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  23. Blogger Template Design: Grease
  24. Design by:, June 2008
  25. Terms of Use: Free template with credit linked to
  26. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
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  1056. <!--Can't find substitution for tag [adStart]-->
  1057. <h2 class="date-header">February 22, 2010</h2>
  1058. <div class="post">
  1059. <a name="773287108916413044"></a>
  1060. <h3 class="post-title">
  1061. <a href="2010/02/weekend-recap-boston-and-jazz.html">Weekend Recap - Boston and the Jazz</a>
  1062. </h3>
  1063. <div class="post-header-line-1"></div>
  1064. <div class="post-body">
  1065. <b>The Celtics Disaster</b> <br/>
  1066. <br/>
  1067. Friday's game against the Boston Celtics was not pretty.  The team did not play well together.  Maybe it was due to the trade, but none the less, the showing was ugly.  Camby had only one practice with the team prior to the game which showed as he finished with 2 pts and 7 rebounds in 29 minutes.  I don't think I expected much with his first game, but the loss made it sting a bit more.  Brandon Roy also had an off game.  He played 34 minutes and finished with 9 pts.  Realizing that this is only his 2nd game since January, he really needs to pull himself out of this rut so that we know where your heart is at.  Start feeling comfortable with Miller as your point guard and stop whining about your best friend being traded away.  We need you more than ever right now.<br/>
  1068. <div><br/>
  1069. <b>The Jazz Collapse</b><br/>
  1070. <br/>
  1071. </div><div>Last night's game against the Utah Jazz was quite a bummer!  I sat at home with the Mr. yelling emphatically at the TV hoping the team could hear me.  We were playing like the team we know and Camby was playing like the defensive player of the year we knew from three years ago.  He may not have added a lot of points but he finished with a huge 18 rebounds, 4 blocks, and 2 steals.  He also had about 6 or 7 tip outs for another Portland shot clock which made the Jazz play more defense than anticipated.  Another shining light for Portland was the re-emergence of Nicolas Batum with 14pts and 9 rebounds in 32 minutes.  (I really hope that Nate McMillan took notes last night and puts Batum back in the starting lineup.)<br/>
  1072. <br/>
  1073. Even with those 2 positives we were still left with one giant negative.&nbsp; Just when we thought that this could turn into a blow out, the Jazz rallied back as they always do against Portland.  Carlos Boozer finished with 22pts and 23 rebounds plus the shot that put us into overtime.  And any Blazer fan can tell you that we often don't fare well in overtime which remained true again last night.  </div><div><br/>
  1074. <b>Looking Forward</b><br/>
  1075. <br/>
  1076. </div><div>With those two games now behind us, we need to look forward to our 5 game road trip, which we should come out on top in all 5.&nbsp; It'll be a difficult road test, but one that will either make or break the 2009-10 season. </div>
  1077. <p>______________________________________________________________________
  1078. <i>Make sure to <a href=""><b>follow us on Twitter</b></a> and <a href=";loc=en_US"><b>subscribe to Blaze of Love</b></a> for instant updates!</i></p>
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  1121. <h2 class="date-header">February 19, 2010</h2>
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  1125. <a href="2010/02/back-to-attack.html">Back to Attack</a>
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  1129. Hello, Blazer fans and all alike, this is Mrs. Blazeoflove!!  I am filling in a little while the Mr. is on hiatus.  <br/>
  1130. <div><br/>
  1131. </div><div>The biggest news as of late, is the trade for Marcus Camby, sending Steve Blake and Travis Outlaw to the LA Clippers.  I know a lot of fans out there loved both players, but if we want this team to have a chance in the playoffs we need a center while both Greg Oden and Joel Pryzbilla are recovering from season-ending knee injuries. Camby is averging 7.7 pts and 12.1 rebounds a game and has played with both Andre Miller and Juwan Howard which is a nice bonus. The Blazers will need him defensively more than anything plus the guy is a rebounding machine!&nbsp; Martell Webster even expressed that he was glad that we acquired him both professionally and as a friend.  Camby will make his debut as a Blazer tonight against the Boston Celtics!</div><div><br/>
  1132. </div><div>Now must I say more...the Boston Celtics.  I don't think for me that there is another team that I despise like this.  Kevin Garnett and his chest punches put a sour taste in my mouth.  They are playing a back to back game tonight and will be high from all the smog and the win against the Lakers, but we have B-Roy and the debut of Camby!</div><div><br/>
  1133. </div><div>So everyone throw on the jerseys and head to the Rose Garden or to your nearest dive bar and cheer on your Portland Trailblazers!!</div>
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  1178. <h2 class="date-header">February 6, 2010</h2>
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  1182. <a href="2010/02/brandon-roy-out-through-all-star-break.html">Brandon Roy Out Through All-Star Break</a>
  1183. </h3>
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  1185. <div class="post-body">
  1186. <blockquote><b>BRANDON ROY SIDELINED THROUGH ALL-STAR BREAK</b><br/>
  1187. <br/>
  1188. <i>Portland guard to undergo PRP therapy on Monday</i><br/>
  1189. <br/>
  1190. PORTLAND, Ore. - Portland Trail Blazers guard Brandon Roy will miss Portland's next three games and the NBA All-Star Game with a right hamstring strain, it was announced today by General Manager Kevin Pritchard. <br/>
  1191. <br/>
  1192. &#8220;Unfortunately, I'm not where I was hoping I would be physically at this point,&#8221; said Roy. &#8220;It's a setback and I'm obviously disappointed, but my entire focus is getting back on the court, contributing and helping our team down the stretch.&#8221;<br/>
  1193. <br/>
  1194. Roy initially injured his hamstring January 13 vs. Milwaukee and re-aggravated it January 20 at Philadelphia. He has missed 11 of Portland's last 12 games heading into tonight's game with the L.A. Lakers.<br/>
  1195. <br/>
  1196. &#8220;This was not a decision that any of us wanted to make, but in the end we had to do what was best for Brandon,&#8221; said Pritchard. &#8220;We're hopeful that this extended rest will put Brandon in the best possible position to return to the line-up shortly after the All-Star break.&#8221;<br/>
  1197. <br/>
  1198. Roy will undergo Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy with Dr. Neal ElAttrache at the Kerlan-Jobe Orthopaedic Clinic in Los Angeles on Monday.<br/>
  1199. <br/>
  1200. Roy leads the team in scoring (23.1), free throws made (213) and minutes (38.3), and ranks second on the squad in assists (5.0) and steals (1.03). In just 40 games this season, he has led the team in scoring 25 times and assists on 15 occasions (including ties).</blockquote>
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  1245. <h2 class="date-header">February 3, 2010</h2>
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  1249. <a href="2010/02/bayless-double-pump-dunk-and-cunningham.html">Bayless Double Pump Dunk and Cunningham Block vs. Jazz</a>
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  1253. Bayless gets nasty with a baseline double pump...and then jacks his wrist up.<br/>
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  1255. <center><object height="364" width="445"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_US&amp;fs=1&amp;color1=0x3a3a3a&amp;color2=0x999999&amp;border=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=";hl=en_US&amp;fs=1&amp;color1=0x3a3a3a&amp;color2=0x999999&amp;border=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="445" height="364"></embed></object></center><br/>
  1256. Cunningham is abusing people on defense almost nightly...<br/>
  1257. <br/>
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  1305. <a href="2010/02/pre-funk-blazers-at-jazz-23.html">The Pre-Funk:  Blazers at Jazz 2/3</a>
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  1310. <i>The all day coverage you need to go into tonight&#39;s contest.&#160; We&#39;re just making sure you&#39;re prepared to drop that extra knowledge on the brosephs to get you another smidgen of respect.</i> <br>
  1311. <br>
  1312. <b>Party Attendees...</b><br>
  1313. <br>
  1314. No Boozer tonight!&#160; Yay for LaMarcus Aldridge! Another night without getting dominated by a better, more physical, and polished power forward!&#160; Scary thing is that he now has to go against the guy that was going to be his backup.&#160; I guess we get to see what could have been with Paul Milsap.<br>
  1315. <br>
  1316. Still no Batum in the starting lineup which I guess is fine as long as he&#39;s logging significant minutes.&#160; Nothing is more frustrating than watching the Martell Webster we&#39;ve grown accustomed to over the last 4 years.&#160; Yes, I&#39;m saying his streak of decent games a month ago was not something to get used to.<br>
  1317. <br>
  1318. News of Travis Outlaw returning just after the All-Star break has surfaced.&#160; People are excited about that?&#160; As the back up 4, would you rather have guys like Cunningham and Howard that just care about rebounding and making physical plays or a guy more concerned with floating around the perimeter jacking up pull-ups?&#160; For a team lacking toughness and needing guys flying to the boards more than ever, give me the rookie and the elderly chap.<br>
  1319. <br>
  1320. Roy back Saturday!&#160; Maybe.<br>
  1321. <br>
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