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  178. <a href="./news/sacramento-airport-goes-no-fly-after-at-t-internet-cable-snipped?article=92258" title="Sacramento airport goes no-fly after AT&amp;T internet cable snipped">
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  180. <img data-src="upload/sources/39111563895254.png" class="img-responsive" alt="Sacramento airport goes no-fly after AT&amp;T internet cable snipped" />
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  189. <p> Police say this appears to be a 'deliberate act.' Sacramento International Airport (SMF) suffered hours of flight delays yesterday after what appears to be an intentional cutting of an AT&amp;T internet cable serving the facility.… </p>
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  200. <span>Metasploit Weekly Wrap-Up 04/19/24</span>
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  202. <p class="visible-sm"> Welcome Ryan and the new CrushFTP module
  203. It's not every week we add an awesome new exploit...</p>
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  208. <a href="./news/dha-looks-to-contract-a-digital-front-door-to-modernize-its-health-system?article=92255" title="DHA looks to contract a ‘digital front door’ to modernize its health system">
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  210. <img data-src="upload/news/image_1713564012_9547788.jpg" class="img-responsive" alt="DHA looks to contract a ‘digital front door’ to modernize its health system" />
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  213. <span>DHA looks to contract a ‘digital front door’ to modernize its...</span>
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  215. <p class="visible-sm">A DHA spokesperson said the agency is looking to build “a new healthcare model that places the...</p>
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  222. <img data-src="upload/sources/39111563895254.png" class="img-responsive" alt="WhatsApp, Threads, more banished from Apple App Store in China" />
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  225. <span>WhatsApp, Threads, more banished from Apple App Store in China</span>
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  227. <p class="visible-sm"> Still available in Hong Kong and Macau, for now Apple has removed four apps from its...</p>
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  242. <img data-src="upload/sources/4651557758322.png" class="img-responsive" alt="Cisco Releases Security Advisories for Cisco Integrated Management Controller" />
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  251. <p>
  252. Cisco has released security advisories for vulnerabilities in the Cisco integrated management controller. A remote cyber threat actor could exploit one of these vulnerabilities to take control of an affected system. 
  253. Users and administrators are encouraged to review the following...</p>
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  264. <span>CISA and Partners Release Advisory on Akira Ransomware</span>
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  266. <p class="visible-sm"> Today, CISA, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Europol’s European Cybercrime Centre...</p>
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  273. <img data-src="upload/sources/97451563771945.png" class="img-responsive" alt="Debian Security Advisory 5665-1" />
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  276. <span>Debian Security Advisory 5665-1</span>
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  278. <p class="visible-sm">Debian Linux Security Advisory 5665-1 - Several security vulnerabilities have been discovered in...</p>
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  285. <img data-src="upload/sources/45731557218940.jpg" class="img-responsive" alt="Unpacking the NIST cybersecurity framework 2.0" />
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  288. <span>Unpacking the NIST cybersecurity framework 2.0</span>
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  291. The NIST cybersecurity framework (CSF) helps organizations improve risk management using common...</p>
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  306. <img data-src="upload/news/image_1713564037_72827054.jpg" class="img-responsive" alt="Bitcoin Halving: Anticipating Price Impact, Miner Challenges, And Long-Term Outlook" />
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  315. <p>The highly anticipated Bitcoin Halving event is close, bringing with it heightened expectations regarding the long-term impact on the Bitcoin price.  There are concerns, however, that this quadrennial event may already be priced in, as Bitcoin recently reached an unprecedented all-time high of...</p>
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  323. <img data-src="upload/news/image_1713549639_48700745.jpg" class="img-responsive" alt="Ethereum Fueled Up: Will 320 Million USDT Inflow Ignite Price Surge?" />
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  325. <span class="category-span" style="color:#FB16FB;">Cryptocurrency</span>
  326. <span>Ethereum Fueled Up: Will 320 Million USDT Inflow Ignite Price Surge?</span>
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  328. <p class="visible-sm">The winds of change are swirling around Ethereum (ETH), the world’s second-largest...</p>
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  335. <img data-src="upload/news/image_1713535241_86478822.jpg" class="img-responsive" alt="The Next Dogecoin? Top Trader Points To This Memecoin" />
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  338. <span>The Next Dogecoin? Top Trader Points To This Memecoin</span>
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  340. <p class="visible-sm">Crypto trading sensation Ansem, known on X (formerly Twitter) as @blknoiz06, has directed the...</p>
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  347. <img data-src="upload/sources/26221647332316.png" class="img-responsive" alt="Trading for JUP, W, WIF and more starts now in the United Kingdom" />
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  350. <span>Trading for JUP, W, WIF and more starts now in the United Kingdom</span>
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  352. <p class="visible-sm"> We’re thrilled to announce that Bonk (BONK), Dymension (DYM), Jito (JTO), Jupiter (JUP),...</p>
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  367. <img data-src="upload/sources/31221557219769.jpg" class="img-responsive" alt="Create Easy, Professional Websites with Mobirise – Now Just $80 Through 4/21" />
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  376. <p>Most user-friendly website builders create basic, non-professional or ineffective websites. Not anymore! With Mobirise, new users can get a year of easily built beautiful sites. Get a year’s access for only $79.97 through April 21.</p>
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