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  28. $(document).ready(function() {
  29. $("#sound-player").jPlayer({
  30. cssSelectorAncestor: '#sound-container',
  31. play: function() {
  32. // Verify if a view has been added already for this track
  33. if(viewed_id == nowPlaying) {
  34. return false;
  35. } else {
  36. updateTrackInfo(nowPlaying);
  37. prevnext(3);
  38. }
  39. // Add the play count
  40. viewed_id = nowPlaying;
  41. $.ajax({
  42. type: "POST",
  43. url: "",
  44. data: "id="+nowPlaying+"&token_id="+token_id,
  45. cache: false
  46. });
  47. },
  48. ended: function () {
  49. // If repeat is not turned on, move to the next song
  50. if($('#repeat-song').html() == 0) {
  51. $('.current-seek').html($('#sound_ghost_player').html());
  52. $('.current-play').show();
  53. viewed_id = 0;
  54. nextSong(nowPlaying);
  55. }
  56. },
  57. swfPath: "",
  58. supplied: "mp3,m4a",
  59. wmode: "window",
  60. volume: player_volume,
  61. smoothPlayBar: true,
  62. keyEnabled: true
  63. });
  64. });
  65. function updateTrackInfo(id) {
  66. // If there's a track id
  67. if(id > 0) {
  68. // Add the current song class
  69. $('#track'+id).addClass('current-song');
  71. // Add current play class to the Play button and hide it
  72. $('#play'+id).addClass('current-play');
  73. $('.current-play').hide();
  75. $('.jp-audio .jp-time-holder').show();
  77. // Add the active player to the current song
  78. $("#song-controls"+id).html($("#seek-bar-song").html());
  80. // Add the active player class to the current song
  81. $("#song-controls"+id).addClass('current-seek');
  83. // Set the play/pause button position (this is needed for mobile view in order for the play/pause button to be at the same height with the initial play button)
  84. $('#track'+id+' .jp-play , #track'+id+' .jp-pause').css({ 'margin-top' : '-' + $('.song-top', '#track'+id).outerHeight() + 'px' });
  86. prevnext();
  88. // Bind functionality to the new song selector
  89. $("#sound-player").jPlayer("option", "cssSelectorAncestor", '#sound-container');
  90. }
  91. }
  92. function playSong(song, id) {
  93. // If the user is on a mobile device, open the track in a new tab rather than playing it on the page
  94. /*if(/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
  95. window.location = ''+song;
  96. return false;
  97. }*/
  98. // Remove the current-song class (if any)
  99. $('.current-song').removeClass('current-song');
  100. // Show the previously hidden Play button (if any)
  101. $('.current-play').show();
  102. $('.current-play').removeClass('current-play');
  103. // Remove the active player if exists and set the ghost player
  104. $('.current-seek').html($('#sound_ghost_player').html());
  105. // Remove the active player class
  106. $('.current-seek').removeClass('current-seek');
  107. // Define the current playing track
  108. nowPlaying = id;
  110. // Update the track listing
  111. updateTrackInfo(nowPlaying);
  112. prevnext(3);
  113. // Get the current song name, url and author
  114. var trackUrl = $('#song-url'+id).attr('href');
  115. var artwork = $('#song-art'+id).attr('src');
  116. var songName, shortSongName = songName = $('#song-name'+id).html();
  117. var songAuthor = $('#song-author'+id).text();
  118. var songAuthorUrl = $('#song-author'+id).attr('href');
  119. if(songName.length > 30) {
  120. var shortSongName = $('#song-name'+id).html();
  121. }
  122. $('#sw-song-name').html($('<a>', {html: shortSongName, href: trackUrl, title: songName, rel: 'loadpage'}));
  123. $('#sw-author-name').html($('<a>', {html: songAuthor, href: songAuthorUrl, title: songAuthor, rel: 'loadpage'}));
  124. $('#topbar-artwork').html($('<a>', {href: trackUrl, rel: 'loadpage', id: 'artwork-container'}));
  125. $('#artwork-container').html('<img src="'+artwork+'">');
  126. // Get the track extension
  127. var ext = getExtension(song)
  128. if(ext == 'mp3') {
  129. $("#sound-player").jPlayer("setMedia",{mp3:baseUrl+'/uploads/tracks/'+song}).jPlayer("play");
  130. } else if(ext == 'm4a') {
  131. $("#sound-player").jPlayer("setMedia",{m4a:baseUrl+'/uploads/tracks/'+song}).jPlayer("play");
  132. }
  133. }
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Copyright © 2002-9 Sam Ruby, Mark Pilgrim, Joseph Walton, and Phil Ringnalda