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  8. <title>RSS IT Development Blog</title>
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  10. <description>IT Development Blog</description>
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  16. <title>Call of Duty Big Red One PS2</title>
  17. <description>Though Call of Duty 2: Big Red One shares its name with another game released on the PC-and soon to be released on the Xbox 360-you shouldn&#039;t confuse the two. Big Red One for the Xbox, PlayStation 2, and GameCube is an entirely ...</description>
  18. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/call_of_duty_2_big_red.jpg" alt="Call of Duty 2: Big Red One" align="left" /><p>Though Call of Duty 2: Big Red One shares its name with another game released on the PC-and soon to be released on the Xbox 360-you shouldn't confuse the two. Big Red One for the Xbox, PlayStation 2, and GameCube is an entirely different game from the PC and Xbox 360 versions. While it's a definite improvement on Activision's last Call of Duty game for consoles, Big Red One still doesn't do quite enough to distinguish itself from numerous other World War II first-person shooters. No, it's not a brand of chewing gum. Big Red One is the US Army's 1st Division. The subtitle, Big Red One, refers to the United States' Army's 1st Infantry Division, whose exploits are chronicled in the game's 13-mission campaign. The unit became known as one of America's fiercest and most courageous fighting units in World War II, serving tours of duty in North Africa, sweeping up through Italy, landing on Normandy, and pushing across the European continent into Germany. Big Red One's campaign follows this chronological path, putting you in the shoes of a fresh-faced private in Fox company. Over the course of the campaign, you'll participate in a number of different missions, such as capturing airfields, clearing out villages, and assisting other units in battle. The game mixes things up a lot, having you at various times driving tanks, manning the mounted guns of marine landing craft, shooting down aircraft from antiaircraft guns, and even operating the turret guns and bomb bay doors of a B-24 Liberator. You'll also use binoculars to help spot for artillery or navy ships so you can rain the hurt down on tanks and other hard targets. Yes, the pathways are linear and scripted, as in all the other Call of Duty games, but the variation in the mission types helps keep the game fresh and interesting, instead of just having you on foot shooting guys with a rifle the whole time. The fun doesn't last long, however, as most people should be able to blow through the campaign in seven or eight hours.</p>]]></content:encoded>
  19. <category><![CDATA[Call Of Duty]]></category>
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  22. <pubDate>Thu, 07 Sep 2023 03:02:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  25. <title>Videos of PS4</title>
  26. <description>There&#039;s nothing quite like seeing a once-in-a-lifetime moment in a video game and realizing it&#039;s too late to go back and get a video of it. It&#039;s over and gone, lost forever. Womp, womp. Both the PS4 and the Xbox One promised to ...</description>
  27. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/playstation_turns_20_ps4_20th_anniversary.jpg" alt="PS4 20th Anniversary Edition" align="left" /><p>There's nothing quite like seeing a once-in-a-lifetime moment in a video game and realizing it's too late to go back and get a video of it. It's over and gone, lost forever. Womp, womp. Both the PS4 and the Xbox One promised to help gamers avoid that scenario by including hardware that's constantly recording a set amount of gameplay, allowing your console can work like a gameplay DVR. Both consoles have achieved that goal, making it possible to save and share video clips even if you didn't remember to hit "record" until after the magic moment passed. That said, I've been playing a lot of games on the PS4 lately and have become aware of just how finicky the recording controls are. The instructions aren't entirely clear... While I realize that many PS4 owners out there probably figured all this out a long time ago, I still thought it might be useful to share a quick guide on how to capture video on the PS4. Mostly, I want to share it because I was a little bit murky on how it all worked up until surprisingly recently, and I'm betting I'm not the only one. Here's how you do it: 1. Tweak your share settings to your liking. When you enter the Share menu you'll have the choice to go into Share Settings/View Guide by hitting the Options button. Do that, and decide what you want the share button to do while you're playing a game. I prefer Easy Screenshots, but your mileage may vary. Regardless, you'll wind up with three commands: Go to share menu, take screenshot, or set a start point for a video clip. You'll also want to adjust how long your video clips can be, which you can do in a parallel menu. I set mine to 5 minutes because I'm generally capturing short sequences and don't want to have to hunt through 15 minutes videos to find what I'm looking for.</p>]]></content:encoded>
  28. <category><![CDATA[Video Editing Software]]></category>
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  31. <pubDate>Mon, 28 Aug 2023 02:59:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  34. <title>Bible application for Android</title>
  35. <description>We were thrilled with the response to the Bible Gateway mobile app for iOS, which we launched early this summer. Since then, we’ve been working hard to bring the experience to Android devices as well—and in the process ...</description>
  36. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/bible_free_app_download_for_android.png" alt="Bible Screenshots" align="left" /><p>We were thrilled with the response to the Bible Gateway mobile app for iOS, which we launched early this summer. Since then, we’ve been working hard to bring the experience to Android devices as well—and in the process, we’ve made improvements and added new features in response to user feedback. Both iOS and Android users can now experience God’s Word powerfully and directly through the new and improved Bible Gateway app: Search, read, and study more than 90 different Bibles, including the NIV, KJV, NASB, The Message, NLT (newly added!), and many more. Read the Verse of the Day in the translation of your choice. Take personal notes, highlight Bible passages, and flag your favorite verses. Share those verses with friends on Facebook and Twitter! Listen to a variety of audio Bibles. Follow a Bible reading plan to read through Scripture in a year. Access our library of Bible commentaries, dictionaries, and other study tools to help you get the most out of your Scripture reading. We know that our Android-using friends have been waiting patiently for an Android version of the Bible Gateway app, and we’re happy to make it available for free. We want to make it easy for you to get into the Word of God every day. So go grab the app (did we mention it’s free?), dive in, and let us know what you think. We’re continually working to improve the app and add new features, and to that end we’re always interested in hearing from you about what works, what doesn’t, and what you’d like to see in future versions of the app. Download it now!</p>]]></content:encoded>
  37. <category><![CDATA[Application For Android]]></category>
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  40. <pubDate>Fri, 18 Aug 2023 02:58:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  43. <title>Need for Speed Rivals PS4 manual</title>
  44. <description>The below text is a complete guide for Need for Speed Rivals game, helping both in understanding its basic rules, as well as more complicated elements, so achieving further goals will become much easier and more enjoyable. This ...</description>
  45. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/need_for_speed_rivals_ps4_controls.jpg" alt="Need For Speed Rivals PS4" align="left" /><p>The below text is a complete guide for Need for Speed Rivals game, helping both in understanding its basic rules, as well as more complicated elements, so achieving further goals will become much easier and more enjoyable. This guide is divided into several main chapters. First chapter offers a number of tips for gamers who start their adventure with this game. Mentioned hints relate to, among other things, efficient navigation, rules in the game world and repairing cars . Next chapters of the guide focus on describing two main gameplay modes: Rival and Cop. In the description of each mentioned mode you can find information on available races and challenges, earning Speedpoints, rules on unlocking playable vehicles and their upgrades and evading or finalizing police pursuits. It is worth mentioning, that the important feature of Need for Speed Rivals is possibility of freely switching between both careers, but of course you can focus your efforts on faster completing only one of them. End chapters of this guide focus on multiplayer game and completing achievements and trophies (most difficult ones are described in more detail). Need for Speed: Rivals is the next installment of one of the most popular racing game series, focusing on continuous struggle of road hogs and police trying to get them. Both sides of the "conflict" in order to complete their goals use fast, powerful and modified models of sport cars. The game offers also an open world with a lot of freedom when choosing how to spend a free time. Need for Speed: Rivals guide contains: Description of all main elements of the gameplay (navigation, controls, fixing cars and other); Detailed description of racer career mode (available races and challenges, earning speedpoints, buying and upgrading vehicles, list of cars, evading police, completing career chapters); Detailed description of cop career mode (available races and challenges, earning speedpoints, upgrading police vehicles and their types, list of police vehicles, busting racers, completing career chapters); Information on possible interactions with other players; List of all possible achievements/trophies. Jacek "Stranger" Halas Translation: Maciej "Elrond" Myrcha</p>]]></content:encoded>
  46. <category><![CDATA[Need For Speed]]></category>
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  49. <pubDate>Tue, 08 Aug 2023 02:10:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  52. <title>War of the Monsters PS2</title>
  53. <description>War of the Monsters is a 3D fighting game for the PlayStation 2 developed by Incognito Entertainment and published by Sony Computer Entertainment. The game was released on January 14, 2003 in North America and April 17, 2003 in ...</description>
  54. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/war_of_the_monsters_wikipedia.jpg" alt="Cover art" align="left" /><p>War of the Monsters is a 3D fighting game for the PlayStation 2 developed by Incognito Entertainment and published by Sony Computer Entertainment. The game was released on January 14, 2003 in North America and April 17, 2003 in Europe. It was later released in Japan on March 25, 2004. PAL box art thumb|PAL box art|link= thumb|PAL box art|link= thumb|PAL box art|link= thumb|PAL box art|link= thumb|PAL box art|link= thumb|PAL box art|link= thumb|PAL box art|link= The game is set in the aftermath of an alien invasion of Earth where their hazardous fuels have spawned giant monsters that battle one another in city environments...</p>]]></content:encoded>
  55. <category><![CDATA[God Of War]]></category>
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  58. <pubDate>Sat, 29 Jul 2023 02:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  61. <title>Call of Duty Ghosts PS3 Review</title>
  62. <description>The Facts Developer: Infinity Ward Publisher: Activision Version reviewed: PlayStation 3 Also available on: Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PC, and Wii U Price: $59.99 Get it here: Amazon Review copy provided by: The Publisher ...</description>
  63. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/call_of_duty_ghosts_ps3.jpg" alt="Call of Duty: Ghosts is" align="left" /><p>The Facts Developer: Infinity Ward Publisher: Activision Version reviewed: PlayStation 3 Also available on: Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PC, and Wii U Price: $59.99 Get it here: Amazon Review copy provided by: The Publisher It's been a while, hasn't it, Call of Duty? You haven't been high on my radar, but that's not your fault, you're just not within my normal wheelhouse. I tend to prefer third-person titles and my deathmatch shooter of choice was the old sci-fi-leaning Unreal Tournament series...</p>]]></content:encoded>
  64. <category><![CDATA[Call Of Duty]]></category>
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  67. <pubDate>Sat, 29 Jul 2023 00:47:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  70. <title>DLC Call of Duty Advanced Warfare PS4</title>
  71. <description>The final DLC expansion for Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare has been released today for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3 and the PC, it comes to this platform after having been exclusive to the Xbox. CoD’s exclusivity deal with ...</description>
  72. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/call_of_duty_advanced_warfare.jpg" alt="Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare" align="left" /><p>The final DLC expansion for Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare has been released today for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3 and the PC, it comes to this platform after having been exclusive to the Xbox. CoD’s exclusivity deal with Microsoft ends now and it won’t be business as usual with the next title. Today’s DLC, called Reckoning, makes some good additions to the title. Included in DLC 4 for Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare are new maps for multiplayer: Fracture, Swarm, Overload and Quarantine, a new playlist for DLC 4 maps, part four of the Exo Zombies Saga: Descent as well as Reckoning TDM; Reckoning Grapple; Reckoning Moshpit Aside from the DLC an update has also been sent out for PC and PlayStation 3 versions of the game which fix an issue where Point Blank medals were not counting towards unlocking the camo for some pistols and where Double Kill medals were not counting towards unlocking camo for SVO. Various bug fixes are also included in this update aside from the usual slew of performance and stability related improvements.</p>]]></content:encoded>
  73. <category><![CDATA[Call Of Duty]]></category>
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  76. <pubDate>Fri, 28 Jul 2023 12:58:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  79. <title>GTA San Andreas Maps PS2</title>
  80. <description>1 Press start and go to the San Andreas map. Focus on the third island. (its best if you&#039;ve got this far in the game.) Ad 2 Move your positioning lines to the middle of the third island, slightly to the left and the words ...</description>
  81. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/tag_locations_map_grand_theft.jpg" alt="Tag Locations Map" align="left" /><p>1 Press start and go to the San Andreas map. Focus on the third island. (its best if you've got this far in the game.) Ad 2 Move your positioning lines to the middle of the third island, slightly to the left and the words "restricted area" should appear. Mark your target here. 3 Exit the map and make your way there. When possible, try to get a "freeway" motorbike on the way to the restricted area as you will need one to get in (you can find one in Fort Carson). 4 It's recommended at this point to enter the no wanted level cheat because you will be shot if you enter the restricted area without it...</p>]]></content:encoded>
  82. <category><![CDATA[Gta San Andreas]]></category>
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  85. <pubDate>Tue, 18 Jul 2023 12:57:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  88. <title>Xbox One EB games Canada</title>
  89. <description>Improve your performance and fit Swap between a variety of metal thumbsticks and D-pads for personalised control and ergonomics. Discover configurations that can improve accuracy, speed, and reach with thumbsticks of different ...</description>
  90. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/eb_games_the_largest_video_game.jpg" alt="Found 5 items for your search" align="left" /><p>Improve your performance and fit Swap between a variety of metal thumbsticks and D-pads for personalised control and ergonomics. Discover configurations that can improve accuracy, speed, and reach with thumbsticks of different shapes and sizes. The Xbox Elite controller adapts to your hand size and play style. You’ll experience better control whether you play FPS, racing, fighting, or other genres. The new, faceted D-pad enables more confident combo execution, while the traditional D-pad provides precise control to change weapons or call in a strike...</p>]]></content:encoded>
  91. <category><![CDATA[Xbox One Games]]></category>
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  94. <pubDate>Tue, 18 Jul 2023 12:14:00 +0000</pubDate>
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  97. <title>Grand Theft Auto 5 PS4 Online</title>
  98. <description>High above the streets of Los Santos floats the Atomic Blimp, hawking Los Santos’ finest tire company (whose products are available in any LS Customs garage). Pre-order now to gain the ability to pilot the most iconic and ...</description>
  99. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="/img/watch_gta_5s_big_story_mode.jpg" alt="IGN" align="left" /><p>High above the streets of Los Santos floats the Atomic Blimp, hawking Los Santos’ finest tire company (whose products are available in any LS Customs garage). Pre-order now to gain the ability to pilot the most iconic and leisurely aircraft in the Los Santos skies (please note that all pre-orders made before today will also get access to the blimp). The Grand Theft Auto V Special Edition includes: Full retail copy of Grand Theft Auto V Collectible SteelBook with Exclusive Artwork This special SteelBook features double-sided, never-before-seen artwork of Michael, Trevor and Franklin...</p>]]></content:encoded>
  100. <category><![CDATA[Grand Theft Auto]]></category>
  101. <link></link>
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  103. <pubDate>Tue, 18 Jul 2023 10:13:00 +0000</pubDate>
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Copyright © 2002-9 Sam Ruby, Mark Pilgrim, Joseph Walton, and Phil Ringnalda