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  22. <title>How Do You Find Time For Setting Up An Online Business?</title>
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  25. <pubDate>Fri, 02 Jun 2023 16:24:08 +0000</pubDate>
  26. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  50. <description><![CDATA[The motive for setting up an online business is very clear to plenty of people. The online economy is growing and the possibilities of reaching customers around the world and generating extra revenue is very attractive to new entrepreneurs. But &#8230; <a href="">Continue reading <span class="meta-nav">&#8594;</span></a>]]></description>
  51. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<div id="article-content">
  52. <p>The motive for setting up an online business is very clear to plenty of people. The online economy is growing and the possibilities of reaching customers around the world and generating extra revenue is very attractive to new entrepreneurs. But many abandon their business ideas because they don&#8217;t think they have the time. We all have the same 24 hours in each day and the answer is not about miraculously finding more time. The key is to control the time available and make it work more efficiently.</p>
  53. <p>Setting Up An Online Business Step By Step.</p>
  54. <p>In some cases, when it comes to setting up an online business, some people have the notion that it is all or nothing. They think that to start your own online business, you have to jump in head first, give up your day job and put all your energy into creating your new internet business.</p>
  55. <p>If you currently have a day job that pays the bills and gives you with other benefits, hold onto that job whilst you work on setting up an online business in your spare time. To get this done, you can get up an hour earlier in the mornings and use your lunch hour to work on your new business. Setting up a web business means that you can get access it just about anywhere as long as you have a computer and an internet connection.</p>
  56. <p>You can also cut down on the amount of time you spend sitting in front of the TV. Additionally, you can give up one hour of sleep at night to work on the business and work a couple of weekends each month.</p>
  57. <p>It may seem like a lot of time, but if you work it around your day job and stick with it, you can steadily increase your income while setting up an online business until you can comfortably afford to let go of the job you now have.</p>
  58. <p>Take Action To Reap Rewards.</p>
  59. <p>Another situation could be that you are made redundant from your day job through no fault of your own or your job you hate your job so much that you just have to leave now. All of a sudden, you find yourself having the same forty or so hours you gave to the day job now available for setting up an online business. Always get started immediately. If you wait around and waste time you could lose valuable motivation to get started. Let the enthusiasm drive and push you forward.</p>
  60. <p>With the benefit of working full time on your online business, you&#8217;ll be able to dedicate the continual attention the business needs to grow. Rather than squeezing it into a tight timetable, you will have the time you need.</p>
  61. <p>There has never been a better time to start setting up an online business. There continues to be an increasing number of people buying goods and services on the internet each year. Online consumer spending shows no signs of slowing down. The time people already spend shopping on the internet by using laptops and desktop computers is increasing with time spent browsing and buying by way of smartphones and tablets. That is translating into a faster growth in online sales.</p>
  62. <p>When setting up an internet business, it&#8217;s not so much about finding the time as it is taking the time. Today will quickly be yesterday and you won&#8217;t ever get that opportunity back again.</p>
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  69. <title>10 Common Online Business Assumptions Made Daily By Solopreneurs</title>
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  72. <pubDate>Fri, 02 Jun 2023 16:23:33 +0000</pubDate>
  73. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  97. <description><![CDATA[Not every online business strategy works for every business. Unfortunately, many Solopreneurs will continue to force themselves into one standard. Don&#8217;t let that be you. Learn some PROVEN tactics to help you avoid these common pitfalls of assumptions and set &#8230; <a href="">Continue reading <span class="meta-nav">&#8594;</span></a>]]></description>
  98. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<div id="article-content">
  99. <p>Not every online business strategy works for every business. Unfortunately, many Solopreneurs will continue to force themselves into one standard. Don&#8217;t let that be you. Learn some PROVEN tactics to help you avoid these common pitfalls of assumptions and set your brand up for profitable success.</p>
  100. <p>With over 4 Billion+ active online businesses, and all of them fighting for attention, the Internet has made it possible for companies of various sizes to compete on a level playing field of sorts. The main issue remains that most of these companies are unsure how to gain the buying attention of potential clients for their products or services. Creating a Power Crew will be essential to your success as a Solopreneur because you will have to trust someone to help you handle day-to-day tasks. Check out these 10 common assumptions made in online business that you should avoid in order to have a successful head start.</p>
  101. </p>
  102. <ol>
  103. <li> <strong>Skimming on Investing.</strong> There is a large difference between spending smart and just being cheap. The Cheap Comes Out Expensive (<em>&#8220;Lo Barato Sale Caro&#8221;</em> &#8211; Judge Marilyn Milian). Reciprocity goes a very long way and helps you build a secure and trusted network. Everyone wants a deal when spending their hard earn money. Most business people have heard the saying, &#8220;you have to spend money to make money.&#8221; Actually when you take your brand seriously enough to invest in it, be it time or money, you will ensure that everyone on your Power Crew is properly compensated. This could be financially or through barter systems. Either way, you should be willing to give as much or more than you take from others.</li>
  104. <li> <strong>Remaining Blissfully Ignorant.</strong> Are you leaving clients under-serviced because you refuse to explore new opportunities and creative possibilities? Put some investigative action behind your motives. Ask your Virtual or In-House Assistant to check out some new avenues. Hire someone to manage these new avenues for you and add them to your Power Crew. They would usually be focused on these tasks for at least 5 hours a week; 1 hour a day. Ignorance is not bliss, especially in business. there are too many opportunities out there for Solopreneurs to get on track and dominate some corner of their market.</li>
  105. <li> <strong>Financing Blindly Without Reason.</strong> How can you properly guide your brand into financial success or at the very least avoid bankruptcy if you cannot track how much money is flowing throughout your business? If you are shocked at the amount of money you have spent over a one-year span, are constantly hunting down all of your expenses at tax time, and/or are always living in the red then you&#8217;re doing everything all wrong. Don&#8217;t become accepting of your business being a financial burden on you. You should have a budget in place to help you remain on track. Remember, you started this for FREEDOM not to trade on pair of frustration created shackles for another.</li>
  106. <li> <strong>Maintenance Is An Option.</strong> I see many clients who believe that paying someone to manage their website is a waste of time, yet these are the same people who&#8217;s websites are constantly outdated behind the scenes and left vulnerable. Your carelessness is a hackers dream key to your Information Buffet. So much of these items can and should be automated, but you have to remain vigilant in protecting your online business. If you are collecting customer information, there is no room to be casual about Website Security and Maintenance.</li>
  107. <li> <strong>Keeping Up with the Joneses.</strong> Doing all you can to follow what the crowd is doing rather than taking stock in what will work for your brand is ultimately a waste of time for you. This is not to say that watching your competition and friendly peers cannot be a learning experience. you simply have to learn to take the learning knowledge and map out your own destiny.</li>
  108. <li> <strong>Online Businesses Don&#8217;t Need A Budget.</strong> As an extension of financing your business blindly, you need to realize that just because you have an online business, you are not exempt from having a budget. many believe that because they don&#8217;t have the rent of a brick-and-mortar establishment, they are free to spend wildly. That is not the case. Your &#8220;rent&#8221; is your hosting provider, your domain name, and your <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">SSL Certificate</a>. Your &#8220;utilities&#8221; are your financial manager (accountant/apps), email automation services, payroll, and anything else that helps you run your business. You MUST track these and be sure that you are not using up all of your resources without turning some type of profit to pay the rent or mortgage AND put food on your table.</li>
  109. <li> <strong>Disconnected from Reality of Running A Business.</strong> Remain grounded and connected to the roots of your business so that you are aware of what is happening and are ready to rework any strategies accordingly. Even when people consider themselves &#8220;successful&#8221; they know there is continuous work involved in maintaining the level of success they enjoy or want to excel to. Taking into account everything we&#8217;ve discussed, these pieces all come together to help you face, head-on, the realities of running a business.</li>
  110. <li> <strong>Blaming Others for Your Failures.</strong> The Blame game is a waste of time. Don&#8217;t allow Accountability to become some passive catchphrase in your business. Live up to how you would want clients and another business to treat you. If you or your brand fell short or messed up, take that as an opportunity to improve and get back on track. Ask for feedback. Failure is not a bad thing if you don&#8217;t allow it to become a stumbling block or a crutch. Boss up and take responsibility while showing others working with you that they need to do they same. Showing is way better than Telling!</li>
  111. <li> <strong>Being Online Is An Automatic Success.</strong> No online business is an automatic success and anyone who tells you different is lying to you. I thought that once my website was up and running I would be set. Well, not exactly set, but the bulk of my work would be complete. I was so wrong and didn&#8217;t even realize how wrong I was. I had to become a quick study on e-marketing, copywriting, and product creation to really get my business going. Not an expert, but I had to get my rump in gear fast so that I could manage just enough to get things where I wanted them to be. Automation can make things easier for you, but without you putting ACTION behind the KNOWLEDGE you collect, your brand is dead in the water.</li>
  112. <li> <strong>Misinformation. Stay as informed as possible.</strong> &#8220;He said, She said&#8221; doesn&#8217;t work when you need to share information with your Power Crew and customers. Never allow yourself to miss out on innovative moves occurring within your industry, or in other industries. If an app or software was not compatible of your business in 2011, check back and see if things have changed. If you didn&#8217;t think <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">Twitter</a>, Pinterest, or Instagram were a good fit for your business and your customers would not be interested in a company blog, rethink these moves. Try things out. You may be surprised at the results and new information that flows in from these various options.</li>
  113. </ol>
  114. <p><strong>Boss Up</strong></p>
  115. <p>Once you have figured out what causes your business to thrive like a well watered plant, you&#8217;ll begin to reap the benefits of a profitable business and brand overall. I think of my business as a well-watered plant because there is energy tied to it. It needs my care in order to survive. My emotions affect my business and I need to maintain them both.</p>
  116. <p>Clients want to know that you, as a business owner, care enough to pay attention to small details while maintaining the overall picture of success.</p>
  117. <p><strong>The Rundown</strong></p>
  118. <p>Put your all into your business. After all, most of us are not here for a one-night stand. Instead, we&#8217;re in it to win it! So get yourself out there and arm your brand against these 10 common assumptions most Solopreneurs make in online business.</p>
  119. <p>To Your Continued Success &amp; Learning!</p>
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  126. <title>Business Intelligence</title>
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  129. <pubDate>Thu, 01 Jun 2023 16:26:06 +0000</pubDate>
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  153. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  154. <description><![CDATA[As business intelligence moves into the computer age, corporate dashboards are becoming a necessity in business intelligence technology. Although business intelligence has used corporate dashboards for years, their popularity has increased greatly due to the change and advancement in the &#8230; <a href="">Continue reading <span class="meta-nav">&#8594;</span></a>]]></description>
  155. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<div id="article-content">
  156. <p>As business intelligence moves into the computer age, corporate dashboards are becoming a necessity in business intelligence technology.  Although business intelligence has used corporate dashboards for years, their popularity has increased greatly due to the change and advancement in the technology used.  However, with the great amount of information available, there are some key design issues to consider if you want to use corporate dashboards for your business intelligence.</p>
  157. <p>If you want to design an effective corporate dashboard for your business intelligence technology, you will need to decide on some design goals.  You will need to think about the function and look of your corporate dashboard as it relates to the type of business intelligence you are trying to put together.  Some corporate dashboards are flashy reports and others are more like strategic scorecards.  Other corporate dashboards are used for business intelligence that is more tactical, using relevant and actionable data.  Your corporate dashboard will need an efficient design that fits the business intelligence role.</p>
  158. <p>There are two essentials to understanding how to build a corporate dashboard for business intelligence, metrics and key performance indicators.  Metrics are direct numerical measures to represent certain types of business intelligence in the relationship of at least one dimension.  For instance, you could take the metric of gross sales and show it by day or week in the financial quarter.  The business intelligence can be shown in your corporate dashboard in both a dynamic and static way to use various types of analysis of the business intelligence.</p>
  159. <p>You will also need to consider what key performance indicators the users of the corporate dashboard will be responsible for managing.  A key performance indicator is the measure that tells the relative performance in relation to the target goal.  Some key performance indicator gives you concrete business intelligence, while others will give you business intelligence in the abstract.  Defining the key performance indicators is extremely important to the overall design, because it defines the foundation of the business intelligence that will be visualized in the corporate dashboard.  Key performance indicators help show the business intelligence through alert icons, traffic lights, trend icons, progress bards, and gauges.</p>
  160. <p>Supporting analytics are also important to designing your corporate dashboard as it relates to your business intelligence.  You will need to pick out the information that a user will need to see in order to tell the condition of the key performance indicator.  Supporting analytics offer context and diagnostic information to know why a key performance indicator is showing specific information.  These supporting analytics, as they relate to business intelligence, come more in the form of traditional charts, graphs, and tables.</p>
  161. <p>Read the rest of the article here: <a target="_new" rel="nofollow" href="">Business Intelligence</a>.</p>
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  168. <title>Gaining Business Intelligence</title>
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  171. <pubDate>Thu, 01 Jun 2023 16:25:31 +0000</pubDate>
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  196. <description><![CDATA[A white paper on how companies should analyse customer data to gain better business intelligence and how they can use that knowledge. In an increasingly competitive world, using your client database smartly, to gain a better understanding of your number &#8230; <a href="">Continue reading <span class="meta-nav">&#8594;</span></a>]]></description>
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  198. <p>A white paper on how companies should analyse customer data to gain better business intelligence and how they can use that knowledge. In an increasingly competitive world, using your client database smartly, to gain a better understanding of your number one asset &#8211; your customers &#8211; can make or break the success of your company.  Most companies use databases to store information about their current customers, previous customers, business partners, and potential customers. The challenge lies in finding a way to harness the useful information contained within these high volume databases in order to produce intelligent business solutions.  Business intelligence (BI) refers to the process for increasing the competitive advantage of a company by intelligent use of available data in decision-making. Business intelligence consists of sourcing the data, filtering out unimportant information, analysing the data, assessing the situation, developing solutions, analysing risks and then supporting the decisions made. This white paper describes the business intelligence process, some elementary methods of data mining, and how you can use business intelligence in your company. Database Enhancement The first step towards gaining business intelligence is to start with a &#8216;clean&#8217; database. Incomplete and inaccurate data invariably translate into incorrect management decisions. Duplicate data is also a problem as it can wrongly weigh management decisions to one side. Whilst a good quality database does not automatically lead to intelligent management decision-making, it is a pre-requisite for all types of analysis that attempt to elicit intelligent management. We could draw an analogy with cooking, where starting with the right ingredients does not guarantee you will bake a good cake, but there is very little chance you will bake a good cake if you start with the wrong set of ingredients.  One of the primary reasons companies do not fully realise the potential competitive advantages they can gain from their own databases is the lack of proper integration of datasets across departments. Even though all the information might reside within the company, it may remain elusive due to a fragmentation of the data across incompatible databases. Regrouping all internal data into a single dataset or a series of interconnected datasets could be the single most useful step a company might take towards providing a solid foundation on which quality business intelligence can be developed.  In some cases, data entry errors and/or missing data can also severely impair the quality of information that can be derived from corporate databases. Sorting these issues can range from very straightforward fixes (e.g. matching one list against another) to more time consuming processes (e.g. contacting all client companies to update contact details of individuals working there). Ideally, all inaccuracies should be weeded out of the databases. However limited time and monetary constraints dictate that you should bear in mind how this database will be used. The level of accuracy required will vary greatly depending on the expected use for that data. Data cleansing and database integration can provide significant advantages for a company over the medium to long term. However, they are both extremely time-consuming activities and can create a significant strain on internal resources, making them difficult for a company to justify. Hiring a third-party to do this job is often the best solution, allowing valuable information to be gained, without disrupting day-to-day business activities.   Data Mining Analysing the information that your company stores in connection with all customer interactions can reveal a lot of remarkable facts about the buying behaviour of your customers, what motivates them and what might make them stop buying from you. It also provides a scientific method to monitor your business performance.  When deciding to mine information from a database, one is faced with a wide number of available techniques. Some of the more popular data mining methods are described below: Statistical models<br />
  199. Basic statistical measurements &#8211; such as means, variances, and correlation coefficients &#8211; are useful in the early stages of data analysis to gain an overall view of the structure of the data. By revealing simple inter-relations within the data, statistical modelling can show which in-depth technique is likely to bring further information relevant to your interests. Clustering<br />
  200. Clustering is a technique that aggregates data according to a pre-determined set of characteristics. It can be used to differentiate groups of customers that behave similarly on certain factors, for example it can classify customer behaviours according to credit worthiness, income, age or any other factor of interest. CHAID Analysis<br />
  201. CHAID, which stands for Chi-square Automatic Interaction Detection, can be seen as the opposite of clustering, in the sense that the CHAID analysis starts with the overall database, and then splits it according to the most important variable until it achieves homogeneous sub-groups that cannot be split any further. A major advantage of this technique is that the results can be presented as an easy-to-read classification tree; each split in the tree being accredited to a single variable (e.g. credit worthiness, income, age, etc). Propensity models<br />
  202. Propensity models &#8211; also known as predictive models &#8211; have proven to be very valuable in predicting which customers are most likely to purchase a certain product based on a set of current customers. The results of such a model can be directly used to develop more appropriately targeted marketing campaigns. Other recognised techniques to extract information from datasets are database segmentation, neural networking, and wavelet analysis among others. It can be intimidating to choose which method will provide the best results. As shown above, analysis tools can differ greatly in their approach of the problem. It is therefore very important for a company to consult someone with extensive experience in data mining processes before going ahead with a business intelligence project. The best method to use will vary greatly depending on the time available to do the analysis, what the results will be used for, and the type of data that is available for the analysis.  An important point to consider is whether your analysis is guided by pre-defined questions or not. Predefined points of analysis are aimed at understanding certain types of behaviours by analysing relationships between various pre-decided influencing factors. For example, a predefined analysis of customer service Vs sales would illustrate the effect of good and bad customer service on sales, and would answer questions such as how important customer service is to customers and how much it influences future sales. On the contrary, the objective of an open-ended analysis is to discover trends that are not anticipated by ordinary immersion in the day-to-day business. Performing an open-ended analysis internally is often impaired by the expectations brought on by individuals working within the company. The techniques used to analyse data are complex. In order for your company to be able to use the results of the data analysis, it is crucial that the results should not be clouded by the complexity of the calculations but are delivered in a straightforward manner.<br />
  203. Intelligent Marketing It is important for a company to recognise that a good understanding of its customers is useful only to the extent to which this knowledge can be translated into real business practices. Business intelligence refers not only to the data analysis in itself, but also to how you relate the results from the data analysis to every day business decisions and how you translate the recommended actions stemming from the analysis into live campaigns.  It is therefore important for you to ensure that the marketing department in your company interacts with the data analysts constantly throughout the process. That way, when the data analysis is complete, the marketing personnel will already be in tune with the issues the company is facing, and will be able to develop campaigns to capitalise on opportunities and strategies to mend weaknesses quickly and effectively.  Detailed analysis of your customer data will provide you insight into their needs and wants. The exercise will analyse and segment customers&#8217; buying patterns and identify potential services that are in demand. You can use this information to shorten response times to market changes, which then allows for better alignment of your products and services with your customers&#8217; needs.  An in-depth understanding of your customers, provided through comprehensive data-analysis, will also allow you to pick and target better prospects, achieve a higher response rate from marketing programs, and at the same time identify reasons for customer attrition and create or alter programs and services accordingly.  Understanding how external market conditions affect your business will enable you to react quickly to future changes in the market. Finally, understanding customer behaviour and the way they use your products and services will enable your company to improve its service to its current client base as well as to target new business more effectively. Visit to learn more about gaining business intelligence.</p>
  204. <p>About AccuraCast AccuraCast is an integrated marketing, business intelligence and data analysis agency, providing small and medium sized companies in the UK a more accurate picture of their business environment via comprehensive data analysis, business intelligence, and marketing consultancy services.  AccuraCast helps companies gain a better understanding of their customers and market their products and services more effectively. The company uses high-tech data analysis methodologies to investigate client databases smartly, and proven sales and marketing methods to reach the target markets. AccuraCast delivers costumer specific marketing solutions and information based on tailor-made analysis of the databases, allowing companies to gain the necessary edge over the competition.  © AccuraCast Limited 2004</p>
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  211. <title>3 Tips on Simplifying Business Intelligence and Getting the Best</title>
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  214. <pubDate>Fri, 26 May 2023 15:49:06 +0000</pubDate>
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  239. <description><![CDATA[The word business intelligence (BI) may seem to be simple, as you use it often and feel that you understand it without any issues. But, the world of business building and increase can actually become too confusing and complicated. The &#8230; <a href="">Continue reading <span class="meta-nav">&#8594;</span></a>]]></description>
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  241. <p>The word business intelligence (BI) may seem to be simple, as you use it often and feel that you understand it without any issues. But, the world of business building and increase can actually become too confusing and complicated. The following tips on this aspect of your business will simplify this term and help you get the best out of it.</p>
  242. <p>The first thing you would want to do is to understand your business. Most of the intelligence originates from your understanding of your business. You must understand how things work, the motivations behind the different actions that you take and understand how you would fix problems. All of these are only a few ways of how understanding your business can help you become a better leader.</p>
  243. <p>When you are aware of how your business works, you would be able to find out what it requires to grow and become more efficient. Then you can search for the best BI systems to deliver the desired results for you.</p>
  244. <p>The next thing you would want to do is to make all the components of your business work along in conjunction. You can compare your business to a machine. And, a machine is made of a wide range of components that interact together to make a product. Similar to a machine, the components of your business require oiling. And, business intelligence is the lubrication that your business requires to help it become efficient and faster. However, if your business components are not aligned properly, it is not going to work. It is also important to ensure that the interaction between the different components of your business is highly intelligent and efficient.</p>
  245. <p>The next important thing is to include all your employees at all levels of your business. Everyone in your organization should be a part of the business intelligence development and implementation process. Consider your business as a brain, where every employee, from the top management to the receptionist in your office has an important role to play in the relay of information. You don&#8217;t want to leave any part of the whole loop out, as it can have an impact on the entire system.</p>
  246. <p>When you do it right, BI will do precisely what it stands for. This means, it is going to turn your business more intelligent. Following the above-mentioned tips will help you extract the best out of your <a target="_new" rel="nofollow" href="">business intelligence</a> system.</p>
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  253. <title>The Importance of Business Intelligence For Identity Protection</title>
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  256. <pubDate>Fri, 26 May 2023 15:48:30 +0000</pubDate>
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  281. <description><![CDATA[Identity protection is extremely important, simply for the fact that there have been thousands of victims of identity theft all over the world already. And if you operate a business online, then you really need to consider what tools to &#8230; <a href="">Continue reading <span class="meta-nav">&#8594;</span></a>]]></description>
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  283. <p>Identity protection is extremely important, simply for the fact that there have been thousands of victims of identity theft all over the world already. And if you operate a business online, then you really need to consider what tools to use to implement business intelligence for identity protection. Business intelligence may be considered quite a new field in the business world, but this does not mean that it has not held fair ground all on its own by now. In fact, there are so many software applications and programs that can attest to the usefulness of business intelligence in the arena of identity protection.</p>
  284. <p>Several companies have already joined the quest in developing business intelligence tools for identity protection. These companies are considered the leading providers in the arena of intelligent infrastructure services for both telecommunication and Internet networks. And with the many companies developing these tools, you can be sure to find the perfect tool that will protect both your business and your customers for all sorts of online transactions that you will be conducting in the future.</p>
  285. <p>The key here is to go with software that has the features and specs that would support the nature of your business&#8217;s operations. It would not do you any good to go with software that does not give you the features that you need. Moreover, you should go with software that allows you to customize its settings, to fit the needs of your business even better. Thus, it is important to do a little research, comparison, and contrasting to arrive at a much informed decision.</p>
  286. <p>The great thing about these software applications today is that most, if not all, are supported by the lot of online companies, even the ones that are considered leading in the industry! These companies that support these business intelligence tools in the market include Yahoo!, eBay, and PayPal. The support of these companies is extremely vital, considering these are huge names in the arena of online business! And another great thing about this is that even the companies and manufacturers of the latest gadgets and gizmos are taking it upon themselves to carry out their own business intelligence tools for the protection of their customers, identities as well!</p>
  287. <p>For the most part, these business intelligence tools would share more or less the same features. One relevant advantage to this is that all tools actually make it easier and simpler for their customers to use the technology they develop. No matter how they get the point across, the important thing is that stronger authentication would be carried out, particularly when doing online transactions with financial institutions and eCommerce websites.</p>
  288. <p>The features commonly offered by these business intelligence tools for identity protection would included shared authentication network tools, multi-factor authentication tools, fraud detection tools, and fraud intelligence network tools. These are the basic features offered by business intelligence for identity protection these days. But with the fast pace that technology finds itself at these days, there will certainly be more and more features added to the existing sets in the market.</p>
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  295. <title>IRACIS &#8211; A Roadmap to Business Intelligence ROI</title>
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  298. <pubDate>Sun, 21 May 2023 09:42:28 +0000</pubDate>
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  319. <description><![CDATA[So often when companies are considering a business intelligence project or software purchase, a question arises that seems to stump everyone involved. &#8220;Where is the ROI in this project?&#8221; This question has stopped many a business intelligence project in its &#8230; <a href="">Continue reading <span class="meta-nav">&#8594;</span></a>]]></description>
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  321. <p>So often when companies are considering a business intelligence project or software purchase, a question arises that seems to stump everyone involved.</p>
  322. <p>&#8220;Where is the ROI in this project?&#8221;</p>
  323. <p>This question has stopped many a business intelligence project in its tracks.  Maybe it&#8217;s asked by the CFO or CEO.  Maybe it&#8217;s brought up in one of the meetings with a vendor or consultant presenting a solution.  The sad truth is if you can not answer this question with hard numbers in specific areas, the ROI probably isn&#8217;t there.</p>
  324. <p>I.R.A.C.I.S. is a simple acronym that can be used to quantify a business intelligence project&#8217;s worth to a company.  It stands for the following:</p>
  325. <p>Increase Revenue &#8211; How will this application and functionality drive more sales to new or existing customers, shorten the sales cycle, and/or bring down the cost of sales?</p>
  326. <p>Avoid Costs &#8211; By far the area most focused on in BI project justifications.  How will this application help us improve efficiency, put more information in the hands of our business people and eliminate wasteful processes?</p>
  327. <p>Improve Service &#8211; Will this application affect our client base noticeably?  Will we be able to provide more timely and valuable information to our customers, prospects, and suppliers?</p>
  328. <p>Many times in a business intelligence effort, there are outcomes that are deemed desirable.  Things like ad-hoc report generation, more informed operations staff, and less lag time in financial reporting are nice.  But they will not justify the investment in a business intelligence solution from a quality software vendor without direct and secondary benefits quantified in the there areas mentioned above.</p>
  329. <p>Let&#8217;s face it, business intelligence solutions are not cheap.  There are many scalable solutions on the market today that range from traditional software implementations, to SaaS (Software as a Service), and even open source solutions.  Large companies have long embraced the benefits of business intelligence and now with these diverse offerings the small and mid sized companies are also taking advantage.  However, any business intelligence project is only as good as the planning, effort, and data that go into whatever software platform you are using.  Hence another phrase often heard in many BI projects, &#8220;garbage in, garbage out.&#8221;</p>
  330. <p>By using the I.R.A.C.I.S. model to quantify the value of the solution to the company, you provide everyone with a clear roadmap to what is deemed a successful project.  From the executive sponsor at the company, to the vendor you are working with, there is no ambiguity as to what is expected as a final outcome.  I would challenge any company that is considering a business intelligence project of some sort, that if you can&#8217;t find a solution that addresses at least one of the three areas above, if not all three, that the project is probably not worth doing at all.  And if the solution or software product is incapable of scaling to address all three areas in the long run, then it probably isn&#8217;t the best product for you.  This may seem like harsh criteria, but in an era where most large companies own 3 or 4 separate business intelligence tools, it&#8217;s apparent that more critical thinking is needed before a solution or platform is purchased.</p>
  331. <p>Not only is this acronym a good way to quantify a project&#8217;s worth to a company, but it can become a brainstorming tool for the types of applications you are looking to create.  Above I noted that the Avoid Costs portion of this acronym is by far the most focused on for business intelligence projects.  Why is that?  Is business intelligence only good for eliminating waste and making an organization more efficient?  Can it not be used to increase revenue by putting valuable information in front of prospects you haven&#8217;t been reaching yet?</p>
  332. <p>I would argue that some of the best and most successful business intelligence applications I know of, focus on the first category of Increasing Revenue.  Business intelligence is all about putting the right information into the right hands at the right time.  For some company&#8217;s that might be an internal business analyst.  But for so many others it can be putting information in front of your customers, prospects, and partners to provide new insight on a purchasing decision.  When companies are selling complex products and services, sometimes you need to track the customer down where they live.  You need to reach out to them with a compelling message about your product or value proposition and give them a reason to act on that information.</p>
  333. <p>If you got an e-mail from a major car insurance provider, showing your current car insurance provider and the estimated rate you are paying, and then a graph showing a $700 savings in rate comparisons for the same coverage over one year, that would be a compelling e-mail to receive.  It would probably motivate you to pick up the phone or go to a website to instigate further.</p>
  334. <p>This would in turn Improve Service and Avoid Costs.  Being able to present this kind of accurate and timely information to a prospective customer shows them that you have systems in place to save them money and provide the best possible service.  It shortens the sales cycle and the cost of sales, driving up margin and profitability.  It instills confidence in the company from a customer standpoint and also gets people talking about your product or service.</p>
  335. <p>In the Information Age we live in, the data and information that companies have are their most valuable assets by far.  Getting this information out in a usable format to the correct audience can be the role of business intelligence in any company.  This should be a goal when looking at what business intelligence can do for a company.  Don&#8217;t limit yourself to just eliminating waste and automating internal processes.  I certainly think projects that focus on those topics are worthwhile and valuable to a business.  But when you expand your thinking and remember that using the internet to deliver information in a variety of formats is the most cost effective way to reach a critical mass of people, only then can you realize your full ROI on the purchase of a business intelligence solution.</p>
  336. <p>So the next time a discussion breaks out about a business intelligence project or initiative, think of the I.R.A.C.I.S. model as a way to discuss and evaluate a projects worth to your company.  You might be surprised what you can come up with when your thinking turns towards revenue generation and service improvement.  Just remember, after you&#8217;re done creating a new line of business or increasing an existing one, to ask your boss for a commission.</p>
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  343. <title>Assessing Your Information System Using the Business Intelligence BSC</title>
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  346. <pubDate>Sun, 21 May 2023 09:41:55 +0000</pubDate>
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  367. <description><![CDATA[Business Intelligence is a key technology now used by many companies. While some companies still utilize the old and dependable transaction processing systems to gain business information, many companies now prefer the database and application design technology. A wide array &#8230; <a href="">Continue reading <span class="meta-nav">&#8594;</span></a>]]></description>
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  369. <p>Business Intelligence is a key technology now used by many companies. While some companies still utilize the old and dependable transaction processing systems to gain business information, many companies now prefer the database and application design technology. A wide array of business information is beneficial to companies that cater to competitive markets. Business intelligence is not limited to gathering information. It includes proper channeling and dissemination of the information, and could even extend to analysis of the data gathered. The business intelligence BSC or balanced scorecard is an extensive guideline of evaluating your business intelligence capabilities and processes.</p>
  370. <p>One of the most important aspects of business intelligence is data gathering. A scorecard will help you determine how effective the system you are employing is in gathering the necessary data for your business. Data gathered by means of the Internet and those coming from documentary research are of equal weight. The scorecard will not only determine how effective the methods you use are, but also how useful the data that you have gathered are.</p>
  371. <p>How you manage the vast wealth of data you have accumulated is another story. Data management is a perspective included in the scorecard because it is important that information should be stored properly and is well protected. The data should be easily accessible by those authorized to view and use them but it should be secure from unauthorized people, too.</p>
  372. <p>ETL is another important aspect graded by the scorecard. ETL is a series of processes in data warehousing. E stands for extracting information from outside sources. T is for transforming data to achieve certain quality that can be applied to your business needs. L is for loading the data into the warehouse which completes the whole cycle. These three processes are very vital in business intelligence.</p>
  373. <p>Production Management and Support is another perspective graded by the scorecard. How your data will be used during production and how it will support management is an end product of business intelligence. Data is gathered for company use and production management and support should benefit from these data.</p>
  374. <p>The scorecard also provides guidelines for rating organizational roles and responsibilities in the business intelligence. The whole process needs manpower. Every aspect is done by humans and those involved in gathering, transforming, loading and managing data should know their responsibilities. Each process should be assigned to different people to ensure efficiency and focus in their given organizational role.</p>
  375. <p>The scorecard also gives premium on project management. Business intelligence is a whole company project in its own right and how the whole process and the staff involved are managed is an essential aspect of its success.</p>
  376. <p>The business intelligence balance scorecard is designed in such a way that the results are easy to understand and interpret. The scorecard is unique in its structure because it will assess how a company&#8217;s business intelligence system and data warehousing compares with the best in the industry. It helps you establish IT standards, identifies what kind of data you need to gather, and evaluates the history of business intelligence within your company.</p>
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  383. <title>What Exactly is Business Intelligence?</title>
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  386. <pubDate>Sat, 20 May 2023 16:57:15 +0000</pubDate>
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  407. <description><![CDATA[OLAP is that piece of the tool set that provides Dimensional Analysis, enabling huge volumes of data to be efficiently made available for exploration in a large variety of formats and arrangements. The repository of high-volume data and the special &#8230; <a href="">Continue reading <span class="meta-nav">&#8594;</span></a>]]></description>
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  409. <p>OLAP is that piece of the tool set that provides Dimensional Analysis, enabling huge volumes of data to be efficiently made available for exploration in a large variety of formats and arrangements.</p>
  410. <p>The repository of high-volume data and the special methods for designing its storage was given the title of &#8220;Data Warehousing&#8221; (DW). Within the DW, a representation technique called &#8220;Dimensional Modeling&#8221; evolved, which is aimed at economic, context-based access (querying) of the immense tables held in the DW database.</p>
  411. <p>Once the data has been captured and arranged in this way, through a process known as &#8220;Extract, Transformation and Load&#8221; (ETL), it can be passed through a further stage of processing that generates a &#8220;Cube&#8221;.</p>
  412. <p>The Cube, in this context is actually another highly optimized form of storage in which the Dimensionally Modelled data can be pre-aggregated and cross-mapped for efficient retrieval and presentation to the user, who can enjoy parsing data at many levels of summarization moving quickly between almost limitless varieties of analysis.</p>
  413. <p>Activities such as setting up multi-dimensional charts of data summary (known as &#8220;slicing and dicing&#8221;) or moving to lower levels of detail and back again to highly summarized versions (known as drill-down and drill-up), using tools to create graphical representations of the Cube data, with a great many formats from which to choose.</p>
  414. <p>Employing yet other tools to perform sophisticated analyses, whereby trends and anomalies buried deep in the data may be discovered, understood and exploited (a technique called &#8220;Data Mining&#8221;). Data Mining models are created and refined to become sensitive to and resonant with the data patterns and can themselves be used to generate forecasts of future trends and movements within the tracked data. A veritable gold mine of such gems lies hidden and largely unexplored in the &#8220;exploding&#8221; mountains of data that have accumulated in companies since the price of storage came tumbling down.</p>
  415. <p>It seems that IT organizations have been hanging onto data, keeping it in cold-storage, knowing that there will come a time when it will be of benefit. This is analogous to the hopefuls who upon departing this world, have their brain frozen, awaiting the emergence of technologies that can bring it back to life, perhaps with an artificial body. Business Intelligence is the technology that allows companies to unfreeze their data assets, bringing them back to a much more useful life than before. A New Era for Information Usage?</p>
  416. <p>Early in the eighteenth century, inventors were making new discoveries about heat, energy and motion. There quickly evolved coal-fired, steam-driven locomotion (railways) and pumping engines (for the mines) and giant power plants for making every machine in a factory turn and churn incessantly. Spinning cotton, weaving cloth, cutting and shaping iron and then steel. The Industrial Revolution was born. Mills and factories sprung up all across the coal-rich fields of Northern England (this writer&#8217;s birthplace &#8211; although a little later).</p>
  417. <p>From their long heritage of back-breaking land work, people seeking to earn a regular (monetary) income flocked to grasp the many new (but equally back-breaking) factory jobs that emanated from the urban sprawl of gleaming red-bricked labyrinths, that housed these awesome machines. Industrial empires were spawning all over and wealthy (already) magnates-to-be, stepped up to invest, build and rule over them.</p>
  418. <p>What did they think of Business Intelligence? Of course, it seems unlikely that the term would ever have been uttered back then but, business empires had to managed somehow. If you could see those monolithic structures and enjoy the experience of visiting them, still churning and clunking, you may notice that almost every square foot of factory space was given over to production or storage of raw materials and finished goods. No room for desks and filing cabinets and, of course, no information technology; not even a telephone!</p>
  419. <p>In one corner of the giant mill, you will see a well appointed office (where the owner would be found most of the time) and one or two nearby, less auspicious areas, being the workplaces of a couple of clerks, whose job was to record all the transactions of the business. Keepers of great leather-bound volumes of hand-written fiscal matters, committed to parchment but rarely revisited. So where was the &#8220;Decision Support System&#8221;? Where were the &#8220;Executive Information Systems&#8221; and &#8220;Balanced Score Cards&#8221;?</p>
  420. <p>It was all there; all that was needed in those horse-drawn days, where real business took place between the various well-heeled mill owners over a mug of coffee or a mulled ale at some local tavern, gentlemen&#8217;s club or city-based mercantile gathering hall. The mill owner was kept informed of the production issues, inside his work-house, by visits from the foreman and kept his business knowledge up to scratch by his time spent over the tablecloths of his privileged meeting places. Intelligence was handled by &#8220;word of mouth&#8221;. Business deals were a handshake, followed by a letter, days or weeks later.</p>
  421. <p>After the initial gold rush of mechanization, little changed for a long time; at least in terms of administration methods. Only after a slow but gradual increase in the number of non-production workers and the (mostly) record-keeping tasks they performed, would another unannounced &#8220;giant leap forward&#8221; occur, to irreversibly revamp the business scene once again.</p>
  422. <p>Hail, Data Processing Due to regulatory requirements, statutory accounting practices and other external demands, together with a burgeoning management&#8217;s appetite for information, the ever-growing office spaces were becoming jammed with bursting-at-the- seems filing cabinets, filled with all manner of records of the company&#8217;s actions, transactions and anything else that mattered. All typed-in-triplicate, carbon-copied and filed in strict order (ready to be retrieved and hand-altered or joined by an extension or superseding entry.</p>
  423. <p>Hot, clattering, manufacturing machinery had ushered in the Industrial Age and hot, clattering data processing machinery would now usher in the Information Age. Tabulators, card punches, paper-tape punches and prattling line printers were among the first commercially successful data processing machines. Rapidly progressing into electronic mainframe computers, humming, or even whistling musically (but still quite hot) and requiring huge rooms for their banks of hand-threaded core-memories (as much as 8 Kilobytes per cabinet), and looms of backplane wiring to connect central processor&#8217;s thousands of discreet components, soldered to hundreds of Bakelite circuit boards.</p>
  424. <p>Strangely, this great revolution of number-crunching, heat-belching behemoths did little to shake up the world of business. Large corporations would quickly shell out millions for their first pride-and-joy, accompanied by the odd educational institution, here and there. However, vast swathes of less well endowed organizations held back, presumably seeing no threat of extinction as the consequence of not joining in the party for the second great era of industrialization.</p>
  425. <p>Well maybe it is not so strange. The astute leaders of small to medium sized businesses (SMB&#8217;s) not known for &#8220;leaping before they look&#8221;, should be expected to play wall-flower, at least until the proposition looks sound, justifiable and absolutely necessary for survival. Today though, a mere sixty years on, it is hard to find any kind of business, of any shape, size or ethical standing, that does not have heavenly amounts of computing power, at every fingertip.</p>
  426. <p>Bigger, faster, cheaper, more. So the years went by at the &#8220;speed of thought&#8221;, everyone got onboard and computer systems became as common in the workplace as steam-pipe<br />
  427. leaks, machinery-induced deafness and finger blisters had become in the cotton mill.</p>
  428. <p>Actually, the &#8220;Technology&#8221; part of &#8220;Information Technology&#8221; (the &#8220;T&#8221; in IT) has come an incredibly long way since the days of machines peering through holes in cardboard (which, incidentally, was first conceived of by Industrial Revolution luminary, Jacquard, the inventor of the all-important weaving loom that bears his name).</p>
  429. <p>Some software of today is also astronomically more advanced than that of the mid-twentieth century. Lamentably, it is, however, the &#8220;I&#8221; in IT that has not kept pace with the advances of electronics and related cost-performance ratios.</p>
  430. <p>With some exceptions, corporate use of computers has essentially become locked into the business of record keeping; frozen solid in the first great ice-age of non-progressive wheel-spinning, running faster to stand still, quagmire, where huge budgets evaporate, just trying to keep up with the avalanche of necessary upgrades and replacements.</p>
  431. <p>Is that the Cavalry I hear?</p>
  432. <p>Having painted a grim picture of stagnation and nil return on investment, we have paved the way for the trumpeters and knights in shining armor. So the cost of storage has come down dramatically, the data we are holding there has ballooned dramatically, now must be the time to do something with it, dramatically.</p>
  433. <p>Instead of just &#8220;record keeping&#8221;, let&#8217;s use all this computing power and endless data in ways that can make us better at what we do. How about introducing software that performs large-scale, sophisticated analysis. How about using that sophisticated analysis to help us make better decisions. How about using improved decision making to choose a better direction to go in and better direction to improve marketing efforts, customer experience, product investment, vendor selection, volume prediction, price setting, etc.</p>
  434. <p>Let&#8217;s just call this whole new leap forward &#8220;Business Intelligence&#8221;.</p>
  435. <p>Get more intelligent about business by seeing more clearly what we have done and what has been happening around us; by predicting where trends are heading and do all this by exploiting data we already have, tools we already own and brains that have not yet been put into deep freeze.</p>
  436. <p>This all sounds good. Lets get started, &#8220;as soon as the movement hits critical mass&#8221;.</p>
  437. <p>IS there anyone out there already using BI?</p>
  438. <p>When the first great era of commercial computing began, there were early adopters and late adopters. The early adopters paid for all the R&amp;D (as usual) and the tail-draggers paid with loss of market-share, employee job satisfaction and investor confidence. Well, not really; business and consumers were not so hurried, cost conscious or quick to change horses back then.</p>
  439. <p>Today is a different story, however. Deals are canceled at contract signing, shoppers abandon their carts at the check-out, construction is halted on the first foreclosure and stock market indicators have not seen a flat line in years. Panic is the normal state-of-rest.</p>
  440. <p>Businesses sink quickly and everyone is hoping that the next object that floats by will have an outboard motor, wings and booster rockets attached. One such vehicle is that broad set of capabilities currently flying under the banner of Business Intelligence.</p>
  441. <p>Many companies have made a leap of faith and invested in a BI initiative. For some of those entities, valuable gains have been achieved. For others, the project has been fruitless, hard lessons learned and second attempts made from a different approach.</p>
  442. <p>Compared to the early data processing efforts, today&#8217;s BI ventures are light years more advanced and equally more challenging. The potential for success is there for all qualified entrants and many have proved the point. Eventually, the deployment of BI will be as ubiquitous as the first generation of applications.</p>
  443. <p>Just as every organization has implemented &#8220;passive&#8221; record-keeping applications of some sort or another, there will be a time when most will also have &#8220;active&#8221;, even &#8220;thinking&#8221; intelligent software that examines data, sniffs out issues, evaluates propositions, recommends actions and monitors results. If you detect a difference in those two scenarios, you are understanding the meaning of Business Intelligence.</p>
  444. <p>There was a time when computers were depicted in entertainment media as futuristic and the stuff of science fiction. Now we can smile at all of that and, yes, there are differences between what novelists and screenwriters created and the more mundane, however clever, computers that support every aspect of our lives today.</p>
  445. <p>Don&#8217;t forget, however, that the likes of HAL, C3P0 and R2D2 are seen in laboratories where artificial intelligence and other far-out technologies are constantly making progress. In our business world, we are not looking to replace people with thinking software, but with BI we can get people thinking better (with software).</p>
  446. <p>BI may not be required or mandated for every type of organization; nor is it for the faint-of-heart; nor is it for the uninitiated (i.e. Those not understanding the issues). The separate MeasureGroup\x99 publication &#8220;Who needs BI?&#8221; can help an organization decide if it should, or should not, be looking at a BI initiative.</p>
  447. <p>A summary of Business Intelligence</p>
  448. <p>The following panel contains a summary of Business Intelligence in the form of a bullet list of the most significant attributes generally being assigned to this new but not-so-new technology that is going to be recognized one day as the &#8220;second great era of computing in business&#8221;.</p>
  449. <p>Summary of the key aspects of Business Intelligence:</p>
  450. <p>- Leveraging Data Assets to glean Insights otherwise unavailable<br />
  451. - Exploring Business Analytics in an almost endless variety of ways<br />
  452. - Gaining Competitive Advantage thru the Power of Knowledge<br />
  453. - Seizing Opportunities to improve Status and Profitability<br />
  454. - Enhancing Business Agility &#8211; First to Start &#8211; First to Finish<br />
  455. - Using Intelligent Questions to generate Intelligent Answers to generate Intelligent Questions&#8230;<br />
  456. - Enabling Proactive Management to replace Reactive Damage Control</p>
  457. <p>In the early days of computers, many did not see a use for them. That was because they did not yet understand their capabilities. BI is at that same point now. BI is being enabled by a new set of software tools and technologies that are continuing to evolve.</p>
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  488. <description><![CDATA[Efficient data management is essential for any business. The ability to quickly collect and analyze information can help executives make decisions that will place their company ahead of the market. However, even the smallest business can have an overwhelmingly large &#8230; <a href="">Continue reading <span class="meta-nav">&#8594;</span></a>]]></description>
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  490. <p>Efficient data management is essential for any business. The ability to quickly collect and analyze information can help executives make decisions that will place their company ahead of the market. However, even the smallest business can have an overwhelmingly large pool of data to sort through. This is what makes business intelligence software an incredibly powerful aide. Business intelligence tools make it possible for managers and executives to quickly make sense of the numbers and track the progress of their business. Whether you prefer traditional programs or the latest cloud marketing software program, it is important to choose the right business intelligence software program to help your company achieve its goals.</p>
  491. <p><strong>What Business Intelligence Software Can Do</strong></p>
  492. <p>All business intelligence tools organize data and arrange that data in a format that is easy for users to understand. Programs can generate spreadsheets and reports that allow companies to get a snapshot of their performance. Program developers have realized that businesses rely on unique sets of information to make their decisions. To meet these demands, software programs can perform a variety of specific functions carried out in by business analysts. Common functions performed by software programs include:</p>
  493. <p>Operational Reporting &#8211; Operational reports cover the day-to-day operation in a business. Managers who directly supervise transactional activities often rely on operational reporting. For example, retail managers who oversee cash register operations can use this function to track daily sales and detect shortages. Many programs allow managers to view data that is updated by the minute.</p>
  494. <p>Forecasting &#8211; Forecasting allows managers to make predictions based on specific sets of data. They can determine the profitability of certain decisions and even predict the outcome of alternative solutions. Forecasting software is an important tool in decision-making and is often used by high level executives. There are many programs that specialize in utilizing the latest forecasting methods.</p>
  495. <p>Customer Intelligence &#8211; Customer intelligence is a useful tool for analyzing consumer trends. Companies use this data to get a clear picture of their consumers and to tailor their services to meet their needs. Marketing decisions are heavily influenced by customer intelligence.</p>
  496. <p><strong>Choosing the Right Business Intelligence Software Program</strong></p>
  497. <p>Determining the needs of your business is the first step in finding the right business intelligence software program. Owners of smaller businesses often prefer a program that is equally capable of handling multiple functions. Purchasing an all-in-one program is less costly than by multiple programs different intelligence functions. Cloud marketing software also allows companies to save on data storage costs by having a third party manage their information.</p>
  498. <p>Larger businesses may want to purchase a function-specific program for each department. This allows their managers to focus on data that is relevant to their department. If your goal is to monitor business expenditures, it is advisable to select a program that is tailored to generating operational function reports. On the other hand, a marketing department might benefit from programs designed to deliver up-to-date consumer intelligence reports. Providing the best data management tools for each department will maximize efficiency for the entire company.</p>
  499. <p>Business intelligence tools have helped many companies stay afloat during tough economic times. They allow managers to quickly respond to market trends and identify trouble spots that need to be addressed. Recent developments in software programs have made them more accessible to businesses of all sized. Cloud marketing software even allows businesses to save on data management and storage costs. Whether a business seeks to cut down on expenses or identify consumer trends, they can find a business intelligence software program tailored to their needs.</p>
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