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  12. <title>MetaFilter</title>
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  14. <description>The past 24 hours of MetaFilter</description>
  15. <pubDate>Thu, 26 Dec 2024 15:08:28 GMT</pubDate>
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  22. <title>Always &quot;using its power over workers to suppress wages.&quot; Always.</title>
  23. <description><![CDATA[<a href="">The Walmart Effect</a> (<em>The Atlantic</em> gift, <a href=""></a>) Two new papers (<a href="">one</a>, <a href="">two</a>) suggest that Walmart makes the places it operates in poorer than they would be if it had never shown up at all.]]></description>
  24. <link></link>
  25. <guid isPermaLink="false">,2024:site.206896</guid>
  26. <pubDate>Thu, 26 Dec 2024 15:08:28 GMT</pubDate>
  27. <dc:creator>box</dc:creator>
  28. <category>Economics</category>
  29. <category>Monopsony</category>
  30. <category>TheAtlantic</category>
  31. <category>Walmart</category>
  32. <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss>
  33. </item> <item>
  34. <title>Montaigne&apos;s Essays</title>
  35. <description><![CDATA[<a href="">To Philosophize Is to Learn to Die</a> is just one of <a href="">107 essays</a> written by <a href="">Michel de Montaigne</a> available on <a href=""></a>, a beautifully designed, ad-free website that includes a rich <a href="">index</a>, list of <a href="">sources mentioned in the texts</a>, as well as extensive footnotes, annotations, and translated latin within each essay. The individual works are also available as downloadable PDFs and text files. The site was created by designer and coder <a href="">Sebastian Biot</a>.]]></description>
  36. <link></link>
  37. <guid isPermaLink="false">,2024:site.206895</guid>
  38. <pubDate>Thu, 26 Dec 2024 15:06:06 GMT</pubDate>
  39. <dc:creator>gwint</dc:creator>
  40. <category>essays</category>
  41. <category>Montaigne</category>
  42. <category>peoplesweb</category>
  43. <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss>
  44. </item> <item>
  45. <title>The Planescape Campaign Setting for Dungeons &amp;amp; Dragons</title>
  46. <description><![CDATA[<a href="">Planescape</a> was multiverse before it was cool.<br/><br/>That guy may be the <a href="">world's leading authority</a>.
  48. There's <a href="">a version for 5th edition</a>. But I've seen no one claim it's better than the original. And that has enough material to <a href="">keep you busy for a while</a>.]]></description>
  49. <link></link>
  50. <guid isPermaLink="false">,2024:site.206894</guid>
  51. <pubDate>Thu, 26 Dec 2024 14:08:08 GMT</pubDate>
  52. <dc:creator>Lemkin</dc:creator>
  53. <category>dungeonsanddragons</category>
  54. <category>game</category>
  55. <category>games</category>
  56. <category>multiverse</category>
  57. <category>roleplaying</category>
  58. <category>rpg</category>
  59. <category>setting</category>
  60. <category>ttrpg</category>
  61. <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss>
  62. </item> <item>
  63. <title>Captive-bred endangered skate celebrates first birthday with dog toy</title>
  64. <description><![CDATA[Captive-bred endangered skate celebrates first birthday with dog toy. <a href="">The first captive-born Maugean skate in the world turned one year old on Christmas Eve, in a milestone for the Tasmanian breeding program</a>.]]></description>
  65. <link></link>
  66. <guid isPermaLink="false">,2024:site.206893</guid>
  67. <pubDate>Thu, 26 Dec 2024 09:49:21 GMT</pubDate>
  68. <dc:creator>chariot pulled by cassowaries</dc:creator>
  69. <category>MaugeanSkates</category>
  70. <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss>
  71. </item> <item>
  72. <title>./code --poetry</title>
  73. <description><![CDATA[<a href="">This website</a> displays a collection of sixteen code poems, each written in the source code of a different programming language. Every poem is also a valid program which produces a visual representation of itself when compiled and run.]]></description>
  74. <link></link>
  75. <guid isPermaLink="false">,2024:site.206892</guid>
  76. <pubDate>Thu, 26 Dec 2024 09:35:14 GMT</pubDate>
  77. <dc:creator>chavenet</dc:creator>
  78. <category>Code</category>
  79. <category>Literature</category>
  80. <category>Poetry</category>
  81. <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss>
  82. </item> <item>
  83. <title>Warning! This game is not compatible with this system</title>
  84. <description><![CDATA[Remember back when portable video game platforms transitioned to color, and how they all had games that required the newer in-color hardware? And if you put the cartridge into the older thing, you'd get a screen that said you can't play it on there? Anyway, <a href="">someone has collected every single one of those warning screens for Game Boy Color, Neo Geo Pocket Color, and Wonderswan Color</a>.]]></description>
  85. <link></link>
  86. <guid isPermaLink="false">,2024:site.206891</guid>
  87. <pubDate>Thu, 26 Dec 2024 08:16:49 GMT</pubDate>
  88. <dc:creator>DoctorFedora</dc:creator>
  89. <category>color</category>
  90. <category>portable</category>
  91. <category>videogames</category>
  92. <category>warning</category>
  93. <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss>
  94. </item> <item>
  95. <title>Planck units</title>
  96. <description><![CDATA[<a href="">Planck length</a>. (Short!) <a href="">Planck time</a>. (Brief!) <a href="">Planck temperature</a>. (Hot!) <a href="">Planck figurine</a>. (Adorable!)]]></description>
  97. <link></link>
  98. <guid isPermaLink="false">,2024:site.206890</guid>
  99. <pubDate>Thu, 26 Dec 2024 01:04:56 GMT</pubDate>
  100. <dc:creator>Lemkin</dc:creator>
  101. <category>constant</category>
  102. <category>physics</category>
  103. <category>science</category>
  104. <category>units</category>
  105. <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss>
  106. </item> <item>
  107. <title>One generation begetting brokenness of another generation</title>
  108. <description><![CDATA[But as the pastor pointed out, Jesus came down to us through broken families: "one generation begetting brokenness of another generation begetting brokenness of another generation begetting brokenness of another generation." There were murderers, adulterers, prostitutes and people who committed incest, liars, schemers and idolaters. Jesus may have been sinless, but those in his lineage were not. Just as remarkable is that the Gospel of Matthew didn't hide this troubled family history. from <a href="">Why It Matters That Jesus Came From a Dysfunctional Family</a> [New York Times; <a href="">ungated</a>]]]></description>
  109. <link></link>
  110. <guid isPermaLink="false">,2024:site.206889</guid>
  111. <pubDate>Wed, 25 Dec 2024 22:23:59 GMT</pubDate>
  112. <dc:creator>chavenet</dc:creator>
  113. <category>Bible</category>
  114. <category>Families</category>
  115. <category>Genealogy</category>
  116. <category>History</category>
  117. <category>Jesus</category>
  118. <category>Religion</category>
  119. <category>Sin</category>
  120. <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss>
  121. </item> <item>
  122. <title>Sometimes things are okay</title>
  123. <description><![CDATA[After nearly twenty years contending with
  125. <a href="">pastel trickster gods</a> <small>[<a href="">previously</a>]</small>,
  127. <a href="">limited-animation cryptids</a> <small>[<a href="">previously</a>]</small>,
  129. <a href="">absurdist undersea novelty songs</a>,
  131. <a href="">assorted devious traps</a>,
  133. and most recently <a href="">a 40-minute magnum opus</a> featuring a nonbinary pangolin anthropologist, tutelary weasels, a lovelorn starfish, and a world-ending cube <small>[<a href="">previously</a>]</small>, <a href="">Charlie the Unicorn finally enjoys a moment of peace.</a><br/><br/>(Pure speculation, but the last video's references to simple animation, magical orbs, and crossing the boundary between air and sea may be a nod to one of the earliest forays into computer-animated storytelling: 1987's <a href=""><em>Stanley and Stella in: Breaking the Ice</em></a>, later distributed through <a href="">The Mind's Eye</a> and YTV's Short Circutz as <em><a href="">Love Found</a></em>. Worth a watch even if it's not!)]]></description>
  134. <link></link>
  135. <guid isPermaLink="false">,2024:site.206888</guid>
  136. <pubDate>Wed, 25 Dec 2024 21:07:09 GMT</pubDate>
  137. <dc:creator>Rhaomi</dc:creator>
  138. <category>Absurdism</category>
  139. <category>Animation</category>
  140. <category>CharlieTheUnicorn</category>
  141. <category>Comedy</category>
  142. <category>FilmCow</category>
  143. <category>MeFiBingo2024</category>
  144. <category>Music</category>
  145. <category>MusicBox</category>
  146. <category>Ocean</category>
  147. <category>Peace</category>
  148. <category>Sequel</category>
  149. <category>ShortCircutz</category>
  150. <category>ShortFilm</category>
  151. <category>Surrealism</category>
  152. <category>TheMindsEye</category>
  153. <category>Undersea</category>
  154. <category>Webtoon</category>
  155. <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss>
  156. </item> <item>
  157. <title>Kangaroo remains on the loose in Texas, USA after jumping fence</title>
  158. <description><![CDATA[<a href="">Kangaroo remains on the loose in Texas, USA after jumping fence</a>.]]></description>
  159. <link></link>
  160. <guid isPermaLink="false">,2024:site.206887</guid>
  161. <pubDate>Wed, 25 Dec 2024 20:23:31 GMT</pubDate>
  162. <dc:creator>chariot pulled by cassowaries</dc:creator>
  163. <category>Kangaroos</category>
  164. <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss>
  165. </item> <item>
  166. <title>Beyond &quot;Dreidel Dreidel Dreidel&quot;</title>
  167. <description><![CDATA[<a href=""><i>Light One Candle</i> - Peter, Paul &amp; Mary</a> |
  168. <a href=""><i>Hanukkah Blessings</i> - Barenaked Ladies</a> |
  169. <a href=""><i>Miracle</i> - Matisyahu</a>]]></description>
  170. <link></link>
  171. <guid isPermaLink="false">,2024:site.206886</guid>
  172. <pubDate>Wed, 25 Dec 2024 19:27:53 GMT</pubDate>
  173. <dc:creator>one for the books</dc:creator>
  174. <category>bareNakedLadies</category>
  175. <category>chanukah</category>
  176. <category>hanukkah</category>
  177. <category>matisyahu</category>
  178. <category>music</category>
  179. <category>peterPaulAndMary</category>
  180. <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss>
  181. </item> <item>
  182. <title>Are you bot-curious?</title>
  183. <description><![CDATA[Empire Wreckers has a brisk 2-hour video <a href="">A Short Introduction to the First 40 Years of Transformers</a>. Includes toys! Movies! Comics! Ball joints! Sexism! Copyright law! Product cycles! Third party figures!]]></description>
  184. <link></link>
  185. <guid isPermaLink="false">,2024:site.206885</guid>
  186. <pubDate>Wed, 25 Dec 2024 16:17:04 GMT</pubDate>
  187. <dc:creator>TheophileEscargot</dc:creator>
  188. <category>comic</category>
  189. <category>cybertron</category>
  190. <category>hasbro</category>
  191. <category>movie</category>
  192. <category>OptimusPrime</category>
  193. <category>SLYT</category>
  194. <category>toys</category>
  195. <category>transformers</category>
  196. <category>TV</category>
  197. <category>Video</category>
  198. <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss>
  199. </item> <item>
  200. <title>Visions of Christmas</title>
  201. <description><![CDATA[Covey's <em><a href=",%20Rosemary%20Feit%22&sort=61&page=346">Christmas Owl</a></em>. Weir's <a href=""><em>Christmas Eve</em></a>. Hunt's <a href=""><em>Approach to Christmas</em></a>. Low's <a href=""><em>Christmas Morn</em></a>. Kerrigan's <a href=""><em>Still Life (Christmas Ornaments)</em></a>. <em><a href="">Lauren Ford's Christmas Book</a></em>. Van Gogh's <a href=""><em>At Eternity's Gate</em></a>. Moses' <em><a href="">Christmas at Home</a>.</em> Newman's <a href=""><em>Spirit of Christmas</em></a>.]]></description>
  202. <link></link>
  203. <guid isPermaLink="false">,2024:site.206884</guid>
  204. <pubDate>Wed, 25 Dec 2024 15:57:17 GMT</pubDate>
  205. <dc:creator>cupcakeninja</dc:creator>
  206. <category>Art</category>
  207. <category>Artist</category>
  208. <category>Artists</category>
  209. <category>Christmas</category>
  210. <category>ChristmasArt</category>
  211. <category>HolidayArt</category>
  212. <category>Painter</category>
  213. <category>Painters</category>
  214. <category>Painting</category>
  215. <category>Paintings</category>
  216. <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss>
  217. </item>
  218. </channel>
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Copyright © 2002-9 Sam Ruby, Mark Pilgrim, Joseph Walton, and Phil Ringnalda