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  180. <img data-src="upload/sources/14211557905411.jpg" class="img-responsive" alt="Top 9 Compliance Automation Software in 2024" />
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  189. <p> By Uzair Amir
  190. Simplify compliance with these leading software solutions. Discover features like automated evidence collection, risk assessment, and real-time reporting. Find the perfect fit for your startup or large enterprise.
  191. This is a post from Read the original post: Top...</p>
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  199. <img data-src="upload/news/image_1714939238_98958937.jpg" class="img-responsive" alt="Week in review: PoCs allow persistence on Palo Alto firewalls, Okta credential stuffing attacks - Help Net Security" />
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  201. <span class="category-span" style="color:#2761D5;">Cyber Security</span>
  202. <span>Week in review: PoCs allow persistence on Palo Alto firewalls, Okta...</span>
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  204. <p class="visible-sm"> Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news, articles, interviews and...</p>
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  209. <a href="./news/end-to-end-encryption-may-be-the-bane-of-cops-but-they-can-t-close-that-pandora-s-box?article=92810" title="End-to-end encryption may be the bane of cops, but they can't close that Pandora's Box">
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  211. <img data-src="upload/sources/39111563895254.png" class="img-responsive" alt="End-to-end encryption may be the bane of cops, but they can't close that Pandora's Box" />
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  213. <span class="category-span" style="color:#2761D5;">Cyber Security</span>
  214. <span>End-to-end encryption may be the bane of cops, but they can't close...</span>
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  216. <p class="visible-sm"> Internet Society's Robin Wilton tells us the war on privacy won't be won by the plod...</p>
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  221. <a href="./news/pay-up-or-else-week-in-security-with-tony-anscombe?article=92796" title="Pay up, or else? – Week in security with Tony Anscombe">
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  223. <img data-src="upload/sources/3251557220061.jpg" class="img-responsive" alt="Pay up, or else? – Week in security with Tony Anscombe" />
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  226. <span>Pay up, or else? – Week in security with Tony Anscombe</span>
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  228. <p class="visible-sm">Organizations that fall victim to a ransomware attack are often caught between a rock and a hard...</p>
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  243. <img data-src="upload/sources/90301557219139.jpg" class="img-responsive" alt="Ransomware: Attacks Continue to Rise as Operators Adapt to Disruption" />
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  252. <p> Available evidence suggests vulnerability exploitation has replaced botnets as a prime infection vector. </p>
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  260. <img data-src="upload/sources/45731557218940.jpg" class="img-responsive" alt="What we can learn from the best collegiate cyber defenders" />
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  263. <span>What we can learn from the best collegiate cyber defenders</span>
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  266. This year marked the 19th season of the National Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition...</p>
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  271. <a href="./news/ubuntu-security-notice-usn-6757-2?article=92752" title="Ubuntu Security Notice USN-6757-2">
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  273. <img data-src="upload/sources/97451563771945.png" class="img-responsive" alt="Ubuntu Security Notice USN-6757-2" />
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  276. <span>Ubuntu Security Notice USN-6757-2</span>
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  278. <p class="visible-sm">Ubuntu Security Notice 6757-2 - USN-6757-1 fixed vulnerabilities in PHP. Unfortunately these...</p>
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  283. <a href="./news/debian-security-advisory-5676-1?article=92710" title="Debian Security Advisory 5676-1">
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  285. <img data-src="upload/sources/97451563771945.png" class="img-responsive" alt="Debian Security Advisory 5676-1" />
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  288. <span>Debian Security Advisory 5676-1</span>
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  290. <p class="visible-sm">Debian Linux Security Advisory 5676-1 - Security issues were discovered in Chromium, which could...</p>
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  305. <img data-src="upload/sources/99091647330893.png" class="img-responsive" alt="Bitcoin reaches one billion transactions" />
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  313. <div><a href="./news/bitcoin-reaches-one-billion-transactions?article=92819" class="heading-font" title="Bitcoin reaches one billion transactions">Bitcoin reaches one billion transactions</a></div>
  314. <p> An average of 178,475 daily transactions have been made on Bitcoin in its 5,603 day existence. </p>
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  322. <img data-src="upload/news/image_1714939236_52400327.jpg" class="img-responsive" alt="XRP Holders Stack Coins Despite Price Dip: Bullish Signal Or HODL Of Desperation?" />
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  324. <span class="category-span" style="color:#FB16FB;">Cryptocurrency</span>
  325. <span>XRP Holders Stack Coins Despite Price Dip: Bullish Signal Or HODL...</span>
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  327. <p class="visible-sm">The cryptocurrency market has been battered by recent storms, with many altcoins experiencing...</p>
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  332. <a href="./news/cardano-founder-proposes-bitcoin-cash-integration-in-x-poll?article=92814" title="Cardano founder proposes Bitcoin Cash integration in X poll">
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  334. <img data-src="upload/sources/99091647330893.png" class="img-responsive" alt="Cardano founder proposes Bitcoin Cash integration in X poll" />
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  336. <span class="category-span" style="color:#FB16FB;">Cryptocurrency</span>
  337. <span>Cardano founder proposes Bitcoin Cash integration in X poll</span>
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  339. <p class="visible-sm"> The ayes are winning with 8,301 votes for to 4,212 against, as of the time of this article’s...</p>
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  346. <img data-src="upload/sources/99091647330893.png" class="img-responsive" alt="Warren Buffett compares AI to nukes after seeing deepfake doppelganger" />
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  348. <span class="category-span" style="color:#FB16FB;">Cryptocurrency</span>
  349. <span>Warren Buffett compares AI to nukes after seeing deepfake doppelganger</span>
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  351. <p class="visible-sm"> The financial mogul’s commentary came during Berkshire Hathaway’s annual meeting. </p>
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  366. <img data-src="upload/sources/31221557219769.jpg" class="img-responsive" alt="What Is Bank Reconciliation? Definition, Process,and Example" />
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  375. <p>Learn the five steps of the bank reconciliation process and get answers to the most common bank reconciliation FAQs.</p>
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  381. <a href="./news/department-of-commerce-announces-new-actions-to-implement-president-biden-s-executive-order-on-ai?article=92586" title="Department of Commerce Announces New Actions to Implement President Biden’s Executive Order on AI">
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  383. <img data-src="upload/news/image_1714428012_12450554.jpg" class="img-responsive" alt="Department of Commerce Announces New Actions to Implement President Biden’s Executive Order on AI" />
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  385. <span class="category-span" style="color:#18ED0D;">Technology</span>
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