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  124.                        <h2 style="color:#024d94;">Business Phone Lines That Work Anywhere</h2>
  125.                        <p class="formadj" style="color:#000;">Allow your staff to work from home or office seamlessly starting from $10 a month. <strong>Save 30-50%</strong> on the best VoIP phone services and start using yours today. <strong>Send a free quote request now to learn more.</strong>
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  168.                            <p>Compare the advantages and lowest prices on VoIP phone lines for your business. Phone lines start as low as $9.99 and you can begin making calls the same day.</p>
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  170.                   <li><i class="icon-check"></i> Lower costs per phone line</li>
  171.                            <li><i class="icon-check"></i> Increased accessibility on every device</li>
  172.                            <li><i class="icon-check"></i> Complete portability and flexible solution</li>
  173.                            <li><i class="icon-check"></i> Clearer voice quality anywhere</li>
  174.                            <li><i class="icon-check"></i> Advanced features for small and large businesses</li>
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  197.                    <p>If you have a computer you can start using your lines and features today. Port your current number over and start making calls from anywhere with all the enterprise level features a growing company needs.</p>
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  213.                                        <h3>HD Quality Sound</h3>
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  215.                                    <p>Eliminate static and service degradation with HD voice quality; it's like you're in the same room as the caller.</p>
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  227.                                            <h3>Unlimited Call Queing</h3>
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  229.                                        <p>Organize employees, teams, and departments into queues so callers will be routed to the right person fast.</p>
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  242.                                            <p>Flexible so you don't have to change systems as you grow. Add users and grow your team the same day.</p>
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  253.                                            <h3>Unlimited Instant Faxing</h3>
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  255.                                            <p class="m-t-20">Send unlimited faxes instantly from email, PC or mobile device without tying up a line.</p>
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  266.                                            <h3>Chat And IM</h3>
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  268.                                            <p class="m-t-20">Easily integrate tools like instant messaging, chat, and status sharing the same way you manage your calls.</p>
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  279.                                            <h3>Apps, Mobile, Anywhere.</h3>
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  281.                                            <p class="m-t-20">Stay connected to customers, staff and partners anywhere with across all mobile and remote devices.</p>
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  296.                                            <p>$19.99* Voicemail-to-text, toll-free or local number, 100 toll-free minutes/mo.</p>
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  311.                                            <p>$19.95* Unlimited calling in the US and Canada, 3-way conferencing</p>
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  325.                                            <p>$20/mo* Voicemail to Email, unlimited US calling, free number porting</p>
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  339.                                            <p>$9.99* 300 minutes/mo., unlimited extensions, call queuing, Voicemail to Email</p>
  340.                          <a href="" onClick="fbq('track', 'formpop');" class="btn btn-sm btn-default" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#modalContactForm" style="padding:3px 8px !important; margin:5px 0px 0px 0px;">Compare</i></a> </div>
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  352.                </div><p style="text-align:center;">Easily <a href="" onClick="fbq('track', 'formpop');" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#modalContactForm"><u>compare VoIP features and our lowest price quotes</u></a> with the five top VoIP services and providers in the industry. Start using your new lines today with 14 and 30 day free trials available for a limited time.</p>
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  361.                        <h4>If you are a small business looking for business phone lines that you can start using today and scale easily in the future compare our prices and packages now. </h4>
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  383.                        <h1>GoTo VoIP Lines</h1>
  384.                        <img src="images/line.png" class="img-responsive" alt="Advantages Of VoIP Section" /><br />
  385.                        <p>VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) or IP telephony is a modern business phone line that lets you make phone calls over Local Area Networks (LANs) or the internet.</p>
  386.                        <br />
  387.                        <ul class="list">
  388.                            <li><i class="icon-check"></i> Lower costs per phone line</li>
  389.                            <li><i class="icon-check"></i> Increased accessibility on every device</li>
  390.                            <li><i class="icon-check"></i> Complete portability and flexible solution</li>
  391.                            <li><i class="icon-check"></i> Clearer voice quality anywhere</li>
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  404.                    <img src="images/line.png" class="img-responsive center-block" alt="VoIP Options For Business" />
  405.                    <p>A VoIP solution does away with having to purchase expensive hardware or dedicated line as you grow. We have complete scalability, lower cost, easy to integrate and 100% portable solutions that work on every device. Whether you need business phone lines, a business number or a complete business phone system and hardware VoIP solutions make good business sense.</p>
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  427.                                <h4>Business Phone Hardware</h4>
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  469.                                    <p>"We needed a phone solution that worked across devices and had call recording. We now pay about $110 less monthly and get every feature that larger firms have."
  470.                                    </p>
  471.                                    <img src="./images/bg/five-star.png" alt="VoIP Reviews">
  472.                                    <span class="author">Tre Davis <br> <small> Sales Manager at Delight Design </small></span>
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  475.                                    <p>"We had been using a larger local company for land line phone service. After comparing current deals we found a company I had never even considered for VoIP for half the cost."
  476.                                    </p>
  477.                                    <img src="./images/bg/five-star.png" alt="VoIP Ratings">
  478.                                    <span class="author">Tommy Wall <br> <small> Ops Director at Davis Advisors LLC </small></span>
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  482.                                    <p>"We have 15 lines in our marketing agency so the cost adds up month after month. VoIP is clearer, flexible and we now add lines when we need them in munites. Just smarter."
  483.                                    </p>
  484.                                    <img src="./images/bg/five-star.png" alt="Top 5 VoIP">
  485.                                    <span class="author">Richard Denton <br> <small> Owner at Smart Brands Media </small></span>
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  503.                        <h3>Got Features? VoIP Does It All For Less</h3>
  504.                        <img src="images/line.png" class="img-responsive center-block" alt="FAQs About VoIP Phones" />
  505.                        <p>On average, a landline costs businesses $50 per line each month. This rate is often for local calls only. VoIP plans, in contrast, are available for less than $20 per line and have all the features and even more CMS integration options that businesses need.</p>
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  521. What Is VoIP For Business?
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  527.                                                    Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a type of technology that allows its users to make calls using the broadband Internet rather than the conventional or analog phone system.</div>
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  534. How Do I Save 30% On Phone Service?
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  540.                                                    We partner with the largest network of VoIP phone service providers in the US to get you the lowest prices to compare quotes. The perfect partner for every size business and any business use.</div>
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  547. How Long To Start Making Calls?
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  553.                                                    Our partners all provide same day calling and setup. Normal situations of almost any size can be setup with the help of customer support within hours. All our partner providers will walk you through every simple step.</div>
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