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  1. <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><rss xmlns:atom="" xmlns:openSearch="" xmlns:blogger="" xmlns:georss="" xmlns:gd="" xmlns:thr="" version="2.0"><channel><atom:id>,1999:blog-5643179912766319452</atom:id><lastBuildDate>Mon, 19 Feb 2024 14:28:04 +0000</lastBuildDate><title>Global Warming and our Changing World</title><description></description><link></link><managingEditor> (Unknown)</managingEditor><generator>Blogger</generator><openSearch:totalResults>114</openSearch:totalResults><openSearch:startIndex>1</openSearch:startIndex><openSearch:itemsPerPage>25</openSearch:itemsPerPage><item><guid isPermaLink="false">,</guid><pubDate>Mon, 21 Apr 2008 21:12:00 +0000</pubDate><atom:updated>2008-04-21T14:14:41.756-07:00</atom:updated><title>This Blog Hath Moved</title><description>New Address:&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;; title=&quot;Blue Sky Limousine&quot;&gt;&lt;font style=&quot;font-size:16pt;&quot;&gt;;/font&gt;&lt;/a&gt;</description><link></link><author> (Unknown)</author><thr:total>0</thr:total></item><item><guid isPermaLink="false">,</guid><pubDate>Wed, 16 Apr 2008 21:01:00 +0000</pubDate><atom:updated>2008-04-16T14:07:22.567-07:00</atom:updated><title>Celebrity Generosity: A Bad Idea?</title><description>I was thinking that there are a bunch of rich people out there who could possibly make a difference by giving most of their funds to efficient, useful causes and organizations.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;But then I imagined a negative version of the scenario.  Negative and perhaps common sense.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Say Angelina Jolie decides to be good to mankind, and give away everything she owns, all her millions of dollars, in an effort to start and spread a campaign under which every rich person does the same.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;This isn&#39;t just giving money to people who&#39;ll waste it.  It&#39;s the systematic reorganization of monetary funds in a way that will hopefully benefit all of us.  The groups that are working to solve problems and producing results will get the most funding.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;So Jolie becomes poor, in the hopes that other rich people will help like she did.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;But they don&#39;t.  They don&#39;t believe it will work, and in thinking that way, cause her program to fail.  She becomes a regular person, and people treat her rudely.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Bleak.  I could go into more detail, but I get the feeling that doing so would serve no purpose other than painting a poorer picture of humanity.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Or would it be accurate?&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;No, I have faith in people.  We can work together, it just takes certain circumstances.</description><link></link><author> (Unknown)</author><thr:total>0</thr:total></item><item><guid isPermaLink="false">,</guid><pubDate>Tue, 08 Apr 2008 03:36:00 +0000</pubDate><atom:updated>2008-04-07T20:46:12.839-07:00</atom:updated><title>Big Oil And Deforestation Make Sense</title><description>In a certain frame of mind.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;I was wondering about the really rich guys high up in the food chain with million/billion dollar stakes in the Oil industry.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;I realized that if you&#39;re living in a selfish mindset, then it makes perfect sense to extend the reign of oil and pollution as long as possible.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Similarly, it makes sense to slice and dice the rain forests for whatever profit they&#39;re worth.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;What about the world?  Isn&#39;t there the risk of doing damage?&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Yes, but someone high up is probably wealthy enough to pay for the creation of their own &lt;i&gt;little&lt;/i&gt; world.  Pay for irrigation, air conditioning, generators...  Who cares about everyone else?  Let them go sit in the air conditioned movie theaters.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Like I said, the selfish mindset seems to justify those types of actions.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;But what doesn&#39;t make sense to me is why all the wealthy people don&#39;t become philanthropists.  I thought it was a generally consistent part of human nature that once you reach a certain level of success, you can stop worrying about yourself, and start helping others.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;For some people, you don&#39;t even need to have money to operate that way...</description><link></link><author> (Unknown)</author><thr:total>0</thr:total></item><item><guid isPermaLink="false">,</guid><pubDate>Tue, 01 Apr 2008 04:04:00 +0000</pubDate><atom:updated>2008-03-31T21:07:10.332-07:00</atom:updated><title>Nuclear Power Is Not Clean</title><description>I used to think it was, but it isn&#39;t.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Some people still try to argue it is.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Here&#39;s why I don&#39;t think nuclear power is clean: it produces toxic waste.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;There.  Simple, right?  Sure, we store it away, hide it, save it for a rainy day, but that toxic sludge builds up and builds up.  Just like greenhouse gas emissions build up.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Hydrogen fuel cell technology will produce water vapor.  That&#39;s it.  That&#39;s truly clean.</description><link></link><author> (Unknown)</author><thr:total>1</thr:total></item><item><guid isPermaLink="false">,</guid><pubDate>Mon, 24 Mar 2008 22:34:00 +0000</pubDate><atom:updated>2008-03-24T15:38:00.977-07:00</atom:updated><title>Hydrogen Fuel Cell Cars</title><description>How fast can we make the conversion?  I want one!  Well, I want it to be safe.  None of the whole, &quot;Oh, the humanity!&quot; issues to worry about.  But seriously, are we moving along developmentally at a steady clip?  Or could things go faster?&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;How quickly and efficiently could we set up the new hydrogen fuel cell infrastructure, consisting of hydrogen fuel stations?&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Would it be an easy conversion for preexisting gas stations?  Or would there be the flashy new hydrogen station opening up across the street and slowly draining the customers out of the oil economy?&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;I think it would be cool to drive a car that only produces water.  I wonder if they would have a collection bin connected to the exhaust pipe, or maybe reroute it back to the radiator?</description><link></link><author> (Unknown)</author><thr:total>0</thr:total></item><item><guid isPermaLink="false">,</guid><pubDate>Mon, 17 Mar 2008 20:07:00 +0000</pubDate><atom:updated>2008-03-17T13:14:50.151-07:00</atom:updated><title>Sci-Fi Movie Says Global Warming Is Aliens</title><description>Ok, I&#39;m not referencing &quot;The Arrival,&quot; but that does make sense.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Last night there was a lower-budget sci-fi movie on, and I was able to catch a few minutes of it.  A priest having a crisis of faith was approached by devil-looking creatures and given the power to heal.  At one point, one of the creatures revealed that he and his race were from a planet far, far away.  Their plot was to slowly remove earth&#39;s atmosphere, siphoning it off for storage, transportation, and integration with their home world.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;So... what if our atmosphere isn&#39;t chemically changing.  What if it is eroding?&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;In all seriousness, I don&#39;t think that&#39;s the case, but the idea did strike me as thought-provoking.</description><link></link><author> (Unknown)</author><thr:total>0</thr:total></item><item><guid isPermaLink="false">,</guid><pubDate>Mon, 10 Mar 2008 20:21:00 +0000</pubDate><atom:updated>2008-03-10T13:28:25.977-07:00</atom:updated><title>Oil: $108 / Barrel</title><description>It&#39;s so weird...  A few months ago, I heard about a Peak Oil Shortage crisis, a predicted catastrophe that entailed massive blackouts and economic turmoil.  But that can&#39;t happen, let&#39;s get back to our normal practical lives...&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Now, our economy is experiencing definite turmoil, and the price of oil is steadily rising.  Could the predictions be true?  Are we on our way toward disaster?&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;When things keep going as normal, and you don&#39;t hear about a massive program being instated by the government in order to prevent the doomsday scenarios, you think, &quot;Oh, it&#39;s no big deal, that&#39;s just paranoia.  If there was anything to it, the government would be solving the problem, and we&#39;d be a part of that solution.  Since they haven&#39;t gotten in touch, there&#39;s nothing to worry about.&quot;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;What if the threats are real, and the government doesn&#39;t know, or doesn&#39;t care?  My money&#39;s on, &quot;We&#39;ve tried everything, but Judgment Day is inevitable.&quot;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Maybe things just need to get a little worse before major changes are instated.  Or maybe the election will change things.  Hopefully those things will include attitudes like McCain&#39;s, that encompass a belief that the economy is fine.</description><link></link><author> (Unknown)</author><thr:total>0</thr:total></item><item><guid isPermaLink="false">,</guid><pubDate>Mon, 03 Mar 2008 21:37:00 +0000</pubDate><atom:updated>2008-03-03T13:43:42.805-08:00</atom:updated><title>More Power: Start At The House And Car</title><description>I just watched &quot;Six Degrees Could Change The World.&quot;  It&#39;s a documentary shot in high-definition and narrated by Alec Baldwin about how an increase of 6 degrees Celsius of the average temperature of the earth would be catastrophic.  It would basically be the end of civilization.  1-2 degrees is the maximum we can allow, but the consequences of a 2 degree global increase are still pretty bad.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Anyway, one of the ideas presented was that if everybody changed their living and travel arrangements in such a way that their houses produced as much energy as they consumed and their vehicles produced no emissions, the world would be much, much better off.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;This one guy walks through houses and points out all the areas in which the houses are lacking in efficiency.  He said many are shocked and much more gung ho about conservation when they learn it can save you money.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;A couple of his findings were that baseboard heaters and cold-to-the-touch freezer doors were wasteful.  I guess a baseboard heater isn&#39;t too efficient, and a freezer door that allows cold to seep through is not insulated properly, forcing the freezer to work harder to maintain a certain low temperature, and therefore use more energy.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;So if there was a simple plan that each homeowner could follow to minimize energy consumption, we&#39;d all be set.</description><link></link><author> (Unknown)</author><thr:total>0</thr:total></item><item><guid isPermaLink="false">,</guid><pubDate>Mon, 25 Feb 2008 19:26:00 +0000</pubDate><atom:updated>2008-02-25T11:30:43.849-08:00</atom:updated><title>Cure Global Warming With Lots Of New Trees?</title><description>Global Warming is caused by an excess of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, right?  Gases like Carbon Dioxide...  Which we humans breathe out, and trees and plants breathe in.  Then the plants produce oxygen, which we breathe in, etc., etc., etc.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;And a few years ago, lots of people were up in arms complaining about the destruction of rainforests.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;So if we&#39;ve got too much C02, why not just plant a huge group of trees?  Tons of trees.  Tons and tons and tons of trees!  Then they&#39;d automatically be able to suck in all that C02, right?  And we could go right on polluting until oil runs out...</description><link></link><author> (Unknown)</author><thr:total>0</thr:total></item><item><guid isPermaLink="false">,</guid><pubDate>Fri, 22 Feb 2008 18:56:00 +0000</pubDate><atom:updated>2008-02-22T11:01:11.419-08:00</atom:updated><title>Electric Cars Are Like Toys</title><description>I recently watched a few segments of a show about very fast electric cars, which are hyped to be predecessors to cars of the future.  One of them stood out because of how it reacts to stop lights.  As soon as the light turns green, the driver puts his foot on the gas pedal (or in this case, the power pedal?), and the car immediately takes off.  It&#39;s like there&#39;s no friction, no warm-up needed, just pure &quot;GO!&quot;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;So, needless to say, the driver leaves everybody in the dust after every stop light.  Cool, but not that necessary, unless you use that advantage to perpetually skip ahead to the next group of cars.  Otherwise what&#39;s the point when the people you &quot;left behind&quot; catch up to you at the next red light?</description><link></link><author> (Unknown)</author><thr:total>0</thr:total></item><item><guid isPermaLink="false">,</guid><pubDate>Wed, 20 Feb 2008 21:57:00 +0000</pubDate><atom:updated>2008-02-20T14:02:10.442-08:00</atom:updated><title>Hoover Dam Has The Energy Answer</title><description>Recently I mentioned how underwater turbines seem like a good idea.  Yesterday I watched &quot;Life After People,&quot; and it presented the likely scenarios of how things will fall apart if humanity suddenly disappears.  It said the gas-powered electricity-producing facilities would shut down in a matter of hours, nuclear power plants would automatically shut down pretty soon as well, and wind turbines would grind to a halt when no longer kept well-oiled.  However, the power-producing Hoover Dam is supposed to last for a couple of years (maybe more) on its own, with no maintenance.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;So obviously there&#39;s plenty of power in nature, especially in bodies of water moving around.  If we could harness that in a major way, we&#39;d be well off!</description><link></link><author> (Unknown)</author><thr:total>0</thr:total></item><item><guid isPermaLink="false">,</guid><pubDate>Tue, 19 Feb 2008 00:08:00 +0000</pubDate><atom:updated>2008-02-18T16:15:42.832-08:00</atom:updated><title>US Sunlight Provides 100,000 Times As Much Energy As We Need</title><description>I saw something on TV recently that caught my eye.  It said that scientists have calculated that the U.S. on average receives 10^25 units of sunlight energy per year.  We only consume 10^20 units per year of energy from various sources.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;This means that if we could perfect solar technology, we&#39;d be set for years and years!&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Although I did wonder, are trees and plants taken into account?  I mean, if we harnessed all the energy we needed, would there be enough leftover to maintain the ecosystem?  I think there would, given that if we did our job perfectly, and harnessed exactly 10^20 units, there&#39;s still be 99.999% of the total energy left, right?</description><link></link><author> (Unknown)</author><thr:total>0</thr:total></item><item><guid isPermaLink="false">,</guid><pubDate>Fri, 15 Feb 2008 18:17:00 +0000</pubDate><atom:updated>2008-02-15T10:21:27.976-08:00</atom:updated><title>Underwater Turbines</title><description>I recently read that off the coast of Florida tons of water rushes by in a strong, smooth current, never pausing, never stopping.  This energy can be harnessed with turbines, and would equate to 10 nuclear power stations, capable of supplying power to (I believe) 1/3 of Florida.  What if we did that all over every continental coastline?  What if we installed turbines throughout the majority of the ocean?  We&#39;d have tons of free, clean energy!&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;It seems like every couple of months, a new energy option is revealed.  I&#39;m starting to think we are fully capable with current technology of detaching from oil permanently.  Let&#39;s hope we do it in time.</description><link></link><author> (Unknown)</author><thr:total>0</thr:total></item><item><guid isPermaLink="false">,</guid><pubDate>Wed, 13 Feb 2008 17:50:00 +0000</pubDate><atom:updated>2008-02-13T09:54:15.978-08:00</atom:updated><title>Another Solution To Global Warming:  We Leave</title><description>It would seem pretty lame if humanity refused to clean up its technological act, and became similar to the locust-like creatures in &quot;Independence Day.&quot;  If we were to ditch our problem planet and just pick up and go to Mars, what would happen?  First we&#39;d terraform, and then after a couple of hundred years of industrialization, we might decide to bail again.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;I&#39;ve heard that it&#39;s possible that in order for the human race to survive planetary disaster, we must have outposts on other planetary bodies.  I&#39;d like to see us develop clean fuels simultaneously.</description><link></link><author> (Unknown)</author><thr:total>0</thr:total></item><item><guid isPermaLink="false">,</guid><pubDate>Tue, 12 Feb 2008 04:22:00 +0000</pubDate><atom:updated>2008-02-11T20:25:26.847-08:00</atom:updated><title>Methane To Mars</title><description>I saw a link on Yahoo recently to an article or video news unit about how we might go about putting human outposts on the moon and Mars.  They said one option for terraforming Mars would be to add a bunch of methane gas to its atmosphere, giving it a much-needed greenhouse effect, which would warm things up to the point at which life would be sustainable.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Another thing that was mentioned was that if we were &quot;ambitious,&quot; we might detonate nuclear weapons at the ice cap to generate liquid water.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;But here&#39;s the thing.  If we&#39;ve got too much greenhouse gas, and Mars doesn&#39;t have enough, let&#39;s send our leftovers to Mars!  Two birds with one stone...</description><link></link><author> (Unknown)</author><thr:total>0</thr:total></item><item><guid isPermaLink="false">,</guid><pubDate>Fri, 08 Feb 2008 19:25:00 +0000</pubDate><atom:updated>2008-02-08T11:28:05.751-08:00</atom:updated><title>Age Of Nuclear Power = Age Of Homer Simpsons?</title><description>When I heard that nuclear power was making a comeback, I figured there&#39;d be a bustling new industry created virtually overnight.  Left and right, guys with the experience and training would be hired into cushy nuclear power plant jobs.  Suddenly, there&#39;d be a knowledge vacuum, and training programs would pop up everywhere.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;But could a guy get hired right out of college and enroll in a nuclear power plant company training program?  Maybe.  Homer Simpson, in real life.</description><link></link><author> (Unknown)</author><thr:total>0</thr:total></item><item><guid isPermaLink="false">,</guid><pubDate>Wed, 06 Feb 2008 17:35:00 +0000</pubDate><atom:updated>2008-02-06T09:45:14.384-08:00</atom:updated><title>Will Aliens Fix The Environment?</title><description>Most of my posts here have been somewhat based on things that are for the most part known to be true, or at least highly plausible.  However, occasionally I&#39;ll make a post mentioning some &quot;out there&quot; theory.  This is one of those posts.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;There&#39;s a site called &lt;a href=&quot;; title=&quot;Real Super Powers&quot;&gt;;/a&gt;, and it&#39;s mostly about how there are real super-human abilities that some people have managed to be born with or tap into.  Like being able to remotely sense a family member&#39;s emotions.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Anyway, on one rare page in the site, someone mentions how they had dreams (or maybe real experiences) that involved &lt;a href=&quot;; title=&quot;Communicating With Aliens&quot;&gt;communicating with aliens&lt;/a&gt;.  During the final meeting between this person and the &quot;visitors,&quot; this person learned that &quot;the Earth is dying due to the use of Toxic Waste and Nuclear weapons.&quot;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;If you just take one moment to evaluate this idea and assume that it really was &quot;spoken&quot; by an alien, what could it mean?  Are aliens going to fix the planet?  Clean things up?  Watch it decay?  Take us all to Earth 2?&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;During the U.S.&#39;s best years, it acted as a benevolent Super Power, and bailed out ailing countries.  Might an Alien Nation do the same for Earth?</description><link></link><author> (Unknown)</author><thr:total>0</thr:total></item><item><guid isPermaLink="false">,</guid><pubDate>Mon, 04 Feb 2008 16:36:00 +0000</pubDate><atom:updated>2008-02-04T08:40:23.820-08:00</atom:updated><title>Disposing Fluorescent Light Bulbs (With Mercury)</title><description>A couple of months ago I was looking all over the internet for the local means by which I could recycle or properly dispose of a fluorescent light bulb.  It was surprisingly &lt;i&gt;not&lt;/i&gt; a straightforward process, in that the information I did find seemed geared toward a company or industrial organization.  All this while we&#39;d been marketed to by giant forces about procuring and using the light bulbs of the future, but no one had told us what to do when they burn out.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Well finally today there appeared in the newspaper an article with information addressing my concern after the fact.  Hopefully similar information will appear at the local level everywhere else.</description><link></link><author> (Unknown)</author><thr:total>0</thr:total></item><item><guid isPermaLink="false">,</guid><pubDate>Fri, 01 Feb 2008 23:59:00 +0000</pubDate><atom:updated>2008-02-01T15:59:27.562-08:00</atom:updated><title>Coal As A “New” Fuel</title><description>I heard somewhere, some political setting on television, that coal would be great once we’ve developed the technology to harness the wastes emitted from its use.  I didn’t think much of coal, because of all the old stories about England being covered in coal dust.  The image isn’t very clean.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Anyway, the other day I saw a commercial basically saying, “Coal:  It’s making a comeback!”  It was like a “Got Milk?” commercial, where a widely known and accepted commodity is supported, with no brand name being mentioned.  Hopefully we can develop the technology to catch all the pollution thrown up into the air by the use of coal.  Then we’d be in a pretty good spot!</description><link></link><author> (Unknown)</author><thr:total>0</thr:total></item><item><guid isPermaLink="false">,</guid><pubDate>Wed, 30 Jan 2008 23:12:00 +0000</pubDate><atom:updated>2008-01-30T15:14:50.407-08:00</atom:updated><title>U.S. vs. China for Oil</title><description>When oil runs low, will the U.S. and China forcibly occupy the Middle East, with the reason finally being overt in that it’s all about the oil?  Will our respective governments sell us on a battle for resources, for energy?  It seems like as military powers, the U.S. and China are the big kids on the block, and the Middle Eastern nations are the nerdy kids that help us with our homework.  Maybe some of them wrote computer programs that do homework automatically.  So we don’t need them anymore!  Would the U.S. and China completely dominate the oil-bearing nations in a time of crisis?</description><link></link><author> (Unknown)</author><thr:total>0</thr:total></item><item><guid isPermaLink="false">,</guid><pubDate>Tue, 29 Jan 2008 00:24:00 +0000</pubDate><atom:updated>2008-01-28T16:25:26.972-08:00</atom:updated><title>Nuclear Power vs. Nuclear Waste</title><description>A few weeks ago, I was a major fan of nuclear power.  I thought it could solve all our problems.  When I was younger, I was more familiar with the issue of nuclear waste.  It seemed to be in the media somewhat more.  At the time a few weeks ago during which I was enthused about the prospects of nuclear power, I hadn’t considered the implications of creating new nuclear waste.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Apparently, the stuff just builds up.  We don’t have a proper disposal or conversion method yet.  You’d think we’d wait before moving forward with such a technology.  It’s not perfectly clean.  Because instead of producing pollution in the air and water, it just concentrates it into radioactive drums.  &lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;It’s not the best solution available, but maybe it will be good enough until we can properly dispose of the waste materials generated.  Who knows, in 50 years, we may have mastered cold fusion, and no longer need the waste-making nuclear power.</description><link></link><author> (Unknown)</author><thr:total>0</thr:total></item><item><guid isPermaLink="false">,</guid><pubDate>Sat, 26 Jan 2008 22:14:00 +0000</pubDate><atom:updated>2008-01-26T14:22:44.720-08:00</atom:updated><title>Downed Spy Satellite Could Affect Weather</title><description>I read on &lt;a href=&quot;; title=&quot;Yahoo Article On Dead Satellite&quot;&gt;Yahoo&lt;/a&gt; today that an ailing American spy satellite has gone rogue (i.e., we&#39;ve lost control) and will make its way through our atmosphere to our surface.  Perhaps it will land in the ocean, or on a deserted stretch of land.  One particular detail caught my eye.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&quot;The satellite, which no longer can be controlled, could contain hazardous materials, and it is unknown where on the planet it might come down....&quot;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;So, perhaps this satellite contains radioactive material.  Perhaps the satellite will crash somewhere and release it.  Or perhaps it will explode in the atmosphere, spreading radioactive crud all over the planet.  Then, things would get &quot;warm.&quot;  The weather would be &quot;warmer,&quot; even when snowing.  It would be a radioactive snowfall.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;But I assume if this is possible, the military will take care of it.</description><link></link><author> (Unknown)</author><thr:total>2</thr:total></item><item><guid isPermaLink="false">,</guid><pubDate>Fri, 25 Jan 2008 00:42:00 +0000</pubDate><atom:updated>2008-01-24T16:47:46.568-08:00</atom:updated><title>Artificial Intelligence Solves Global Warming</title><description>Just think:  We&#39;re close to developing AI already.  If we could build a machine that was smart enough to build smarter versions of itself, at some point one incarnation would be powerful enough to come up with a sure-thing solution to global warming.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;When Google changes its name to SkyNet, maybe we could ask it &quot;How do we fix the planet?&quot; in the microseconds leading up to its decision regarding the fate of the human race.</description><link></link><author> (Unknown)</author><thr:total>0</thr:total></item><item><guid isPermaLink="false">,</guid><pubDate>Tue, 22 Jan 2008 23:30:00 +0000</pubDate><atom:updated>2008-01-22T15:40:49.315-08:00</atom:updated><title>Who Shot Mr. Burns And Big Oil</title><description>Recently Fox aired the first part to &quot;The Simpsons&#39;&quot; &quot;Who Shot Mr. Burns&quot; cliffhanger saga.  It obviously forces Mr. Burns down an aggressive and dangerous path merely for the sake of the plot, but his actions do seem in accord with the forces behind Big Oil.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;First he steals oil from the elementary school, and then he blocks the sun.  That way, everybody is dependent on &lt;i&gt;his&lt;/i&gt; energy.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Sure, Mr. Burns is a Nuclear Power supplier, but he wants to keep everybody under his thumb.  I&#39;ve heard about sabotage behind the development of the electric car, and it seems like parallel forces to what Mr. Burns displays are and have been at work in reality.  It&#39;s a shame.</description><link></link><author> (Unknown)</author><thr:total>0</thr:total></item><item><guid isPermaLink="false">,</guid><pubDate>Sat, 19 Jan 2008 23:38:00 +0000</pubDate><atom:updated>2008-01-19T15:42:37.063-08:00</atom:updated><title>Ancient Mayan Global Cooling</title><description>I saw a short segment on television within the past 24 hours detailing how the Mayan civilization existed during a time when the sun&#39;s solar output diminished for some reason.  This caused a global cooling trend, which shifted ocean currents, and dried out the Mayan territory.  Major droughts eventually lead to cultural devastation.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;So now, with our man-made greenhouse gases, will we create a global warming trend that shifts ocean currents and causes major freezing in the northern hemisphere?  The show displayed what might happen - video of a super blizzard wiping out cities.</description><link></link><author> (Unknown)</author><thr:total>0</thr:total></item></channel></rss>

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