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  73. <p>E-learning is quickly becoming more and more popular, giving students a more interactive, engaging way to learn. With that in mind, there are certain elements you should keep in mind when preparing your e-learning courses. In this article, learn the essential aspects of e-learning courses and how to make them effective for students!... </div>
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  88. <p>If you want to teach effectively, it's important to keep up with the latest technological trends that are available. Luckily for educators, training is changing drastically due to increasing technology. Digital is becoming a booming industry and companies like Google have been developing AI-powered software that can help you teach more effectively and make your life easier.... </div>
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  103. <p>Whether it's a traditional classroom lecture or an online course, one of the most important things about learning is understanding what the student is supposed to learn. An article in this blog discusses the Survey on what students find most valuable about e-learning. With topics from learner engagement to how learners feel about their interactions with each other and instructors, it provides an interesting insight into how students feel about e-learning.... </div>
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