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  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><rss xmlns:itunes="" version="2.0"><channel><title>Feet to the Fire Radio Show</title><itunes:author>BLKnight</itunes:author><link></link><description>Weekly LIVE Radio Show Feet to the Fire with the Black Knight of Talk Radio (TM), James Arthur Jancik, uses  the Lack-of-Contradiction as a map on the road to Truth on subjects ranging from The Sciences, The Spiritual and The Paranormal.</description><itunes:subtitle>LIVE Radio show Feet to the Fire with the Black Knight of Talk Radio, James Arthur Jancik</itunes:subtitle><itunes:summary>Weekly LIVE Radio Show Feet to the Fire with the Black Knight of Talk Radio (TM), James Arthur Jancik, uses  the Lack-of-Contradiction as a map on the road to Truth on subjects ranging from The Sciences, The Spiritual and The Paranormal.</itunes:summary><language>en-us</language><managingEditor></managingEditor><webMaster> (BLKnight)</webMaster><generator>The Podcast RSS Buddy 3.0</generator><copyright>2003-2011 J. A. Jancik</copyright><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:owner><itunes:name>BLKnight</itunes:name><itunes:email></itunes:email></itunes:owner><image><url></url><title>Feet to the Fire Radio Show</title><link></link></image><itunes:link rel="image" type="video/jpeg" href="">Feet to the Fire Radio Show</itunes:link><category>News &amp; Politics</category><itunes:category text="News &amp; Politics"></itunes:category><pubDate>Mon, 06 Jun 2011 10:57:42 -0600</pubDate><lastBuildDate>Mon, 06 Jun 2011 10:57:42 -0600</lastBuildDate><item><title>Part 2 of F2F aired LIVE June 5th 201</title><itunes:author>BLKnight</itunes:author><link></link><description><![CDATA[Vincent Bugliosi talks about his book, Divinity of Doubt which uses his skills as successful prosecutor(he tried the Manson Case) to challenge both the Theist and Atheist alike in their beliefs to make the case of the Agnostic (does not know if there is a God or no)]]></description><itunes:subtitle>Vincent Bugliosi talks about his book, Divinity of Doubt which uses his skills as successful prosecutor(he tried the Manson Case) to challenge both the Theist and Atheist alike in their beliefs to make the case of the Agnostic (does not know if there is a God or no)</itunes:subtitle><itunes:summary>Vincent Bugliosi talks about his book, Divinity of Doubt which uses his skills as successful prosecutor(he tried the Manson Case) to challenge both the Theist and Atheist alike in their beliefs to make the case of the Agnostic (does not know if there is a God or no)</itunes:summary><author></author><pubDate>Mon, 06 Jun 2011 10:57:42 -0600</pubDate><category>News &amp; Politics</category><enclosure url="" length="20927100" type="audio/mpeg"/><guid isPermaLink="false">RSS_BUDDY_385878-347</guid><itunes:category text="News &amp; Politics"></itunes:category><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:duration>01:56:15</itunes:duration><itunes:keywords>alternative science spirituality paranormal information</itunes:keywords><comments>as broadcast LIVE Sunday evenings 7pm CENTRAL</comments></item><item><title>Part 1 of F2F aired LIVE June 5th 2011</title><itunes:author>BLKnight</itunes:author><link></link><description><![CDATA[James with opening comments, Jim Schultz (Psychic Readings and Commentaries), Les Visible Socio, Political, Spiritual Commentaries, Sterling D. Allan give his weekly report on This Week in Free Energy ]]></description><itunes:subtitle>James with opening comments, Jim Schultz (Psychic Readings and Commentaries), Les Visible Socio, Political, Spiritual Commentaries, Sterling D. Allan give his weekly report on This Week in Free Energy </itunes:subtitle><itunes:summary>James with opening comments, Jim Schultz (Psychic Readings and Commentaries), Les Visible Socio, Political, Spiritual Commentaries, Sterling D. Allan give his weekly report on This Week in Free Energy </itunes:summary><author></author><pubDate>Mon, 06 Jun 2011 10:57:42 -0600</pubDate><category>News &amp; Politics</category><enclosure url="" length="20915700" type="audio/mpeg"/><guid isPermaLink="false">RSS_BUDDY_385878-346</guid><itunes:category text="News &amp; Politics"></itunes:category><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:duration>01:56:11</itunes:duration><itunes:keywords>alternative science spirituality paranormal information</itunes:keywords><comments>as broadcast LIVE Sunday evenings 7pm CENTRAL</comments></item><item><title>Part 2 of F2F aired LIVE May 29th 2011</title><itunes:author>BLKnight</itunes:author><link></link><description><![CDATA[Jim Stone gives amazing step by step proof that the reactors at Fukushima were destroyed not by an earthquake (which was 6.2 NOT 9.0) nor by the Tsunami but by nuclear weapons disguised as 3d cameras! Reactor #4 was not even online at the time!]]></description><itunes:subtitle>Jim Stone gives amazing step by step proof that the reactors at Fukushima were destroyed not by an earthquake (which was 6.2 NOT 9.0) nor by the Tsunami but by nuclear weapons disguised as 3d cameras! Reactor #4 was not even online at the time!</itunes:subtitle><itunes:summary>Jim Stone gives amazing step by step proof that the reactors at Fukushima were destroyed not by an earthquake (which was 6.2 NOT 9.0) nor by the Tsunami but by nuclear weapons disguised as 3d cameras! Reactor #4 was not even online at the time!</itunes:summary><author></author><pubDate>Mon, 30 May 2011 10:57:42 -0600</pubDate><category>News &amp; Politics</category><enclosure url="" length="20957900" type="audio/mpeg"/><guid isPermaLink="false">RSS_BUDDY_385878-344</guid><itunes:category text="News &amp; Politics"></itunes:category><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:duration>01:56:25</itunes:duration><itunes:keywords>alternative science spirituality paranormal information</itunes:keywords><comments>as broadcast LIVE Sunday evenings 7pm CENTRAL</comments></item><item><title>Part 1 of F2F aired LIVE May 29th 2011</title><itunes:author>BLKnight</itunes:author><link></link><description><![CDATA[James with opening comments and open linestalk,  Les Visible (Socio, Political, Metaphysical Commentaries), Sterling Allan (This Week In Free Energy)]]></description><itunes:subtitle>James with opening comments and open linestalk,  Les Visible (Socio, Political, Metaphysical Commentaries), Sterling Allan (This Week In Free Energy)</itunes:subtitle><itunes:summary>James with opening comments and open linestalk,  Les Visible (Socio, Political, Metaphysical Commentaries), Sterling Allan (This Week In Free Energy)</itunes:summary><author></author><pubDate>Mon, 30 May 2011 10:57:42 -0600</pubDate><category>News &amp; Politics</category><enclosure url="" length="20919700" type="audio/mpeg"/><guid isPermaLink="false">RSS_BUDDY_385878-343</guid><itunes:category text="News &amp; Politics"></itunes:category><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:duration>01:56:13</itunes:duration><itunes:keywords>alternative science spirituality paranormal information</itunes:keywords><comments>as broadcast LIVE Sunday evenings 7pm CENTRAL</comments></item><item><title>Part 2 of F2F aired LIVE May 22nd 2011</title><itunes:author>BLKnight</itunes:author><link></link><description><![CDATA[Richard Alan Miller returns to talk ESP, consciousness, Seals training, hallucinogens, NWO, survival skills, and a host of other topics this multi-degreed, genius IQ, physicist and philosopher has on his mind]]></description><itunes:subtitle>Richard Alan Miller returns to talk ESP, consciousness, Seals training, hallucinogens, NWO, survival skills, and a host of other topics this multi-degreed, genius IQ, physicist and philosopher has on his mind</itunes:subtitle><itunes:summary>Richard Alan Miller returns to talk ESP, consciousness, Seals training, hallucinogens, NWO, survival skills, and a host of other topics this multi-degreed, genius IQ, physicist and philosopher has on his mind</itunes:summary><author></author><pubDate>Mon, 23 May 2011 10:57:42 -0600</pubDate><category>News &amp; Politics</category><enclosure url="" length="20879600" type="audio/mpeg"/><guid isPermaLink="false">RSS_BUDDY_385878-342</guid><itunes:category text="News &amp; Politics"></itunes:category><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:duration>01:55:59</itunes:duration><itunes:keywords>alternative science spirituality paranormal information</itunes:keywords><comments>as broadcast LIVE Sunday evenings 7pm CENTRAL</comments></item><item><title>Part 1 of F2F aired LIVE May 22nd 2011</title><itunes:author>BLKnight</itunes:author><link></link><description><![CDATA[James with opening comments and open linestalk, Les Visible (SocioPoliticalMetaphysical Commentaries), Sterling Allan (This Week In Free Energy) ]]></description><itunes:subtitle>James with opening comments and open linestalk, Les Visible (SocioPoliticalMetaphysical Commentaries), Sterling Allan (This Week In Free Energy) </itunes:subtitle><itunes:summary>James with opening comments and open linestalk, Les Visible (SocioPoliticalMetaphysical Commentaries), Sterling Allan (This Week In Free Energy) </itunes:summary><author></author><pubDate>Mon, 23 May 2011 10:57:42 -0600</pubDate><category>News &amp; Politics</category><enclosure url="" length="20879000" type="audio/mpeg"/><guid isPermaLink="false">RSS_BUDDY_385878-341</guid><itunes:category text="News &amp; Politics"></itunes:category><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:duration>01:55:59</itunes:duration><itunes:keywords>alternative science spirituality paranormal information</itunes:keywords><comments>as broadcast LIVE Sunday evenings 7pm CENTRAL</comments></item><item><title>Part 2 of F2F aired LIVE May 15th 2011</title><itunes:author>BLKnight</itunes:author><link></link><description><![CDATA[Hiro White returns to talk about Internet privacy and security with the new Digital Cash (Value Transfers) systems like DigiCoins and Loom offering replacements the USD as coice of currency. This dicussion also shows how oppressive the USD system is.]]></description><itunes:subtitle>Hiro White returns to talk about Internet privacy and security with the new Digital Cash (Value Transfers) systems like DigiCoins and Loom offering replacements the USD as coice of currency. This dicussion also shows how oppressive the USD system is.</itunes:subtitle><itunes:summary>Hiro White returns to talk about Internet privacy and security with the new Digital Cash (Value Transfers) systems like DigiCoins and Loom offering replacements the USD as coice of currency. This dicussion also shows how oppressive the USD system is.</itunes:summary><author></author><pubDate>Mon, 16 May 2011 10:57:42 -0600</pubDate><category>News &amp; Politics</category><enclosure url="" length="20881500" type="audio/mpeg"/><guid isPermaLink="false">RSS_BUDDY_385878-339</guid><itunes:category text="News &amp; Politics"></itunes:category><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:duration>01:56:00</itunes:duration><itunes:keywords>alternative science spirituality paranormal information</itunes:keywords><comments>as broadcast LIVE Sunday evenings 7pm CENTRAL</comments></item><item><title>Part 1 of F2F aired LIVE May 15th 2011</title><itunes:author>BLKnight</itunes:author><link></link><description><![CDATA[James opens with comments about Dr. Steve Pieczenik's comments on Alex Jones this past week Also, James takes on the prediction by Harold Camping that Jesus will return May 21st, 2011! Les Visible's Socio, Political, Spiritual Commentaries, Sterling D. Allan (TWIFE) This Week in Free Energy.]]></description><itunes:subtitle>James opens with comments about Dr. Steve Pieczenik's comments on Alex Jones this past week Also, James takes on the prediction by Harold Camping that Jesus will return May 21st, 2011! Les Visible's Socio, Political, Spiritual Commentaries, Sterling D. Allan (TWIFE) This Week in Free Energy.</itunes:subtitle><itunes:summary>James opens with comments about Dr. Steve Pieczenik's comments on Alex Jones this past week Also, James takes on the prediction by Harold Camping that Jesus will return May 21st, 2011! Les Visible's Socio, Political, Spiritual Commentaries, Sterling D. Allan (TWIFE) This Week in Free Energy.</itunes:summary><author></author><pubDate>Mon, 16 May 2011 10:57:42 -0600</pubDate><category>News &amp; Politics</category><enclosure url="" length="20916100" type="audio/mpeg"/><guid isPermaLink="false">RSS_BUDDY_385878-338</guid><itunes:category text="News &amp; Politics"></itunes:category><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:duration>01:56:11</itunes:duration><itunes:keywords>alternative science spirituality paranormal information</itunes:keywords><comments>as broadcast LIVE Sunday evenings 7pm CENTRAL</comments></item><item><title>Part 2 of F2F aired LIVE May 8th 2011</title><itunes:author>BLKnight</itunes:author><link></link><description><![CDATA[Toney McMahon, a pro golf instructor, and pioneered a way to train people to focus their attention. 80% are right-eye dominant (visual learners) and the education is set -up for the 20% who are left -eye dominant (listenerreaders). Also, James has comments on the talk thow Host Alex Jone. Is he real? What drives him? What of the charges he works for vary NWO he claims to expose? What of the guests and data reveled onthe show?]]></description><itunes:subtitle>Toney McMahon, a pro golf instructor, and pioneered a way to train people to focus their attention. 80% are right-eye dominant (visual learners) and the education is set -up for the 20% who are left -eye dominant (listenerreaders). Also, James has comments on the talk thow Host Alex Jone. Is he real? What drives him? What of the charges he works for vary NWO he claims to expose? What of the guests and data reveled onthe show?</itunes:subtitle><itunes:summary>Toney McMahon, a pro golf instructor, and pioneered a way to train people to focus their attention. 80% are right-eye dominant (visual learners) and the education is set -up for the 20% who are left -eye dominant (listenerreaders). Also, James has comments on the talk thow Host Alex Jone. Is he real? What drives him? What of the charges he works for vary NWO he claims to expose? What of the guests and data reveled onthe show?</itunes:summary><author></author><pubDate>Mon, 09 May 2011 10:57:42 -0600</pubDate><category>News &amp; Politics</category><enclosure url="" length="20913700" type="audio/mpeg"/><guid isPermaLink="false">RSS_BUDDY_385878-337</guid><itunes:category text="News &amp; Politics"></itunes:category><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:duration>01:56:10</itunes:duration><itunes:keywords>alternative science spirituality paranormal information</itunes:keywords><comments>as broadcast LIVE Sunday evenings 7pm CENTRAL</comments></item><item><title>Part 1 of F2F aired LIVE May 8th 2011</title><itunes:author>BLKnight</itunes:author><link></link><description><![CDATA[James is back LIVE, with studio work completed. Opening remasrks on the MediaPolitica Wrestling Federation.Bill Birnes (UFO Magazine and the History Channel's, UFO Hunters ), Dr. Rita Louise (Soul-Healer Moment) End of the World... Again?, Les Visible SocioPoliticalSpiritual Commentaries, Sterling D. Allan (TWIFE) This Week in Free Energy.Energy.]]></description><itunes:subtitle>James is back LIVE, with studio work completed. Opening remasrks on the MediaPolitica Wrestling Federation.Bill Birnes (UFO Magazine and the History Channel's, UFO Hunters ), Dr. Rita Louise (Soul-Healer Moment) End of the World... Again?, Les Visible SocioPoliticalSpiritual Commentaries, Sterling D. Allan (TWIFE) This Week in Free Energy.Energy.</itunes:subtitle><itunes:summary>James is back LIVE, with studio work completed. Opening remasrks on the MediaPolitica Wrestling Federation.Bill Birnes (UFO Magazine and the History Channel's, UFO Hunters ), Dr. Rita Louise (Soul-Healer Moment) End of the World... Again?, Les Visible SocioPoliticalSpiritual Commentaries, Sterling D. Allan (TWIFE) This Week in Free Energy.Energy.</itunes:summary><author></author><pubDate>Mon, 09 May 2011 10:57:42 -0600</pubDate><category>News &amp; Politics</category><enclosure url="" length="20850700" type="audio/mpeg"/><guid isPermaLink="false">RSS_BUDDY_385878-336</guid><itunes:category text="News &amp; Politics"></itunes:category><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:duration>01:55:49</itunes:duration><itunes:keywords>alternative science spirituality paranormal information</itunes:keywords><comments>as broadcast LIVE Sunday evenings 7pm CENTRAL</comments></item><item><title>F2F TWIFE for May 1st, 2011</title><itunes:author>BLKnight</itunes:author><link></link><description><![CDATA[James will be back, live, May 8th. Les Visible was hospitalized at the time of this show, Here is This Week in Free Energy w-Sterling Allan]]></description><itunes:subtitle>James will be back, live, May 8th. Les Visible was hospitalized at the time of this show, Here is This Week in Free Energy w-Sterling Allan</itunes:subtitle><itunes:summary>James will be back, live, May 8th. Les Visible was hospitalized at the time of this show, Here is This Week in Free Energy w-Sterling Allan</itunes:summary><author></author><pubDate>Mon, 02 May 2011 10:57:42 -0600</pubDate><category>News &amp; Politics</category><enclosure url="" length="2448100" type="audio/mpeg"/><guid isPermaLink="false">RSS_BUDDY_385878-335</guid><itunes:category text="News &amp; Politics"></itunes:category><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:duration>00:08:08</itunes:duration><itunes:keywords>alternative science spirituality paranormal information</itunes:keywords><comments>as broadcast LIVE Sunday evenings 7pm CENTRAL</comments></item><item><title>Les Visible and TWIFE for April 24th, 2011</title><itunes:author>BLKnight</itunes:author><link></link><description><![CDATA[James is building cabnets and shelving for books, CDDVD and recording equipment in his studio for the next few weeks. But included here is the latest from Les Visible's weekly commentaries and This Week in Free Energy w-Sterling Allan]]></description><itunes:subtitle>James is building cabnets and shelving for books, CDDVD and recording equipment in his studio for the next few weeks. But included here is the latest from Les Visible's weekly commentaries and This Week in Free Energy w-Sterling Allan</itunes:subtitle><itunes:summary>James is building cabnets and shelving for books, CDDVD and recording equipment in his studio for the next few weeks. But included here is the latest from Les Visible's weekly commentaries and This Week in Free Energy w-Sterling Allan</itunes:summary><author></author><pubDate>Mon, 25 Apr 2011 10:57:42 -0600</pubDate><category>News &amp; Politics</category><enclosure url="" length="16011800" type="audio/mpeg"/><guid isPermaLink="false">RSS_BUDDY_385878-334</guid><itunes:category text="News &amp; Politics"></itunes:category><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:duration>00:26:04</itunes:duration><itunes:keywords>alternative science spirituality paranormal information</itunes:keywords><comments>as broadcast LIVE Sunday evenings 7pm CENTRAL</comments></item><item><title>Les Visible as aired on F2F Apr 17th 2011</title><itunes:author>BLKnight</itunes:author><link></link><description><![CDATA[James is building cabnets and shelving for books, CDDVD and recording equipment in his studio for the next few weeks. But included here is the latest from Les Visible's weekly commentaries.]]></description><itunes:subtitle>James is building cabnets and shelving for books, CDDVD and recording equipment in his studio for the next few weeks. But included here is the latest from Les Visible's weekly commentaries.</itunes:subtitle><itunes:summary>James is building cabnets and shelving for books, CDDVD and recording equipment in his studio for the next few weeks. But included here is the latest from Les Visible's weekly commentaries.</itunes:summary><author></author><pubDate>Sat, 23 Apr 2011 10:57:42 -0600</pubDate><category>News &amp; Politics</category><enclosure url="" length="8161500" type="audio/mpeg"/><guid isPermaLink="false">RSS_BUDDY_385878-333</guid><itunes:category text="News &amp; Politics"></itunes:category><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:duration>00:17:00</itunes:duration><itunes:keywords>alternative science spirituality paranormal information</itunes:keywords><comments>as broadcast LIVE Sunday evenings 7pm CENTRAL</comments></item><item><title>Part 2 of F2F aired LIVE April 10th 2011</title><itunes:author>BLKnight</itunes:author><link></link><description><![CDATA[Naomi Oreskes (Author Merchants of Doubt) Answers common Anti-GLobal Warming objections to the Global WarmingClimate Change models such as, The other planets are warming as well and Some ice cores actual say it is cooling. Pauline Southard returns for her quarterly look at the Solstices, and this Spring looks very Turbulent]]></description><itunes:subtitle>Naomi Oreskes (Author Merchants of Doubt) Answers common Anti-GLobal Warming objections to the Global WarmingClimate Change models such as, The other planets are warming as well and Some ice cores actual say it is cooling. Pauline Southard returns for her quarterly look at the Solstices, and this Spring looks very Turbulent</itunes:subtitle><itunes:summary>Naomi Oreskes (Author Merchants of Doubt) Answers common Anti-GLobal Warming objections to the Global WarmingClimate Change models such as, The other planets are warming as well and Some ice cores actual say it is cooling. Pauline Southard returns for her quarterly look at the Solstices, and this Spring looks very Turbulent</itunes:summary><author></author><pubDate>Mon, 11 Apr 2011 10:57:42 -0600</pubDate><category>News &amp; Politics</category><enclosure url="" length="20925200" type="audio/mpeg"/><guid isPermaLink="false">RSS_BUDDY_385878-332</guid><itunes:category text="News &amp; Politics"></itunes:category><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:duration>01:56:22</itunes:duration><itunes:keywords>alternative science spirituality paranormal information</itunes:keywords><comments>as broadcast LIVE Sunday evenings 7pm CENTRAL</comments></item><item><title>Part 1 of F2F aired LIVE April 10th 2011</title><itunes:author>BLKnight</itunes:author><link></link><description><![CDATA[James opening Comments, Bill Birnes (UFO Magazine and the History Channel's, UFO Hunters ) speaks on Japan quakes, Norway Spirals and Edgar Cases' prediction of End Times and Japan, Dr. Rita Louise (Soul-Healer Moment) In Search of Planet X , Les Visible SocioPoliticalSpiritual Commentaries, Sterling D. Allan (TWIFE) This Week in Free Energy.]]></description><itunes:subtitle>James opening Comments, Bill Birnes (UFO Magazine and the History Channel's, UFO Hunters ) speaks on Japan quakes, Norway Spirals and Edgar Cases' prediction of End Times and Japan, Dr. Rita Louise (Soul-Healer Moment) In Search of Planet X , Les Visible SocioPoliticalSpiritual Commentaries, Sterling D. Allan (TWIFE) This Week in Free Energy.</itunes:subtitle><itunes:summary>James opening Comments, Bill Birnes (UFO Magazine and the History Channel's, UFO Hunters ) speaks on Japan quakes, Norway Spirals and Edgar Cases' prediction of End Times and Japan, Dr. Rita Louise (Soul-Healer Moment) In Search of Planet X , Les Visible SocioPoliticalSpiritual Commentaries, Sterling D. Allan (TWIFE) This Week in Free Energy.</itunes:summary><author></author><pubDate>Mon, 11 Apr 2011 10:57:42 -0600</pubDate><category>News &amp; Politics</category><enclosure url="" length="20884100" type="audio/mpeg"/><guid isPermaLink="false">RSS_BUDDY_385878-331</guid><itunes:category text="News &amp; Politics"></itunes:category><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit><itunes:duration>01:57:21</itunes:duration><itunes:keywords>alternative science spirituality paranormal information</itunes:keywords><comments>as broadcast LIVE Sunday evenings 7pm CENTRAL</comments></item></channel></rss>
Copyright © 2002-9 Sam Ruby, Mark Pilgrim, Joseph Walton, and Phil Ringnalda