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  2. <p>There are <a href="">several causes of chronic bladder infections</a>, including diabetes, enlarged prostate, and <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 2 / Competitors: 1" data-microtip-position="bottom">kidney stones</span>. Some chronic infections may also be caused by spermicides. These <span class="ent in_progress" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 1 / Competitors: 2" data-microtip-position="bottom">products</span> kill the good <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 28 / Competitors: 6" data-microtip-position="bottom">bacteria</span> found in the vagina that fights off unwanted <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 28 / Competitors: 6" data-microtip-position="bottom">bacteria</span>. The good <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 28 / Competitors: 6" data-microtip-position="bottom">bacteria</span> also helps keep <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 3 / Competitors: 1" data-microtip-position="bottom">urinary tract infections</span> at bay. <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 8 / Competitors: 3" data-microtip-position="bottom">Antibiotics</span> are used to treat UTIs, and increasing <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 3 / Competitors: 1" data-microtip-position="bottom">water</span> consumption can help flush out the bad <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 28 / Competitors: 6" data-microtip-position="bottom">bacteria</span>.</p>
  3. <h2><span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 3 / Competitors: 2" data-microtip-position="bottom">Escherichia coli</span></h2>
  4. <p><span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 9 / Competitors: 3" data-microtip-position="bottom"><img src="" alt="elderly woman with chronic bladder infection" width="640" height="427" /></span></p>
  5. <p><a href="">Chronic bladder infections </a>are caused by <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 28 / Competitors: 6" data-microtip-position="bottom">bacteria</span> that live within the epithelial <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 6 / Competitors: 1" data-microtip-position="bottom">cells</span> of the bladder. These <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 6 / Competitors: 1" data-microtip-position="bottom">cells</span> provide a protected habitat for the <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 28 / Competitors: 6" data-microtip-position="bottom">bacteria</span>. Once in these <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 6 / Competitors: 1" data-microtip-position="bottom">cells</span>, the <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 28 / Competitors: 6" data-microtip-position="bottom">bacteria</span> produce toxins, hemolysin, and colony-necrosizing factors.</p>
  6. <p>While <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 28 / Competitors: 6" data-microtip-position="bottom">bacteria</span> such as <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 3 / Competitors: 2" data-microtip-position="bottom">Escherichia coli</span> are normally found in the <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 1 / Competitors: 1" data-microtip-position="bottom">bowel</span>, they can move through the <span class="ent in_progress" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 3 / Competitors: 4" data-microtip-position="bottom">urethra</span> and bladder and cause bladder infections. <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 4 / Competitors: 1" data-microtip-position="bottom">Women</span> who suffer from recurrent UTIs should seek medical treatment. Taking <span class="ent in_progress" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 1 / Competitors: 2" data-microtip-position="bottom">birth</span> control contraceptives can cause a bacterial imbalance and make people more prone to bladder infections. In addition, hormonal changes during pregnancy can affect the growth of certain <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 28 / Competitors: 6" data-microtip-position="bottom">bacteria</span> in the <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 8 / Competitors: 2" data-microtip-position="bottom">urinary tract</span>.</p>
  7. <p>The <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 28 / Competitors: 6" data-microtip-position="bottom">bacteria</span> that causes a <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 18 / Competitors: 1" data-microtip-position="bottom">bladder infection</span> can grow to dangerous levels in the <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 8 / Competitors: 2" data-microtip-position="bottom">urinary tract</span>. Most people have <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 28 / Competitors: 6" data-microtip-position="bottom">bacteria</span> in their digestive tract, but in rare cases, they get into the <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 8 / Competitors: 2" data-microtip-position="bottom">urinary tract</span>. It enters through the <span class="ent in_progress" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 3 / Competitors: 4" data-microtip-position="bottom">urethra</span> after passing stool and migrates into the <span class="ent in_progress" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 3 / Competitors: 4" data-microtip-position="bottom">urethra</span>. The <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 28 / Competitors: 6" data-microtip-position="bottom">bacteria</span> then multiply and cause bladder infections.</p>
  8. <h2>Mumps orchitis</h2>
  9. <p>Mumps orchitis is a highly contagious disease of the reproductive tract, with <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 6 / Competitors: 4" data-microtip-position="bottom">symptoms</span> such as enlargement of the testicles and induration of the epididymis. The disease is often accompanied by a painful <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 18 / Competitors: 1" data-microtip-position="bottom">bladder infection</span>. A full blood count can reveal leucocytosis, leucopenia, and an elevated C-reactive protein level. <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 1 / Competitors: 1" data-microtip-position="bottom">Urine culture</span> and sensitivity should also be done to rule out a <span class="ent in_progress" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 1 / Competitors: 2" data-microtip-position="bottom">bacterial infection</span>. If culture and sensitivity are negative, mumps orchitis should be considered a possibility. Other <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 6 / Competitors: 4" data-microtip-position="bottom">symptoms</span> of orchitis may include diffuse hypervascularity or hypoechogenicity.</p>
  10. <p><span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 8 / Competitors: 3" data-microtip-position="bottom">Antibiotics</span> are the most common treatment for orchitis. Men can take <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 8 / Competitors: 3" data-microtip-position="bottom">antibiotics</span> at home for ten days, but if their <span class="ent overuse" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 32 / Competitors: 4" data-microtip-position="bottom">infection</span> is associated with prostate involvement, their doctor may prescribe a longer course of <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 8 / Competitors: 3" data-microtip-position="bottom">antibiotics</span>. In very severe cases, patients may need to be hospitalized and receive <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 8 / Competitors: 3" data-microtip-position="bottom">antibiotics</span> via IV. However, most cases of mumps orchitis clear up within one to three weeks.</p>
  11. <p>Mumps orchitis is usually associated with fever, malaise, and cough.</p>
  12. <h2>Pyelonephritis</h2>
  13. <p>Pyelonephritis is a serious condition that can have many overlapping <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 6 / Competitors: 4" data-microtip-position="bottom">symptoms</span>. In acute cases, patients often experience fever, flank <span class="ent in_progress" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 1 / Competitors: 3" data-microtip-position="bottom">pain</span>, and nausea. In children, these <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 6 / Competitors: 4" data-microtip-position="bottom">symptoms</span> can be absent. However, in elderly patients, they may have altered mental status and deterioration of other organ systems.</p>
  14. <p>The first line of treatment is <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 8 / Competitors: 3" data-microtip-position="bottom">antibiotics</span>. The type of <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 8 / Competitors: 3" data-microtip-position="bottom">antibiotic</span> used depends on which <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 28 / Competitors: 6" data-microtip-position="bottom">bacteria</span> are causing the <span class="ent overuse" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 32 / Competitors: 4" data-microtip-position="bottom">infection</span>. Usually, broad-spectrum <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 8 / Competitors: 3" data-microtip-position="bottom">antibiotics</span> are prescribed. The patient must take the drugs for the prescribed period, which is usually 10 to 14 days. However, treatment with drugs is not always successful, and if the <span class="ent overuse" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 32 / Competitors: 4" data-microtip-position="bottom">infection</span> is severe, it may require hospitalization.</p>
  15. <p>Pyelonephritis is usually caused by gram-negative <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 28 / Competitors: 6" data-microtip-position="bottom">bacteria</span>. The most <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 1 / Competitors: 1" data-microtip-position="bottom">common type</span> is <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 3 / Competitors: 2" data-microtip-position="bottom">Escherichia coli</span>, but other types can also cause the condition.</p>
  16. <h2>Herbs</h2>
  17. <p>Herbs for <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 9 / Competitors: 3" data-microtip-position="bottom">chronic bladder infections</span> are an excellent way to relieve the <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 6 / Competitors: 4" data-microtip-position="bottom">symptoms</span> associated with this painful condition. These natural medicines are packed with anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which can combat bacterial and fungal infections in the <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 8 / Competitors: 2" data-microtip-position="bottom">urinary tract</span>. Some herbs, such as marshmallow root and couch grass, are also effective in easing the <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 6 / Competitors: 4" data-microtip-position="bottom">symptoms</span> of a UTI. Additionally, they contain compounds that can help heal the bladder's mucous membranes and protect them from further <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 1 / Competitors: 1" data-microtip-position="bottom">damage</span>.</p>
  18. <p>One herb that can be used to treat <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 9 / Competitors: 3" data-microtip-position="bottom">chronic bladder infections</span> is nettle. This perennial plant in the Urticaceae family has shown excellent antimicrobial activity against a variety of <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 28 / Competitors: 6" data-microtip-position="bottom">bacteria</span>. <span class="ent in_progress" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 1 / Competitors: 2" data-microtip-position="bottom">Studies</span> have shown that nettle extracts inhibit both Gram-positive and -negative <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 28 / Competitors: 6" data-microtip-position="bottom">bacteria</span>. In fact, the antimicrobial activity of nettle can help treat a number of different infectious diseases. In addition to being an effective antibacterial treatment, nettle also has diuretic properties.</p>
  19. <p>Oregon grape root contains a substance called berberine, which is effective against many <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 28 / Competitors: 6" data-microtip-position="bottom">bacteria</span>. Berberine inhibits the growth of <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 28 / Competitors: 6" data-microtip-position="bottom">bacteria</span> that cause bladder infections. Berberine also helps to treat dysbiosis, a condition that is a common cause of bladder infections. Berberine inhibits the growth of <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 28 / Competitors: 6" data-microtip-position="bottom">bacteria</span> by inhibiting them from adhering to the host <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 6 / Competitors: 1" data-microtip-position="bottom">cell</span>.</p>
  20. <h2>Nutritional therapies</h2>
  21. <p>Many of us have experienced <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 3 / Competitors: 1" data-microtip-position="bottom">urinary tract infections</span> at some point in our lives. When this happens, <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 28 / Competitors: 6" data-microtip-position="bottom">bacteria</span> cause inflammation of the bladder. This inflammation, known as <span class="ent in_progress" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 1 / Competitors: 3" data-microtip-position="bottom">cystitis</span>, may spread to the kidneys, which can lead to a serious complication called sepsis. This condition is more common in <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 4 / Competitors: 1" data-microtip-position="bottom">women</span> than men, and is estimated to affect 50% of <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 4 / Competitors: 1" data-microtip-position="bottom">women</span> in their lifetime.</p>
  22. <p>Herbal remedies for <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 9 / Competitors: 3" data-microtip-position="bottom">chronic bladder infections</span> can help reduce or eliminate the <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 28 / Competitors: 6" data-microtip-position="bottom">bacteria</span> responsible for the <span class="ent overuse" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 32 / Competitors: 4" data-microtip-position="bottom">infection</span>. Berberine extract contains antibacterial properties that inhibit the growth of certain <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 28 / Competitors: 6" data-microtip-position="bottom">bacteria</span>, including <span class="ent in_progress" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 1 / Competitors: 9" data-microtip-position="bottom">E. Coli</span> and resistant <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 28 / Competitors: 6" data-microtip-position="bottom">bacteria</span>. It can be taken orally or in tea form to fight off <span class="ent overuse" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 32 / Competitors: 4" data-microtip-position="bottom">infection</span>. Herbal remedies can also help support hormone balance and reduce the frequency of recurrence of bladder infections. Mushrooms are highly effective against bacteria.</p>
  23. <p><span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 4 / Competitors: 1" data-microtip-position="bottom">Women</span> with <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 9 / Competitors: 3" data-microtip-position="bottom">chronic bladder infections</span> are more likely than men to have multiple infections a year. In addition to bacterial growth, the <span class="ent overuse" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 32 / Competitors: 4" data-microtip-position="bottom">infection</span> can be caused by other <span class="ent in_progress" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 1 / Competitors: 2" data-microtip-position="bottom">health</span> problems, including sex or <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 2 / Competitors: 1" data-microtip-position="bottom">kidney stones</span>. It is also possible to prevent bladder infections by avoiding certain foods.</p>
  24. <h2>Urinalysis</h2>
  25. <p>Urinalysis is an important diagnostic tool for <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 9 / Competitors: 3" data-microtip-position="bottom">chronic bladder infections</span>. The process involves injecting dye into a vein and examining the results. A renal scan and X-rays are then performed to further investigate the condition. The results of these tests can be used to guide treatment for patients with recurrent UTIs.</p>
  26. <p>This bacterial presence is usually quantified as the number of <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 28 / Competitors: 6" data-microtip-position="bottom">bacteria</span> per high-power field and is associated with <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 3 / Competitors: 1" data-microtip-position="bottom">urinary tract infections</span> in symptomatic patients. The threshold for bacteriuria is five or more organisms per high-power field and represents a bacterial concentration of one million CFUs/mL. A second, less-stringent definition of bacteriuria is 2+ <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 28 / Competitors: 6" data-microtip-position="bottom">bacteria</span> or 100 colony-forming units per mL. However, in some select populations, this threshold may be as low as a few colonies per mL.</p>
  27. <p>To collect the sample, patients are asked to urinate in a toilet and stop midstream. The doctor will then use a sterile collection device to draw the sample. The best <span class="ent in_progress" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 5 / Competitors: 7" data-microtip-position="bottom">urine</span> specimens are collected via suprapubic aspiration. However, this technique is uncomfortable and invasive, and requires a lot of resources. The next-best technique to minimize contamination is collection of <span class="ent in_progress" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 5 / Competitors: 7" data-microtip-position="bottom">urine</span> via a single catheter. Unfortunately, this procedure is not routinely performed, and it is too expensive.</p>
  28. <h2>Treatment</h2>
  29. <p>The best way to treat <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 9 / Competitors: 3" data-microtip-position="bottom">chronic bladder infections</span> is to drink <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 1 / Competitors: 1" data-microtip-position="bottom">plenty of fluids</span>, which will help wash out the <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 28 / Competitors: 6" data-microtip-position="bottom">bacteria</span> from your <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 8 / Competitors: 2" data-microtip-position="bottom">urinary tract</span>. You should aim to drink six to eight <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 1 / Competitors: 1" data-microtip-position="bottom">glasses of water</span> each day. If you cannot drink enough <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 3 / Competitors: 1" data-microtip-position="bottom">water</span>, you can try cranberry juice. You can also eat foods with high potassium content.</p>
  30. <p><span class="ent in_progress" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 5 / Competitors: 7" data-microtip-position="bottom">Urine</span> testing will help your doctor determine the cause of your <span class="ent overuse" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 32 / Competitors: 4" data-microtip-position="bottom">infection</span>. This can reveal red <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 2 / Competitors: 2" data-microtip-position="bottom">blood cells</span>, <span class="ent in_progress" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 1 / Competitors: 2" data-microtip-position="bottom">white blood cells</span>, and <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 28 / Competitors: 6" data-microtip-position="bottom">bacteria</span> in the <span class="ent in_progress" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 5 / Competitors: 7" data-microtip-position="bottom">urine</span>.</p>
  31. <p>To prevent the spread of <span class="ent completed" role="tooltip" aria-label="You: 28 / Competitors: 6" data-microtip-position="bottom">bacteria</span>, patients should wash their hands before using the toilet and after wiping. Washing hands before entering the shower or taking a bath is an excellent way to avoid spreading germs to other parts of the body.</p>
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