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  57. <p>Life Coach Certification Training course is one of the highly demand coaching training courses.</p>
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  81. <h2 class="text-black mb-4">Welcome To My Website</h2>
  82. <p>Participants have option to join this course online or as a classroom coach training workshop. Our Life Coach Certification training course is ICF accredited professional coaching skills certification program of 60 hours of coach training and 10 hours of coach mentoring. Life coaching is one of the fastest growing businesses in Cairo, Alexandria and Giza in Egypt. Coach Transformation Academy is known for its best and world class Life Coach certification Training programs not just in Egypt but in rest of the world. We would highly recommend undergoing this course if you want to become a certified life coach as this course is accredited by ICF.</p>
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  109. <h2 class="text-black">Life Coach Training</h2>
  110. <p>You can make a bigger impact by becoming an iPEC Certified Coach.</p>
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  152. <blockquote class="mb-4">
  153. <p>The best quality coaching and I feel after this Professional Coaching Training I found the real purpose of my life. Now I have far more better understanding of myself and my clients. I love the way CTA supports after training to get clients and to start a new business as a coach. In these few months I have seen how my life changed.</p>
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  158. <h3 class="font-size-20 text-black">Mick Webster</h3>
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  164. <p>I enjoyed every training session, It is good to see the changes and transformation in myself, I saw my transformation and how I was became more polished and professional weeks by weeks, sessions by sessions. I wanted to become a professional coach for last 2 years and thanks to Coach Transformation Academy who made me turn my dream into a reality and made me successful coach today. </p>
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  169. <h3 class="font-size-20 mb-4 text-black">Ken Davis</h3>
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  175. <p>Amazing training methodologies, outstanding experienced trainers and motivators. I felt an instant and sustainable change in my coaching skills and personality after every training session. I would always be grateful that CTA did not just helped me to get ICF credentials but also to build up my own business as a coach and gave me a platform to start my coaching career.</p>
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  180. <h3 class="font-size-20 text-black">Viola Kaufmen</h3>
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  186. <p>Discovering more about myself and using the power of acknowledgment in my daily life</p>
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  191. <h3 class="font-size-20 mb-4 text-black">Robert Steward</h3>
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