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  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><rss version="2.0"><channel xmlns:content="" xmlns:wfw="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:atom="" xmlns:sy="" xmlns:slash=""><title>PJ Media</title><link></link><description>PJ Media is a leading news site covering culture, politics, faith, homeland security, and more. Our reporters and columnists provide original, in-depth analysis from a variety of perspectives.</description><language>en-us</language><lastBuildDate>Mon, 06 May 2024 17:28:59 -0400</lastBuildDate><item><title>Where Is St. Patrick When Ireland Needs Him?</title><description>&lt;![CDATA[Yesterday was St. Patrick&amp;#8217;s Day here in Ireland, and around the world as well. (Did you know that Patrick is the patron saint of Nigeria? I didn&amp;#8217;t, until my parish priest here in rural County Clare informed us of that during his homily.) In places like New York and Boston, it&amp;#8217;s a day to celebrate Irish heritage and to get disgracefully drunk, but not in Ireland, where it&amp;#8217;s also a national holiday; until the 1960s, it was illegal to sell alcohol on Patrick&amp;#8217;s Day, as it also was to sell booze on Christmas Day and Good Friday. Further, the drunk-driving laws here are now very strict, and the Irish police, know as the Guards, let it be known there would be sobriety checkpoints and random stops all over the country, not only yesterday but today as well, when the holiday is being observed.]]&gt;</description><pubDate>Mon, 18 Mar 2019 07:23:28 -0400</pubDate><creator xmlns="dc">&lt;![CDATA[Michael Walsh]]&gt;</creator><category>&lt;![CDATA[Catholicism]]&gt;</category><category>&lt;![CDATA[Ireland]]&gt;</category><enclosure url="" type="image/jpeg" length="123" /><link></link></item><item><title>Somali Gangs Battle in Minneapolis; Somalis Demand That Cops Do Something</title><description>&lt;![CDATA[Let&amp;#8217;s start by stipulating that not every newcomer to America is a violent criminal bringing old ethnic and religious conflicts to the New World; nor is he a predatory opportunist, happy to take advantage of the stable, trusting, and yes, welcoming culture he finds. Every country has its social customs and unwritten rules, and often newcomers misinterpret them as weakness.]]&gt;</description><pubDate>Tue, 05 Mar 2019 10:37:23 -0500</pubDate><creator xmlns="dc">&lt;![CDATA[Michael Walsh]]&gt;</creator><category>&lt;![CDATA[Islam]]&gt;</category><category>&lt;![CDATA[Muslims]]&gt;</category><category>&lt;![CDATA[somalia]]&gt;</category><enclosure url="" type="image/jpeg" length="123" /><link></link></item><item><title>You've Come a Long Way, Baby — or Have You?</title><description>&lt;![CDATA[Given the Leftist drive to annihilate the differences (and there are many) between the sexes, this was inevitable. But what&amp;#8217;s amusing about it is the latest blow for &amp;#8220;equality&amp;#8221; came not from the harpies and the Furies but from a group of men who just might be doing a signal service for the women of America:]]&gt;</description><pubDate>Mon, 25 Feb 2019 16:35:56 -0500</pubDate><creator xmlns="dc">&lt;![CDATA[Michael Walsh]]&gt;</creator><category>&lt;![CDATA[Military]]&gt;</category><enclosure url="" type="image/jpeg" length="123" /><link></link></item><item><title>Just Say No</title><description>&lt;![CDATA[Two related news stories this week offer a glimmer of hope that, at long last, the Western democracies are finally putting their foot down regarding Muslim terrorists who want to return to their &amp;#8220;home&amp;#8221; countries after fighting for the Islamic State. In both cases, they are women. And in both cases, they&amp;#8217;ve been told to enjoy the Middle East, because that&amp;#8217;s where they&amp;#8217;ll be staying for a while.]]&gt;</description><pubDate>Thu, 21 Feb 2019 14:35:43 -0500</pubDate><creator xmlns="dc">&lt;![CDATA[Michael Walsh]]&gt;</creator><category>&lt;![CDATA[ISIS]]&gt;</category><category>&lt;![CDATA[Islam]]&gt;</category><category>&lt;![CDATA[Mike Pompeo]]&gt;</category><enclosure url="" type="image/jpeg" length="123" /><link></link></item><item><title>Tired of Living Paycheck to Paycheck? Repeal the 16th Amendment</title><description>&lt;![CDATA[I&amp;#8217;m rarely in agreement with anything Elizabeth Warren says, but last week, while on the social-justice warpath, she accidentally stumbled onto a concept I&amp;#8217;ve long endorsed: a wealth tax. Not that she got it right, of course. For one thing, there&amp;#8217;s the question of whether it&amp;#8217;s even constitutional: the Wall Street Journal, of course, says no; more liberal economists say yes. And certainly there&amp;#8217;s something un-American about penalizing successful entrepeneurs, even those as unappetizing as Bond villain Jeff Bezos of the Amazon Washington Post, and space aliens such as Facebook&amp;#8217;s Mark Zuckerberg. Running as fast as she can to the left of the Young Turkettes in the Democrat Party, Warren had little time or inclination to think her scheme through, with the result that it&amp;#8217;s largely just virtue-signaling from one of the phoniest members of the U.S. Senate, which is saying something.]]&gt;</description><pubDate>Sat, 26 Jan 2019 18:18:27 -0500</pubDate><creator xmlns="dc">&lt;![CDATA[Michael Walsh]]&gt;</creator><category>&lt;![CDATA[Amazon]]&gt;</category><category>&lt;![CDATA[Facebook]]&gt;</category><category>&lt;![CDATA[Jeff Bezos]]&gt;</category><category>&lt;![CDATA[Mark Zuckerberg]]&gt;</category><enclosure url="" type="image/jpeg" length="123" /><link></link></item><item><title>'Schmucks with Underwoods'</title><description>&lt;![CDATA[The first rule of journalism is, as in screenwriting, &amp;#8220;show, don&amp;#8217;t tell.&amp;#8221; It&amp;#8217;s no wonder early Hollywood was populated with ex-newspapermen, who took their fastest-typewriters-in-the-West from New York and Chicago to the actual West and hired themselves out as scenarists and, when the talkies came, screenwriters. As Herman Mankiewicz wrote to Ben Hecht: &amp;#8220;millions are to be grabbed out here and your only competition is idiots.&amp;#8221; Less appealingly, Jack Warner referred to his hired scribes as &amp;#8220;schmucks with Underwoods.&amp;#8221;]]&gt;</description><pubDate>Sat, 19 Jan 2019 21:36:01 -0500</pubDate><creator xmlns="dc">&lt;![CDATA[Michael Walsh]]&gt;</creator><category>&lt;![CDATA[journalism]]&gt;</category><category>&lt;![CDATA[Movies]]&gt;</category><enclosure url="" type="image/jpeg" length="123" /><link></link></item><item><title>For Real 'Russian Collusion,' Look to the Democrats</title><description>&lt;![CDATA[In trying to lob a Molotov cocktail into the Trump White House, the New York Times last Friday succeeded only in blowing off yet another of its appendages. Fixated on its manic desire to destabilize the lawfully elected government of the United States (at what point does the &amp;#8220;Resistance&amp;#8221; become active sedition?), the media has chosen to fight as down and dirty as possible, and in so doing hit a new low:]]&gt;</description><pubDate>Mon, 14 Jan 2019 16:49:35 -0500</pubDate><creator xmlns="dc">&lt;![CDATA[Michael Walsh]]&gt;</creator><category>&lt;![CDATA[2016 presidential election]]&gt;</category><category>&lt;![CDATA[Democrats]]&gt;</category><category>&lt;![CDATA[Russia]]&gt;</category><enclosure url="" type="image/jpeg" length="123" /><link></link></item><item><title>Prizzi's Honor, Seed of Chucky</title><description>&lt;![CDATA[As the shutdown heads into its fourth week, the nation is getting used to the radical idea that we can actually do without the fleets of bureaucrats who, in the immortal words of the Declaration of Independence, have been &amp;#8220;sent hither to harass our people and eat out their substance.&amp;#8221; For decades, as the federal leviathan has grown ever larger, and poked its voracious snout into all manners of unconstitutional fodder, the people of the United States have largely sat idly by, hoping to catch some of the droppings from the creature&amp;#8217;s maw in the belief that it will not eat them too as it forages merrily along.]]&gt;</description><pubDate>Wed, 09 Jan 2019 20:03:22 -0500</pubDate><creator xmlns="dc">&lt;![CDATA[Michael Walsh]]&gt;</creator><category>&lt;![CDATA[2019]]&gt;</category><category>&lt;![CDATA[Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez]]&gt;</category><category>&lt;![CDATA[chuck schumer]]&gt;</category><category>&lt;![CDATA[nancy pelosi]]&gt;</category><enclosure url="" type="image/jpeg" length="123" /><link></link></item><item><title>Do Androids Dream of Electric Feet?</title><description>&lt;![CDATA[The answer to nearly every journalistic headline that ends with a question mark is &amp;#8220;no,&amp;#8221; but that hasn&amp;#8217;t stopped the New York Times from recently indulging in near fact-free speculation about the origin of Donald Trump&amp;#8217;s draft deferment back in the late Sixties:]]&gt;</description><pubDate>Sun, 06 Jan 2019 11:18:44 -0500</pubDate><creator xmlns="dc">&lt;![CDATA[Michael Walsh]]&gt;</creator><category>&lt;![CDATA[Donald Trump]]&gt;</category><enclosure url="" type="image/jpeg" length="123" /><link></link></item><item><title>New Year's Resolutions for the White House</title><description>&lt;![CDATA[After a tumultuous first two years in the White House, the Trump administration — which is effectively just the president himself — is at an inflection point. The Democrats have retaken the House, the markets are volatile, the Fed is raising interest rates, the special counsel is still pursuing him, the Middle East is in chaos, and there’s no border wall yet. So how should Donald Trump head into 2019? Herewith, a list of New Year’s resolutions for him to consider:]]&gt;</description><pubDate>Tue, 01 Jan 2019 13:18:31 -0500</pubDate><creator xmlns="dc">&lt;![CDATA[Michael Walsh]]&gt;</creator><category>&lt;![CDATA[2019]]&gt;</category><category>&lt;![CDATA[Donald Trump]]&gt;</category><enclosure url="" type="image/jpeg" length="123" /><link></link></item><item><title>Where's the Outrage? Look in the Mirror</title><description>&lt;![CDATA[&amp;#8220;Where&amp;#8217;s the outrage?&amp;#8221; asked Bob Dole back during his hopeless presidential campaign against Bill Clinton. But few enough folks were outraged by Slick Willie&amp;#8217;s friskiness with both women and the truth that Clinton was easily re-elected. Back in the days when &amp;#8220;everybody lied about sex&amp;#8221; and Democrats were extolling the virtues of hypocrisy, nobody had much time for outrage; the old moral order was changing and iconoclasm ruled the world. Dole may as well have been spitting into the wind:]]&gt;</description><pubDate>Sat, 01 Dec 2018 12:43:47 -0500</pubDate><creator xmlns="dc">&lt;![CDATA[Michael Walsh]]&gt;</creator><category>&lt;![CDATA[Bill Clinton]]&gt;</category><enclosure url="" type="image/jpeg" length="123" /><link></link></item><item><title>The Late Great (Again) Planet Earth</title><description>&lt;![CDATA[George Monbiot, the man who gave his name to the term &amp;#8220;moonbat,&amp;#8221; is back, like some hair-shirted lunatic screaming on a street corner, saying that we&amp;#8217;re all doomed:]]&gt;</description><pubDate>Sun, 18 Nov 2018 16:06:10 -0500</pubDate><creator xmlns="dc">&lt;![CDATA[Michael Walsh]]&gt;</creator><category>&lt;![CDATA[Climate Change]]&gt;</category><enclosure url="" type="image/jpeg" length="123" /><link></link></item><item><title>The Guns of November</title><description>&lt;![CDATA[In the end, the guns fell silent at the appointed hour: 11 a.m. on the 11th of November, the 11th month of the year 1918. For four brutal years Europe &amp;#8212; and much of the rest of the world &amp;#8212; had been first drawn into and then fully involved in the most ferocious conflict in history up to that time. A war that began almost accidentally, with the assassination of the Austro-Hungarian Archduke Franz Ferdinand in the Balkan backwater of Sarajevo, soon morphed into a domino-toppling series of alliances and ententes, from which no nation or empire emerged unscathed. Nineteenth-century battlefield tactics collided head on with the mechanized warfare of the 20th; millions of young men were blown to pieces, had limbs severed, were blinded, crippled, driven mad as they crouched in the trenches, waiting for the orders to go over the top, and charge into certain death for King, Kaiser, and Country.]]&gt;</description><pubDate>Sun, 11 Nov 2018 13:13:28 -0500</pubDate><creator xmlns="dc">&lt;![CDATA[Michael Walsh]]&gt;</creator><category>&lt;![CDATA[europe]]&gt;</category><enclosure url="" type="image/jpeg" length="123" /><link></link></item><item><title>Under Obama, the CIA Suffered a 'Catastrophic' Disaster</title><description>&lt;![CDATA[This story, which broke on Nov. 2, got mighty little attention from the national media. I wonder why:]]&gt;</description><pubDate>Sun, 04 Nov 2018 18:03:19 -0500</pubDate><creator xmlns="dc">&lt;![CDATA[Michael Walsh]]&gt;</creator><category>&lt;![CDATA[China]]&gt;</category><category>&lt;![CDATA[CIA]]&gt;</category><category>&lt;![CDATA[iran]]&gt;</category><category>&lt;![CDATA[iran nuclear deal]]&gt;</category><enclosure url="" type="image/jpeg" length="123" /><link></link></item><item><title>Trump, the 14th Amendment, the Caravan, and the Constitution</title><description>&lt;![CDATA[In today&amp;#8217;s installment of exploding heads, President Trump has proposed to overturn, via executive order, the constitutionally dubious &amp;#8220;birthright citizenship&amp;#8221; interpretation of the 14th Amendment. There&amp;#8217;s no question he has the authority to issue such an order in his capacity as president and commander-in-chief &amp;#8212; each of the three branches is equally responsible for fidelity to the Constitution, and each is free to interpret it as it sees fit.]]&gt;</description><pubDate>Tue, 30 Oct 2018 12:26:45 -0400</pubDate><creator xmlns="dc">&lt;![CDATA[Michael Walsh]]&gt;</creator><category>&lt;![CDATA[Constitution]]&gt;</category><category>&lt;![CDATA[Immigration]]&gt;</category><enclosure url="" type="image/jpeg" length="123" /><link></link></item><item><title>Angela Merkel: Down, and Soon Out</title><description>&lt;![CDATA[After another disastrous showing in local elections, German chancellor Angela Merkel will step down as the leader of her political party, the Christian Democratic Union, and not seek re-election as chancellor.]]&gt;</description><pubDate>Mon, 29 Oct 2018 10:07:24 -0400</pubDate><creator xmlns="dc">&lt;![CDATA[Michael Walsh]]&gt;</creator><category>&lt;![CDATA[Angela Merkel]]&gt;</category><enclosure url="" type="image/jpeg" length="123" /><link></link></item><item><title>Trump's Merkel Moment -- and Ours</title><description>&lt;![CDATA[Three years ago, a horde of &amp;#8220;migrants&amp;#8221; from the Islamic ummah arrived suddenly in the Hungarian capital of Budapest, marching right through a sovereign nation without a care in the world. They were on their way to the promised lands of old Christendom, and the glittering, helpless welfare societies that tried to offer cradle-to-grave security but too late realized that it forgot the cradle part, and only had the grave to look forward to. Shortly thereafter, the Hungarians sealed their borders, built a fence, and enlisted other similarly minded countries in central Europe to join them in an adamant refusal to admit &amp;#8220;migrants&amp;#8221; masquerading as &amp;#8220;refugees.&amp;#8221;]]&gt;</description><pubDate>Mon, 22 Oct 2018 12:29:13 -0400</pubDate><creator xmlns="dc">&lt;![CDATA[Michael Walsh]]&gt;</creator><category>&lt;![CDATA[mexico]]&gt;</category><category>&lt;![CDATA[Migrants]]&gt;</category><enclosure url="" type="image/jpeg" length="123" /><link></link></item><item><title>Will the End of Merkel Mean the End of Merkelism?</title><description>&lt;![CDATA[In the aftermath of World War II, with Germany decisively defeated and &amp;#8212; more important &amp;#8212; having acknowledged the fact through its unconditional surrender to the Allies and the execution of many of its leaders, the militaristic spirit of a people who had even terrified the Romans was quenched. The Germans in the west put their energies into the Wirtschaftswunder, the &amp;#8220;economic miracle&amp;#8221; that allowed them to rebuild their half of the demolished country, while those in the east did their best to both implement (impossible) and survive Communism. Since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, the reunited country has emerged as the economic powerhouse of Europe and the big dog of the European Union.]]&gt;</description><pubDate>Mon, 15 Oct 2018 18:16:15 -0400</pubDate><creator xmlns="dc">&lt;![CDATA[Michael Walsh]]&gt;</creator><category>&lt;![CDATA[Germany]]&gt;</category><enclosure url="" type="image/jpeg" length="123" /><link></link></item><item><title>The High-Water Mark of the 'Resistance'—for Now</title><description>&lt;![CDATA[The other day I observed on Twitter that, with the last-ditch smears hurled against Brett Kavanaugh, and the final FBI report (which effectively moved the judge&amp;#8217;s nomination to the Supreme Court to the full Senate), the rebel Democrats of the &amp;#8220;resistance&amp;#8221; had just attempted their version of the rebel Democrats of the Confederacy&amp;#8217;s final charge against the Union lines at Gettysburg &amp;#8212; the high-water mark of the rebellion and, together with Grant&amp;#8217;s stupendous victory at Vicksburg, the beginning of the end of the War Between the States.]]&gt;</description><pubDate>Sun, 07 Oct 2018 11:17:40 -0400</pubDate><creator xmlns="dc">&lt;![CDATA[Michael Walsh]]&gt;</creator><category>&lt;![CDATA[Brett Kavanaugh]]&gt;</category><category>&lt;![CDATA[Supreme Court]]&gt;</category><enclosure url="" type="image/jpeg" length="123" /><link></link></item><item><title>The Lickspittles' Tale</title><description>&lt;![CDATA[Ask any reporter of my generation &amp;#8212; I got my first newspaper job in 1972 &amp;#8212; why he or she went into journalism and the answer is very likely to be: to change the world. Journalism was the default option if you didn&amp;#8217;t want to, or couldn&amp;#8217;t get into, law school, and it was viewed as a way to right wrongs by bringing them to public attention. It seemed a noble calling, and when shortly after I began my career Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein started breaking their Watergate stories, it was even better: doing the Lord&amp;#8217;s work, one front-page headline at a time.]]&gt;</description><pubDate>Sat, 29 Sep 2018 08:35:02 -0400</pubDate><creator xmlns="dc">&lt;![CDATA[Michael Walsh]]&gt;</creator><category>&lt;![CDATA[feminism]]&gt;</category><category>&lt;![CDATA[journalism]]&gt;</category><enclosure url="" type="image/jpeg" length="123" /><link></link></item></channel></rss>

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