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  4.        <title>Reprap Forum - New Jersey RepRap User Group</title>
  5.        <description></description>
  6.        <link></link>
  7.        <lastBuildDate>Sat, 28 Sep 2024 12:49:19 -0400</lastBuildDate>
  8.        <generator>Phorum 5.2.23</generator>
  9.        <item>
  10.            <guid>,707855,707855#msg-707855</guid>
  11.            <title>Hello from South Jersey</title>
  12.            <link>,707855,707855#msg-707855</link>
  13.            <description><![CDATA[ I wanted to say hello to everyone. I'm in Camden county. I'm getting ready to purchase a Prusa i3 and wanting to build and xycore 24" x 24" print area.<br />
  14. <br />
  15. Any other fellow member in this area?<br />
  16. <br />
  17. Mark]]></description>
  18.            <dc:creator>MarkM_NJ</dc:creator>
  19.            <category>New Jersey RepRap User Group</category>
  20.            <pubDate>Fri, 16 Sep 2016 12:53:51 -0400</pubDate>
  21.        </item>
  22.        <item>
  23.            <guid>,581035,582211#msg-582211</guid>
  24.            <title>Re: Local part sources</title>
  25.            <link>,581035,582211#msg-582211</link>
  26.            <description><![CDATA[ MicroCenter in Patterson NJ has them<br />
  27. [<a href="" target="_blank"  rel="nofollow"></a>]]]></description>
  28.            <dc:creator>fireflynj</dc:creator>
  29.            <category>New Jersey RepRap User Group</category>
  30.            <pubDate>Mon, 09 Nov 2015 12:35:07 -0500</pubDate>
  31.        </item>
  32.        <item>
  33.            <guid>,61323,582207#msg-582207</guid>
  34.            <title>Re: Request for New Jersey, USA RUG</title>
  35.            <link>,61323,582207#msg-582207</link>
  36.            <description><![CDATA[ Hello,<br />
  37. <br />
  38. <br />
  39. I assume RUG means RepRap User Group?<br />
  40. is there any local club around here?  I am looking for help with my H-bot style 3D printer<br />
  41. [<a href="" target="_blank"  rel="nofollow"></a>]<br />
  42. <br />
  43. another builder of same printer said he did not have to modify the Repetier firmware provided by the designer.<br />
  44. I am using Arduino Mega 2560 with RAMPS 1.4 board,  the stepper motor test works, but I need help with the Firmware, I tried Marlin and Repetier.<br />
  45. the stepper motor not moving smooth or too fast and too far. when I tell it to Z move 1mm in control panel, it jumps few inches, or some times flies to the end.<br />
  46. <br />
  47. I need guidance of what I need to do next. printer is built, stepper motor test passed, firmware is loaded, ok so now what?<br />
  48. <br />
  49. This site speaks of sending codes, but how or from where?<br />
  50. [<a href="" target="_blank"  rel="nofollow"></a>]]]></description>
  51.            <dc:creator>fireflynj</dc:creator>
  52.            <category>New Jersey RepRap User Group</category>
  53.            <pubDate>Mon, 09 Nov 2015 12:32:44 -0500</pubDate>
  54.        </item>
  55.        <item>
  56.            <guid>,581035,581035#msg-581035</guid>
  57.            <title>Local part sources</title>
  58.            <link>,581035,581035#msg-581035</link>
  59.            <description><![CDATA[ So, I'm much more a fan of being able to hunt down my parts at shops and what not. I realize things like hot ends aren't exactly on the shelf. But getting NEMA motors is a bitch. <br />
  60. <br />
  61. Is there anywhere in central jersey to get a NEMA 17? Noone has them.]]></description>
  62.            <dc:creator>Tempest815</dc:creator>
  63.            <category>New Jersey RepRap User Group</category>
  64.            <pubDate>Sat, 07 Nov 2015 02:12:07 -0500</pubDate>
  65.        </item>
  66.        <item>
  67.            <guid>,92863,500292#msg-500292</guid>
  68.            <title>Re: Local Support for Printed Prusa Mendel parts</title>
  69.            <link>,92863,500292#msg-500292</link>
  70.            <description><![CDATA[ wow I totally drop the ball on this but I finally bought a Ormerod kit and building it now. I am years late on this but I have everything now, which i just got yesterday.]]></description>
  71.            <dc:creator>LDIsection08</dc:creator>
  72.            <category>New Jersey RepRap User Group</category>
  73.            <pubDate>Wed, 22 Apr 2015 10:11:24 -0400</pubDate>
  74.        </item>
  75.        <item>
  76.            <guid>,61323,353955#msg-353955</guid>
  77.            <title>Re: Request for New Jersey, USA RUG</title>
  78.            <link>,61323,353955#msg-353955</link>
  79.            <description><![CDATA[ Hello everyone,<br />
  80. <br />
  81. Is anyone out there in the Northern New Jersey / Metro New York Area? I live in Sussex County and work in NYC. Currently, I am running a Velleman K8200, primarily to make  engineering design prototypes for my day job. I have experience in AutoDesk Inventor and electro mechanical design.<br />
  82. <br />
  83. NeilRG]]></description>
  84.            <dc:creator>NeilRG</dc:creator>
  85.            <category>New Jersey RepRap User Group</category>
  86.            <pubDate>Mon, 12 May 2014 00:33:41 -0400</pubDate>
  87.        </item>
  88.        <item>
  89.            <guid>,101556,307658#msg-307658</guid>
  90.            <title>Re: Anyone from edison/Middlesex area ?</title>
  91.            <link>,101556,307658#msg-307658</link>
  92.            <description><![CDATA[ I'm near edison area as well. I have not finished my i3 prusa yet, I started years ago, but life, kids,moving, etc took priority. Meanwhile I have all the parts sitting in a box and I got to the point of starting with the electronics but never moved on. Hope someone can help me get things going if I have trouble.]]></description>
  93.            <dc:creator>kevman</dc:creator>
  94.            <category>New Jersey RepRap User Group</category>
  95.            <pubDate>Fri, 07 Feb 2014 11:49:34 -0500</pubDate>
  96.        </item>
  97.        <item>
  98.            <guid>,101556,254500#msg-254500</guid>
  99.            <title>Re: Anyone from edison/Middlesex area ?</title>
  100.            <link>,101556,254500#msg-254500</link>
  101.            <description><![CDATA[ Hey guys, I'm in Edison and I'm putting together my first reprap.  I have all the hardware setup, and I'm now working on the electronics.  I was hoping I could tap into some of your experiences.  I've plugged in my board which I bought assembled, reprap documents says that the board should come preloaded with the firmware, when I plugged it in I'm not getting anything.  I run the reprap software and I'm trying to just test the motors to make sure I have them wired correctly.  I'm just having a hard time trying to figure out how to start.  any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.<br />
  102. this is also my first post on this forum (I figure I go local first)<br />
  103. <br />
  104. Thanks in advance.]]></description>
  105.            <dc:creator>rickabs</dc:creator>
  106.            <category>New Jersey RepRap User Group</category>
  107.            <pubDate>Sun, 13 Oct 2013 11:44:01 -0400</pubDate>
  108.        </item>
  109.        <item>
  110.            <guid>,88207,240172#msg-240172</guid>
  111.            <title>Re: Maker Faire New York</title>
  112.            <link>,88207,240172#msg-240172</link>
  113.            <description><![CDATA[ <span style="font-size:large"><span style="color:#FF0000">Just did another Prusa Mendel build on Saturday.  If you like this clean, simple design and want to see it in action, we will have at least two at our table.  If you have questions, jot them down and come see us at the Printers Village Saturday and Sunday.  We will have Joe Prusa in person there to demonstrate his latest and answer your questions!<br />
  114. <br />
  115. New York Maker Faire<br />
  116. September 21 &amp; 22<br />
  117. New York Hall of Science<br />
  118. <br />
  119. </span></span>]]></description>
  120.            <dc:creator>johna136</dc:creator>
  121.            <category>New Jersey RepRap User Group</category>
  122.            <pubDate>Tue, 27 Aug 2013 08:12:46 -0400</pubDate>
  123.        </item>
  124.        <item>
  125.            <guid>,224080,240136#msg-240136</guid>
  126.            <title>Re: Prusa Mendel finished</title>
  127.            <link>,224080,240136#msg-240136</link>
  128.            <description><![CDATA[ <span style="color:#000066">I hated to wait to go to my son's to use his Prusa so this weekend we built one for me.  Went for Joe's Blue powdercoated frame this time with grey printed pieces.  Worked the first try as usual. Still have to tweek it a little.  We will have it printing at Maker Faire New York.  Bring your camera and your Prusa questions to the Printers Village.<br />
  129. <br />
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  189. </span><br/>]]></description>
  190.            <dc:creator>johna136</dc:creator>
  191.            <category>New Jersey RepRap User Group</category>
  192.            <pubDate>Tue, 27 Aug 2013 06:28:10 -0400</pubDate>
  193.        </item>
  194.        <item>
  195.            <guid>,224080,224080#msg-224080</guid>
  196.            <title>Prusa Mendel finished</title>
  197.            <link>,224080,224080#msg-224080</link>
  198.            <description><![CDATA[ <span style="color:#000066">My son just printed a new set of corner brackets to lift the print bed a bit, it now prints 200 by 200 instead of 200 by 140. Have to give a big shout out to Joe Prusa for a lot of helpful advice.  It is nice that we can dedicate a couple of printers to PLA and a couple to ABS. You can see them all at  the Maker Faire New York 3D Printers Village in September.<br />
  199. <br />
  200. <div id="div_da046264ca0f70494017b63e4e4b84b0"
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  248.      <a id="link_da046264ca0f70494017b63e4e4b84b0" href="">prusa.jpg</a>
  249.    </div>
  253. </div>
  256. <script type="text/javascript">
  257. mod_embed_images_loadimage('da046264ca0f70494017b63e4e4b84b0', ',module=embed_images,', '', ',module=embed_images,check_scaling=1,', '', 224080, 800, 400, 'Loading image ...', false);
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  259. <br />
  260. </span><br/>]]></description>
  261.            <dc:creator>johna136</dc:creator>
  262.            <category>New Jersey RepRap User Group</category>
  263.            <pubDate>Thu, 04 Jul 2013 14:01:36 -0400</pubDate>
  264.        </item>
  265.        <item>
  266.            <guid>,88207,223840#msg-223840</guid>
  267.            <title>Re: Maker Faire New York</title>
  268.            <link>,88207,223840#msg-223840</link>
  269.            <description><![CDATA[ <span style="color:#000066">Maker Faire 3D Printers Village is a great way to look at a lot of different tyoes of printers.  If you have a question on any printer or issues, there are people there that are happy to help.  At MF 2010, we has a guy drop off a non printing Cupcake at the booth and picked it up the next day all adjusted and working. If you want to display and run your printer, you get free admission and parking for two days. Maker Faire 2013 will be bigger and better!</span>]]></description>
  270.            <dc:creator>johna136</dc:creator>
  271.            <category>New Jersey RepRap User Group</category>
  272.            <pubDate>Wed, 03 Jul 2013 21:44:26 -0400</pubDate>
  273.        </item>
  274.        <item>
  275.            <guid>,198812,223839#msg-223839</guid>
  276.            <title>Re: Hello</title>
  277.            <link>,198812,223839#msg-223839</link>
  278.            <description><![CDATA[ <span style="color:#000066">What kind of printer are you building?</span>]]></description>
  279.            <dc:creator>johna136</dc:creator>
  280.            <category>New Jersey RepRap User Group</category>
  281.            <pubDate>Wed, 03 Jul 2013 21:39:07 -0400</pubDate>
  282.        </item>
  283.        <item>
  284.            <guid>,101556,223506#msg-223506</guid>
  285.            <title>Re: Anyone from edison/Middlesex area ?</title>
  286.            <link>,101556,223506#msg-223506</link>
  287.            <description><![CDATA[ <span style="color:#000066">Hi, just joined this group so I am way behind on the posts.  My son and I have been messing with 3D Printers since 2009.  I built a RepRap Mendel back in 2010 for Maker Faire New York 2010.  Many printers later my son just finished a Prusa Mendel i3 and it prints great!  Took him 3 nights to build and calibrate. Cudos to Joe Prusa for all his encouragement, help and instructions!   We will have it on display and printing in the 3D Printers Villave at Maker Faire New York 2013 in September.  If you want to see dozens of printers working in all variations, come on out and visit.  If you want to join other printers in the village, please sign up!  Bring your questions and cameras, we are all there to demonstrate, explain and help.</span>]]></description>
  288.            <dc:creator>johna136</dc:creator>
  289.            <category>New Jersey RepRap User Group</category>
  290.            <pubDate>Tue, 02 Jul 2013 21:43:22 -0400</pubDate>
  291.        </item>
  292.        <item>
  293.            <guid>,137905,223505#msg-223505</guid>
  294.            <title>Re: MakerFaire 2012</title>
  295.            <link>,137905,223505#msg-223505</link>
  296.            <description><![CDATA[ <span style="color:#000066">This will be updated by my son soon but as a heads up, we will be returning to the NY Maker Faire this year!  Last year we were the largest viewed non-commercial Maker group.  Come on out and bring your printer! We will have Prusa RepRaps printing (and maybe Joe himself will be there again?), Unimakers, MakerBots and many, many more! We need makers like you to join us!<br />
  297. <br />
  298. Come Join us at Maker Faire New York 2013!</span>]]></description>
  299.            <dc:creator>johna136</dc:creator>
  300.            <category>New Jersey RepRap User Group</category>
  301.            <pubDate>Tue, 02 Jul 2013 21:32:04 -0400</pubDate>
  302.        </item>
  303.        <item>
  304.            <guid>,101556,207429#msg-207429</guid>
  305.            <title>Re: Anyone from edison/Middlesex area ?</title>
  306.            <link>,101556,207429#msg-207429</link>
  307.            <description><![CDATA[ Hi, I see this isn't the most recent post but was hoping to find someone in the NJ to talk to or maybe meet up with.  I'm at the calibration phase of my first build a Prusia v2 and could really use someone who knows what there doing to help me get things moving right and calibrated.  I'm in Scotch Plains and would be willing to travel or have someone here.  Can also meet at my shore house in Belmar in the summer if that would be easier.  I attached a photo of where I'm at and am waiting on replacements for the X-END Idler and X-End Motor mounts which developed small cracks when I tried to replace the glued PLA bushings with metal ones.   This was cauing one side to bind up and skip up/down along the Z.<br />
  308. <br />
  309. Anyway plan to replace those once they get here then hopefully get things calibrated but my initial attempts I was having some problems.  X only moves in one direction away from the endstop, Z motors buzz but because of the cracks and lack of springs between the bolts there is some slipping and they struggle.  Hopefully new parts and springs help with that, I tried adjusting the drivers but didn't help so far.  I'm sure I have the end stops wired properly but have to rule out some other things as to why the X only moves in one direction and also does't always resond to my manual steps.  Y not moving at all right now and extruder churns and moves but it sounds strange and definitly isn't moving right.<br />
  310. <br />
  311. I'm currently using Arduino Mega 2560, Ramps 1.4, Sprinter, Pronterface.  When I tried the Ramps 1.4 test code everything seemed to at least do something even the lights on my heated bed lit up but when I try it myself the heated bed doesn't seem to do anything, can't get it to heat up.  <br />
  312. <br />
  313. Hot End works fine.<br />
  314. <br />
  315. Thinking it's probably a combination of things btu mainly I thnk it's something with the firmware settings/configuration.  Any help would be great and I'm pretty much into everything and would be great to be able to talk and work on some cool projects with people near me.  <br />
  316. <br />
  317. Some background on me I have a degree in chemical engineering, minor in chemistry, graduate cert in Pharma information management and have beena Unix systems administrator for past 16 years.  I'm much better at the mechanics building then with the electronics and this is really my first time doing any real soldering which I'm starting to get the hang of and like more the more I do :)<br />
  318. <br />
  319. Well, hopefully someone reads this, is in the area, and still has some time to mess with this stuff.<br />
  320. <br />
  321. Thanks,<br />
  322. Marc]]></description>
  323.            <dc:creator>MD2013</dc:creator>
  324.            <category>New Jersey RepRap User Group</category>
  325.            <pubDate>Fri, 10 May 2013 22:24:53 -0400</pubDate>
  326.        </item>
  327.        <item>
  328.            <guid>,198812,200967#msg-200967</guid>
  329.            <title>Re: Hello</title>
  330.            <link>,198812,200967#msg-200967</link>
  331.            <description><![CDATA[ You gots a problem wit dat?<br />
  332. <br />
  333. :)<br />
  334. <br />
  335. Greeting from Atlantic County!]]></description>
  336.            <dc:creator>akhlut</dc:creator>
  337.            <category>New Jersey RepRap User Group</category>
  338.            <pubDate>Thu, 18 Apr 2013 16:36:30 -0400</pubDate>
  339.        </item>
  340.        <item>
  341.            <guid>,198812,199063#msg-199063</guid>
  342.            <title>Re: Hello</title>
  343.            <link>,198812,199063#msg-199063</link>
  344.            <description><![CDATA[ 12 views and not a single<br />
  345. I guess I know that I am in the NJ<br />
  346. <br />
  347. Kevin]]></description>
  348.            <dc:creator>Trimbleman</dc:creator>
  349.            <category>New Jersey RepRap User Group</category>
  350.            <pubDate>Thu, 11 Apr 2013 22:26:28 -0400</pubDate>
  351.        </item>
  352.        <item>
  353.            <guid>,198812,198812#msg-198812</guid>
  354.            <title>Hello</title>
  355.            <link>,198812,198812#msg-198812</link>
  356.            <description><![CDATA[ Hi I was wondering if there is anyone in the northern ocean county area who could help me print a printer.....<br />
  357. Kevin]]></description>
  358.            <dc:creator>Trimbleman</dc:creator>
  359.            <category>New Jersey RepRap User Group</category>
  360.            <pubDate>Wed, 10 Apr 2013 22:41:13 -0400</pubDate>
  361.        </item>
  362.        <item>
  363.            <guid>,137905,144809#msg-144809</guid>
  364.            <title>Re: MakerFaire 2012</title>
  365.            <link>,137905,144809#msg-144809</link>
  366.            <description><![CDATA[ Forgive the crosspost in a few regional forums:  <br />
  367. <br />
  368. This year at Maker Faire NYC we're going to have a giant 3D printing area.   I think we're talking about a 60'x40' tent that'll be made up of both commercial vendors and hobbyists alike.   If you're a hobbyist and you have an interesting printer, or are printing interesting things and don't mind spending 20+ hours answering questions then this might be for you!  This will be the third year in a row of doing this and it's always a good time.  <br />
  369. <br />
  370. Details are still being worked out, but we might also have an area for short talks on various 3D printing topics so keep that in mind as well.<br />
  371. <br />
  372. Now is the time to sign up:   [<a href="" target="_blank"  rel="nofollow"></a>]<br />
  373. <br />
  374. We also have a Google+ event going for discussion / photos / etc:   [<a href="" target="_blank"  rel="nofollow"></a>]<br />
  375. <br />
  376. Let me know if you have questions!<br />
  377. <br />
  378. JohnA.]]></description>
  379.            <dc:creator>JohnA</dc:creator>
  380.            <category>New Jersey RepRap User Group</category>
  381.            <pubDate>Thu, 26 Jul 2012 07:10:00 -0400</pubDate>
  382.        </item>
  383.        <item>
  384.            <guid>,137905,137905#msg-137905</guid>
  385.            <title>MakerFaire 2012</title>
  386.            <link>,137905,137905#msg-137905</link>
  387.            <description><![CDATA[ Greetings fellow NJ reprappers!  Just wondering if there is any interest in putting together an NJ RUG entry for this Septembers Maker Faire.  The call for makers just went out...]]></description>
  388.            <dc:creator>akhlut</dc:creator>
  389.            <category>New Jersey RepRap User Group</category>
  390.            <pubDate>Thu, 14 Jun 2012 22:18:49 -0400</pubDate>
  391.        </item>
  392.        <item>
  393.            <guid>,101556,137222#msg-137222</guid>
  394.            <title>Re: Anyone from edison/Middlesex area ?</title>
  395.            <link>,101556,137222#msg-137222</link>
  396.            <description><![CDATA[ hi Mnew <br />
  397. <br />
  398. I am in Edison NJ.. Just starting to get into this and looking at building my first machine. <br />
  399. <br />
  400. vik]]></description>
  401.            <dc:creator>viktar</dc:creator>
  402.            <category>New Jersey RepRap User Group</category>
  403.            <pubDate>Mon, 11 Jun 2012 00:38:58 -0400</pubDate>
  404.        </item>
  405.        <item>
  406.            <guid>,101556,123051#msg-123051</guid>
  407.            <title>Re: Anyone from edison/Middlesex area ?</title>
  408.            <link>,101556,123051#msg-123051</link>
  409.            <description><![CDATA[ Hey Folks I live in Edison, If you guys need any help or just want to show and talk about your machines PM me.<br />
  410. I have made a prusa and am making a mendel 90.]]></description>
  411.            <dc:creator>mnew</dc:creator>
  412.            <category>New Jersey RepRap User Group</category>
  413.            <pubDate>Thu, 08 Mar 2012 13:55:12 -0500</pubDate>
  414.        </item>
  415.        <item>
  416.            <guid>,101556,102760#msg-102760</guid>
  417.            <title>Re: Anyone from edison/Middlesex area ?</title>
  418.            <link>,101556,102760#msg-102760</link>
  419.            <description><![CDATA[ I live in East Windsor and have been working on my Prusa since the summer. I love driving, so not a concern. I am planning on retrofitting a home built cnc to reprap as well that will be using the nema23's as well. So it would be nice to have someone else to work with!]]></description>
  420.            <dc:creator>JELY</dc:creator>
  421.            <category>New Jersey RepRap User Group</category>
  422.            <pubDate>Sun, 23 Oct 2011 22:08:37 -0400</pubDate>
  423.        </item>
  424.        <item>
  425.            <guid>,101556,101556#msg-101556</guid>
  426.            <title>Anyone from edison/Middlesex area ?</title>
  427.            <link>,101556,101556#msg-101556</link>
  428.            <description><![CDATA[ I am in the stage of gathering parts.  Since I am going to use nema 23s, think standard prusa parts will not work. So, i want to start with 1x2 wooden reprap. It would be nice to work with someone who already built a reprap and one that can help with printing some plastic parts when necessary.]]></description>
  429.            <dc:creator>x1050us</dc:creator>
  430.            <category>New Jersey RepRap User Group</category>
  431.            <pubDate>Sun, 16 Oct 2011 20:25:16 -0400</pubDate>
  432.        </item>
  433.        <item>
  434.            <guid>,89740,97048#msg-97048</guid>
  435.            <title>Re: Can anyone help me, need some lm8uu holders printed:(</title>
  436.            <link>,89740,97048#msg-97048</link>
  437.            <description><![CDATA[ If you still need those parts, let me know. Otherwise please close the thread!<br />
  438. <br />
  439. ST]]></description>
  440.            <dc:creator>stefanst</dc:creator>
  441.            <category>New Jersey RepRap User Group</category>
  442.            <pubDate>Wed, 07 Sep 2011 16:16:15 -0400</pubDate>
  443.        </item>
  444.        <item>
  445.            <guid>,92863,97046#msg-97046</guid>
  446.            <title>Re: Local Support for Printed Prusa Mendel parts</title>
  447.            <link>,92863,97046#msg-97046</link>
  448.            <description><![CDATA[ Hi LDlsection08!<br />
  449. <br />
  450. and welcome tot he NJ user group. I'll happily print the needed parts for you - but you would either have to pay for the material, or provide me with some. There are also <i>plenty</i> of questions as to what parts you need - Prusa does not equal Prusa. As I'm running an original Mendel myself, I can't make educated suggestions as to what versions to use...<br />
  451. <br />
  452. And then there's the question of material. I've printed PLA and ABS.While PLA looks neater is mechanically more stable and doesn't warp as easily, you may want some parts in ABS, because they won't deform under temperature.<br />
  453. <br />
  454. ST]]></description>
  455.            <dc:creator>stefanst</dc:creator>
  456.            <category>New Jersey RepRap User Group</category>
  457.            <pubDate>Wed, 07 Sep 2011 16:14:51 -0400</pubDate>
  458.        </item>
  459.        <item>
  460.            <guid>,92863,93867#msg-93867</guid>
  461.            <title>Re: Local Support for Printed Prusa Mendel parts</title>
  462.            <link>,92863,93867#msg-93867</link>
  463.            <description><![CDATA[ Welcome, LDIsection08 .]]></description>
  464.            <dc:creator>Damian</dc:creator>
  465.            <category>New Jersey RepRap User Group</category>
  466.            <pubDate>Thu, 11 Aug 2011 18:38:02 -0400</pubDate>
  467.        </item>
  468.        <item>
  469.            <guid>,92863,92863#msg-92863</guid>
  470.            <title>Local Support for Printed Prusa Mendel parts</title>
  471.            <link>,92863,92863#msg-92863</link>
  472.            <description><![CDATA[ Afternoon Jersey Builders,<br />
  473. <br />
  474. I am super new to the reprap community and I am trying to locally acquire parts to build a Prusa Mendel. I wanted to start with the printed parts so that I could work off that to acquire the threaded and smooth rods, then work my way thru the material list. This will allow me to see how much it would cost me compared to all the webshops. I would like to get to know others in my area. (Linden, NJ - Union County)]]></description>
  475.            <dc:creator>LDIsection08</dc:creator>
  476.            <category>New Jersey RepRap User Group</category>
  477.            <pubDate>Wed, 03 Aug 2011 13:22:30 -0400</pubDate>
  478.        </item>
  479.        <item>
  480.            <guid>,89740,89740#msg-89740</guid>
  481.            <title>Can anyone help me, need some lm8uu holders printed:(</title>
  482.            <link>,89740,89740#msg-89740</link>
  483.            <description><![CDATA[ I am having major difficulties with my oilite busings and holders<br />
  484. wanted to go to lm8uu style with the screew on holders, if anyone can print parts , like these----&gt; [<a href="" target="_blank"  rel="nofollow"></a>]<br />
  485. , let me know.<br />
  486. <br />
  487. Thanks]]></description>
  488.            <dc:creator>kevman</dc:creator>
  489.            <category>New Jersey RepRap User Group</category>
  490.            <pubDate>Fri, 08 Jul 2011 02:26:11 -0400</pubDate>
  491.        </item>
  492.    </channel>
  493. </rss>

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Copyright © 2002-9 Sam Ruby, Mark Pilgrim, Joseph Walton, and Phil Ringnalda