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  98.          <h3><span class="allgone"> <a href="" class="typewrite" data-period="1500" data-type='[ "Lowest Fees & Rates", "Highest FPRR", "Least Days in A/R", "Patient Billing and Collections", "HIPPA Compliance" ]'> <span class="wrap"></span> </a> </span></h3>
  99.          <h1 class="mobilemiddle allgone">Get A Better Medical Billing Company Now</h1>
  106.          <h1 class="mobilecta mobilemiddle">A Better <span>Medical Billing Company</span> & Better Medical Billing Software
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  109.               <p style="margin-top:0px;padding-top:0px;text-align:center;" class="mobilecta">Let us get you paid on time and accurately. Choose the best medical billing partner for small to mid sized practices like yours paired with the best medical billing software solutions.</p>
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  112.          <p><span style="color:#ff9000;">Get paid faster and more accurately starting today</span>. Choose the top rated <a href="">medical billing company</a> and best <a href="">medical billing software</a> for small to mid-sized practices. The lowest medical billing rates and first pass (FPRR) rates as high as 99%. You will have more time and resources for your patients and yourself.</p><p>Compare the lowest prices and <strong>FREE quotes now</strong> and see how you can significantly reduce your outstanding A/R. It takes minutes to compare <a href="">medical billing prices</a> and benefit from fast and simple due diligence.</p>
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  147.            <h3 style="margin-top:0px;">BETTER <span>MEDICAL BILLING</span></h3>
  148.            <p>Compare our top (5) <a href="">medical billing companies</a> in seconds designed specifically for your practice and field of expertise.</strong></p>
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  157.                <h4>Better rates - Easier processes for you</h4>
  158.                <p>The most competitive rates and easiest to use medical billing software solutions for you practice management needs.</p>
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  167.                <h4>Complete <a href="">Practice Management Software</a> Solutions</h4>
  168.                <p>Everything you need to run your medical practice. Scheduling, insurance verification, billing and collection follow-up.</p>
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  177.                <h4>First Pass Rates Up To 99%</h4>
  178.                <p>Billing and collections process that will significantly reduce your outstanding A/R.</p>
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  191.    <h2>Get a better rate on better medical billing services.</h2>
  192.    <p>Save time and make more money at your practice starting next month. The top rated medical billing providers and the <strong>top medical billing software</strong> solutions for 2024. Significantly reduce your outstanding A/R and provide some of the best first pass rates in the billing industry. </p>
  193. <a href=""  class="smoothScroll" id="about">Compare Top Medical Billing Solutions Now</a>  <br><br>
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  205.      <h3>Lowest Rates + <span>Less Fees</span> + Highest FPRR</h3>
  207.            <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6" style="text-align:left;">
  208. <li>Significantly reduce your outstanding A/R</li>
  209. <li>Client's contact us NOT you about billing</li>
  210. <li>Processing to major insurance companies</li>
  211. <li>Complete Follow-Up on Unpaid Claims</li>
  212. <li>Patient Billing and Collections</li>
  213. </div>
  214.     <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6" style="text-align:left;">
  216. <li>Secondary and Tertiary Claims Submission</li>
  217. <li>Claims Data Entry</li>
  218. <li>Payment Posting</li>
  219. <li>Encounter form and report design</li>
  220. <li>HIPPA Compliance</li>
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  225. <li>Expertise in Workers' Compensation Claims</li>
  226. <li>Physician Credentialing</li>
  227. <li>Continuing Education & Training Office Personnel</li>
  228. <li>Form development</li>
  229. <li>We will help reduce your paper work.</li>
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  240.          <h4>The Best Rates</h4>
  241.          <p>Let us show you the true rate comparisons. You will see and choose the lowest rate. Rates from 3-7%* mean <strong>more profit for your practice.</strong>.</p>
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  250.          <h4>Training Office Personnel</h4>
  251.          <p>Friendly, knowledgable, and up front support for you every time. All your questions answered with the <strong>shortest wait times</strong> in the industry.</p>
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  260.          <h4>The Best First Pass Rates</h4>
  261.          <p>Get the service with the lowest resubmission and <strong><a href="medical-billing-fprr.php">highest FPRR</a> in your field</strong> now. Efficiency for more profit and more time for your patients.</p>
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  270.          <h4>HIPPA Compliance</h4>
  271.          <p>HIPAA guidelines apply to any and all patient information. Our providers understand and <strong>emphasize privacy every day</strong> so as to never jeopordize your paients privacy or your practice.</p>
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  280.          <h4>Unpaid Claims Follow-Up</h4>
  281.          <p>Thorough and regular follow-up on unpaid claims will result in <strong>fewer losses and more revenue</strong>. Our providers make the extra effort to resolve every situation for your bottom line.</p>
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  290.          <h4>Workers' Comp Experts</h4>
  291.          <p>The billing procedure for workers' comp consists of filing the claim, patient treatment and processing the claim. Familiarity with the process <strong>assures you the fastest payment</strong>.</p>
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  299.      <h3>Medical Billing Software <span>And Providers</span></h3>
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  302.   <center> <h4><a href="">Does your software seamlessly integrate with our existing EHR system?</a></h4><p>Yes our software seamlessly integrates with your existing EHR system ensuring smooth data exchange and workflow efficiency We understand the importance of ... software integration, EHR system, seamless, data exchange, workflow efficiency, streamlined processes, disruptions, patient records, billing information, adaptable software, medical histories, unified platform, flexible integration, enhanced data accuracy, manual entry, patient care coordination </center>
  303.  <center> <h4><a href="">Is your medical billing software compliant with healthcare regulations and coding?</a></h4><p>Yes our medical billing software is fully compliant with current healthcare regulations and coding requirements We understand the importance of accuracy and ... medical billing software, compliance, healthcare regulations, coding requirements, HIPAA, ICD-10, CPT coding, accuracy, industry guidelines, updates, claim denials, errors, training, support, patient care </center>
  304.  <center> <h4><a href="">What are some key features of medical billing software?</a></h4><p>Key features of medical billing software include automated claim generation and submission electronic remittance advice ERA processing patient billing and invoicing coding ... medical billing software, automated claim generation, electronic remittance advice, patient billing, coding assistance, reporting and analytics, revenue cycle management, healthcare providers, efficiency </center>
  305.  <center> <h4><a href="">How secure is the patient data in the medical billing software?</a></h4><p>Patient data security is a top priority for us Our medical billing software is designed with robust security measures to ensure the ... patient data security, medical billing software, protection, confidentiality, HIPAA, privacy regulations, encryption protocols, data backups, access controls, secure, compliant, peace of mind </center>
  306.  <center> <h4><a href="">Does the medical billing software integrate with our existing practice management software?</a></h4><p>Yes our medical billing software is designed to seamlessly integrate with various practice management systems It can integrate with your existing system ... medical billing software, integrate, practice management system, seamless, data transfer, synchronization, manual data entry, errors, duplications, compatibility, streamline workflow, appointments, patient records, optimized efficiency, save time, improve accuracy </center>
  308.                    <h4>What is the best medical billing software?</h4>
  310.               <p>The <strong>best <a href="">medical billing software</a></strong> in 2024 will largely depend on your practice type, size and needs. Most medical billing software in 2024 handles more than just scheduling and medical billing. It is important to know what you currently use, the volume of patients, and your requirements before determining the best fit of software to manage your medical practice.
  311. </p>
  315.              <h4>The right medical billing software for fast claim processing affects your bottom line!</h4>
  316.          <p>Medical practices can streamline the billing process from beginning to end and keep billing records in a single convenient digital location with the right medical billing software. Electronic claims processing provides less room for error and more efficient and quicker submission of claims. Time saved is staff hours and losses saved. </p>
  319.              <h4>Are there <a href="">free medical billing software</a> options?</h4>
  320.          <p>Some software providers speak of free medical billing software, but it is often a cloud or revenue-share-based service in reality. The other consideration is the importance of the role your billing and <a href="">practice management software</a> provides. A medical professional needs to ask themselves what really is "free" when your revenue and success hinge on the features, reliability, and effectiveness of the medical billing software you choose. Paying more and netting more later is better than free; it is success in your practice by making the right choice.</p>
  323. <h4>What Are The Top Medical Billing Providers Available in 2024?</h4>
  324.  <p>The four major medical billing providers mentioned above, Kareo, AdvanceMD, NueMD, and eClinicalWorks, each offer unique features and cater to different types of healthcare practices. Kareo is known for its user-friendly interface and affordability, making it suitable for small to medium-sized practices. It offers features such as appointment scheduling, electronic health records (EHR), billing and claims management, and reporting capabilities. Kareo also integrates with various third-party applications, allowing practices to customize their workflow. AdvanceMD, on the other hand, is a robust solution designed for larger practices and medical billing companies. <a href="">Read complete breakdown ></a>
  326.            <h4>What does an outsourced medical billing software charge?</h4>
  327.          <p>Many of the most popular <a href="">medical billing software</a> platforms integrate fully with your current setup and systems. AdvanceMD, NueMD, MTBC PracticePro and Kareo are some of the goto brands in the medical billing industry. The cost of these medical billing solutions in 2024 ranges from $149 to $400 monthly, depending on the size and quantity of your practice and your needs. Some providers offer a per-encounter rate of $1.50 to $2.50 per encounter. A monthly rate is the better choice for most practices when you do the math. Our local medical billing providers can walk you through the process and features to match your medical practice specifically.</p>
  329.                        <h4>So What Will My Medical Billing Service Cost in 2024?</h4>
  330.          <p><a href="">Medical billing companies</a> and experts we partner with will help you choose between a fee per claim plan or one of three percentage charging plans. A per claim plan is a flat rate and may not work for an office that processes a high number of small charges. If you have high ticket charges like a plastic surgeon medical billing situation this may be the best option.</p>
  332.                        <h4>What Types Of Practices Can Best Benefit From Professional Medical Billing?</h4>
  333.          <p>In general, labs and specialists are ideal candidates for the benefits of medical billing. Specialists generally advise and have to focus on their craft and not building the business from a logistics and paperwork standpoint. Our most often served medical billing clients include <a href="">Pediatrician</a> medical billing, Surgeon medical billing, <a href="">OBGYN</a> medical billing, Psychiatrist medical billing, Cardiologist medical billing, Endocrinologist medical billing, <a href="">Dermatologist</a> medical billing, Psychologist medical billing, Pulmonologist medical billing, Neurologist medical billing, Radiologist medical billing, Anesthesiologist medical billing, Oncologist medical billing, Hospital medical billing, <a href="">Laboratory medical billing</a>, Pathologist medical billing and Allergist medical billing service.</p>
  335.                            <h4>Why do I need the best practice management software?</h4>
  336.          <p>Practice management software (PM software) is designed to help medical offices of any size run more efficiently. Typically, small and medium-sized practices use practice management software to manage daily operations like financial and administrative functions. Some offices use it to connect with electronic medical records. Your practice management software affects the outcomes of all your daily tasks and successes, including entering and tracking patients, managing charge capture, recording patient demographics, submitting insurance claims, and generating internal reports for staff members. Your <a href="">practice management software</a> does more than just billing.</p>
  340.            <h4><a href="">Medical billing software</a> for my field or practice type?</h4>
  341.          <p>Generally speaking most software is designed to be flexibile. With that in mind experience with specific practice type can only be a benefit to your practice. Every medical specialty has nuances and specific demands to best serve your clients. Choosing the right <a href="">medical billing software</a> means one that is a fit for your practice. Some specific types include: </p>
  346.   <center> <a href="" class="btn btn-default section-btn">Medical Billing FAQs</a></center>
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  360. <h4>Medical Billing and Invoicing for Over 50 States</h4>
  361. <p>At Better Medical Billing Company, we specialize in partnering with medical centers, practices, and doctors across the entire United States, from coast to coast, to provide unmatched expertise, efficiency, and accuracy in medical billing and invoicing. Our services streamline operations, ensuring that medical billing processes are handled with the utmost precision, helping healthcare providers maintain compliance and optimize revenue cycles. Efficient and accurate medical billing is crucial for reducing claim denials, minimizing billing errors, and accelerating reimbursement times, ultimately leading to improved cash flow and financial stability for healthcare providers. The municipalities and organizations listed are examples of the diverse range of offices and regions we serve, demonstrating our capability to support a wide array of healthcare professionals. Please note that these organizations are not affiliated with us but serve as illustrative examples of our nationwide reach and the types of medical entities we efficiently support.</p>
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  373.      <p>Lower fees and the highest FPRR are some of the reasons to compare our billing service providers now.</p>
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  379.        <p>"Our practice is smaller and we are actively building and growing our base of customers. The time and energy to provide accurate billing had taken a toll on service. We finally have a solution that lets us focus on the patients."</p>
  380.        <div class="clientname">Melody Hastings</div>
  381.        <div class="clientinfo">Office Manager - Dawson Medical Group</div>
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  387.        <p>"With the wide range of cosmetic services we offer we have frequent customers and constant biling challenges. We have raised our first pass billing and collection rates almost 40% by working with a partner that understands the process."</p>
  388.        <div class="clientname">Dennis Phan</div>
  389.        <div class="clientinfo">Director Of Accounting - Flemming Institute</div>
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  395.        <p>"Going into our busiest time of year it became very clear we needed to grow our patient rolls. This meant more efficiency in the entire life cycle. We quickly solved the billing challenges and gained dozens of man hours back for our staff."</p>
  396.        <div class="clientname">Luis Catron</div>
  397.        <div class="clientinfo">Billing Manager - White James & Dawson Dental</div>
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  403.        <p>"We had worked with 4 different billing services in the past 8 years and never found one that brought a personal touch to the process. The billing process is an extension of our practiice and we finally found someone that gets that."</p>
  404.        <div class="clientname">Karen Masters</div>
  405.        <div class="clientinfo">Southern Shores Eye Center</div>
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