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  165. <td>Created</td>
  166. <td>2010-11-29</td>
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  169. <td>Expires</td>
  170. <td>2022-11-29</td>
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  173. <td>Registrar</td>
  174. <td>Hong Kong Domain Name Registration Company Limited</td>
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  176.  <tr><td>Alexa Rank</td><td>68940</td></tr>
  177.  <tr><td>Backlinks</td><td><a href="#backlink">0</a></td></tr>
  178. <tr><td>Semrush Rank</td><td><a href="#semrush">851887</a></td></tr>
  179.  <tr><td>Domain Authority</td><td>0/100</td></tr>
  180.  <tr><td>Pageviews</td><td>15.96K/ Day</td></tr>
  181.  <tr><td>Worth</td><td><i class="fa fa-usd"></i>34.95K</td></tr>
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  185. <small class="text-muted">Last Updated: <time itemprop="dateModified" datetime="2021-04-27T22:23:33-05:00">27 Apr 2021</time></small>
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  192.  <div class="panel-heading">Website Information</div>
  193.  <div class="panel-body">
  194. <dl class="dl-horizontal">
  195.  <dt class="text-capitalize">Title</dt><dd>BUILT-IN PRO - 網購名牌廚房及家庭電器</dd>
  196.  <dt class="text-capitalize">viewport</dt><dd>width=1420</dd><dt class="text-capitalize">description</dt><dd>Built-in Pro官方網站,原裝行貨,特價發售。嵌入式廚房電器、嵌入式焗爐、嵌入式煮食爐、蒸焗爐、抽油煙機、咖啡機、洗衣機、乾衣機、洗碗碟機、熱水爐、浴室寶、雪櫃、冷氣機、電視、吸塵機、電子門鎖、廚師機及其他電器,一應俱全。</dd><dt class="text-capitalize">keywords</dt><dd>BUILT-IN PRO,嵌入式廚房電器,嵌入式焗爐,嵌入式煮食爐,蒸焗爐,抽油煙機,咖啡機,洗衣機,乾衣機,洗碗碟機,熱水爐,浴室寶,雪櫃,冷氣機,電視,吸塵機,電子門鎖,廚師機及其他電器</dd>  <dt>Important Html Tags</dt>
  197.  <dd><ul class="list-inline"><li>H1 <span class="badge">0</span></li><li>H2 <span class="badge">0</span></li><li>H3 <span class="badge">0</span></li><li>H4 <span class="badge">0</span></li><li>STRONG <span class="badge">0</span></li><li>A <span class="badge">195</span></li><li>IMG <span class="badge">28</span></li></ul></dd>
  198.  <dt>Page Size</dt><dd>64Kb</dd>
  199.  <dt>Code to Text Ratio</dt><dd>4.79% <small>(Text size 3.07Kb and  Code size 60.93Kb)</small></dd>
  200.  <dt>Http Header</dt><dd><pre style="max-height:220px;overflow:auto">HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
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  247.      <table class="table table-bordered table-condensed">
  248.    <tbody>
  249.    <tr><td>Semrush Rank</td><td>851887</td><td><span class="help-block">Rank based on keywords, cost and organic traffic</span></td></tr>
  250.    <tr><td>Keywords</td><td>3208</td><td><span class="help-block">Number of keywords in top 20 Google SERP</span></td></tr>
  251.    <tr><td>Organic Traffic</td><td>1265</td><td><span class="help-block">Number of visitors coming from top 20 search results</span></td></tr>
  252.    <tr><td>Cost (in USD)</td><td>15$</td><td><span class="help-block">How much need to spend if get same number of visitors from Google Adwords</span></td></tr>
  253. <tr><td>Adwords Keyword</td><td>1</td><td><span class="help-block">Keywords a website is buying in Google AdWords for ads that appear in paid search results.</span></td></tr>
  254. <tr><td>Adwords Traffic</td><td>4</td><td><span class="help-block">Number of visitors  brought to the website via paid search results.</span></td></tr>
  255. <tr><td>Adwords budget (in USD)</td><td>0$</td><td><span class="help-block">Estimated budget spent for buying keywords in Google AdWords for ads that appear in paid search results (monthly estimation).</span></td></tr>
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  266.  <table class="table table-condensed">
  267.  <thead><tr><th>Host</th><th>Type</th><th>Class</th><th>TTL</th><th>Extra</th></tr></thead>
  268.  <tbody>
  269.    <tr><td></td><td>A</td><td>IN</td><td>300</td><td><b>ip:</b><br></td></tr>
  270.    <tr><td></td><td>NS</td><td>IN</td><td>300</td><td><b>target:</b><br></td></tr>
  271.    <tr><td></td><td>NS</td><td>IN</td><td>300</td><td><b>target:</b><br></td></tr>
  272.    <tr><td></td><td>SOA</td><td>IN</td><td>3600</td><td><b>mname:</b><br><b>rname:</b><br><b>serial:</b> 2020112512<br><b>refresh:</b> 3600<br><b>retry:</b> 3600<br><b>expire:</b> 1209600<br><b>minimum-ttl:</b> 86400<br></td></tr>
  273.    <tr><td></td><td>MX</td><td>IN</td><td>300</td><td><b>pri:</b> 10<br><b>target:</b><br></td></tr>
  274.    <tr><td></td><td>TXT</td><td>IN</td><td>300</td><td><b>txt:</b> facebook-domain-verification=ieqtgx21cz0dy4egzjo5gwosjjxl1d<br><b>entries:</b> Array<br></td></tr>
  275.    <tr><td></td><td>TXT</td><td>IN</td><td>300</td><td><b>txt:</b> v=spf1 a mx ip4: ~all<br><b>entries:</b> Array<br></td></tr>
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  285.  <dl class="dl-horizontal">
  286.  <dt>Server IP</dt><dd></dd>
  287.  <dt>Server Location</dt><dd>Kwai Chung,00,Hong Kong</dd>
  288.  <dt>ISP</dt><dd>Kwai Chung, Nt</dd>
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  296.  <div class="panel-heading">Domain Whois Record</div>
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  298.  <pre>
  300. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  301. Whois server by HKIRC
  302. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  303. .hk top level Domain names can be registered via HKIRC-Accredited Registrars.
  304. Go to for details.
  305. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  309. Domain Name:  BUILTINPRO.HK
  310. Bundled Domain Name:  BUILT-INPRO廚房電器.香港
  311. Domain Status: Active
  313. DNSSEC:  unsigned
  315. Contract Version:   HKDNR latest version
  317. Active variants
  319. Inactive variants
  321. Registrar Name: Hong Kong Domain Name Registration Company Limited
  323. Registrar Contact Information: Email:                       Hotline: +852 2319 1313
  325. Reseller:
  328. Registrant Contact Information:
  330. Company English Name (It should be the same as the registered/corporation name on your Business Register Certificate or relevant documents): BUILT-IN PRO
  331. Company Chinese name:
  332. Address:  九龍紅磡馬頭圍道117號地下
  333. Country: Hong Kong (HK)
  334. Email:
  335. Domain Name Commencement Date: 29-11-2010
  336. Expiry Date: 29-11-2022
  337. Re-registration Status:  Complete
  341. Administrative Contact Information:
  343. Given name:  BUILT-IN PRO
  344. Family name:  -
  345. Company name:  BUILT-IN PRO
  346. Address:  九龍紅磡馬頭圍道117號地下
  347. Country:  Hong Kong (HK)
  348. Phone:  +852-23041162
  349. Fax:
  350. Email:
  351. Account Name:  HK5162132T
  355. Technical Contact Information:
  357. Given name:  LEE
  358. Family name:  EMMA
  359. Company name:  BUILT-IN PRO
  360. Address:  G-1/F, 103-105 MA TAU WAI ROAD,HUNG HOM, HONG KONG
  361. Country:  Hong Kong (HK)
  362. Phone:  +852-23041162
  363. Fax:
  364. Email:
  368. Name Servers Information:
  375. Status Information:
  377. Domain Prohibit Status:
  381. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  382. The Registry contains ONLY,,,,
  383., and .hk $domains.
  384. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  386. WHOIS Terms of Use
  387. By using this WHOIS search enquiry service you agree to these terms of use.
  388. The data in HKDNR&#039;s WHOIS search engine is for information purposes only and HKDNR does not guarantee the accuracy of the data. The data is provided to assist people to obtain information about the registration record of domain names registered by HKDNR. You agree to use the data for lawful purposes only.
  390. You are not authorised to use high-volume, electronic or automated processes to access, query or harvest data from this WHOIS search enquiry service.
  392. You agree that you will not and will not allow anyone else to:
  394. a.    use the data for mass unsolicited commercial advertising of any sort via any medium including telephone, email or fax; or
  396. b.    enable high volume, automated or electronic processes that apply to HKDNR or its computer systems including the WHOIS search enquiry service; or
  398. c.    without the prior written consent of HKDNR compile, repackage, disseminate, disclose to any third party or use the data for a purpose other than obtaining information about a domain name registration record; or
  400. d.    use such data to derive an economic benefit for yourself.
  402. HKDNR in its sole discretion may terminate your access to the WHOIS search enquiry service (including, without limitation, blocking your IP address) at any time including, without limitation, for excessive use of the WHOIS search enquiry service.
  404. HKDNR may modify these terms of use at any time by publishing the modified terms of use on its website.
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