="#accordion" id="collapse15">
  501. <div class="card-body">Because the effect of SNAP varies from person to person (just as the level of ADD or ADHD symptoms they may have), sometimes having SNAP in the morning and the afternoon is beneficial. In this case, take the recommended amount in the morning and then half that amount in the afternoon or later in the day. Note: For children that are significantly overweight, adding the extra half dose may be needed in order to achieve desired results. Start as directed and take additional capsules as needed up to a maximum of twice the lowest dose for the given age range. Taking a day or two off every 3-4 weeks will keep the effects fresh and more effective.</div>
  502. </div>
  503. </div>
  505. <div class="card">
  506. <div class="card-header" id="headingThree">
  507. <h3 class="mb-0"><button aria-controls="collapseThree" aria-expanded="false" class="btn btn-link collapsed" data-target="#collapse16" data-toggle="collapse">How long will this treatment be required?</button></h3>
  508. </div>
  510. <div aria-labelledby="headingThree" class="collapse" data-parent="#accordion" id="collapse16">
  511. <div class="card-body">ADD and ADHD symptoms in children most often will stay with them for life. Certain other disorders may also linger for years. Sometimes they may grow out of it but it&#39;s quite possible that it will be a lifelong condition. Adult ADHD is very common. ODD, DMDD, Anxiety and Depression can linger or the symptoms may diminish with time. This varies from one person to another.</div>
  512. </div>
  513. </div>
  515. <div class="card">
  516. <div class="card-header" id="headingThree">
  517. <h3 class="mb-0"><button aria-controls="collapseThree" aria-expanded="false" class="btn btn-link collapsed" data-target="#collapse17" data-toggle="collapse">What if SNAP doesn&#39;t work for me?</button></h3>
  518. </div>
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  521. <div class="card-body">It&#39;s possible that can happen but given that this formula directly impacts the brain centers in need of help with symptoms of ADHD in children and adults, unless yours is a very severe case, it&#39;s more likely that SNAP will do the job for you. SNAP is very effective in managing symptoms of ODD, DMDD, Anxiety and Depression. Moods improve, emotions stabilize, anger diminishes, violence and destructive behavior issues lessen. It&#39;s also possible that the dosage may need to be adjusted, especially for growing children. If you&#39;ve been using SNAP and find it isn&#39;t helping or that symptoms which previously were under control are starting to flare up again, it may be necessary to increase the serving size. Also for children that are overweight, a larger serving size may be needed to achieve desired symptom management.</div>
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  531. <div class="card-body">USA orders usually take between 3-5 days for standard delivery. Expedited options available.* International orders take between 2-3 weeks for standard delivery (USPS tracks only within United States and then transfers parcels to the national postal system of receiving country). Expedited options available.</div>
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  659. <p><span>SNAP nutrients are pure, natural brain health supplements delivering symptom relief for natural treatment of ADHD and other commonly diagnosed coexisting disorders or conditions including mood. defiance,and behavior disorders. Going beyond brain health supplements for ADHD, having a diagnosis for ADHD isn&#39;t required. Our specially formulated nutrients are natural remedies for anxiety and emotional regulation. Use SNAP nutrient supplements for calming, a safe, effective natural medication for adhd in children or adults, anxiety medication over the counter or to reduce problems from behavior disorders, excessive meltdowns or child rage. Use SNAP brain supplements as a natural social anxiety medication, natural supplements for depression and treatment resistant depression. Safe for children and adults</span></p>
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