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  84. <h1 class="text-center">YouTube MP3 & Mp4 Converter</h1>
  85. <p class="text-center">download YouTube videos, convert YouTube music to mp3 free Online</p>
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  94. Unsupported YouTube link format.Need a link to the YouTube video playback page,such as </div>
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  120. <h2>Steps For Genyoutube Download YouTube Videos And Songs</h2>
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  125. <div class="services_icons step-count">1</div>
  126. <div class="media-body">
  127. <h3>Search Link Or Keyword</h3>
  128. <p>Type or paste the YouTube video link or the keyword you want to search for into the search box.</p>
  129. </div>
  130. </div>
  131. </div>
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  135. <div class="services_icons si_2 step-count">2</div>
  136. <div class="media-body">
  137. <h3>Click "Convert"</h3>
  138. <p>Press the Convert button.Choose the result you are most satisfied with and click Download.</p>
  139. </div>
  140. </div>
  141. </div>
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  145. <div class="services_icons si_3 step-count">3</div>
  146. <div class="media-body">
  147. <h3>Select "Format"</h3>
  148. <p>Select the MP4 or MP3 format you want and then click the Download button.</p>
  149. </div>
  150. </div>
  151. </div>
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  155. <div class="services_icons si_4 step-count">4</div>
  156. <div class="media-body">
  157. <h3>Press "Download"</h3>
  158. <p>Click download to save the converted mp4 or mp3 file to your computer or phone.</p>
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  167. <h2 style="visibility: visible">Genyoutube YouTube Video And Music Downloader</h2>
  168. <p>Genyoutube is a powerful and easy to use YouTube downloader software for pc and phone. It can download almost any type of YouTube videos including HD, HQ, SD and etc.</p>
  169. <p>Genyoutube also can download YouTube videos to MP3 audio files, so that you can listen to your favorite music on the go. Just copy and paste the YouTube link, then press "Convert".</p>
  170. <p>It's really easy to use and doesn't take much time at all, so try it out today!</p>
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  175. <h2>FAQ</h2>
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  179. <h4>What is Genyoutube?</h4>
  180. <p>Genyoutube is a tool that allows you to download videos from YouTube and save them on your computer. This is useful if you want to watch a video offline, or if you want to convert it into another format like MP4 or MP3.</p>
  181. </div>
  183. <div class="col-md-12 faq_item">
  184. <h4>How to download YouTube videos and songs?</h4>
  185. <p>To download videos and songs from YouTube, follow these steps:<Br>1. Go to the YouTube video you want to download.<br>2. Copy the URL of the YouTube video by pressing Ctrl+C.<br>3. Go to <a href="">Genyoutube</a> and Paste this URL into 's search bar at the top of its page.<br>4. Click on "Convert" next to the video you want to save.<br>5. Choose your preferred format and hit "Download".<Br>(Genyoutube works well on Chrome, Firefox or any other browser.)</p>
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  187. <div class="col-md-12 faq_item">
  188. <h4>Is there a limit on the number of times you can download YouTube videos and songs?</h4>
  189. <p>There isn't a limit on the number of times you can download your YouTube videos. You can do it as many times as you'd like, and you won't be charged for each download.</p>
  190. </div>
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  192. <h4>Are there any time length requirements for YouTube video and audio with Genyoutube?</h4>
  193. <p>There are no time length requirements for videos and audio with our Genyoutube YouTube downloader. You can convert or download YouTube video of any length with our servers.</p>
  194. </div>
  195. <div class="col-md-12 faq_item">
  196. <h4>Do I have to pay for the "Download YouTube videos and songs" service?</h4>
  197. <p>Genyoutube is a free, easy-to-use program that lets you download videos or songs with mp3 format from YouTube. It's fast and easy, and you can use it to download videos in any format. The best part? You don't need to pay anything to use it—it's 100% free!</p>
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  210. <h6><a href="/youtube-mp3-conconventer">Fast youtube mp3 conconventer Online</a></h6>
  211. <p>youtube mp3 converter is a powerful online tool to convert youtube video files to mp3 audio format. It takes only two or three minutes to convert a video into an MP3 file. You can easily transfer and play the music on any device with this program.</p>
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  219. <h6><a href="/mp3-conconventer">Best youtube mp3 conconventer Online</a></h6>
  220. <p>Find free and easy to use youtube mp3 converter that works. Download multiple files at once and convert them at the same time.</p>
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  228. <h6><a href="/mp4-conconventer">Top youtube mp4 conconventer Online</a></h6>
  229. <p>youtube mp4 converter is a free program that you can use to convert your videos into an mp4, which is typically a more universal format. It also supports other video formats as well as some audio types too.</p>
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  237. <h6><a href="/youtube-mp4-conconventer">Best youtube mp4 conconventer Online</a></h6>
  238. <p>youtube mp4 converter is a tool to download and convert YouTube videos in the highest possible quality.</p>
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  245. <h6><a href="/mp3-youtube-conconver">Free Youtube To Mp3 Conconver Online</a></h6>
  246. <p>mp3 youtube converter is a YouTube to MP3 converter that can help you convert YouTube videos to MP3 and download them.
  247. </p>
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  254. <h6><a href="/mp4-youtube-comconver">Free Mp4 Youtube Comconver Online</a></h6>
  255. <p>mp4 youtube converter is a tool that allows you to download videos from YouTube. It's the easiest way to save videos from YouTube and it works on any device.</p>
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  262. <h6><a href="/mp3-youtube-comconver">Free Mp3 Youtube Comconver Online</a></h6>
  263. <p>mp3 youtube converter is a free online tool that lets you convert your favorite music from YouTube to Mp3 or Wav format. You can download and save the converted song on your computer.</p>
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  270. <h6><a href="/mp3-youtube-conconverter">Best youtube mp4 conconventer Online</a></h6>
  271. <p>youtube mp4 converter is a tool to download and convert YouTube videos in the highest possible quality.</p>
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  278. <h6><a href="/mp4-youtube-conconver">Free Youtube To Mp4 Conconver Online</a></h6>
  279. <p>mp4 youtube converter is a tool that allows you to download videos from YouTube. It's the easiest way to save videos from YouTube and it works on any device.</p>
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  286. <h6><a href="/youtube-comconvert">Youtube Comconvert Free Online</a></h6>
  287. <p>youtube converter is a free YouTube video downloader. It allows you to convert YouTube to MP3 and MP4, Download MP3 files from any popular video sharing websites as well as download offline music on YouTube.</p>
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