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  95. </script><br><strong><big>Caesar cipher</big></strong>
  96. <br><img src='cesar.jpg'>
  97. <br>Caesar cipher, is one of the simplest and most widely known encryption techniques.
  98. The transformation can be represented by aligning two alphabets,
  99. the cipher alphabet is the plain alphabet rotated left or right by some number of positions.
  100. <br><img src='cesar1.png'>
  101. <br>When encrypting, a person looks up each letter of the message in the 'plain'
  102. line and writes down the corresponding letter in the 'cipher' line. Deciphering is done in reverse.
  103. <br>The encryption can also be represented using modular arithmetic
  104. by first transforming the letters into numbers, according to the scheme, A = 0, B = 1,..., Z = 25.
  105. Encryption of a letter x by a shift n can be described mathematically as
  106. <br><img src='cesar2.png'>
  107. <br><strong>Plaintext: <font size='2' color=red face='Arial'><b>theria</b></font>
  108. </strong><br><table border=2><tr>
  109. <td colspan='5' ><center><strong>cipher variations:</strong></center></td></tr>
  110. <tr>
  111. <td>uifsjb</td>
  112. <td>vjgtkc</td>
  113. <td>wkhuld</td>
  114. <td>xlivme</td>
  115. <td>ymjwnf</td></tr><tr>
  116. <td>znkxog</td>
  117. <td>aolyph</td>
  118. <td>bpmzqi</td>
  119. <td>cqnarj</td>
  120. <td>drobsk</td></tr><tr>
  121. <td>espctl</td>
  122. <td>ftqdum</td>
  123. <td>gurevn</td>
  124. <td>hvsfwo</td>
  125. <td>iwtgxp</td></tr><tr>
  126. <td>jxuhyq</td>
  127. <td>kyvizr</td>
  128. <td>lzwjas</td>
  129. <td>maxkbt</td>
  130. <td>nbylcu</td></tr><tr>
  131. <td>oczmdv</td>
  132. <td>pdanew</td>
  133. <td>qebofx</td>
  134. <td>rfcpgy</td>
  135. <td>sgdqhz</td></tr><tr>
  136. </table>
  137. <br>Decryption is performed similarly,
  138. <br><img src='cesar3.png'>
  139. <br>(There are different definitions for the modulo operation.
  140. In the above, the result is in the range 0...25. I.e., if x+n or x-n are not in the range 0...25,
  141. we have to subtract or add 26.)
  142. <br><a href=''>Read more ...</a>
  143. <hr><strong><big>Atbash Cipher</big></strong>
  144. <br><img src='atbash.jpg'>
  145. <br>Atbash is an ancient encryption system created in the Middle East.
  146. It was originally used in the Hebrew language.<br>
  147. The Atbash cipher is a simple substitution cipher that relies on
  148. transposing all the letters in the alphabet such that the resulting alphabet is backwards.<br>
  149. The first letter is replaced with the last letter, the second with the second-last, and so on.<br>
  150. An example plaintext to ciphertext using Atbash:<br>
  151. <table border=2><tr><td>Plain: </td><td><font size='2' color=red face='Arial'><b>theria</b></font></td></tr><tr><td>Cipher: </td><td>gsvirz</td></tr></table><br><a href=''>Read more ...</a>
  152. <hr></td>
  153. </tr>
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  158. <p>&nbsp;</p>
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  160. <tr>
  161. <td width="100%" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
  162. <strong><big>Baconian Cipher</big></strong>
  163. <br><img src='becon.jpg'>
  164. <br>To encode a message, each letter of the plaintext is replaced by a group of five of the letters 'A' or 'B'.
  165. This replacement is done according to the alphabet of the Baconian cipher, shown below.<br><pre>
  166. a   AAAAA   g    AABBA     m    ABABB   s    BAAAB     y    BABBA
  167. b   AAAAB   h    AABBB     n    ABBAA   t    BAABA     z    BABBB
  168. c   AAABA   i    ABAAA     o    ABBAB   u    BAABB
  169. d   AAABB   j    BBBAA     p    ABBBA   v    BBBAB
  170. e   AABAA   k    ABAAB     q    ABBBB   w    BABAA
  171. f   AABAB   l    ABABA     r    BAAAA   x    BABAB
  172. </pre><br><table border=2><tr><td>Plain: </td><td><font size='2' color=red face='Arial'><b>theria</b></font></td></tr><tr><td>Cipher: </td><td>BAABA AABBB AABAA BAAAA ABAAA AAAAA </td></tr></table><br><a href=''>Read more ...</a>
  173. <hr></td>
  174. </tr>
  175. </table>
  176. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  178. <table border="0" width="100%" bgcolor="#000000" cellspacing="1">
  179. <tr>
  180. <td width="100%" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
  182. <strong><big>Affine Cipher</big></strong>
  183. <br>In the affine cipher the letters of an alphabet of size m are first mapped to the integers
  184. in the range 0..m - 1. It then uses modular arithmetic to transform the integer that each plaintext
  185. letter corresponds to into another integer that correspond to a ciphertext letter.
  186. The encryption function for a single letter is
  187. <br><img src='affine1.png'>
  188. <br>where modulus m is the size of the alphabet and a and b are the key of the cipher.
  189. The value a must be chosen such that a and m are coprime.<br>Considering the specific case of encrypting messages in English (i.e. m = 26),
  190. there are a total of 286 non-trivial affine ciphers, not counting the 26 trivial Caesar ciphers.
  191. This number comes from the fact there are 12 numbers that are coprime with 26 that are less than 26
  192. (these are the possible values of a). Each value of a can have 26 different addition shifts (the b value)
  193. ; therefore, there are 12*26 or 312 possible keys.<br><strong>Plaintext: <font size='2' color=red face='Arial'><b>theria</b></font>
  194. </strong><br><table width=100% border=2><tr>
  195. <td ><center><strong>cipher variations:</strong></center></td></tr></table>
  196. <div class='container'><div>uifsjb</div><div>gwnazb</div><div>skvipb</div><div>eydqfb</div><div>qmlyvb</div><div>catglb</div><div>acjwrb</div><div>mqrehb</div>
  197. <div>yezmxb</div><div>kshunb</div><div>wgpcdb</div><div>iuxktb</div><div>vjgtkc</div><div>hxobac</div><div>tlwjqc</div><div>fzergc</div>
  198. <div>rnmzwc</div><div>dbuhmc</div><div>bdkxsc</div><div>nrsfic</div><div>zfanyc</div><div>ltivoc</div><div>xhqdec</div><div>jvyluc</div>
  199. <div>wkhuld</div><div>iypcbd</div><div>umxkrd</div><div>gafshd</div><div>sonaxd</div><div>ecvind</div><div>celytd</div><div>ostgjd</div>
  200. <div>agbozd</div><div>mujwpd</div><div>yirefd</div><div>kwzmvd</div><div>xlivme</div><div>jzqdce</div><div>vnylse</div><div>hbgtie</div>
  201. <div>tpobye</div><div>fdwjoe</div><div>dfmzue</div><div>ptuhke</div><div>bhcpae</div><div>nvkxqe</div><div>zjsfge</div><div>lxanwe</div>
  202. <div>ymjwnf</div><div>karedf</div><div>wozmtf</div><div>ichujf</div><div>uqpczf</div><div>gexkpf</div><div>egnavf</div><div>quvilf</div>
  203. <div>cidqbf</div><div>owlyrf</div><div>aktghf</div><div>myboxf</div><div>znkxog</div><div>lbsfeg</div><div>xpanug</div><div>jdivkg</div>
  204. <div>vrqdag</div><div>hfylqg</div><div>fhobwg</div><div>rvwjmg</div><div>djercg</div><div>pxmzsg</div><div>bluhig</div><div>nzcpyg</div>
  205. <div>aolyph</div><div>mctgfh</div><div>yqbovh</div><div>kejwlh</div><div>wsrebh</div><div>igzmrh</div><div>gipcxh</div><div>swxknh</div>
  206. <div>ekfsdh</div><div>qynath</div><div>cmvijh</div><div>oadqzh</div><div>bpmzqi</div><div>nduhgi</div><div>zrcpwi</div><div>lfkxmi</div>
  207. <div>xtsfci</div><div>jhansi</div><div>hjqdyi</div><div>txyloi</div><div>flgtei</div><div>rzobui</div><div>dnwjki</div><div>pberai</div>
  208. <div>cqnarj</div><div>oevihj</div><div>asdqxj</div><div>mglynj</div><div>yutgdj</div><div>kibotj</div><div>ikrezj</div><div>uyzmpj</div>
  209. <div>gmhufj</div><div>sapcvj</div><div>eoxklj</div><div>qcfsbj</div><div>drobsk</div><div>pfwjik</div><div>bteryk</div><div>nhmzok</div>
  210. <div>zvuhek</div><div>ljcpuk</div><div>jlsfak</div><div>vzanqk</div><div>hnivgk</div><div>tbqdwk</div><div>fpylmk</div><div>rdgtck</div>
  211. <div>espctl</div><div>qgxkjl</div><div>cufszl</div><div>oinapl</div><div>awvifl</div><div>mkdqvl</div><div>kmtgbl</div><div>waborl</div>
  212. <div>iojwhl</div><div>ucrexl</div><div>gqzmnl</div><div>sehudl</div><div>ftqdum</div><div>rhylkm</div><div>dvgtam</div><div>pjobqm</div>
  213. <div>bxwjgm</div><div>nlerwm</div><div>lnuhcm</div><div>xbcpsm</div><div>jpkxim</div><div>vdsfym</div><div>hranom</div><div>tfivem</div>
  214. <div>gurevn</div><div>sizmln</div><div>ewhubn</div><div>qkpcrn</div><div>cyxkhn</div><div>omfsxn</div><div>movidn</div><div>ycdqtn</div>
  215. <div>kqlyjn</div><div>wetgzn</div><div>isbopn</div><div>ugjwfn</div><div>hvsfwo</div><div>tjanmo</div><div>fxivco</div><div>rlqdso</div>
  216. <div>dzylio</div><div>pngtyo</div><div>npwjeo</div><div>zderuo</div><div>lrmzko</div><div>xfuhao</div><div>jtcpqo</div><div>vhkxgo</div>
  217. <div>iwtgxp</div><div>ukbonp</div><div>gyjwdp</div><div>smretp</div><div>eazmjp</div><div>qohuzp</div><div>oqxkfp</div><div>aefsvp</div>
  218. <div>msnalp</div><div>ygvibp</div><div>kudqrp</div><div>wilyhp</div><div>jxuhyq</div><div>vlcpoq</div><div>hzkxeq</div><div>tnsfuq</div>
  219. <div>fbankq</div><div>rpivaq</div><div>prylgq</div><div>bfgtwq</div><div>ntobmq</div><div>zhwjcq</div><div>lversq</div><div>xjmziq</div>
  220. <div>kyvizr</div><div>wmdqpr</div><div>ialyfr</div><div>uotgvr</div><div>gcbolr</div><div>sqjwbr</div><div>qszmhr</div><div>cghuxr</div>
  221. <div>oupcnr</div><div>aixkdr</div><div>mwfstr</div><div>yknajr</div><div>lzwjas</div><div>xnerqs</div><div>jbmzgs</div><div>vpuhws</div>
  222. <div>hdcpms</div><div>trkxcs</div><div>rtanis</div><div>dhivys</div><div>pvqdos</div><div>bjyles</div><div>nxgtus</div><div>zlobks</div>
  223. <div>maxkbt</div><div>yofsrt</div><div>kcnaht</div><div>wqvixt</div><div>iedqnt</div><div>uslydt</div><div>subojt</div><div>eijwzt</div>
  224. <div>qwrept</div><div>ckzmft</div><div>oyhuvt</div><div>ampclt</div><div>nbylcu</div><div>zpgtsu</div><div>ldobiu</div><div>xrwjyu</div>
  225. <div>jferou</div><div>vtmzeu</div><div>tvcpku</div><div>fjkxau</div><div>rxsfqu</div><div>dlangu</div><div>pzivwu</div><div>bnqdmu</div>
  226. <div>oczmdv</div><div>aqhutv</div><div>mepcjv</div><div>ysxkzv</div><div>kgfspv</div><div>wunafv</div><div>uwdqlv</div><div>gklybv</div>
  227. <div>sytgrv</div><div>embohv</div><div>qajwxv</div><div>corenv</div><div>pdanew</div><div>brivuw</div><div>nfqdkw</div><div>ztylaw</div>
  228. <div>lhgtqw</div><div>xvobgw</div><div>vxermw</div><div>hlmzcw</div><div>tzuhsw</div><div>fncpiw</div><div>rbkxyw</div><div>dpsfow</div>
  229. <div>qebofx</div><div>csjwvx</div><div>ogrelx</div><div>auzmbx</div><div>mihurx</div><div>ywpchx</div><div>wyfsnx</div><div>imnadx</div>
  230. <div>uavitx</div><div>godqjx</div><div>sclyzx</div><div>eqtgpx</div><div>rfcpgy</div><div>dtkxwy</div><div>phsfmy</div><div>bvancy</div>
  231. <div>njivsy</div><div>zxqdiy</div><div>xzgtoy</div><div>jnobey</div><div>vbwjuy</div><div>hperky</div><div>tdmzay</div><div>fruhqy</div>
  232. <div>sgdqhz</div><div>eulyxz</div><div>qitgnz</div><div>cwbodz</div><div>okjwtz</div><div>ayrejz</div><div>yahupz</div><div>kopcfz</div>
  233. <div>wcxkvz</div><div>iqfslz</div><div>uenabz</div><div>gsvirz</div><div>theria</div><div>fvmzya</div><div>rjuhoa</div><div>dxcpea</div>
  234. <div>plkxua</div><div>bzsfka</div><div>zbivqa</div><div>lpqdga</div><div>xdylwa</div><div>jrgtma</div><div>vfobca</div><div>htwjsa</div>
  235. </div><br>The decryption function is<br><img src='affine2.png'>
  236. <br>where a - 1 is the modular multiplicative inverse of a modulo m. I.e., it satisfies the equation<br><img src='affine3.png'>
  237. <br>The multiplicative inverse of a only exists if a and m are coprime.
  238. Hence without the restriction on a decryption might not be possible.
  239. It can be shown as follows that decryption function is the inverse of the encryption function,<br><img src='affine4.png'>
  240. <br><a href=''>Read more ...</a>
  241. <hr>
  242. </td>
  243. </tr>
  244. </table>
  246. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  247. <table border="0" width="100%" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" cellspacing="1">
  248. <tr>
  249. <td width="100%" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
  250. <strong><big>ROT13 Cipher</big></strong>
  251. <br>Applying ROT13 to a piece of text merely requires examining its alphabetic
  252. characters and replacing each one by the letter 13 places further along in the alphabet,
  253. wrapping back to the beginning if necessary. A becomes N, B becomes O, and so on up to M,
  254. which becomes Z, then the sequence continues at the beginning of the alphabet: N becomes A,
  255. O becomes B, and so on to Z, which becomes M. Only those letters which occur in the English
  256. alphabet are affected; numbers, symbols, whitespace, and all other characters are left unchanged.
  257. Because there are 26 letters in the English alphabet and 26 = 2 * 13, the ROT13 function is its own inverse:<br><br>ROT13(ROT13(x)) = x for any basic Latin-alphabet text x<br><img src='rot13.png'>
  258. <br><br>An example plaintext to ciphertext using ROT13:<br>
  259. <br><table border=2><tr><td>Plain: </td><td><font size='2' color=red face='Arial'><b>theria</b></font></td></tr><tr><td>Cipher: </td><td>gurevn</td></tr></table><br><a href=''>Read more ...</a>
  260. <hr></td>
  261. </tr>
  262. </table>
  263. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  264. <table border="0" width="100%" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" cellspacing="1">
  265. <tr>
  266. <td width="100%" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
  267. <strong><big>Polybius Square</big></strong>
  268. <br><img src='polybius.jpg'>
  269. <br>A Polybius Square is a table that allows someone to translate letters into numbers.
  270. To give a small level of encryption, this table can be randomized and shared with the recipient.
  271. In order to fit the 26 letters of the alphabet into the 25 spots created by the table, the letters
  272. i and j are usually combined.
  273. <br><table border=2>
  274. <tr>
  275. <th></th>
  276. <th>1</th>
  277. <th>2</th>
  278. <th>3</th>
  279. <th>4</th>
  280. <th>5</th>
  281. </tr>
  282. <tr>
  283. <th>1</th>
  284. <td>A</td>
  285. <td>B</td>
  286. <td>C</td>
  287. <td>D</td>
  288. <td>E</td>
  289. </tr>
  290. <tr>
  291. <th>2</th>
  292. <td>F</td>
  293. <td>G</td>
  294. <td>H</td>
  295. <td>I/J</td>
  296. <td>K</td>
  297. </tr>
  298. <tr>
  299. <th>3</th>
  300. <td>L</td>
  301. <td>M</td>
  302. <td>N</td>
  303. <td>O</td>
  304. <td>P</td>
  305. </tr>
  306. <tr>
  307. <th>4</th>
  308. <td>Q</td>
  309. <td>R</td>
  310. <td>S</td>
  311. <td>T</td>
  312. <td>U</td>
  313. </tr>
  314. <tr>
  315. <th>5</th>
  316. <td>V</td>
  317. <td>W</td>
  318. <td>X</td>
  319. <td>Y</td>
  320. <td>Z</td>
  321. </tr>
  322. </table><br><strong>Basic Form:</strong>
  323. <table border=2><tr><td>Plain: </td><td><font size='2' color=red face='Arial'><b>theria</b></font></td></tr><tr><td>Cipher: </td><td>443251244211</td></tr></table><br><strong>Extended Methods:</strong>
  324. <br><strong>Method #1</strong><br>
  325. <br>Plaintext: <font size='2' color=red face='Arial'><b>theria</b></font>
  326. <table border=2><tr><td colspan='4'><center><strong>method variations:</strong></center></td></tr><td>ynkwof</td><td>dspbtl</td><td>ixugyq</td><td>oczmdv</td></table><br><strong>Method #2</strong><br>
  327. <strong>Bifid cipher</strong>
  328. <br>The message is converted to its coordinates in the usual manner, but they are written vertically beneath:
  329. <pre>
  330. t h e r i a
  331. 4 3 5 2 4 1
  332. 4 2 1 4 2 1 </pre>
  333. They are then read out in rows:
  334. <br>435241421421<br>Then divided up into pairs again, and the pairs turned back into letters using the square:
  335. <table border=2><tr><td>Plain: </td><td><font size='2' color=red face='Arial'><b>theria</b></font></td></tr><tr><td>Cipher: </td><td>okdiqb</td></tr></table><br><a href=''>Read more ...</a>
  336. <br><strong>Method #3</strong><br>
  337. <br>Plaintext: <font size='2' color=red face='Arial'><b>theria</b></font>
  338. <br><table border=2><tr>
  339. <td colspan='5' ><center><strong>method variations:</strong></center></td></tr>
  340. <tr>
  341. <td>owftbq</td>
  342. <td>wftbqo</td>
  343. <td>ftbqow</td></tr><tr>
  344. <td>tbqowf</td>
  345. <td>bqowft</td>
  346. <td>qowftb</td></tr><tr>
  347. </table>
  348. <br>Read more ...<a href=''>[RUS]</a> ,
  349. <a href=''>[EN]</a>
  350. <hr></td>
  351. </tr>
  352. </table>
  353. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  354. <table border="0" width="100%" bgcolor="#000000" cellspacing="1">
  355. <tr>
  356. <td width="100%" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
  359. <strong><big>Permutation Cipher</big></strong>
  360. <br>In classical cryptography, a permutation cipher is a transposition cipher in which the key is a permutation.
  361. To apply a cipher, a random permutation of size <strong>E</strong> is generated (the larger the value of <strong>E</strong> the more secure the cipher).
  362. The plaintext is then broken into segments of size <strong>E</strong> and the letters within that segment are permuted according to
  363. this key.<br>
  364. In theory, any transposition cipher can be viewed as a permutation cipher where <strong>E</strong> is equal to the
  365. length of the plaintext; this is too cumbersome a generalisation to use in actual practice, however.
  366. <br>The idea behind a permutation cipher is to keep the plaintext characters unchanged,
  367. butalter their positions by rearrangement using a permutation
  368. <br>This cipher is defined as:<br>Let <strong>m</strong> be a positive integer, and <strong>K</strong> consist of all permutations of <strong>{1,...,m}</strong>
  369. <br>For a key (permutation) <img src='pe0.png'> , define:
  370. <br>The encryption function <img src='pe1.png'>
  371. <br>The decryption function <img src='pe2.png'>
  372. <br>A small example, assuming m = 6, and the key is the permutation <img src='p1.png'>
  373. :<br><img src='pe3.png'>
  374. <br>The first row is the value of <strong>i</strong>,
  375. and the second row is the corresponding value of <img src='p1.png'><big>(i)</big>
  376. <br>The inverse permutation,<img src='p11.png'> is constructed by interchanging the two rows,
  377. andrearranging the columns so that the first row is in increasing order, Therefore, <img src='p11.png'> is:
  378. <br><img src='pe4.png'>
  379. <br>Total variation formula: <br><img src='stirling.gif'>
  380. <br><strong>e = 2,718281828 ,   n</strong> - plaintext length
  381. <br><br><strong>Plaintext: <font size='2' color=red face='Arial'><b>theria</b></font>
  382. </strong><br><table width=100% border=2><tr>
  383. <td><center><strong>all 720 cipher variations:</strong></center></td></tr>
  384. </table>
  385. <div class='container'>
  386. <div>theria
  387. </div><div>therai
  388. </div><div>theira
  389. </div><div>theiar
  390. </div><div>theair
  391. </div><div>theari
  392. </div><div>threia
  393. </div><div>threai
  394. </div><div>thriea
  395. </div><div>thriae
  396. </div><div>thraie
  397. </div>
  398. <div>thraei
  399. </div><div>thirea
  400. </div><div>thirae
  401. </div><div>thiera
  402. </div><div>thiear
  403. </div><div>thiaer
  404. </div><div>thiare
  405. </div><div>tharie
  406. </div><div>tharei
  407. </div><div>thaire
  408. </div><div>thaier
  409. </div>
  410. <div>thaeir
  411. </div><div>thaeri
  412. </div><div>tehria
  413. </div><div>tehrai
  414. </div><div>tehira
  415. </div><div>tehiar
  416. </div><div>tehair
  417. </div><div>tehari
  418. </div><div>terhia
  419. </div><div>terhai
  420. </div><div>teriha
  421. </div>
  422. <div>teriah
  423. </div><div>teraih
  424. </div><div>terahi
  425. </div><div>teirha
  426. </div><div>teirah
  427. </div><div>teihra
  428. </div><div>teihar
  429. </div><div>teiahr
  430. </div><div>teiarh
  431. </div><div>tearih
  432. </div><div>tearhi
  433. </div>
  434. <div>teairh
  435. </div><div>teaihr
  436. </div><div>teahir
  437. </div><div>teahri
  438. </div><div>trehia
  439. </div><div>trehai
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  441. </div><div>treiah
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  443. </div><div>treahi
  444. </div><div>trheia
  445. </div>
  446. <div>trheai
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  448. </div><div>trhiae
  449. </div><div>trhaie
  450. </div><div>trhaei
  451. </div><div>trihea
  452. </div><div>trihae
  453. </div><div>trieha
  454. </div><div>trieah
  455. </div><div>triaeh
  456. </div><div>triahe
  457. </div>
  458. <div>trahie
  459. </div><div>trahei
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  461. </div><div>traieh
  462. </div><div>traeih
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  464. </div><div>tierha
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  479. </div><div>tihera
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  493. </div>
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  541. </div>
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  553. </div>
  554. <div>herait
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  566. <div>heaitr
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  674. <div>ethria
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  722. <div>eraiht
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  733. </div>
  734. <div>eirtah
  735. </div><div>eirhta
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  769. </div>
  770. <div>eaihtr
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  772. </div><div>eahrit
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  782. <div>rheiat
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  818. <div>reitha
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  830. <div>reahti
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  839. </div><div>rthiea
  840. </div><div>rthiae
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  842. <div>rthaie
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  844. </div><div>rtihea
  845. </div><div>rtihae
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  848. </div><div>rtiaeh
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  852. </div><div>rtaihe
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  854. <div>rtaieh
  855. </div><div>rtaeih
  856. </div><div>rtaehi
  857. </div><div>rietha
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  859. </div><div>riehta
  860. </div><div>riehat
  861. </div><div>rieaht
  862. </div><div>rieath
  863. </div><div>riteha
  864. </div><div>riteah
  865. </div>
  866. <div>rithea
  867. </div><div>rithae
  868. </div><div>ritahe
  869. </div><div>ritaeh
  870. </div><div>rihtea
  871. </div><div>rihtae
  872. </div><div>riheta
  873. </div><div>riheat
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  875. </div><div>rihate
  876. </div><div>riathe
  877. </div>
  878. <div>riateh
  879. </div><div>riahte
  880. </div><div>riahet
  881. </div><div>riaeht
  882. </div><div>riaeth
  883. </div><div>raetih
  884. </div><div>raethi
  885. </div><div>raeith
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  887. </div><div>raehit
  888. </div><div>raehti
  889. </div>
  890. <div>rateih
  891. </div><div>ratehi
  892. </div><div>ratieh
  893. </div><div>ratihe
  894. </div><div>rathie
  895. </div><div>rathei
  896. </div><div>raiteh
  897. </div><div>raithe
  898. </div><div>raieth
  899. </div><div>raieht
  900. </div><div>raihet
  901. </div>
  902. <div>raihte
  903. </div><div>rahtie
  904. </div><div>rahtei
  905. </div><div>rahite
  906. </div><div>rahiet
  907. </div><div>raheit
  908. </div><div>raheti
  909. </div><div>iherta
  910. </div><div>iherat
  911. </div><div>ihetra
  912. </div><div>ihetar
  913. </div>
  914. <div>iheatr
  915. </div><div>iheart
  916. </div><div>ihreta
  917. </div><div>ihreat
  918. </div><div>ihrtea
  919. </div><div>ihrtae
  920. </div><div>ihrate
  921. </div><div>ihraet
  922. </div><div>ihtrea
  923. </div><div>ihtrae
  924. </div><div>ihtera
  925. </div>
  926. <div>ihtear
  927. </div><div>ihtaer
  928. </div><div>ihtare
  929. </div><div>iharte
  930. </div><div>iharet
  931. </div><div>ihatre
  932. </div><div>ihater
  933. </div><div>ihaetr
  934. </div><div>ihaert
  935. </div><div>iehrta
  936. </div><div>iehrat
  937. </div>
  938. <div>iehtra
  939. </div><div>iehtar
  940. </div><div>iehatr
  941. </div><div>iehart
  942. </div><div>ierhta
  943. </div><div>ierhat
  944. </div><div>iertha
  945. </div><div>iertah
  946. </div><div>ierath
  947. </div><div>ieraht
  948. </div><div>ietrha
  949. </div>
  950. <div>ietrah
  951. </div><div>iethra
  952. </div><div>iethar
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Copyright © 2002-9 Sam Ruby, Mark Pilgrim, Joseph Walton, and Phil Ringnalda