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  123.          <h3><span class="allgone">Ice Machines For <a href="" class="typewrite" data-period="1000" data-type='[ "Offices", "Restaurants", "Medical Use", "Schools", "Retail Stores" ]'> <span class="wrap"></span> </a> </span></h3>
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  135.         <h1 class="mobilecta mobilemiddle">Save Up To 30% Now On Commercial Ice Machines</h1><p class="mobyes" style="color:#fff;marging-top:0px;text-align:center;">Choose from the largest seleciton of commercial and industrial ice machines from the top brands and suppliers. <strong>Request inventory and prices now!</strong></p><hr class="mobyes" style="width:40%;background-color:#FF0004;margin-bottom:15px;">
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  162.          <h4>Commercial Ice Machines</h4>
  163.          <p>Top models and manufacturers of ice machines at up to 30% off prices.</p>
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  172.          <h4>Used Ice Machines</h4>
  173.          <p>Both used and new machines giving you the largest selection and savings</p>
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  182.          <h4>New Ice Machines</h4>
  183.          <p>The most popular models discounted for restaurants, hotels and retail use.</p>
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  192.          <h4>Retail Store Ice Machines</h4>
  193.          <p>User friendly and in a variety of sizes. Commercial Ice machines for any retail build out.</p>
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  202.          <h4>Medical Ice Machines</h4>
  203.          <p>Medical and kitchen uses with the highest quality and clarity of ice production.</p>
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  212.          <h4>Nationwide Availability</h4>
  213.          <p>With suppliers and warehouses in 48 states we have inventory near you ready to sell.</p>
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  222.      <h3>Buying A Commercial Ice Machine</h3>
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  225.     <h4>What Types Of Commercial Ice Machines Can I Buy?</h4>
  226.                    <p>While there are variations within each type, commercial ice machines generally fall into four basic types: modular or ice machine head, undercounter ice machines, countertop ice dispensers/makers, and combination ice/water machines.</p>
  228.   <h4><a href="">What size of restaurant ice machine do I need?</a></h4><p>The size of the restaurant ice machine you need depends on factors such as your expected ice usage peak demand ... restaurant ice machine, size, ice usage, peak demand, available space, budget, ice production capacity, ice storage capacity, ice machine supplier, equipment specialist, customer volume, menu offerings, water supply requirements, energy efficiency </p><br>
  231.  <h4><a href="">How much does a new commercial ice machine cost?</a></h4><p>The cost of a new commercial ice machine can vary depending on factors such as the brand size production capacity ... new commercial ice machine, cost, price range, brand, size, production capacity, additional features, estimates, installation, delivery, accessories, maintenance, operating costs, research, suppliers, industry experts, budget, value for investment, efficiency, quality, durability, energy efficiency, warranty </p><br>
  234.  <h4><a href="">What are the best brands of commercial ice machines?</a></h4><p>Manitowoc Ice and Hoshizaki are two of the most reputable and trusted brands in the commercial ice machine industry Manitowoc ... trusted brands, commercial ice machines, Manitowoc Ice, Hoshizaki, reliable, innovative, modular, undercounter, countertop, durability, energy efficiency, consistent ice production, precision engineering, advanced technology, cube ice machines, flake ice machines, nugget ice machines, exceptional ice quality, long lifespan, proven track records, businesses worldwide, commitment to quality, attention to detail, performance, industry leaders, peace of mind </p><br>
  237.  <h4><a href="">Can industrial ice machines be beneficial for my manufacturing company?</a></h4><p>Yes industrial ice machines can provide numerous benefits for manufacturing companies They offer a reliable source of ice for cooling ... industrial ice machines, manufacturing company, cooling applications, optimal operating conditions, equipment overheating, rapid cooling, production cycles, productivity, plastic molding, metal casting, mold temperatures, product quality, reduced cycle times, cleaning, sanitation, operational reliability, efficiency </p><br>
  240.  <h4><a href="">How much does an industrial ice machine cost?</a></h4><p>The cost of an industrial ice machine can vary depending on several factors including the brand size capacity features and ... industrial ice machine, cost, size, capacity, features, brand, supplier, smaller capacity, medium-sized, larger industrial, investment, installation, maintenance, water filtration systems, energy consumption, financing options, leasing programs, quotes, requirements, budget. </p><br>
  243.  <h4><a href="">How do I determine the right size and capacity of an ice machine for my business?</a></h4><p>To determine the right size and capacity of an ice machine for your business you need to consider factors such ... ice machine, business, demand, peak usage, establishment, assess, ice machines requirements, customers, facility, beverages, production capacity, ice machine storage capacity, sufficient supply, reliable source, personalized assistance </p><br>
  248.                                        <h4>What Types Of Commercial Ice Machines Condensers Are There?</h4>
  249.                    <p>Once you've decided what type of machine and ice you want, the next important consideration is to choose whether you want an air-cooled, water-cooled, or remote compressor. Each have advatages like price and energy consumption tolerances.</p>
  251.                                                         <h4>What Sizes Of Commercial Ice Machine Should I Buy?</h4>
  252.                    <p>Ice machine sizes are stated as the amount of ice that they can produce in a 24 hour period. This is called the "24 hour yield" or "ice yield" of the ice machine. Different types of ice machines yield different amounts of ice. Small undercounter or countertop <a href="">commercial ice machine</a> may provide as little as 50 lb. of ice per day, just enough for a small beverage station in an office setting. On the other hand, larger commercial ice machines can produce as much as 2500 to 3500 lbs of ice per day.</p>  
  254.                                                                    <h4>How Big Of An Ice Machine Should I Buy?</h4>
  255.                    <p>Most restaurants use about 1.5 lb. of ice per meal served. For example, a restaurant that serves 250 customers per day will require approximately 450 lb. of ice in a day. At the same time, a hospital uses approximately 10 lb. if ice per patient, so for 250 patients you might need about 3000 lb. of ice per day.</p>            
  258.                                                                                        <h4>How Much Space Do I Need For An Ice Machine?</h4>
  259.                    <p>When choosing a size of commercial ice machine for a space you have in mind be sure you have enough space for the machine, bin, and filter. Adequate and open space for air flow is crucial for maximum ice production. The size of the <a href="#">commercial ice machine</a>, clearance space for upening and closing the machine and additional space perhaps on the sides for proper air flow is recommended.</p>  
  261.                                                                             <h4>What Size Ice Machine Storage Bin Should I Get?</h4>
  262.                    <p>Choose a bin with enough capacity to hold slightly more than the amount of ice you typically use in 24 hours. Usually a 10-20% capacity buffer is enough to make sure the bin is large enough. Your usage patterns also can affect this. Over the course of the business day, your staff might need to use ice at the same time as the machine is replenishing your supply so spikes in use for things like meal times as assisted living centers may mean you need a larger bin.</p>  
  264.                                                                                                 <h4>Can My Commercial Ice Machine Run Off Tap Water?</h4>
  265.                    <p>We recommend using a water filter with every ice maker to prolong the life of your <a href="">restaurant ice machine</a> and improve the ice taste. Ice is a type of food in restaurants and the flavor of your tap water will be passed to your customers. Water quality being low can also affect the life of your machine intenally.</p>  
  267.                                                                                                   <h4>Which Ice Machine For My Restaurant?</h4>
  268.                    <p>Most restaurants use about 1-2lbs of ice per meal served. For example, a restaurant that serves 250 meals during a day will require approximately 450 lb. of ice in a day. A commercial ice machine for your restaurant of this size (like the Manitowoc ID-0502A_B-570) would produce 530lbs a day which gives you plenty of restaurant ice and capacity for even the spikes during the busy times. <a href="">Get prices now</a>.</p>  
  270.                                                                                                                       <h4>How Much Ice Do My Customers Use?</h4>
  271.                    <p>When choosing a commercial ice machine to buy you can estimate based on the type of business you run and the number of people you serve. Some common extimates are as follows. Restraunt ice machines need an estimated 1.5lbs of ice per meal served per day. For <a href="">hotel ice machines</a> estimate 5-7 pounds of ice per room you have (this large number can be split between floors and multiple hotel ice machines). For <a href="">hospital ice machines</a> estimate 12 lbs of ice per patient you have (Daily total on average with 10% extra added for spikes and valleys). All businesses use ice machine differently so be sure to think of your personal situation when looking at these very basic commercial ice machine sizes and estimates.</p>                        
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  295.            <h3><span>ICE MACHINES</span> NATIONWIDE</h3>
  296.            <p>With a natiowide network of <strong>new and used commercial ice machine</strong> sellers and wholesalers we can provide the largest selection in a single search. Through our real-time online quote tool you are connected with every provider in your state or region. Your request is matched with current inventory of both new and used commercial ice machines. The prices and quotes you receive will be the absolute lowest in the industry. On average, comparison shoppers save from 20-38% on the price they pay for <em>commercial ice machines</em>. Take a minute to get a 100% free quote and see how much you will be saving on this large business purchase.</p>
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  320.        <p>"With two locations both needing a new ice machine large enough for a commercial kitchen I was expecting a serious bill. Before pulling the trigger on a shopping cart I checked here and got 5 quotes. 3 of them were less than I was going to pay. Saved me about $875 in 5 minutes."</p>
  321.        <div class="clientname">Jason Kendrick</div>
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  328.        <p>"Our B and B is pretty small scale but still requires we can seve 20-30 people on any weekend. It was time to finally add a commercial ice machine to the kitchen. We decided to go larger than we needed to and still paid about half what I had budgeted."</p>
  329.        <div class="clientname">Devon Logan</div>
  330.        <div class="clientinfo">Sales Manager - Shoreside Properties LLC</div>
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