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  41. <h2>neuro millionaire</h2>
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  45. <p>
  46. neuro millionaire presents the new form of trading. Technical analysis
  47. combined with artificial neural networks.</p>
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  49. <img src="images/dollar-exchange-rate-544949_240.png" alt="Upswing" height="170" width="240">
  50. <br>
  51. <p>
  52. Trading, which is based on neural networks, is mostly more effective
  53. than most of the professional traders. When trading with neural networks
  54. there will be such shares selected which let us expect a rise when going long
  55. or a falling price when going short. These trading advices can then
  56. get traded with long or short trades directly with the corresponding
  57. shares or with CFDs.</p>
  58. <p>
  59. In our neural stock newsletter we offer you first class enter and exit
  60. signals on european, asian and north american stocks. <a href="order.html">
  61. Here you can order our neural stock newsletter</a>.</p>
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