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  2. <rss xmlns:dc="" version="2.0"><channel><description>Award Winning Entertainment</description><title>DJ Doug</title><generator>Tumblr (3.0; @dj-doug)</generator><link></link><item><title>Nice Guys Finish First</title><description>&lt;img src=""/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;&lt;p&gt;This month marks two years since I started writing my blog. I don&amp;rsquo;t have an exact word count but I am thinking it&amp;rsquo;s about 75,000 words, roughly twice the length of the book I wrote and released earlier this year. Had you told me 25 months ago that I was going to start a blog, write one hundred entries, and document my life&amp;rsquo;s lessons and share my story with thousands of people I have never met, I surely wouldn&amp;rsquo;t have believed you.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;I&amp;rsquo;ve invested my energy, focused my time and worked hard to support my theory that nice guys finish first. I&amp;rsquo;ve gotten emails, comments and text messages from people all over the world who have helped support my message and I am amazed at how many others share the same feelings about how being nice has helped shape their lives as well.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;I believe now more than ever that being nice is not just a pleasant approach to life, but rather, being nice is the right way and the only way for people to be. Regardless of where you are in your life,  personally or professionally, nice is right. Being nice is the answer to so many questions. Want to get ahead? Be nice. Want to achieve more? Be nice. Want to feel good about yourself and about others? Be nice.  Most importantly, want to do the right thing? Be nice.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;br/&gt;&lt;strong&gt;&amp;ldquo;Nice guys finish first. If you don&amp;rsquo;t know that, then you don&amp;rsquo;t know where the finish line is.&amp;rdquo;&lt;/strong&gt;  &amp;ndash; &lt;em&gt;Gary Shandling&lt;/em&gt;&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;&lt;p&gt;I feel however, that I have not closed the loop in many of my lessons nor shared with you the meaning of nice as defined by the characteristics of a nice guy (or girl). Once you see the short list I have compiled, you can decide for yourself if you feel as I do about the importance of not only adding a healthy dose of nice into your life, but more so,  making it your North Star, as I have, guiding me along my journey. As I detail the list below I use the term &amp;ldquo;nice guy,&amp;rdquo; but in no way am I using the word guy to apply to men only. Instead, please see it as a generic, universal term that can be applied to all people. I guess I could just say nice people finish first, but I&amp;rsquo;ve been carrying this term &amp;ldquo;nice guys&amp;rdquo; for over two years, and I&amp;rsquo;d prefer not to mess with my SEO, so humor me.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Nice guys are transparent&lt;/strong&gt;. What you see is what you get when it comes to nice guys. The hidden agenda is non-existent. Because of that, nice guys are able to develop stronger, longer lasting relationships.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Nice guys show gratitude.&lt;/strong&gt; They appreciate what they have in their lives and do not take others for granted. Nice guys are more likely to find others doing something right than finding others doing something wrong. Their gratitude is genuine and they speak from the heart.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;br/&gt;&lt;strong&gt;&amp;ldquo;Nice guys are leaders that show the way, not just point the way. &amp;rdquo;&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Nice guys are consistent&lt;/strong&gt;. Although you may not have the same beliefs as a nice guy, there is no doubt what a nice guy believes in because they are  consistent in their approach to life. When someone is consistent they build a solid reputation because they become predictable. &lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Nice guys are trustworthy and honest.&lt;/strong&gt; I&amp;rsquo;m pretty sure this one is obvious but it goes without saying that in order to be nice, one really needs to be honest, since being a lier is not a good practice when it comes to helping, supporting and doing the right thing.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Nice guys are leaders that show the way, not just point the way.&lt;/strong&gt; You will often find nice guys rolling up their sleeves and working shoulder to shoulder with those they are leading. There is no more effective way to lead than by example and nice guys are great at walking the walk.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;br/&gt;&lt;strong&gt;&amp;ldquo;Mistakes are bound to happen, it&amp;rsquo;s what happens  next that really counts.&amp;rdquo;&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Nice guys are humble.&lt;/strong&gt; There is a difference between having a healthy self-esteem and having a big ego. No one likes a braggart although many people like an expert&amp;rsquo;s support, guidance and advice. Nice guys understand how to walk on the correct side of that line.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Nice guys are happy and positive.&lt;/strong&gt; When you love life, it loves you back. Having a great attitude and a positive mindset attracts other happy, positive people to you and nice guys are all about the law of attraction.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Nice guys know how to say, &amp;ldquo;I&amp;rsquo;m sorry.&amp;rdquo;&lt;/strong&gt; Mistakes are bound to happen, it&amp;rsquo;s what happens next that really counts. It is so much better to live and work in an environment when people are accountable and responsible for their actions and when a nice guy makes a mistake, the words, &amp;ldquo;I&amp;rsquo;m sorry.&amp;rdquo; are heartfelt and genuine.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Nice guys support and empower others.&lt;/strong&gt; If you are looking for a shoulder to lean on, or advice, visit your friendly neighborhood nice guy. They look to help others around them and they glow in the victories of those that overcome adversity. Nice guys also like to see others build a healthy self-esteem, so they empower others and allow them to become part of the bigger picture.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;br/&gt;&lt;strong&gt;&amp;ldquo;Nice guys are more likely to find others doing something right than finding others doing something wrong.&amp;rdquo;&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Nice guys approach life as givers&lt;/strong&gt;. If you go through life constantly taking, you put little or nothing back into it. People that take become hardened, entitled and callous, and take life for granted. If instead, you give, with no expectation of getting anything in return, the universe has a way of rewarding you in return. Try a simple exercise of praising someone for a period of several days when they do something right. As you make them feel good with your praise, notice how that makes you feel in return. Imagine how dozens or hundreds of people would feel if you praised them on a regular basis for a job well done. Whether you are giving praise, love, respect, time or anything else, it works the same way.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;I&amp;rsquo;ve found, over the years, that being nice is the road less traveled. But, it doesn&amp;rsquo;t have to be that way. Being nice is not a sign of weakness nor does it provide a license for others to walk on you. It also does not make you an easy mark or a &amp;ldquo;yes man.&amp;rdquo;  I think people get confused and feel in order to succeed you need to be a tough leader, hard natured or an iron fisted commander. Not so. There are many examples of people that have made their way to the top being nice guys. I would argue that being nice is the only path worthy of being taken.&lt;/p&gt;</description><link></link><guid></guid><pubDate>Mon, 05 Oct 2015 16:45:11 -0400</pubDate><category>Nice Guys Finish First</category><category>doug sandler</category><category>Nice Guy</category><category>success</category><category>success principles</category></item><item><title>DJ Times article on Nice Guys Finish First. July 2014</title><description>&lt;img src=""/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;&lt;p&gt;DJ Times article on Nice Guys Finish First. July 2014&lt;/p&gt;</description><link></link><guid></guid><pubDate>Mon, 07 Jul 2014 12:16:18 -0400</pubDate><category>dj doug</category><category>Nice guys finish first</category><category>motivational speaker</category><category>bar mitzvah dj</category><category>bar mitzvah</category><category>doug sandler</category><category>customer service</category></item><item><title>DJ Doug named Volunteer of the Year</title><description>&lt;p&gt;DJ Doug named Howard County&amp;rsquo;s Volunteer of the Year by Jewish Federation of HoCo.&lt;figure class="tmblr-full" data-orig-height="750" data-orig-width="500" data-orig-src=""&gt;&lt;img alt="image" src="" data-orig-height="750" data-orig-width="500" data-orig-src=""/&gt;&lt;/figure&gt;DJ Doug Sandler has been essential in growing the annual Purim Palooza to the 1,000+ attendees we had this year. For the Federation, Doug has always been our &amp;ldquo;yes&amp;rdquo; man, always stepping up to assist at events, both as a lay leader and as an expert in the entertainment field. It is for these reasons and so many others that we honor Doug as our Volunteer of the Year. Join us in honoring him or place an ad in his honor. &lt;a href="" rel="nofollow nofollow" target="_blank"&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;</description><link></link><guid></guid><pubDate>Fri, 09 May 2014 12:48:00 -0400</pubDate><category>djdoug</category><category>dj doug</category><category>volunteer of the year</category><category>jewishfederation</category><category>jewish federation</category><category>bar mitzvah</category><category>MC</category><category>nice guys finish first</category></item><item><title>Mitzvah Mom says "We made a great team!"</title><description>&lt;p&gt;&lt;figure class="tmblr-full" data-orig-height="667" data-orig-width="500" data-orig-src=""&gt;&lt;img alt="image" src="" data-orig-height="667" data-orig-width="500" data-orig-src=""/&gt;&lt;/figure&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
  4. &lt;p&gt;Hi Doug,&lt;/p&gt;
  5. &lt;p&gt;We have just kicked our last family guests out the door!  What a wonderful weekend, which all came to its pinnacle under your superb leadership.  I think I told you that Nathan pulled me aside during the party to say that he was having a terrific time. Talk about a &lt;em&gt;wow.&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
  6. &lt;p&gt;I truly do attribute much of his happiness to you.  As you know, while not the shiest kid, Nathan was certainly nervous.  You really found ways to let him fall into his comfort zone.   For that, I am extremely grateful. &lt;/p&gt;
  7. &lt;p&gt;You, somehow, found plenty of time to allow the adults to enjoy our music, while the kids always seemed occupied.  The games were perfect, and your manner with them was ideal.  Many of our guests also commented on how perfectly tolerable the volume was—something that none of them had ever experienced at a similar event.  As much as you thanked us for allowing you artistic license, I need to thank you for adjusting where it mattered most to us.  We made a great team!&lt;/p&gt;
  8. &lt;p&gt;Until (our next event) we’d be more than happy to refer, recommend, and otherwise recognize you! &lt;/p&gt;
  9. &lt;p&gt;Many thanks again,&lt;/p&gt;
  10. &lt;p&gt;Susan Schaefer (April 26th, 2014)&lt;/p&gt;</description><link></link><guid></guid><pubDate>Wed, 30 Apr 2014 11:45:00 -0400</pubDate></item><item><title>Sports Themed Party for Devan</title><description>&lt;div&gt;&lt;figure class="tmblr-full" data-orig-height="439" data-orig-width="500" data-orig-src=""&gt;&lt;img src="" data-orig-height="439" data-orig-width="500" data-orig-src=""/&gt;&lt;/figure&gt;
  11. &lt;/div&gt;
  12. &lt;div&gt;Dear Doug,&lt;br/&gt; &lt;br/&gt;It was so wonderful running into you at the Bat Mitzvah this weekend, even if only for a microsecond.  (About our party)  I &lt;em&gt;loved&lt;/em&gt; the energy in that room from the moment the party started!  I don&amp;rsquo;t know exactly what you did, but &lt;em&gt;everyone&lt;/em&gt; seemed happy.  I have been getting compliments left and right from people about how great you were with the kids!  I (we) had the &lt;em&gt;best&lt;/em&gt; time!  It was such a whirlwind;  I felt like I blinked and it was over. &lt;/div&gt;
  13. &lt;div&gt; &lt;/div&gt;
  14. &lt;div&gt;Hope to run into you again soon!&lt;/div&gt;
  15. &lt;div&gt;&lt;/div&gt;
  16. &lt;div&gt;~Jodi Fink (3-22-14)
  17. &lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
  18. &lt;/div&gt;</description><link></link><guid></guid><pubDate>Tue, 08 Apr 2014 18:31:00 -0400</pubDate></item><item><title>Life's A Party </title><description>&lt;p&gt;&lt;figure class="tmblr-full" data-orig-height="500" data-orig-width="500"&gt;&lt;img src="" data-orig-height="500" data-orig-width="500"/&gt;&lt;/figure&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
  20. &lt;p&gt;Over the past 20 plus years I&amp;rsquo;ve lost track of exactly how many parties I have had the amazing opportunity to attend. I lost track of how many songs I&amp;rsquo;ve played, games I have started, schedules I have run and chicken fingers I have eaten. My greatest times I have spent making plans over the phone with my clients and watching those plans come to reality on party day.&lt;/p&gt;
  21. &lt;p&gt;I&amp;rsquo;ve laughed and cried with my clients, many of which I consider my friends by the time I get to party date. I&amp;rsquo;ve watched kids grow up as we have planned their parties and then I have watched their younger siblings grow up as well. For some of my earlier clients I have watched their kids have kids.&lt;/p&gt;
  22. &lt;p&gt;Every now and again, I run into some clients at the mall or around town years after their events. It&amp;rsquo;s always great to be recognized by a former client, especially when I am out with my kids. I love to embarrass them &amp;lt;wink wink&amp;gt;.&lt;/p&gt;
  23. &lt;p&gt;There is no greater feeling in the world than getting an email or hand written note after a party from a client telling me how amazing the celebration was and how they can&amp;rsquo;t wait to party with our team again. &lt;/p&gt;
  24. &lt;p&gt;I have had the career of all careers and I could not imagine being as fortunate had I done something else. Life is way too short not to enjoy what you do for a living. And enjoy it I have.&lt;/p&gt;
  25. &lt;p&gt;I&amp;rsquo;ve often thought about throwing a celebration for all of my past clients. It would certainly be an eclectic group. Politicians and authors. Attorneys and investment planners. Doctors and accountants. Television celebrities and human resources directors. Cool parents and nerdy parents. Normal, everyday folks and anything but normal. I&amp;rsquo;d put them all in a room and play a gigantic game of Coke &amp;amp; Pepsi or maybe throw a game of Simon Sez DJ Doug style. But no matter what I play, it would be fun for sure. We&amp;rsquo;d catch up on life and replay the fun of event day.&lt;/p&gt;
  26. &lt;p&gt;When it comes down to it, and the last dance is played and the last prize is given out to the game winner, the memories created will last a lifetime. That wonderful four hour window. The SIMCHA, the celebration, the party. Life really is a party, let the dance continue!&lt;/p&gt;</description><link></link><guid></guid><pubDate>Tue, 19 Nov 2013 17:40:13 -0500</pubDate></item><item><title>Blackjack, Roulette, Poker and lots of food, drinks and dancing in Columbia last night. The Claudia...</title><description>&lt;p&gt;&lt;figure class="tmblr-full" data-orig-height="500" data-orig-width="500"&gt;&lt;img alt="image" src="" data-orig-height="500" data-orig-width="500"/&gt;&lt;/figure&gt;Blackjack, Roulette, Poker and lots of food, drinks and dancing in Columbia last night. The Claudia Meyer Cancer Center along with Howard County General Hospital and dozens of volunteers put together a night to remember. &amp;ldquo;This was our biggest and most successful fund raising event yet!&amp;rdquo; says Vic Broccolino, HCGH President and CEO. The event, hosted by The Fretz Corporation (866-987-2123) in their amazing kitchen &amp;amp; home showplace was decked out in casino theme. Steve Phillips (Showbiz Productions 202-723-4215) and his tuxedo attired casino staff were a great addition to this year&amp;rsquo;s festivities. Creig Northrop (The Northrop Team 410-531-0321), King of all real estate transactions in Howard County (and beyond) hosted the LIVE auction like no one else can, bringing in tens of thousands of dollars for the Cancer Center. And of course, our very own DJ Doug (410-340-6861), helped MC the night, play some dance tunes and keep the mood very lively and fun. &lt;/p&gt;
  28. &lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt;</description><link></link><guid></guid><pubDate>Sat, 09 Nov 2013 09:36:00 -0500</pubDate></item><item><title>Thousands of clients have made the best choice for their event....</title><description>&lt;img src=""/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;&lt;p&gt;Thousands of clients have made the best choice for their event. If you are putting together a wedding, bar or bat mitzvah, corporate event, gala or any program that you need entertainment,  DJ Doug is the man for the job. His ability to read a crowd and get the most participation out of your guests is proof why so many people hire DJ Doug for their event. “I never understand why MC’s and other entertainers yell into a microphone or why the volume needs to be turned up so loud. If I do my job properly by selecting the correct music, adding a line or two over the microphone when needed and keeping the volume level acceptable for everyone in the room, I will draw more people towards the dance floor instead of running them out of the room to escape." &lt;/p&gt;
  29. &lt;p&gt;Since 1991 DJ Doug’s name has been synonymous with integrity, honesty, hard work and amazing events. With well over 2,000 names on his client list, DJ Doug has a reputation for making milestone events perfect for his clients.&lt;/p&gt;
  30. &lt;p&gt;Reserve DJ Doug for your event by calling today. 410-340-6861.&lt;/p&gt;</description><link></link><guid></guid><pubDate>Tue, 29 Oct 2013 14:33:00 -0400</pubDate></item><item><title>Keep Calm It's Just Twins</title><description>&lt;p&gt;&lt;figure class="tmblr-full" data-orig-height="500" data-orig-width="500"&gt;&lt;img alt="image" src="" data-orig-height="500" data-orig-width="500"/&gt;&lt;/figure&gt;Fun Fun and more fun with the twins at this weekend&amp;rsquo;s celebration. Sarah and Jessica celebrated in British style and DJ Doug and Crew were on hand to add to the celebration. Dancing, games, music and great fun at Linwoods/Due. Make sure you call Rachel at Linwoods (410) 356-3030 to reserve the venue for your upcoming simcha. The schedule was flawless, the timing was perfect and the celebration was chip chip hoooooray excellent. DJ Doug says &amp;ldquo;It&amp;rsquo;s always a great time when playing at Linwoods. The schedule always runs perfectly and the venue will look amazing, I never have to worry. Rachel and her team are awesome&amp;rdquo;&lt;/p&gt;</description><link></link><guid></guid><pubDate>Mon, 28 Oct 2013 11:42:00 -0400</pubDate></item><item><title>Perfect Setting For Your Event Too!</title><description>&lt;p&gt;Looking for a great place to host your celebration, gala, bar mitzvah, wedding or corporate event? The Liaison in DC provides an incredible atmosphere. Whether your goal is to have an outside event or a ballroom style celebration, meeting or meal, the Liaison is the perfect location in DC to provide the setting to eat, drink, dance, educate or celebrate.&lt;/p&gt;
  31. &lt;p&gt;Last week, I had the excellent opportunity to spin tunes for their in-house employee celebration. Lots of great food &amp;amp; drink and FUN for all.  Call them for more info 202-638-1616.&lt;/p&gt;
  32. &lt;p&gt;&lt;figure class="tmblr-full" data-orig-height="500" data-orig-width="500"&gt;&lt;img src="" data-orig-height="500" data-orig-width="500"/&gt;&lt;/figure&gt;&lt;/p&gt;</description><link></link><guid></guid><pubDate>Wed, 18 Sep 2013 09:23:33 -0400</pubDate></item><item><title>Revenge of the Nerd Stickers</title><description>&lt;p&gt;&lt;img src=""/&gt;New stickers are about to hit the street. If you want one of your very own, just Facebook DJ Doug (Doug Sandler) and let him know he is the coolest nerd in town. Submit your one or two line testimonial on his Facebook page and he will send you a brand new, unused and completely stickable sticker. You will be the talk of the Nerdville. Do you have a friend or co-worker that is nerdy? He&amp;rsquo;ll love knowing that you are thinking of him cuz Nerds need love too. Are you a proud Nerd? Display your &amp;ldquo;Nerd is the New Cool&amp;rdquo; sticker on your laptop, pocket protector, mini-van or Oldsmobile. Join the Nerd-volution. We are everywhere.&lt;/p&gt;</description><link></link><guid></guid><pubDate>Mon, 02 Sep 2013 09:54:52 -0400</pubDate></item><item><title>Pyle Middle Schoolers and DJ Doug &amp; Crew kick off the year</title><description>&lt;p&gt;&lt;img src=""/&gt;The students at Pyle Middle School in Bethesda enjoyed the great weather dancing, playing games and having fun with DJ Doug and his crew Sunday as they kicked off the school year with lots of fun. Also on hand was the school&amp;rsquo;s new principal Mr Nardi. Five Guys served up burgers and fries and Carmens brought their water ice truck to provide relief from the heat. Congrats Mr. Nardi and welcome to all the incoming 6th graders at Pyle Middle School.&lt;/p&gt;</description><link></link><guid></guid><pubDate>Tue, 27 Aug 2013 07:02:07 -0400</pubDate></item><item><title>ALL New Video Facade</title><description>&lt;p&gt;DJ Doug now offers a cool addition to his set up. Check out his new Video Facade. Want to show music videos, theme related videos or still shots, candid shots of your crowd dancing or show cool ambient video?  Video Facade is the answer. Call Doug today to add the Video Facade to your event. 410-340-6861 or email;img src=""/&gt;&lt;/p&gt;</description><link></link><guid></guid><pubDate>Wed, 21 Aug 2013 10:34:22 -0400</pubDate><category>DJ Doug</category><category>video facade</category><category>washington talent video</category></item><item><title>Fun times at Camp Airy and Camp Louise when DJ Doug brings lots...</title><description>&lt;img src=""/&gt;&lt;br/&gt; &lt;br/&gt;&lt;img src=""/&gt;&lt;br/&gt; &lt;br/&gt;&lt;p&gt;Fun times at &lt;strong&gt;Camp Airy and Camp Louise&lt;/strong&gt; when &lt;strong&gt;DJ Doug&lt;/strong&gt; brings lots of great tunes and hundreds of t-shirts to throw out to the campers. Did your camper get a t-shirt? Looking forward to a lot more music &amp; games, more camp dances and weeks ahead of summer fun. Also, stay tuned for more pics from&lt;strong&gt; Capital Camps&lt;/strong&gt;.&lt;/p&gt;</description><link></link><guid></guid><pubDate>Thu, 11 Jul 2013 12:40:09 -0400</pubDate></item></channel></rss>

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