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  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><rss version="2.0"><channel><title>ACE Fit Facts</title><link></link><image></image><description>ACE Fit Facts, the latest in trends and workouts. Originally published in recent issues of ACE FitnessMatters, each tip covers a different topic related to health and fitness, including muscle strength, and weight loss.</description><copyright>(c) 2024, American Council on Exercise. All rights reserved.</copyright><item><category>Fit Facts</category><title>Q&amp;A with InfluencerNexus Founder Sarah Saffari</title><description>ACE is proud to partner up with InfluencerNexus to better support you in growing and scaling your business through mentorship. InfluencerNexus helps fitness entrepreneurs build world-class businesses ...</description><link></link></item><item><category>Fit Facts</category><title>How Daylight Savings Time Impacts Health</title><description>DST causes a cascade of reactions in the body and in our daily routines – much like a row of dominoes carefully organized, one small movement affects the entire system. Think about the human body as t...</description><link></link></item><item><category>Fit Facts</category><title>Benefits of Flexibility</title><description>Learn all about the benefits of flexibility. From releasing muscle soreness to increasing mental relaxation, being flexible definitely has its perks....</description><link></link></item><item><category>Fit Facts</category><title>How to Navigate the Farmers Market</title><description>Spring has sprung, and in many parts of the United States, farmers markets are popping up again from their winter hiatuses. We’re keen on seasonal produce that is available from local farms like organ...</description><link></link></item><item><category>Fit Facts</category><title>Why Moms Should Put Themselves First</title><description> Put your health first. Yes, first—above your kids, your husband and your job. The longer you go without taking care of yourself, the more severe the consequences.  Here are 10 ways you can put yourse...</description><link></link></item><item><category>Fit Facts</category><title>Why do all kids' programs include snack time?</title><description> It seems that snacks are used in many situations as a guaranteed time to make the kids happy and pass a few minutes—something easy to build into almost every activity – like church, girl scouts, spor...</description><link></link></item><item><category>Fit Facts</category><title>Transform Your Grocery Shopping Experience</title><description> Plan what foods you will need for the whole week. Choose recipes and snacks for each day. Use the USDA’s SuperTracker tool to track the health value of your meal plan....</description><link></link></item><item><category>Fit Facts</category><title>Summer Fruit Recipes</title><description> So many fruits, like juicy peaches, sweet melons and tangy plums, are plentiful in the markets during the summer. While delicious on their own, try these quick and simple twists with your kids for a ...</description><link></link></item><item><category>Fit Facts</category><title>Strength Training for Kids: A Guide for Parents and Teachers</title><description> Although parents and physical education teachers have traditionally shied away from strength training with their children or students, research suggests that it is a suitable—and safe—option for most...</description><link></link></item><item><category>Fit Facts</category><title>Sports Training for Youth Athletes: How Much is Too Much?</title><description> Children today are becoming very involved in sports at a young age, with many playing on multiple sports teams per year. While we want our youth to be active and healthy, training too much could have...</description><link></link></item><item><category>Fit Facts</category><title>Peace in Parenthood</title><description> Everyone benefits from some quiet time, but this is especially true for parents. Parents are in a state of constant reacting—to cries, phone calls, emails, dirty diapers, and carpools. Parents seem t...</description><link></link></item><item><category>Fit Facts</category><title>Healthy Nutrition and Physical Activity for Children with Autism</title><description>Here are 10 ideas to help make mealtimes and activity breaks into positive experiences for children with autistic spectrum disorders (asds):...</description><link></link></item><item><category>Fit Facts</category><title>Healthy Eating – MyPlate On Campus</title><description> While the “freshman 15” is often an exaggeration, the average teenager enters college at a healthier weight and baseline health status than when they depart. While one-third of children and teenagers...</description><link></link></item><item><category>Fit Facts</category><title>My child struggles in PE. What can do at home to improve my child’s skills?</title><description>Here are some ideas to help transform a PE-hating child into a child who actually looks forward it!...</description><link></link></item><item><category>Fit Facts</category><title>My Child Is Obese –Where Can We Get Help?</title><description> Once a child is diagnosed as “obese”, parents need help implementing a structured weight-management program beyond the american academy of pediatrics’ recommendation of 5-2-1-0 (five daily servings o...</description><link></link></item><item><category>Fit Facts</category><title>How can I make healthy sandwiches that my kids will actually want to eat?</title><description> Kids get tired of the same old boring sandwiches (and parents grow tired of finding uneaten sandwiches in the lunchbox!). Try these fun ideas and tips for changing up your kids’ lunches and explore o...</description><link></link></item><item><category>Fit Facts</category><title>Is All Screen Time Bad For My Preschooler? Maybe Not.</title><description> The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends two hours or less per day of screen time (television, video and computer games, tablets, smart phones, e-readers, etc.) for kids over age two and no scre...</description><link></link></item><item><category>Fit Facts</category><title>How Should I Help My Child Pick a Sport?</title><description>...</description><link></link></item><item><category>Fit Facts</category><title>How can I teach my child about healthy hydration, especially in the warm summer months?</title><description>Proper hydration is a high priority, especially for children engaging in strenuous physical activity on hot and humid days when the risk of heat-related illness is most severe. Educating children on t...</description><link></link></item><item><category>Fit Facts</category><title>How can I make cooking withmy child fun?</title><description> Getting your kids into the kitchen can be a great way to spend time together as a family. Involving them in the cooking process is also a wonderful opportunity to show them that a healthy lifestyle c...</description><link></link></item></channel></rss>
Copyright © 2002-9 Sam Ruby, Mark Pilgrim, Joseph Walton, and Phil Ringnalda