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  65. <p>    Upon getting information about an upcoming school science fair and the need to consider a topic of interest, many students will typically have no idea where to get started. While the science fair is typically a common occurrence in any school at any grade level, there are different types of topics that should be taken a look at depending on the age of the student. After first taking a look at the many different categories of science projects, you will be able to locate a suitable choice of topic to take to the next level.There is a wide variety of categories that fall under the types of science projects that can be chosen for a school science fair. These include biology, chemistry, physics, microbiology, biochemistry, medicine, environmental, mathematics, engineering, and earth science. While you may not have yet learned very much in any of these categories, don&#8217;t be afraid to see what each one entails. Taking a good look at your interests will allow you to focus on the right direction to take.Many resources are also available for those who are unsure as to the topic they are wanting to use to create their science projects. If you take a look at the topics that fall under the biology category, you will likely notice that there are topics that deal with plants, animals, and humans. For those who are in 2nd grade or 3rd grade, an interesting topic may be to determine if ants are picky over what type of food they eat. While this topic might not be of interest to an 8th grader, it is certainly something in the biology category that an elementary school student would enjoy.Along with the biology category, a high school student may want to take a look at diffusion and osmosis in animal cells as this would be a more appropriate topic for the grade level. A student in 6th grade would be more advanced than an elementary school student, but not as advanced as a high school student. At this middle school grade level, a topic of how pH levels effect the lifespan of a tadpole may be of interest.Whichever resource is used to locate a topic for science projects, it is always a good idea to consider the grade level of the student prior to making a selection. It is always assumed to be best to have a project at an appropriate level in order to keep the attention of the student and provide a fun and enjoyable learning experience. </p>
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  76. <h1><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to Want to Grow Your E-Commerce Business?">Want to Grow Your E-Commerce Business?</a></h1>
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  83. <p> A look at e-commerce platforms &#8211; Part IIHaving a product that is in demand in today&#8217;s economy is great, but being able to market and turn the lookers into buyers is a big task. Here we will cover some of the possibilities of taking a product from the shelves and turning it into a global commodity. There are many ways to sell your product online and there are just as many opinions on how to be successful, here are some details keep in mind from inside an e-commerce platform provider.The first step of building any business not just an e-commerce business is to ensure you save as much of your time, energy and focus as possible for building the best products or services and then marketing them to the right audience. Then the next step is to find a provider to take care of building, developing and maintaining a sound e-commerce platform that is flexible and powerful enough to meet your needs. In this part of the building process the wise step to take is to take time to select the provider that is in the business for the long haul and not a flash in the pan operator.The following is a brief overview of a few of the simpler features or services from e-commerce platform providers that will greatly help support you in the building process of your e-commerce business:Straight forward Buy Now Buttons: This feature provides vendors with the buy now button and technology, sparing the vendors of excessive programming. This is an easy to integrate feature that allows the customer to quickly select the product and then they are directed straight to the checkout/payment page. The Buy Now button will greatly improve the buyer&#8217;s online experience and reduces loss of attention due to a lengthy purchase process.Multiple Currencies and Multilingual Support: By providing each page of the website in multiple languages to ensure that the vast majority of the public can get a complete and clear idea about the services that it provides. As part of the service vendors have the opportunity to receive a fully customized payment page, and in as many languages and major world currencies as possible, this is a feature that can prove beneficial to any business. Next by employing specialists in the e-commerce industry that possess unique linguistic talents your business venture can offer customer support in many of the most demanding languages.One Click Up-Sale: This feature allows vendors to substantially increase their sales revenues by presenting a unique opportunity to the shopper. This feature allows the vendor to up-grade products and to promote other products or services and to increase sales.Cross-Selling: By adding the cross-sell feature the vendor can bundle products that will be of benefit and cost savings to the end-user, therefore increasing sales and the bottom line. This technique allows the vendor to increase the sales of their products and importantly, vendors that sell more services to a client are harder for a competitor to displace or sometimes even compete with.Coupons: By using the promotional coupons the vendor can increase their up-selling or cross-selling of merchandise simply by offering additional products or services at a reduced rate within a certain time frame.Subscribe Now Button: A good subscriptions feature offers more options to control and customize subscriptions, more detailed performance data on subscription campaigns, and increased conversion success rates. The enhancements are designed to reduce the costs of extending and retaining subscriber relationships as well as provide subscribers even more custom and localized experiences.With these few tools, an online vendor can grow and effectively start selling their e-commerce business to the world whether the targeted consumer base is large or small. To obtain these and many more useful features, take time to do the research to find the most compatible service provider to the business that you want to grow. The e-commerce platforms vary so the research is just as important as the features included in the service. <br/><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" 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  101. <p> A lot of free online business directories are getting full attention right now because a lot of customers are getting several benefits from it due to the fact that they hold a compilation of information for different businesses. However rampant these online directories are in our time today, many small businesses still cannot afford it because almost all of them are requiring payment. Given this fact, the question now is despite being required to pay a certain amount, why should people still depend on these directories?First of all, these online business directories are a very good form of advertising for a lot of online businesses out there. Even though the business is just a small one and is just starting out, the fact that a lot of people look into these directories daily already increases the chance that these small businesses will receive more traffic. The job of attracting a lot of people will already be done by these directories given the fact that many people consult them; the only thing you have to do is back this up with interesting enough advertisements to succeed in convincing people to check out your online business. In addition, people will have the liberty to place in as much links they want in these online directories as long as they can really afford it. These directories do not impose limitations to entrepreneurs because anyone who can afford it can simply do as they please with their links.And speaking of limitations, people who visit these directories are not faced with limited choices of online businesses that are already huge and famous. Either small or large businesses are given an equal opportunity when their links are placed in these online directories. Therefore, if you are an entrepreneur who is just starting out with your brand new business, it is a good idea for you to start with online directories because here, it doesn&#8217;t matter how long you have been running your own business as long as you choose a field that generally interests a lot of people. Besides, instead of spending your money just to print out advertisement flyers, you can just save them and use them for other things related to making your business more successful. At least with an online directory, even though you spend a small amount for listing your link, you are somehow assured that people will really see your link because people visit these directories daily. Unlike with manual advertising, you will not be sure that people will be able to find their way to your flyers. Therefore you are not assured that the money you spent will really benefit your business in the long run.For those people who are thinking twice about listing their business link to free online business directories, just think about how your money will be more worth spending on them than on the manual process of advertising. Obviously, these online directories will bring in more profit for your business because of how much people patronize them. </p>
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  105.  <p class="tags">Tags: <a href="" rel="tag">best business ideas</a> <a href="" rel="tag">best online business</a> <a href="" rel="tag">best online business ideas</a> <a href="" rel="tag">best online business to start</a> <a href="" rel="tag">business ideas</a> <a href="" rel="tag">how to make money online</a> <a href="" rel="tag">make money online</a> <a href="" rel="tag">online business</a> <a href="" rel="tag">online business from home</a> <a href="" rel="tag">online business ideas</a> <a href="" rel="tag">small business ideas</a> <a href="" rel="tag">start an online business</a> <a href="" rel="tag">start online business</a> <a href="" rel="tag">starting an online business</a></p>        </div>
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  112. <h1><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to Fashion Careers &#8211; Job List in the Fashion Industry">Fashion Careers &#8211; Job List in the Fashion Industry</a></h1>
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  119. <p> A career in the fashion industry sounds glamorous and lucrative. Have you consider getting into the fashion industry, but might think that you cannot manage it? There are so many different roles and positions that you can play in the fashion world. One does not necessarily be a fashion designer but still be able to have a very success career in the fashion industry.Being able to make a living with things you like is always enjoyable. If you are a fashion fan and love to see beautiful clothing, accessories or sketches around you, you should consider starting a career in the fashion world. Below are some key roles in the fashion world where you can take part in &#8211; from design, production, marketing, to many more.Designing<br />
  120. This is one of the most high profile jobs in the fashion industry. Designers are responsible for conceptualizing their ideas on trends and realizing them on their final products. Designers can be employed by companies which own a group of designers, or work for their own brand and production line, or, even as a freelancer providing designs for difference companies.There are several types of fashion designers:1. Apparel designers: Obviously these are clothing designers, ranging from lingerie, sports wear, casual wear to high fashion couture, for men, women and kids.<br />
  121. 2. Footwear designers: They design footwear for men, women and kids from a style point of view, as well as from a foot-health&#8217;s perspective.<br />
  122. 3. Accessory designers: Accessories has a broad definitely &#8211; from handbags, hat, eyewear to gloves, scarves and jewelry pieces.Production<br />
  123. Production involves the sampling of garments and accessories until producing the final pieces that would deliver to shops and customers. This massive work involves a team of various professions:1. Merchandiser: Merchandisers play a key role in the production process of a fashion product.They are responsible for buying raw materials for production, selecting fabric, textiles and trims. They have to make decisions based on pricing, quality and latest trend and innovation of raw materials. 2. Technical Designers: Technical designers are the one responsible for doing fittings during the whole sampling to production procedure. They might not be the one who designed the garment but are the experts in providing alternative to the garment to improve the fitting of garment. 3. Pattern Makers: Pattern is the basis for a garment to be sewed. Pattern makers produce and maintain patterns for garments that designers have sketched out. Pattern makers are key persons in realization of a garment.4. Pattern Graders: The sizing of garment starts with the pattern grading. Pattern graders are experts in creating size specifications for different sizes. They are vital persons in for any fashion brands, as a consistent sizing across products can maintain customer loyalty and confidence.5. Fitting Models: Ultimately garments and footwear are made for putting comfort and style together. Fitting is a crucial part in fashion industry and the most precise fitting is to use model as the body for fitting.Many companies have their own dedicated models for fitting their lines, who has the exact sizing measurement the brand requires. Sometimes you would see ads looking for sampling models, from kids, men, women to plus size models.6. Quality Control Specialists: Quality control is of top importance for any sort of products, and is no exception in fashion industry. Quality control specialists look at the quality of raw materials, like peeling, shrinking and color fading of textile and overall quality of a fashion item, for instance, the overall assembling of an accessory item.7. Planners: Fashion planners coordinate closely with designers, merchandisers and buyers to decide the production plan for the coming seasons. They look at both production and marketing side while paying close attention to the latest fashion trend.Marketing<br />
  124. Marketing is as important as making a perfect piece of fashion item. Whether it&#8217;s marketing in a wholesale or retail side, people in fashion marketing bears the mission of promoting the fashion item into this fast changing world.1. Fashion Buyer/ Retail Merchandisers: Product merchandisers are the ones who buy ready-made products to be sold in a shop like department stores. These merchandisers conduct researches and analyze market trend, the relative customer wants and stocks. They bear huge responsibility in terms of profit making, since having the eye to buy the right product for sales can make a difference in revenue.2. Showroom Sales Specialists: Some brands own their showrooms, displaying their collection for fashion buyers (wholesalers) to make their orders. Compared with retail sales, showroom sales specialists should know their seasonal returning customer better and be able provide detailed information on the selling collections.3. Retail Store Manager/ Boutique Owners: Retail shop manager, sales and boutique owners are the first line personnel facing retail customers like you and me.Other Fashion-related Professions<br />
  125. Besides in the field of designing, producing or marketing a fashion item, one might be attracted by other positions like as a writer of fashion magazine, online blogs and fashion event management etc. Below is a list highlighting the other possible jobs related to fashion industry:1. Fashion Writers: Writers or freelance writers can write for magazines, online blogs or sites on reviews, trends and recommendations. Fashion writers can also develop into fashion magazine editors.2. Personal Stylists:Some department stores provide personal styling services while some private customer would employ personal stylist giving them recommendations in personal styling.3. Fashion event Management/ Public Relations: There are nameless fashion events which requires professional public relations and event management personnel to take care of. There are PR companies specialized in holding fashion related events.Grasp the Opportunities!<br />
  126. Besides the above mentioned careers in the fashion industry, there are still many other opportunities like photographer, costume designer and catalog/ fashion show models, etc. One of the most reachable way to keep yourself updated with job opportunities and fashion trend is to be active in fashion forum and subscribe to fashion magazines.Grasp the opportunities and enjoy a fashion career! </p>
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  137. <h1><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to How To Avoid Mistakes On Your Credit Report">How To Avoid Mistakes On Your Credit Report</a></h1>
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  144. <p> We have developed eight effective strategies for preventing mistakes on your credit report. We wish you much success.1) Beware Of Debts &#038; Credit You Don&#8217;t UseJust as it is very easy to apply for a store credit card, it is also easy to forget you have it. It is important to remember that the account will remain on your report and affect your score as long as it is open. Don&#8217;t make the mistake of having credit lines and cards you don&#8217;t need. It makes you look more risky from a lenders point of view.Also, having many accounts you don&#8217;t use increases the odds that you will forget about an old account and stop making payments on it, resulting in a lowered credit score. Keep only the accounts you use regularly and consider closing your other accounts. Having fewer accounts will make it easier for you to keep track of your debts and will increase the chances of you having a good credit score.However, realize that when you close an account, the record of the closed account remains on your credit report and can affect your credit score for some time. In fact, closing unused credit accounts may actually cause your credit score to drop in the short-term, as you will have higher credit balances spread out over a smaller overall credit account base.For example, if your unused credit limits amount to $2,000, and your regularly used accounts also have a credit limit of $2,000, you have $4,000 of available credit. If you close your unused accounts and owe $1,000 on the accounts you use regularly, you have gone from using one-fourth of your credit ($1,000 owed on a possible $4,000) to using one-half of your credit ($1,000 from a possible $2,000). This will actually cause your credit risk rating to drop. In the long term, though, not having extra temptation to charge, and not having credit you don&#8217;t need will help you budget.2) Avoid Having Many Credit Report InquiriesAn inquiry is noted every time someone looks at your credit report. Don&#8217;t make the mistake of allowing too many inquiries on your credit report, as it may appear that you have been rejected by multiple lenders. This means that you should be careful about who looks at it. If you are shopping for a loan (finding the lowest interest rate based on your credit), shop around within a short period of time, as inquiries made within a few days of each other will generally be lumped together and counted as one inquiry.You can also cut down the number of inquiries on your account by approaching lenders you have already researched and are interested in doing business with. By researching first, and approaching second, you will likely have only a few lenders accessing your credit report at the same time, which can help save your credit score.3) Don&#8217;t Mistakenly Over-Use Online Loan Rate ComparisonsOnline loan rate quotes are easy to obtain. Just type in some personal information and within seconds you can receive a quote on your car loan, personal loan, student loan, or mortgage. This is free and convenient, leading many people to compare several companies at once in order to get the best possible loan rate. The problem is that since online quotes are a fairly recent phenomenon, credit bureaus count each quote as an inquiry. This means that if you compare too many companies online, your credit score will suffer.This does not mean you shouldn&#8217;t seek online quotes for loan. In fact, online loan quotes are a great resource that can help you get the very best rates on your next loan. It just means that you should carefully research companies and narrow down your choices to only a few lenders before making inquiries. This will help ensure that the number of inquires on your credit report is small, and your score will remain strong.4) Don&#8217;t Make The Mistake Of Thinking You Only Have One Credit ReportMost people mistakenly speak of having a &#8220;credit score&#8221; when in fact credit reports often include three or more credit scores. There are three major credit bureaus in the United States that develop credit reports and calculate credit scores, as well as a number of smaller credit bureau companies. In addition, some larger lenders calculate their own credit risk score based on information in your credit report. When improving your credit report, you should not focus on one number. You should contact the three major credit bureaus and work on improving all three credit scores.5) Don&#8217;t Close Multiple Credit AccountsMany people make the mistake of closing multiple credit accounts in an effort to improve their credit score. If you close an account you need (for example, if you close all your credit card accounts), then you may find yourself in the position where you need to reapply for credit. Not only is this inconvenient, but the inquiries from credit companies can actually hurt your credit report. Additionally, credit bureaus will actually look favorably upon your credit report if they can see that you have a (good) long-term credit history. For example, don&#8217;t make the mistake of closing a credit card account you have had for the past 10 years, as this may actually hurt your credit report.lf you have credit accounts that you don&#8217;t use, or if you have too many credit lines, then by all means pay off some and close them. Doing so may help your credit score, as long as you don&#8217;t close long-term accounts you need. In general, close your newest accounts first, and only when you are certain you will not need that credit in the near future.Closing your accounts is a bad idea if:A) You will be applying for a loan soon. The closing of your accounts will make your score drop in the short-term and will not allow you to qualify for good loan rates.B) Your debt to credit ratio increases. For example, you owe $10,000 now and have access to an extra $5,000. However, after closing some accounts you are only left with $1,000. This brings you closer to maxing out your credit and in turn hurts your report.6) Don&#8217;t Assume Only One Action Will Improve Your Credit ReportAn example of a common mistake that some debtors make is believing that paying off a credit card bill will boost their score by 50 points, while closing an unused credit account will result in 20 more points. Improving your credit report is certainly not this simple. How much any one action will affect your credit score is impossible to gauge. It will depend on multiple factors, including your current credit score, and which credit bureau is calculating it. In general, the higher your credit score, the more small factors &#8211; such as one unpaid bill &#8211; will affect you. When repairing the score on your credit report, you should not equate specific credit repair actions with numbers. The idea is to do as many things as you can to improve your credit report.7) Having No Loans &#038; No Debt Will Not Improve Your Credit ReportSome people make the mistake of believing that owing no money, having no credit cards, and avoiding the whole world of credit will help improve the score on their credit report. In reality, the opposite is true. Lenders want to know about your past ability to handle credit, and the only way they can tell is by the score on your credit report. Having no credit at all can actually be worse for your credit score than having a few credit accounts that you pay off on time. If you currently have no credit accounts at all, opening a low balance credit card can actually boost your credit score.Think of your credit report like a basketball game. The player who scores many points in every game is considered to be a great player, and will receive higher financial rewards than those who only score a few points. Those who don&#8217;t even play basketball have no scores to &#8220;report&#8221; to the game officials. In the world of credit reports, the debtor who scores the most points is someone who pays off their credit accounts every month. They will receive financial rewards through easier access to loans and lower interest rates, while those who have no credit accounts have a very low credit score.8) Never Do Anything Illegal To Repair Your Credit ReportIt seems pretty obvious, but plenty of people make the mistake of lying about their credit score or even falsifying their loan applications because they are ashamed of a bad score. Not only is this illegal, but it is also completely ineffective at repairing your credit report. Your credit score is easy to check and, not only will you not fool lenders by lying on your credit report, but you may actually face legal action as a result of your dishonesty. </p>
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  155. <h1><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to Everything You Need to Know About Investing">Everything You Need to Know About Investing</a></h1>
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  162. <p> To become successful with your money, you have to make your money work for you. You sell your labor which in return makes you money. By making each individual dollar work for you, this in return makes you wealthy over time. There are a plethora of investing opportunities out there. The key is to figure out which one is the right one for your financial situation.Stocks<br />
  163. The most popular of all investing opportunities, are stocks. Stocks are probably the main thing you think of when you hear of investing. When you buy a stock, you buy partial ownership of a company. Stocks range anywhere from $2, to $12,000, which can appeal to a large variety of people. To be successful when trading stocks, you have to buy low and sell high. Of course this isn&#8217;t easy, considering the market is always fluctuating. You need to watch the history of the company, know the PE Ratio, the day range, the 52 week range, etc. Knowing this information can help you predict if the stock will go up or down. You can make a lot of money investing in stocks, which means you can also lose a lot of money. You want to keep in mind that most investments in stocks are long term investments. It is very risky investing, but if you do the proper research of the history of the company, you can get a very good return.Stock Investing Tips1.) Have the Right Expectations<br />
  164. When you are investing in stocks, you want to make sure you aren&#8217;t expecting to become Warren Buffet over night. It just wont happen. You want to make sure you do the proper amount of research, and make sure you know the history of the market as well as the company you are investing in. When investing in stocks, the return is around 10%-13%. You don&#8217;t want to make hasty decisions and buy and sell a lot just because you aren&#8217;t making the money you expected. Make sure you know how long you are keeping an investment, and then make a commitment. This will help you focus on the principles.2.) Don&#8217;t Listen to the Media<br />
  165. Don&#8217;t get caught up in what everyone is talking about and what is being said around you. It will take your decision from being based on research and history, to just &#8220;hear-say&#8221;. This will hurt your investments immensely. Most of the hype and other things that are being said are just the daily fluctuation of the market.3.) Stay Focused<br />
  166. You want to make sure you are putting all your effort and focus into your investments. Once you buy a stock, you own part of a company. Make sure you treat it the way it is and make sure you do the proper research of all aspects of what you&#8217;re investing in. Doing your research can change your investment of making a profit of $15,000, to losing $15,000. In the end, it&#8217;s always worth it to do the extra work.Mutual Funds<br />
  167. When you invest in Mutual Funds, you are pooling your money with a number of other investors. You then pay someone to professionally manage and choose each individual security for you. There are a variety of different mutual funds you can choose to invest in, which range to fit your investment strategy.<br />
  168. 3 Types of Mutual Funds<br />
  169. 1.) Open-Ended<br />
  170. 2.) Unit Investment Trust<br />
  171. 3.) Close-EndedMutual Fund Investing Tips1.) Look at the Fees<br />
  172. Always look at the fees involved when investing in Mutual Funds. When you pay more for something, this usually means that you are going to be getting a better product or service, right? Yes! Makes sure you find the best deal, but make sure you are investing the right amount of money in the right places. It can change the course of the whole investment in the long run.2.) Research the History<br />
  173. One thing you can do to prepare an investment is to check out the history of the Mutual Fund. Just like anything, the history shows how well it has performed, and can be a good indicator. This can directly tell you if it will be a good investment whether it be long term or short term. Another thing you want to look at, is the asset of the fund. If it&#8217;s doing good, and there is a community of people investing in it, it can tell you if its a smart idea to invest yourself. Always check the history of any investment before you decide to purchase.3.) Look at the Contract<br />
  174. You never know what is all involved until you take a detailed look at the prospectus provided by the fund. You want to make sure you don&#8217;t just know bits and pieces of what&#8217;s involved, but everything there is to know, and then some. Make sure you know all the fees involved with buying and selling funds, and if there are international fees required. Knowing this can help you determine if the company is a solid company where you can make money, or if you are getting into something you will regret in the future.Bank Investments<br />
  175. Bank accounts are one of the simplest form of investment. Most banks give you a very small percentage for opening a bank account and giving them your money. This percentage barely beats the rise of inflation, so unless you are keeping hundreds of thousands of dollars in the bank, you won&#8217;t be creating any wealth from this form of investment. Another way to invest in your bank is a CD, or Certificate of Deposit. A CD if very similar to a bank account, but they are usually for a fixed amount of time. They can be monthly, every six months, a year, etc. the CD is then held until its maturity date, and paid back with interest. A Certificate of Deposit usually earns more money than an account at which you can withdrawal the money at any time, like a bank account.Alternative Investments<br />
  176. Apart from the basic investments, there are other special securities. These investments include gold/silver, real estate, etc. These investments are speculative and can be very high profit, however; you need to have the knowledge.1.) Gold &#038; Silver<br />
  177. The first thing you want to do before you invest in gold or silver, is to look at the market and decide if now is the best time to invest in precious metals. You can also talk to a professional and decide when the best time to buy and sell would be. You want to make sure you are familiar with the variety of ways to invest in silver. You can invest in silver mining companies, silver ETF&#8217;s, silver futures, silver bullion, and also silver coins. You want to make sure the Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) are backed by physical gold and silver. Another thing to remember, is to not just own a paper owning, but the actual precious metal as well. </p>
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  188. <h1><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to Eco-Friendly Skin Care &#8211; Gifts From the Sea">Eco-Friendly Skin Care &#8211; Gifts From the Sea</a></h1>
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  195. <p> From ancient times, man has sought his destiny on the sea. We are of the sea. Life began there and our ties to this wonderful and mysterious marine environment are strong. So, isn&#8217;t it only natural that on our island nation, the UK, we seek to use elements of the sea in eco-friendly skin care products? Here&#8217;s some information about marine-based skin therapies and natural beauty products.What is Thalassotherapy? tells us that thalassotherapy is the &#8220;medical use of seawater. The properties of seawater are believed to have beneficial effects upon the pores of the skin.&#8221; Developed in the 19th in France, thalassotherapy &#8220;skin treatment is applied in various forms such as showers of warmed sea water, application of marine mud or algae paste or the inhalation of sea fog.&#8221; Thalassotherapy revitalizes the skin while toning and moisturizing it. While most of us can&#8217;t travel to the region of the Dead Sea where this therapy is popular, we can enjoy the benefits of marine-based ingredients in skin products.The Benefits of Algae as a Skin Care IngredientAlgae are ubiquitous in our marine environment and are rich in components that help regulate the production of sebum in the skin. Sebum is an oil that protects the skin and lubricates it as well. Algae also contain B vitamins and are thought to play a role in the production of elastin and collagen, two important components of firm skin that diminish over time. It also has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.Other Ingredients Found in Marine-Based Skin Care ProductsMarine-based all natural skin care products use purified seawater that is rich in minerals. Other important ingredients are seaweed extract, sea parsley and coral weed, all of which have skin-protecting properties. It&#8217;s interesting to note that the granddaughter of famed ocean explorer Jacques Cousteau is the spokesperson for a line of oceanic skin care products made by the Swiss company La Prairie. tells us that the company has developed a &#8220;proprietary aquaculture, with procedures comparable to the hydroponic growth of land plants, In order to harvest, extract and ferment these ocean botanicals and derive&#8230; exclusive protective benefits.&#8221; These natural skin care sea-based ingredients provide skin-calming and skin-nourishing benefits, while stimulating collagen production.For eco-friendly skin care in the UK, great alternatives to land-based ingredient formulations are natural skin care products containing the ancient secrets of the sea. </p>
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  199.  <p class="tags">Tags: <a href="" rel="tag">beauty</a> <a href="" rel="tag">cosmetics</a> <a href="" rel="tag">face care</a> <a href="" rel="tag">face products</a> <a href="" rel="tag">serum</a> <a href="" rel="tag">skin</a> <a href="" rel="tag">skin tonic</a> <a href="" rel="tag">skincare</a> <a href="" rel="tag">treatment</a></p>        </div>
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  206. <h1><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to 10 Things You Need to Know Before Starting a Business">10 Things You Need to Know Before Starting a Business</a></h1>
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  213. <p> Having started 9 successful small business during my 11 year business career I am routinely asked, &#8220;How did you make the jump into self-employment?&#8221; and &#8220;What are the most important things you need to do before you start a business?&#8221; These questions are then usually followed up by a barrage of questions about the minutia that goes into small business ownership and development. Questions such as, &#8220;Where do I get a Tax I.D. number?&#8221; or &#8220;How do I get capital?&#8221; or &#8220;How do I register my website?&#8221; are often asked. Although these minutia-focused questions do have some validity and some credence to them, the real important stuff that every entrepreneur needs to know is more general. The important information that an entrepreneur needs to know is the winning-mindset stuff. The stuff that determines whether an entrepreneur succeeds or not is not in the minutia. I can teach a moron how to get a Tax I.D. number, but I can&#8217;t teach a moron how to fully embrace, and passionate implement the &#8220;10 Things That You Need To Know Before Starting A Business.&#8221; These 10 things, concepts and ideas have the power to alter your entire success trajectory or they have the potential to do nothing. How these 10 things impact your life is 100% up to you. And so without any further ado, here we go:1. A business is not a business until you are actually selling something.I know, I get it. Trust me. Buying furniture and phones is fun. I know that designing your own logo is cool and thrilling. I know that buying your very own custom-wrapped vehicle sounds appealing. I know that ordering letter-head with your name on it is awesome. I know that the new Voice-Over-The-Internet phone system is truly revolutionary. However none of those things matter at all until you make your first sale. If you can&#8217;t sale you do not have a business. If you have not made your first sale, all you have is a &#8220;justification to buy professional office gadgets.&#8221; If you have not yet been handed cash by a customer in exchange for a product or service that you have added value to or rendered then your business is bogus.2. The best way to market your new product or service is by harassing the power of deep discounts based on richly anchored prices.If you want to enter and potentially exit on top of a new market during your lifetime, the only way to do it effectively without using a huge amount of marketing capital and time is by offering deeply discounted prices based on richly anchored prices. Here is an example. If you wanted to enter into the landscaping business in your town the chances are that there is already a top dog in your market. There is probably already somebody in your town that has market share by a wide margin. This company probably already has an army of landscaping crews and probably already has a certain well known marketing strategy. So how do you enter the market victoriously? If you want to win. You need to offer your customers the trojan horse. Not that you are misleading them in anyway, but you want to give them a FREE GIFT SAMPLE or a DEEPLY DISCOUNTED TRIAL PERIOD of your product and service. Once they experience the magic of your product or service, your high-prices will soon no longer matter. Soon your prices will seem justified by the extremely high quality of your product and service. Think about the iPhone, how much are those things? How much does it actually cost to buy one of those phones without buying a phone plan? A lot. Why are Americans willing to buy a new iPhone? Because they got their first iPhone deeply discounted with their phone plan.3. At the end of the day, if you or your company can&#8217;t sell, then your business is going to hell.You might be a genius and your product might be the best. You might be the best author in American history, but if your cover stinks and Americans never buy your book then your contents will never be read and your ideas will never make it out to the marketplace. Is this fair? Yes. Americans do judge books by their covers and they do judge businesses based on their perceived value. If your website stinks, they think you stink. If your sales presentation stinks, they think your product stinks. My friend, if you can&#8217;t sell your product to the people then do not start a business. If you can&#8217;t convince people that you have added a significant amount of value to the product or service, then you need to stop with the process of starting a business before you start.4. Do not EVER build a business model that is not ultimately scalable and duplicatable without your direct participation in the business.Although there is nothing wrong with hard work, there is something very wrong about exchanging your time for more indefinitely. Short term, we all have to exchange our time for money. To start my first businesses I had to work nearly 80 hours per week on a concrete construction site by day while working as a home-health aid for the elderly at night. Did I have to exchange my time for money? Yes. But ultimately I was able to exchange this money for a business that I was able to create. At first this business was a part of me. It did not work without me. It had no pulse without me. Without me it did not breathe. When I took a week off, it took took a week off. When I lost focus, the people around me lost focus. However, over time and with the intense encouragement of my wife and the intense desire I had to achieve more in life I was able to overcome the mental obstacle block and belief that, &#8220;I had to do everything related to my business.&#8221; My friend as you build and grow your business make sure that you avoid getting yourself into a business trap. Do not build a business around the personality and drive of a single person. Although this business model will make you feel sexy and popular, it will limit your growth and your time freedom. As you grow your business, make sure it can expand with the infusion of extra capital, more real estate and more people, not just more and more of you (because your family needs you too).&#8221;The secret of success lies not in doing your own work, but in recognizing the right man to do it&#8221; &#8211; Andrew Carnegie5. Before you invest a dime into any business, determine exactly how much money you are willing to invest in its success or failure.As you get yourself mentally geared up to start any business, you are going to be the most positive of mindsets. Every new business is exciting on paper. When it is just an idea it is fun, ambitious and inspiring. However, once you give life to this idea by infusing it with your hard earned capital it is no longer so fun. It is now a job. And once it is a job, things get serious. As things get serious, more and more capital is needed to buy a few more of these things and those things. A little more marketing is needed, and a few more pieces of new technology are needed. Soon money is flowing out of your wallet, like its the final 2 weeks before Christmas. If you are not careful, you will lose your shirt during this time. Do not fall into this trap. Set a limit on the amount of cash you are willing to infuse into your business and do not exceed this amount no matter what. Do your planning. Build your proformas and then stick to it. Do not get excited. Stay focused on making a profit.6. Focus on becoming an expert and guru in your area of strength instead of focusing on improving your weaknesses.I don&#8217;t enjoy small talk. I hate minutia. I do not like long-winded conversations about nothing. I am irritated by those that provide general criticisms. Those who talk and are not doers annoy the hell out of me. I am able to be in the presence of mediocrity without confronting it. I cannot stand accounting minutia. Filling out forms causes me anxiety attacks. I can&#8217;t remember my address, or nearly any information that I don&#8217;t deem to be necessary for everyday function. These are my weaknesses. What are yours?I think and talk about the big picture. I love &#8220;big ideas.&#8221; I get lots of things done because I keep conversations short. I often arrive to work at 1:00 AM on Monday morning so that I can get everything done that I feel I need to get done. I have relentless followup with subordinates who would otherwise fail if left to their own, &#8220;I didn&#8217;t have time&#8221; alibis. I delegate the accounting minutia. I have my wife and coworkers fill out all forms for me. I have my address typed into a document that I can easily access from my computer. I refuse to attempt to memorize anything, so I make checklists for everything. These are my strengths.My friend, if you lived 3 life-times we would not have enough time to improve all of our weaknesses. So why even attempt to? Spend your time honing your God-given skills. God gave you skills. Use them to get paid. People will pay you to watch you pursue your passions. People will never pay to watch me make small talk at a birthday party. People will pay me for getting things done. People will never pay me for being good at filling out forms. People will pay us, if my assistant fills out the contractor identification form correctly. Spend your time improving your God given skills. Avoid what you are not good at and delegate what you cannot stand doing.7. Focus your effort on one thing and one problem until you solve it.So many entrepreneurs hop from one idea to the next. They love moving to greener pastures. You will never gain success in your industry or line of work until you have developed mastery in it. How many hours are needed to develop mastery of something? In Malcolm Gladwell&#8217;s book the Outliers, he delves into the factors that went into creating the highest levels of success on the planet. His thesis is essentially that those who spend a disproportionate amount of time doing one thing ultimately become the best masters at this one thing, thus they get paid the most for their mastery of this one thing. His study focuses on the lives of Bill Gates, Robert Oppenheimer (the genius who created the A-bomb), and numerous other top performers. Essentially he believes that the &#8220;10,000 Hour Rule&#8221; is the true key to top success in any field. However, regardless of how you feel about Gladwell&#8217;s research, the basic truth remains. You will never be good at something unless you stick with it until you master it.&#8221;Concentrate your energies, your thoughts and your capital. The wise man puts all his eggs in one basket and watches the basket.&#8221; &#8211; Andrew Carnegie&#8221;The men who have succeeded are men who have chosen one line and stuck to it.&#8221; &#8211; Andrew Carnegie8. Your opinion is not valid, but the customer&#8217;s is.In the world of entrepreneurship we can often get excited about our new idea. We have this new idea that we believe that everyone will love. However, after we explain to a group of guys a church camp and a group of people at work and then a few more people at the local gym, we begin to realize that this idea makes the concept of marketing &#8220;dehydrated water packets&#8221; to be a good one. The fact is, the more you explain the idea, the more people ask you, &#8220;What the hell are you talking about?&#8221; As you slowly become more and more frustrated with &#8220;the people that just don&#8217;t get your ideas&#8221; you have two options available.You can act like Colonel Sanders and spend your entire life trying to convince America that your idea is good (KFC did not become a reality until the last few years of the legendary Colonel Sanders&#8217; life), or you can realize that its time to move on to another &#8220;great idea.&#8221; As for me, I do not want to be a life-time sacrificial martyr for a good idea. However, you might want to be.<br />
  214. As a general rule I would encourage you to keep this in mind. Humans are the ones that buy your products and services. If they don&#8217;t get it, they won&#8217;t buy it. Crystal Clear Pepsi was cool, but the people didn&#8217;t get it.9. Realize that 80% of your success will ultimately come from 20% of your efforts.If you want to Google &#8220;Pareto&#8217;s Principle&#8221; then you will quickly discover what I am talking about here. Essentially it all breaks down like this. As your company markets and markets, you will soon find that 80% of your business comes from 20% of the marketing sources. As you begin spending more and more time in the office, you will begin to see that 80% of your effectiveness comes from 20% of the activities that you do on a daily basis. So without getting too philosophical with you on this point, I will encourage you to periodically stop and ask yourself, &#8220;What 20% of activities am I personally doing to create 80% of my success?&#8221;10. Win-Win situations are the only sustainable business solutions.Everybody is always trying to pull a fast one on somebody else. He is always trying to take advantage of them. They are always trying to get what he has without him knowing. The two of them are always trying to plot to make a quick-buck from those guys. But at the end of the day, the only sustainable solution is creating an endless stream of &#8220;mutually beneficial relationships.&#8221; The late great Andrew Carnegie believed so much in this philosophy that he devoted nearly his entire post working-career to writing, and spreading this &#8220;Gospel of Wealth&#8221; as he called it. He believed that American business would thrive like never before if only the people would realize the power of working in harmony with our fellow man in a synergistic way that allows both parties to achieve their goals. Carnegie believed in this principle because it worked for him. </p>
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  232. <p> An online pharmacy may be considered as one of the most useful shops in the internet. Anybody needing medicine, with or without prescription, can simply order online and have their purchased item within a few days. The industry of online pharmacies has been growing immensely; however, they come and go very fast. People should know its benefits and the one thing they need to do first before giving their credit card details is to close the deal.The advantages of buying medications in a web-based pharmacy are listed below.2C&#8217;s: Convenient and CheapThe internet is almost synonymous with the word &#8220;convenient&#8221; today. It allows people to do many things, even buy medicines. Purchasing medicines online is most suitable to people who have a busy schedule, most especially professional working men and women. Sometimes, these people simply do not have enough time to do all the things they need to do. When they get sick and have no time to visit the doctor, they go to an online pharmacy for no prescription drugs.Apart from being convenient and available 24/7, medications sold online are cheaper compared to the ones sold in traditional pharmacies. That is because there are no added overhead charges on medicines bought from an online pharmacy. There are even other pharmacies who offer discounts for pharmacy members and exclusive access to exclusive medicines.2P&#8217;s: Private and problem-freeWhether you are buying medication for an embarrassing illness or allergy, you can buy them without personally asking for it through a pharmacy online. Buying medications won&#8217;t be embarrassing anymore because you only need to fill out a form online for your order. After you have paid for it, it will be delivered to your given address.In a regular pharmacy, you need to have a prescription from your doctor to buy a specific type of drugs. In an online pharmacy, no prescription orders are accepted. It gives you fewer headaches and fewer problems. Buying online is easier and problem-free.Those are the four basic benefits you can get from buying medicines online. Despite those, you should still exercise caution when looking for pharmacies online. No matter how much they advertise on the internet, you should not purchase medicines without reading customer reviews first.Find a website that provides various customer feedbacks about different pharmacies found online.Before purchasing or ordering any product you find in a web-based pharmacy, make sure you have read about them first. It is easy to fall prey to criminals online when you are not prepared for them. Once you found a pharmacy wherein you would like to purchase a specific item, look them up online and do a background check. You can probably look for websites that allow customers to comment on web-based pharmacies. Positive and negative comments are accepted to let other people know the kind of service a web-based pharmacy can offer.There are so many reasons purchasing medicines from an online pharmacy is better than a land-based pharmacy. Despite those benefits, you have to be really careful first before buying one. Read online reviews about pharmacies to know which companies are reliable and safe, and provide quality products and customer service. </p>
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  243. <h1><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to I Will Be Strongly Disliked by Nutrition Cults After This Article is Published">I Will Be Strongly Disliked by Nutrition Cults After This Article is Published</a></h1>
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  250. <p> &#8220;No soup for you!&#8221; This became the cry of the &#8220;Soup Nazi&#8221; in one episode of the popular series Seinfeld when it was on. The plot is that one of the crew eats soup that is to die for, and the others won&#8217;t believe soup can be so good until they try it. When they go to the shop that sells the soup, there is a long line of people wanting this soup. Each person methodically and silently moves through the line, reaching and taking without talking to the chef. One of Jerry&#8217;s friends (or maybe it was him? anyway&#8230;) commits a horrible faux-pas and talks to the chef and doesn&#8217;t do something the way he should and ends up banned from the soup line, with the grouchy chef yelling this famous line after him as he leaves.The Soup Nazi came to mind the other week when I was musing over the latest nutrition fad to hit the market. Because I market liquid whole food nutrition as supplements to healthcare practitioners and those involved in the nutrition field, I hear a lot of people telling clients some pretty strange things. It&#8217;s not wrong to try something that someone you trust recommends. However, when someone issues mandates and absolutes about diets without the science to back it up, I start getting perturbed. So, I&#8217;ve coined a term for the people who are so far at the end of the nutrition spectrum that they have fallen off: Nutrition Nazis.A Nutrition Nazi is someone who requires another person to eat a plate of peas for lunch every single day. A Nutrition Nazi is a person who scares other people into eating certain foods with such authority that all types of (insert a certain food category) are eliminated from the diet. A Nutrition Nazi is a person who will not accept any other suggestions offered to a client if it is not made by them. A Nutrition Nazi will not accept clients if they do (insert something here that seems random) or don&#8217;t do (insert something else that seems random).Actually, you have probably seen Nutrition Nazis on TV (maybe even on Oprah!). You may have met one, or even followed one for awhile. They are people who make other people feel bad if they aren&#8217;t like them. They use nutrition as a reward and as a punishment. They look great, and they are healthy. But they make one mistake in their training that is a deal-breaker:They tell people to do things that aren&#8217;t enjoyable!I do believe in many, many things about nutrition that science, experience, and history back up as wise practices. These things come from all different sources. Anyone who converts his/her nutrition habits to even 20% of them would at least experience a greater sense of well-being and would be investing in their future good health. And I know better than to tell people to do these things.Good nutrition cannot be presented to clients as a god to please. I have yet to meet one person who craves failure, and to hold good nutrition up as something high to aspire to will create failure. So much in our culture that doesn&#8217;t relate to the stuff on our plates is twisted up in foods that I refuse to address clients in such black and white terms. If you happen to meet a Nutrition Nazi, I strongly suggest asking them up front what they won&#8217;t let you eat. Follow that with a question of what is the one food you should eat everyday. If they answer any food after question one, don&#8217;t sign any papers. If they tell you something odd, expensive, or yucky, make a one-eighty and tell them you&#8217;ll think about it. I hope you&#8217;ll think about how odd or expensive or yucky that food would be to eat everyday, and then think about finding some other sources (yes, plural) to help you grow in this area. </p>
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