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  17. <item><title>Run for the Hills 10</title><link></link><description><![CDATA[<img src="" width="480" height="480" /> WHAT IS EVEN HAPPENING]]></description><guid isPermaLink="false">2300-17548</guid><pubDate>Wed, 09 Feb 2022 16:12:00 -0800</pubDate><media:content url="" type="image/png" width="480" height="270" /><dc:creator></dc:creator><relatedGames></relatedGames></item>
  18. <item><title>We Talk Over: Nintendo Direct 02/09/2022</title><link></link><description><![CDATA[<img src="" width="480" height="480" /> Wow! Nintendo sure had a mouthful of games for this direct!]]></description><guid isPermaLink="false">2300-17547</guid><pubDate>Wed, 09 Feb 2022 14:57:00 -0800</pubDate><media:content url="" type="image/png" width="480" height="270" /><dc:creator></dc:creator><relatedGames></relatedGames></item>
  19. <item><title>ALBUMMER! 24: Funny Minions Guys</title><link></link><description><![CDATA[<img src="" width="480" height="480" /> This Week on Albummer! we investigate the obvious cash grab of some dude doing a bad Minions impression over unlicensed music. You want to see us get tortured? Step on us, Mistress Minion.]]></description><guid isPermaLink="false">2300-17546</guid><pubDate>Wed, 09 Feb 2022 09:00:00 -0800</pubDate><media:content url="" type="image/png" width="480" height="270" /><dc:creator></dc:creator><relatedGames></relatedGames></item>
  20. <item><title>Giant Bombcast 724: Gaba-Ghouls</title><link></link><description><![CDATA[<img src="" width="480" height="480" /> This week Jess talks about her preview with Ghostwire Tokyo, Jeff takes shrooms in Dying Light 2, getting old in Sifu, and we breakdown this week's whirlwind of news!]]></description><guid isPermaLink="false">2300-17544</guid><pubDate>Tue, 08 Feb 2022 14:52:00 -0800</pubDate><media:content url="" type="image/jpeg" width="480" height="270" /><dc:creator></dc:creator><relatedGames></relatedGames></item>
  21. <item><title>Best of Giant Bomb: 213 - Fancy Cat</title><link></link><description><![CDATA[<img src="" width="480" height="480" /> Best Of is back, baby! On this episode the crew wraps up GOTY 2021, Jan discovers a "fancy cat" in Silent Hill, the Albummer gang discusses frog junk and we honor an exploding barrel that had one job but couldn't do it.]]></description><guid isPermaLink="false">2300-17543</guid><pubDate>Tue, 08 Feb 2022 08:00:00 -0800</pubDate><media:content url="" type="image/png" width="480" height="270" /><dc:creator></dc:creator><relatedGames></relatedGames></item>
  22. <item><title>PokéMonday Night Combat - Alpha Hunt</title><link></link><description><![CDATA[<img src="" width="480" height="480" /> Jan and Jess are on the hunt for some BIGBOIZ!]]></description><guid isPermaLink="false">2300-17537</guid><pubDate>Mon, 07 Feb 2022 13:05:00 -0800</pubDate><media:content url="" type="image/png" width="480" height="270" /><dc:creator></dc:creator><relatedGames></relatedGames></item>
  23. <item><title>Giant Bomb Animated: Fashion Choices</title><link></link><description><![CDATA[<img src="" width="480" height="480" /> What are you wearing?]]></description><guid isPermaLink="false">2300-17536</guid><pubDate>Mon, 07 Feb 2022 09:00:00 -0800</pubDate><media:content url="" type="image/png" width="480" height="270" /><dc:creator></dc:creator><relatedGames></relatedGames></item>
  24. <item><title>The Community Spotlight 2022.02.05</title><link></link><description><![CDATA[<figure data-align="right" data-size="small" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-356281" data-ratio="1.5" data-width="400" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 400px"><a href=""><img alt="No Caption Provided" src="" srcset=" 400w" sizes="(max-width: 426px) 100vw, 426px" data-width="426"></a></figure><p>If you want the HARD NUMBERS on the staff's GOTY lists and the many guest lists on the site, check out <a href="">@marino</a>'s <a href=""><strong>Data Dump: GOTY 2021 Staff &amp; Guests Breakdown</strong></a>. If you want to know what would be the site's 2021 GOTY if it relied on HARD SCIENCE, then this is the post for you! Additionally, remember to check out <a href=""><strong>Superkenon's Giant Bomb GOTY MEGATHREAD</strong></a> where they annotate and compile all of Giant Bomb's GOTY content into a single post!</p><p>Speaking of the site's GOTY content, if you tined into it and a the Bombcasts after it, you might have noticed a new version of the Giant Bomb theme song! This music is spectacularly <a href=""><strong>brought to you by Vektroid/Macintosh Plus</strong></a>. Oh, and <a href=""><strong>the Community 2021 GOTY voting results</strong></a> are up for you to marvel over! Read which game the community thinks should have been the site's 2021 GOTY!</p><p>Finally, here's a friendly reminder to the community to check out <a href=""><strong>Rorie's "Giant Fire Bomb Side Chat" post</strong></a> on the forums! If you want to learn about the plans for NEXT week or when merch will be restocked, this is the post for you.</p><p>Outside of the normal scope of Giant Bomb, <a href=""><strong>RedVentures a Mobile Gaming Editor for GameSpot</strong></a>! If you feel qualified to review and cover mobile games, check it out! Also, Danny posted a video on their Patreon that is available to everyone, even those that are not subscribers that <a href=""><strong>explains what they have been doing and why they took a break from Giant Bomb</strong></a>.</p><h2>Tweets</h2><div data-embed-type="tweet" data-src=""><blockquote align="center" class="twitter-tweet" data-conversation="none" data-mce-disable-toolbar="true"><p dir="ltr">Most of my RV work is under wraps for the time being BUT in the meantime I have been able to make rad stuff for the wonderful people at <a href="^tfw">@giantbomb</a> including their GOTY branding for 2021! Im really happy with how it came together, enjoy day 1! <a href=";ref_src=twsrc^tfw">#gbgoty</a> <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a></p>  — Justin Vachon (@megaberrycrunch) <a href="^tfw">January 26, 2022</a></blockquote><text></text></div><div data-embed-type="tweet" data-src=""><blockquote align="center" class="twitter-tweet" data-conversation="none" data-mce-disable-toolbar="true"><p dir="ltr">Your favorite game probably won't win <a href="^tfw">@giantbomb</a>'s GOTY. So, Squall has some good advice for you. <a href=""></a></p>  — Brad Lynch (@MarinoV1) <a href="^tfw">January 28, 2022</a></blockquote><text></text></div><div data-embed-type="tweet" data-src=""><blockquote align="center" class="twitter-tweet" data-conversation="none" data-mce-disable-toolbar="true"><p dir="ltr">In regards to my <a href="^tfw">@giantbomb</a> game of the year list, I have received this comment. <br /><br />Murph, I have been trying for years. <br /><br />cc: <a href="^tfw">@DanRyckert</a> <a href=""></a></p>  — Alex Boniello (@AlexBoniello) <a href="^tfw">January 27, 2022</a></blockquote><text></text></div><div data-embed-type="tweet" data-src=""><blockquote align="center" class="twitter-tweet" data-conversation="none" data-mce-disable-toolbar="true"><p dir="ltr">Had to put on the sacred garments for this weeks episode of Albummer from <a href="^tfw">@2M2LN</a> and <a href="^tfw">@giantbomb</a>. The episode was truly the cream of the crop. Especially the last ten or so minutes. Ooooo yeeeah. <a href=""></a></p>  — Dead Action Jones (@DeadActionJones) <a href="^tfw">January 27, 2022</a></blockquote><text></text></div><div data-embed-type="tweet" data-src=""><blockquote align="center" class="twitter-tweet" data-conversation="none" data-mce-disable-toolbar="true"><p dir="ltr"><a href="^tfw">@giantbomb</a> <a href="^tfw">@GBDudersFeed</a> saw this ad on Facebook and tell me they didn’t just take a picture of Jan and run it through an aging algorithm. <a href=""></a></p>  — Paul Sylliboy (@pSylliboy) <a href="^tfw">January 25, 2022</a></blockquote><text></text></div><div data-embed-type="tweet" data-src=""><blockquote align="center" class="twitter-tweet" data-conversation="none" data-mce-disable-toolbar="true"><p dir="ltr">Some Art I did in honor of Chicory winning Giant Bomb's Minecraft Presents The Shaka Award for Chillest Game, Brah. I got more Chicory/Giant Bomb to post in the near future. <a href=""></a></p>  — TRBucket (@TRBucket) <a href="^tfw">February 1, 2022</a></blockquote><text></text></div><div data-embed-type="tweet" data-src=""><blockquote align="center" class="twitter-tweet" data-conversation="none" data-mce-disable-toolbar="true"><p dir="ltr">My favorite moment from the 3 days of discussions. When you could pinpoint the exact moment <a href="^tfw">@VoidBurger</a> had the poster pop up in her mind. <a href=""></a></p>  — Mohammed Abdullah (@Mystic_Mile) <a href="^tfw">January 29, 2022</a></blockquote><text></text></div><div data-embed-type="tweet" data-src=""><blockquote align="center" class="twitter-tweet" data-conversation="none" data-mce-disable-toolbar="true"><p dir="ltr">If you missed it last night, our last guest GOTY list appeared, courtesy of <a href="^tfw">@tha_rami</a> !<a href=""></a></p>  — Giant Bomb (@giantbomb) <a href="^tfw">February 3, 2022</a></blockquote><text></text></div><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><h2><span>Videos/Clips</span></h2><p><a href=""><strong>Is Jan Excited Or Disturbed?</strong></a> (By: <a href="">@kone</a>)</p><p data-right-indent="0" style="margin-left: 30px;">Kone is back at it mixing music and tight editing with a funny one-off moment from the Bombcast! This time, they ask if Jan is excited or "Disturbed."</p><div data-embed-type="video" data-src="" data-width="100%" data-height="100%" data-video-start="0"><iframe   src="" width="100%" height="100%" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe></div><h2>Galleria</h2><p><a href=""><strong>Jess x Possum</strong></a> (By: <a href="">@kunsypt</a>)</p><p data-right-indent="0" style="margin-left: 30px;">Over on Twitter, kunsypt decided to make some cut art featuring Jess crossed with an opossum! Check out their other works, and remember, support artists however you can!</p><figure data-align="center" data-size="large" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-3346703" data-ratio="1.6100178890877" data-width="559" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 559px"><a href=""><img alt="No Caption Provided" src="" srcset=" 559w" sizes="(max-width: 559px) 100vw, 559px" data-width="559"></a></figure><p><a href=""><strong>Run For The Hills Fanart</strong></a> (By: <a href="">@RobLopatto</a>)</p><p data-right-indent="0" style="margin-left: 30px;">Over on Twitter, SlimeKing decided to make some AMAZING fanart of their new favorite video series on Giant Bomb! Here you go, and I think we can all agree it has merch potential.</p><figure data-align="center" data-size="large" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-3344913" data-ratio="0.72682016179216" data-width="1607" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 1607px"><a href=""><img alt="No Caption Provided" src="" srcset=" 1607w, 960w, 480w" sizes="(max-width: 960px) 100vw, 960px" data-width="960"></a></figure><p><a href=""><strong>LEGO: QuadBurger</strong></a> (By: <a href="">@kone</a>)</p><p data-right-indent="0" style="margin-left: 30px;">For those of you that follow Jess on Twitter, you might have noticed that she changed her Twitter profile picture. Here's the full-sized version of the new art that she's decked out her Twitter with, and don't forget to thank Kone for making this wonderful work of art!</p><figure data-align="center" data-size="large" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-3344911" data-ratio="1" data-width="1080" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 1080px"><a href=""><img alt="No Caption Provided" src="" srcset=" 1080w, 960w" sizes="(max-width: 1920px) 100vw, 1920px" data-width="1920"></a></figure><h2>Community-Created GOTY Content!</h2><p><em>Author's Note: Okay, FINE! I LIED! After going on a one week break, I just couldn't justify not giving the user-created GOTY section one last hurrah before closing things up. For those that end up publishing their GOTY blogs and lists after this week, don't worry, I will still include them in the normal blog and list sections of the Spotlight!</em></p><h3>GOTY Lists</h3><figure data-align="right" data-size="small" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-3346733" data-ratio="0.52435897435897" data-width="780" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 780px"><a href=""><img alt="Some good shit this week from the community related to GOTY." src="" srcset=" 780w, 480w, 320w" sizes="(max-width: 320px) 100vw, 320px" data-width="320"></a><figcaption>Some good shit this week from the community related to GOTY.</figcaption></figure><ul><li><a href=""><strong>Yours Truly's 2021 Game of the Year Awards</strong></a> (By: <a href="">@genessee</a>)</li><li><a href=""><strong>A Somewhat Ordered List of Very Good Games I Played in 2021</strong></a> (By: <a href="">@colonelsanders21</a>)</li><li><a href=""><strong>GOTY 2021</strong></a> (By: <a href="">@nia</a>)</li><li><a href=""><strong>GOTY 2021</strong></a> (By: <a href="">@brownsfantb</a>)</li><li><a href=""><strong>GOTY 2021</strong></a> (By: <a href="">@mento</a>)</li><li><a href=""><strong>A Somewhat Ordered List of Very Good Games I Played in 2021</strong></a> (By: <a href="">@colonelsanders21</a>)</li><li><a href=""><strong>Best Of 2021</strong></a> (By: <a href="">@rjayb89</a>)</li><li><a href=""><strong>Game Of The Year 2021</strong></a> (By: <a href="">@posh</a>)</li><li><a href=""><strong>Best of 2021</strong></a> (By: <a href="">@meatsim</a>)</li><li><a href=""><strong>Game Of The Year 2021</strong></a> (By: <a href="">@sinkjaer</a>)</li><li><a href=""><strong>Top 10 Games Played In 2021</strong></a> (By: <a href="">@makinbacon</a>)</li></ul><h3>GOTY Blogs</h3><figure data-align="right" data-size="small" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-3346735" data-ratio="0.5625" data-width="1920" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 1920px"><a href=""><img alt="Again, many thanks to Justin Vachon for making the 2021 GOTY banners this year!" src="" srcset=" 1920w, 960w, 480w, 320w" sizes="(max-width: 320px) 100vw, 320px" data-width="320"></a><figcaption>Again, many thanks to Justin Vachon for making the 2021 GOTY banners this year!</figcaption></figure><p><a href=""><strong>2021 Game of the Year</strong></a> (By: <a href="">@ronindrummer200</a>)</p><p data-right-indent="0" style="margin-left: 30px;">ronindrummer200 reviews the five best old games and 2021 releases they played last year on their latest blog on Giant Bomb! Give it a read and see which games kept them entertained during the hellscape that was 2021.</p><p><a href=""><strong>The Game Of The Year Thing You've Clearly All Been Waiting To See!</strong></a> (By: <a href="">@jeffrud</a>)</p><p data-right-indent="0" style="margin-left: 30px;">jeffrud finally got around to writing a 2021 GOTY blog on Giant Bomb! However, as someone who primarily plays classic games, they decided to discuss the best and worst games they played last year, regardless of their release!</p><p><a href=""><strong>The Oh Shit I Have a Blog, Whoops GOTY Awards</strong></a> (By: <a href="">@ford_dent</a>)</p><p data-right-indent="0" style="margin-left: 30px;">Ford_Dent forgot to publish their 2021 GOTY blog on Giant Bomb until a few days ago! Give it a read and if you still haven't published yours, don't worry! You still have time!</p><p><a href=""><strong>Clagnaught's Game of the Year, 2021 Edition</strong></a> (By: <a href="">@clagnaught</a>)</p><p data-right-indent="0" style="margin-left: 30px;">clagnaught buckled down and got around to publishing their 2021 GOTY blog on Giant Bomb! Read all about the games they loved playing last year as well as their special "superlatives."</p><h2>Activities</h2><figure data-align="right" data-size="small" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-3171752" data-ratio="0.5625" data-width="1280" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 1280px"><a href=""><img alt="It's time to have fun with a Metroidvania." src="" srcset=" 1280w, 960w, 480w, 320w" sizes="(max-width: 320px) 100vw, 320px" data-width="320"></a><figcaption>It's time to have fun with a Metroidvania.</figcaption></figure><p><strong><a href="">Deedlit In Wonder Labyrinth Is The 3rd UUGPGC Selection! Finish By 2/14/2022 And Join The Discussion! Mark All Spoilers!</a> +</strong></p><p><a href=""><strong>The Pedestrian Is The Second Unsanctioned Unofficial Game Pass Game Club Game. Spoilers Open!</strong></a> (By: BIGSOCARTES)</p><p data-right-indent="0" style="margin-left: 30px;">ATTENTION! The third edition of Giant Bomb's Unofficial Game Pass Game Club is all about <a href="">Record of Lodoss War-Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth-</a>! Get the details on when you will need to finish the game by clicking the first link. Also, if you missed the last roundtable discussion for <a href="">The Pedestrian</a>, the link is provided below that.</p><h2>Blogs</h2><p><a href=""><strong>Comparing History’s Greatest Video Game Enemies To The Shy Guy</strong></a> (By: <a href="">@purpleshyguy</a>)</p><figure data-align="right" data-size="small" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-3346709" data-ratio="0.66640625" data-width="2560" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 2560px"><a href=""><img alt="The gold standard of all generic enemies?" src="" srcset=" 2560w, 960w, 480w, 320w" sizes="(max-width: 320px) 100vw, 320px" data-width="320"></a><figcaption>The gold standard of all generic enemies?</figcaption></figure><p data-right-indent="0" style="margin-left: 30px;">PurpleShyGuy is a fan of the Mario Bros. <a href="">Shy Guy</a> enemy, hence, their username. In light of that, they decided to "<em><strong>judge</strong></em>" other game franchises and their canon fodder with the Shy Guy being their "Gold Standard."</p><p><a href=""><strong>Mobile Game of the Week: Dota Underlords</strong></a> (By: <a href="">@daavpuke</a>)</p><p data-right-indent="0" style="margin-left: 30px;">Daavpuke has a new episode of their "<strong>Mobile Game of the Week</strong>" series on the site and this one is all about <a href="">Dota Underlords</a>! Even if you have zero interest in Dota, it's definitely worth a read!</p><p><a href=""><strong>Indie Game of the Week 254: A Robot Named Fight!</strong></a> +</p><p><a href=""><strong>Go! Go! GOTY! 2021: Game 8: Tiny Lands</strong></a> + (By: <a href="">@mento</a>)</p><figure data-align="right" data-size="small" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-3346714" data-ratio="0.56222547584187" data-width="1366" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 1366px"><a href=""><img alt="Learn more about this indie tactics game from Mento!" src="" srcset=" 1366w, 960w, 480w, 320w" sizes="(max-width: 320px) 100vw, 320px" data-width="320"></a><figcaption>Learn more about this indie tactics game from Mento!</figcaption></figure><p data-right-indent="0" style="margin-left: 30px;">Mento has TWO episodes of their "Indie Game of the Week!" The first is about <a href="">A Robot Named Fight!</a>! Read why they enjoyed its Super Metroid-lite gameplay despite butting against its repetition. The second blog is for <a href="">Children of Zodiarcs</a>, and you can read why they think there's a lot to like about the game other than its impressive art.</p><p><a href=""><strong>Age of Discovery II: The Heart of the Multiplayer</strong></a> +</p><p><a href=""><strong>Age of Discovery III: Modes and Peripheral Systems</strong></a> (By: <a href="">@gamer_152</a>)</p><figure data-align="right" data-size="small" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-3346715" data-ratio="0.5625" data-width="1920" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 1920px"><a href=""><img alt="This continues to be a MASSIVE bummer." src="" srcset=" 1920w, 960w, 480w, 320w" sizes="(max-width: 320px) 100vw, 320px" data-width="320"></a><figcaption>This continues to be a MASSIVE bummer.</figcaption></figure><p data-right-indent="0" style="margin-left: 30px;">Moderator Gamer_152 continues their retrospective on <a href="">Halo Infinite</a> with a post about the game's multiplayer and another post about Halo Infinite's multiplayer. Read why they think Halo Infinite's multiplayer is inventive, forward-thinking, and liberating but also plagued by problematic incentive structures and technical failures.</p><p><strong><a href="">What's the Greatest Video Game: Goof Troop</a> +</strong></p><p><a href=""><strong>What's the Greatest Video Game: Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call</strong></a> (By: <a href="">@imunbeatable80</a>)</p><p data-right-indent="0" style="margin-left: 30px;">imunbeatable80 discusses <a href="">Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call</a> and <a href="">Goof Troop</a>, with their latest "What's the Greatest Video Game" posts on Giant Bomb! Between the two games, see if they recommend you check out either in the year of our Lord, 2022!</p><p><a href=""><strong>Hook Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin Directly Into My Veins!</strong></a> +</p><p><a href=""><strong>Fighting Final Fantasy XIII-2 - Episode 1: This Is One Of The Most Unfairly Overhated Games Ever</strong></a> (By: <a href="">@zombiepie</a>)</p><figure data-align="right" data-size="small" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-3346723" data-ratio="0.5625" data-width="1280" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 1280px"><a href=""><img alt="Underrated classic? End of a franchise? Read to find out!" src="" srcset=" 1280w, 960w, 480w, 320w" sizes="(max-width: 320px) 100vw, 320px" data-width="320"></a><figcaption>Underrated classic? End of a franchise? Read to find out!</figcaption></figure><p data-right-indent="0" style="margin-left: 30px;">Moderator ZombiePie can't wait to play <a href="">Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin</a> and they write on Giant Bomb why they have their fingers crossed that the game is a complete clusterfuck. Learn more about why by clicking the link. Also, ZombiePie is starting a two-part retrospective on <a href="">Final Fantasy XIII-2</a>! Catch the first episode on why they think it cleverly refines XIII and considers it one of the most "<strong>unfairly overhated</strong>" games in video game history.</p><p><a href=""><strong>The Simple Genius of Super Mario Bros 3 Maps</strong></a> (By: <a href="">@vookatos</a>)</p><figure data-align="right" data-size="small" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-3346725" data-ratio="0.69272727272727" data-width="550" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 550px"><a href=""><img alt="Raise your hand if you can hum the overworld theme for this screen." src="" srcset=" 550w, 480w, 320w" sizes="(max-width: 320px) 100vw, 320px" data-width="320"></a><figcaption>Raise your hand if you can hum the overworld theme for this screen.</figcaption></figure><p data-right-indent="0" style="margin-left: 30px;">Vookatos takes to the forums to discuss <a href="">Super Mario Bros. 3</a> and why there's a "<em><strong>simple genius</strong></em>" to its level design and why the game's maps are a friendly reminder that sometimes less is more.</p><p><a href=""><strong>Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order: A Franchise Flashpoint</strong></a> (By: <a href="">@jeremyf</a>)</p><p data-right-indent="0" style="margin-left: 30px;">With the most recent news surrounding respawn, jeremyf talks about their time with <a href="">Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order</a> and if they think they want the prestigious studio making Star Wars games for the next decade.</p><p><a href=""><strong>The Wheel of Dubious FPSes Episode 15-18: The Hits of 1998</strong></a> +</p><p><a href=""><strong>The Wheel of Dubious RPGs 49-50: Off-Season Spiders</strong></a> (By: <a href="">@arbitrarywater</a>)</p><figure data-align="right" data-size="small" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-3346712" data-ratio="1.1971428571429" data-width="350" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 350px"><a href=""><img alt="It's time for some EUROJANK!" src="" srcset=" 350w" sizes="(max-width: 534px) 100vw, 534px" data-width="534"></a><figcaption>It's time for some EUROJANK!</figcaption></figure><p data-right-indent="0" style="margin-left: 30px;"><a href="">Clive Barker's Undying</a>, <a href="">Shogo: Mobile Armor Division</a>, AND <a href="">SiN</a> are all the subject of ArbitraryWater's latest "<strong>Wheel of Dubious FPSes</strong>" blog feature! Catch some of the "best hits" of 1998! They also have an AMAZING episode that examines TWO recent games from <a href="">Spiders</a>, a frequent point of discussion by Dave Snider whenever the topic of "<strong>Eurojank</strong>" came up!</p><p><a href=""><strong>Welp. I Finished Inversion And I Have Nothing Of Interest To Say About It.</strong></a> +</p><p><a href=""><strong>Game Pass Gambols 5: Pupperazzi. Matt Rorie Thinks This Is A Pac-Man Game</strong></a> +</p><p><a href=""><strong>The First Templar Is An Awful Game. I Knew That And I Played It Anyway. To Completion. I Need To Make Better Choices.</strong></a> (By: <a href="">@bigsocrates</a>)</p><p data-right-indent="0" style="margin-left: 30px;">Don't ask why, but bigsocrates decided to play and complete their five-year-old copy of <a href="">Saber Interactive</a>'s <a href="">Inversion</a>! Read what inspired them to explore the obscure title and why they regret doing so! bigsocrates continues to look at some of the more obscure indie games behind Game Pass with a blog about <a href="">Pupperazzi</a>! Use the link to read why they have mixed feelings about the dog photography game. Finally, some users might recall a hilarious Quick Look for <a href="">The First Templar</a> starring Ryan and Rorie. User bigsocrates decided to give it a shot and shares why it is one of the worst games they have played to completion.</p><p><a href=""><strong>The Other Mystery House: Japan's First Graphical Adventure Game</strong></a> (By: <a href="">@bowl-of-lentils</a>)</p><figure data-align="right" data-size="small" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-3346727" data-ratio="0.5625" data-width="3840" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 3840px"><a href=""><img alt="Reading about people having a bad time with video games is always a fun time." src="" srcset=" 3840w, 960w, 480w, 320w" sizes="(max-width: 320px) 100vw, 320px" data-width="320"></a><figcaption>Reading about people having a bad time with video games is always a fun time.</figcaption></figure><p data-right-indent="0" style="margin-left: 30px;">Bowl-of-Lentils recently posted an educational video about <a href="">Mystery House</a>, the first Japanese developed graphical adventure game, and is taking questions from the community! You can ask them ANYTHING and they will answer!</p><p><a href=""><strong>Dancing To A Different Beat</strong></a> (By: <a href="">@pauljeremiah</a>)</p><p data-right-indent="0" style="margin-left: 30px;">pauljeremiah pontificates on why Takeshi no Chōsenjō (aka <a href="">Takeshi no Chousenjou</a>/Takeshi's Challenge) still to this day makes them think about what drives us play video games, especially those that are not fun to play.</p><h2>Discussion Threads</h2><p><a href=""><strong>Sony Is Buying Bungie</strong></a> (By: <a href="">@bigsocrates</a>)</p><figure data-align="right" data-size="small" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-3346713" data-ratio="0.66666666666667" data-width="1200" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 1200px"><a href=""><img alt="So... this happened." src="" srcset=" 1200w, 960w, 480w, 320w" sizes="(max-width: 320px) 100vw, 320px" data-width="320"></a><figcaption>So... this happened.</figcaption></figure><p data-right-indent="0" style="margin-left: 30px;">So... <ins><strong>Sony is buying <a href="">Bungie</a>.</strong></ins> In light of this news, the community continues to discuss what this means for the future. Can you imagine even more studio purchases from console manufacturers? Share your thoughts here!</p><p><a href=""><strong>Pokémon Legends: Arceus Discussion Thread</strong></a> (By: <a href="">@tp0p</a>)</p><p data-right-indent="0" style="margin-left: 30px;">Are there any Giant Bomb users out there that bought <a href="">Pokémon Legends: Arceus</a> Day One? For those that did, have you enjoyed what you have played? Joined the community discussion about the game.</p><p><a href=""><strong>Horizon Forbidden West Hype/Discussion Thread</strong></a> (By: <a href="">@mellotronrules</a>)</p><figure data-align="right" data-size="small" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-3292835" data-ratio="0.59770114942529" data-width="1131" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 1131px"><a href=""><img alt="Are you having fun with this open world Pokémon game?" src="" srcset=" 1131w, 960w, 480w, 320w" sizes="(max-width: 320px) 100vw, 320px" data-width="320"></a><figcaption>Are you having fun with this open world Pokémon game?</figcaption></figure><p data-right-indent="0" style="margin-left: 30px;">It is crazy to think but <a href="">Horizon Forbidden West</a> is right around the corner! How many Giant Bomb users can't wait to play the game? What do you make of what they have shown of the game thus far? Join the conversation now!</p><p><a href=""><strong>Game Acquisition Wars Heat Up Even Further With The New York Times Buying Wordle</strong></a> (By: <a href="">@bigsocrates</a>)</p><p data-right-indent="0" style="margin-left: 30px;">Are there any Giant Bomb users with thoughts about The New York Times buying <a href="">Wordle</a>? Do you think the purchase makes sense? How do you think the publication will monetize the puzzler?</p><p><a href=""><strong>Star Citizen Abandons Its Feature Roadmap Entirely</strong></a> (By: <a href="">@rorie</a>)</p><p data-right-indent="0" style="margin-left: 30px;">In a surprising turn of events, <a href="">Star Citizen</a> has abandoned its public roadmap for development! <strong>PEOPLE SURE SEEM PISSED!</strong> However, you can share your two cents' worth to the Giant Bomb community right now!</p><p><a href=""><strong>What Feature About A Game Makes You Think The Long Dev Time Wasn't Worth It?</strong></a> (By: <a href="">@finaldasa</a>)</p><figure data-align="right" data-size="small" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-3346718" data-ratio="0.5625" data-width="1920" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 1920px"><a href=""><img alt="People angry about the state of Star Citizen? Say WHAAAAAAAAAAT?!" src="" srcset=" 1920w, 960w, 480w, 320w" sizes="(max-width: 320px) 100vw, 320px" data-width="320"></a><figcaption>People angry about the state of Star Citizen? Say WHAAAAAAAAAAT?!</figcaption></figure><p data-right-indent="0" style="margin-left: 30px;">With <a href="">Dying Light 2: Stay Human</a> serving as the impetus, a lot of Giant Bomb users are discussing when a game's long development "wasn't worth it?" Can you think of games or game franchises that showed off too little across too long a time?</p><p><a href=""><strong>The Next Need For Speed Is Coming By Before April 2023</strong></a> (By: <a href="">@gtxforza</a>)</p><p data-right-indent="0" style="margin-left: 30px;">The next <a href="">Need for Speed</a> game has an expected release date of "before April 2023." Is that enough time to make a solid Need for Speed game? What do you think the franchise needs to do to reinvent itself?</p><p><a href=""><strong>Fan-Made HD Remaster Of Resident Evil 4 Now Completed After Eight Years</strong></a> (By: <a href="">@atheistpreacher</a>)</p><figure data-align="right" data-size="small" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-3346719" data-ratio="0.90357142857143" data-width="560" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 560px"><a href=""><img alt="Is this the end? Beautiful friend?" src="" srcset=" 560w, 480w, 320w" sizes="(max-width: 320px) 100vw, 320px" data-width="320"></a><figcaption>Is this the end? Beautiful friend?</figcaption></figure><p data-right-indent="0" style="margin-left: 30px;">The Fan-made HD remaster of <a href="">Resident Evil 4</a> is now complete! What do YOU make of the eight-year-long fan project? Does it motivate you to check out RE4 again?</p><p><a href=""><strong>Community Best Moment Or Sequence 2021 (Spoilers!)</strong></a> (By: <a href="">@nuttism</a>)</p><p data-right-indent="0" style="margin-left: 30px;">For those in the Giant Bomb community that feel like they can nominate a 2021 video game for "best moment or sequence!" If you lamenting the award being cut from Giant Bomb's GOTY cycle, join this discussion!</p><p><a href=""><strong>Reports Are Out That Google Stadia Is Focusing More On Licensing Technology And Less On The Stadia Service Itself</strong></a> (By: <a href="">@bigsocrates</a>)</p><p data-right-indent="0" style="margin-left: 30px;">How does everyone feel about the news related to <a href="">Google Stadia</a>? Are there any users out there that own a Stadia? If so, how do you feel about the state of the device and Google's new direction with Stadia?</p><p><a href=""><strong>Here's A Live-Action Trailer For Sifu</strong></a> (By: <a href="">@rorie</a>)</p><figure data-align="right" data-size="small" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-3202159" data-ratio="0.5625" data-width="3840" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 3840px"><a href=""><img alt="Anyone still excited for more Horizon?" src="" srcset=" 3840w, 960w, 480w, 320w" sizes="(max-width: 320px) 100vw, 320px" data-width="320"></a><figcaption>Anyone still excited for more Horizon?</figcaption></figure><p data-right-indent="0" style="margin-left: 30px;"><a href="">Sifu</a> just got a live action trailer today and you can join the community discussion on if it is enough to keep you interested! Is there anyone out there that can't wait to get their hands on this martial-arts brawling game?</p><p><a href=""><strong>Potential TV / Movie Adaptation Of It Takes Two</strong></a> (By: <a href="">@ironlink</a>)</p><p data-right-indent="0" style="margin-left: 30px;">Variety is reporting that <a href="">It Takes Two</a> might see a TV or movie adaptation. Do you think the story in the game would lend itself to a non-game adaptation? Do you think the game has any room for expansion outside of the game?</p><p><a href=""><strong>What Is A Relatively Harmless Popular Social Media Convention That You Refuse To Engage In?</strong></a> (By: <a href="">@sethmode</a>)</p><figure data-align="right" data-size="small" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-3276616" data-ratio="0.5625" data-width="1920" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 1920px"><a href=""><img alt="I sure hope this book is less of an asshole in the TV series." src="" srcset=" 1920w, 960w, 480w, 320w" sizes="(max-width: 320px) 100vw, 320px" data-width="320"></a><figcaption>I sure hope this book is less of an asshole in the TV series.</figcaption></figure><p data-right-indent="0" style="margin-left: 30px;">Here's a discussion thread on the forums that has a lot of users talking: <em><strong>what popular social media conventions do you avoid?</strong></em> Are there any platforms that you tend to avoid or have skipped using entirely?</p><p><a href=""><strong>Stranger Of Paradise Looks Insane</strong></a> (By: <a href="">@humanity</a>)</p><p data-right-indent="0" style="margin-left: 30px;">The community is still BUZZING about the <a href="">Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin</a> trailer! Join the conversation using the link and share how you feel about the insanity. For example, how did you feel about "<em><strong>the song?</strong></em>"</p><p><a href=""><strong>Bloody Spell Is Out Out!</strong></a> (By: <a href="">@imhungry</a>)</p><figure data-align="right" data-size="small" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-3296553" data-ratio="0.5625" data-width="1920" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 1920px"><a href=""><img alt="CHAOS?!?!" src="" srcset=" 1920w, 960w, 480w, 320w" sizes="(max-width: 320px) 100vw, 320px" data-width="320"></a><figcaption>CHAOS?!?!</figcaption></figure><p data-right-indent="0" style="margin-left: 30px;">Hey! Remember when Giant Bomb played <a href="">Bloody Spell</a>? Well the game has<strong> OFFICIALLY LAUNCHED!</strong> In honor of Ben, join the discussion about how the "release build" of the game looks like and if it's worth playing!</p><p><a href=""><strong>What Would You Change To Make A Divisive Ending Liked By Most People?</strong></a> (By: <a href="">@topcyclist</a>)</p><p data-right-indent="0" style="margin-left: 30px;">Here's something on the forums bound to get people passionate: <strong>how would you change your least favorite video game ending</strong>? Share the conclusion that still leaves a bitter taste in your mouth and how you would improve it!</p><p><a href=""><strong>Folding Ideas (Dan Olsen) NFT Video</strong></a> (By: <a href="">@notsosneakyguy</a>)</p><figure data-align="right" data-size="small" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-3346722" data-ratio="0.75" data-width="1200" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 1200px"><a href=""><img alt="There should be more games that allow you to kick people to death." src="" srcset=" 1200w, 960w, 480w, 320w" sizes="(max-width: 320px) 100vw, 320px" data-width="320"></a><figcaption>There should be more games that allow you to kick people to death.</figcaption></figure><p data-right-indent="0" style="margin-left: 30px;">Are there any Giant Bomb users out there that have seen Dan Olsen's video essay rebuke against NFTs? Did you feel like the video missed anything? Can you think of any companion pieces that are better? Join the conversation now!</p><p><a href=""><strong>I Want As Many Games Where You Can Knock Enemies Into Holes/Pits And Defeat Them As Possible.</strong></a> (By: <a href="">@the_thrower</a>)</p><p data-right-indent="0" style="margin-left: 30px;">Here's a fun thought experiment! We have a forum thread where users are trying to think of every video games that allows you to "<strong>knock enemies into holes/pits and defeat them!</strong>" If you can think of examples, post them!</p><h2>Lists</h2><p><a href=""><strong>Games Starring Leaders of the Former Soviet Union</strong></a> (By: <a href="">@jeffrud</a>)</p><figure data-align="right" data-size="small" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-3344907" data-ratio="0.49565217391304" data-width="805" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 805px"><a href=""><img alt="What a list concept." src="" srcset=" 805w, 480w, 320w" sizes="(max-width: 320px) 100vw, 320px" data-width="320"></a><figcaption>What a list concept.</figcaption></figure><p data-right-indent="0" style="margin-left: 30px;">With most on Giant Bomb still in the GOTY spirit, Jeffrud decided to get weird with their latest list on the site! Here's a list of "<em><strong>Games Starring Leaders of the Former Soviet Union!</strong></em>"</p><p data-right-indent="0" style="margin-left: 30px;">No... really!</p><p><a href=""><strong>Far Cry Ranked</strong></a> (By: <a href="">@splitterguy</a>)</p><figure data-align="right" data-size="small" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-3346730" data-ratio="0.60732323232323" data-width="792" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 792px"><a href=""><img alt="Can argue against SCIENCE!" src="" srcset=" 792w, 480w, 320w" sizes="(max-width: 320px) 100vw, 320px" data-width="320"></a><figcaption>Can argue against SCIENCE!</figcaption></figure><p data-right-indent="0" style="margin-left: 30px;">Splitterguy decided to break away from GOTY content and lists with a "<strong>HIGHLY SCIENTIFIC</strong>" ranking of every single <a href="">Far Cry</a> game! See how the science judged the many games in the series!</p><p><a href=""><strong>Playable Elves</strong></a> (By: <a href="">@captainofthestars</a>)</p><p data-right-indent="0" style="margin-left: 30px;">captainofthestars saw someone on the forums ask if there are enough fantasy video games that allow you to plays as elves instead of humans. As such, they made a list of games that allow just that!</p><h2>User Reviews</h2><figure data-align="right" data-size="small" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-3346738" data-ratio="0.5" data-width="1600" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 1600px"><a href=""><img alt="Check out a love letter to an N64 FPS game this week!" src="" srcset=" 1600w, 960w, 480w, 320w" sizes="(max-width: 320px) 100vw, 320px" data-width="320"></a><figcaption>Check out a love letter to an N64 FPS game this week!</figcaption></figure><ul><li><a href="">@bc2113</a>'s <a href=""><strong>Shin Megami Tensei IV</strong></a>review discusses why fans of <a href="">Shin Megami Tensei V</a> shouldn't forget about this game and why it is a great treatise on what makes a mainline Shin Megami Tensei game, a Shin Megami Tensei game.</li><li><a href="">@bantha_fodder-5</a> had a decent time with<a href=""><strong> Nobody Saves the World</strong></a> but they share in their review that the game's "sameness" brings down the entire experience.</li><li><a href="">@retrogimp</a> revisited the original <a href=""><strong>N64 version of Perfect Dark</strong></a> and they review why no FPS game, even the XBLA port, scratches the same itch that OG Perfect Dark scratches.</li><li><a href="">@tvonchair</a> missed <a href=""><strong>Stonefly</strong></a> when it first released and shares in their review why they think more people should play it after it released with little fanfare.</li><li><a href="">@vookatos</a>' <a href="https://vookatos/"><strong>Silent Hill 3</strong></a> review shares why they think the game represents the beginning of the end of the series, and why they think it does not hold up as well as 2.</li><li><a href="">@bantha_fodder-5</a> had a decent time with <a href=""><strong>Nobody Saves the World</strong></a> but they share in their review that the game's "sameness" brings down the entire experience.</li><li><a href="">@yyninja</a> finally finished <a href=""><strong>Xenoblade Chronicles 2</strong></a> and articulates in their review why they think the game is both ambitious and bloated at the same time.</li></ul>]]></description><guid isPermaLink="false">1100-6207</guid><pubDate>Sat, 05 Feb 2022 16:00:00 -0800</pubDate><media:content url="" type="image/png" width="480" height="270" /><dc:creator></dc:creator><relatedGames></relatedGames></item>
  25. <item><title>Unprofessional Fridays: UPF 02/04/22</title><link></link><description><![CDATA[<img src="" width="480" height="480" /> We got snacks, demakes, spooks, and drums!]]></description><guid isPermaLink="false">2300-17535</guid><pubDate>Fri, 04 Feb 2022 15:00:00 -0800</pubDate><media:content url="" type="image/png" width="480" height="270" /><dc:creator></dc:creator><relatedGames></relatedGames></item>
  26. <item><title>Run for the Hills 009</title><link></link><description><![CDATA[<img src="" width="480" height="480" /> Maybe don't open random fridges.]]></description><guid isPermaLink="false">2300-17534</guid><pubDate>Fri, 04 Feb 2022 13:31:00 -0800</pubDate><media:content url="" type="image/png" width="480" height="270" /><dc:creator></dc:creator><relatedGames></relatedGames></item>
  27. <item><title>Community GOTY 2021 Winners</title><link></link><description><![CDATA[<figure data-align="center" data-size="large" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-3346361" data-ratio="0.56285714285714" data-width="1400" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 1400px"><a href=""><img alt="I'm writing this article so I'm putting a picture of Days Gone (PC) up top here. No, it didn't win anything...except my heart. " src="" srcset=" 1400w, 960w, 480w" sizes="(max-width: 960px) 100vw, 960px" data-width="960"></a><figcaption>I'm writing this article so I'm putting a picture of Days Gone (PC) up top here. No, it didn't win anything...except my heart. </figcaption></figure><p>Hey everyone! These are the results of the community GOTY - the results of which (resultingly) have been resulted below. This year, 1655 of you submitted a top ten list, for a total of 12670 votes (not everyone always puts in ten games, which is fine!) on 807 different games. Wow! Amazing!</p><p>This is one of the tightest Community GOTY votes I've ever seen, with the top eight games all being closer together in weighted and regular votes than the top two games were last year, when <a href="">Hades </a>easily took the top prize over <a href="">The Last Of Us Part II</a>. It was certainly one of the more bizarre years for game releases in recent memory, with the full weight of quarantine development pushing many games out into 2022. There were fewer voters this year than last which might account for the relative closeness of the race, but I also know that I, personally, had a hard time making a Top 10 this year just because the big splashy AAA games that I like were relatively sparse on the ground. Regardless, congrats to <a href="">Inscryption</a> for being the game you felt the most strongly about, and big ups to <a href="">Halo: Infinite</a> for being the game actually played by the largest group of Bombadeers. I played one of those games!</p><p>It's kind of fitting that we're publishing this on the day that Dying Light 2 comes out; I dunno if it'll be great, but it definitely feels like one of the first huge (and long-delayed) releases of the year to me. I'll probably not be able to resist buying it this weekend! Anyway, since we have this community polling system that we only use once a year, I figured I'd throw up a poll to see your <a href="">Most Anticipated Games of 2022</a>. Vote early and vote often!</p><p>As per usual, we don't always separate out expansions or new ports in our wiki so if you see stuff like <a href="">Dragon Quest XI</a> or <a href="">Destiny 2</a> you can assume that it's referring to a recent release.</p><p><strong>Weighted Votes </strong>(1st place counts more than 2nd, and so on)</p><table data-max-width="true"><thead><tr><th scope="col"> </th><th scope="col">Game</th><th scope="col">Number of Votes</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>1.</td><td><a href="">Inscryption</a></td><td>290</td></tr><tr><td>2.</td><td><a href="">Halo Infinite</a></td><td>274</td></tr><tr><td>3.</td><td><a href="">Psychonauts 2</a></td><td>260</td></tr><tr><td>4.</td><td><a href="">Metroid Dread</a></td><td>240</td></tr><tr><td>5.</td><td><a href="">Deathloop</a></td><td>225</td></tr><tr><td>6.</td><td><a href="">Hitman 3</a></td><td>189</td></tr><tr><td>7.</td><td><a href="">Resident Evil Village</a></td><td>171</td></tr><tr><td>8.</td><td><a href="">Forza Horizon 5</a></td><td>165</td></tr><tr><td>9.</td><td><a href="">Ratchet &amp; Clank: Rift Apart</a></td><td>115</td></tr><tr><td>10.</td><td><a href="">Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy</a></td><td>107</td></tr><tr><td>11.</td><td><a href="">Returnal</a></td><td>101</td></tr><tr><td>12.</td><td><a href="">Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker</a></td><td>94</td></tr><tr><td>13.</td><td><a href="">The Forgotten City</a></td><td>88</td></tr><tr><td>14.</td><td><a href="">Death's Door</a></td><td>79</td></tr><tr><td>15.</td><td><a href="">Valheim</a></td><td>69</td></tr><tr><td>16.</td><td><a href="">Monster Hunter Rise</a></td><td>65</td></tr><tr><td>17.</td><td><a href="">Loop Hero</a></td><td>63</td></tr><tr><td>18.</td><td><a href="">Unpacking</a></td><td>60</td></tr><tr><td>19.</td><td><a href="">It Takes Two</a></td><td>54</td></tr><tr><td>20.</td><td><a href="">NieR Replicant</a></td><td>44</td></tr><tr><td>21.</td><td><a href="">Shin Megami Tensei V</a></td><td>43</td></tr><tr><td>22.</td><td><a href="">Life is Strange: True Colors</a></td><td>42</td></tr><tr><td>23.</td><td><a href="">Chicory: A Colorful Tale</a></td><td>40</td></tr><tr><td>24.</td><td><a href="">Tales of Arise</a></td><td>37</td></tr><tr><td>25.</td><td><a href="">Wildermyth</a></td><td>37</td></tr><tr><td>26.</td><td><a href="">Mass Effect Legendary Edition</a></td><td>34</td></tr><tr><td>27.</td><td><a href="">Lost Judgment</a></td><td>32</td></tr><tr><td>28.</td><td><a href="">Super Mario 3D World</a></td><td>31</td></tr><tr><td>29.</td><td><a href="">Disco Elysium</a></td><td>29</td></tr><tr><td>30.</td><td><a href="">Sable</a></td><td>27</td></tr><tr><td>31.</td><td><a href="">The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles</a></td><td>27</td></tr><tr><td>32.</td><td><a href="">Guilty Gear -Strive-</a></td><td>26</td></tr><tr><td>33.</td><td><a href="">Age of Empires IV</a></td><td>25</td></tr><tr><td>34.</td><td><a href="">Persona 5 Strikers</a></td><td>22</td></tr><tr><td>35.</td><td><a href="">Kena: Bridge of Spirits</a></td><td>21</td></tr><tr><td>36.</td><td><a href="">Hades</a></td><td>20</td></tr><tr><td>37.</td><td><a href="">Outer Wilds</a></td><td>20</td></tr><tr><td>38.</td><td><a href="">Scarlet Nexus</a></td><td>19</td></tr><tr><td>39.</td><td><a href="">New Pokémon Snap</a></td><td>19</td></tr><tr><td>40.</td><td><a href="">Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous</a></td><td>18</td></tr><tr><td>41.</td><td><a href="">Cruelty Squad</a></td><td>18</td></tr><tr><td>42.</td><td><a href="">The Ascent</a></td><td>17</td></tr><tr><td>43.</td><td><a href="">Deltarune Chapter 1&amp;2</a></td><td>15</td></tr><tr><td>44.</td><td><a href="">Yakuza: Like a Dragon</a></td><td>15</td></tr><tr><td>45.</td><td><a href="">Outriders</a></td><td>14</td></tr><tr><td>46.</td><td><a href="">Axiom Verge 2</a></td><td>14</td></tr><tr><td>47.</td><td><a href="">Pokémon Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl</a></td><td>14</td></tr><tr><td>48.</td><td><a href="">Unsighted</a></td><td>12</td></tr><tr><td>49.</td><td><a href="">The Artful Escape</a></td><td>12</td></tr><tr><td>50.</td><td><a href="">Neo: The World Ends with You</a></td><td>11</td></tr></tbody></table><p><strong>Pure Votes:</strong></p><table data-max-width="true"><thead><tr><th scope="col"> </th><th scope="col">Game</th><th scope="col">Number of Votes</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>1.</td><td><a href="">Halo Infinite</a></td><td>695</td></tr><tr><td>2.</td><td><a href="">Psychonauts 2</a></td><td>587</td></tr><tr><td>3.</td><td><a href="">Metroid Dread</a></td><td>543</td></tr><tr><td>4.</td><td><a href="">Inscryption</a></td><td>531</td></tr><tr><td>5.</td><td><a href="">Deathloop</a></td><td>508</td></tr><tr><td>6.</td><td><a href="">Resident Evil Village</a></td><td>487</td></tr><tr><td>7.</td><td><a href="">Forza Horizon 5</a></td><td>486</td></tr><tr><td>8.</td><td><a href="">Hitman 3</a></td><td>482</td></tr><tr><td>9.</td><td><a href="">Ratchet &amp; Clank: Rift Apart</a></td><td>413</td></tr><tr><td>10.</td><td><a href="">Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy</a></td><td>334</td></tr><tr><td>11.</td><td><a href="">The Forgotten City</a></td><td>301</td></tr><tr><td>12.</td><td><a href="">Death's Door</a></td><td>274</td></tr><tr><td>13.</td><td><a href="">Loop Hero</a></td><td>268</td></tr><tr><td>14.</td><td><a href="">Returnal</a></td><td>251</td></tr><tr><td>15.</td><td><a href="">Unpacking</a></td><td>246</td></tr><tr><td>16.</td><td><a href="">Valheim</a></td><td>185</td></tr><tr><td>17.</td><td><a href="">Monster Hunter Rise</a></td><td>180</td></tr><tr><td>18.</td><td><a href="">It Takes Two</a></td><td>178</td></tr><tr><td>19.</td><td><a href="">Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker</a></td><td>142</td></tr><tr><td>20.</td><td><a href="">Chicory: A Colorful Tale</a></td><td>130</td></tr><tr><td>21.</td><td><a href="">Tales of Arise</a></td><td>130</td></tr><tr><td>22.</td><td><a href="">Super Mario 3D World</a></td><td>128</td></tr><tr><td>23.</td><td><a href="">NieR Replicant</a></td><td>127</td></tr><tr><td>24.</td><td><a href="">Life is Strange: True Colors</a></td><td>124</td></tr><tr><td>25.</td><td><a href="">Shin Megami Tensei V</a></td><td>114</td></tr><tr><td>26.</td><td><a href="">Wildermyth</a></td><td>112</td></tr><tr><td>27.</td><td><a href="">Mass Effect Legendary Edition</a></td><td>108</td></tr><tr><td>28.</td><td><a href="">Lost Judgment</a></td><td>101</td></tr><tr><td>29.</td><td><a href="">Sable</a></td><td>97</td></tr><tr><td>30.</td><td><a href="">Kena: Bridge of Spirits</a></td><td>95</td></tr><tr><td>31.</td><td><a href="">Persona 5 Strikers</a></td><td>92</td></tr><tr><td>32.</td><td><a href="">Scarlet Nexus</a></td><td>92</td></tr><tr><td>33.</td><td><a href="">Age of Empires IV</a></td><td>90</td></tr><tr><td>34.</td><td><a href="">New Pokémon Snap</a></td><td>90</td></tr><tr><td>35.</td><td><a href="">The Ascent</a></td><td>87</td></tr><tr><td>36.</td><td><a href="">Guilty Gear -Strive-</a></td><td>78</td></tr><tr><td>37.</td><td><a href="">Outriders</a></td><td>64</td></tr><tr><td>38.</td><td><a href="">The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles</a></td><td>64</td></tr><tr><td>39.</td><td><a href="">Pokémon Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl</a></td><td>62</td></tr><tr><td>40.</td><td><a href="">Back 4 Blood</a></td><td>59</td></tr><tr><td>41.</td><td><a href="">The Artful Escape</a></td><td>59</td></tr><tr><td>42.</td><td><a href="">Disco Elysium</a></td><td>58</td></tr><tr><td>43.</td><td><a href="">Axiom Verge 2</a></td><td>56</td></tr><tr><td>44.</td><td><a href="">Pokémon Unite</a></td><td>55</td></tr><tr><td>45.</td><td><a href="">Outer Wilds</a></td><td>52</td></tr><tr><td>46.</td><td><a href="">Deltarune Chapter 1&amp;2</a></td><td>45</td></tr><tr><td>47.</td><td><a href="">Chivalry II</a></td><td>43</td></tr><tr><td>48.</td><td><a href="">Far Cry 6</a></td><td>42</td></tr><tr><td>49.</td><td><a href="">Cruelty Squad</a></td><td>42</td></tr><tr><td>50.</td><td><a href="">Yakuza: Like a Dragon</a></td><td>40</td></tr></tbody></table>]]></description><guid isPermaLink="false">1100-6206</guid><pubDate>Fri, 04 Feb 2022 11:02:00 -0800</pubDate><media:content url="" type="image/png" width="480" height="270" /><dc:creator></dc:creator><relatedGames></relatedGames></item>
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