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  39. <description><![CDATA[<p>SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the set of Digital Marketing actions and strategies that aims to increase traffic and performance of a website through organic results in search engines such ...</p>
  40. <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">The Definitive Guide To SEO And How It Works</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Stealth SEO Solutions</a>.</p>
  41. ]]></description>
  42. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the set of Digital Marketing actions and strategies that aims to increase traffic and performance of a website through organic results in search engines such as Google, Bing and even YouTube.</p>
  43. <h2><strong>What is SEO?</strong></h2>
  44. <p>every time a page is published on the internet, Google (and other search engines) look for how to index it so that it can be found by those who search for it.</p>
  45. <p>However, there are millions of pages being published every day on the internet, which means that there is quite a bit of competition. So, how to make a page in front of others?</p>
  46. <p>That&#8217;s where SEO (Search Engine Optimization) comes in. As the translation itself already indicates, SEO is an optimization for search engines, this means, a set of techniques that influence search engine algorithms to define the ranking of a page for a certain keyword that was sought.</p>
  47. <p>On this page, you will be able to study everything about SEO, from the basics to the advanced. At the top there is an index to find the desired chapter.</p>
  48. <p>But, if you want to read from the beginning, nothing better than starting with the story.</p>
  49. <h3><strong>SEO History</strong></h3>
  50. <p>In 1993 Architext emerged, considered the first internet search engine (which became Excite). With its success, similar new sites emerged such as <strong>Yahoo!</strong> (1994) and <strong>Google</strong> (1997).</p>
  51. <p>Founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Google was created to be a large-scale search tool and &#8220;organize the internet&#8221;, using the link structure to determine the relevance of pages according to the user&#8217;s search.</p>
  52. <p>The idea of ​​using the links received by a page is inspired by the academic environment: an article or scientific research that receives citations from journals and articles by other authors, mainly those with a better reputation, are considered more reliable.</p>
  53. <p>Following this logic, the revolutionary PageRank was developed: a metric from 0 to 10, created by Larry Page and calculated by the quantity and quality of links received.</p>
  54. <p>In December 1997 PC Magazine wrote that Google &#8220;has an unusual ability to return extremely relevant results&#8221; and ranked it as the top search site in the &#8220;Top 100 Web Sites.&#8221;</p>
  55. <p>According to this Search Engine Land post, it <strong>was also in 1997 that the term SEO</strong> was first mentioned, in the book Net Results, written by Bob Heyman, Leland Harden, and Rick Bruner. According to them, the term arose in a discussion about the positioning of the Jefferson Starship band&#8217;s site on search sites.</p>
  56. <p>By including more <strong>keywords</strong> with the name of the band in the content of the site, they noticed that the site returned to the first position. With this, Bob and Leland called that technique as <strong>Search Engine Optimization</strong>.</p>
  57. <p>Until the popularization of Google, SEO actions were limited to submitting the site to search engines and on-page optimizations, such as the inclusion (and repetition) of keywords in the content.</p>
  58. <p>Once Google became popular, SEO professionals began to look more for the link metric, which is very important for the search engine.</p>
  59. <p><strong>This is how <a href="">link building</a></strong>strategies emerged, exploring both legitimate techniques for obtaining links and darker practices, focused solely on improving the evaluation of the site, regardless of its quality.</p>
  60. <p>These ranking manipulation techniques are known <strong>as Black Hat SEO.</strong></p>
  61. <p>In 2000, Google Toolbar was released for Internet Explorer, which presented the PageRank of the sites, from 0 to 10, which made link building techniques more measurable and popular.</p>
  62. <p>In the same year, Google&#8217;s organic results received company: Google <strong>AdWords</strong> was launched, including sponsored results, which remain in search results to this day.</p>
  63. <p>After years of site optimizations, link generation and a lot of ranking manipulation with Black Hat techniques, in 2003 the first major update of its algorithm was released<strong>, called Florida, which changed SEO forever</strong>.</p>
  64. <p>According to an article written at the time by Gord Hotchkiss, Florida was a filter applied to commercial-based searches, identified by the use of specific keywords. It cleaned up many of the previously ranked sites (in various tests, the tool removed 50-98% of previously listed sites).</p>
  65. <p>The goal was related sites, with domains containing keywords and a network of links pointing to the home page of the site.</p>
  66. <p>When it was released, the update caused a stir among merchants, who relied on related sites as their main source of traffic (and sales).</p>
  67. <p>Despite the impact of the update, the results were positive, with higher quality sites being launched, companies investing more in their own website and improving search results.</p>
  68. <p>That was just the first Google update. During the following years, new updates were released, always with the aim of reducing the non-legitimate results presented by the search engine and improving the quality of the searches.</p>
  69. <p>Since then, with each update released by Google, various speculations about the <strong>death of SEO</strong> are also released.</p>
  70. <p>However, site optimizations for search mechanisms go far beyond questionable techniques that seek to manipulate the results displayed by Google, which are penalized and become extinct with updates.</p>
  71. <p>The optimization of the sites for search mechanisms is carried out to reach the user by delivering the answer that he is looking for with the ideal format, offering the best possible experience within the brand environment and following the guidelines of the search engines.</p>
  72. <p>The most popular search engine in the world is Google, and this is the next chapter.</p>
  73. <h3><strong>How Google, Works</strong></h3>
  74. <p>Have you thought about everything that happens between typing your search and clicking on Google results?</p>
  75. <p>What happens in that period is the secret to the success of the search giant. The quality and speed of its classification transformed the company into the largest search engine in the world, killing all its competitors, even adding their shares.</p>
  76. <p>To get an idea, the domain is so large that in the United States it exists as a verb to google, which is used in phrases like He googled you.</p>
  77. <p>Learn more about the work that exists behind the most accessed results page worldwide.</p>
  78. <h3><strong>Crawling, Indexing And Display Of Results</strong></h3>
  79. <p>These are the 3 main search return processes.</p>
  80. <p>Crawling is the process in which Google&#8217;s robots (called Googlebot) identify pages to submit to the search engine&#8217;s index. For this, the robots use algorithms that define the prioritization and indexing frequency of the pages.</p>
  81. <p>The process starts with the URLs generated from previous crawling processes and enriched with sitemaps. As you visit the pages, Googlebot identifies existing links and also includes a tracking list. During the process, new sites, alterations and exclusions are detected and updated.</p>
  82. <p>After this, indexing is done, in which Googlebot processes each of the crawled pages to include them in its index. At this time, information such as page content, publication date, title, description, as well as structured data are indexed.</p>
  83. <p>In this way, when a query is made, a search for corresponding pages is made in the Google index, displaying the most relevant results. It is not a relevance based on assumptions: this is determined with ranking factors.</p>
  84. <p>In the search process there is also the Google autocomplete and the already known: &#8220;Did you mean&#8230;&#8221;, made to save time, correct errors and facilitate searches.</p>
  85. <h2><strong>Algorithm And Updates</strong></h2>
  86. <p>Even if you&#8217;ve never worked with SEO, you&#8217;ve probably already heard of the Google algorithm or social networks like Facebook and Instagram.</p>
  87. <p>These algorithms are responsible for filtering what is most relevant to the user and not simply leaving all the content available on the page, without any classification criteria.</p>
  88. <p>Google uses more than 200 ranking factors to define the order of the pages presented to the user for each search carried out.</p>
  89. <p>In order to increasingly improve the information presented to the user and its relevance, this algorithm is constantly updated. Know the main ones and their impacts:</p>
  90. <ol>
  91. <li>
  92. <h3><strong> Florida (2003)</strong></h3>
  93. </li>
  94. </ol>
  95. <p>Florida was Google&#8217;s first big update and is considered the update that put SEO on the map.</p>
  96. <p>When it was launched, it removed between 50 and 98% of the sites listed above. The objective was low quality sites (mainly affiliates), which practiced keyword stuffing, with domains containing exact keywords and with a network of links leading to the main page of the site.</p>
  97. <ol start="2">
  98. <li>
  99. <h3><strong> Panda (2011)</strong></h3>
  100. </li>
  101. </ol>
  102. <p>Panda was another big update that affected about 12% of search results. The objective was to penalize sites with low quality, with many ads and sites present in content farms. Since then, his updates have always focused on the quality if the content of the sites.</p>
  103. <p>After 27 updates impacting search results, the last one came in 2015. Panda 4.2 was just a database update, but it ended up impacting many sites that were still producing very poor quality, content.</p>
  104. <ol start="3">
  105. <li>
  106. <h3><strong> Penguin (2012)</strong></h3>
  107. </li>
  108. </ol>
  109. <p>Better known at the time as the WebSpam Update, Penguin was the update responsible for containing the excess content optimizations. With its launch, 3.1% of search results in English were hit.</p>
  110. <p>Its objective is to identify and penalize sites that practice keyword stuffing and that participate in schemes to generate links (techniques considered black hat).</p>
  111. <p>In the same way as Panda, this algorithm update went through a series of improvements and releases, until it reached version 4.0 (2016), when it officially became part of the Google algorithm and began to work in real time.</p>
  112. <ol start="4">
  113. <li>
  114. <h3><strong> Hummingbird (2013)</strong></h3>
  115. </li>
  116. </ol>
  117. <p>Unlike the previous ones, the Hummingbird update was not just a supplement to Google&#8217;s algorithm, but a complete overhaul of it.</p>
  118. <p>With the update, the search results for users go beyond the keyword: the search engine not only considers the terms searched for, but also its entire semantic universe, such as the meaning of that search, which includes synonyms and the context in the one that the terms are being inserted in the pages and also other even more complex factors, such as the location of the user and even previous searches carried out by him.</p>
  119. <p>All this is done to make the presented results more and more related to the user&#8217;s true search intention and not just the exact search words.</p>
  120. <ol start="5">
  121. <li>
  122. <h3><strong> HTTPS/SSL Update (2014)</strong></h3>
  123. </li>
  124. </ol>
  125. <p>After a warning and strongly encouraging webmasters to invest in security, in 2014 Google announced that HTTPS was becoming a ranking factor, as a way to encourage the migration of the online community and thus make the web more secure.</p>
  126. <p>This incentive is due to the fact that the sites that have an SSL certificate (and thus their migration to HTTPS) use encrypted information, which prevents the data from being identified along the way, in case it is intercepted.</p>
  127. <ol start="6">
  128. <li>
  129. <h3><strong> Mobile Friendly Update – Mobilegeddon</strong></h3>
  130. </li>
  131. </ol>
  132. <p>Google&#8217;s update for mobile devices is known as Mobilegeddon (referring to the movie Armageddon) due to the impact that specialists believed it would cause. In practice, however, the impact was not that great.</p>
  133. <p>Long story short, the update began prioritizing mobile-friendly sites, regardless of whether the site was more or less mobile-friendly: either it was or it wasn&#8217;t.</p>
  134. <p>In 2016 Google released a new mobile friendly update, which had a lower impact on rankings than the first, according to webmasters (the main reason was that most sites were already adapted).</p>
  135. <ol start="7">
  136. <li>
  137. <h3><strong> Rankbrain (2015)</strong></h3>
  138. </li>
  139. </ol>
  140. <p>Google announced in 2015 the official incorporation into the algorithm of a system that used machine learning and artificial intelligence, with the purpose of helping the interpretation and presentation of search results: RankBrain.</p>
  141. <p>According to Google itself, the system became one of the top 3 ranking factors, along with links and content. However, unlike the other 2, it was harder to optimize sites for this intelligence. What could be done was to explore the words that were part of the semantics of the content and make clear the entire context of the content.</p>
  142. <ol start="8">
  143. <li>
  144. <h3><strong> Fred (2017)</strong></h3>
  145. </li>
  146. </ol>
  147. <p>The Fred update was released to identify sites with low-quality content and lots of banner ads.</p>
  148. <p>According to John Mueller, Google&#8217;s Webmaster Trends Analyst at the time, &#8220;If you&#8217;re following good SEO practices, the only reason your site will be penalized is poor quality content.&#8221;</p>
  149. <ol start="9">
  150. <li>
  151. <h3><strong> 2018: YMYL (Medical update)</strong></h3>
  152. </li>
  153. </ol>
  154. <p>This is an algorithm that was applied on August 1, 2018 and that mainly affected health and money-themed websites. Many websites that had good traffic were seriously affected by this algorithm change.</p>
  155. <ol start="10">
  156. <li>
  157. <h3><strong> 2019: Neural Matching</strong></h3>
  158. </li>
  159. </ol>
  160. <p>In November 2019, a new update was confirmed: Neural Matching. Neural Matching or neural matching allows Google to better understand when the queries that users make have a local search intention, even when the name or description of a particular company is not included in the search.</p>
  161. <ol start="11">
  162. <li>
  163. <h3><strong> 2020: January and May Core Updates</strong></h3>
  164. </li>
  165. </ol>
  166. <p>In the long history of Google algorithm updates, the main updates, known as Core Updates, are the ones that can generally affect the organic ranking of many websites. In 2020, Google released two powerful core updates, one in January and one in May.</p>
  167. <p>In the case of the first, the websites that include content related to pets, motor, health and other specific content are the ones that, since the beginning of the central update process, saw changes that are proportionally greater than others.</p>
  168. <p>In the case of the May 2020 core update, the impact was greater: the most affected categories were travel, real estate, health, pets and animals, as well as sites related to people and society.</p>
  169. <h3><strong>Google Ranking Factors</strong></h3>
  170. <p>As we mentioned in the previous point, Google defines the prioritization and relevance of the results based on more than 200 ranking factors.</p>
  171. <p>Several studies are done each year to unravel all the factors used. The company Backlinko made a list with the 200 ranking factors, being the 10 main factors:</p>
  172. <p>Additionally, at the end of 2017 SEMrush carried out a study on the positioning factors, with 600 thousand keywords from its global base and the first 100 results pages for each of them.</p>
  173. <p>The 5 most important factors that were identified in this study were direct visits to the site, visit time, number of pages accessed, bounce rate and total referring domains.</p>
  174. <p>Some curiosities that were identified in the study:</p>
  175. <ul>
  176. <li>The average difference in content size between the first 3 positions and the 20th position is 45%;</li>
  177. <li>The average bounce rate for domains in the top 3 is 49%;</li>
  178. <li>3% of backlinks contain a keyword in the anchor text.</li>
  179. </ul>
  180. <h3><strong>Mobile-First Index</strong></h3>
  181. <p>Announced at the end of 2016, this new form of Google indexing has been carried out gradually since 2017.</p>
  182. <p>In practice, what changes is that Google&#8217;s indexing always started from how the sites were viewed from the desktop. With this change, the browser uses the mobile version of the site as a base.</p>
  183. <p>This can greatly harm the organic positioning (and consequently the traffic) of sites that do not have their site adapted for mobile devices. However, according to Google, sites that only have a desktop version will continue to be indexed and, if they have quality content, they may not be harmed.</p>
  184. <p>In case you already have a responsive site, you do not need to make any alterations to your site beyond the traditional. If you have a mobile version of your site ( it is necessary to make an alteration in the canonical tag of the pages, according to the following example:</p>
  185. <h2><strong>5 Reasons To Invest In SEO Today</strong></h2>
  186. <ol>
  187. <li>
  188. <h3><strong> Invest In What Is Really Yours</strong></h3>
  189. </li>
  190. </ol>
  191. <p>Have you ever wondered what your greatest internet wealth is? I would say the best answer is: your site. Your site will be with you for as long as your company is active, and it is on it that people will know what you do and what the advantages of choosing your business are.</p>
  192. <p>And what about social networks? They are extremely important in several points of the <a href="">Digital Marketing</a> strategy however they are not your heritage.</p>
  193. <p>Imagine if 15 years ago we had invested a very high value in Myspace? Without a doubt what seemed to be something very clear, could be disastrous.</p>
  194. <p>Investing in SEO for your site is investing in something really yours, it is betting on your greatest asset on the internet and reaping the fruits of hard work, but very valuable.</p>
  195. <ol start="2">
  196. <li>
  197. <h3><strong> Conquer Space On The 1st Page Of Google</strong></h3>
  198. </li>
  199. </ol>
  200. <p>Being on the first page of Google does not mean that your company provides a better service or has a much higher quality product than the competition. Being among the first means that your SEO work is being done well and that your content is relevant.</p>
  201. <p>However, for the general public that uses the network for research purposes, the feeling is that Google indicates you as one of the best in the market.</p>
  202. <p>Here, small and large companies compete on the same level. One more reason to invest in SEO.</p>
  203. <ol start="3">
  204. <li>
  205. <h3><strong> Be The Reference Your User Is Looking For</strong></h3>
  206. </li>
  207. </ol>
  208. <p>The greater the number of searches that show you on the first pages, the greater your authority in the segment in which you operate.</p>
  209. <p>People search for relevant data, problem solutions, tips to improve their routine and much more information. And if, in these cases, the searches were for topics in which your company operates, without a doubt the brand that people will see as a market reference will be yours.</p>
  210. <p>It is not enough just to produce content, it is necessary to be aligned with ranking techniques so that your site is always ahead of the competition, that is, you need to invest in SEO.</p>
  211. <ol start="4">
  212. <li>
  213. <h3><strong> Increase Visits To Your Site (And Sell More)</strong></h3>
  214. </li>
  215. </ol>
  216. <p>Being on the first pages of search engines means more visits. Optimizing your site will make your navigation easier and your content, in addition to being valuable, can be even more attractive. Result: Increased search volume, new site conversions, more Leads to engage with, and many more new customer opportunities.</p>
  217. <p>A stopped site, without updates and without the use of SEO techniques will not generate recurring accesses and will lose relevance over time, going from a site with the potential to generate many businesses to a simple static virtual visiting card with very few entrances.</p>
  218. <ol start="5">
  219. <li>
  220. <h3><strong> Increase The Quality Of Your Ads</strong></h3>
  221. </li>
  222. </ol>
  223. <p>If you plan to invest in Google Ads and improve your campaigns, it is essential that you focus on SEO.</p>
  224. <p>Google Ads measures the position of your ad through Quality Score. He himself makes the estimate (along with the offer provided) of what will be the position of your ad in the auction. Quality Score is divided into CTR (click-through rate or click rate), the relevance of the keywords and the quality of the page that will be accessed. It is, right at this point, that the role of SEO strategies begins.</p>
  225. <p>Optimizing the page for the user (among other factors) includes adding original content, relevant data, and other information that, along with various SEO techniques, can help improve the browsing experience. There&#8217;s no use clicking on an ad looking for one thing and finding another, right?</p>
  226. <p>Another important aspect is that, by having your page optimized, you can make your offer cost less than expected. One more point for SEO!</p>
  227. <h3><strong>SEO Techniques: Black Hat x White Hat</strong></h3>
  228. <p>There are some unethical techniques that according to Google, are done with the sole purpose of boosting organic positioning, without taking into account the user experience.</p>
  229. <p>Repeat the keyword of the content several times, buy and generate a large number of links from other sites, include hidden words on the page, so that the search engine robots display a part of them.</p>
  230. <p>All this offers a bad experience to the user, who, when accessing a site in the first position for his search, expects quality content and that he has the answers to what he is looking for. Also, it goes totally against Google&#8217;s mission: &#8220;to organize the world&#8217;s information and make it useful and accessible to everyone&#8221;</p>
  231. <p>To penalize the sites that use these techniques and guarantee that the best options on the internet are the ones that appear in the first places, Google has been making constant updates since 2000 in its algorithm (as we mentioned before) and also created the Guidelines for Webmasters, with the rules and best practices to position sites organically.</p>
  232. <p>Currently SEO techniques are divided into 2 groups: Black Hat and White Hat.</p>
  233. <h3><strong>Black Hat SEO</strong></h3>
  234. <p>Black Hat techniques seek only organic positioning and violate Google&#8217;s guidelines.</p>
  235. <p>These techniques generate short-term results, but they are considered unethical and very susceptible to sanctions and even exclusion from the search engine.</p>
  236. <p>The 10 most popular Black Hat techniques are:</p>
  237. <ul>
  238. <li>Keyword Stuffing;</li>
  239. <li>Hidden Content;</li>
  240. <li>Duplicate Content;</li>
  241. <li>Cloaking;</li>
  242. <li>Doorway Page (Or Gateway Page);</li>
  243. <li>Link Farm;</li>
  244. <li>Private Blog Networks (PBN);</li>
  245. <li>Paid Links;</li>
  246. <li>Blog SPAM;</li>
  247. <li>Negative SEO;</li>
  248. </ul>
  249. <h3><strong>White Hat SEO</strong></h3>
  250. <p>We can consider as White Hat SEO the techniques that do not go against the guidelines of Google and other search engines. They work in the medium and long term and do not generate penalties for the site that uses them.</p>
  251. <p>According to Google&#8217;s guidelines, it is basically recommended to create original and quality content, always thinking about the user and avoiding other types of tricks to improve the organic position of the site.</p>
  252. <p>Google recently updated its SEO Guide, in which it recommends various SEO techniques that are in accordance with its guidelines.</p>
  253. <h3><strong>SEO On Page</strong></h3>
  254. <p>Some specific parts of a page are more relevant in search and deserve special attention.</p>
  255. <p>Working on them means having more chances for Google to consider you as a result for a search carried out. This in the industry is called “SEO on-page”.</p>
  256. <p>More important than knowing these techniques is not to leave them above good content. With each algorithm update, Googlebots get smarter at identifying the best answer to a user&#8217;s question.</p>
  257. <p>Therefore, what works here is to have on-page SEO techniques together with excellent content. The two things must be integrated to work.</p>
  258. <p>Speaking specifically of on-page SEO, the main attributes that stand out are:</p>
  259. <h3><strong>Contents</strong></h3>
  260. <p>As we mentioned before, content is the most important asset for a good SEO job.</p>
  261. <p>The use of a certain keyword within the content, facilitates the possibilities for Google to display your page as a result to those who search for that word.</p>
  262. <p>Do not exaggerate in the use of the keyword, distributing it in the text in a forced way. Excessive use of the same word can cause confusion in users.</p>
  263. <p>As this is not a behavior approved by Google, it is very likely that your site will suffer some consequences, such as a reduction in the display of your page in search results.</p>
  264. <p>If you are looking for an answer to know how many times a keyword should appear in a text to have a better position, we must inform you that such an answer simply does not exist.</p>
  265. <p>If in doubt, develop content naturally and ask yourself the following questions:</p>
  266. <ul>
  267. <li>Is the keyword cited in the content?</li>
  268. <li>Is it a reasonable amount?</li>
  269. <li>Would users be satisfied with the number of appearances?</li>
  270. <li>Were partial variations used?</li>
  271. <li>Were synonyms used?</li>
  272. </ul>
  273. <p>If all responses are positive, the page is ready to be published.</p>
  274. <h3><strong>Scannable Content</strong></h3>
  275. <p>How is the content you produce for your company? In addition to the ideas themselves, do you also think about how to structure it?</p>
  276. <p>Contrary to what some people think, the internet is not like a book. This means that if you write a long, monotonous block of text, people will simply ignore your message.</p>
  277. <p>On the internet, people tend to multitask. They may be browsing your site while chatting with their friends on Facebook, responding to emails, or other activities.</p>
  278. <p>As a result, they need to filter and scan information on your site easily. Otherwise, they will go to any other page.</p>
  279. <p>Some of the elements you can include to make your content scannable are:</p>
  280. <ul>
  281. <li>Headings (Or Headers)</li>
  282. <li>Bullet Points</li>
  283. <li>Bold Font</li>
  284. <li>Italics</li>
  285. <li>Images</li>
  286. <li>Videos</li>
  287. <li>Short Paragraphs</li>
  288. </ul>
  289. <h3><strong>Semantics</strong></h3>
  290. <p>As we&#8217;ve mentioned, it&#8217;s important to optimize your page for a keyword to perform better in search results.</p>
  291. <p>However, there are other factors that help Google understand the context of your content besides the keyword.</p>
  292. <p>These factors can even rank your site for terms for which the content is not optimized, which proves that Google places more and more importance on the quality of the content.</p>
  293. <h3><strong>Duplicate Content</strong></h3>
  294. <p>You probably already saw in some search results that Google reports about some results being skipped.</p>
  295. <p>To show you the most relevant results. we have omitted some very similar entries to the 3 already shown.</p>
  296. <p>If you want, you can repeat the search and include the results that have been skipped.</p>
  297. <p>On many occasions, the reason for this omission is the existence of duplicate content, that is, more of the same.</p>
  298. <p>That&#8217;s why replicating the same content from another site to yours probably won&#8217;t bring you organic traffic, and this is why it&#8217;s important to invest in original content.</p>
  299. <h3><strong>Title And Description (Title And Meta Description)</strong></h3>
  300. <p>The title of the page (or &#8220;title&#8221;) is not necessarily the same as the article. Actually, the title refers to a property of the HTML code (&lt;title&gt;), identified by the phrase that appears in the browser tab or on the Google results page.</p>
  301. <p>This is a very important element for SEO, which often becomes a space occupied by slogans or phrases that do not describe the page well or that do not include the keywords that really matter for the business (for example &#8220;home&#8221; on the home page of the site).</p>
  302. <p>Our advice here is to try to accurately describe the topic that the page deals with and pay attention to the order of the words: the first ones have more relevance than the last ones.</p>
  303. <p>Do not forget that there is a size limit for the title that appears in the search results. It is recommended to use a maximum size of 65 characters for the title.</p>
  304. <p>Google can read a larger amount, but this is the limit that usually appears when the search engine displays the results on the page.</p>
  305. <p>An example of the importance of the title for SEO is in the following graph, which presents the clicks on a page. After we altered the page title (non-graphic featured period), the number of clicks jumped significantly.</p>
  306. <p>Regarding the description of the link, is it important for SEO?</p>
  307. <p>When you search for a certain article, the result shows a small summary below the title. This field corresponds to the meta description, a code within the page that has no weight as a ranking factor, but directly influences the click rate. And this rate is a factor that will influence the ranking of your page.</p>
  308. <p>In a simple way, the intention of the <strong>meta description</strong> is to convince the user to click on the link. For this reason, it is a very important field to be worked on.</p>
  309. <p>The tip here is to make a striking, interesting meta description that informs, is curious and also has a <strong>Call to Action</strong>, touch.</p>
  310. <p>It should be remembered that the included text will not always be displayed on Google. The search engine prioritizes the most relevant text for the user and if a part of the content is considered more appropriate than the configured description, it will be displayed.</p>
  311. <h3><strong>URL’s</strong></h3>
  312. <p>Another element, that Google scans for keywords is the page address itself.</p>
  313. <p>Consequently, it is essential that your URL is descriptive and contains the desired keyword, something like “”.</p>
  314. <p>Avoid creating URLs with codes like in the model “” or with parameters like “”.</p>
  315. <p>Additionally, it is more friendly, reliable and easy for people to share the links of your site with their respective contacts.</p>
  316. <p>Look at a good example of content with optimized title, description and url:</p>
  317. <ul>
  318. <li>Keyword: digital marketing</li>
  319. <li>Title: Digital Marketing: What it is, how to do it and everything about Online Marketing</li>
  320. <li>URL:</li>
  321. <li>Description: Learn EVERYTHING about Digital Marketing: what it is, how to do it, its advantages, strategies, tools and much more.</li>
  322. </ul>
  323. <p>If the site is on WordPress, install Yoast SEO to easily edit this information.</p>
  324. <p>Other CMSs generally allow easy editing of this information. Otherwise, you will need to edit those tags in the code.</p>
  325. <p>To learn more, go to the post “<strong>What is a friendly URL for Google and other search engines</strong>”.</p>
  326. <h3><strong>Internal Links</strong></h3>
  327. <p>The entire internet is made up of links. Users browse all the time through links, as well as the robots of each search engine.</p>
  328. <p>Taking this into account, the reasons for your site to have internal links are very simple. Some of them are:</p>
  329. <ul>
  330. <li>Improve user navigation.</li>
  331. <li>Make it easy for search engines to discover new pages.</li>
  332. <li>Link pages that address similar issues.</li>
  333. </ul>
  334. <p>In the inclusion of links, it is important to pay attention to the anchor text and not work with generic indications such as <strong>&#8220;in this post</strong>&#8221; or &#8220;<strong>click here</strong>&#8220;.</p>
  335. <p>The ideal is to use an anchor that is related to the subject of the page, to indicate to the robots that, when it comes to a certain subject, that is the main page.</p>
  336. <h3><strong>Alternative Text</strong></h3>
  337. <p>All images on a page must have an alternative text (alt text) in case the image is not displayed. It is by filling in this field that you help screen readers and Google understand what the image represents.</p>
  338. <p>Using the keyword in the alternative text (or alt text) also helps the organic positioning of the content, reinforcing to search engines the context for which the image was added.</p>
  339. <p>Google itself recommends that the alternative text be descriptive in relation to the image it represents and that it not be too long.</p>
  340. <p>To find out where to find images for your pages, check out the post “57 free and paid image banks you should know about”.</p>
  341. <h3><strong>Featured Snippet (Position 0)</strong></h3>
  342. <p>Have you noticed that for some Google searches, a block with a snippet of the content you&#8217;re looking for is displayed?</p>
  343. <p>This result is the featured snippet, also known as Google&#8217;s &#8220;position 0&#8221;, and generally shows recipes, tables, detailed definitions, etc.</p>
  344. <p>This is an example of a paragraph snippet. This model displays a small snippet of content with the intuition of already answering the user&#8217;s question on the results page itself.</p>
  345. <p>It is important to highlight that there is no relationship between position 0 and position 1. There are even <strong>studies</strong> that identified sites on the 8th page of the search engine presenting the result in position 0.</p>
  346. <p>Now you must be wondering how to get to Google position 0. truth?</p>
  347. <p>In reality, there is no data tagging or guarantee of getting it. It is something relatively new and many are already studying the subject.</p>
  348. <p>It is recommended to work with content that displays a direct and objective answer to a specific question or a step-by-step tutorial to which the search is applied.</p>
  349. <h3><strong>SEO Off Page</strong></h3>
  350. <p>We can consider SEO off-page to all the activities carried out outside the domain of the site that directly impact your organic positioning.</p>
  351. <p>It is generally linked to link building, but there is another factor beyond links that influences the results of a site: brand presence.</p>
  352. <h3><strong>Brand Presence</strong></h3>
  353. <p>Improving your brand presence on the internet is not the same as generating links (or link building). The presence of the brand will not increase the authority of your domain, but it will increase the trust of Google and other search engines in your brand. And if your brand is trustworthy, it will hardly be penalized.</p>
  354. <p>Some factors that can influence your brand presence:</p>
  355. <ul>
  356. <li>Mentions of the brand name without links on sites and portals;</li>
  357. <li>Consolidated presence on YouTube;</li>
  358. <li>Positive user rating on Google;</li>
  359. <li>A strong and engaged fan base on social media.</li>
  360. </ul>
  361. <p>Receiving a mention of your brand and with a link to your site (mainly from relevant and reliable sites), in addition to contributing to the presence and trust of your brand, increases the authority of your site and is already part of the link building actions.</p>
  362. <h3><strong>Link Building</strong></h3>
  363. <p>As we mentioned in Google ranking factors, page and domain authorities are among the most important criteria. Finally, classifying the sites taking into account the links that point to them was the main differential of Google when it entered the search engine market.</p>
  364. <p>In addition to the search giant announcing that it is one of the main ranking factors (as we said before), a search with 1 million Google results, carried out by Backlinko, pointed to the referring domain number as the factor that more impact on the positions.</p>
  365. <p>However, since the Penguin update it is not only the number of links that Google takes into account when rating a site, now the focus is on the quality of those links. To understand it better, let&#8217;s compare links with prizes:</p>
  366. <ul>
  367. <li>Until 2015, Leonardo DiCaprio had 2 Golden Globes, 1 Berlin Film Festival award, 1 People&#8217;s Choice Awards and 1 AACTA Awards. A total of 5 prizes;</li>
  368. <li>In 2016 he won 1 Oscar and 1 Golden Globe. A total of 2 awards.</li>
  369. </ul>
  370. <p>And what had the most impact on his career (and on the cache) of the actor? Surely winning his first Oscar had more impact on his life and career than <strong>on social media</strong>.</p>
  371. <p>The same applies when we talk about links. It is more important to receive a link from a reliable, authoritative site that has relevance in its content, than to receive several from small sites, without any authority or relevance.</p>
  372. <p>To generate links for your site, there are some tactics used by SEO professionals. Learn about 6 popular link building techniques:</p>
  373. <h3><strong>Guest Post</strong></h3>
  374. <p>Production of articles for other blogs as a guest (with a link to your site), which explore content related to the universe of the company and a relevant site. It should not be done just to generate links it is important to maintain a quality standard and include links that make sense to the user. Learn more about guest posts.</p>
  375. <h3><strong>Brand Mentions</strong></h3>
  376. <p>Not all sites that talk about you or your brand include a link to your site. Therefore, it is important to monitor these mentions and, if it is done without a link, contact the person in charge to try an inclusion. You can use Google Alerts for that.</p>
  377. <h3><strong>Broken Links</strong></h3>
  378. <p>It is very likely that sites relevant to your business have generated links to other sites at some point and that today they are broken (the other site disabled the page or simply does not exist anymore). If you have relevant content to replace the broken link, just contact the author or owner of the site reporting the error and recommending the change for your link.</p>
  379. <h3><strong>Interviews With Specialists</strong></h3>
  380. <p>Interviewing specialists in your area of ​​activity brings many advantages, since it generates quality content and also offers the possibility of generating links from the specialists themselves. To encourage it, you can contact the interviewee after publication, thanking them for their participation and sending the link to the interview. You can also take advantage of the contact and indicate content from the specialist&#8217;s site that fits the interview.</p>
  381. <h3><strong>Studies</strong></h3>
  382. <p>They are not easy to do and, depending on the chosen methodology, can even be unfeasible. However, this resource places you as a reference when other sites use the statistics raised in the study, generating links.</p>
  383. <h3><strong>Press Office</strong></h3>
  384. <p>Working with a press office brings several advantages to your company. Among these, there is the possibility of getting news or articles on various sites and portals. In case it is a consultancy that already works with link building or has already agreed that with you, the chances of generating links in each subject obtained is much greater.</p>
  385. <p>In theory it may seem simple, but the larger the site, the more difficult contact and link generation will be. Another problem is that many large sites, mainly news portals, only include external links using &#8220;NoFollow&#8221;.</p>
  386. <h3><strong>What Are “NoFollow” Links?</strong></h3>
  387. <p>By including a link on your site in an image or anchor text, regardless of whether it is an internal link or to other sites, the search engine robots, when passing through the page that contains the link, will identify it and follow it, going to the page you are indicating.</p>
  388. <p>Those links are known as <strong>DoFollow links</strong> and no alteration is necessary to keep them that way.</p>
  389. <p>However, there is a way to prevent robots from following that link and attributing authority for the page that is receiving it: <strong>include the “NoFollow” meta in the link</strong>. The meta tag is included as follows, inside the section:</p>
  390. <p>So that robots do not follow the links:</p>
  391. <p>&lt;meta name=&#8221;robots&#8221; content=&#8221;NoFollow&#8221; /&gt;</p>
  392. <p>To stop robots from indexing the content:</p>
  393. <p><strong><em>&lt;meta name=&#8221;robots&#8221; content=&#8221;NoIndex&#8221; /&gt;</em></strong></p>
  394. <p>So that the robots do not index the content and do not follow the links:</p>
  395. <p><strong><em>&lt;meta name=&#8221;robots&#8221; content=&#8221;NoIndex, NoFollow&#8221; /&gt;</em></strong></p>
  396. <p>This information can be inserted inside the head in the site code to be used in all the links presented or only in some specific links. Many sites include it only in external links, as follows:</p>
  397. <p><strong><em>&lt;a href=&#8221;; rel=&#8221;nofollow&#8221;&gt;</em></strong></p>
  398. <p>Despite not generating authority for the site that receives that type of link, this does not mean that they are worthless. In addition to contributing to brand presence, these can generate free traffic, often qualified, according to the site that is present.</p>
  399. <p>Because it is a reflection of actions that occur on other sites, it may seem difficult to measure the results of a link building strategy or the reputation of a site. For this, there are some metrics that can help you.</p>
  400. <h3><strong>PageRank</strong></h3>
  401. <p>Metric from 0 to 10 was created by Larry Page (one of the founders of Google) to measure the authority of a page. PageRank currently calculates the quantity, quality and relevance of the links received by a page. Since 2016 it is no longer publicly disclosed.</p>
  402. <h3><strong>Page Authority and Domain Authority (MOZ)</strong></h3>
  403. <p>Metric from 1 to 100 created by MOZ to measure the authority of a page (Page Authority or PA) or the entire domain (Domain Authority or DA). They are calculated taking into account the links received, MOZRank, MOZTrust and other metrics. They are considered good Pagerank alternatives and can be viewed in MOZBar (free) and Open Site Explorer.</p>
  404. <h3><strong>URL Rating and Domain Rating (Ahrefs)</strong></h3>
  405. <p>They are logarithmic metrics from 1 to 100 to measure the strength of backlinks of a URL (URL Rating or UR) and of an entire domain (Domain Rating or DR). They are calculated in the Ahrefs tool and it is necessary to have an account to access it.</p>
  406. <h3><strong>On-Site SEO (or technical SEO)</strong></h3>
  407. <p>Many professionals unify these on-page SEO techniques because they are improvements within the environment itself. However, we believe that on-site SEO, also known as technical SEO, is a separate category, which does not involve content production so much, but rather the programming, performance and usability characteristics of the site.</p>
  408. <p>With Google updates giving more and more attention to the quality of content, these techniques are often forgotten by professionals. But it should be remembered that factors such as UX (user experience or user experience), loading speed and security are becoming more important every day and require your attention.</p>
  409. <p>Learn below the main points of attention when it comes to on-site SEO.</p>
  410. <h3><strong>UX</strong></h3>
  411. <p>UX or User Experience in SEO refers to the entire experience and interaction of users with your site or blog.</p>
  412. <p>Providing an incredible experience when receiving a user in your online environment will positively influence metrics such as bounce rate, pages viewed per session and user time on the site. It is important to remember that metrics like this directly interfere with the organic positioning of your site.</p>
  413. <p>When it comes to the content of your site, mainly blog articles, keep the text scannable, with short paragraphs, images, illustrations, as well as other means and everything that can contribute to make the content easier, more accessible and more pleasant for the user.</p>
  414. <p>When we talk about access via mobile devices, this becomes even more relevant, since the experience offered on desktops cannot be the same on cell phones. According to Google, 61% of users tend to leave a page if the mobile experience was not positive.</p>
  415. <p>And how do you know if the user experience on the site is not positive?</p>
  416. <p>Through the metrics presented in Google Analytics you can already recognize if the experience is positive or not.</p>
  417. <p>Other tools like Hotjar (it has a free plan), Clicktale and Crazy Egg also help in the diagnosis and analysis of the experience, with heat maps, user session recording and other features.</p>
  418. <h3><strong>Upload Speed</strong></h3>
  419. <p>In 2010 Google announced that page load time became a ranking factor.</p>
  420. <p>In early 2018, the search giant disclosed to the public that the speed of sites on mobile devices would begin to affect organic rankings in mobile searches. This update was known as “The Speed ​​Update”.</p>
  421. <p>Do you think that the loading time of your site is not important? Then consult some data that will make you change your mind:</p>
  422. <ul>
  423. <li>53% of mobile users leave the site if the page takes more than 3 seconds to load</li>
  424. <li>83% of users expect the site to load in 3 seconds or less</li>
  425. <li>The fundraising campaign made by Obama had a 14% increase in donations reducing the load time from 5 to 2 seconds</li>
  426. <li>Every second of improvement in page speed increases conversions by 7%</li>
  427. </ul>
  428. <p>Now that you know that improving the page load time of your site affects not only the organic ranking of your site, but also the user experience and conversions, how about starting to optimize?</p>
  429. <p>Learn now how to test and how to optimize the speed of your site in the article: Website speed: learn how to test and make your page faster.</p>
  430. <h3><strong>HTTPS</strong></h3>
  431. <p>Security is a priority for Google. So much so that, as we said in the “Algorithm and updates” section, in 2014 the search engine announced that HTTPS had become a ranking factor for sites.</p>
  432. <p>“What changes with a site on HTTPS?” you may be thinking.</p>
  433. <p>Basically, the data sent is authenticated, encrypted and cannot be modified during the transfer.</p>
  434. <p>This is so important that Google Chrome alerts non-HTTPS pages that request any user information as “not secure site”. In some cases, this alert is already displayed in Google search results, without even entering the site.</p>
  435. <p>It&#8217;s important to note that if you decide to migrate your site to HTTPS, Google and all search engines will consider it a new site and therefore duplicate content.</p>
  436. <p>To avoid this situation, it is necessary to redirect all the old URLs in HTTP to the new ones in HTTPS, in addition to taking other care during the migration.</p>
  437. <p>The ex-Google Pedro Dias developed a checklist for HTTPS migration, with the main aspects of the process. The recommended steps are:</p>
  438. <ol>
  439. <li>Get an SSL certificate;</li>
  440. <li>Validate HTTPS support of external resources;</li>
  441. <li>Plan and prepare for protocol migration;</li>
  442. <li>Enable the HTTPS protocol and install the SSL certificate;</li>
  443. <li>Update resources and internal links for HTTPS;</li>
  444. <li>Update external resources for HTTPS;</li>
  445. <li>Include the HTTPS version in Google Search Console;</li>
  446. <li>Enable HTTP Redirects for HTTPS;</li>
  447. <li>Enable HTTP/2 support;</li>
  448. <li>Enable HSTS.</li>
  449. </ol>
  450. <h3><strong>Sitemap</strong></h3>
  451. <p>A sitemap is nothing more than a map of your site. Its function is to facilitate the work of search engine robots to understand the structure of the site.</p>
  452. <p>If your site uses WordPress, you can automatically generate the sitemap via plugins, such as Yoast. In case you don&#8217;t use CMS, there are online tools that can generate the file, such as XML-Sitemaps.</p>
  453. <p>The most common format of the file is XML, but it is possible to generate a sitemap in TXT file and Atom-RSS (the RSS feed of the site, although it is not recommended that it be used).</p>
  454. <p>After being generated, the sitemap link should be sent to search engine webmaster tools, such as Google Search Console and Bing Webmasters.</p>
  455. <p>To learn more about the subject, be sure to see the full article: XML Sitemap: everything you need to know.</p>
  456. <h3><strong>Robots.txt</strong></h3>
  457. <p>Have you heard (or even happened in your case) of sites being created, launched a while ago, but no page is displayed in Google, even searching for the company name?</p>
  458. <p>Usually this happens because the search engine robots were told in Robots.txt not to index any pages.</p>
  459. <p>Robots.txt is a text file that stays on the site&#8217;s server (such as, for example) and tells search engine robots whether they can (or can&#8217;t) index parts of the site. of a site.</p>
  460. <p>In practice, the file should contain the user-agent and the disallow and/or allow statements. Another common instruction in the file is indicating where the sitemap is.</p>
  461. <ul>
  462. <li>User-agent: An indication of which browser should read the instructions within the file. If you want to list the specific configurations of a browser, you can check the list of the main internet user-agents. In case the instructions apply to all browsers, you can simply include a “*”.</li>
  463. <li>Disallow: These are a subfolder or categories of the site that you don&#8217;t want search engines to crawl.</li>
  464. <li>Allow: By default, pages that are not directly indicated or are not part of the category listed in the disallow command will be crawled. The allow command is generally used for specific pages or subcategories that are within a category that was indicated in the disallow command, but should be crawled.</li>
  465. <li>Sitemap: it is enough to include the links of the sitemaps of the site.</li>
  466. </ul>
  467. <p>Generally, a robots.txt file has the following structure:</p>
  468. <p><strong><em>User-agent: * </em></strong></p>
  469. <p><strong><em>Allow: / </em></strong></p>
  470. <p><strong><em>Sitemap:</em></strong></p>
  471. <p>In the case of sites that are not indexed by Google, the file may have been configured indicating that no pages should be crawled, as in the following example (which should not be used):</p>
  472. <p><strong><em>User-agent: * </em></strong></p>
  473. <p><strong><em>Disallow: /</em></strong></p>
  474. <p>Note that this is configured for all search engines (user-agent: *), has a blocked category (Disallow: /search), but indicates that 2 pages of the category must be crawled (Allow: /search/about and Allow:/search/howsearchworks).</p>
  475. <p>After creating your robots.txt and publishing to the site&#8217;s server, you can use a Google tool to test if the file is correct.</p>
  476. <p>It is recommended that the entire site have a Robots.txt configured, however, not all situations should be used with the Robots.txt.</p>
  477. <p>It is possible to view the settings made by any site that owns the file. Therefore, for pages that should not be accessed by the public in any way, such as thank you pages or login pages, it is best to use the command &lt;meta name=” robots” content=” noindex”&gt; within the section &lt;head&gt;.</p>
  478. <p>In addition to being safer, this is the recommended and most guaranteed way to prevent content from being indexed in search engines.</p>
  479. <h3><strong>Heading Tags</strong></h3>
  480. <p>The heading tags already had more importance when it comes to SEO. Today they serve to present robots (and users) with a logical structure of the information on the pages.</p>
  481. <p>Logically, the text in H1 is more important than the one in H2, which is more important than the text in H3, and so on</p>
  482. <p>According to Matt Cutts, ex-Google and reference in SEO, it is not necessary to have exactly that order, the important thing is that the page has an organization for the user.</p>
  483. <p>Another common question from webmasters is if there is a problem with having more than one H1 tag. Matt Cutts also responds to this, stating that it&#8217;s okay to have more than one H1 tag, as long as the page isn&#8217;t full of them.</p>
  484. <p>Because they are considered featured texts on the page, it is important to try to fit the keywords that are being explored into the content (mainly in the H1, which is usually also the title of the page).</p>
  485. <p>With this, you will also help the search engine robots to understand that the main subject of the page is the chosen keyword, since it is present in an important part of the text, in addition to being found together with its synonyms in the paragraphs.</p>
  486. <h3><strong>Rich Snippets</strong></h3>
  487. <p>Have you seen that certain search results presented by Google are more complete than others?</p>
  488. <p>Some have a search bar, rating stars, links within the site, etc. Look at an example of “SEMrush reviews” on Google:</p>
  489. <p><img class="size-medium wp-image-1844 aligncenter" src="" alt="Rich Snippet Search Example" width="640" height="282" srcset=" 640w, 414w, 695w" sizes="(max-width: 640px) 100vw, 640px" /></p>
  490. <p>Several of the data are presented along with the site, such as company information on the right side of the screen and sitelinks below the first result.</p>
  491. <p>Did you notice how the search results that present this information stand out on the results page?</p>
  492. <p>According to studies, results using rich snippets have a 30% increase in click-through rate, on average, bringing more traffic and even improving organic page rankings, as click-through rate (CTR) is also a factor. ranking.</p>
  493. <p>To display this differentiated information, these sites must apply some settings on their site. If you&#8217;re not using WordPress, the site has all the documentation you need to apply the settings.</p>
  494. <p>In case you use WordPress, Yoast SEO itself already applies the most common settings, such as company and article snippets. To apply other settings, you can use the All in one, Schema Rich Snippets.</p>
  495. <h3><strong>Error 404</strong></h3>
  496. <p>&#8220;The page you are looking for does not exist.&#8221;</p>
  497. <p>Have you ever seen this type of message on a site? This occurs when trying to access a page from an existing domain that was excluded, had its URL tampered with, or never existed.</p>
  498. <p>The first step is to ensure a 404 error, page offers a positive user experience so that users stay on your site and find what they want.</p>
  499. <p>In addition to showing the navigation for the previous page or for the main page of the site, it also has a search field so that the user can search for the content they want to enter.</p>
  500. <p>Even if you have a 404 error, page that offers a good user experience, it is important to avoid it being displayed as much as possible, ensuring that, in case you need to remove or unpublish content, there is a 301 redirect for similar content.</p>
  501. <p>In addition to improving navigation and presenting more appropriate content, you also redirect the authority that the old URL received to the new URL.</p>
  502. <h3><strong>Redirects</strong></h3>
  503. <p>Speaking of redirects, do you know what they are?</p>
  504. <p>Basically, a redirect is a configuration on the server so that access to URL A is directed to URL B. For that, you can use the 302 or 301 redirect, which are the most used (and recommended).</p>
  505. <p>The <strong>302 redirect</strong> is temporary. By using this format, you mainly show search engines that you are applying some change or improvement to URL A and that is why you are currently redirecting users to URL B, but that will no longer be done in the near future.</p>
  506. <p>For its part, the <strong>301 redirect</strong> is final. This tells search engines that they can only consider the new page, which receives the attention, and even the authority of the old URL goes to the new one as well.</p>
  507. <p>In addition to migrating pages that no longer exist and are showing 404 errors, the 301 redirect should also be used in other situations, such as site domain migration (be it just a migration from HTTP to HTTPS or a name change), redirecting the old URLs for the new ones.</p>
  508. <p>Likewise, it is important to apply redirects from other versions of your site, such as the version with www at the beginning, home with /index at the end, etc. Redirect all to the official version.</p>
  509. <p>To test which type of redirect (and how many) a given page has, you can use the free HTTP Status Code Checker tool.</p>
  510. <p>Remember to be careful with redirect chains whenever you are going to perform redirects. Avoid redirecting to a URL that redirects to another.</p>
  511. <h3><strong>Canonical Tags</strong></h3>
  512. <p>The name may imply that it is something complicated, but the objective of a canonical tag is simple: in case of duplicate content, the canonical tag indicates the main one to search engines.</p>
  513. <p>At first it may seem similar to redirects. However, in the case of the canonical tag, the search mechanisms only attribute authority to the preferred page if they really understand that it is a similar version and if the use of the tag makes sense.</p>
  514. <p>The code that should be inserted in the minor versions of the page, inside the &lt;head&gt; section, is:</p>
  515. <p><strong><em>&lt;link rel=&#8221;canonical&#8221; href=&#8221;; /&gt;</em></strong></p>
  516. <p>Another difference is that the pages that send to the main one, are not accessible to the user, different from the redirection that ends up going to the page that the user or the robots try to access, leading to the redirected page.</p>
  517. <p>A common use case is if you use a landing page creation software, such as RD Station Marketing, in which you can work with a landing page for each campaign, be it in paid media or social networks.</p>
  518. <p>Since the pages are probably very similar, but with different URLs, you can define one as the main one, and use the canonical tag to point to all the others.</p>
  519. <p>Many developers or plugins configure the site to use self canonical, where each page, when it does not include a canonical tag specific to its parent version, points to itself, as in the RD Station blog</p>
  520. <p>This practice is not mandatory, but it is recommended by Google, as it makes it clearer to search engines that this is the page you really want to index.</p>
  521. <p>Google already interprets canonical tags between different domains. Therefore, it is possible to point to</p>
  522. <h3><strong>Alternate Tag</strong></h3>
  523. <p>If you have an exclusive version of your site for mobile devices (, search engines will understand it as another site, with content very similar to that of the desktop version (, which can lead to content problems. duplicate.</p>
  524. <p>You can see it in the following example:</p>
  525. <p>On the computer page (, the tag must be added:</p>
  526. <p><strong><em>&lt;link rel=&#8221;alternate&#8221; media=&#8221;only screen and (max-width: 640px)&#8221; href=&#8221;;&gt;</em></strong></p>
  527. <p>On the page for mobile devices (, the canonical tag must be included:</p>
  528. <p><strong><em>&lt;link rel=&#8221;canonical&#8221; href=&#8221;;&gt;</em></strong></p>
  529. <p>To learn more about the implementation of this markup, access the official Google documentation on the subject.</p>
  530. <p>Another application of the alternate tag is on sites with different languages, indicating to search engines which is the ideal version of content for each language (or country). To apply the tags correctly, all the pages involved must have the configured code (otherwise, that indication will not be valid).</p>
  531. <p>An example is a site that has a Spanish version (with no specific country as focus), another version for Brazilian Portuguese, and another for English in the United States. Pages that have all 3 languages ​​must have the following markup in the code, inside the &lt;head&gt;:</p>
  532. <p><strong><em>&lt;link rel=&#8221;alternate&#8221; href=&#8221;; hreflang=&#8221;en&#8221; /&gt;</em></strong></p>
  533. <p><strong><em>&lt;link rel=&#8221;alternate&#8221; href=&#8221;; hreflang=&#8221;pt_BR&#8221; /&gt;</em></strong></p>
  534. <p><strong><em>&lt;link rel=&#8221;alternate&#8221; href=&#8221;; hreflang=&#8221;en-US&#8221; /&gt;</em></strong></p>
  535. <p><strong><em>&lt;link rel=&#8221;alternate&#8221; href=&#8221;; hreflang=&#8221;x-default&#8221; /&gt;</em></strong></p>
  536. <p>Thus:</p>
  537. <ul>
  538. <li>For users whose main language is Spanish (regardless of the country), the version presented is “”;</li>
  539. <li>For users in Brazil, the version presented in searches will be “”;</li>
  540. <li>For users in the United States with English language, the indicated version is “”;</li>
  541. <li>For users who are not from the indicated regions and languages ​​(or who do not have that certain) the indicated version is “”, using hreflang=”x-default”.</li>
  542. </ul>
  543. <p>It should be noted that these settings serve to indicate to Google which are the ideal versions of the content according to the country and language.</p>
  544. <p>Including these markings will not guarantee that your positioning, in one country, will be replicated for others or that it will not be considered duplicate content (so that this does not happen, use a canonical tag).</p>
  545. <h3><strong>SEO For Mobile Devices (Mobile SEO)</strong></h3>
  546. <p>You may even think that mobile devices are not affecting the results of your business, but you are probably wrong.</p>
  547. <p>There are many things that are changing. According to Maryna Hradovich of SEMrush, currently more than 60% of internet searches are done on mobile devices in the United States.</p>
  548. <p>It is in this scenario that SEO for mobile devices comes in, which aims to ensure that users accessing content from cell phones and tablets have a good experience.</p>
  549. <p>If you already have your site optimized for search engines, you only need to take a few steps to optimize it for mobile devices as well.</p>
  550. <p>Google released a document (in Portuguese), with several techniques to have a better mobile site. Meet the top 12 below:</p>
  551. <ul>
  552. <li>Highlight your Calls-to-Action</li>
  553. <li>Keep menus short</li>
  554. <li>Facilitates the return to the home of the site</li>
  555. <li>Make the search field visible</li>
  556. <li>Offer better search results</li>
  557. <li>Allows browsing without registration</li>
  558. <li>Use click-to-call buttons</li>
  559. <li>Simplifies and facilitates the inclusion of information (such as forms)</li>
  560. <li>Optimize the entire site for mobile devices</li>
  561. <li>Do not force the zoom on the screen (it displays the information in the appropriate size)</li>
  562. <li>Keep the user in a single window</li>
  563. <li>Don&#8217;t call the &#8220;full site&#8221; version</li>
  564. </ul>
  565. <h3><strong>Responsive Site vs Mobile Site</strong></h3>
  566. <p>Do you know those sites that you open from your cell phone and the screen is adjusted but with such small letters that you have to use the zoom to read? Well, those are not responsive sites.</p>
  567. <p>Responsive sites are intelligently projected so that they are adapted to any type of resolution, without distortions. A responsive design identifies the width of each device and, in this way, manages to determine how much space is available and how the page will be displayed so that these spaces are fully used.</p>
  568. <p>It also adjusts the dimensions of images, fonts, and other elements on a page, so they don&#8217;t look disproportionate.</p>
  569. <p>In practice, it is that site that, with the same layout, adjusts perfectly to any resolution in a harmonious way, giving the same experience to the user, regardless of the device through which they access.</p>
  570. <p>It is important not to confuse responsive sites with mobile sites, as they have different characteristics:</p>
  571. <ul>
  572. <li><strong>Responsive</strong>: the entire site designed to be adapted to any type of screen. It is a single code structure that works at different resolutions.</li>
  573. <li><strong>Mobile</strong>: It is a second separate site, made exclusively to be opened on certain types of devices.</li>
  574. </ul>
  575. <p>It is always recommended that the site be responsive. However, if this is not possible or if a project for this adaptation is underway, a mobile version or a plugin that adapts for mobile devices is an interesting option as well.</p>
  576. <p>To learn more, go to the post: “9 reasons to use responsive design on your site”.</p>
  577. <h3><strong>AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages)</strong></h3>
  578. <p>AMP is the acronym for Accelerated Mobile Pages (accelerated pages for mobile devices, in Spanish. They are site pages optimized for simplified and almost instant loading when accessed via mobile devices.</p>
  579. <p>The project is an open source, initiative of large content publishers and technology companies, with the aim of improving the entire content ecosystem for mobile devices.</p>
  580. <p>Basically, an AMP page has an architecture that prioritizes page load speed. That architecture is divided into 3 different configurations:</p>
  581. <p><strong>AMP HTML</strong>: a different HTML code, with restrictions and extensions, going beyond basic HTML. Most of its tags are normal HTML tags, but some are replaced with AMP-specific tags;</p>
  582. <p><strong>AMP JS</strong> – Responsible for ensuring fast rendering of AMP pages. Its main function is to make everything that is external asynchronous, so that no element on the page can block the rendering of another;</p>
  583. <p><strong>Google AMP Cache</strong> – This is optional, but it caches all AMPHTML pages on Google servers and automatically improves their performance. Other companies may develop their own AMP cache.</p>
  584. <p>When performing a Google search using the mobile, the pages with AMP configured are marked with the acronym. When clicking on a result marked as AMP, the simplified version of the page is loaded almost instantly.</p>
  585. <p>When configured, an AMP page ends up becoming a second version of the page, with the same content as the original version, being generally identified with “/amp” at the end of the link, which makes it easier to identify its performance in isolation in reports. web analytics. This also ended up raising another issue that can become a problem: duplicate content.</p>
  586. <p>To avoid this, it is necessary to include a canonical tag in the version of the AMP page, indicating to Google which is the original version of the content. And, for Google to identify that a certain page has an AMP version, a markup must be included in the code of the original page, as in the example:</p>
  587. <p><strong><em>&lt;link rel=”amphtml” href=””&gt;</em></strong></p>
  588. <h3><strong>Local SEO</strong></h3>
  589. <p>If it is already a good thing for brands to appear among the first results in search engines, the fact is even better for physical businesses located near the location of the user doing the search.</p>
  590. <p>Discovering a bakery open next door, or a dentist in the neighborhood to treat an emergency is an interesting option for clients and professionals.</p>
  591. <p>This is the proposal of a Local SEO strategy: make the address emerge organically as one of the main solutions. Even better if the establishment appears marked on the map, located at the top of the page.</p>
  592. <p>Making use of local ranking factors such as name, address, company phone number and customer reviews helps in achieving those desired positions.</p>
  593. <p>Below, you will see some resources to attract potential customers for your business.</p>
  594. <h3><strong>Google Business Profile</strong></h3>
  595. <p>The free tool makes it easy for the business to be found by users. Through it, data such as address, route, telephone and website are displayed in Google Search and Google Maps.</p>
  596. <p>This functionality is even more important when it comes to local businesses. According to the user&#8217;s search and location, the search engine shows the closest companies that can solve the problem.</p>
  597. <p>Posting photos, responding to comments and discovering how people searched for the business are other advantages offered by the platform.</p>
  598. <p>In my post “Google Business Profile: How To Set Up Optimize And Rank”, we include a step-by-step guide to creating your account in the tool.</p>
  599. <h3><strong>Local Keywords</strong></h3>
  600. <p>Keyword tools rely on search volume to define preferred terms for each type of business. That dependency can be an obstacle if you want to see correct expressions to reach an audience in a specific region.</p>
  601. <p>In that case, there is little amount of information available, as searches by month or year are generally minimal. That makes it harder to know what the best terms are.</p>
  602. <p>Even so, it is possible to discover the key expressions for the public you want to reach. There are 3 tactics that help in that task.</p>
  603. <h3><strong>Based On Keywords From Nearby And Similar Regions</strong></h3>
  604. <p>Test with the most searched terms by filtering cities that are close and larger than the place you want to reach (knowing the amount of population is a good indicator for that).</p>
  605. <p>As the search volume is more abundant, you can look at the numbers generated and guess what the key expressions are for your audience – probably the pattern of searches between the populations is similar.</p>
  606. <h3><strong>Take Advantage Of Google&#8217;s Automatic Suggestions</strong></h3>
  607. <p>When you do a search, Google automatically offers more search suggestions, displaying terms in order of popularity. This is a good indication of the keywords in which you should invest. Other platforms, such as Bing and YouTube, also take advantage of this resource.</p>
  608. <h3><strong>Pay Attention To Related Search Suggestions</strong></h3>
  609. <p>There is another way by which you can discover the keywords for your niche: look at the related searches, listed at the bottom of the results page.</p>
  610. <p>These can serve as inspiration since the links suggested for your current search are valid for all the terms and expressions raised there.</p>
  611. <h2><strong>Keyword Research: What It Is And How To Do One In 6 Steps</strong></h2>
  612. <p>Considered the basis of an SEO strategy, keyword research is an essential stage for the success of content production, since it is through the keywords used by the user in the search that Google identifies and presents relevant results.</p>
  613. <p>To tap into that demand and drive qualified traffic to your site, you need to identify what are the most common searches in your niche to produce the right content.</p>
  614. <ol>
  615. <li>
  616. <h3><strong> Start By Mapping The Issues</strong></h3>
  617. </li>
  618. </ol>
  619. <p>Do you already know the buyer person of your business and the purchase process they go through, from the learning stage to making the purchase decision?</p>
  620. <p>This information, together with the main issues of the universe of your company, must be documented, preferably in a mental map (or mindmap), to facilitate the next step, which is the search itself.</p>
  621. <p>The themes of your company&#8217;s universe can be done with a brainstorm with your team and evaluating the content categories of your site (and your direct competitors).</p>
  622. <ol start="2">
  623. <li>
  624. <h3><strong> Look For The Words That Already Generate Traffic On Your Site</strong></h3>
  625. </li>
  626. </ol>
  627. <p>Before you go using tools and more tools, it is important to remember that there must already be words that are generating organic traffic for your site.</p>
  628. <p>To identify them, you can use the information presented in the &#8220;Search Analytics&#8221; report, within the Google Search Console.</p>
  629. <p>If you have ads in Google AdWords, also take advantage of the words that you are using there, mainly those that generate conversions.</p>
  630. <p>You can also use Google Analytics itself to identify the pages with the most organic hits and find out which term users searched for to access them.</p>
  631. <ol start="3">
  632. <li>
  633. <h3><strong> Look For New Word Ideas</strong></h3>
  634. </li>
  635. </ol>
  636. <p>Now it&#8217;s time to do your own keyword research. To do so, there are different tools available in the market.</p>
  637. <p>Some free and widely used tools for keyword research:</p>
  638. <ul>
  639. <li>Google Keyword Planner</li>
  640. <li>Ubersuggest</li>
  641. <li>Keywordtool</li>
  642. <li>AnswerThePublic</li>
  643. </ul>
  644. <p>Some paid tools that have keyword search functionality:</p>
  645. <ul>
  646. <li>SEMrush</li>
  647. <li>Ahrefs</li>
  648. <li>Moz</li>
  649. </ul>
  650. <p>Use the items checked in step 1 and the words you identified in step 2 as the basis for your search.</p>
  651. <p>The recommended tools will help you create hundreds of new ideas, also identifying other valuable information, such as search volume, cost per click and difficulty, for example. This information will be valuable for the selection of the most important words and also to make a prioritization.</p>
  652. <ol start="4">
  653. <li>
  654. <h3><strong> Find Long-Tail Keywords</strong></h3>
  655. </li>
  656. </ol>
  657. <p>Subjects and finer terms about the subject will eventually come up during the earlier stages of the search. Because they have a smaller volume than broader and more generic words, we often leave these terms aside.</p>
  658. <p>However, these terms are generally easier to rank for in Google, and when combined, they end up surpassing the volume of generic words, which is why they are called long-tail keywords.</p>
  659. <p>Likewise, because they are more detailed terms in relevant matters of your business, these words have the potential to bring more qualified traffic than generic searches.</p>
  660. <ol start="5">
  661. <li>
  662. <h3><strong> Document Everything And Prioritize Production</strong></h3>
  663. </li>
  664. </ol>
  665. <p>All the keywords raised in the previous steps, along with your traffic, difficulty and cost per click data, should be documented (preferably in a spreadsheet).</p>
  666. <p>After doing this survey, the next steps will be to eliminate the words that do not make sense and prioritize the remaining words, in this way it is possible to determine which are the most important terms, which must have content with greater urgency.</p>
  667. <p>Don&#8217;t just consider traffic volume. Cost per click is ignored by many in SEO analytics as a sponsored link metric, but a higher cost per click indicates that it is a more contested and valuable term in paid search.</p>
  668. <p>In this way, ranking organically for words with higher costs in paid search is very valuable for your organic results.</p>
  669. <ol start="6">
  670. <li>
  671. <h3><strong> Monitor Ranking And Results</strong></h3>
  672. </li>
  673. </ol>
  674. <p>After selecting the most important terms, it is advisable to monitor the organic positioning of your site for these, to closely follow the performance of the content, as it is produced.</p>
  675. <p>Even if you don&#8217;t have dedicated content for the subject, include as many important words as possible in that monitoring, as in many cases you may have some content ranking for those other terms.</p>
  676. <p>In this way, instead of creating content from scratch, you can update, optimize and republish what you already have, increasing the chances of a good organic positioning.</p>
  677. <h2><strong>The 3 Most Used SEO Tools</strong></h2>
  678. <p>As companies invest in SEO, the need arises to make the processes carried out in the strategy more agile.</p>
  679. <p>It is with this scenario that the demand for the use of tools grows: these come to automate various manual tasks that end up taking a long time to execute and make it difficult to prioritize more strategic activities.</p>
  680. <p>Get to know some of the most used SEO tools:</p>
  681. <h3><strong>Google Search Console</strong></h3>
  682. <p>Search Console is a free tool that shows how Google sees your site.</p>
  683. <p>If Google Analytics is a powerful tool to analyze the behavior of users on your site, Search Console (former Webmaster Tools) is also a key piece to know how users get to it.</p>
  684. <p>With the democratization of information, even the old name Webmaster Tools was changed, since the public that uses it is now not limited to technicians.</p>
  685. <p>The main functionalities of the Search Console are:</p>
  686. <ul>
  687. <li><strong>Search Appearance</strong>: How Google reads each part of the page – titles, descriptions, images, etc;</li>
  688. <li><strong>Search Traffic</strong> – What people are searching for on Google that leads them to click (or not) to your site;</li>
  689. <li><strong>Index of Google (Google Index):</strong> how is the performance of Google to index the pages of your site and identify the keywords that appear the most;</li>
  690. <li><strong>Crawl</strong>: what are the difficulties that robots have when inspecting the pages of your site in search of relevant content;</li>
  691. <li><strong>Security Issues</strong> – Notifications of security issues detected on your site;</li>
  692. </ul>
  693. <h3><strong>SEMrush</strong></h3>
  694. <p>SEMrush is a Promotional Marketing (SEM or Search Engine Marketing) tool, which has several functionalities, but is famous for one in particular: competition analysis, which shows the keywords of any site or domain.</p>
  695. <p>Through this it is possible to analyze which keywords bring more traffic to a site, both through organic traffic and through AdWords.</p>
  696. <p>It also offers other possibilities, such as the generation of analytical reports, positioning monitoring, link analysis, error reports on the site, social network monitoring, project management, etc.</p>
  697. <h3><strong>Yoast SEO</strong></h3>
  698. <p>Yoast SEO is one of the most popular plugins for WordPress, being the most downloaded for SEO.</p>
  699. <p>With a free version, the installation of the plugin allows the creation of sitemaps, configuration of templates with standardization for title, description and URLs of the pages, optimization of this information individually, configuration of canonical tags, open graph and other functionalities.</p>
  700. <p>Because it is very complete, even in its free version, its use on WordPress sites and blogs is highly recommended.</p>
  701. <h3><strong>Going Beyond Google: How To Do SEO In Other Search Engines</strong></h3>
  702. <p>When we talk about SEO, the first thing that comes to mind is optimizing pages for Google search. However, improvements to other mechanisms are also possible.</p>
  703. <p>Now, we will talk a little more about some of them.</p>
  704. <h3><strong>SEO for YouTube</strong></h3>
  705. <p>Did you know that YouTube is the second largest search site in the world (behind only Google)? This is reason enough to consider SEO for YouTube in your strategy.</p>
  706. <p>According to a study carried out by Backlinko with more than 1.3 million YouTube videos, comments are a factor that influences the ranking, that is, there is a strong relationship between the number of comments and a good ranking on YouTube.</p>
  707. <p>Therefore, keep the comment option open. And stay vigilant to avoid out-of-context discussions, spammers, and negative or malicious comments. Seek to converse with your audience, include videos as answers or relate others related to the topic. The more interaction, the better.</p>
  708. <p>The number of likes, in this case, also matters: there is a significant correlation between them and ranking.</p>
  709. <p>Another point is that long videos tend to perform better than shorter videos. On average, videos on the first page are 14 minutes and 50 seconds long.</p>
  710. <p>See what point in the media your audience loses interest and keep an average for new productions. Check what is common in the drop points and work your content to make it even better.</p>
  711. <p>Google also considers the number of views of a video to be increasingly important. Additionally, the more views, the greater the impression for the user that the video has quality or relevance.</p>
  712. <p>In the same way, the greater the dissemination of the video and the more it is shared by users, the greater the chances that your video will be viewed and the greater the possibility of positioning yourself on YouTube. Therefore, share your material as much as possible, so that it is increasingly viewed and shared, improving its positioning.</p>
  713. <p>There is also a strong correlation between the number of subscribers in a video and the positioning of this same video. However, when it comes to the number of subscribers on the channel and the ranking of a given video, that correlation is moderate. That means that even with a small channel, you can still rank well on YouTube.</p>
  714. <p>So, don&#8217;t get discouraged: keep a constant production so that your audience understands your frequency of uploads and news on the channel. That makes many users sign up and automatically receive your news.</p>
  715. <p>Although the use of keywords is important for SEO, in the case of YouTube, the study pointed out that there is no correlation between optimizing video descriptions for keywords and good rankings.</p>
  716. <p>Meanwhile, the correlation between the use of keyword-heavy tags and Google ranking is moderate. This may indicate that YouTube is already able to &#8220;read&#8221; the video content even without the help of metadata.</p>
  717. <p>Another aspect shown is that the use of the keyword in the video title is more important: the study showed a moderate correlation between using the keyword in the title and having a good ranking.</p>
  718. <p>Finally, if you want to achieve the first places on YouTube, it is best to invest in HD videos (High Definition or High Definition): these are 68.2% of the videos present on the first page of YouTube.</p>
  719. <h3><strong>SEO For Bing</strong></h3>
  720. <p>There are good reasons for Digital Marketing professionals to pay attention to the Microsoft search engine. One of them is that much of what is already done in terms of SEO for Google also applies to Bing.</p>
  721. <p>This search engine&#8217;s market share is growing, and with Google&#8217;s constant algorithm updates, it&#8217;s good to know you can maintain your audience while adapting to the world&#8217;s #1 changes.</p>
  722. <p>Inspired by Google Search Console (formerly Google Webmaster Tools), Bing created its tool for webmasters: Bing Webmaster Tools. This one stands out for its complete SEO analysis reports for sites and for the keyword search resource. The registration and submission of the sitemap also facilitate the indexing of the pages in the search engine.</p>
  723. <h3><strong>ASO – App Store Optimization</strong></h3>
  724. <p>ASO is a set of techniques used to improve the positioning of a mobile application in app stores, such as Google Play and the Apple Store. In comparison, ASO strategies are equivalent to site and blog SEO.</p>
  725. <p>With simple steps like giving an appropriate name, having a suitable icon and using keywords, it is possible to make an app stand out in the sea of ​​apps. Once the basic tasks are done, pay attention to all the feedback received as well as the bugs and always release new versions.</p>
  726. <h2><strong>SEO In Practice: How To Start Doing It For Your Company In 5 Steps</strong></h2>
  727. <p>If you got here, you already know a lot about SEO: what it is, important factors for search engines, positive (and negative) techniques, and various other information. It can be so many things that now you are asking yourself: “where should I start?”</p>
  728. <p>With that in mind, we have separated the first steps to start optimizing your site for search engines. But it is worth mentioning that there is no perfect recipe and that these steps are not rules, but rather a simple way to guide your start.</p>
  729. <ol>
  730. <li>
  731. <h3><strong> Put The House In Order (Site Diagnosis And Improvement Checklist)</strong></h3>
  732. </li>
  733. </ol>
  734. <p>First of all, it is important to get everything fixed, according to the best SEO practices.</p>
  735. <p>You can start an audit of your site with a complete performance and SEO analysis, comparing it to your main competitor, in the Website Analysis and Diagnostics tool.</p>
  736. <p>In addition to the analysis, you can do a complete audit on your site, verifying items such as architecture, URLs, titles, descriptions, robots and everything that we have already talked about here.</p>
  737. <p>The full checklist is available in this SEO spreadsheet.</p>
  738. <ol start="2">
  739. <li>
  740. <h3><strong> Register Your Site With Google Search Console, Bing Webmasters And Google Business Profile</strong></h3>
  741. </li>
  742. </ol>
  743. <p>As we said before, registering your site in Google Search Console, Bing Webmasters and Google Business Profile is very important for your strategy.</p>
  744. <p>Google Search Console will help you monitor and maintain your site&#8217;s presence in search results. It is not necessary to register for your site to be included in the results, but doing so will optimize its performance. The same goes for Bing Webmasters.</p>
  745. <p>For its part, Google Business Profile is one of the tools that can help potential customers to have more complete access to your company&#8217;s information. According to Google, &#8220;validated businesses are twice as likely to be considered reputable by users.&#8221;</p>
  746. <p>When it comes to local businesses, this functionality is even more important. If you are a local entrepreneur, think of this situation: a customer is a few minutes away from your store – for example, a restaurant – and is looking for a place to have lunch. If you type “restaurant” into Google, would you be found? Google Business Profile will certainly help your business get found.</p>
  747. <ol start="3">
  748. <li>
  749. <h3><strong> Map Buyer Personas And Purchase Process</strong></h3>
  750. </li>
  751. </ol>
  752. <p>Mapping your buyer personas and purchase process, defining what should be done for each stage, helps to balance the production of content (even more so if the production is done in the same company and with limited resources) and to produce it with potential customers in mind. that interest your company.</p>
  753. <p>To create your buyer personas, you can use the Fantastic Persona Generator and, to develop the processes, the Purchase Process creation tool.</p>
  754. <ol start="4">
  755. <li>
  756. <h3><strong> Do A Word Search Based On Buyer Personas And Their Processes</strong></h3>
  757. </li>
  758. </ol>
  759. <p>Based on the buyer personas and the buying process, do a keyword search based on the buyer persona.</p>
  760. <p>This information, together with the main issues of your company&#8217;s universe, will help you produce more consistent content that focuses on each stage of the process.</p>
  761. <p>Before doing the search, we recommend you go back a bit and check again in our “Keyword search” section, where you will find all the necessary steps.</p>
  762. <ol start="5">
  763. <li>
  764. <h3><strong> Optimize What You Already Have And Create For What You Don&#8217;t Have</strong></h3>
  765. </li>
  766. </ol>
  767. <p>Creating content from scratch requires a lot of effort. Therefore, if you already have content that was produced when you did not yet know much about SEO, you can do an optimization to improve your ranking in Google.</p>
  768. <p>To do so, all you have to do is take the content that makes sense and review it according to the keywords found in the search, optimizing the meta description, title, URL, internal and external links, among the other attributes that we already mentioned.</p>
  769. <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">The Definitive Guide To SEO And How It Works</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Stealth SEO Solutions</a>.</p>
  770. ]]></content:encoded>
  771. </item>
  772. <item>
  773. <title>Definitive Guide To Local SEO: How To Rank On Google</title>
  774. <link></link>
  775. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Chris Cantell]]></dc:creator>
  776. <pubDate>Sun, 17 Apr 2022 01:35:00 +0000</pubDate>
  777. <category><![CDATA[Popular Posts]]></category>
  778. <category><![CDATA[SEO Articles]]></category>
  779. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  781. <description><![CDATA[<p>That your business appears in the first positions when a user performs a local search, whose intention is to move to a place or physical company in which a service ...</p>
  782. <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Definitive Guide To Local SEO: How To Rank On Google</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Stealth SEO Solutions</a>.</p>
  783. ]]></description>
  784. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>That your business appears in the first positions when a user performs a local search, whose intention is to move to a place or physical company in which a service is performed is the result of doing local SEO.</p>
  785. <p>If you have a physical business and want to increase your online visibility, it is essential that you start working on local SEO positioning today.</p>
  786. <p>In this complete local SEO guide, I will tell you how to optimize your website and your Google Business Profile (GBP) listing to achieve this; and I also show you tricks and tools that will be very useful to you along the way.</p>
  787. <h3><strong>What Is Local SEO: Definition</strong></h3>
  788. <p>We call local SEO the process of optimizing a web page so that it appears in<strong> local search results (local pack)</strong> and results in increased traffic and leads for a physical business.</p>
  789. <p>Discussed in a more understandable way:</p>
  790. <p>Local SEO is the set of actions and strategies that improve your visibility on Google (and other search engines) <strong>when people close to the physical location of your business carry out a search</strong> related to the product or service you offer.</p>
  791. <p>It is, therefore, about attracting customers in smaller areas such as towns, cities and even districts or neighborhoods.</p>
  792. <p>It is common practice for local businesses that want to reach this audience to direct them to their physical location. For example: restaurants, entertainment venues, bars, laundries, tobacconists and any physical business you can think of.</p>
  793. <p>To get an idea of ​​its importance, with data in hand, I can tell you that:</p>
  794. <ul>
  795. <li>46 % of all searches on Google were directed to <strong>searching</strong> for local information.</li>
  796. <li>88 % of consumers search for local businesses from their mobile device and <strong>end up taking an action</strong>: call or visit the physical business in the next 24 hours.</li>
  797. <li>72 % of users who did a local search <strong>visited an establishment</strong> within a radius of 5 kilometers from their location.</li>
  798. <li>And <strong>18%</strong> of those searches result in <strong>a sale that same day</strong>.</li>
  799. </ul>
  800. <h3><strong>Understanding Local Searches</strong></h3>
  801. <p>And to better understand the subject of local searches, we are going to classify the online user&#8217;s search intentions into four types:</p>
  802. <ul>
  803. <li><strong>To know (informational search):</strong> the user searches for information. It may require a short answer or a longer article like this one. Example: what is local SEO.</li>
  804. <li><strong>Commercial:</strong> this would be the one that interests us for local SEO because the user intends to visit something (“to go” searches) or knows what product or service they want, but is not clear about the best solution. You are looking for a service or place where you can find what you are looking for or also reviews, analysis and comparisons. Example: best <a class="ilm_keyword_link " title="SEO agency" href="" data-ilm-keyword-link="linked">SEO agency</a>.</li>
  805. <li><strong>Navigation:</strong> the user searches for a specific brand, product or service name. Example: Facebook.</li>
  806. <li><strong>To buy (transactional search):</strong> The user probably already knows what to buy and wants to find where to buy it. Example: buy iPad pro, 2020</li>
  807. </ul>
  808. <p>We are going to <strong>see how to do local SEO step by step</strong>, but I already tell you that the most important thing is:</p>
  809. <ul>
  810. <li>Be clear about local keyword searches that affect your business.</li>
  811. <li>Have an optimized profile on Google Business Profile.</li>
  812. <li>Have a consistent NAP (I&#8217;ll explain what it is later, don&#8217;t worry).</li>
  813. </ul>
  814. <h3><strong>Benefits Of Local Positioning For Your Business</strong></h3>
  815. <ul>
  816. <li>With what we have seen so far, you should already be clear about the advantages of investing in local SEO, but in case you have any doubts, here are some more advantages:</li>
  817. <li>Citations that positively influence local SEO will also help you to have more visibility online in general and that only means one thing: more visibility for your business.</li>
  818. <li>Local SEO work will help you get more qualified (and nearby) traffic through local keywords relevant to your business.</li>
  819. <li>Optimizing the Google Business Profile listing will also give you visibility on Google Maps.</li>
  820. <li>Optimizing for local SEO will help you manage and control the online reputation of your company and that generates trust in the user. The result? More conversions.</li>
  821. </ul>
  822. <p>Do you now understand why it is so important to work on local SEO if you have a physical store or business?</p>
  823. <h3><strong>What Is Local SERP?</strong></h3>
  824. <p>Before starting to talk about local <strong>SEO strategies and positioning factors</strong>, it is important to be clear about where we are going to appear and how the famous Google local pack works.</p>
  825. <p>To do local SEO it is essential <strong>to install an extension in which you can change the location of the search.</strong></p>
  826. <p>You can use GS location changer or <a href="" rel="nofollow ">Google Location Guard extension</a> if you use Google Chrome as your browser, to name a few.</p>
  827. <p>That said, let&#8217;s get down to business: what is local SERP and what aspects are important to know about it?</p>
  828. <h3><strong>Local Package</strong></h3>
  829. <p>It is the section of Google that appears in the first instance, as long as there are no ads for that search, which is usually 93% of the time and in which we find a map and 3 local businesses that could answer the query.</p>
  830. <p>Until a few years ago, 7 businesses were displayed in the local business listings, but currently only three companies appear in the “local 3 pack” for any local business search.</p>
  831. <p>For some specific searches, what we call the ABC pack also appears, which is exactly the same, but Google places the letters A, B, C in front of the name of the companies. Look at an example in this image:</p>
  832. <h3><strong>Snack-Pack</strong></h3>
  833. <p>It is very similar to the standard local pack, but with the variation that it includes an image in each result, but it does not include the directions or the link to the website that we did see in the previous images.</p>
  834. <p>If you click on one of the images, the local finder will open with the GBP company file displayed and the map enlarged. Look at an example for “Dallas restaurants”:</p>
  835. <h3><strong>Local Finder With Map And Results</strong></h3>
  836. <p>Just below the 3 results of the local pack there is a “more sites” button.</p>
  837. <p>If we click, we will go directly to the map with results. This is what we call local finder:</p>
  838. <p>The data for each business shown here is what Google pulls from the business&#8217;s Google Business Profile <strong>(GBP) listing</strong>.</p>
  839. <p>I am telling you this so that you understand the importance of having a perfectly completed and optimized <strong>GBP profile for SEO</strong>.</p>
  840. <p>If you click on any of the companies shown, the business file will open:</p>
  841. <p>In it, as you can see in the image above, all GBP data, reviews and user questions and answers are displayed.</p>
  842. <p>In addition, a <strong>“website”</strong> button is included, with a link to the business website; a “how to get there” button that shows the route on Maps, from your current location to the location of the business and a<strong> “save”</strong> button.</p>
  843. <p>From this same screen you can read the Google reviews of users with their scores and even write your question or review right there.</p>
  844. <p>Photos of the company are also included, which are extracted from your GBP file as well.</p>
  845. <h3><strong>Organic Results</strong></h3>
  846. <p>They appear just below the local pack and for local searches they usually show directories, but this varies a lot depending on the keyword.</p>
  847. <p>A snippet appears with compilations of “the best vegan restaurants” from TripAdvisor (for example). Obviously, appearing up there requires a lot of authority and a lot of user reviews and ratings.</p>
  848. <p>Then the local pack would come and just below the posts with a list format that would include the names of the different vegan establishments.</p>
  849. <p>For searches of the type “restaurant type + city” or “best [business] + city”, directories and listings normally appear because Google does not really know which is the best</p>
  850. <h3><strong>Knowledge-Panel</strong></h3>
  851. <p>Also known as the knowledge graph, it is the box that appears on the right in the SERPS for a local exact brand search.</p>
  852. <p>By the way, have you noticed the companies that pay <a class="ilm_keyword_link " title="Google Ads" href="" data-ilm-keyword-link="linked">Google Ads</a> to appear for the brand search with the name of my agency?</p>
  853. <h2><strong>Local SEO Factors That Influence The Local Pack</strong></h2>
  854. <p>It is important to say at this point that the higher you rank in the organic results, the higher you will rank in the local pack. This was confirmed by Google in its Help Center.</p>
  855. <p>That said, we are going to see the local SEO factors that you must work on if you want to gain visibility in the Google local pack. Thus, we can talk about three concepts: proximity, popularity and relevance.</p>
  856. <ol>
  857. <li>
  858. <h3><strong> Proximity</strong></h3>
  859. </li>
  860. </ol>
  861. <p>The user&#8217;s location is essential when Google shows one or another result.</p>
  862. <p>You can check it yourself by searching from different locations with an extension such as Location Guard.</p>
  863. <p>And that is precisely why it is so important to have a consistent NAP (name, address and phone number of your business) and a 100% completed Google Business Profile listing, because then Google will have no doubts about your location(s).</p>
  864. <ol start="2">
  865. <li>
  866. <h3><strong> Popularity</strong></h3>
  867. </li>
  868. </ol>
  869. <p>This is very easy for Google to measure because it hardly has to leave its own &#8220;network&#8221;.</p>
  870. <p>Here the reviews on Google itself are essential; third-party reviews (Facebook, TripAdvisor, Yelp…), which even appear in the knowledge panel if they have the “same as” schema marked; mentions and other factors such as social signals or brand searches, among others.</p>
  871. <p>Obviously, popularity factors are influenced by quantity, speed (how often people talk about you) or quality.</p>
  872. <p>In relation to the latter, and to give an example, it must be said that a long and detailed review, with a score and photos, will be much more relevant to your local positioning than a 2-sentence review.</p>
  873. <ol start="3">
  874. <li>
  875. <h3><strong> Relevance</strong></h3>
  876. </li>
  877. </ol>
  878. <p>The relevance of your business for certain local searches can be measured through different mechanisms:</p>
  879. <ul>
  880. <li>The data of your GBP file: categories or that the keyword appears in the name, reviews and publications. The engagement of your GBP profile is also measured, either with clicks on photos, reading reviews or posts, followers or scrolling.</li>
  881. <li>The on-page SEO factors of your website, such as the schema and geolocation of your content, a consistent NAP, keyword in H-Tag subtitles, LSI terms and even organic CTR.</li>
  882. <li>The interaction and behavior of the user: it is measured through the CTR of the local pack, clicks on the call button, of your business, clicks on the “how to get there” button or visits to the business.</li>
  883. </ul>
  884. <p>With these three concepts understood and, according to a MOZ study from 2 years ago, the factors that most influence positioning in the local pack and the finder are the following:</p>
  885. <ul>
  886. <li><a class="ilm_added_url" href="">Google Business Profile:</a> proximity, categories, keyword in the title.</li>
  887. <li>Links: anchor text, linker domain authority, number of linking domains…</li>
  888. <li>Reviews: quantity, speed and diversity.</li>
  889. <li>On page signals: NAP, keyword in titles, domain authority…</li>
  890. <li>Citations or mentions: IYP/NAP consistency, volume…</li>
  891. <li>Behavioral signals: Click-through rate or CTR, clicks on the call button from the mobile, check-ins, etc.</li>
  892. <li>Social signals: engagement on the various social networks, including GBP.</li>
  893. </ul>
  894. <p>And we can even add some more, although they have less influence than the previous ones, such as brand searches or the age of the GBP profile.</p>
  895. <h3><strong>How To Do Local Seo Right Now</strong></h3>
  896. <p>Now that you know the importance of doing local SEO if you have a physical business and what are the important factors that Google values ​​to position companies in its local pack, how about we see how to optimize everything to achieve maximum visibility through your local SEO positioning?</p>
  897. <h3><strong>Optimized Google Business Profile Listing</strong></h3>
  898. <p>I&#8217;ll start with the most important: create and complete your Google Business Profile listing from scratch. But let me make this easier for you if you know nothing about GBP by telling you what exactly it is and how it works.</p>
  899. <h3><strong>What Is Google Business Profile?</strong></h3>
  900. <p>According to Google&#8217;s own definition:</p>
  901. <p>Google Business Profile is a free, easy-to-use tool for businesses and organizations to manage their online presence through Google, including Search and Maps. By verifying and editing your business information, you can help customers find your business and tell them your story.</p>
  902. <p>Having a company profile in Google Business Profile opens up a world of possibilities at the local positioning level. That&#8217;s why I&#8217;ll tell you how to create it from scratch step by step.</p>
  903. <h2><strong>Create And Optimize Google Business Profile Account For SEO</strong></h2>
  904. <p>I am going to create a file as an example and so we are seeing it visually as well.</p>
  905. <p>To create your company file in GBP, go here and click on the “manage now” button to log in with your Gmail email.</p>
  906. <h3><strong>Local SEO Step 1:</strong></h3>
  907. <p>On the first screen, type the name of your company to check if at some point in your life you decided to fill in the data on the GBP file. If you are sure or have already checked, click on “create a company with this name”.</p>
  908. <p>For example, if you have a women&#8217;s shoe store called Elisa and your main keyword is &#8220;women&#8217;s shoes&#8221;, then you could put the name: Women&#8217;s Shoes Elisa.</p>
  909. <h3><strong>Local SEO Step 2:</strong></h3>
  910. <p>On the next screen confirm the company name and click “next”.</p>
  911. <h3><strong>Local SEO Step 3:</strong></h3>
  912. <p>Now it is the turn of the categories and here you will not be able to advance in the creation of your profile without having in front of you the keyword research with the most important keywords for your business and the analysis of keywords and categories used by your competitors.</p>
  913. <p>If you want, to make it easier, you can use the search engine and enter the keywords of your business (the ones you will have in your keyword research).</p>
  914. <p>You can include a main keyword and up to 9 additional keywords, but the latter can be completed later.</p>
  915. <h3><strong>Local SEO Step 4:</strong></h3>
  916. <p>On the next screen you are asked if you want to analyze a location to appear on Google Maps and Search.</p>
  917. <p>Of course! Click &#8220;yes&#8221; and next.</p>
  918. <h3><strong>Local SEO Step 5:</strong></h3>
  919. <p>Now yes, enter the address of your business. If you have different delegations, enter here the address of the main one.</p>
  920. <h3><strong>Local SEO Step 6:</strong></h3>
  921. <p>On the next screen, Google will show you some businesses with addresses and phone numbers so you can confirm if one is yours. If neither is, check the “none of these options” box and click the “next” button.</p>
  922. <h3><strong>Local SEO Step 7:</strong></h3>
  923. <p>The next screen is a map in which you must locate your company and click on «next».</p>
  924. <h3><strong>Local SEO Step 8:</strong></h3>
  925. <p>In the next one they will ask you if you offer service outside of this location. If you deliver at home or provide services outside the office, check &#8220;yes&#8221; and click next. Otherwise, check &#8220;no&#8221;.</p>
  926. <p>For example, if you are a bar that accepts delivery orders, you must mark &#8220;yes&#8221;.</p>
  927. <h3><strong>Local SEO Step 9:</strong></h3>
  928. <p>Next you must enter the contact information of your business: telephone number and URL of the website, which we assume you have. If not, check “I don&#8217;t need a website”, but know that you DO need it if you want to harness the power of online visibility for your business.</p>
  929. <p>And here ends the Google Business Profile creation assistant!</p>
  930. <p>But your profile is not yet &#8220;public&#8221; because Mr. Google will need to verify that your business is real. If not, imagine the chaos this could be. Still, you can publish it, but until you verify it, it won&#8217;t do much good.</p>
  931. <h3><strong>Local SEO Step 10:</strong></h3>
  932. <p>Well, to verify it by postal mail by entering a contact person and within a period of up to 13 days you will receive it at the postal address that you have indicated in your file.</p>
  933. <p>You can also click check later. In this case, the next screen will allow you to add your company&#8217;s services and you will be directly inside your GBP file, not yet verified.</p>
  934. <p>Be careful, until you verify it, there are certain options that you will not be able to fill in.</p>
  935. <p>As you will see in the image, there are multiple options within your Google Business Profile: publications, information, statistics, reviews, messages, photos, products, services, websites, manage locations&#8230;</p>
  936. <p>Everything must be perfectly filled out to have your file 100% optimized for SEO. You can start with the &#8220;information&#8221; section and then continue with photos, products and services, for example. Whatever the order, fill everything!</p>
  937. <h3><strong>Photos And Videos In GBP</strong></h3>
  938. <p>Clicking on the “photos” section in the left menu of your GBP listing will open up a whole world of visual possibilities for your business.</p>
  939. <p>Here you can place your logo, a cover photo, add videos and even include photos of the team, of the interior of the premises (you can contract Google&#8217;s 360 payment service and have it, appear on your profile as a street view of the interior of your premises), of the exterior facade or the terrace, if you had it.</p>
  940. <p>Of course, upload quality photos, sharp, with good focus and angle. If you can entrust them to a professional, the better.</p>
  941. <h3><strong>Geolocate Images For Local SEO</strong></h3>
  942. <p>Always geolocate the images you upload to your GBP file or to your website.</p>
  943. <p>Simply select the coordinates of your business from the URL of your Google Maps business and upload them along with the image you want to geolocate to any online tool that has this objective. For example, you can use GeoImgr, but there are many more.</p>
  944. <p>Ok, so now that you have located them, you can now upload them to your Google Business Profile file. Do not forget to place keywords in the title of the image and respect the guidelines of formats, weight and size:</p>
  945. <ul>
  946. <li>They must be in JPG or PNG format.</li>
  947. <li>They must be the correct size: between 10 kB and 5 MB.</li>
  948. <li>The recommended resolution is 720px high x 720px wide.</li>
  949. <li>The minimum recommended resolution is 250 x 250 pixels.</li>
  950. <li>At the quality level, good lighting is recommended, without modifications or too many filters: the better it represents reality, the better.</li>
  951. <li>As for the videos, their maximum duration is 30 seconds, their size is up to 100 MB and the resolution is 720 pixels or higher.</li>
  952. </ul>
  953. <h3><strong>Publications In GBP</strong></h3>
  954. <p>From the left menu of GBP, click on “posts”.</p>
  955. <p>From there they will offer you to publish your first offer, but you can also publish updates, news, events and even add products.</p>
  956. <p>Likewise, until your profile is verified, the posts will not be shown on Google or Maps.</p>
  957. <p>You can add a totally optional call-to-action button to these posts. You cannot add it or choose from one of the drop-down options: reserve, order online, buy, more information or register.</p>
  958. <p>Click publish and your publication will already be visible to users who reach your profile, as long as it is verified, as we said.</p>
  959. <p>Things to keep in mind in your posts on <a class="ilm_added_url" href="">Google Business Profile:</a></p>
  960. <ul>
  961. <li>They disappear after 7 days except in the case of the event, in which it is visible until the date of the event passes.</li>
  962. <li>Place keywords in the title and description attacking the services you offer. You can make a publication for each service and even for each product if you have a reduced catalog.</li>
  963. <li>Use the call to action to drive traffic to your website.</li>
  964. <li>Type up to 90 characters if you don&#8217;t want the post to be cut off, but you can use up to 1,500.</li>
  965. <li>Geolocate the images.</li>
  966. </ul>
  967. <h3><strong>Customer Reviews</strong></h3>
  968. <p>Do you know why GBP is so important?</p>
  969. <p>Well, because customer reviews are included here and, I&#8217;m sorry to say, but this is the most important factor to work on the local SEO of your store or business.</p>
  970. <p><strong>NOTE:</strong> Until your Google Business Profile is verified, you won&#8217;t be able to respond to reviews or questions from your potential customers, so request verification by mail as soon as possible.</p>
  971. <p>Reviews are accessible from the local pack and can also appear in the Q&amp;A section of your knowledge panel overview and even as &#8220;place topics&#8221; within your GBP listing.</p>
  972. <h3><strong>At The Positioning Level, Several Factors Influence:</strong></h3>
  973. <ul>
  974. <li><strong>How many reviews appear over time</strong>: it is useless to write 20 reviews in a month and then not do more because they must be constant over time. It&#8217;s like when we do link building.</li>
  975. <li><strong>Date of the review</strong>: the oldest ones have more validity.</li>
  976. <li><strong>Keywords</strong> included in reviews.</li>
  977. <li><strong>Quality</strong>: reviews from users called Local Guide are worth more (I explain it below).</li>
  978. <li><strong>Exclusive GBP Reviews</strong> – These are worth more than reviews on third-party services like Facebook or TripAdvisor, for example.</li>
  979. </ul>
  980. <p><strong>Ok Stealth SEO Solutions</strong>, how do I get reviews on Google Business Profile?</p>
  981. <p>Well, there are several options:</p>
  982. <p>One of them, the most natural, is to ask your customers to leave a review after trying your product or service. You can create a QR code to make it easier for them.</p>
  983. <p>The other option is to buy GBP reviews.</p>
  984. <p>This, as you may be imagining, goes against Google&#8217;s guidelines, but there are companies that offer it as a service. If you do, make sure you have the highest rated “Local Guide” user reviews that are geolocated. Also, please note, we don’t condone or recommend this.</p>
  985. <p>Of course, the more keywords the reviews include, the better. Take advantage of your answers also to include them and give semantics to each review, but always in the most natural way possible.</p>
  986. <h3><strong>SEO On Page: Priorities</strong></h3>
  987. <p>At the level of SEO on page, there are some factors that you can, and should, optimize on your website to improve your local SEO. I mention them below:</p>
  988. <h3><strong>Local Keyword Research</strong></h3>
  989. <p>Here the main difference compared to a standard keyword study lies in the locations you want to rank for: neighborhood, town, province and autonomous community.</p>
  990. <p>The normal thing is that you attack the main keyword with more searches in the home, but this is very relative because each business is a world.</p>
  991. <p>Perhaps at this point you would need to hire a professional SEO to do good <a href="">keyword research</a> and help you with the web structure of your page.</p>
  992. <p>In this phase of searching for local keywords, you will have to investigate the Google SERPS to determine which ones trigger the local pack in Google.</p>
  993. <p>And, of course, spy on the competition to see what they are attacking and how to craft a winning strategy.</p>
  994. <h3><strong>Web Architecture: The Importance Of Location Pages</strong></h3>
  995. <p>With your keyword research in your hands, you will already have data to prepare the architecture of your website.</p>
  996. <p>As I told you before, the normal thing in local SEO is to go after the main keyword in the home and create a page for each service.</p>
  997. <p>In addition, we add a page for each service: content creation, <a class="ilm_keyword_link " title="SEO audit" href="" data-ilm-keyword-link="linked">SEO audit</a>, consulting, link building, SEM positioning and web design.</p>
  998. <h3><strong>Location pages</strong></h3>
  999. <p>Imagine the case of a kitchen remodeling company in Dallas. You can attack this keyword on the home page and make a localized service page for the location and for each type of reform. For example:</p>
  1000. <ul>
  1001. <li>Dallas kitchen remodeling.</li>
  1002. <li>Dallas bathroom remodeling.</li>
  1003. </ul>
  1004. <p>In the end, everything will depend on the services you offer and the locations where your business is located or where you offer your service.</p>
  1005. <p>Let&#8217;s take an example with a Dallas renovation company that provides services in Dallas and that has a single physical location in Dallas.</p>
  1006. <p>In this case, a page could be created for each locality and from there, daughter pages could be created with the services of kitchens, bathrooms and premises. The main keyword would be “Dallas Remodeling” and we would optimize it on the homepage.</p>
  1007. <p>To optimize each location page for SEO effectively, I recommend:</p>
  1008. <ul>
  1009. <li>Create a specific and totally original text for each page.</li>
  1010. <li>Add<a class="ilm_added_url" href=""> content optimized</a> for local SEO. That is: H-Tag headers with the keyword plus the locality, include longtails and good LSI semantics, optimize the title and alt tag of the images and work very well with the meta title and meta-description because the clicks from Google depend on them.</li>
  1011. <li>Make a good interlinking with the exact anchor of the location to which you link.</li>
  1012. <li>Includes geolocated photos and videos.</li>
  1013. <li>Reviews and testimonials.</li>
  1014. <li>Schema markup (explained below).</li>
  1015. <li>Google Map.</li>
  1016. </ul>
  1017. <h3><strong>Structured Data (Schema)</strong></h3>
  1018. <p>First of all, not all professions have their own schema markup and sometimes this part becomes especially complicated depending on the business we are talking about.</p>
  1019. <p>But schema and structured data are essential when it comes to local SEO, so let&#8217;s see how to get local schema for your business in the easiest way possible:</p>
  1020. <ul>
  1021. <li>Go into Schema Markup Generator or some similar tool.</li>
  1022. <li>Select “local business” and search for the schema for your profession. Take a look at, which names the most important types within the local business schema.</li>
  1023. <li>Fill in your business details.</li>
  1024. <li>Copy the script and paste it in the head of your website.</li>
  1025. </ul>
  1026. <p>you can also use plugins like Rank Math (only valid for homepage) or local Schema for location pages to insert the structured data. You also have the Schema Pro payment plugin, very easy to use.</p>
  1027. <p>Do it as you want but do it: add the local schema to your website.</p>
  1028. <h3><strong>Geolocation</strong></h3>
  1029. <p>There is little new to say here.</p>
  1030. <p>It is very important to geolocate the images as we saw before and upload them already geolocated to your website and, of course:</p>
  1031. <ul>
  1032. <li>Include an embedded map in the &#8220;contact&#8221; section and even on the homepage with the location of your company.</li>
  1033. <li>Create a geolocated sitemap with the help of tools like the Geo Sitemap Generator and upload it to your Search Console account.</li>
  1034. <li>Link to local authority pages for your business.</li>
  1035. </ul>
  1036. <p>Finally, at the local SEO level on page, show reviews, consistent NAP and link to the GBP profile from your website.</p>
  1037. <h3><strong>Link Building For Local SEO</strong></h3>
  1038. <p>Links are the second most important factor for local SEO, behind only Google Business Profile, according to MOZ, works on the incoming links to your website and even to your GBP profile.</p>
  1039. <h3><strong>Citations – Consistent Nap</strong></h3>
  1040. <p>I am not going to dwell on this much because it is logical: the more citations of your business on the web, the better. Same as in the case of links.</p>
  1041. <p>Local citations are ALMOST as important as reviews, so you&#8217;ll need to work on them if you want to do good local SEO.</p>
  1042. <p>When we talk about citation, we refer to the NAP: name of your business, address and telephone number.</p>
  1043. <p>Your NAP must be consistent, that is, always the same because Google must be clear about the real address of your business.</p>
  1044. <p>And where can you place these citations outside of GBP?</p>
  1045. <ul>
  1046. <li>Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and other social networks.</li>
  1047. <li>Bin Places.</li>
  1048. <li>Apple Maps.</li>
  1049. <li>Yellow Pages.</li>
  1050. <li>Citations in directories or aggregators on a specific topic.</li>
  1051. <li>Local directories.</li>
  1052. <li>Press, local preferably.</li>
  1053. </ul>
  1054. <p>These are the basic ones, but there are many more sites. It is advisable to analyze the citations of the competition and thus you will discover places to leave your NAP as well. There are extensions and tools to help you with this mission, such as NAP Hunter.</p>
  1055. <p>The important thing about all this is that the NAP is always the same. This is why it is so important to do a full audit on the web and review all those citations to modify the NAP in case it appears different somewhere.</p>
  1056. <p>And, of course, we look for citations and links on authoritative, thematic and relevant sites for your business. In addition, those that include a link will bring you referral traffic to your page and this is definitely positive for local SEO (and also for organic).</p>
  1057. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  1058. <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Definitive Guide To Local SEO: How To Rank On Google</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Stealth SEO Solutions</a>.</p>
  1059. ]]></content:encoded>
  1060. </item>
  1061. <item>
  1062. <title>Google Ads: 10 Tips To Improve Your Ad Management</title>
  1063. <link></link>
  1064. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Chris Cantell]]></dc:creator>
  1065. <pubDate>Sat, 16 Apr 2022 00:51:11 +0000</pubDate>
  1066. <category><![CDATA[SEO Articles]]></category>
  1067. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  1069. <description><![CDATA[<p>In this post we present some tips to optimize ad management and generate more sales opportunities for your company. Google Ads (formally known as Google AdWords) is an essential tool ...</p>
  1070. <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Google Ads: 10 Tips To Improve Your Ad Management</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Stealth SEO Solutions</a>.</p>
  1071. ]]></description>
  1072. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In this post we present some tips to optimize ad management and generate more sales opportunities for your company.</p>
  1073. <p>Google Ads (formally known as Google AdWords) is an essential tool to generate traffic to your website and increase sales. But for the visits generated, to be truly relevant to your business, you need to design, optimize and implement your ad campaign properly.</p>
  1074. <p>Below I am going to share <strong>10 tips</strong> that you can apply to improve the management of your ads in Google Ads.</p>
  1075. <h3><strong>Tip #1: </strong><strong>Define A Clear Goal</strong></h3>
  1076. <p>Thinking and defining objectives is an essential part of the job. When we configure a campaign, it is necessary to define a goal and set a metric that allows us to assess whether or not we achieve it. The goal could be to increase a list of blog subscribers, resource downloads, or sales. The essential thing at this point is to be specific.</p>
  1077. <h3><strong>Tip #2: </strong><strong>Split Structure For Campaigns And Ad Groups</strong></h3>
  1078. <p>Organizing campaigns and ad groups in a clear and simple way is key to keeping our account tidy. Google Ads allows us to have thousands of active campaigns, and overtime management becomes very difficult if we are not careful. It is necessary to adopt a nomenclature and an order that is functional for us and allows us to quickly identify each element.</p>
  1079. <h3><strong>Tip #3: </strong><strong>Target Campaigns With Geographic Targeting</strong></h3>
  1080. <p>Google Ads location targeting allows you to show your ads in specific locations: countries, areas within a country, a distance around a location, or location groups, which can include places of interest, business locations, or tiered demographics.</p>
  1081. <p>Location targeting can help increase the ROI of your campaigns by allowing you to target advertising where the right customers will be and restrict it to areas where they won&#8217;t.</p>
  1082. <h3><strong>Tip #4: </strong><strong>Use Keyword Planner</strong></h3>
  1083. <p>This tool is not always valued as it should be. The keyword planner allows us to find the most relevant keywords for our ads, exploring alternatives or terms associated with the initial keyword. In addition, it gives us information about the search volume, bid offers and level of competition.</p>
  1084. <p>For all this, it is always important to use the planner to verify that the selected keywords are competitive.</p>
  1085. <h3><strong>Tip #5: </strong><strong>Add Negative Keywords</strong></h3>
  1086. <p>To have an accurate campaign, it is essential to decide where we do not want to target the ads. For that, negative keywords allow us to exclude search terms and help focus ads on the most relevant keywords for our target audience.</p>
  1087. <h3><strong>Tip #6: </strong><strong>Add Extensions To Ads</strong></h3>
  1088. <p>Extensions allow us to add more lines of informative text to our ads, expanding it with additional information, which gives users more reasons to choose us. They usually significantly increase the click-through rate percentage and quality of an ad.</p>
  1089. <p>To maximize ad performance, Google decides which extensions to show based on each individual search. For this reason, we recommend using all relevant formats according to the objectives defined for the campaign. The most common formats include CTAs, contact and location information, links to sections of the website, or text.</p>
  1090. <h3><strong>Tip #7: </strong><strong>Create Genuine And Attractive Texts</strong></h3>
  1091. <p>When writing the texts for the announcements, the following should be taken into account.</p>
  1092. <p>The messages must be focused on the benefits for the users. A person responds to an advertisement when it refers to their needs.</p>
  1093. <p>It is important that the texts are associated with the keywords. Users tend to engage with ads that appear to be more relevant to their searches.</p>
  1094. <p>It&#8217;s best to avoid generic language in ads, instead of using specific calls to action. Generic CTAs tend to generate less interaction with the ads.</p>
  1095. <p>It is recommended that the texts are not questions, but answers. Users turn to Google for answers, and ads with a question in the headline generally perform poorly.</p>
  1096. <h3><strong>Tip #8: </strong><strong>Optimize The UX Experience Of The Landing Page</strong></h3>
  1097. <p>The UX experience on the landing page is decisive for the effectiveness of your ads. The landing page is the URL that users land on after clicking your ad and is analyzed by Google using a combination of automated systems and human evaluation.</p>
  1098. <p>The UX experience of the landing determines the ranking of the ad and, therefore, the CPC and the position in the ad auction. Our ads may be shown less frequently (or not at all) if they direct the user to websites that offer a low-quality user experience.</p>
  1099. <p>That is why we must be rigorous when designing our landing page. We recommend that you carefully read the basics of the landing <a class='ilm_added_url' href=''>page experience</a> recommended by Google.</p>
  1100. <h3><strong>Tip #9: </strong><strong>Do Not Stop Training</strong></h3>
  1101. <p>Google gives us several tools to learn and improve our ad management skills. One of them is the Google Ads online help. Another, very valuable, is its online academy: Academy for ads.</p>
  1102. <p>Academy for Ads is a free training program from Google that helps us develop advertising skills. Once we have registered, all your online courses can be accessed from any device and at any time. In addition, evaluations and certification can be carried out right there.</p>
  1103. <h3><strong>Tip #10: </strong><strong>Generate Leads &amp; Sales Opportunities</strong></h3>
  1104. <p>Ads allow you to quickly connect what your business has to offer with what your audience needs, generating more leads and sales opportunities. For this reason, SEM and the correct management of Google Ads have become a determining factor for the success of any digital marketing plan.</p>
  1105. <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Google Ads: 10 Tips To Improve Your Ad Management</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Stealth SEO Solutions</a>.</p>
  1106. ]]></content:encoded>
  1107. </item>
  1108. <item>
  1109. <title>SEO Guide 2022: Complete Strategy To Rank On Google</title>
  1110. <link></link>
  1111. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Chris Cantell]]></dc:creator>
  1112. <pubDate>Fri, 15 Apr 2022 07:05:44 +0000</pubDate>
  1113. <category><![CDATA[Popular Posts]]></category>
  1114. <category><![CDATA[SEO Articles]]></category>
  1115. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  1117. <description><![CDATA[<p>What Are The Positioning Factors In Google? In this guide we are going to start with the main Google Positioning Factors (GPF), those signals that we send to Google and ...</p>
  1118. <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">SEO Guide 2022: Complete Strategy To Rank On Google</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Stealth SEO Solutions</a>.</p>
  1119. ]]></description>
  1120. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<h3><strong>What Are The Positioning Factors In Google?</strong></h3>
  1121. <p>In this guide we are going to start with the main Google Positioning Factors (GPF), those signals that we send to Google and that depend on different factors, which together will enhance your website and increase your ranking in Google.</p>
  1122. <h3><strong>Trust, Authority And User Experience</strong></h3>
  1123. <p>First of all, I will start by talking about the “Page Quality Rating”, a way that Google has to evaluate the quality of a page for searches.</p>
  1124. <h3><strong>Page Quality Rating</strong></h3>
  1125. <p>Google published a document explaining what it evaluates to assess the content of a web page, what is called in English &#8220;Search Quality Rating&#8221;.</p>
  1126. <p>The most important factors that Google takes as a reference to assign your website a quality ranking in searches are the following:</p>
  1127. <ul>
  1128. <li>Quantity and Quality of the main content.</li>
  1129. <li>Information about who is responsible for the website.</li>
  1130. <li>Website reputation.</li>
  1131. <li>Experience, authority and reliability.</li>
  1132. </ul>
  1133. <p>I am going to explain to you the three concepts that concern us in this book, which are Trust, authority and the level of expert, and that I will quote them from now on in their names in English, trust, authority and expertise.</p>
  1134. <h3><strong>Authority of a Page (Authority):</strong></h3>
  1135. <p>Maybe we get into a loop, but the best definition for a page that has authority is that the site is reliable, the users who visit you trust your website, your market or industry trusts your website, they trust other websites and therefore, trusts the search engine, Google in this case.</p>
  1136. <p>The strength of the Authority of your site will depend on the strength of the Authority of the content that is on your website.</p>
  1137. <p>That is, the more authority your website content has, the more authority your website will have. But there are also many other areas where your website can &#8220;Build&#8221; its Authority, we will now see how to do this with the Architecture of your website.</p>
  1138. <h3><strong>Website Architecture:</strong></h3>
  1139. <p>Your website needs a logical site structure. The web page must be accessible from all pages and all categories must be grouped thematically to improve navigation by subject.</p>
  1140. <p>Allowing searches with a &#8220;search box&#8221; will improve the visitor&#8217;s experience and help visitors find specific information. If the page search engine does not find something specific, make sure it offers a similar, thematic or related result.</p>
  1141. <p>All categories must be accessible from the main menu. All pages must be tagged with the most relevant category.</p>
  1142. <p>On your website it should be easy to locate the contact page. All the necessary information for an appropriate contact must appear in it: email, address, telephone.</p>
  1143. <p>Your contact information must match the contact information you entered when you purchased the domain, you can check it with this tool:</p>
  1144. <p><a href="" rel="nofollow "><strong></strong></a></p>
  1145. <p>The &#8220;about us&#8221; page (I know, it&#8217;s recurring but very useful) should explain the purpose of the website and your business activity, your history, who are the owners, the employees&#8230; this information will help your visitors to trust you. your website.</p>
  1146. <p>Your website must clearly represent and identify who is responsible for it and what is written there. If it is an individual blog, if it is part of an organization if it is written by a person or a group of people, who creates the content (the author).</p>
  1147. <h3><strong>Trust:</strong></h3>
  1148. <p>If you are a company, it can be a very good idea to write in a blog, I have already made it clear before. A Blog will keep your website with fresh content and will increase the frequency with which your users return to consume your content. <strong>If a person periodically returns to a website, the trust that the search engine assigns to your website will increase.</strong></p>
  1149. <p>The comments or testimonials of clients that you upload to your website will almost certainly be ignored by Google. On the other hand, you can use third-party pages to show them to your customers and that is where they think about your products or services. <strong>Social recommendations are a very strong signal that increases a positive reputation</strong>.</p>
  1150. <p>A small number of negative comments will not affect your <strong>Page Quality Rating </strong>much, especially if you have a lot of comments of all kinds. Google can also check the content of the ratings themselves rather than the numerical rating itself. But of course, if your ratings are usually negative, the least you should worry about is Google, you should rethink your product or service.</p>
  1151. <p>You must include the Privacy Policy and the legal terms of the service you provide, of course the cookie policy, all of this is mandatory under European and US law, but Google also takes it as a reliability reference. Another thing is that you decide not to index them, that will be a good practice if, like 90%, you install a third-party plugin for cookies and/or use copypaste legal terms changing your data, in this case it will be a good practice not to index.</p>
  1152. <h3><strong>Expertise</strong>:</h3>
  1153. <p>If your website is an expert page on something in particular, surely there will be many writing about you or your page and they will link to you, that is, they will put a link to your page. <strong>This is the best indicator that your website and your content are taken as a reference in your market or sector.</strong> There will be users writing about what you write, they will want to link to you, quote you, your information will be shared.</p>
  1154. <p>Don&#8217;t worry if you don&#8217;t have a university degree, or a master&#8217;s degree, Google doesn&#8217;t value it directly to consider you an expert, if you have a lot of experience this will make you an expert on the main topic you usually write about on the blog, the key is that other sites (of a certain relevance) take the initiative to put a link in their content since they consider you a reference to what you write, this signal is decisive for Google.</p>
  1155. <h3><strong>Keywords, Contents and Latent Semantic Indexing</strong></h3>
  1156. <p>If you want to position your web page you need to use the right number of keywords, so far so good. But where should these keywords be placed? In what quantity so as not to overoptimize your content?</p>
  1157. <h3><strong>What keywords should I use to be found?</strong></h3>
  1158. <p>The answer is simple, investigate. You must investigate What keywords do your customers use to find what they are looking for? These are the terms that you must use in your texts in an organized way to be able to position yourself in Google.</p>
  1159. <p>Google reads like you do, from left to right and from top to bottom, which means that it gives keywords more relevance due to the location on the page where they are placed.</p>
  1160. <h3><strong>But Where Should These Keywords Be And How Often Should You Use Them?</strong></h3>
  1161. <ul>
  1162. <li>In Page Content</li>
  1163. <li>You must be sure that your target keyword or phrase must appear in the first 100 words of your article.</li>
  1164. <li>Where the keyword is placed, and whether the surrounding text is consistent is more important than how often or how often you use it.</li>
  1165. <li>Keyword stuffing or excessive use of keywords is penalized by Google, study carefully how many times you use a keyword and use it naturally.</li>
  1166. <li>Google prioritizes keywords like this:</li>
  1167. <li>Goal and Header.</li>
  1168. <li>Body or Body.</li>
  1169. <li>Sidebars and footer or footer.</li>
  1170. </ul>
  1171. <p><em>The keyword that you have chosen as the target of your article is the one that should appear most frequently, this is the &#8220;Keyword density&#8221; or keyword density, if you exceed an acceptable amount of density, Google will penalize you for it, it will consider that you do not you are writing for “People”.</em></p>
  1172. <p>You must also put the focus on your keyword, putting it in the H1 tag, in the meta description, in the article text and finally, that it is present in the H2 tag.</p>
  1173. <p>Take care that the keyword matches the most used term to find your product or service, so if your goal is to &#8220;sell&#8221; web pages in your area, use the exact term that most people are using to find this service, which in the case of Stealth SEO Solutions is “<a href="">Stealth SEO Solutions Web Design</a>”. <strong>You shouldn&#8217;t focus too much on a single keyword or you&#8217;ll get a penalty.</strong></p>
  1174. <p>To audit or discover keywords that they use to find products or services similar to yours, you can use tools such as <a href="" rel="nofollow ">Semrush</a> or other similar tools such as, <a href="" rel="nofollow "></a> or simply investigate what keywords your competition has positioned.</p>
  1175. <p>A very good option to consult the Long Tail Words or phrases that are used in a certain market to reach certain content is the web <strong>answer the public</strong>: <a href="" rel="nofollow "></a></p>
  1176. <h3><strong>Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) Keywords.</strong></h3>
  1177. <p>LSI is the use of terms or words that have a related meaning, that is, semantically related.</p>
  1178. <p>This parameter is used by Google to determine if the repetitive use of a keyword is excessive and therefore deserves a penalty, or it will be considered an appropriate use that enriches the content.</p>
  1179. <p>For example, if you are describing a kitchen, semantically related terms are plates, glasses, pans, scissors&#8230;</p>
  1180. <p>Latent Semantic indexing does not mean that you should use synonyms for a word. <strong>LSI terms are close and related words, never different words with the same meaning.</strong></p>
  1181. <p>Google scans the web to know the topic you are writing about, so using keywords that are included in the same area of ​​meaning puts the search engine in context to better hit the ranking of the web, let&#8217;s say it puts your web page in context.</p>
  1182. <p>You must discover your LSI to contextualize your website and use these well-placed keywords, in the correct place on your page, they must be:</p>
  1183. <ul>
  1184. <li>In the first paragraph of your article.</li>
  1185. <li>In the body of the post.</li>
  1186. <li>In links with adequate Anchor Text.</li>
  1187. <li>Semantically close or complimentary words should also appear in the last paragraphs.</li>
  1188. <li>Use LSI keywords in the metadata of your page.</li>
  1189. <li>In the title.</li>
  1190. <li>In the H1 and H2 tags.</li>
  1191. <li>in the URL.</li>
  1192. <li>In the Meta Description.</li>
  1193. <li>In the Alternative Text of the images (Alt).</li>
  1194. </ul>
  1195. <h3><strong>Fresh Content – ​​Content Freshness</strong></h3>
  1196. <p>The publication date of an article is a signal that is taken into account to determine a position. Unfortunately, it is not the only one, but it is combined with the <a class="ilm_added_url" href="">other ranking factors</a> that Google takes into account.</p>
  1197. <p>However, for different searches the Freshness signal is taken into account differently, that is, different searches have a different need for freshness.</p>
  1198. <p>Google checks the freshness of the content of web pages by monitoring the following types of searches:</p>
  1199. <ul>
  1200. <li>Latest Events or Current Topics: If a user does a search on this type of search, they expect to find the most up-to-date information, therefore the level of freshness expected from these articles is high.</li>
  1201. <li>Regular Events: If an event occurs on a regular basis, conferences, football matches, courses, etc. the user doing a search is likely to expect the most recent result, so the freshness factor is important for such an article.</li>
  1202. <li>Frequent Updates: This is when information changes often, but it&#8217;s not a recent event or a regular occurrence. For example: high-tech products, car brands&#8230;</li>
  1203. </ul>
  1204. <p>Google checks search volume spikes on a topic and if people start writing about a topic, they also check media and social networks.</p>
  1205. <p>This gives you a chance to get traffic and ride a wave of recent content because if you write first on a topic that hits the scene with a bang, it is possible that the Freshness Factor will make you appear in a high ranking.</p>
  1206. <p><strong>You can also get to surf on the crest of the wave of Google rankings by regularly updating content that remains fresh, that is, you regularly work on it to keep it up to date.</strong></p>
  1207. <h3><strong>Seven Best Practices to Optimize Ranking Factor: Freshness.</strong></h3>
  1208. <p>A very good practice that is not included in these seven best practices, because we all already know them, is the frequent updating of old content.</p>
  1209. <ol>
  1210. <li>Create new content regularly.</li>
  1211. <li>When you make updates, focus on the main content, do not introduce secondary or unrelated content.</li>
  1212. <li>Note that minor changes will be ignored, if you are going to change a link you must also make changes to all the content around it.</li>
  1213. <li>Steady link growth is better than inconsistent spike growth.</li>
  1214. <li>All else being equal, linking to fresh content is often a better signal than linking to good but stale content.</li>
  1215. <li>Engagement metrics are your best friend. Work to increase clicks and user satisfaction metrics.</li>
  1216. <li>If you change the theme of a page too much, older links can lose their value.</li>
  1217. </ol>
  1218. <h3><strong>Duplicate Content</strong></h3>
  1219. <p>Duplicate Content refers to web content that appears on different sites on the internet. If you copy content from another web page and paste it on your website, you will be creating duplicate content.</p>
  1220. <p>It can also be duplicate content, the one that you publish several times on your website, or that inadvertently appears on your website on two different sites (in WordPress, for example, it is very common to duplicate content by having the same article in two different categories or tags).</p>
  1221. <p>This of copying texts and pasting them on your website, being one of the deadly sins of web positioning, is one of the most widespread practices because creating content is the most expensive part of a web page and unfortunately many web designers prioritize the beautiful over the effective, without looking for something balanced.</p>
  1222. <p>Google does not want to penalize duplicate content, instead it decides which result appears in the searches and which one sinks in the non-existence of the fifth page of search results or simply deindexes.</p>
  1223. <h3><strong>Indexing is the key.</strong></h3>
  1224. <p>Original content for Google is the one that is indexed first, that is, the one that is saved on Google&#8217;s servers for the first time.</p>
  1225. <p>Therefore, it is important to get your content indexed in Google as fast as you can.</p>
  1226. <h3><strong>How To Avoid Duplicate Content</strong></h3>
  1227. <p>The first thing you should know is that you should not copy the content of another website without asking permission first. It&#8217;s bad for you and bad for the site you copy it to.</p>
  1228. <p>If you use elements or small quotes from another website, put a reference in the article, it will give you extra credit in the eyes of Google and your readers.</p>
  1229. <p>If you have duplicate content on your website, you should do a 301 redirect, so Google won&#8217;t index it.</p>
  1230. <p>Configure Search Console so that only your preferred content is indexed. That is, if your preferred domain is, Google should not index your domain as, this could be taken by the search engine as a duplication of your entire website.</p>
  1231. <p>You can duplicate your website if you use separate mobile and desktop versions, use a responsive version of your website to avoid this problem.</p>
  1232. <p>If you accept guest posts, check the content thoroughly with a plagiarism tool (this is a good option: <a href="" rel="nofollow "></a>).</p>
  1233. <p>If it is the first time you write on your blog, do a double check, it may not be done with malicious intent, but you must protect yourself from duplicate content.</p>
  1234. <h3><strong>Avoid Duplicate Content In Content Syndication:</strong></h3>
  1235. <p>Syndicated Content is content that is republished from the original content or from another website to yours.</p>
  1236. <p>This is often part of a small blog that wants to grow its audience with related topics and syndicates content from other blogs to reach more topics that its audience might find interesting.</p>
  1237. <p>By definition all this content will be considered as duplication, and this is bad for you and for the referring site.</p>
  1238. <p>Luckily, there are SEO methods that will help you avoid this problem on your website, <strong>Rel=Canonical</strong> is a very good practice</p>
  1239. <h3><strong>Label as rel=canonical</strong></h3>
  1240. <p>This is the safest method, it will not give you any problem for the syndicated content that you publish, they will never be considered duplicates.</p>
  1241. <p>Simply with this tag we tell Google what is the original content that is being syndicated on your blog, you will have many benefits for using this tag.</p>
  1242. <h3><strong>Meta tag NoIndex </strong></h3>
  1243. <p>This method has the same principle as the rel=canonical tag, with it you give instructions to the Google robot so that it does not index the content, so you will never have a duplicate as it does not exist in the index.</p>
  1244. <p>I personally prefer Rel=canonical and use NoIndex when it&#8217;s not possible to implement it.</p>
  1245. <h3><strong>Crawl Budget Or Tracking Budget Of The Google Spider</strong></h3>
  1246. <p>Google says that the crawl demand and the crawl rate make up the GoogleBot crawl budget for your website.</p>
  1247. <p>Google&#8217;s Gary Illyes wrote a blog post titled What Crawl Budget Means for Googlebot. In it, he explains what crawl budget is, how crawl rate caps work, what crawl demand is, and what factors influence a website&#8217;s crawl budget.</p>
  1248. <p>First, Gary explains that for most sites, the crawl budget is something they don&#8217;t need to worry about, so you should, a lot.</p>
  1249. <p>For really big sites, it becomes something you should consider.</p>
  1250. <p><em>“Prioritizing what to crawl, when, and how many resources the server hosting the site can allocate to crawling is more important for larger sites or those that automatically generate pages based on URL parameters,”</em> Gary explains.</p>
  1251. <p>Here is a brief summary of what has been published, but I recommend you read the full post.</p>
  1252. <p>The crawl rate limit is designed to help Google not crawl your pages too much as this can hurt your server.</p>
  1253. <p><strong>Crawl demand is how much Google is going to want to crawl your pages.</strong> This is based on the popularity of your pages and how fresh the content is in Google&#8217;s index.</p>
  1254. <p><strong>The crawl budget is the sum of the crawl rate and the crawl demand.</strong> Google defines “crawl budget as the number of URLs Googlebot can and wants to crawl”.</p>
  1255. <p>Google&#8217;s post goes on to explain what factors influence the crawl budget and then some frequently asked questions on the subject.</p>
  1256. <h3><strong>Crawl Rate Limit</strong></h3>
  1257. <p>Crawling is Googlebot&#8217;s top priority, making sure it doesn&#8217;t degrade the experience of users visiting a website.</p>
  1258. <p>We call this the “crawl rate limit”, which limits the maximum fetching rate for a given site.</p>
  1259. <p>In a nutshell, this represents the number of simultaneous parallel connections Googlebot can use to crawl the site, as well as the time it has to wait between each crawl.</p>
  1260. <h2><strong>The Crawl Rate Can Go Up And Down Based On A Couple Of Factors:</strong></h2>
  1261. <p><strong>Track Health</strong> – If the site responds very quickly for a while, the limit increases, meaning more connections can be used for tracking. If the site slows down or responds with server errors, the limit decreases and Googlebot will visit you less.</p>
  1262. <p><strong>Limit set in Search Console</strong>: Website owners can reduce Googlebot crawling of their site. Please note that setting higher limits does not automatically increase crawling.</p>
  1263. <h3><strong>Crawl Demand</strong></h3>
  1264. <p>Even if the crawl rate limit is not reached, if there is no indexing demand, there will be low Googlebot activity.</p>
  1265. <p>The two factors that play a major role in determining tracking demand are:</p>
  1266. <ul>
  1267. <li><strong>Popularity</strong>: URLs that are more popular on the Internet tend to be crawled more often to keep them fresh in Google&#8217;s index.</li>
  1268. <li><strong>Staleness</strong>: Google&#8217;s systems try to prevent URLs from becoming stale in the Index.</li>
  1269. </ul>
  1270. <p><strong>Additionally, events such as site moves can trigger increased crawl demand to reindex content under the new URLs.</strong></p>
  1271. <h3><strong>Factors That Affect The Crawl Budget</strong></h3>
  1272. <p>In my own experience many, low value added, URLs can negatively affect a site&#8217;s crawling and indexing.</p>
  1273. <p>I find that low value-add URLs fall into these categories, in order of importance:</p>
  1274. <ul>
  1275. <li>Navigation and session identifiers by facets.</li>
  1276. <li>Duplicate content on site</li>
  1277. <li>Minor error pages</li>
  1278. <li>hacked pages</li>
  1279. <li>Infinite spaces and proxies</li>
  1280. <li>Low-quality and spammy content</li>
  1281. </ul>
  1282. <p>Wasting server resources on pages like these will deplete crawling activity on pages that actually have value, which can cause a significant delay in discovering great content on a website.</p>
  1283. <h3><strong>Crawl Budget FAQ</strong></h3>
  1284. <h3><strong>Is Tracking A Ranking Factor?</strong></h3>
  1285. <p>An increased crawl rate will not necessarily lead to better positions in search results. Google uses hundreds of signals to rank results, and while crawling is necessary to be in results, it is not a ranking signal.</p>
  1286. <h3><strong>Do Alternate URLs And Embedded Content Count Towards My Crawl Budget?</strong></h3>
  1287. <p>Generally, any URL that Googlebot crawls will count towards a site&#8217;s crawl budget. Alternative URLs, such as AMP or hreflang, as well as embedded content, such as CSS and JavaScript, may need to be crawled and will consume a site&#8217;s crawl budget.</p>
  1288. <p>Similarly, long redirect chains can have a negative effect on crawling.</p>
  1289. <h3><strong>Can I Control Googlebot With The &#8220;Trace Delay&#8221; Directive?</strong></h3>
  1290. <p>Googlebot does not process the non-standard “Crawl Delay” robots.txt directive.</p>
  1291. <h3><strong>Does The NoFollow Directive Affect The Crawl Budget?</strong></h3>
  1292. <p>Depends. Any URL that is crawled affects the crawl budget, so even if your page marks a URL as NoFollow, it can still be crawled if another page on your site or any page on the web doesn&#8217;t tag the link as NoFollow.</p>
  1293. <p>For information on how to optimize your site&#8217;s crawl, take a look at Google&#8217;s 2009 Crawl Optimization blogpost which is still current.</p>
  1294. <h3><strong>Outbound Links</strong></h3>
  1295. <p>An outgoing link is a &#8220;vote of confidence&#8221; for the site you link to.</p>
  1296. <p>Part of the &#8220;strength&#8221; that a page has is transferred to the web that you link to, let&#8217;s say that part of the power that a page has is sent with the link to the content that you link to.</p>
  1297. <p>However, when the link is of the “click here” type, the link loses part of its value, that is, it does not optimally help the site you are linking to, nor your own website.</p>
  1298. <p>Linking to the URL of the type <a href=""></a>is a safe bet if you don&#8217;t have a clear Anchor Text to link to, for example: SEO Blog in the UK</p>
  1299. <p>It is more reliable for the user to click on a URL than on a linked word like the example above. The user knows exactly what will happen when clicking on the URL, so the usability of a “naked” link is greater than an unrelated Anchor text.</p>
  1300. <p>Using an anchor text that is too optimized can lead to a penalty from Google, especially if the website receiving the link is trying to rank for this exact term. Manipulating Google positioning can have catastrophic consequences.</p>
  1301. <p>However, if you are confused about whether or not it is good to link with an Anchor text, a naked link or simply not linking, ask yourself this question, ignoring what Google thinks or does not think about it: Is it useful to complete my content?</p>
  1302. <h3><strong>What is a Backlink?</strong></h3>
  1303. <p>A BackLink is a link from a third, party website that goes to your website.</p>
  1304. <p>They are also called “inbound” or “incoming link”.</p>
  1305. <h3><strong>How Can I Check The Links That Come To My Website?</strong></h3>
  1306. <p>Google puts a free tool that allows you to know who is linking to your website.</p>
  1307. <p>To use this tool, you can go here:</p>
  1308. <p><a href="" rel="nofollow ">Google Search Console</a></p>
  1309. <h3><strong>Why Are Backlinks So Important?</strong></h3>
  1310. <p>If you link to a web page, you trust that the content that the user will find there complements your content, adds value to the reader, so taking this maxim forward, that other websites decide to link to yours gives your content added value. of trust, relevance, authority…</p>
  1311. <p>Of course, this factor is in principle easy to &#8220;bypass&#8221;, ask to be linked, pay for it, get links and in principle, the theory says that this reflects a high value of your website, but no, friend, that SEO is a dangerous road, let&#8217;s see how Google does to check that no one deceives you with this, backlinks.</p>
  1312. <h3><strong>15 Points That Google Values ​​In A Link To Rank Your Website</strong></h3>
  1313. <ul>
  1314. <li>The number of individual domains that link to your website is a very important factor for Google.</li>
  1315. <li>The Authority of the domain that links to you is also key, usually a single authority domain is more important than many links from different sites without authority.</li>
  1316. <li>An authority website is not always a page on the internet that has great writers or a lot of fame, a website that has achieved great quality in a certain market niche is also an authority website for this specific topic.</li>
  1317. <li>The age of the websites that link to you are also more relevant than if the links come from a new site.</li>
  1318. <li>One link from a relevant website for a certain niche market is much better than many links from different sites that are not relevant.</li>
  1319. <li>If they link to you from a website with low visibility or low quality, it will not do you any good. In fact, it can be considered that it is part of a link scheme, spamming, a practice that can harm your position because it is Black Hat SEO.</li>
  1320. <li>Context matters, that is, if your link is part of a valuable text surrounded by important keywords for your ranking, it will be much better than being linked from a part without the content of a website, a widget, a plugin, a footer without content that contextualize the backlink.</li>
  1321. <li>If a website links to you with the “NoFollow” meta tag, it will not pass the full force to your website, although there are trials that show that they somewhat improve your position by indirect SEO. We have already discussed above that a “NoFollow” link is reserved for sponsored or paid posts, for example.</li>
  1322. <li>Links from a wide range of websites is good, many links from a single domain is not only not good but can be considered a bad practice worthy of a penalty.</li>
  1323. <li>A link with a 301 redirect does not make you lose PageRank.</li>
  1324. <li>An Anchor Text or Anchor Text influences the way Google classifies a link or backlink. If you sell shoes online, an Anchor text of the type &#8220;buy shoes in New York&#8221; linked to a page where you can buy shoes in New York it will be more relevant than a simple “buy here”.</li>
  1325. <li>The text anchor to a web page must be descriptive and very concise in order to benefit from this link.</li>
  1326. <li>I already explained in another positioning factor that Google gives importance to keywords depending on the place they occupy on a website, therefore, a link at the top of a website will be more important than at the bottom.</li>
  1327. <li>If the link to your website is placed in &#8220;Evergreen&#8221; content, content that does not go out of style and does not depend on trends, content that always remains &#8220;fresh&#8221; will be more valued than an expired content or with less than 1000 words.</li>
  1328. <li>Links from .edu or .gov domains may be more relevant than other types of domains, this is because educational and government top-level domains are considered high authority, regardless of other factors.</li>
  1329. </ul>
  1330. <p>I have already explained before how to discover websites that are linking to your website, but with a list of domains…</p>
  1331. <h3><strong>How Do We Know If The Links We Have From Other Websites Are Positioning Us Or Are Toxic?</strong></h3>
  1332. <p>This is what I follow when doing an initial audit for a new client, this is not to say that it is the best or the only thing to do, there may be other methods, even free.</p>
  1333. <p>I resort to professional tools, of course paid, but that save my most precious asset, which is undoubtedly time.</p>
  1334. <ul>
  1335. <li><a href="" rel="nofollow "><strong>Sistrix</strong></a> is ​​a great help, it has a tool that values ​​with positive or negative numbering what the backlink of your website is giving you.</li>
  1336. <li><a href="" rel="nofollow "><strong>SemRush</strong></a> is great, it tells you how many &#8220;Toxic links&#8221; and that&#8217;s it, it&#8217;s time to eliminate them and the problem is over.</li>
  1337. <li><a href="" rel="nofollow "><strong>Ahrefs</strong></a><strong> without a doubt, is the most complete on this subject</strong>, capable of discovering more links than any other.</li>
  1338. </ul>
  1339. <p>In the next point we are going to talk about what to do when you discover backlinks considered harmful to your web positioning.</p>
  1340. <h3><strong>What To Do With The Toxic Backlinks That Link To Your Website?</strong></h3>
  1341. <p>Actually, the last update of the Algorithm called &#8220;Penguin&#8221; has brought a great controversy about this, since according to Google this update manages in real time not to take into account, or even penalize toxic backlinks, so the option that I am going to tell next It might not be necessary at the moment, I still use it until Google disables it, which is usually the clear sign that something has stopped working.</p>
  1342. <p>We are talking about the tool to disavow incoming links to a website, of course, from Google.</p>
  1343. <ul>
  1344. <li>With the links that you have discovered with the tool of your choice you can now go to the search console and disavow them.</li>
  1345. <li>If you are already registered in Search Console you just have to click on the tool to disavow links or disavow</li>
  1346. <li>If you only have one website in the search console, all you have to do is click on the red button: “Disavow Links”. (Make it look because you should have at least two, with and without www.)</li>
  1347. <li>If you have more than one domain, select the one that receives the toxic links that you want to disavow and you will be able to upload a text file with all of them.</li>
  1348. <li>It only remains for the search giant to agree to the disavowal and these links will no longer count for it.</li>
  1349. </ul>
  1350. <p>However, if the Penguin 4.0 update works, the value of these links will have already been discounted, but it is a good practice that you, as the owner of the website receiving these toxic links, disavow them as soon as possible.</p>
  1351. <h3><strong>What The Experiments Say About The Use Of Outbound Links</strong></h3>
  1352. <p>The most complete study on whether Outbound Linking works or not is this one (in English) by the Reboot Agency, which I am going to write more about here.</p>
  1353. <p><strong>Reboot</strong> created 10 websites each targeting the same keyword and linked half to high authority sites, good quality outbound links to authoritative sites.</p>
  1354. <p>He waited 5 months and wrote the article explaining the results he obtained where he concluded: <strong>Outgoing links to sites considered to be authoritative if they are taken into account by the Google algorithm, also have a positive impact on the positioning of the web from which the links come.</strong></p>
  1355. <p>With these conclusions you should take into account the following recommendations so that this good practice of integrating outgoing links in your articles does not penalize you.</p>
  1356. <h3><strong>These Are 7 Good Practices To Insert Outgoing Links On Your Website</strong></h3>
  1357. <ul>
  1358. <li>So that outgoing links do not &#8220;dilute&#8221; your web positioning, you must link to authoritative sites, that is, reliable, safe, relevant to what you link to&#8230;</li>
  1359. <li>This does not mean that a small blog does not have authority, it means that you must link to quality content that provides added value to your content, not only are the large content creators an authority on the subject, but there are also blogs of small creators that have a high value.</li>
  1360. <li>PageRank retention will not be affected. In other words, the link juice that we SEOs talk so much about will not be lost because good links on your website.</li>
  1361. <li>Any outbound link building scheme is considered &#8220;Black Hat&#8221;, so regularly linking to a website that has little to do with your page or your market will penalize you, because the link is irrelevant and because Google will think that you are selling outbound links. on your website.</li>
  1362. <li>Broken links either internally or externally are a bad sign. This means that your site is unattended, it is not working, make sure the links work. You can use Search console to find out errors in your own links and a tool like Screaming frog for outgoing ones, I use SEMrush to monitor all the errors in my clients&#8217; websites and it works great.</li>
  1363. <li>Affiliate links (that is, links that are placed in some post that take you to a website where you can buy something, if you buy it they will pay a commission to the website that has linked) should always go with the meta tag &#8220;NoFollow&#8221;, thus respecting Google&#8217;s best practices.</li>
  1364. <li>They should also go with the “NoFollow” tag when linking to promoted or sponsored content, advertising, or if you are a blogger doing a product review and getting paid for it.</li>
  1365. </ul>
  1366. <h3><strong>Internal Links</strong></h3>
  1367. <p>An internal link is one of the best weapons that an SEO has to do his job.</p>
  1368. <h3><strong>What is the internal linking of a web page?</strong></h3>
  1369. <p>They are the links that are inside the articles and that take you to related content.</p>
  1370. <p>This is an SEO tactic that has a content writer, who does not need the computer support team to make changes to the web and that gives SEO control of a website to the person responsible for the content.</p>
  1371. <h3><strong>Why is internal linking important?</strong></h3>
  1372. <p>The importance of internal links lies in the fact that with this SEO technique you can tell Google, but especially the people who visit your website, that a page is important.</p>
  1373. <h3><strong>Here’s an example</strong>.</h3>
  1374. <p>In almost all new projects we looked into at Stealth SEO Solutions, when we analyze the positioning of each page of a website, we found that the &#8220;legal notice&#8221; page, &#8220;cookie notice&#8221; are the ones that have the best position in Google.</p>
  1375. <p>Think about this for a moment.</p>
  1376. <p>Do you know why it happens? We are telling Google that there is a page (cookies policy for example), that all pages of the website have a link to it, it is present in all web browsing, it even has a pop up on each page with a button to accept it.</p>
  1377. <p>What can Google do in the face of so many signs of the importance of Cookies? easy, it will position it above the rest.</p>
  1378. <h3><strong>Other Reasons Why An Internal Link Is Very Important</strong></h3>
  1379. <ul>
  1380. <li>It provides the audience of a website with reading options, to expand the information.</li>
  1381. <li>Helps improve keyword ranking in search.</li>
  1382. <li>Send clear signals to Google about what content is important on the web.</li>
  1383. <li>Help promote paid events or services.</li>
  1384. <li>It improves the crawling and indexing of the web by having a more efficient structure.</li>
  1385. </ul>
  1386. <h3><strong>Why Is The Internal Link System Of A Website So Important?</strong></h3>
  1387. <ul>
  1388. <li>Help the visitor to discover or expand related content.</li>
  1389. <li>Increases the reading available for each visit.</li>
  1390. <li>It makes visitors to your website read more, therefore they spend more time on your website.</li>
  1391. <li>It assumes that a user can be reading content on your website, browsing it without having to leave, which also reduces the bounce rate and increases engagement.</li>
  1392. <li>Search engines index it better since it offers the Google bot a good signal of usability and trust in your website.</li>
  1393. <li><a class="ilm_added_url" href="">Increase the level of authority of your website</a> if your internal links add value to each visit.</li>
  1394. </ul>
  1395. <p>One of the signals that you send to Google through internal linking is that you consider it important for the reader to expand the information on a topic or a keyword and then you make a link so that they expand the meaning or read related content.</p>
  1396. <p>To consider the importance of this link and the relation to the content it sends to, Google uses the <strong>Anchor Text</strong> of the link.</p>
  1397. <h3><strong>Anchor Text</strong></h3>
  1398. <p>Using anchor text (highlighted words that are links) helps improve keyword rankings.</p>
  1399. <p>For example, if I want this article to be considered relevant by Google for the keyword “internal linking guide”, then I will link to it from other posts related to this topic with variations of the quoted text.</p>
  1400. <p>This will tell Google that this article is relevant to people searching for “internal linking guide”.</p>
  1401. <p>But be careful not to go too far. If you link words with the exact text too often, in unrelated content, you will be cheating Google, and this is penalized harshly.</p>
  1402. <p><strong>My best advice: help your users find the content you think is related and important, naturally, for the sake of reading, and forget about Google (ok, look at it out of the corner of your eye, but not head-on).</strong></p>
  1403. <p>Avoid &#8220;cannibalizing&#8221; search positions, you must be very careful about sending signals to position the same keyword to different pages within your website, or you will put them to compete for the same keyword.</p>
  1404. <p>Google does not usually give two positions for two different pages of the same domain on the main page, so what you will be doing is an effort to position two pages when only one has the possibility of doing so.</p>
  1405. <h3><strong>Hub Pages</strong></h3>
  1406. <p>Using a “Hub page” to avoid the cannibalization of keywords and Google positions is a very good practice.</p>
  1407. <p>A Hub Page is a page that you use to concentrate all your internal linking efforts for a specific topic.</p>
  1408. <p>You can use a Category, a tag since these are updated continuously as the content of the web increases, although a piece of advice, take good care of the use of categories and tags since you can see yourself involved in a penalty for duplicate content.</p>
  1409. <p>The best thing about using a hub page is that the content that grows under its influence keeps the content “fresh and valuable”.</p>
  1410. <h3><strong>Content Quality (Quality Content):</strong></h3>
  1411. <p>Quality Content is one of the factors that is most aligned with the user, because quality content makes a person keep coming back to a blog, read the articles and interact more with the post.</p>
  1412. <p>It is very interesting how an algorithm learns to assess the content of a page and with increasing efficiency is able to determine if it is spin content, duplicate content, if it is good or not in short.</p>
  1413. <p><em>“Spun content is content that is not original, programs are used that are capable of changing single words in the text, changing them to synonyms and semantically close words in a sufficient percentage so that the text has the original appearance”.</em></p>
  1414. <p>What the algorithm cannot do is judge content like you and I can, but there are some signals you can consider determining whether or not you and I like the content on your website.</p>
  1415. <p>It is very important to write for humans, Google is increasingly efficient in knowing my &#8220;opinion&#8221; about content by analyzing my interaction with it, so stay away from writing for a robot and write for people. The search engine is using less, one keyword for ranking priority, instead it is using the “User Experience”.</p>
  1416. <h3><strong>How To Get This?</strong></h3>
  1417. <p>You should not over-optimize your content for keywords, instead use as many variations or related keywords as it is natural to use for a given text, write for a reader who can enjoy the text, participate or learn from it.</p>
  1418. <p>Grammar and spelling are fundamental, it is vital to review the texts and complete them by means of a test reading, a pair of eyes different from yours will help you to ensure that your texts do not have errors.</p>
  1419. <p>Google is capable of detecting multiple errors, but the most important thing is that your visitors will trust your well-written text more than one that has several typos.</p>
  1420. <h3><strong>Some Basic Tips To Keep The Texts Within Legibility Parameters:</strong></h3>
  1421. <ul>
  1422. <li>Keep sentences short.</li>
  1423. <li>Do not write more than 25% of the sentences with more than 20 words.</li>
  1424. <li>Keep the paragraphs short.</li>
  1425. <li>You should not exceed 150 words per paragraph.</li>
  1426. <li>If you use subtitles do not exceed the text that follows, about 300 words.</li>
  1427. <li>Make sure about 50% of your sentences have a transition word.</li>
  1428. </ul>
  1429. <h3><strong>Long Term Google SEO</strong></h3>
  1430. <p>In most cases, explaining the value of the work of an SEO Consultant when the results can take weeks, months or even years is complex.</p>
  1431. <p>A few days ago, I wrote a post where I explain how knowing the factors that are involved in the price of a web positioning project is expensive for an SEO consultant, but it can also make the client see their expectation of results frustrated.</p>
  1432. <p>At the end of the post, it occurred to me that the factors are difficult to explain and demonstrate to a client, so I am writing this to try to explain how I show my clients the <strong>value of SEO.</strong></p>
  1433. <p>If you search the Internet for &#8220;price of an SEO project&#8221; or a quote for web positioning or simply the question: <strong>What does SEO cost?</strong> you will find countless messages with price lists, plans and prices, from $100 right through to $10,000 per month or more, depending on various factors.</p>
  1434. <p>But, how to put value on something that for the client is ethereal? that is at the whim of a private company (Google), that can change the rules of the game, that can make you disappear, that you can climb a mountain Russian in which today you are up, tomorrow you are down and the day after you are up, the results are seen in the medium term, <strong>how do I put a value on it today?</strong></p>
  1435. <p>This is where we must be clear that seo is a continuous effort and that the results are usually long-term.</p>
  1436. <h3><strong>What Is Long-Term SEO?</strong></h3>
  1437. <p>It is <a class="ilm_added_url" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">search engine optimization</a> that requires a long period for you to see clear progress in your ranking.</p>
  1438. <p>This includes, for example, changes in the architecture of a website, campaigns to create natural links, application of HTTPS security&#8230;</p>
  1439. <p>We know that HTTPS has an impact on the positioning of the web for different reasons.</p>
  1440. <p>One of them is that users feel more comfortable and trust the web page they are visiting, but it was not until Google admitted that it is a positioning factor that all SEOs have thrown themselves into SSL as if it were the last widget in the supermarket.</p>
  1441. <p>The idea is very simple, you install a certificate that encrypts your website so that communications become more secure.</p>
  1442. <p>But if we are talking about implementing this security in a medium or large website, the technical implications of this migration make the budget skyrocket.</p>
  1443. <h3><strong>How Do We Explain To A Client That This Will Give Him A Return In The Medium Term?</strong></h3>
  1444. <p>But in addition to the fact that Google has declared it an important factor and now you will have to spend a lot of money to fix something that cannot be seen, smelled or felt&#8230; it is a real problem to explain this issue.</p>
  1445. <p>And we must explain that in the project evolution reports we can notice a downward peak in the positioning before it begins to grow (a moment of nerves and a subsequent respite).</p>
  1446. <p>That is why the work of an SEO Consultant requires a high dose of trust on the part of the Client.</p>
  1447. <h3><strong>What Can We Do To Explain That Long-Term SEO Work Is Profitable For Your Company?</strong></h3>
  1448. <p>The only thing I can think of is to explain success stories to show the value of a long-term SEO strategy.</p>
  1449. <h3><strong>Study Cases Or Success Stories:</strong></h3>
  1450. <p>One of the good things about the market I find myself in is that there is a lot of information available, there are people everywhere testing everything you can imagine.</p>
  1451. <p>In addition, I myself have my own domains that I call little gardens where I put into practice everything that I would never try on a client&#8217;s website.</p>
  1452. <p>This gives you the ability to demonstrate and explain real cases that can be applied to another project.</p>
  1453. <p>It is possible that everything you plan to do on your website someone has already done, even more than possible it is a sure thing.</p>
  1454. <p>So, to explain a project to a client there is nothing like explaining something that has already happened and has had a positive or negative result.</p>
  1455. <p>It is difficult to emulate the same result but surely if you do all the good practices that your competition&#8217;s websites have, I assure you that you will get good results.</p>
  1456. <p>Take a look at what your competition is doing, see what is working best for them, now you have an SEO product to sell to a client.</p>
  1457. <h3><strong>I Sell The Small Victories:</strong></h3>
  1458. <p>I am in love with pay per click, or pay per impression, or paid social traffic. Maybe this goes with my anxious spirit, I want the results now, today, yesterday, now it&#8217;s too late. That can only be offered by a tool like Google Ads or Facebook Ads.</p>
  1459. <p>When you have to make a report on the analytics of a web page and there are no results to offer, it is a moment that causes me a lot of anxiety, I do not know how to explain that the results will come, patience must be maintained, we are on the right track.</p>
  1460. <p>That is why I used part of my analysis time in the search for small victories that are showing us the way.</p>
  1461. <p>A simple thing to understand for a client is the positioning of a keyword, which means that although you are not in the first place in Google, you are getting more visibility and what a positive impact it has on a local business that customers see. your business.</p>
  1462. <p>That&#8217;s why I love Google&#8217;s search console, it&#8217;s the perfect tool to show user interactions with the web page such as impressions, clicks and which keywords are improving or appearing in almost real time.</p>
  1463. <p>A Search Console search analytics report is a powerful tool that a very high percentage of clients I&#8217;ve shown it to have clearly understood, buying some time to wait for long-term seo results to kick in. to produce conversions.</p>
  1464. <p>Another tool that I use a lot is SEMrush.</p>
  1465. <p>Keyword visibility reports are very useful to explain to the client how the seo work is progressing compared to the competition.</p>
  1466. <p>With these two tools you can demonstrate how a keyword campaign supported by quality content is flourishing, how it is evolving and how organic growth is growing around this keyword.</p>
  1467. <p>Something very important that Search console provides is evolution, you can compare how you were 3 months ago and what has been the evolution so far, here you have partial victories that reinforce your content strategy, and what they pay you for it.</p>
  1468. <h3><strong>Conversion Rate.</strong></h3>
  1469. <p>Sometimes in the organic fight for a position, it leaves aside the conversion rate of the traffic by positioning.</p>
  1470. <p>It may be more complex for you to measure the conversion rate in the organic, due to the structure and sections of a website, but if you break down the traffic well, it can give you very useful information about conversions.</p>
  1471. <p>Sometimes it may happen to you that you change the objectives for more qualified ones, targeting new keywords that produce less traffic but higher conversion, what about this?</p>
  1472. <p>It is the case that with less organic traffic, the conversion rate grows, but if your &#8220;yardstick&#8221; is organic traffic, that is, your client has an expectation of quantitative growth in traffic and an increase in position in the ranking, you&#8217;re screwed.</p>
  1473. <p>It&#8217;s up to you to explain your strategy, even better, why having less traffic is beneficial to achieve sales goals.</p>
  1474. <p>Explain, argue, demonstrate and convince.</p>
  1475. <p>One of my biggest challenges is the pedagogy of executing a long-term SEO plan.</p>
  1476. <p>The challenge is to show the value of the SEO strategy in the long term, so remember the keys that I have given at this point:</p>
  1477. <ul>
  1478. <li>Success stories.</li>
  1479. <li>I sell small wins.</li>
  1480. <li>Conversion rate is King (content is the medium).</li>
  1481. <li>and I am calmer.</li>
  1482. </ul>
  1483. <h3><strong>Local SEO on Google</strong></h3>
  1484. <p>Local SEO is nothing more than the specific techniques that we can apply to the position in a geolocated way. It is very interesting because if you are a business in a specific city, it will not help you to appear first in cities where you do not offer your products or services, this is what <a class="ilm_added_url" href="">Local SEO in Google</a> is for.</p>
  1485. <p>If your company has a physical presence in a certain place, local SEO positioning is essential for the success of the business. A good <a href="">Local SEO company</a> can help you to obtain the best position in the search results on Google. However, Google is not the only search engine that can drive traffic. Bing can also drive large volumes of leads for your business and a good <a class="ilm_added_url" href="">local SEO</a> expert can help drive your rank in Bing as well.</p>
  1486. <p>Investing in Local Positioning begins with the design of your website, in which you must take into account a series of factors that your Web Designer cannot ignore:</p>
  1487. <ul>
  1488. <li>You must adapt your website to any device, the user is multiplatform and your website must be too.</li>
  1489. <li>It must clearly describe the objective of your website, if you are in a physical store, you must clearly inform of the telephone number, physical address, hours&#8230; with an optimal structured data markup.</li>
  1490. <li>Your services or products must have a clear description that reinforces your positioning as a brand, a specific service and must also have reference to how it is purchased, shipping times, stock in the store, hours of purchase in the local store&#8230;</li>
  1491. <li>Images are a ranking factor that we are not going to discover now, but also optimize them for search engines (alt attribute, file name, context, file size, exif data, long description, image sitemap and links with an optimal anchor text towards this image)</li>
  1492. <li>The location of your hosting is one of the most powerful local positioning factors, so you should require the company that is in charge of your Web Design to optimize the purchase of hosting to locate it as close as possible to your target audience. (Example: If your store is in Newport Beach, you can ask your web designer to find a hosting in Newport Beach or nearby, where the IP of your hosting will help you position yourself in this place.)</li>
  1493. <li>The programming of your website should help positioning, without excessive load of CSS or elements that penalize the loading speed of your site.</li>
  1494. </ul>
  1495. <p>The best advice I can offer you, is that you find a specialized and recognized company in your city so that your web design, in addition to nice, be effective, because one without the other will not get the result you are looking for in the web presence of your local business.</p>
  1496. <p>I am not going to tell you today how important it is to be well positioned on the internet, we have already talked about it a lot on my blog.</p>
  1497. <p>Being well positioned means more customers for your business, <strong>so without further ado I am going to tell you 6 things that will make your business more visible locally.</strong></p>
  1498. <p>3 out of 4 people use Google (or other search engines) to find products and services near where they are.</p>
  1499. <p>These are the 6 keys, check if you have them and if you don&#8217;t have them&#8230; get on with it!</p>
  1500. <ol>
  1501. <li>
  1502. <h3><strong> Do You Know Your Name?</strong></h3>
  1503. </li>
  1504. </ol>
  1505. <p>NAP stands for Name – Address – Phone. Always use the same way to publish this NAP wherever you publish it, that is, on Facebook, on your website, on <a class="ilm_added_url" href="">Google Business Profile..</a>.</p>
  1506. <ol start="2">
  1507. <li>
  1508. <h3><strong> Do You Know What City You Are In?</strong></h3>
  1509. </li>
  1510. </ol>
  1511. <p>Yes, it is obvious, but it is no less important for that, you are in Newport Beach (for example). You must incorporate this information with a schema markup, microdata, rich text, labeling the information so that the Google robot understands it.</p>
  1512. <p>At a minimum you must include:</p>
  1513. <ul>
  1514. <li>Meta title tag: for example, “Bakery in Newport Beach: Open 24 hours”.</li>
  1515. <li>Meta Label Description: &#8220;Enter here to find a Bakery in Newport Beach, we open every day with a wide variety of Bread&#8221;</li>
  1516. <li>In Heading H1: “The Bakery in Newport Beach that you are looking for, we open all day so you can enjoy Hot Bread, we serve at home.”</li>
  1517. <li>In the url: this is the browser address, for example:</li>
  1518. <li>Write well: Here I am going to over-optimize, Write Well, if you can&#8217;t do it, write Very Well, useful texts for the reader of course using the city where you are and writing LSI terms, but above all try to be useful, or they won&#8217;t read you nor Googlebot.</li>
  1519. <li>Images: Use the name of the file, the description, the title of the image to include terms close to the location where you are, and you know, do not overoptimize.</li>
  1520. <li>Videos: The social networks of your business, your blog, video blog&#8230; geoposition the video in the place where it was recorded (without overoptimizing&#8230;) place your location where you think it is useful for your audience.</li>
  1521. </ul>
  1522. <ol start="3">
  1523. <li>
  1524. <h3><strong> Use Google Maps (From Google Business Profile):</strong></h3>
  1525. </li>
  1526. </ol>
  1527. <p><a class="ilm_added_url" href="">Google Business Profile</a> is a tool that gives you the option to appear several times on the first page (more visibility, more possibilities):</p>
  1528. <p>You will appear on the Map, in the Local result and in the organic result.</p>
  1529. <ol start="4">
  1530. <li>
  1531. <h3><strong> Get Reviews and Comments.</strong></h3>
  1532. </li>
  1533. </ol>
  1534. <p>If there is something that has always worked for a local business, it is word of mouth. It is still the most important stated reason for them choosing you.</p>
  1535. <p>On the internet, this is achieved by having your customers review and comment on your products or services.</p>
  1536. <p>Reviews or comments can be encouraged on many platforms, for example, if you are a in hotel, it is worth investing in having your (satisfied) customers send reviews to TripAdvisor but if what you are looking for is a local positioning strategy you should invest in getting reviews written on Google&#8217;s own platform.</p>
  1537. <p>You can boost these reviews using promotions, discounts or offers, Google allows this type of activity. Some good practices to get more reviews are the following:</p>
  1538. <ul>
  1539. <li>Put a link to Google Maps on your website, where with a simple click your customers can rate your business with 5 stars.</li>
  1540. <li>Set yourself a small goal, for example, get 10 reviews, once achieved go for more.</li>
  1541. <li>You have direct and daily contact with your customers, openly ask them to give you a review, you can reinforce it with cards explaining how it is done.</li>
  1542. <li>Use negative comments as an opportunity, always respond and try to double check that your criticism has been taken into account.</li>
  1543. </ul>
  1544. <ol start="5">
  1545. <li>
  1546. <h3><strong> Put A Map, It&#8217;s Free And Cool.</strong></h3>
  1547. </li>
  1548. </ol>
  1549. <p>Putting a map on your website of where you are, or how to get to your business, is cool. It has two functions: one is to help those who want to go to your business to find you on the map or get directions on their mobile to reach you.</p>
  1550. <p>The other function is SEO, think like Google, if it helps someone improve their search experience (i.e find what they are looking for), it will help you rank.</p>
  1551. <ol start="6">
  1552. <li>
  1553. <h3><strong> Rich Snippets, Rich Text Snippets.</strong></h3>
  1554. </li>
  1555. </ol>
  1556. <p>Uff, we get into places where you may need help from a code expert, so I&#8217;m going to try to explain it to you as it has been explained to me a thousand times (and another thousand that it will take for you to understand it&#8230;</p>
  1557. <p>To find an example of these Rich Snippets, it is best to search for a recipe on Google, there are results that have ratings of stars and thumbnail images, and on the right the recipe from Wikipedia appears, all this is achieved through the text enriched.</p>
  1558. <p>I&#8217;m not going to go too far into this explanation, I know enough about code to call in an expert at this point. Just to get you started on structured data, check out this tool: <a href="" rel="nofollow "></a></p>
  1559. <p>With this structured data testing, tool you will see how you can order the information to make life easier for Google and therefore for the users of your website.</p>
  1560. <p>Your &#8220;computer&#8221; will structure the content to enrich the content with extra information, the Google robot understands the code very well, knows how to read html and displays extra information.</p>
  1561. <h3><strong>Ways To Eat The Competition With Local SEO</strong></h3>
  1562. <p>New to local search? You should know that local searches on Google are the ones that represent the highest percentage of purchase intent, so dominating local searches is a good starting point for your business to take off online.</p>
  1563. <p><strong><strong>We are going to see 5 simple ways to improve your <a href="">local SEO strategy</a> so that you “Eat” your competition.</strong></strong></p>
  1564. <p>If you have read the section of the blog where I write about SEO strategies, you will have already seen that there is something that is constantly repeated, SEO is changing all the time.</p>
  1565. <p>When it comes to local SEO, it&#8217;s more important than ever that you optimize your OnPage and OffPage SEO strategies for customers who may be searching for your local business.</p>
  1566. <p>Local competition is heating up, and if you&#8217;re not at the top of Google, you can bet on your competitors if they are.</p>
  1567. <p>Here are five strong local SEO tactics you can use this year to help your business rise to the top for local search terms:</p>
  1568. <ol>
  1569. <li>
  1570. <h3><strong>Title And Description Tags, Still Matter </strong></h3>
  1571. </li>
  1572. </ol>
  1573. <p>Title and description tags are HTML elements that you can customize to reflect the content of your web page. The text of the title and description tags are displayed in search results.</p>
  1574. <p>Think of this text as a &#8220;mini-ad&#8221; that you need to treat carefully.</p>
  1575. <p>Last year, Google increased the width of the main search results area to 600 pixels. The generally acceptable length for title tags is approximately 50-60 characters, and description tags can be approximately 160-200 characters. Take advantage of this space and use it wisely, and make sure to check that your titles and descriptions don&#8217;t get cut off in search results.</p>
  1576. <p>If you&#8217;re not sure what your title and meta description tags will look like, or how many characters you can use, try using an emulator like the one from SEOmofo or the Yoast SEO Plugin for WordPress.</p>
  1577. <h3><strong>Writing Titles And Descriptions Is An Art In The SEO World.</strong></h3>
  1578. <p>In a sea of ​​competitive search results, if this text isn&#8217;t unique, compelling, and descriptive, your click-through rate will suffer.</p>
  1579. <p>Also, an extra word or character could cut off your text, this may not be a real tragedy, but it looks unprofessional, especially when displayed in the middle of a sentence, making your title or description less impactful.</p>
  1580. <p>This space is precious, and every letter counts. Here are some tips on this:</p>
  1581. <ul>
  1582. <li>Never waste space that doesn&#8217;t provide useful information.</li>
  1583. <li>If you want to reach local customers, include the name of the city where you are located and/or the area of ​​influence of your business (for example, “Newport Beach – Florist for Weddings and Events | Shipping and Store”).</li>
  1584. <li>Focus on using a targeted keyword and carefully place that keyword as close to the beginning of the tag as you can.</li>
  1585. </ul>
  1586. <p>Remember, if your business appears in the search results, you have a chance for that person to click on your link. Don&#8217;t mess it up by wasting characters that won&#8217;t help convince a potential customer to click on your result.</p>
  1587. <h3><strong>Want To Know How Many Clicks You&#8217;re Missing Out On By Not Drawing Enough Attention To Yourself With Your Headline?</strong></h3>
  1588. <p>Go to Search Console, if you do not have it installed yet, you should know that it is very easy to Install Search Console in WordPress.</p>
  1589. <p>In the &#8220;Google Search Console&#8221;, you can see how many times your result has been displayed and the position in which it appears. To know how many clicks you are missing, look at the CTR rate, this tells you the number of times your result has been clicked divided by the number of times it has been displayed.</p>
  1590. <p>For example, if your CTR is 2% and it has been displayed 1,000 times, well, you know, your competition has received 980 more clicks than you.</p>
  1591. <ol start="2">
  1592. <li>
  1593. <h3><strong>Internet Directories And Citations</strong></h3>
  1594. </li>
  1595. </ol>
  1596. <p>According to Google, about four out of five consumers use search engines to conduct local searches. However, many small businesses have not claimed their <a class="ilm_added_url" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">local business on Google Business Profile,</a> which is a huge, missed opportunity.</p>
  1597. <p>It is important that your business is listed correctly and consistently in online business directories such as Yelp, Merchant Circle, Citysearch and others.</p>
  1598. <p>You&#8217;ll also want to search for &#8220;reputable&#8221; local directories to list your business. Check with the website of your local newspaper, with the Chamber of Commerce to see if they have a local business directory where you can get listed. You can also do a keyword search like “[your city] directory” to find other business listing sites or directories.</p>
  1599. <p>It&#8217;s also important to get your business name, address, and phone number (NAP) from major data aggregators. Always make sure your company&#8217;s NAP is consistent across as many of these directories and citation sites as possible. Discrepancies like misspellings, abbreviations, missing street number, and wrong phone number can create havoc when Google can&#8217;t determine what information about your business is correct.</p>
  1600. <p>If Google isn&#8217;t sure, it may show the wrong information or not show your business at all in search results.</p>
  1601. <ol start="3">
  1602. <li>
  1603. <h3><strong>Google Business Profile: Claim And Optimize</strong></h3>
  1604. </li>
  1605. </ol>
  1606. <p>Google Business Profile (formerly Google Business Profile (GBP)) is considered a directory, but it&#8217;s a big problem if you don&#8217;t take good care of it, so it deserves its own section. It is very important that local businesses claim their <a class="ilm_added_url" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Google Business Profile page</a> (and also Bing Places for Business). It&#8217;s free, and you can get incredible exposure if it&#8217;s optimized enough to show up in local Google searches in three ways:</p>
  1607. <p>To claim your Google Business Profile page, visit <a href="" rel="nofollow "></a>. There is a verification process where Google will send a postcard with a PIN to your physical business location. Then simply enter the PIN to verify your business.</p>
  1608. <p>This verification process is necessary because Google wants to confirm that your business is legitimate and that you are in fact the owner of the business. Please note that according to Google&#8217;s terms of service, only the business owner can claim a GBP page.</p>
  1609. <p>If you are working with a digital marketing agency on your SEO efforts, you can grant them permission to be an admin of your page, that way you will remain in control when you stop working with this marketing agency. (You will avoid many problems).</p>
  1610. <p>The next step is to optimize your GBP listing with a strong description, categories, business hours, accepted payment types, and so on. Also make sure to upload your logo and photos of the business, products or services. (Usually uploading at least three photos is recommended.)</p>
  1611. <p>Each section matters, it is relevant for your list to be complete. If you are a service business and you don&#8217;t have a location where customers can visit you, don&#8217;t worry; You can choose to hide your physical address during the setup of your Google Business Profile listing.</p>
  1612. <p>As I&#8217;ve mentioned several times, Bing also has a page for local businesses called Bing Places for Business. The process is very similar to GBP, and you must have your business listed in the local Bing directory, too.</p>
  1613. <ol start="4">
  1614. <li>
  1615. <h3><strong>Opinions On The Internet Matter</strong></h3>
  1616. </li>
  1617. </ol>
  1618. <p>Companies are finally starting to realize the importance of their customers&#8217; online opinions.</p>
  1619. <p>According to a recent survey, 84 percent of people trust online reviews as much as a personal recommendation, and seven out of 10 customers will leave a review for a business if the business asks.</p>
  1620. <p>There are several software tools and marketing tools that you can use to proactively track, manage, and try to get reviews.</p>
  1621. <p>Additionally, many social media platforms, such as Hootsuite and TinyTorch, allow you to monitor and get alerts whenever your brand is mentioned. Whenever a review of your business is left, positive or negative, be sure to respond.</p>
  1622. <p>That shows other people reading the reviews that the business owner cares about what their customers think.</p>
  1623. <p>Two places you should focus on getting feedback are your business Facebook page and Google Business Profile page. These are the big ones.</p>
  1624. <p>Many people turn to social media to see what their friends and family think about a business, so having good reviews on your business&#8217;s Facebook page can help attract customers. Getting positive reviews on your Google Business Profile page is crucial because these reviews show up on Google when someone searches for your business.</p>
  1625. <p>Google also notes that &#8220;high-quality, positive reviews from your customers will improve your business&#8217;s visibility”, implying that reviews could be a factor in rankings in the local search package.</p>
  1626. <h3><strong>Use Local Structured Data Markup</strong></h3>
  1627. <p>Structured data, often referred to as &#8220;markup&#8221; or &#8220; markup,&#8221; can be added to your website code to provide search engines with more information about your business, such as the products you sell, services you offer and so on.</p>
  1628. <p>Only 20% percent of websites are using this markup and most are only using the basics. You can make your local business stand out (and possibly rank higher than your competitors) by adding structured data markup to your website where appropriate.</p>
  1629. <p>Google wants you to use structured data markup because it helps their spiders better determine what the content of your website is. Google even offers a structured data testing tool so you can check if your markup is implemented correctly.</p>
  1630. <p>If the idea of ​​code, programming, scares you, you can also use Google Data Marker to mark content without too much knowledge.</p>
  1631. <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">SEO Guide 2022: Complete Strategy To Rank On Google</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Stealth SEO Solutions</a>.</p>
  1632. ]]></content:encoded>
  1633. </item>
  1634. <item>
  1635. <title>8 Tips For Writing Effective Google Ads</title>
  1636. <link></link>
  1637. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Chris Cantell]]></dc:creator>
  1638. <pubDate>Wed, 13 Apr 2022 02:27:56 +0000</pubDate>
  1639. <category><![CDATA[SEO Articles]]></category>
  1640. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  1642. <description><![CDATA[<p>Google Ads are a great way to drive more traffic to your website and generate more sales. However, for them to be effective, it is important to write specific, relevant ...</p>
  1643. <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">8 Tips For Writing Effective Google Ads</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Stealth SEO Solutions</a>.</p>
  1644. ]]></description>
  1645. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Google Ads are a great way to drive more traffic to your website and generate more sales. However, for them to be effective, it is important to write specific, relevant ad copy that converts.</p>
  1646. <p>In this post we share 8 recommendations to improve the writing of your ads for them to perform on Google Ads.</p>
  1647. <h3><strong>Tip #1: Choose Your Words Boldly</strong></h3>
  1648. <p><a class="ilm_keyword_link " href=""  title="Google ads" data-ilm-keyword-link="linked">Google ads</a> are strategically positioned: it&#8217;s impossible not to see them when you do a search. However, we do not always pay attention to what they say, and this is due in part to the fact that the text fails to capture our attention.</p>
  1649. <p>It is important to write the texts carefully, choosing the words well so that the titles are striking, stand out or invite you to click on the link. Sometimes, a “disruptive” or rarely used word can capture more attention.</p>
  1650. <h3><strong>Tip #2: </strong><strong>Highlight What Makes You Unique</strong></h3>
  1651. <p>How do you add value to your customers? When writing an ad, prioritize the products, services, or offers that make you competitive. If you manage to highlight something that your competitors do not offer, you are more likely to capture the attention of your audience.</p>
  1652. <h3><strong>Tip #3: </strong><strong>Facilitate Purchase Decisions</strong></h3>
  1653. <p>People often use Google search to make purchasing decisions. Help them by offering them the information they need to decide, such as price, exclusive features, or available discounts.</p>
  1654. <h3><strong>Tip #4: </strong><strong>Provoke The Click Of The Users</strong></h3>
  1655. <p>It is key that the ads include a specific call to action (CTA), which leaves no doubt about what will happen if they click on the link. Are you selling a product? Tell people what they can “buy now”. Do you offer a service? Tell them how to contact your company to register it.</p>
  1656. <p>Some widely used CTAs are:</p>
  1657. <ul>
  1658. <li>Buy Now</li>
  1659. <li>Call Right Now</li>
  1660. <li>Sign Up</li>
  1661. <li>Ask For A Quote</li>
  1662. <li>Write To Us</li>
  1663. <li>Download Now</li>
  1664. </ul>
  1665. <p>In line with tip #1, you can also experiment with unconventional CTAs, such as “let&#8217;s chat”, “don&#8217;t click”, “download for a friend”, etc.</p>
  1666. <h3><strong>Tip #5: </strong><strong>Play With Keywords</strong></h3>
  1667. <p>Keywords in the ad text indicate how relevant the ad is to what people are searching for. For example, if you&#8217;ve set &#8220;How To Get New Leads&#8221; as a key phrase, your ad headline could be some variation such as &#8220;Discover How To Get New Leads For Your Business&#8221;.</p>
  1668. <h3><strong>Tip #6: </strong><strong>Be Consistent With What You Offer</strong></h3>
  1669. <p>This may seem obvious, but it&#8217;s not always the case: the page the ad links to must be 100% consistent with what the ad promises, and more generally, so must the website.</p>
  1670. <p>The opposite can be considered misleading by users, causing a very high bounce rate and damage to the brand&#8217;s reputation.</p>
  1671. <h3><strong>Tip #7: </strong><strong>Think About Users Who Use Cell Phones</strong></h3>
  1672. <p>People who see your ads on a mobile probably want to know your location or call you. So, if you know that your target audience accesses your site mostly from mobile (this may not be the case), consider displaying your business location and phone number using location extensions and call extensions.</p>
  1673. <h3><strong>Tip #8: </strong><strong>Create Different Creatives For Each Ad Group</strong></h3>
  1674. <p>Create different creatives for each ad group and use different messaging in each to see which performs best. Google Ads automatically rotates ads and shows the best performing ones more often.</p>
  1675. <p>Take note of the ones that don&#8217;t perform well, and tweak them to see which variations work best. This way you can check if a word or phrase has a different impact than expected.</p>
  1676. <h3><strong>Common Mistakes In Ad Copy</strong></h3>
  1677. <p>In order to ensure that all ads are of high quality, each ad must meet editorial and professional requirements. This means no extra spaces, mixed case, unclear URLs, and so on.</p>
  1678. <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">8 Tips For Writing Effective Google Ads</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Stealth SEO Solutions</a>.</p>
  1679. ]]></content:encoded>
  1680. </item>
  1681. <item>
  1682. <title>What Is Content Marketing And How To Implement It</title>
  1683. <link></link>
  1684. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Chris Cantell]]></dc:creator>
  1685. <pubDate>Tue, 12 Apr 2022 13:23:26 +0000</pubDate>
  1686. <category><![CDATA[SEO Articles]]></category>
  1687. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  1689. <description><![CDATA[<p>“If online content is king today, knowing how to communicate and manage it is the final step in an effective marketing strategy. In this series of articles, we explain what ...</p>
  1690. <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">What Is Content Marketing And How To Implement It</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Stealth SEO Solutions</a>.</p>
  1691. ]]></description>
  1692. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>“<em>If online content is king today, knowing how to communicate and manage it is the final step in an effective marketing strategy. In this series of articles, we explain what its characteristics are, and we show you some examples”.</em></p>
  1693. <p>In an era of advertising saturation with intrusive popups, fickle loyalty and online price comparators, getting the user&#8217;s attention, attracting him, arousing his interest, converting the latter into a purchase decision and subsequently creating a long-term relationship, is a real feat. But that&#8217;s the kind of results <strong>content marketing</strong> delivers. Because its potential is not limited only to conversion, it is the most effective tool when it comes to creating a brand image and positioning ourselves as the embodiment of a series of values.</p>
  1694. <p>Content marketing is also a journey in which we attend to the needs of the user at every step, and in which the messages are modulated accordingly. From the general to the particular; from the Top of the Funnel (TOFU) to the Bottom of the Funnel (BOFU). According to the latest surveys, 91% of B2B marketing managers have already integrated this modality into their general strategy, a figure that reaches 86% in the case of B2C.</p>
  1695. <p>But what exactly are those contents that feed our marketing strategy? Actually, it is something very simple: information of interest and with its own value. It may be directly related to what we do. For example, a recipe blog if we sell vegetables. Or it may be related in terms of lifestyle and field of interests. For example, a technological innovation blog if we are dedicated to providing telephone or Internet services. But, beyond these approaches, if we want to offer content that adds value, it is essential that we know exactly who we are targeting, which leads us to…</p>
  1696. <p>Attracting a lot of traffic is the fundamental objective of any means of communication. However, in content marketing, while it is desirable to attract as many users as possible, it is even more important that their profile matches our services.</p>
  1697. <p>It is useless to generate millions of leads if there is no conversion. In other words, if we offer fitness accessories, it won&#8217;t help us if kids interested in e-sports or role-playing games visit us. As in any human relationship, the only way to know what a person cares about is to meet them and empathize with them. For this, one of the most useful techniques is the definition of the <strong>buyer persona</strong> (BP).</p>
  1698. <p>If your first pimples came out in the nineties, you will remember that game called &#8220;Who&#8217;s Who&#8221; in which you had to identify a character chosen by your rival. If he had a mustache, glasses, blonde or brown hair, curly or straight, etc. Something similar must be done with the BP: assign traits such as age, educational background, occupation, leisure, cultural concerns, marital status, number of children, etc.</p>
  1699. <p>The BP will thus determine not only the type of content but above all the tone that we use in our communication. Once we are clear about the recipient of what we are telling, the phase of articulating a coherent discourse arrives.</p>
  1700. <h3><strong>A Bit Of Storytelling</strong></h3>
  1701. <p>In recent years, storytelling (or telling stories) has been omnipresent in marketing and other areas of communication such as conferences or public speaking. Its great virtue lies in the fact that it takes us to the realm of the concrete, whether it is someone&#8217;s life and their experience or real events with impact and the ability to generate engagement. For this reason, storytelling has a specific weight in content marketing. This technique operates at different levels.</p>
  1702. <ul>
  1703. <li>Brand image or brand awareness. Creation of a consistent story that includes things such as the origins of the company, the challenges it has faced, the solutions it has found and the human team that has made it possible. It is vital that this story also shows the mistakes made and the challenges overcome and the solutions found. Our reader doesn&#8217;t want a fairy tale, so he avoids sweeteners. Storytelling also has a more general dimension: all the content we create or buy, be it videos, posts, influencer sponsorships, etc. They help to generate a story: what interests us, what goals we have, what our knowledge of a certain subject is, and the like.</li>
  1704. <li>Application in specific contents. If we write a post about a technical problem and its solutions, we can draw on the experience of one of our users. “Jaime contacted us because he was not happy with his CRM and was looking for a custom solution”. Personal experiences are valued more because they allow you to connect with them. The same thing happens with user criticism and reviews: they put a face, name and surname to a user experience. These types of tools and approaches can be applied in all the formats in which we work.</li>
  1705. </ul>
  1706. <h3><strong>Earned, Paid And Owned: The Content Trilogy</strong></h3>
  1707. <p>But what are the contents at our disposal when establishing a strategy? There are dozens of possible contents, from the simple and classic blog to more sophisticated and expensive alternatives such as sponsoring a web series integrating one of our services, such as, for example, that the action takes place in one of the establishments of our restaurant chain. However, all of them can be classified into three specific categories.</p>
  1708. <ul>
  1709. <li>Earned: Those mentions we receive in third-party media. They can be from a review in a magazine to a user rating on the Amazon page. This is the content with the greatest credibility among consumers.</li>
  1710. <li>Owned: The content that we generate ourselves. This broad category includes both our own blog posts and e-books, newsletters, webinars or our own website.</li>
  1711. <li>Paid: As its name suggests, these are paid advertising actions. This includes banners, PPC ads and mailings, but also influencer content sponsorship.</li>
  1712. </ul>
  1713. <h3><strong>Content Formats</strong></h3>
  1714. <p>All content is part of a strategy, contains a series of messages and images and uses a transmission channel or medium. In a very synthetic way, since there are hundreds of formats, we can talk about the following:</p>
  1715. <ul>
  1716. <li>Our web. It is the most basic and fundamental format. Although the proliferation of mobile apps and the era of social networks has meant a greater share of the cake, our page is still the starting point of our strategy.</li>
  1717. <li>Our blog. It is the natural extension of our website and, so to speak, its most organic and living component by virtue of its constant (in theory, of course) updating.</li>
  1718. <li>Social media posts. Content we create and share on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Snapchat, etc.</li>
  1719. <li>Sponsored posts. For example, an article or a video in which an influencer uses one of our products or services.</li>
  1720. <li>Graphic resources are a powerful communication tool.</li>
  1721. <li>Videos: They can be integrated into articles or have their own entity to be shared in RRSS.</li>
  1722. <li>E-books: They allow to offer denser and more complex content.</li>
  1723. <li>Courses: An online course is also an ideal way to generate leads.</li>
  1724. <li>Webinars: It is the way to take advantage of your know-how to communicate it in an online event.</li>
  1725. <li>Podcasts: They are content almost as old as the Internet, but highly efficient in the case of users who spend a lot of time traveling.</li>
  1726. </ul>
  1727. <h2><strong>Journey Through The Sales Funnel</strong></h2>
  1728. <p>As we have anticipated, content marketing is fundamentally a journey in which we accompany a user, adding value, from initial interest to conversion and subsequent loyalty. It is about the <strong>buyer&#8217;s journey</strong> that is divided into the stages of the so-called funnel or funnel.</p>
  1729. <p>Far from being a new concept, it dates back to 1924, when the American William H. Townsend developed the first funnel in the history of marketing based on the phases of the AIDA model (attention, interest, desire, action). In its most basic version, the funnel has three fundamental stages.</p>
  1730. <h3><strong><em>Top of the Funnel (ToFu)  </em></strong></h3>
  1731. <p>The content we generate in this phase is intended to draw the user&#8217;s attention. This phase, which is also called awareness, means that someone wants to know exactly what their problem is and how to remedy it. Your future buyer may be wondering how to fix a flat tire on a bike. It is the type of search profile that an average user does on Google. &#8220;How long should you put a chicken in the oven?&#8221; &#8220;What are the ingredients of a gazpacho?&#8221;. In this first stage we will choose to offer content that serves to meet that need.</p>
  1732. <p>Continuing with the bicycle example, we will opt for a post or an explanatory video on the main causes of a bicycle puncture and how to fix it on the road. In this phase, we are not looking for conversion, but for newcomers to become familiar with our content ecosystem and find it useful. This is a crucial time for them to start trusting us as a source of information and/or entertainment. It is also the lead generation phase, that is, user profiles for which we already have contact information through a subscription to a newsletter or a request for more complex content.</p>
  1733. <h3><strong><em>Middle of the Funnel (MoFu)</em></strong></h3>
  1734. <p>Here the interest and desire phases of the AIDA model are compressed. We have a user who is already aware of what his problem is and who is looking for the best solutions. If he has already consumed content from the previous phase, we can offer him concrete solutions. Now you know how to repair a bicycle wheel. However, you may have no idea what the best options are among the repair queues. Or what kind of tires are more resistant. Here, for example, we can introduce a comparison.</p>
  1735. <p>Leaving the world of cycling, here we could offer a case study on marketing trends in a specific sector or optimization of landing pages. In the latter case, the search in the ToFu phase would have been: how to improve my website traffic? We are now focusing on a more specific aspect of traffic and conversion.</p>
  1736. <h3><strong><em>Bottom of the Funnel (BoFu)</em></strong></h3>
  1737. <p>In this part of the buyer&#8217;s journey, we get to the action. The help or information content gives way to the offer of specific services and products. This phase is perhaps the most similar to conventional advertising in the sense that we recommend a specific product.</p>
  1738. <h3><strong><em>Beyond the funnel</em></strong></h3>
  1739. <p>Once the conversion is done, technically the funnel has come to an end. However, a truly crucial aspect is missing: loyalty and prescription. That is to say, that our consumer repeats and, above all, speaks well of us. As stated, earned media includes reviews from (if possible) satisfied customers and is a powerful tool for expanding our buyer base.</p>
  1740. <p>In fact, there is already talk of the inverse funnel. That is, once the journey from ToFu to BoFu is completed, a new journey would begin that would consist of the following phases:</p>
  1741. <ul>
  1742. <li>Repeat purchase.</li>
  1743. <li>Loyalty</li>
  1744. <li>Claim (advocacy).</li>
  1745. </ul>
  1746. <h3><strong>Software Tools To Make Life Easier</strong></h3>
  1747. <p>After a quick look at the various facets of content marketing, it&#8217;s pretty clear that it&#8217;s a vast and complex field, with many factors to consider. Whether it&#8217;s gathering content ideas, defining buyer personas, or designing campaigns, there&#8217;s a tool for every need.</p>
  1748. <p>Starting from an effective website in WordPress, we can develop content for posts and campaigns with tools like Buzzsumo. It is equally important to have systems to define and schedule our content calendar. CoSchedule is one of the best known, but there are many more.</p>
  1749. <p>In general, the ideal is to integrate our<a class='ilm_added_url' href=''> content strategy </a>in a marketing automation system in which to manage the frequency, intensity and content of contacts with your users. This is a topic of great interest that would require a post with its own identity. However, you can take a look at Pardot to get an idea of ​​its features.</p>
  1750. <h3><strong>What Professional Profiles Are Needed To Execute All This?</strong></h3>
  1751. <p>We leave the most important for last. Because we can already have the best strategy in the world or the most powerful content ideas that if we don&#8217;t have the right human resources, everything will be in vain. We have dedicated a specific post to this issue, but these are some of the general guidelines that should be taken into account:</p>
  1752. <ul>
  1753. <li><strong>Content developers</strong>. Whether it is a copy for the creation of a video or an editor for your blog, it is convenient to have professionals who dominate the medium, are capable of transmitting desire and enthusiasm and, above all, that allows you to differentiate yourself from your competitors with original content that generates engagement.</li>
  1754. <li><strong>SEO Specialists</strong>. Content development must work in tune and in parallel with intelligent positioning management. We write for humans, yes, but also for search robots. Finding the balance between the two is one of the keys to content marketing.</li>
  1755. <li><strong>Designers</strong>. On the one hand, we would have the profiles related to the generation of audiovisual content: animations, infographics, etc. However, it is also necessary to have specialists in usability and graphic interface so that our content is as well protected as possible.</li>
  1756. <li><strong>Specialists in social media</strong>. We are not only talking about the classic community managers but also about managers of the RRSS strategy who understand the peculiarities of the medium and know how to dose the contents.</li>
  1757. </ul>
  1758. <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">What Is Content Marketing And How To Implement It</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Stealth SEO Solutions</a>.</p>
  1759. ]]></content:encoded>
  1760. </item>
  1761. <item>
  1762. <title>Website SEO Audit: Complete Guide for Beginners</title>
  1763. <link></link>
  1764. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Chris Cantell]]></dc:creator>
  1765. <pubDate>Mon, 11 Apr 2022 01:17:20 +0000</pubDate>
  1766. <category><![CDATA[Popular Posts]]></category>
  1767. <category><![CDATA[SEO Articles]]></category>
  1768. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  1770. <description><![CDATA[<p>The online promotion of a website is one of the key elements of any digital marketing strategy. By optimizing your website, you can get more traffic from organic search, which ...</p>
  1771. <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Website SEO Audit: Complete Guide for Beginners</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Stealth SEO Solutions</a>.</p>
  1772. ]]></description>
  1773. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>The online promotion of a website is one of the key elements of any digital marketing strategy. By optimizing your website, you can get more traffic from organic search, which is almost free. To rank higher in search results, you need to continually work on SEO, improving pages and overall website performance. An obligatory step in any SEO strategy is the web audit, which is the process of checking possible problems and identifying things to improve, obtaining more traffic and sales. It normally consists of:</p>
  1774. <ul>
  1775. <li>Technical Audit,</li>
  1776. <li>User Experience Audit,</li>
  1777. <li>Link Profile Audit,</li>
  1778. <li>Content Audit.</li>
  1779. </ul>
  1780. <h2><strong>How To Perform A Website Audit?</strong></h2>
  1781. <p>There are several areas where a website should be audited, and a technical audit is a good place to start. After all, if something doesn&#8217;t work or is misconfigured on the site, it will cripple all other work and won&#8217;t let you get much traffic.</p>
  1782. <p>It&#8217;s rigorous, time-consuming work to do manually, especially if you represent a small business and don&#8217;t know much about SEO. Fortunately, there are professional SEO tools, both free and paid, that allow you to do it virtually with a single click. So, let&#8217;s see what crucial errors can be found and what metrics you should pay attention to when running a web audit.</p>
  1783. <h3><strong>Technical Audit</strong></h3>
  1784. <p>This type of web audit deals with the technical aspects of website optimization, from ensuring everything is working properly to checking for duplicate pages. Let&#8217;s start with the crawl report. It is recommended to automate this process with specialized SEO tools that can replicate the behavior of the Google crawling bot and therefore can detect errors that may prevent the bot from correctly crawling all your pages. There are several types of crawl errors:</p>
  1785. <ul>
  1786. <li>Unavailability occurs when some part of your website is unavailable due to heavy load on your server, timeouts, or DNS issues.</li>
  1787. <li>txt issues: This file helps search engine crawlers index your content. If Google&#8217;s crawler doesn&#8217;t see the robots.txt file on your website, it will stop crawling, resulting in your new pages not being indexed.</li>
  1788. <li>Problems with sitemap.xml: It is a special file that collects all the pages of your website, which helps search engine crawlers to easily find all the pages of your website. You can generate a sitemap during your next SEO review with SE Ranking&#8217;s web audit tool. The following potential problems may occur:</li>
  1789. <li>The sitemap does not exist;</li>
  1790. <li>The sitemap is too big;</li>
  1791. <li>Pages with NoIndex are present in the sitemap;</li>
  1792. <li>The sitemap is not present in the robots.txt.</li>
  1793. </ul>
  1794. <h3><strong>Metadata And Tags:</strong></h3>
  1795. <ul>
  1796. <li>The incorrect length that prevents them from being fully displayed in search results;</li>
  1797. <li>Duplicate tags on different pages;</li>
  1798. <li>&#8220;canonical&#8221; tag string;</li>
  1799. <li>“canonical” tags that point to non-HTTPS URLs;</li>
  1800. <li>NoIndex or NoFollow in the HTML or HTTP header.</li>
  1801. </ul>
  1802. <h3><strong>Open/Forbidden Indexing</strong></h3>
  1803. <p>Most of the website pages must be open for search engines to index them, but some important pages might be banned in some way. It can happen due to SEO error or when a webmaster forgot to open some sections of the site for indexing after long development. However, there may be pages that don&#8217;t actually need to be indexed: a shopping cart page or a wish list page that are typically dynamically generated for each user.</p>
  1804. <p>Make sure they are closed to indexing. You&#8217;ll see potential issues in the crawl report, so you&#8217;ll need to make changes to those files to fix them. There can be quite a few potential problems here when the page you want to index is:</p>
  1805. <ul>
  1806. <li>prohibited in robots.txt;</li>
  1807. <li>blocked by NoIndex;</li>
  1808. <li>blocked by NoFollow;</li>
  1809. <li>blocked by x-robots tag.</li>
  1810. </ul>
  1811. <p><strong>URL Problems</strong>: These refer to broken links pointing to some non-existent pages. It usually happens when the URL of some page was changed, but the links to it were not. Also, some pages may no longer be present but still linked, and some URLs may be too long for crawlers to handle correctly.</p>
  1812. <p><strong>Frames Are Used</strong>: Frames are old and obsolete web elements. It&#8217;s best not to use them altogether, as they make tracking difficult.</p>
  1813. <p>Now let&#8217;s move on to other possible technical problems with your website that can be detected with a thorough web audit:</p>
  1814. <p><strong>Website Security</strong>: Using HTTPS on your website improves security and also your search engine ranking. There can be several types of issues with HTTPS that are worth checking out. If any of these events occur, search engines will mark your site as unsafe, and you could lose your traffic volume significantly:</p>
  1815. <ul>
  1816. <li>Another domain name in the certificate: Attempting to use a certificate from another domain can cause problems. It often happens when there are versions of the site on different domains for some reason, like io and online.</li>
  1817. <li>Old protocol version: The SSL and TLS protocols came in versions, and some of the older ones are now considered insecure.</li>
  1818. <li>Non-HTTPS content on the site, as well as HTTP pages in the sitemap or internally linked from HTTPS pages.</li>
  1819. <li>HTTPS Status: All your active pages should respond with correct HTTPS status codes. If you see some error response codes in your crawl report, you should fix them, in particular, remove unresponsive pages with 404 errors.</li>
  1820. </ul>
  1821. <h3><strong>User Experience Audit</strong></h3>
  1822. <p>If you follow the latest trends in digital marketing, you will know that one of the main goals of search engines is to provide a positive user experience. That is why search engines actively track multiple parameters of user behavior on websites, such as bounce rate or depth of page views, trying to identify sites with the best UX.</p>
  1823. <p>Also, <a href="">Google is rolling out its Page Experience update</a> that further focuses on page speed, visual stability, and interactivity. That is why, you should pay close attention to the usability audit, and this is what you should check:</p>
  1824. <ul>
  1825. <li>Website Speed: There is plenty of research, confirming that people react negatively, leave or prefer not to buy from slow loading sites. These sites are often demoted by search engines in their struggle to provide a great user experience. Therefore, it is essential that you make sure that your pages open incredibly fast. You can use Google&#8217;s PageSpeed ​​Insights to check and follow up with actions to take:</li>
  1826. <li>Compress images;</li>
  1827. <li>Use Gzip compression;</li>
  1828. <li>Minify HTML, CSS/scripts and remove any unused code;</li>
  1829. <li>Use CDN/caching.</li>
  1830. <li>Mobile device compatibility: The growing popularity of smartphones has led to a continual increase in traffic coming to sites from mobile devices. It was so important that it resulted in Google&#8217;s adoption of the &#8220;mobile-first&#8221; indexing algorithm, which gives better rankings to pages that have no problems when viewed on mobile devices. Use Google&#8217;s mobile-friendly test to find any issues with your pages.</li>
  1831. <li>Navigation: While its desirability may be subjective, search engines track many parameters on your pages, such as bounce rate, time spent, or pages per visit, to determine if your pages are navigable. Please check the following:</li>
  1832. <li>Calls to action and visual cues: An easy-to-understand interface can make or break website usability. Make sure all your menus, buttons, status bars, etc. are always clearly visible, relevant, and easy to understand.</li>
  1833. <li>Text eligibility: Reading the text on your website shouldn&#8217;t be difficult by any means. Take into account people who do not have good eyesight and adjust the font size and font itself if necessary.</li>
  1834. <li>Pop-ups, online chats, etc. – all those fancy things that appear on the screen, often unexpectedly, can really annoy your users. They can increase conversion when played smartly, but make sure they aren&#8217;t too intrusive and don&#8217;t block important content or navigation.</li>
  1835. </ul>
  1836. <h3><strong>Link Profile Audit </strong></h3>
  1837. <p>One more area to check is your link profile. Generally, the more links you have to your website, the better, but in 2021, they should be 100% trustworthy. You need to keep an eye on the links you get from other sites because on the one hand you need to systematically grow your link profile and on the other hand you need to get rid of “toxic” backlinks.</p>
  1838. <p>You can start researching your backlinks in Google Search Console, but it only provides some basic information, such as which sites are linking to yours and the anchor texts.</p>
  1839. <p>So, here&#8217;s what to check during the link profile audit:</p>
  1840. <ul>
  1841. <li>Domain trust and page trust are similar metrics based on multiple factors, including the quality of referring domains and backlinks pointing to your website as a whole and to specific pages. If your site gets a rating below 50, it is considered weak and you need to improve the situation as soon as possible (remove toxic backlinks and get backlinks from more reliable sources).</li>
  1842. <li>The total number of referring domains is the number of sites that refer to yours, and you&#8217;d like it to be as high as possible as long as they are quality sites. You will see that your domain is trusted and you will draw your own conclusions by checking these domains.</li>
  1843. <li>A number of backlinks from all referring domains. Check this parameter from time to time to make sure your link profile is growing and you are not losing backlinks.</li>
  1844. <li>The main backlink anchors are the words or phrases that are used in the links to your website. It is good to check if the anchor corresponds to your target keywords and if generic keywords are used for the anchors; sometimes that&#8217;s a bad thing, as the wording used as a keyword should also correspond to the theme of your website. Generic words like “here”, “click”, “read more” are considered spam by Google robots.</li>
  1845. <li>The DoFollow/NoFollow ratio shows how many sites refer to yours with a “DoFollow” tag that is positive for your SEO and how many backlinks do not transfer PageRank to you. If you have about 60% DoFollow backlinks, you&#8217;re fine, but it can still be less or more, depending on your backlink strategy.</li>
  1846. </ul>
  1847. <p>There is also another useful tool for checking backlinks, It shows you backlink history over time and also offers a lot of the above data in graph form, which can be a bit easier for your digital marketing team to understand.</p>
  1848. <h3><strong>Content audit</strong></h3>
  1849. <p>It deals with the quality of the content on your website. It could be a subjective area, but there are also various objective factors like duplication or low word count. This is what you should look for:</p>
  1850. <ul>
  1851. <li><strong>Content Value</strong> – Compare the pages you want to rank well for the same keywords as your competitor. You can use the “site:” search operator to perform a search for specific keywords on competitor websites. Also, you can use the Woopra tool which is great for understanding the customer journey; can help you create really engaging content.</li>
  1852. <li><strong>Hierarchy:</strong> Google loves not only relevant and interesting content but also well-structured content. Make sure all your text on the website and blog is well formatted, including lists, H1-H4 headings, subheadings, and is broken up into small paragraphs. You can check for any such issues with your content with SE Ranking&#8217;s Web Audit tool.</li>
  1853. <li><strong>Duplicate content:</strong> occurs when you have two or more pages with the same or almost the same content. There are several tactics on what you can do to remove duplicate pages:</li>
  1854. <li>Delete pages you no longer need (don&#8217;t forget to set up redirects for pages that are no longer available).</li>
  1855. <li>Merge duplicate pages into one page.</li>
  1856. <li>Set “canonical” tags to tell search engines which pages are “top” pages.</li>
  1857. <li><strong>Content Gaps</strong>: There may be keywords that you&#8217;d like to rank well for, but currently, you may not have a page for them. A complete audit of your content can help you plan your <a class="ilm_keyword_link " href=""  title="content marketing" data-ilm-keyword-link="linked">content marketing</a> and set up an efficient brand search.</li>
  1858. </ul>
  1859. <h3><strong>Summary</strong></h3>
  1860. <p>Your website is arguably your most important digital marketing asset, and you want to make sure it&#8217;s in the best possible shape. The process to ensure this is called a web audit and generally consists of four stages: technical, usability, backlink and content audits.</p>
  1861. <p>With the help of specialized SEO tools, you can perform web audits with literally one click. And you can perform such checks whenever you want, especially after major updates to your website made by yourself (if you&#8217;re a small business owner) or your digital marketing department.</p>
  1862. <p>Therefore, follow the guides in this article and pay attention to errors and suggestions that appear in web auditing tools. Correct them in time and your website will stay healthy, generate more and more traffic and be profitable for you.</p>
  1863. <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Website SEO Audit: Complete Guide for Beginners</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Stealth SEO Solutions</a>.</p>
  1864. ]]></content:encoded>
  1865. </item>
  1866. <item>
  1867. <title>Why You Need To Have A Blog On Your Business Website?</title>
  1868. <link></link>
  1869. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Chris Cantell]]></dc:creator>
  1870. <pubDate>Sat, 09 Apr 2022 04:31:13 +0000</pubDate>
  1871. <category><![CDATA[SEO Articles]]></category>
  1872. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  1874. <description><![CDATA[<p>A blog is a resource that allows you like no other to attract more and better customers by creating content geared towards their questions and needs. When people started blogging ...</p>
  1875. <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Why You Need To Have A Blog On Your Business Website?</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Stealth SEO Solutions</a>.</p>
  1876. ]]></description>
  1877. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>A blog is a resource that allows you like no other to attract more and better customers by creating content geared towards their questions and needs.</p>
  1878. <p>When people started blogging nearly two decades ago, they generally wrote about their hobbies, travel, or personal life. Since then, blogging has evolved a lot. Social networks capitalized much of the religious habits of the public, while blogs became a preferred medium among professionals and entrepreneurs.</p>
  1879. <p>Today, blogging is a highly valued resource for companies that rely on content to boost their business. It is a flexible medium, with wide communication possibilities and easily measurable performance.</p>
  1880. <p>In the context of an <a class="ilm_keyword_link " href=""   title="inbound marketing" data-ilm-keyword-link="linked">inbound marketing</a> strategy, a blog is particularly effective at attracting and converting qualified traffic. This means that it can help get more leads for a company.</p>
  1881. <h3><strong>The Blog As A Web Traffic Multiplier</strong></h3>
  1882. <p>People spend more and more time searching for information on the internet. They have doubts, problems and needs for which they are looking for an answer or solution online. From what model of shoes is the best to go running to what type of car should we buy if we are thinking of moving to the mountains.</p>
  1883. <p>If a post on your blog answers any of their questions, those people can find it, read your content, and become visitors to your website. It doesn&#8217;t matter if your company sells tractors, online courses or vegan food: providing solutions to your potential customers&#8217; queries is one of the best ways for them to learn about your products and services and begin to trust your brand.</p>
  1884. <p>Also, blogging is very good for SEO. Better positioning of your site in Google generates more traffic, and if the content is adequate, that traffic will be from people interested in what your business has to offer.</p>
  1885. <h3><strong>How Is Traffic Converted Into Contacts?</strong></h3>
  1886. <p>For these visitors, the blog is the gateway to your company and its products. Generating valuable content to help your customers solve their problems helps build a relationship of trust.</p>
  1887. <p>Someone who comes to your blog after searching online for a solution and finds useful and relevant material there will be more inclined to interact with your site, leave their data in exchange for an offer or contact an advisor.</p>
  1888. <p>The blog can be used to offer content strategically. If your business sells construction materials, a technical sheet or an installation guide can help a stranger who is interested in that type of product; downloading that resource after filling out a form with its data transforms it, for your company, into a contact.</p>
  1889. <p>A contact is a potential client that we can nurture with information and personalized advice to increase the chances of making a sale. It is someone who, having come to your company on their own initiative, and having found what they were looking for, will be more predisposed to becoming a customer.</p>
  1890. <h3><strong>Be An Example</strong></h3>
  1891. <p>Having a blog helps establish a reputation as an expert within your industry sector. If every time someone searches for information on IP telephony, a post from your company appears in the Google results list, they probably consider that your site is reliable and that its content is relevant to what they are looking for.</p>
  1892. <p>To achieve this, it is very important to write regularly, emphasizing the quality of the content. It is not about positioning yourself by force, but about making an effort to position yourself. Posting often and intelligently makes you a reference and increases the trust that customers place in your brand.</p>
  1893. <p>This, naturally, is good for your sales.</p>
  1894. <h3><strong>Keys To Good Corporate Blogging Management</strong></h3>
  1895. <p>Below follows a series of points to consider when implementing a corporate blog.</p>
  1896. <h3><strong>Write Thinking About Your Ideal Clients</strong></h3>
  1897. <p>The contents of your blog should be focused on the questions and topics of interest to your buyer personas. In this way, the traffic to your website will be from people who are more likely to read your posts and interact with your site and your offers. Write about the industry, in relation to the interests of your clients, and not about your company, always maintaining an educational communication style.</p>
  1898. <h3><strong>Post Regularly</strong></h3>
  1899. <p>Posting frequency is important for the SEO and visibility of your blog. Google and other search engines consider a font to be more relevant if it is updated regularly. Also, keeping your blog up-to-date helps solidify your intellectual authority over what he writes about. One post per week is a good post velocity to start with.</p>
  1900. <h3><strong>Focus On Quality</strong></h3>
  1901. <p>Quantity must be balanced with quality. It is very important to write useful articles that are interesting and generate value for your customers. Of course, it is also key that they are well written.</p>
  1902. <h3><strong>Diversify The Formats</strong></h3>
  1903. <p>It is increasingly important to diversify the formats through which it is published. Videos, infographics, and slides are three ways to complement your blog content and keep it fresh. In addition, this will give greater visibility and relevance to your ideas.</p>
  1904. <h3><strong>Give Your Team A Voice</strong></h3>
  1905. <p>Invite experts from your company to write on the blog. Taking into account the questions and problems of your clients, each member of your team can contribute a different perspective, typical of the role they perform.</p>
  1906. <h3><strong>Spread Your Efforts</strong></h3>
  1907. <p>The best text in the world will probably go unnoticed if it doesn&#8217;t have a good layout. Therefore, promote your content on the most relevant social networks for your company.</p>
  1908. <h3><strong>Analyze The Performance Of Your Posts</strong></h3>
  1909. <p>Tracking the performance of each text is important to detect the topics that had the best impact on your readers. When you find a post that has received a lot of attention, consider recycling it into another format (for example, an infographic) to squeeze a little more performance out of it.</p>
  1910. <h3><strong>Lean On External Resources</strong></h3>
  1911. <p>If writing is a problem for you, you can always seek help from agencies that are dedicated to developing <a class='ilm_added_url' href="" >content and marketing strategies</a> for your industry. You can also invite external referents to write as guests on your blog.</p>
  1912. <h3><strong>More Resources</strong></h3>
  1913. <p>The blog has become a highly valuable professional medium for industries and the B2B sector. It is a communication space where you can interact with your audience, help them resolve their concerns, and even provide after-sales support through manuals, technical sheets, and tutorials.</p>
  1914. <p>All of these resources help your prospects and customers get the most out of your products and put your brand top of mind in its category.</p>
  1915. <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Why You Need To Have A Blog On Your Business Website?</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Stealth SEO Solutions</a>.</p>
  1916. ]]></content:encoded>
  1917. </item>
  1918. <item>
  1919. <title>Difference Between SEO And SEM</title>
  1920. <link></link>
  1921. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Chris Cantell]]></dc:creator>
  1922. <pubDate>Fri, 08 Apr 2022 11:26:25 +0000</pubDate>
  1923. <category><![CDATA[SEO Articles]]></category>
  1924. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  1926. <description><![CDATA[<p>In digital marketing, web positioning is a priority in order to increase the visibility and sales of a company in the online market. Getting to appear in the first positions ...</p>
  1927. <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Difference Between SEO And SEM</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Stealth SEO Solutions</a>.</p>
  1928. ]]></description>
  1929. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In digital marketing, web positioning is a priority in order to increase the visibility and sales of a company in the online market. Getting to appear in the first positions of the results pages or SERPs of Google allows you to reach a large number of users and achieve a very important position of privilege and leadership for companies.</p>
  1930. <p>In order for Google to place a website in the top positions of its ranking, it is necessary to apply SEO and SEM techniques, which optimize the site for search engines and use internet advertising tools.</p>
  1931. <p>The best way to achieve good web positioning by applying the best digital marketing strategies is to hire a professional SEO consultant who creates <a href="">SEM campaigns</a> and applies the appropriate SEO techniques for each project.</p>
  1932. <h2><strong>What is SEO</strong></h2>
  1933. <p>SEO or Search Engine Optimization encompasses a series of techniques that are aimed at optimizing a website for search engines, taking into account the different criteria and positioning factors.</p>
  1934. <p>Thanks to SEO, a website is placed in high positions in the Google ranking, attracting traffic to the site naturally (organic traffic).</p>
  1935. <h2><strong>What is SEM</strong></h2>
  1936. <p>When speaking of SEM (Search Engine Marketing) reference is made to the creation of paid advertising campaigns on the Internet to achieve greater visibility on platforms such as Google or Facebook, among others. SEM advertising is based on two main modalities, pay per click (pay per click) and payment for impressions.</p>
  1937. <h2><strong>What Are The Differences Between SEO Or SEM?</strong></h2>
  1938. <p>Both SEO and SEM are techniques used to increase web traffic to a site so that it can increase its number of conversions (purchases or subscriptions) and achieve greater relevance in the virtual world.</p>
  1939. <p>Let’s see what the main differences between SEO and SEM are:</p>
  1940. <h3><strong>Time To Get Results</strong></h3>
  1941. <p>Getting results by applying SEO to a website or online store takes time. Positioning yourself naturally on Google is not a quick process, as it depends on many factors. For example, the frequency of blog posts or the updating of other content on the web is something that Google takes into account to position a site in better positions, so it takes time for it.</p>
  1942. <p>Therefore, SEO offers long-term results while SEM campaigns offer short-term results (as long as the set time lasts).</p>
  1943. <h3><strong>Investment Cost</strong></h3>
  1944. <p>The SEM model is usually more expensive than SEO, since you pay for each click or impression received, although it has the advantage that it guarantees 100% the visit or impression.</p>
  1945. <h3><strong>Tools to use</strong></h3>
  1946. <p>While multiple tools and platforms are used in SEO, such as Google Search Console, Analytics, Trends, Ahrefs and SEMrush (among many others), in SEM the basic tools are <a class="ilm_keyword_link " href=""  title="Google Ads" data-ilm-keyword-link="linked">Google Ads</a>, Facebook Ads and Google Keyword Planner.</p>
  1947. <p>To carry out a good SEM campaign, it is best to have the collaboration of a Google Ads specialist to be able to carry out a good segmentation and fully configure all the necessary parameters.</p>
  1948. <h3><strong>Type Of Traffic</strong></h3>
  1949. <p>The traffic that is attracted to the site with SEO is natural so it will last longer, while most of the traffic generated in SEM disappears once the campaign is over.</p>
  1950. <p>A combination of <strong>SEO and SEM</strong> is the ideal solution to be able to maximize the reach and conversions of a website. Both strategies use different techniques to attract traffic to a website, with results in the medium and long term with SEO, and in the short term with SEM.</p>
  1951. <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Difference Between SEO And SEM</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Stealth SEO Solutions</a>.</p>
  1952. ]]></content:encoded>
  1953. </item>
  1954. <item>
  1955. <title>What Is Keyword Research And How To Do It</title>
  1956. <link></link>
  1957. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Chris Cantell]]></dc:creator>
  1958. <pubDate>Thu, 07 Apr 2022 10:18:51 +0000</pubDate>
  1959. <category><![CDATA[SEO Articles]]></category>
  1960. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  1962. <description><![CDATA[<p>Whether you are a newcomer to the network or one of those who have mastered all the tricks to succeed with your eCommerce in the cloud, knowing how to choose ...</p>
  1963. <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">What Is Keyword Research And How To Do It</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Stealth SEO Solutions</a>.</p>
  1964. ]]></description>
  1965. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Whether you are a newcomer to the network or one of those who have mastered all the tricks to succeed with your eCommerce in the cloud, knowing how to choose the keywords with which to seduce Google must become a responsibility for you, who want your content to reach the first positions as soon as possible. If you want to know what keyword research is and how to do it, this is the post you need. Get ready to transform your projects thanks to a post with which you are going to change the course of your projects!</p>
  1966. <h2><strong>Introduction To Keyword Research</strong></h2>
  1967. <p><a href=""><strong>Keyword research</strong>is</a> market keyword research, one of the most valuable and profitable activities in the world of digital marketing. And it is that by researching the keywords that succeed in the market, you will not only know the terms and phrases that you need for your<strong> SEO strategy</strong>, but you will also predict possible changes in demand, respond to market conditions and directly produce the content that excels in web search engines.</p>
  1968. <p>The first thing we must do is know the demand for each keyword or keyword. Thus, we will know if it makes sense to work with a highly demanded keyword but is impossible to position. We must think about the time that Google needs to place us on the first page if we use a keyword in which others are already positioned. And, in addition, it is important to know that using a highly used keyword does not mean that it will generate conversions.</p>
  1969. <p>Among the factors that we must take into account when carrying out a keyword, research</p>
  1970. <ul>
  1971. <li>Your website (its authority, number of pages and content)</li>
  1972. <li>Your goals (traffic, sales or leads)</li>
  1973. <li>Your budget for campaigns</li>
  1974. <li>demand and competition</li>
  1975. </ul>
  1976. <p>All these factors are important and should be studied beforehand. Whether to use in<strong> Adwords campaigns</strong>, to work on SEO positioning or to detect new opportunities, carrying out a keyword study is essential that will allow us to improve our conversions.</p>
  1977. <h2><strong>Why Is It Important To Do Keyword Research?</strong></h2>
  1978. <p><strong>Among the reasons</strong> to consider doing keyword research or keyword research are:</p>
  1979. <ul>
  1980. <li>That helps locate new business opportunities</li>
  1981. <li>High bounce rates are avoided</li>
  1982. <li>Economic losses are prevented</li>
  1983. <li>Helps to avoid very high Costs Per Click (CPC)</li>
  1984. <li>Allows you to better understand how the competition works</li>
  1985. <li>Helps attract qualified traffic</li>
  1986. <li>Generate conversions</li>
  1987. </ul>
  1988. <h3><strong>The Long Tail Theory</strong></h3>
  1989. <p>This theory designed by Chris Anderson requires an understanding of the large volume of searches that are carried out every day on the Internet. And it is that, in a single minute, 4,497,420 searches are produced on Google. For this reason, businesses need to know well the sector to which their products belong and <strong>discover if they should work with generic words or satisfy more specific demands, considered market niches.</strong></p>
  1990. <p>The online world thus offers us a great opportunity to position ourselves in much more specific searches where we can stand out more easily. <strong>Within the Long Tail Theory, we can differentiate three types of keywords:</strong></p>
  1991. <ul>
  1992. <li><strong>Head or short tail</strong>: the most generic words, which usually get more visits but are more difficult to position due to competition and a massive audience that comes in search of them.</li>
  1993. <li><strong>Middle tail</strong>: those with less competition than the previous ones but greater than the long tail. They have fewer monthly searches, a more targeted audience, and a higher chance of conversion than short tails.</li>
  1994. <li><strong>Long tail</strong>: they are much more specific keywords, with a lower search level, but with less competition, which allows us to make our business visible and generate more conversions in the short term. For example, children&#8217;s lycra swimsuits are a much more niche (and recommended) term than swimsuits.</li>
  1995. </ul>
  1996. <p>On the other hand, <strong>there are positive and negative</strong> keywords. Understanding their difference will help us to carry out a much more complete study in the Adwords Keyword Planner that we will see later. While positive keywords are those that produce qualified traffic and help improve rankings, negative keywords harm the SEO of a page, as they increase the bounce rate and attract unqualified users.</p>
  1997. <p>For example, if we have a business in which we work with vintage sneakers,<strong> we need to work with words related to the public in love with vintage</strong> and leave aside generic words such as sneakers, where we will find ourselves with fierce competition. In both cases, Google Adwords will help us carry out a keyword study, pointing out a series of negative words that we should exclude.</p>
  1998. <h3><strong>How To Find Attractive Long Tail Words?</strong></h3>
  1999. <p>There are different tricks and tools that will allow us to easily obtain keywords. Let&#8217;s look at different options:</p>
  2000. <h3><strong>Google-Instant</strong></h3>
  2001. <p>How many times have you surprised yourself by reviewing the suggestions that the famous search engine gives us when we are still writing a search? These alternative word suggestions are searches carried out by a large number of users, something that will allow us to analyze and add to a list of possible keywords of interest.</p>
  2002. <h3><strong>Ubersuggest</strong></h3>
  2003. <p>This free tool will allow you to get all the long tail words that you would get in Google Instant. All you need to do is enter a word and the country you are interested in. You will be surprised by the results!</p>
  2004. <h3><strong>KWFinder</strong></h3>
  2005. <p><a href="" rel="nofollow ">KWFinder</a> A hugely popular keyword tool that also includes a suite of other SEO tools (for free). It is simple to use and API’s to Google API search data. The tool offers great value.</p>
  2006. <h3><strong>Keywordtool</strong></h3>
  2007. <p>Without a doubt, the best alternative to Google Keyword Planner and other similar tools. This tool works like an autocomplete search engine suggested by Google and offers us hundreds of long tail keywords.</p>
  2008. <h2><strong>How To Do Keyword Research</strong></h2>
  2009. <p>Making an optimal selection of keywords is essential for the development and growth of our business. For this, it is necessary to carry out a keyword, research that allows us to discover what our target audience is looking for and how we can position ourselves as best as possible with the appropriate keywords. <strong>Let&#8217;s see in parts how to do keyword research</strong>:</p>
  2010. <h3><strong>1 – Keyword Analysis </strong></h3>
  2011. <p>The first thing to do when creating a list with the right keywords is to identify what your business offers, how you want to make it known, and who you want to reach with your marketing strategy. It is necessary to identify the most generic keywords that define the content of a website, with which you can delve into different niches and identify our competitors.</p>
  2012. <p>Once we have the product or business defined, knowing the initial keywords is as complicated and as simple as <strong>describing it in your own words</strong> and brainstorming how you think other people would search for you.</p>
  2013. <p>It is important that you put yourself in the shoes of a user and that you take into account the vision of different people who work on the project since you will find different opinions that will help you to obtain a first draft of this keyword research. In addition, you will be able to start <strong>excluding negative keywords</strong> with the aim of seeking differentiation and throwing yourself aside in the battle that countless competitors are already undertaking for a term used in mass. Do you think that a neighborhood store has many opportunities to compete with the keyword shop? Obviously not&#8230;</p>
  2014. <p><strong>To find your first keywords, we recommend that you use the following tools</strong>:</p>
  2015. <ul>
  2016. <li><strong>Google</strong>: here you will find keyword suggestions just by typing generic words related to your business. You will find more specific terms. Tip: Write the asterisk or underscore characters before or after each word or keyword to obtain a greater number of searches.</li>
  2017. <li><strong>Keyword Finder</strong>: this tool will allow you to obtain graphs on Cost per Click (CPC), monthly search volume and a multitude of data about your competition, such as their Pay per Click (PPC). Although it is a tool with a paid version, you will not need to pay to search for up to five words every 24 hours. In addition, you can select your language and geographical area of ​​interest.</li>
  2018. <li><strong>Answer the Public</strong>: Its results will help you understand the keywords related to the 5W (what, where, when, how and why), as well as to analyze a series of suggested keywords in alphabetical order that you can visualize in an image by alphabet letter.</li>
  2019. </ul>
  2020. <h3><strong>2 – Optimization</strong></h3>
  2021. <p>After brainstorming and obtaining a first list of keywords, it&#8217;s time to optimize to reach the desired audience.</p>
  2022. <p>Google Analytics is our best accomplice at this point. With this popular tool, the task of visualizing the data will become easy once we get used to working with it. You will be able to see from the data related to customer behavior to find out if your website is giving the expected results, something with which you can rethink your strategies if necessary. In addition, you will be able to see the organic and paid keywords with which they have reached your business, as well as information about the sessions, the bounce rate and the average duration per session of your visitors.</p>
  2023. <p>If Analytics is a great ally, Google Search Console is no less so. With it you will be able to obtain data on the searches that have caused your website to appear in the search results (SERPs). You only need to consult the information that you will find in the bar on the left, where the site panel is located.</p>
  2024. <p>Select search traffic, then search analytics, where information about queries, pages, countries, devices, search types, and analysis dates are grouped together. This information is worth gold and will allow you to draw conclusions to think about whether it is worth continuing to use some keywords or opting for others, in addition to locating new words to include in your first list of keywords.</p>
  2025. <p>Do you know what is the third ace you should work with? The Adwords Keyword Planner, a vital tool to get ideas and know the most important data of your keywords. Don&#8217;t worry, although it is a tool designed to work on campaigns, its data will also allow you to generate good lists of keywords to add to the terms you already have noted down.</p>
  2026. <p>Tip: download the information you need in an Excel file so that you can consult it whenever you need it.</p>
  2027. <p>Finally, we advise you to install the Meta SEO Inspector Google Chrome extension, an ideal tool to find relevant information about your website and learn how to improve your On Page SEO. It&#8217;s as easy as clicking the extension icon and letting it get to work!</p>
  2028. <h3><strong>3 – Choice Of Keywords </strong></h3>
  2029. <p>The last step is <strong>to choose which keywords we keep</strong>. For this, it is important that you have worked on the two previous points and that you are up to date on the trends in the sector, the possibilities of the keywords that you have analyzed and the performance indicators.</p>
  2030. <p>To have an optimal perspective of the trends, we recommend that you work with <strong>Google Trends</strong>, where you will find the popularity of each keyword in a graph, as well as geographical information and different comparisons. <strong>SEM Rush</strong>, on the other hand, will help you in terms of the possibilities (and difficulty) of the keywords. An essential tool<strong> to detect and analyze the competition</strong>, of which we recommend you analyze from its level of searches to its traffic and level of competition.</p>
  2031. <p>Choose the keywords that most interest your business taking into account all of the above and remember, above all, that betting on new niches and opportunities will lead you to success more easily. <strong>What did you think of the article? We look forward to your comments!</strong></p>
  2032. <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">What Is Keyword Research And How To Do It</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Stealth SEO Solutions</a>.</p>
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