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  128.          <h3><span class="allgone"> <a href="" class="typewrite" data-period="1500" data-type='[ "Low Price Match Saves You Money", "Cloud Based Printing", "New And Office Copy Machines", "Lowest Price Match", "Managed Print Solutions" ]'> <span class="wrap"></span> </a> </span></h3>
  129.          <h1 class="mobilemiddle allgone">Let us save you 30% on your office copier</h1>
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  139.          <p><span style="color:#FFF">Choose from hundreds of the latest office copiers and printers from top suppliers and save up to 30% now. Low price matching allows you to compare the lowest prices in multiple quotes and save.</p>
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  181.                        <h2 style="margin-top:0px;font-weight:800;">Compare Prices On Over 3,000 Office Copiers In Seconds.</h2>
  182.       <P>Get the lowest prices and compare brands and features in minutes now. Save thousands of dollars on your office printing technology. Offering the largest selection of modern full feature office copier and cloud based printing solutions from the top brands in the market today.</P>    
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  196.                            <h4>The trusted name in office copiers.</h4>
  197.                            <p>The rest of your office is connected to the cloud; your printer should be too. Choose from the popular WorkCentre 7830/7835/7845/7855 series of office copy solutions.</p>
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  205.          <div class="thumb-img"><img src="images/canon-copiers.jpg" class="animate" alt="Canon Office Copier Quotes"></div>
  206.                            <h4>Modern, smart and cutting edge.</h4>
  207.                            <p>With stunning print quality, easy to use software, enhanced connectivity and beautiful designs Canon multifuntion printers and copiers are a powerful office tool.</p>
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  215.          <div class="thumb-img"><img src="images/ricoh-copiers.jpg" class="animate" alt="Ricoh Office Copier Quotes"></div>
  216.                         <h4>Powerful, networked printing.</h4>
  217.                            <p>Ricoh offers powerful printers and copiers that can be used anywhere you work. These expert products can transform the way you work and collaborate across the world.</p>
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  225.          <div class="thumb-img"><img src="images/konica-copiers.jpg" class="animate" alt="Konica Minolta Office Copier Quotes"></div>
  226.                            <h4>Konica Minolta full line of copiers.</h4>
  227.                         <p>Konica Minolta multifunction printers and office copiers speed your output and streamline the workflow of your entire team with seamless multifunctional productivity.</p>
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  235.          <div class="thumb-img"><img src="images/sharp-copiers.jpg" class="animate" alt="Sharp Office Copier Quotes"></div>
  236.                            <h4>Award winning copier designs.</h4>
  237.                           <p>Award-winning document systems from Sharp offer advanced features and innovative technology like high-res touch-screen displays and award-winning retractable keyboards.</p>
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  245.          <div class="thumb-img"><img src="images/kyocera-copiers.jpg" class="animate" alt="KYOCERA Office Copier Quotes"></div>
  246.                         <h4>High-value and eco-friendly copiers</h4>
  247.                             <p>Highly regarded by the industry and highly rated by numerous testing organizations, KYOCERA's offers high-value, Eco-Friendly network laser printers for any size workgroup.</p>
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  255. <h4>Should I lease An Office Copier From The Dealer?</h4>    
  256. <p style="text-align:center;">Typically It makes sense to <a href="">lease a copy machine</a> if you are confident that you are capable of paying your monthly payment, each month on time, for the entire duration of that lease term. Leasing an office copier allows you to use your capital elsewhere in the business and avoid the large one time expense of buying an office copier. Also there may be tax advantages to leasing an office copier. Our office copier dealers near you will help explain the advantages depending on you copier need</p>
  260. <h4>How long is an office copier lease term?</h4>    
  261. <p style="text-align:center;">A typical <a href="">office copier lease</a> will be about 12, 24, 36, 48, or at most a 63 month terms. The most common office copier lease lasts 36 months. Longer copier leases office lower copier prices but a lease is a contract you must complete.</p>
  263. <h4>How fast of an office copier should I buy?</h4>    
  264. <p style="text-align:center;">If this will be your office’s <a href="">first copy machine</a> you may be fine with just 20-30ppm (pages per minute). Slower print sp[eeds almost always translate to lower cost for you. If you own a law firm, tax office or operate in a high-demand for copies office setting then you may be best served spending more for copier speeds as high as 70ppm.</p>
  266. <h4>How Do I Choose An Office Copier Dealer Near Me?</h4>    
  267. <p style="text-align:center;">Almost every city has options for national, regional and local <a href="">office copier dealers</a>. Some deal only in a single brand while others offers copier leasing and copiers for sale from all brands. We work with over 40 companies to help us serve customers in all 50 states. Our providers and locations can help you buy or <strong>lease an office copier</strong> that is the size, type, price and exact machine you need for maximum productivity. When you submit a quote requst to our team we will show you our prices and other local options and you can be sure you are getting the lowest price on an office copier everytime.</p>
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  395.    <h2>Let us save you on your office copier and printing expenses starting today!</h2>
  396.    <p>Let us quote you a price from multiple choices of the top brands and models of office copiers today. We will let you choose from the features that are right for your business and save up to 30% a year on copier and print expense.</p>
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  411.      <p>Smart business owners who compared and found real savings on their office print solutions.</p>
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  417.        <p>"We needed a low cost way to get the professional printing tools to do our jobs and did not want the large upfront costs. Office Copier Store provided us with the lowest price on copier leasing."</p>
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  425.        <p>"I was tasked by my manager to find the best price on office copiers. The first search I made on line got me the 3 lowest prices on an amazing Xerox copier and printer. I saved almost $1780 thanks to comparing."</p>
  426.        <div class="clientname">Dennis Clement</div>
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  433.        <p>"Our legal office needed a printing solution. I did not have any idea where to start. Being able to make one search and have copier dealers fight over my business was refreshing."</p>
  434.        <div class="clientname">Damon Corring</div>
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  473.          <p>&copy; Copyright 2014-2021, Trenton, NJ | Anaheim, CA - DDBA OCS LLC Delaware, USA. All Rights Reserved. | Office Copier & Printer Technolody Provider | Anaheim, CA 95204 | 888 465 4701</p>
  474.                <p style="color:#fff;"><center>
  476.    <a href="">Xerox WorkCentre 3655
  477. </a> - <a href="">Xerox 5343 Copier
  478. </a> - <a href="">Xerox 5892 Copier
  479. </a> - <a href="">Ricoh Aficio MP C4504
  480. </a> - <a href="">Xerox WorkCentre 133
  481. </a> - <a href="">Xerox WorkCentre 490cx
  482. </a> - <a href="">Xerox WorkCentre 3655
  483. </a> - <a href="">Xerox WorkCentre 5638
  484. </a> - <a href="">Xerox WorkCentre 5790
  485. </a> - <a href="">Xerox WorkCentre 5865i
  486. </a> - <a href="">Xerox WorkCentre 5955i
  487. </a> - <a href="">Xerox WorkCentre 7225i
  488. </a> - <a href="">Xerox WorkCentre 7346
  489. </a> - <a href="">Xerox WorkCentre 7428
  490. </a> - <a href="">Xerox WorkCentre XD105f
  491. </a> - <a href="">Xerox WorkCentre XE90fx
  492. </a> - <a href="">Xerox Xerox WorkCentre XE62
  493. </a> - <a href="">Xerox WorkCentre 175
  494. </a> - <a href="">Ricoh 3030P Copier
  495. </a> - <a href="">Ricoh AC104
  496. </a> - <a href="">Ricoh Aficio MP C305
  497. </a> - <a href="">Ricoh Aficio SP C431DN-HS
  498. </a> - <a href="">Ricoh Aficio Sp3510dn
  499. </a> - <a href="">Ricoh Lanier LD345
  500. </a> - <a href="">Ricoh LD015F Copier
  501. </a> - <a href="">Ricoh MP 2510SP Copier
  502. </a> - <a href="">Ricoh MP 2852 Copier
  503. </a> - <a href="">Ricoh MP 3010SP Copier
  504. </a> - <a href="">Ricoh MP 3010SPi Copier
  505. </a> - <a href="">Ricoh MP 4002 Copier
  506. </a> - <a href="">Ricoh MP 4500SPF Copier
  507. </a> - <a href="">Ricoh MP 5000SPF Copier
  508. </a> - <a href="">Ricoh MP171F Copier
  509. </a> - <a href="">Ricoh MP3351 Copier
  510. </a> - <a href="">Ricoh MP6500 Copier
  511. </a> - <a href="">Ricoh MP8000 Copier
  512. </a> - <a href="">Ricoh Nashuatec D3525
  513. </a> - <a href="">Ricoh Savin 2513F
  514. </a> - <a href="">Ricoh Savin 8045E
  515. </a> -            </center>  
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  518. * All logos and brand names are the property of their respective owners and used for exmaple purposes only, logos do not imply a partnership. ** Savings is based on historic typical savings based on the lowest provider price vs. the highest quoted offer.</p><p>Trenton Office Copier Dealer | <a href="">Los Angeles Copier Dealer</a></p>
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