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  22. <title>Build a Mobile Video Chat Framework With Nex Gen Media Server (NGMS) API</title>
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  25. <pubDate>Fri, 26 May 2023 23:15:37 +0000</pubDate>
  26. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  57. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  58. <description><![CDATA[Introduction Nex Gen Media Server is best known as a multi-purpose media streaming server to deliver live and stored video to a variety of devices. The same media server can be embedded into a mobile application to facilitate real time video communication. Here we will use the NGMS API to facilitate building a video chat [...]]]></description>
  59. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<div id="article-content">
  60. <p><strong>Introduction </strong></p>
  61. <p>Nex Gen Media Server is best known as a multi-purpose media streaming server to deliver live and stored video to a variety of devices. The same media server can be embedded into a mobile application to facilitate real time video communication. Here we will use the NGMS API to facilitate building a video chat client for Android devices using the Android Software Developer Kit (SDK) and Google Android Native Developer Kit (NDK).</p>
  62. <p>We will use NGMS to provide all of the network transport RTP services, video frame compression and decompression. NGMS will run as a natively compiled shared object used by our Android app. We will use a Java Native Interface (JNI) bridging layer to invoke native methods from Java application code.</p>
  63. <p><strong>Pre-requisistes</strong></p>
  64. <p>This article assumes that you have a basic understanding and at least an intermediate level of experience building Android apps. I will not go over the details of setting up and Android project in an iDE such as Eclipse. If you have previously created Android apps, or at least went through some example tutorials you should be able to utilize this tutorial to create a real-time video streaming client.</p>
  65. <p>If you haven&#8217;t already done so, you will need to download the Google Android SDK (Software Developer Kit). In this example I used Revision 15 on a Linux 32bit machine. The java application layer is used to create the actual Android app. The app code will interface with a JNI layer to invoke the NGMS API routines.</p>
  66. <p>You will also need to download the Google Android NDK (Native Developer Kit). In this example I used Revision 6b on a Linux 32bit machine. The NDK will be used for creating the native interface layer which serves as the glue between the native code and Java application code. You should also have a basic understand of the C programming language.</p>
  67. <p>You should first begin by creating a skeleton Android application using an IDE such as Eclipse. In this example, the application will be called ngmsclient. The Java package name will be called com.example.ngmsclient and will target Android OS 2.3 or higher. The root project directory should contain a folder called &#8220;jni&#8221; which will contain the native sources used to interface with the Java application code. The example below assumes that you have a skeleton Android app working and will show you how to integrate an ExampleChat class into your Android project.</p>
  68. <p><strong>The Native Layer</strong></p>
  69. <p>The NGMS core embedded library is written in C and is packaged as a shared object file. Since the Android OS is based on Linux, the NGMS core library will run natively within your Android application space. You will need to obtain the NGMS core library for Android OS from the website. The essential components are the library files,, and the header file ngmslib.h. The ngms files will be packaged along with your ngmsclient.apk to provide video chat services.</p>
  70. <p><strong>The JNI Layer</strong><br />
  71. We will build a shared library called which will serve as the glue between the ngms API and our Java application code. The structure of the Java Native Interface (JNI) directory within your ngmsclient project directory should look like this.</p>
  72. </p>
  73. <pre>
  74. jni/
  75. jni/ngmsglue.c
  76. jni/ngms/include/ngmslib.h
  77. jni/ngms/lib/
  78. jni/ngms/lib/
  79. </pre>
  80. </p>
  81. <p>ngmsglue.c will contain the code to control NGMS output and input features. The code will maintain two seperate NGMS API contexts, one for stream output parameters and one for stream input parameters. You should notice that the naming convention of each function should match the Java package and class name from where you are invoking the native code.</p>
  82. <p>ngmsStartReceiver is called to initialize the NGMS capture input API to listen on port 5004 for a network video stream encapsulated over MPEG-2 TS. Each successive video frame will be automatically demuxed and decoded into RGB565 pixel format. The complete frame can then be read by calling ngmsReceiveFrame.</p>
  83. <p>ngmsStartSender is called to initialize the NGMS stream output API to output encoded video frames to a remote host over port 5004. ngmsTransmitFrame is called to encode and transmit a single raw frame in NV21 pixel format.</p>
  84. </p>
  85. <pre>
  86. /*
  87. * ngmsglue.c
  88. *
  89. * JNI layer to access the NGMS streaming and capture API
  90. *
  91. */
  94. #include <string.h>
  95. #include <stdio.h>
  96. #include <jni.h>
  97. #include <android log.h="">
  98. #include "ngmslib.h"</android></jni.h></stdio.h></string.h>
  100. /**
  101. * Holds the configuration for the NGMS RTP receiver and decoder
  102. */
  103. static NGMSLIB_STREAM_PARAMS_T ngmsReceiver;
  105. /**
  106. * Holds the configuration for the NGMS RTP sender and encoder
  107. */
  108. static NGMSLIB_STREAM_PARAMS_T ngmsSender;
  110. /**
  111. * Starts the NGMS capture service
  112. */
  113. jint Java_com_example_ngmsclient_ExampleChat_ngmsStartReceiver (JNIEnv* _env, jobject _thiz)
  114. {
  116. char xcoderConfig[512];
  117. char sdpConfig[512];
  118. int i;
  120. /*
  121. * Before doing anything call ngmslib_open to open the NGMS service
  122. */
  123. i = ngmslib_open(&amp;ngmsReceiver);
  124. if (i!= NGMS_RC_OK)
  125. {
  126. __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, "ngms", "ngmslib_open failed with error %d", i);
  127. return -1;
  128. }
  130. /*
  131. * Construct an xcoder configuration key value string
  132. */
  133. sprintf(xcoderConfig, "vc=rgb565,vx=320,vy=240");
  135. /*
  136. * Construct an SDP configuration for the RTP receiver
  137. * Here we setup NGMS to read data over a MPEG-2 Transport Stream.
  138. */
  139. sprintf(sdpConfig, "sdp://"
  140. "m=video 5004 RTP/AVP 33\n"
  141. "a=rtpmap:33 MP2T/90000\n"
  142. "a=fmtp:33\n");
  144. /*
  145. * Customize the capture configuration parameters
  146. */
  147. ngmsReceiver.inputs[0] = sdpConfig;
  148. ngmsReceiver.strxcode = xcoderConfig;
  149. ngmsReceiver.islive = 1;
  150. ngmsReceiver.noaud = 1;
  152. /*
  153. * Start the RTP receiver
  154. */
  155. i = ngmslib_stream(&amp;ngmsReceiver);
  157. if (i!= NGMS_RC_OK)
  158. {
  159. __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, "ngms", "ngmslib_stream failed with error %d", i);
  160. ngmslib_close(&amp;ngmsReceiver);
  161. return -1;
  162. }
  164. return 0;
  165. }
  167. /**
  168. * Stops the NGMS RTP capture service
  169. */
  170. jint Java_com_example_ngmsclient_ExampleChat_ngmsStopReceiver (JNIEnv* _env, jobject _thiz)
  171. {
  173. /*
  174. * Stop the RTP receiver
  175. */
  176. ngmslib_close(&amp;ngmsReceiver);
  178. return 0;
  179. }
  181. /**
  182. * NGMS Callback operation which blocks until a complete video frame has been received and decoded
  183. */
  184. jint Java_com_example_ngmsclient_ExampleChat_ngmsReceiveFrame (JNIEnv* _env, jobject _thiz, jbyteArray frameBytes)
  185. {
  186. jstring str;
  188. jboolean copy;
  189. jbyte* buffer = (*_env)-&gt;GetByteArrayElements(_env, frameBytes, ©);
  190. jsize max = (*_env)-&gt;GetArrayLength(_env, frameBytes);
  191. int frameSize;
  193. frameSize = ngmslib_readVidFrame(&amp;ngmsReceiver, buffer, max, NULL);
  195. (*_env)-&gt;ReleaseByteArrayElements(_env, frameBytes, buffer, JNI_ABORT);
  197. return frameSize;
  199. }
  201. /**
  202. * Starts the NGMS streaming service
  203. */
  204. jint Java_com_example_ngmsclient_ExampleChat_ngmsStartSender (JNIEnv* _env, jobject _thiz, jstring remoteAddress)
  205. {
  207. char xcoderConfig[512];
  208. char filter[512];
  209. char destination[512];
  210. const char *p;
  211. int i;
  213. /*
  214. * Before doing anything call ngmslib_open to open the NGMS service
  215. */
  216. i = ngmslib_open(&amp;ngmsSender);
  218. if (i!= NGMS_RC_OK)
  219. {
  220. __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, "ngms", "ngmslib_open failed with error %d", i);
  221. return -1;
  222. }
  224. /*
  225. * Get the destination host string
  226. */
  227. p = (*_env)-&gt;GetStringUTFChars(_env, remoteAddress, 0);
  229. sprintf(destination, "rtp://%s:5004", p);
  231. (*_env)-&gt;ReleaseStringUTFChars(_env, remoteAddress, p);
  233. /*
  234. * Customize the stream configuration parameters
  235. */
  236. ngmsSender.output = destination;
  237. sprintf(xcoderConfig, "vc=h264,vp=66,vb=250,vx=320,vy=240,vgmax=2000,vgmin=1500,vfr=15,vcfrout=-1,vth=1,vl=1,vsc=1,vf=2");
  238. ngmsSender.strxcode = xcoderConfig;
  239. sprintf(filter, "type=yuv420sp, ngmsSender.strfilters[0] = filter;
  240. ngmsSender.inputs[0]= "/dev/dummyvideo";
  241. ngmsSender.noaud = 1;
  243. /*
  244. * Start the RTP sender
  245. */
  246. i = ngmslib_stream(&amp;ngmsSender);
  248. if (i!= NGMS_RC_OK)
  249. {
  250. __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, "ngms", "ngmslib_stream failed with error %d", i);
  251. ngmslib_close(&amp;ngmsSender);
  252. return -1;
  253. }
  255. return 0;
  256. }
  258. /**
  259. * Stops the NGMS streaming service
  260. */
  261. jint Java_com_example_ngmsclient_ExampleChat_ngmsStopSender (JNIEnv* _env, jobject _thiz)
  262. {
  264. /*
  265. * Stop the RTP sender
  266. */
  267. ngmslib_close(&amp;ngmsSender);
  269. return 0;
  270. }
  272. /**
  273. * Encodes and transmits a single video frame using local RTP transport
  274. */
  275. jint Java_com_example_ngmsclient_ExampleChat_ngmsTransmitFrame (JNIEnv* _env, jobject _thiz, jbyteArray frameBytes)
  276. {
  278. jboolean copy;
  279. jbyte* buffer = (*_env)-&gt;GetByteArrayElements(_env, frameBytes, ©);
  280. jsize size = (*_env)-&gt;GetArrayLength(_env, frameBytes);
  281. int i;
  283. i = ngmslib_onVidFrame(&amp;ngmsSender, buffer, size);
  285. (*_env)-&gt;ReleaseByteArrayElements(_env, frameBytes, buffer, JNI_ABORT);
  287. return i;
  288. }
  290. </pre>
  291. <p>We will create the makefile which is used by the Android NDK to build our ngmsglue library.</p>
  292. </p>
  293. <pre>
  294. #Example Makefile
  297. LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir)
  299. include $(CLEAR_VARS)
  301. LOCAL_MODULE:= ngmsglue
  302. LOCAL_SRC_FILES:= ngmsglue.c
  303. LOCAL_C_INCLUDES:= ngms/include
  304. LOCAL_LDFLAGS:= -Lngms/lib
  305. LOCAL_LDLIBS:= -llog -lm -lngms -lxcode
  307. include $(BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY)
  309. </pre>
  310. <p>To build the shared library simply do the following.</p>
  311. </p>
  312. <pre>
  314. ${ANDROID_NDK_HOME}/ndk-build
  315. </pre>
  316. </p>
  317. <p>This should produce the output file [YOUR NGMSCLIENT PROJECT DIR]/libs/armeabi/</p>
  318. <p>You may need to manually copy the libraries ngms/lib/ and ngms/lib/ into the libs/armeabi output directory because the contents of this directory will be automatically packaged into the project.apk application.</p>
  319. <p><strong>The Java Application Layer</strong></p>
  320. <p>The java application layer consists of the application level logic for the Android app we are building. To be able to utilize the native code from the previous section we will need to create a simple application using the Android SDK. This example demonstrates using the ExampleChat class which can be used by your own application to provide real-time interactive video streaming. It does not show all the steps necessary to create a complete Android video streaming application. An intermediate level Android developer should be able to complete the task by building upon and including the ExampleChat class in their full-blown application.</p>
  321. <p>The ExampleChat class shown below is used to control the NGMS stream sender and the NGMS stream receiver. The method startSender can be called to begin streaming video from the native camera using the camera preview mechanism. Each video frame output by the camera is handed down to the NGMS API where it will be encoded and transmitted to the remote party using native RTP encapsulation. The method starReceiver can be called to begin receiving video from a remote instance of the same app. startReceiver launches a thread which performs a blocking poll for the next available received and decoded video frame. Together, these two methods can be used to establish a bi-directional video stream between two remote instances of the same app across a network.</p>
  322. </p>
  323. <pre>
  324. /*
  325. *
  326. *
  327. */
  330. package com.example.ngmsclient;
  332. import android.hardware.Camera;
  333. import android.hardware.Camera.Parameters;
  334. import android.hardware.Camera.PreviewCallback;
  335. import;
  337. public class ExampleChat
  338. {
  339. private boolean myReceiverRunning;
  340. private Camera myCamera;
  341. private PreviewCallback myCameraCallback;
  343. /**
  344. * Change this value to the destination where the video will be streamed
  345. */
  346. private static final DESTINATION = "";
  348. /**
  349. * method to initialize and start sending video from the local camera
  350. */
  351. public void startSender () throws Exception
  352. {
  354. myCamera =;
  356. Parameters parameters = myCamera.getParameters();
  357. parameters.setPreviewFormat(ImageFormat.NV21);
  358. parameters.setPreviewFrameRate(15);
  359. parameters.setPreviewSize(320, 240);
  361. myCamera.setParameters(parameters);
  363. /**
  364. * Call the NGMS native method to perform streaming initialization
  365. */
  366. ngmsStartSender(DESTINATION);
  368. myCameraCallback = new PreviewCallback()
  369. {
  370. public void onPreviewFrame(byte[] frameBytes, Camera camera)
  371. {
  372. /**
  373. * Call the NGMS native routine to encode and transmit the video frame
  374. * to the remote destination using RTP transport.
  375. */
  376. ngmsTransmitFrame(frameBytes);
  377. }
  378. }
  380. myCamera.startPreview();
  381. myCamera.setPreviewCallback(myCameraCallback);
  383. }
  385. /**
  386. * method to stop sending video
  387. */
  388. public void stopSender () throws Exception
  389. {
  390. ngmsStopSender();
  391. }
  393. /**
  394. * method to start receiving remote video
  395. */
  396. public void startReceiver () throws Exception
  397. {
  399. /**
  400. * Call the NGMS native method to perform input initialization
  401. */
  402. ngmsStartReceiver();
  404. /**
  405. * Start the thread which will poll for received video frames
  406. */
  407. new Thread(myVideoFrameReceiver).start();
  409. }
  411. /**
  412. * method to stop receiving remote video
  413. */
  414. public void stopReceiver () throws Exception
  415. {
  416. myReceiverRunning = false;
  417. ngmsStopReceiver();
  418. }
  420. /**
  421. * Thread used to check for decoded video frames
  422. * received by the NGMS native layer
  423. */
  424. private Runnable myVideoFrameReceiver = new Runnable()
  425. {
  426. public void run()
  427. {
  428. /**
  429. * Allocate a buffer to hold a video frame 320 x 240 pixels
  430. * in RGB565 format, taking 16 bits (2 bytes) per pixel.
  431. */
  432. byte[] frameBytes = new byte[ 320 * 240 * 2 ];
  433. int size;
  434. myReceiverRunning = true;
  436. while(myReceiverRunning)
  437. {
  438. /**
  439. * Block until a frame has been received and decoded by the native layer
  440. */
  441. size = ngmsReceiveFrame(frameBytes);
  442. if(size &gt; 0)
  443. {
  444. /**
  445. * The frameBytes array represents a video frame in RGB565 format.
  446. * These bytes can be converted into a Bitmap object for display
  447. * on the screen.
  448. */
  449. }
  450. }
  451. }
  452. }
  454. /**
  455. * Static initialization to load native libraries into address space
  456. */
  457. static
  458. {
  459. System.loadLibrary("xcode");
  460. System.loadLibrary("ngms");
  461. System.loadLibrary("ngmsglue");
  463. }
  465. /**
  466. * Define native method prototypes
  467. */
  468. public native int ngmsStartReceiver ();
  469. public native int ngmsStopReceiver ();
  470. public native int ngmsReceiveFrame (byte[] frameBytes);
  472. public native int ngmsStartSender (String remoteAddress);
  473. public native int ngmsStopSender ();
  474. public native int ngmsTransmitFrame (byte[] frameBytes);
  476. }
  478. </pre>
  479. <p>Once you have integrated the ExampleChat class into your own Android project ensure that all three of the native libraries exist in the project /libs directory so that they will be included into your.apk output.</p>
  480. </p>
  481. <pre>
  482. libs/armeabi/
  483. libs/armeabi/
  484. libs/armeabi/
  485. </pre>
  486. </p>
  487. <p>This example produces video output to the destination IP address To successfully enable two clients to stream video bi-directionally you will need to change this IP address to match your remote client.</p>
  488. <p><strong>Conclusion </strong></p>
  489. <p>The above example demonstrates how to stream live video from the camera object in real-time and how to receive a remote live stream and extract each decoded video frame for display. The same process flow can be applied to add audio streaming in-order to create a complete video chat application. â\x80¨</p>
  490. <p>To view the Nex Gen Media Server (NGMS) Embedded API Guide go to <a target="_new" rel="nofollow" href=""></a></p>
  491. </p></div>
  492. <div class="mads-block"></div>]]></content:encoded>
  493. <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss>
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  495. </item>
  496. <item>
  497. <title>Newly Weds Challenges &#8211; Part 4 &#8211; Employment</title>
  498. <link></link>
  499. <comments></comments>
  500. <pubDate>Fri, 12 May 2023 10:01:27 +0000</pubDate>
  501. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
  502. <category><![CDATA[Employment Work]]></category>
  504. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  505. <description><![CDATA[Unless, as newly weds, you are independently wealthy, you will need some form of income, and that calls for getting employment of one sort or another. It goes without saying that the better, and more current, your skills, the more opportunities will be available to you, whether you work for yourself, or for someone else.Will [...]]]></description>
  506. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> Unless, as newly weds, you are independently wealthy, you will need some form of income, and that calls for getting employment of one sort or another. It goes without saying that the better, and more current, your skills, the more opportunities will be available to you, whether you work for yourself, or for someone else.Will both of you newly weds work? Even in rich countries, both husband and wife have to work to keep the family supplied with its monetary needs. If these are not filled adequately, then there&#8217;s bound to be a struggle to make ends meet. Currently, the entire planet is reeling under the impact of economic difficulties. Many people are out of work and it appears as if it is going to take a while for the present conditions to improve.Guidance or employment counseling is a good idea, whether you have skills to market or not. A skilled counselor can very well steer you into a direction where the skills you have will pay better, and suggest skills to learn if you have none. Far too many people think they know how to get work when they have never had a day of training in finding work. Here also a skilled counselor will be of great benefit in helping you to use your time wisely.There are great positions available for a fee through some employment agencies. If you can afford to pay someone to find you a position then do so because the services offered by such firms can be very comprehensive. Writing a resume in itself is a skilled task and help from such an agency can do wonders in presenting you on paper in the best light possible.Since you are just starting out, this will be a good time to assess the skills that both of you have to take into the market place to find work, or if you are working, to gain a better position for yourselves so that your take-home pay will do justice to your needs. If your skills are wanting, then it may be necessary for one, or both of you, to continue formal training until skills have been developed and/or improved to secure a better living.Where you actually live may present a challenge in its own right. If there is plenty of work and you have the skills, then you may wish to stay put and do the best you can. However, if work is scare, it may be necessary to start out in an area where there is work to be had. This will present a question on its own, particularly if neither of you have been away from home for any length of time. Use the occasion for moving as something to consolidate your union. Having funds to relocate will make, things easier. Not having funds to relocate will call for other actions: either &#8216;gutting&#8217; things out where you are, or doing something completely different on your own, like studying what is needed in your area and doing something to fill the local need, and in so doing starting your own business.Where you do start a business of you own, do not proceed without a detailed business plan to help keep you focused on spending your money, time, and effort, wisely. Access to the Internet or a library will provide you with plenty of help in drawing up a plan. There also are business counseling agencies that will help in providing ideas for the right kind of business for where you live.If you have to work different shifts then you will need some way of staying in contact with each other. It may be a good idea to have a notebook in which you stay in contact with each other in writing. While cell phones can be convenient they do take money, and you wish to keep expenses as low as possible. For this reason a notebook can be a handy idea. The book will contain your schedules and numbers where you can be reached, and any ideas to help your marriage move forward. There will be things one person can do which the other person cannot for reasons of time, and the notebook can help keep time organized so that you are both &#8216;on the same page,&#8221; if you will pardon the pun.Work of a secretive kind will increase tensions in the family and easing those tensions will be important for the future of the union. If the help of a marriage counselor is needed, do not hesitate to consult such a professional. It is tough enough getting a new marriage to go in the right direction without having to deal with secretive assignments as well. If there is no other work available, and it must be of the secretive kind to provide funds for the marriage, then the marriage itself needs some kind of protection from the effects of the secretive work.Work is ennobling and through it we generally find the means to improve our lot in life. It will present challenges both partners should be aware of for the sake of the marriage. </p>
  507. ]]></content:encoded>
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  510. </item>
  511. <item>
  512. <title>There is an excessive amount of traffic coming from your Region.</title>
  513. <link></link>
  514. <comments></comments>
  515. <pubDate>Thu, 11 May 2023 19:19:17 +0000</pubDate>
  516. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  543. <title>Basic Photography Tips &#8211; How to Improve Your Photo Shoot With Your Compact Digital Camera</title>
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  546. <pubDate>Tue, 18 Apr 2023 22:50:27 +0000</pubDate>
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  573. <description><![CDATA[When one intends to explore the world of digital photography and possibly make it a lucrative career in the future, the first thing to be accomplished is to understand the basics of photography. You must able have a reliable compact digital camera in your possession that would prove to be your most valuable tool when [...]]]></description>
  574. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> When one intends to explore the world of digital photography and possibly make it a lucrative career in the future, the first thing to be accomplished is to understand the basics of photography. You must able have a reliable compact digital camera in your possession that would prove to be your most valuable tool when you are out shooting or capturing pictures. Here we have some basic photography tips that would hopefully guide you well in your bid to become a successful photographer in the future:1) Once you own a camera, go through its manual, and understand exactly what every switch, button, control and item on the menu does to your photographs! Even if you are unable to master everything, ensure that you know how to turn on the flash when necessary, are able to switch between different environment settings and know how to zoom in and out.2) Start taking pictures by switching your camera&#8217;s mode to automatic setting at first, and once you are more familiar with the settings and features of your camera, you should be able to alter it in accordance to your needs and preferences3) Set the camera to its highest resolution whenever you can so that you would get better quality pictures that would prove to be more convenient to alter digitally when you are processing them. If you do not have much memory to play with, it is advisable to obtain a bigger memory card as photos with higher resolutions tend to be bigger in terms of image size4) Be constantly on the go, and ensure that you carry your camera everywhere you go! Many people tend to miss good memorable shots because they tend to stay indoors a lot, and many forget to bring their cameras when they are out traveling.5) Avoid red-eye distraction if possible, this can be accomplished by switching on your red-eye reduction feature (most digital cameras come with this options nowadays)6) Use a tripod whenever you can, as it would reduce the chances of your picture blurring due to shaking hands or other distractions &#8211; if possible, get yourself a carbon-made tripod7) And remember, practice makes perfect, thus work on your photography skills whenever you are able to!Once you fully understand all these basic tips, you would be able to take high-quality photographs, regardless of whether they are family photographs, portrait photographs, or even scenery shots! Good luck! </p>
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  580. <title>How to Find Inexpensive Maternity Insurance Coverage</title>
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  583. <pubDate>Wed, 05 Apr 2023 21:08:54 +0000</pubDate>
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  606. <description><![CDATA[Approximately sixteen percent of all females in the United States are without maternity insurance coverage. In the event that they may become pregnant, these women could be confronted with an overwhelming amount of medical expenses, particularly if they experience complications with their pregnancy. In this article we will discuss a number of techniques on how [...]]]></description>
  607. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> Approximately sixteen percent of all females in the United States are without maternity insurance coverage. In the event that they may become pregnant, these women could be confronted with an overwhelming amount of medical expenses, particularly if they experience complications with their pregnancy. In this article we will discuss a number of techniques on how to find low-cost maternity health insurance coverage. Our goal is to help you find the right maternity insurance coverage to help you save as much money as possible on your pregnancy.What is the definition of maternity insurance?Maternity insurance is individual health insurance coverage that includes an additional maternity rider. As of January 2011, there are no stand-alone maternity insurance plans. Many companies do offer discount maternity programs. However, be very careful with these types of discount health programs as they are not insurance plans and usually promise more than they ever deliver.There are essentially two types of individual health insurance that you can purchase that offer coverage for maternity: One type of health plan is known as an indemnity insurance plan. This form of health plan will allow you to pick your own medical doctor and hospital. Because of this freedom, an indemnity health plan can turn out to be one of the most expensive kinds of health insurance plans offered. Indemnity plans always have a schedule of benefits and generally will limit the exact amount of protection available for each type of health procedure covered. The other type of individual health insurance is called a managed health care plan (also know as an HMO, PPO, or POS). This sort of insurance plan has a network of medical doctors and hospitals which you should use for your health care. You can use this kind of insurance for doctors and hospitals outside of the insurance plan&#8217;s network, but the coverage will be limited and you will almost always have more out-of-pocket expense than if you stay within the network. Managed health insurance plans are typically more affordable and are the most popular type of individual health insurance available.What does maternity insurance usually coverStandard individual maternity insurance riders that are added to individual health policies cover a portion of your doctor expenses, hospital fees, prescription medications, labor and delivery. This coverage is limited to the amounts defined in the maternity coverage rider. Make sure that you take time to completely understand the maternity rider offered by an insurance company before you make the decision to buy the insurance coverage. If you have insurance through your job, typically known as group insurance, then the coverage is usually more comprehensive.Can I get maternity health insurance coverage if I am already expecting?Almost all personal health insurance companies do not offer maternity insurance coverage, or any insurance coverage for that matter, to women who are expecting. In the case that you are currently pregnant, quite a few states do offer Medicaid or other state funded health coverage to low-income individuals and families. To see if your state has a low-income maternity program, visit your state&#8217;s department of insurance website.If you are expecting and do not qualify for a state offered maternity program, it is advised to communicate with your local hospitals and negotiate a lower rate for their services. Most hospitals do give discounts if you pay cash or set up some form of payment program up front. The only other option is to obtain group insurance coverage through and employer or your spouse&#8217;s employer. Group health insurance plans almost always contain maternity coverage. </p>
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  613. <title>Affiliate Marketing Software and eBooks to Boost Your Sales and Profits</title>
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  616. <pubDate>Wed, 05 Apr 2023 00:19:51 +0000</pubDate>
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  633. <description><![CDATA[Online business is the alternative solution to the economic crisis that all of us are facing. Most of the days work are not enough due to high price of basic commodities such as; food, house rent, house maintenance, clothing, water bills, electric bills, and education for the children. The prices have shot up and never [...]]]></description>
  634. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> Online business is the alternative solution to the economic crisis that all of us are facing. Most of the days work are not enough due to high price of basic commodities such as; food, house rent, house maintenance, clothing, water bills, electric bills, and education for the children. The prices have shot up and never goes down, the solution to this problem is online business.To start an online business you need to find first the best online business references and software you can find to help understand and start your business on the right track. Affiliate marketing, article marketing, eBay, pay per click, and many other ways you can find to earn extra on the internet. To create your own website is very costly and you need to hire someone that can create the website for you. However, there are lots and lots of ready made website for you but before you start into more complicated online business perhaps consider the following:1. Affiliate Marketing a way of promoting other people&#8217;s product and you earn through commission per sale you make. The more sales you make the more commission you get. And to get good commission is through good affiliate marketing techniques and software to used. 2. Article Marketing a way of driving traffic to your website that has a highest possibility for you to boost your sales and profits. And for affiliate marketers this marketing technique is also very useful to boost their commissions. 3. eBay the top auction site on the internet and another way of starting a good business on the internet. You can even do it part-time although most of the eBay sellers maintained and do it full-time. Self-motivation and dedication are the abilities a seller must have. 4. Pay Per Click a good way of marketing through advertising on pay per click sites. However, you can be a clicker too, however having your own pay per click is even more profitable. One word of advice be careful in choosing a pay per click site as there are some sites are scam make sure to register to trusted sites only. 5. Start your own internet business, it may take sometime to create it but it will surely worth it.Not all online business opportunities are successful there are some failed and do not work for them or maybe they failed and did not work because the administrator lose its interest to work it out. Always remember self-motivation and dedication are the abilities you need to succeed. If you found your way and settled you will know how profitable it can be. </p>
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  640. <title>Home Improvement Marketing &#8211; What Works, What Doesn&#8217;t, What Might and Why</title>
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  643. <pubDate>Sat, 28 Jan 2023 04:19:51 +0000</pubDate>
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  648. <description><![CDATA[Home improvement companies large and small know that getting their message heard by homeowners in need isn&#8217;t easy. Home improvement contractors are everywhere, and each is vying for attention. Open any given value pack mailer or local coupon publication and you will see page after page of home improvement ads. From lawn services, landscapers, deck, [...]]]></description>
  649. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Home improvement companies large and small know that getting their message heard by homeowners in need isn&#8217;t easy. Home improvement contractors are everywhere, and each is vying for attention. Open any given value pack mailer or local coupon publication and you will see page after page of home improvement ads. From lawn services, landscapers, deck, pool &#038; patio contractors to roofing, siding and windows, carpet, bathroom, sun room and basement remodelers, the list goes on and on.</p>
  650. <p>So as a contractor, how do you get your message heard? What marketing works, what doesn&#8217;t, and what aren&#8217;t we sure about? The answers depend somewhat on your local market and your budget, but here I provide some sure things that can be done no matter what your market or budget, and some tips on making the most of all of your efforts.</p>
  651. <p>What Works</p>
  652. <p>When I say &#8216;What Works&#8217;, I am talking about items that I have personally used to market my clients that I wouldn&#8217;t hesitate to employ for any home improvement company. These are methods that have proven time and time again to be worth the investment. There are very few &#8216;sure things&#8217; in home improvement marketing, but I&#8217;ll bet on these methods every time.</p>
  653. <p>Website &#8211; Now more than ever, the standout method of marketing that continues to show solid return on investment (ROI) is your website. Day after day, night after night, your website &#8211; if done right &#8211; can generate lead after lead. I&#8217;ve seen home improvement companies that do ZERO cold-calling and canvassing, and still generate millions of dollars in revenue due in part to their investment in a well-done, highly-optimized website. The key, however, is the &#8216;well-done&#8217; part. Frankly, any jackleg contractor can get a website &#8211; maybe even an attractive one. But without the proper construction and search engine optimization techniques, it will serve as little more than an online brochure. Do yourself a favor and find a search engine pro that can analyze your site and help make changes that will get it working to generate quality leads.</p>
  654. <p>Pay-per-click (Google) Advertising &#8211; Your website, as well-optimized as it may be &#8211; can&#8217;t possibly achieve top ranking for all of the key words and phrases that you need to reach your audience. Today&#8217;s searchers in many cases are using broad terms like &#8216;lawn service&#8217; to find what they need. And at last check, on Google the term &#8216;lawn service&#8217; yielded 9,400,000 results. If you&#8217;re part of one of the large franchises, you have a chance of being found. But if you&#8217;re Joe&#8217;s local lawn service, fagettaboutit. Your only hope in that broad search is to have your site pop up in the Sponsored Listings, or pay-per-clicks. Setting up Google pay-per-click advertising takes a little know-how, but is certainly available to anyone.</p>
  655. <p>Signage &#8211; Contractors are on the road and in neighborhoods far more than they are in any office. They are out and about, all over their covered area day after day. Outfit those trucks &#8211; whether they are pick-up trucks, step vans or large vehicles &#8211; with nicely done signs, and you have yourself a rolling billboard. Forget the subtle vinyl lettering or magnetic sign &#8211; spend a little more on a colorful wrap (no need to wrap the whole thing &#8211; doors, the back window, and/or tailgate will do) and you will surely get noticed. In addition to vehicle signs, be sure to put a yard sign at every single installment. A yard sign is as good as a personal referral. And in today&#8217;s busy society when time spent talking to your neighbors can be few a far between, it allows the opportunity to broadcast to an entire neighborhood that one of their own has put their trust in you for their latest project. I&#8217;ve even seen home improvement companies provide incentives to homeowners for keeping the signs in their yard for extended periods of time. Well worth it.</p>
  656. <p>Ratings-based Organizations &#8211; Organizations like the Better Business Bureau and Angie&#8217;s List allow their members and/or the general public to rate their experiences with contractors. And while many contractors shy away from these organizations for fear of bad ratings, my experience has been positive with these services. That is, of course, if you are reputable contractor. If you&#8217;re a successful contractor who has built a business based on referrals and quality workmanship, these services will speak for themselves. And when you do get you&#8217;re A+ rating, use it. Post it on your website and in ads, and it too can serve as a virtual referral.</p>
  657. <p>Social Media Marketing &#8211; While the jury is still out on exactly how to track the direct return on your social media marketing investment, I wouldn&#8217;t hesitate to set aside a small amount of time and marketing budget for social media marketing. Why? Well for one, it&#8217;s about as low-cost as you can get. It has the potential to be viral, and strong testimonial/referral benefits are there as well. It also tells the world that you are on top of things &#8211; you&#8217;re progressive and stand out as a leader in your field. I don&#8217;t recommend spending 2 hours a day tweeting, but spending 10 minutes a day to post an item or two to your Facebook business page and Twitter account can have great benefits.</p>
  658. <p>PR &#8211; Getting into a regular routine of doing press releases about anything you can think of that might catch the attention of the local press is worthwhile. After a while, regular releases containing good information will catch the attention of the local media. You may even become their go-to people for home improvement information. Invest a little time in putting together a press-kit with your leaders&#8217; biographies, a one-sheet about your company, and any articles, guides, or content you have is worth doing once a year. Then, be on the lookout for news worthy things to write about &#8211; significant new hires, a government regulation that affects your industry or homeowners, new products and services can all be spun into information that reporters will look out for.</p>
  659. <p>Sales Support &#8211; One often overlooked area of home improvement marketing is sales support, however when done right, it can have an amazing return. Companies hire a guy, hand him some business card, send him on his way and expect great returns. Your sales team is the face of your business to customers, and you no doubt spend time agonizing over who to hire. So when you have a good team in place, do the right thing and arm them with the proper tools to make the sale quicker. Online presentations, e-mailable resource links, business cards, and leave-behinds should all be high on the list of items that your team has in their sales toolbox.</p>
  660. <p>What Doesn&#8217;t Work</p>
  661. <p>&#8216;What Doesn&#8217;t Work&#8217; is based on experience, and consists of items that you&#8217;d have to hold me down and force me to spend money on. That&#8217;s not to say that in some cases, some markets they don&#8217;t work, but at best, I consider these items to be hit or miss.</p>
  662. <p>Large Phone Book Advertising &#8211; When I say &#8216;large phone book&#8217; I am talking about the big yellow pages books. It&#8217;s no secret that these directories &#8211; in print &#8211; are dying. With internet availability everywhere and a strong push toward environmental responsibility, directory companies are scrambling to stay alive by offering online options. Unless you&#8217;re tracking your phone book response diligently and seeing a return, my advice would be to get out. Or at least reduce to in-column listings.</p>
  663. <p>Pay-per-lead Services &#8211; For the contractor who has no other method of getting leads, this might be a source to get started, but in my experience, pay-per-lead services don&#8217;t work. Typically they are pricey, and they sell the leads they get to multiple contractors. Even the ones that promise exclusivity have turned out to be duds. Whether they are the major players or the smaller ones, all have had the same results. Very low quality leads and at a cost far too high.</p>
  664. <p>Value Pack Mailers &#8211; Coupon-based value pack mailers are the definition of hit or miss. If you catch a home who opens the pack, and if he or she has an immediate need for what you&#8217;re selling and if he or she is attracted by the ad or offer, you might get some action. That&#8217;s a lot of if&#8217;s. In my experience, these packs are not cheap, and they are loaded with home improvement companies. In fact, during the writing of this article I received one in the mail. Out of the 45 ads in the pack, 22 of them &#8211; nearly 50% &#8211; were from home improvement companies. Can I possibly stand out in a crowd like this, and hit the homeowner at the exact right moment? Hmmmm&#8230;not really liking those odds.</p>
  665. <p>Pricey Print Advertising &#8211; While some may argue that a flashy ad in a magazine has branding appeal, I have seen very little direct return on this type of investment. To get into the magazines, your money would be better spent doing PR that will get you a text mention or even an article.</p>
  666. <p>What Might Work</p>
  667. <p>The items that fall under the category of &#8216;What Might Work&#8217; are items that are hit or miss, but have the added intangible value of branding. So while we can&#8217;t necessarily measure all of the effectiveness of these efforts, we have a sense that they do have some value. The recommendation on these would be to keep the dollars spent in check, but give the activities that fit your budget a shot.</p>
  668. <p>Broadcast Advertising &#8211; Broadcast advertising is great for getting your name out there, but can be really expensive. A savvy marketer can find some diamonds in the rough &#8211; broadcast efforts that have a decent reach and a decent price tag &#8211; but they are hard to find. If broadcast is a part of your mix, try your best to track your efforts. Put landing page URL&#8217;s on your ads, whether they are radio or television ads, and a tracking phone number. Create an offer that is unique to the spot for additional tracking. And by all means, with this and every other marketing effort, talk to your customers about how they heard about you initially. If you hear &#8216;I heard/saw your commercial&#8217; over and over, you will have a sense that it is working.</p>
  669. <p>Event Marketing &#8211; Events range in size and price from affordable local events like street festivals and school-sponsored events to large home and garden shows, wine festivals, etc. The large shows can be tough to see a big return on &#8211; they are expensive to secure space, and expensive to haul your stuff and staff &#8211; and you can get lost in the noise of dozens of other companies just like yours. Smaller, more localized events, though, can have a nice return. While you won&#8217;t be getting a huge quantity of leads, you will likely have more time to spend with the people you do meet, and you won&#8217;t be competing with too many other companies like yours.</p>
  670. <p>Direct Mail &#8211; The options for direct mail vary from mass mailers that can cost a fortune for printing and postage, to smaller, more cost-effective efforts. In my experience, stay away from mass mailings. The return is very low. However, neighborhood mailers from companies like Quantum Digital can have a decent return. When you are able to choose a select set of streets to mail to, you can keep your cost down by doing small runs, and you can piggyback on other efforts. For example, if Joe&#8217;s Roofing is doing a nice roof on Maple Street, Joe&#8217;s team knows when the install is happening. If they have their marketing efforts in sync, they can log into the mailer system, and choose Maple Street and its surrounding streets to mail to. Then, while his crew is there with their trucks (that have great signage) and there&#8217;s a nice job sign in the yard, the neighbors will receive a &#8220;We&#8217;re working in your neighborhood!&#8221; mailer. Bam! You have 3 solid hits to an entire neighborhood with very little cost.</p>
  671. <p>Low-cost Print Advertising &#8211; It is tough to cut through the clutter with print advertising, but I have seen some success in choosing specialized, low-cost publications. School papers, and local papers with classified ads or event listings, can provide the benefit of showing community support, can showcase your branding, and may even get you a few leads.</p>
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  677. <title>Make The Best Home Business Choices With This Advice</title>
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  680. <pubDate>Tue, 20 Sep 2022 16:18:32 +0000</pubDate>
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  702. <description><![CDATA[A lot of people think that operating a home business is something that is hard to do, but it&#8217;s actually something easy if you apply yourself and learn the information. Look at this article with a careful eye and see what information you can take and use towards your home business goals. One of the [...]]]></description>
  703. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>A lot of people think that operating a home business is something that is hard to do, but it&#8217;s actually something easy if you apply yourself and learn the information. Look at this article with a careful eye and see what information you can take and use towards your home business goals.</p>
  704. <p>One of the reasons why many people decide to become involved in home business is so that they have more time to spend with their kids. However, as their business grows, they also easily find themselves in situations where their kids impede their ability to work effectively. Just because it is a home business however does not mean that a nanny, babysitter or daycare center is out of the question. Don&#8217;t ignore these resources just because of the fact that it is a home business!</p>
  705. <p>Study your competition carefully. Understand their pricing and know where you fit in. Never say negative things about your competition. Have your ever noticed that malls are full of clothing stores that all manage to keep doing business? Competition brings out the best in different businesses and every business has its own unique nuances that draw different customers. Talk up your own business, your products&#8217; features, and how they benefit your customers.</p>
  706. <p>If you already have a degree in business management that is great, but you should still continue to read as much as possible. If you don&#8217;t have a degree in this, don&#8217;t worry, you will still be able to catch yourself up through self-teaching and even hands on experience. Many of the best business professionals never finished college.</p>
  707. <p>Use an attention-grabbing name for your website domain. There are many different websites and you want to make sure that yours stands out from the rest. A catchy name can be the perfect thing to get traffic to your site, it will be easy for a potential customer to remember and easy for them to access.</p>
  708. <p>Decide if you are going to be involved in every aspect of the business. When starting a new business, having a staff of full time employees might not be financially possible and many of those tasks have to be handled on your own. As the business grows and money flows in, you can think about hiring personnel to call customers, collect receivables and thousands of other tasks that a small business needs to get done.</p>
  709. <p>You should try contacting a local radio station and making a deal with them to barter products for a small bit of airtime. They can use your products for prizes in contests or free giveaways and in turn, they can mention your business as the place where they got these products.</p>
  710. <p>With all of the information you just learned you want to try to do the best of you ability to apply it towards your home business. The thing about being successful in home business is that you want to continue to expand your knowledge and apply it. You should see success in no time.</p>
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  716. <title>5 Benefits Of Window Tinting For Your Car</title>
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  719. <pubDate>Tue, 20 Sep 2022 16:14:55 +0000</pubDate>
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  741. <description><![CDATA[In 2018, there were reports of more than 700,000 vehicle theft incidents. Generally, vehicles that have something valuable inside them are more likely to be broken into. But there should be a way to prevent these incidents. In this article, we are going to talk about the importance of window tinting. We will shed some [...]]]></description>
  742. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In 2018, there were reports of more than 700,000 vehicle theft incidents. Generally, vehicles that have something valuable inside them are more likely to be broken into. But there should be a way to prevent these incidents. In this article, we are going to talk about the importance of window tinting. We will shed some light on the benefits of this approach for your vehicles. Read on to find out more.</p>
  743. <p>1. Blocking the UV Rays</p>
  744. <p>The ultraviolet rays from the Sun are a type of electromagnetic radiation. Long-term exposure to UV radiation may cause skin burns and symptoms of aging. At the same time, ultraviolet rays may also lead to different types of skin cancers.</p>
  745. <p>If you have your car windows tinted, you can prevent ultraviolet rays from causing damage to your skin. The good news is that tinted windows can block almost all of the UV radiation. Therefore, you can stay safe inside your car even if you drive for hours on a daily basis.</p>
  746. <p>2. Protection in case of an Accident</p>
  747. <p>Although nobody wants to have a car accident, these unfortunate events happen on a daily basis. Shattered glasses are one of the most common causes of injury in these accidents. Car windows tend to shatter when something hard hits them.</p>
  748. <p>Therefore, you can benefit from having your car windows tinted. The thin film in the glass prevents your car window from being shattered into pieces. Therefore, you can be on the safe side in case of a car accident.</p>
  749. <p>3. Protected Upholstery</p>
  750. <p>Apart from damaging your skin, ultraviolet rays from the Sun can negatively impact other objects inside your car. For instance, furniture items tend to develop a faded color with the passage of time. The same is true about car upholstery.</p>
  751. <p>If you have had your car modified recently, we suggest that you go for window tinting in order to protect your new upholstery.</p>
  752. <p>4. Protection from Solar Heat</p>
  753. <p>The sun produces ultraviolet radiation. Apart from this, sunlight can produce a lot of heat inside your car on hot summer days. Therefore, you will be forced to use the air conditioner more frequently. As a result, the performance of your car will go down, which will increase the fuel consumption as well.</p>
  754. <p>The good thing about window tinting is that it can protect your car against Solar heat. As a matter of fact, this approach can help insulate your car, which will keep your vehicle cool on hot summer days. Therefore, when you get in your car, you will not have to turn on the air conditioner.</p>
  755. <p>5. Safer Driving Experience</p>
  756. <p>As far as window tinting is concerned, you can enjoy a lot of benefits. Another great benefit is that you won&#8217;t have to deal with that annoying glare while driving in the direction of the sun. This will prevent the need to put on glasses every time you sit behind the wheel. As a matter of fact, glare can negatively impact your driving experience and you will be more likely to have an accident.</p>
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  761. <item>
  762. <title>5 Benefits Of Fitting Your Private Car With an Air Purifier</title>
  763. <link></link>
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  765. <pubDate>Tue, 20 Sep 2022 16:14:22 +0000</pubDate>
  766. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  785. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  786. <description><![CDATA[As far as respiratory health issues are concerned, air pollution is among the fundamental causes. Since air can travel long distances, you cannot stay safe even if you travel in your own vehicle. As a matter of fact, you may be more affected if you are using public transport. So, what you need to do [...]]]></description>
  787. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>As far as respiratory health issues are concerned, air pollution is among the fundamental causes. Since air can travel long distances, you cannot stay safe even if you travel in your own vehicle. As a matter of fact, you may be more affected if you are using public transport. So, what you need to do is install a good air purifier in your personal vehicle. In this article, we are going to discuss five major benefits of fitting your vehicle with an air purifier. Read on to find out more.</p>
  788. <p>1. Removes Allergens</p>
  789. <p>You may have allergic symptoms due to particulate matter, dust mites, and pollen. Similarly, if you travel with kids or senior family members, you may have to face difficult situations. Therefore, if you install a good air purifier, you can have peace of mind that you are traveling without putting yourself at the risk of allergens.</p>
  790. <p>2. Gets rid of Unwanted Odour</p>
  791. <p>Inside your personal or private vehicle, volatile organic compounds from your vehicle&#8217;s components may increase the level of pollution in the cabin of your car. Similarly, if you or someone in the car is a heavy smoker, it may also make the air quality inside your vehicle even worse.</p>
  792. <p>If you turn on an air purifier, you will be able to remove cigarette smoke and all types of other pollutants from inside your vehicle. Therefore, it is great to have these units installed in your private car.</p>
  793. <p>3. Removes Pet Dander</p>
  794. <p>If you love pets and have a cat or dog in your house, you may need to protect yourself against pet gender. This is essential if you travel with your pet on a regular basis. The thing is that pet animals shed a lot of dead skin, hair, and fur. This can pollute your car cabin. By installing a good air purification unit, you can remove all of these particles on a daily basis.</p>
  795. <p>4. Reduces the levels of Carbon Dioxide</p>
  796. <p>When you breathe, you take in oxygen and exile carbon dioxide. Therefore, if you travel in your own car on a daily basis, your cabin will become full of carbon dioxide. You may suffer a lot of breathing issues if you don&#8217;t breathe fresh air for several hours.</p>
  797. <p>So, if you install a good air purifier, you can create a balance between oxygen and carbon dioxide in your vehicle.</p>
  798. <p>5. Expels Air Pollutants</p>
  799. <p>There are different types of pollutants, and they can be in a variety of forms, such as gas, liquid, and solids. Although many of these particles are man-made, you may know that some of them are created by the nature as well. So, these pollutants may get into your vehicle if you open up the windows or doors. You may want to install a good air purifier to get rid of these pollutants from the cabin of your car.</p>
  800. <p>Long story short, this was a description of the benefits of installing a good air purifier in your vehicle. So, if you want to get yourself a unit, we suggest that you do your homework and compare the advantages and disadvantages of each unit.</p>
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