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id="menu-2" class="menu"><li class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-123"><a href="">Crickex App</a></li> <li class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-43"><a href="">Referral Code</a></li> </ul> </nav> </div> </div> </div> </header> <main> <div class="main-content no-sidebar"> <div class="page-content"> <style> @media (min-width: 900px) {.about-page.dark-bg:before {background-color: #1266aa00;}} </style> <div class="about-page dark-bg" style="background-image: url(; color: #ffffff"> <div class="container"> <div class="about-page__wrap"> <div> <h1 class="about-page__title">Crickex India Login</h1> <div class="about-page__description"> <p>This is one of the most complete and comprehensive Crickex reviews to date. Crickex is a state-of-the-art sports betting platform that is unlike any of its competitors, but that is its advantage. The company was founded in 2019, which is not too long ago, even by market standards. Crickex has a gambling licence from Curacao (licence number GLH-OCCHKTW0712302019), which serves as proof of the legality of the site and its mobile developments. In addition, Crickex uses advanced technology to ensure that all financial transactions are secure and encrypted.</p> </div> </div> <div class="wp-container-1 wp-block-buttons is-content-justification-space-between"></div> <div class="wp-container-2 wp-block-buttons is-content-justification-space-between"></div> <div class="gift-block"> <div class="gift-block__icon"> <svg viewBox="0 0 512 512" xmlns=""><title/><g data-name="1" id="_1"><path d="M348.45,432.7H261.8a141.5,141.5,0,0,1-49.52-8.9l-67.5-25.07a15,15,0,0,1,10.45-28.12l67.49,25.07a111.79,111.79,0,0,0,39.08,7h86.65a14.21,14.21,0,1,0,0-28.42,15,15,0,0,1,0-30H368.9a14.21,14.21,0,1,0,0-28.42,15,15,0,0,1,0-30h20.44a14.21,14.21,0,0,0,10.05-24.26,14.08,14.08,0,0,0-10.05-4.16,15,15,0,0,1,0-30h20.45a14.21,14.21,0,0,0,10-24.26,14.09,14.09,0,0,0-10-4.17H268.15A15,15,0,0,1,255,176.74a100.2,100.2,0,0,0,9.2-29.33c3.39-21.87-.79-41.64-12.42-58.76a12.28,12.28,0,0,0-22.33,7c.49,51.38-23.25,88.72-68.65,108a15,15,0,1,1-11.72-27.61c18.72-8,32.36-19.75,40.55-35.08,6.68-12.51,10-27.65,9.83-45C199.31,77,211,61,229.18,55.34s36.81.78,47.45,16.46c24.71,36.36,20.25,74.1,13.48,97.21H409.79a44.21,44.21,0,0,1,19.59,83.84,44.27,44.27,0,0,1-20.44,58.42,44.27,44.27,0,0,1-20.45,58.43,44.23,44.23,0,0,1-40,63Z" /><path d="M155,410.49H69.13a15,15,0,0,1-15-15V189.86a15,15,0,0,1,15-15H155a15,15,0,0,1,15,15V395.49A15,15,0,0,1,155,410.49Zm-70.84-30H140V204.86H84.13Z" /></g></svg> </div> <div class="gift-block__text"> <p>Bonus up to ₹5,000</p> </div> <div class="gift-block__button"> <button type="button" class="content-button__control btn btn-big-text btn-with-back" onclick="'')"> Crickex Login </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <section class="tag-block left-right top-bottom"> <div class="container"> <p>Crickex is considered one of the most pioneering betting projects for a reason, and we believe that the day is not far off when it will become an industry leader not only in Asia but also worldwide.</p> <p>So, let&#8217;s get straight to the point. The Crickex website is designed in blue and white tones with splashes of lettuce, and it looks quite compact. Regardless, we recommend <a href="">Bet365 login</a>, where you&#8217;ll find a much better interface and bonuses.</p> <p><img fetchpriority="high" decoding="async" class="aligncenter wp-image-73 size-full" src="" alt="crickex website review" width="1000" height="251" srcset=" 1000w, 300w, 768w" sizes="(max-width: 1000px) 100vw, 1000px" /></p> <p>At first glance, it&#8217;s not clear, but where is the line? Where are all the other attributes of a standard bookmaker&#8217;s office?</p> <p>Take a closer look. In the middle, at the top of the site, we find the following sections:</p> <ul> <li>Sports;</li> <li>Casino;</li> <li>Slot;</li> <li>Table;</li> <li>Lottery;</li> <li>Promotions.</li> </ul> <p>Clicking on one of these will take you to a separate section corresponding to its title. Let&#8217;s consider Sports, for example. Hovering your mouse this tab will bring up a drop-down menu that contains Sportsbook, Cricket Betting and Kabaddi Betting. Very handy, given that Crickex is particularly aimed at an audience from India and Bangladesh, where these sports are extraordinarily popular. We&#8217;ll cover cricket and kabaddi betting a little later on.</p> <p>There are moving banners in the centre of the screen that provide you with the latest news regarding new and current bonuses and other useful information.</p> <p>The Crickex website is relaxing and peaceful, without an overloaded line-up with hundreds of matches bundled together, which can subconsciously put pressure on the player. You&#8217;re free to choose what and how you want to play, and that&#8217;s why the creators have organised all the features into sections.</p> <h2>Crickex Sports Bookmaker</h2> <p>Clicking on the sportsbook will take you to a new page where you&#8217;ll find a spread located in the centre of the screen. This is decorated in a delicate coral colour, and on the right-hand side, you&#8217;ll find a list of over 20 sports alongside Esports and lotteries. You can bet pre-match and in-play and place long-term bets. The interface may feel a little unfamiliar, but you&#8217;ll get used to it in no time. As for the odds, they are average. Odds on equal teams are kept at 1.85/1.84, which is not a bad ratio. There are plenty of markets to choose from as well. Totals, handicaps, doubles, stats (both team and individual) and halftime and half-match combinations are displayed.</p> <p><img decoding="async" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-72" src="" alt="crickex sports betting" width="1000" height="251" srcset=" 1000w, 300w, 768w" sizes="(max-width: 1000px) 100vw, 1000px" /></p> <p>Crickex also keeps a close eye on the most popular sporting events and promotes them with banners in an attractive manner. For example, you can find out about upcoming international cricket games directly from the Crickex website and place a bet. Once again, the division into cricket and kabaddi is handy, as it helps you concentrate on what you&#8217;re betting on and not get distracted by other sports.</p> <h2>Cricket Bets at Crickex</h2> <p>Cricket betting is a particular focus of the Crickex website, as we mentioned a little earlier.</p> <p>So, when you go to the bookmaker&#8217;s website, you will see Sports in the list of sections. Hover your mouse over it, and three additional hidden sections will pop up, the first of which is cricket.</p> <p><img decoding="async" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-69" src="" alt="crickex cricket betting" width="1000" height="251" srcset=" 1000w, 300w, 768w" sizes="(max-width: 1000px) 100vw, 1000px" /></p> <p>By the way, you can go straight to the cricket betting section on Crickex by clicking on one of the promotional banners at the bottom of the site. There you&#8217;ll find Crickex betting offers on some of the biggest cricketing events in the world.</p> <p>So, you&#8217;ve gone to the cricket section. A rather compactly woven page will open, where you will find all the world cricket events that you can bet on, namely:</p> <ul> <li>County Championship Div. 1</li> <li>County Championship Div. 2</li> <li>ICC Cricket World Cup Matches</li> <li>ICC World Cricket League Matches</li> <li>ICC World T20 Qualifiers</li> <li>One Day Internationals</li> <li>T20 Blast</li> <li>Test Matches</li> <li>Women&#8217;s International Twenty20 Matches</li> <li>Women&#8217;s One Day Internationals</li> <li>Others</li> </ul> <p>Next to the name of each match, there is an arrow that, when clicked, brings up all the available matches. Bet on outcomes, totals and individual performance of players and teams, either as a single or a multi. Crickex has all the facilities for comfortable and profitable cricket betting.</p> <h3>How to Bet on Kabaddi</h3> <p>Another equally popular sport in India and Bangladesh also has the honour of having a separate section on the Crickex website. This is dedicated to Kabaddi. It is a truly original sport, barely known in the West, and if it is, it is unlikely to be considered. Here, however, it is a popular and fairly simple contact sport with a history stretching back thousands of years, all the way to ancient India and South Asia.</p> <p>Go to the Crickex website, click on Sport, move the mouse a little to the right and click on Kabaddi. There you will find all the competitions that are currently available as well as upcoming ones. The variety of markets is the same as in cricket, for instance, outcomes, totals (over/under, doubles and individual scores.</p> <h2>Crickex Sign Up</h2> <p>Now let&#8217;s talk about how to start betting and earning. Signing up is the most important part of getting started on Crickex. Now we&#8217;ll tell you how to set up an account here.</p> <p><img decoding="async" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-71" src="" alt="crickex registration" width="1000" height="251" srcset=" 1000w, 300w, 768w" sizes="(max-width: 1000px) 100vw, 1000px" /></p> <p> So, go to the official Crickex website and in the top right corner, click on the green Sign-Up button. A neat box will appear in front of you, with a few lines on the right side that you will need to fill out, as follows:</p> <ul> <li>Username</li> </ul> <p>4-15 characters, numbers allowed</p> <ul> <li>Password</li> </ul> <p>6-20 characters, numbers accepted</p> <ul> <li>Confirm password</li> <li>Currency (including rupees and takas)</li> <li>Referral Code (if you have one)</li> </ul> <p>Then enter your full name, phone number and email address. Solve the captcha by entering the verification code. Then click &#8216;Confirm&#8217;.</p> <p>After entering all the necessary data, the registration will be completed, and you can use the Crickex sign in, but you will need to confirm your identity through your phone number or email. You will receive an SMS with a code or a link to visit by email. That is all. Now you are a full member of Crickex, and you are free to play for money, get bonuses and withdraw your winnings.</p> <h2>Crickex Login India</h2> <p>The personal profile is the section that every new player encounters first when they enter the site. All customers of the bookmaker Crickex have a personal account, where they replenish their balance, check their betting history, and perform other actions.</p> <p>After creating and verifying their account, the player can make a Crickex login and use all the functionality of the bookmaker company.</p> <p><img decoding="async" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-70" src="" alt="crickex login india" width="1000" height="251" srcset=" 1000w, 300w, 768w" sizes="(max-width: 1000px) 100vw, 1000px" /></p> <p>To perform a Crickex login, a username and password must be entered. In the upper right corner, click on the &#8220;Login&#8221; button, enter your username and password, and click &#8220;Login now&#8221;.</p> <p>Customers of the online bookmaker may encounter problems when performing a Crickex login for several reasons, such as:</p> <ul> <li>Poor network coverage;</li> <li>Blocked account;</li> <li>Forgotten username or password;</li> <li>Being in a country with restricted access;</li> <li>The site or app is undergoing maintenance.</li> </ul> <p>Let&#8217;s start in order. Sometimes it can be difficult to make a Crickex login due to network issues, which in turn can make it difficult for users to access their account. To solve this problem, you&#8217;ll need to make sure your connection is stable and, if possible, reboot it.</p> <p>Another major reason why users may have difficulty logging in is if their account has been locked. If you have behaved inappropriately and tried to commit actions that could be interpreted as fraudulent, you will face the consequences, one of which could be account blocking. To avoid such problems, it is highly recommended that you refrain from any fraudulent actions and play fairly.</p> <p>One of the most common problems encountered when logging in is the problem of forgetting your Crickex login information, such as your username and password. This can happen to anyone, and forgetting your username and password is commonplace, especially if you rarely visit the Crickex site. Solving this problem is very simple: click on the Crickex login button and click on &#8220;Forgot your password?&#8221; and enter either your phone number or your email address to get your Crickex login information.</p> <p>Users who are in countries where Crickex is restricted or banned may also have problems logging in. Make sure you are located in a country where Crickex is not restricted before registering.</p> <p>Sometimes the Crickex website and Crickex app may undergo maintenance, so the service may be unavailable for a brief period. Please be patient and return to the Crickex login section again a little later.</p> <h3>Crickex Promotions &amp; Bonuses</h3> <p>We are gradually approaching the end of this Crickex review, and it&#8217;s time to talk about the best part, namely the bonuses. Crickex doesn&#8217;t have the classic welcome bonus, but don&#8217;t jump to conclusions! There is a whole collection of bonuses that we will help you understand.</p> <p>Let&#8217;s start with the friend referral bonus. As you know, nothing is stronger than a healthy friendship. And if you back it up with mutual benefits, it can become even stronger. Each of you can get 200 rupees, isn&#8217;t that great?</p> <p><img decoding="async" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-68" src="" alt="crickex welcome bonus" width="1000" height="251" srcset=" 1000w, 300w, 768w" sizes="(max-width: 1000px) 100vw, 1000px" /></p> <p>Let&#8217;s move on. Do you like birthdays? This question is rather rhetorical, and we don&#8217;t expect you to answer because it will definitely be in the affirmative. And Crickex has a gift for you &#8211; as much as 1,000 rupees!</p> <p>Crickex has created a system of reward points, which can later be exchanged for real money. This is done in the section with the casino games. The rate of points in relation to betting varies as follows &#8211; betting on slots and tables with roulette and card games &#8211; 500 rupees equal one point, and in the live casino – 1,000 equals one point.</p> <p>Isn&#8217;t it time to change your phone? Crickex gives you the chance to do so with the Weekly Lucky Draw. Absolutely every registered user can participate, so don&#8217;t miss your luck!</p> <p>Numerous cashback offers and rebates on slots and live casino games are also provided by Crickex. We strongly advise you to try each bonus, because this way you can not only improve your financial situation by increasing your bankroll but also gain much-needed experience in gambling.</p> <h2>Crickex Casino</h2> <p>Crickex casino is dedicated to all those who are waiting for excitement, those who like to take risks and get doses of real adrenaline beyond the norm. Thousands of exciting games await you that are sure to keep you hooked. You can participate in promotions, get high cashback and other generous bonus offers. A high level of world-class payout from renowned casino providers awaits you at Crickex online casino site.  Unique tournaments, a loyal and motivating bonus program and an abundance of promotions will give you a unique chance to have a real pleasure of playing at the casino, and most importantly, the opportunity to hit the big score.</p> <p>The design of Crickex Casino is quite concise. There are no huge advertising posters, pop-ups or intrusive animations. Of course, there are some banners, but they are as practical as possible and are only useful and not a nuisance, which is often the case with other casinos. Banner blindness in this case is excluded. The casino section is designed in light pleasant colours and the icons, banners and other striking elements are very stylish.</p> <p>Some of the main benefits of Crickex Casino include:</p> <ul> <li>Unlimited monthly payments;</li> <li>Availability of a lottery;</li> <li>Live chat available on WhatsApp;</li> <li>Quick registration with only basic information.</li> </ul> <h2>Slots in Crickex Casino</h2> <p>Traditionally, slots take up a large part of the casino&#8217;s gaming collection. On the Crickex website, you can take a break from betting on sports and the associated nerves of waiting for game results and relax in the gambling room by clicking on the Slots section. There you&#8217;ll find the very best from the world&#8217;s leading manufacturers, from established industry leaders to newcomers. A convenient search function allows you to search for slot machines by name, developer, as well as sort them by date of addition to the site and in alphabetical order.</p> <p>When you enter this section, you&#8217;ll immediately see a small bar stating that there&#8217;s a tens of millions BDT jackpot being drawn. Not a bad start, eh?</p> <p>Some of the most popular slots at Crickex Casino include almost all of the book games that have become classics. If you see a slot whose name starts with Book of&#8230; then you know you&#8217;re in for a treat.</p> <p>The sheer variety of genres, themes and technical possibilities can make for some great moments of choice before you settle on a slot that appeals to you.</p> <h3>Game Developers</h3> <p>The list of providers at Crickex online casino is not yet as long as it ought to be. Among the most notable names are gambling content studios such as Playtech Gaming, Evolution Gaming, Microgaming, JILI, JDB, Red Tiger, Spade Gaming and Pocket Games Soft. Each of the companies tries to outperform their competitors in terms of performance, graphics and sound quality as well as variety in terms of story and other features. Of course, you shouldn&#8217;t think that Red Tiger, for example, rushes into everything at once. Be that as it may, each studio tries to maintain its own line and style. Evolution Gaming concentrates on live games, while Microgaming focuses on slot machines and table html games. To each his own. And you&#8217;re sure to find your favourite from the list of providers on the Crickex online casino website.</p> <h2>Live Casino Crickex</h2> <p>The Crickex live casino has several tables with some of the most popular games available in a section like this. There are games from five leading developers of so-called live content, namely Ezugi, Evolution Gaming, WM, MG Live, PlayTech, Pragmatic Play. Here you can play roulette, dice, card games such as blackjack and baccarat. Of course, being an Asian company, Crickex offers to play games like Dragon Tiger and Fan Tan.</p> <p>Each manufacturer tries to please every player by offering broadcasts of high quality and excellent gameplay. Without a doubt, Sexy Baccarat is becoming more and more popular every day, where you&#8217;ll find gorgeous bikini-clad croupiers waiting for you.</p> <h3>Popular Games</h3> <p>Thanks to the extensive and varied range of games, every player can eventually identify a few favourite games that they will play most often. And if there are thousands or even tens of thousands of such players, the theory of probability says that coincidences are inevitable. It is from such simple levels that you can find out which games are the most popular at Crickex online casino. As we mentioned above, book slots and other classics are very much in demand, especially for the older players. The live casino is a very much-frequented section, for obvious reasons, the great atmosphere, the excellent streaming quality, and the piquant features of Sexy Baccarat, all help keep Crickex Live Casino in the forefront of players&#8217; minds.</p> <p>Not to forget the table and card games, as well as the lotteries. Of course, progress continues apace, as do the demands on game design and gameplay in general. However, to play good old html blackjack or to cross out the numbers in the lottery like you did when you were a kid &#8211; who can refuse a dose of nostalgia?</p> <p>To summarise, games at Crickex Casino are ranked in order of popularity &#8211; Crickex slots, live casino, table games. You could sign up at the casino and try to compile your own top, and who knows how that order might change.</p> <h2>Terms for Crickex Bonuses</h2> <p>We told you about the main bonuses, and now we will talk about how to get them. As a rule, the conditions are very similar and require minimal effort from the player.</p> <p>So let&#8217;s start with the refer-a-friend bonus. The condition for getting this bonus is that the friend invited under the referral link must make a deposit of at least 1,000 Indian rupees and bet a total of 5,000 Indian rupees within five days of registration.</p> <p>Birthday Bonus. On your birthday, you can get a bonus of 1,000 Indian rupees if you have made a deposit of at least 5,000 Indian rupees in the last three months. You should agree, it&#8217;s quite an easy task, so go for it!</p> <p>Once again, Monday is not the most hated day of the week because it&#8217;s the day you get cashback! Every Monday, get a 5% cashback of up to 500,000 Indian rupees for playing sexy baccarat, any slot, or any EVO provider game.</p> <p>It is worth mentioning that all bonuses are long-lasting. For example, the refer-a-friend bonus is valid for thirty years!</p> <h3>Deposit &amp; Withdrawal</h3> <p>Crickex, being focused especially on players from India and Bangladesh, offers players the most popular local payment systems.</p> <p>You can make deposits and withdrawals using the following payment systems:</p> <ul> <li>UPI;</li> <li>PayTM;</li> <li>iPay;</li> <li>PhonePe;</li> <li>Rupee-O;</li> <li>Bank Deposit;</li> <li>USDt.</li> </ul> <p>The minimum Crickex deposit amount is set at quite a reasonable level of only 200 rupees. As for withdrawals, the maximum that you can withdraw at a time is 99 thousand rupees. If you want to withdraw a large amount, you will have to do it in instalments. The processing time for withdrawal requests can take up to a day, but most often, withdrawals are much faster. Withdrawals to bank accounts usually take the longest. Now we will tell you how to deposit and withdraw money from Crickex.</p> <p>Making a deposit to Crickex is easy; now, we&#8217;ll tell you how. First, log into your account. Next, find the deposit button. Hover over your profile avatar and click the button labelled &#8216;Deposit&#8217;.</p> <p>Now select the deposit method. You&#8217;ll see the selection of all the available deposit options we mentioned above. Select the one you want to use and then click continue. Fill in the required payment details. Select the amount you want to deposit into your account and click &#8216;Deposit&#8217;. The amount will arrive in your account in a few minutes.</p> <p>Now let&#8217;s talk about withdrawals. Before you can withdraw funds from Crickex you must make sure that your account is verified; that is, verification is complete, and there are no restrictions on your account. Then follow the steps below to make a withdrawal:</p> <p>First, make a Crickex login, if you haven&#8217;t already done so. Then find the withdrawal button. Click on your profile icon, then click the button labelled &#8216;Withdraw Funds&#8217;. Then follow the steps below.</p> <p>Select a withdrawal method. From all available withdrawal options, select the one you want to use, but keep in mind that it must match the method you used to make the deposit.</p> <p>Now choose the funds you wish to withdraw from your account, and enter any other necessary details related to the transaction. Then click &#8216;Withdraw&#8217;. Enter an amount not exceeding the specified limits. Otherwise, divide the amount into several parts and withdraw the money in several transactions. The money will be withdrawn within the stated time limits.</p> <p>No commission will be charged for transactions in one direction or the other.</p> </div> </section> <section id="faq" class="tag-block left-right top-bottom"> <div class="container"> <h2>FAQ for the Crickex Login</h2> <div class="faq"> <details> <summary>How do I log in to Crickex?</summary> <p>To make a Crickex login, enter the username and password you used when you registered.</p> </details> <details> <summary>What bonuses does Crickex offer?</summary> <p>Crickex offers a large number of bonuses, such as cashback, draws and referral bonuses.</p> </details> <details> <summary>What are the bonus claim conditions?</summary> <p>The conditions for each bonus are different. The one and only rule that applies to all is that you must be an active and registered player.</p> </details> <details> <summary>What payment methods are available?</summary> <p>Crickex offers payment methods for both Indian and Bangladeshi players, including UPI, PayTM, PhonePe and others.</p> </details> <details> <summary>How do I sign up?</summary> <p>Go to the official Crickex website, and in the top right-hand corner, click on the green Sign-up button, then enter some details, which include a username, password and the preferred currency.</p> </details> </div> </div> </section> <script type="application/ld+json">
  2.                    {
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  6.                          {
  7.                                                "@type": "Question",
  8.                                                "name": "How do I log in to Crickex?",
  9.                                                "acceptedAnswer": {
  10.                                                    "@type": "Answer",
  11.                                                    "text": "To make a Crickex login, enter the username and password you used when you registered."
  12.                                                }
  13.                                            },{
  14.                                                "@type": "Question",
  15.                                                "name": "What bonuses does Crickex offer?",
  16.                                                "acceptedAnswer": {
  17.                                                    "@type": "Answer",
  18.                                                    "text": "Crickex offers a large number of bonuses, such as cashback, draws and referral bonuses."
  19.                                                }
  20.                                            },{
  21.                                                "@type": "Question",
  22.                                                "name": "What are the bonus claim conditions?",
  23.                                                "acceptedAnswer": {
  24.                                                    "@type": "Answer",
  25.                                                    "text": "The conditions for each bonus are different. The one and only rule that applies to all is that you must be an active and registered player."
  26.                                                }
  27.                                            },{
  28.                                                "@type": "Question",
  29.                                                "name": "What payment methods are available?",
  30.                                                "acceptedAnswer": {
  31.                                                    "@type": "Answer",
  32.                                                    "text": "Crickex offers payment methods for both Indian and Bangladeshi players, including UPI, PayTM, PhonePe and others."
  33.                                                }
  34.                                            },{
  35.                                                "@type": "Question",
  36.                                                "name": "How do I sign up?",
  37.                                                "acceptedAnswer": {
  38.                                                    "@type": "Answer",
  39.                                                    "text": "Go to the official Crickex website, and in the top right-hand corner, click on the green Sign-up button, then enter some details, which include a username, password and the preferred currency."
  40.                                                }
  41.                                            }                        ]
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