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  184. <a href="" class="topic_list" style="color:#16a085;">
  185. <div class="heading">C</div>
  186. <p class="text">C is a general-purpose, procedural, imperative computer programming language.</p>
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  191. <div class="heading">C++</div>
  192. <p class="text">C++ acquire the feature of high level and low level languages using C++ compiler.</p>
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  196. <a href="" class="topic_list" style="color:#16a085;">
  197. <div class="heading">LINUX</div>
  198. <p class="text">Linux is a UNIX-based operating system originally developed as for Intel-compatible PC</p>
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  202. <a href="" class="topic_list" style="color:#16a085;">
  203. <div class="heading">PHP</div>
  204. <p class="text">PHP is server side scripting language also making dynamic and interactive Web pages</p>
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  210. <div style="border-bottom:3px solid #e95813 ;">
  211. <div style="padding:14px 0px 1px 37px;font-size:x-large;color: #e95813 ;background: url(/images/java_icon.png) no-repeat #FFFFFF;background-position: 0px 0px;">JAVA<a href="" style=" font-size:13px; margin:0px 0px 0px 15px">View all</a></div>
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  215. <a href="" class="topic_list" style="color:#e95813;">
  216. <div class="heading">Core Java</div>
  217. <p class="text">Programming Language which include Array, String, Package, Collection, Thread, Datatypes, etc.</p>
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  221. <a href="" class="topic_list" style="color:#e95813;">
  222. <div class="heading">Certification</div>
  223. <p class="text">OCJP Certification study material for Professional.</p>
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  227. <a href="" class="topic_list" style="color:#e95813;">
  228. <div class="heading">Advanced Java</div>
  229. <p class="text">It covers the all Topic in detail like Swing, Networking, JSP, Servlets, JDBC etc.</p>
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  233. <a href="" class="topic_list" style="color:#e95813;">
  234. <div class="heading">Struts 2.0</div>
  235. <p class="text">Struts2.0 is a frameworks which is an implementation of MVC-2 java web applications at server side.</p>
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  239. <a href="" class="topic_list" style="color:#e95813;">
  240. <div class="heading">Spring</div>
  241. <p class="text">A framework that provide infrastructure for developing robust Java applications very easily.</p>
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  245. <a href="" class="topic_list" style="color:#e95813;">
  246. <div class="heading">Hibernate</div>
  247. <p class="text">A ORM(Object Relation Mapping) framework that provide to persiste data in relational database.</p>
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  251. <a href="" class="topic_list" style="color:#e95813;">
  252. <div class="heading">Servlet</div>
  253. <p class="text">Servlet is a Java programming language That is used to extend the capabilities of the servers.</p>
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  257. <a href="" class="topic_list" style="color:#e95813;">
  258. <div class="heading">JSP</div>
  259. <p class="text">Java server pages (JSP) is a technology to develop dynamic web pages.</p>
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  261. </li>
  262. <li>
  263. <a href="" class="topic_list" style="color:#e95813;">
  264. <div class="heading">EJB</div>
  265. <p class="text">A server-side component that encapsulates the business logic of an application.</p>
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  267. </li>
  268. <li>
  269. <a href="" class="topic_list" style="color:#e95813;">
  270. <div class="heading">JSF</div>
  271. <p class="text">JSF has set of pre-assembled User Interface (UI), that is used in Java.</p>
  272. </a>
  273. </li>
  274. <li>
  275. <a href="" class="topic_list" style="color:#e95813;">
  276. <div class="heading">JDBC</div>
  277. <p class="text">JDBC is the API which defines how the client may access the database.</p>
  278. </a>
  279. </li>
  280. <li>
  281. <a href="" class="topic_list" style="color:#e95813;">
  282. <div class="heading">J2ME</div>
  283. <p class="text">A technology that allows to make application for Real device, Like mobile devices.</p>
  284. </a>
  285. </li>
  286. <li>
  287. <a href="" class="topic_list" style="color:#e95813;">
  288. <div class="heading">Android</div>
  289. <p class="text">Android is a mobile operating system (OS) based on the Linux kernel.</p>
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  291. </li>
  292. <li>
  293. <a href="" class="topic_list" style="color:#e95813;">
  294. <div class="heading">ANT</div>
  295. <p class="text">Ant is a Java library and command-line tool or cross platform based tool.</p>
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  297. </li>
  298. <li>
  299. <a href="" class="topic_list" style="color:#e95813;">
  300. <div class="heading">AJAX</div>
  301. <p class="text">AJAX is stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML</p>
  302. </a>
  303. <li>
  304. <a href="" class="topic_list" style="color:#e95813;">
  305. <div class="heading">Web Service</div>
  306. <p class="text">A technology to communicate one programming language with another using XML, JSON, Format .</p>
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  308. </li>
  309. <li>
  310. <a href="" class="topic_list" style="color:#e95813;">
  311. <div class="heading">JNDI</div>
  312. <p class="text">JNDI is an API that supports accessing objects by naming.</p>
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  315. <li>
  316. <a href="" class="topic_list" style="color:#e95813;">
  317. <div class="heading">WML</div>
  318. <p class="text">Wireless Markup Language (WML) is a markup language based on (XML).Developed for mobile device.</p>
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  322. <a href="" class="topic_list" style="color:#e95813;">
  323. <div class="heading">JDK</div>
  324. <p class="text">New Features of JDK .</p>
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  332. <div style="padding:14px 0px 1px 45px;font-size:x-large;color: #0fa0cf;background: url(/images/microsoft_icon.png) no-repeat #FFFFFF;  background-position: 1px 18px;">Microsoft<a href="" style=" font-size:13px; margin:0px 0px 0px 15px">View all</a></div>
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  336. <a href="" class="topic_list" style="color:#0fa0cf;">
  337. <div class="heading">C#</div>
  338. <p class="text">C# is a Language to developing application in a fully object-oriented manner .</p>
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  342. <a href="" class="topic_list" style="color:#0fa0cf;">
  343. <div class="heading">ASP.Net</div>
  344. <p class="text">ASP.Net is a powerful tool for creating dynamic and interactive web pages.</p>
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  348. <a href="" class="topic_list" style="color:#0fa0cf;">
  349. <div class="heading">SilverLight</div>
  350. <p class="text">Silverlight is the new Microsoft technology on web platform for (RIA).</p>
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  353. <li>
  354. <a href="" class="topic_list" style="color:#0fa0cf;">
  355. <div class="heading">MS-SQL</div>
  356. <p class="text">MS-SQL is a Database server for collection and storage of data.</p>
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  360. <a href="" class="topic_list" style="color:#0fa0cf;">
  361. <div class="heading">ADO.Net</div>
  362. <p class="text">ADO.Net is a object-oriented set of libraries that allows to interact with data sources.</p>
  363. </a>
  364. </li>
  365. <li>
  366. <a href="" class="topic_list" style="color:#0fa0cf;">
  367. <div class="heading">Web Services</div>
  368. <p class="text">A Web Services is a collection of protocols for exchanging information.</p>
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  372. <a href="" class="topic_list" style="color:#0fa0cf;">
  373. <div class="heading">WPF</div>
  374. <p class="text">WPF is a next-generation presentation system for building Windows client applications.</p>
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  378. <a href="" class="topic_list" style="color:#0fa0cf;">
  379. <div class="heading">WCF</div>
  380. <p class="text">WCF is a framework for building service-oriented applications. </p>
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  384. <a href="" class="topic_list" style="color:#0fa0cf;">
  385. <div class="heading">VB.Net</div>
  386. <p class="text"> Visual Basic .NET (VB.NET) is an object-oriented  programming language designed by Microsoft. </p>
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  390. <a href="" class="topic_list" style="color:#0fa0cf;">
  391. <div class="heading">AJAX</div>
  392. <p class="text">Ajax is a technique for creating fast and dynamic web pages.</p>
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  396. <a href="" class="topic_list" style="color:#0fa0cf;">
  397. <div class="heading">AJAX Controls Toolkit</div>
  398. <p class="text">The ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit is an open-source project.</p>
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  409. <a href="" class="topic_list" style="color:#D94E67;">
  410. <div class="heading">Learn PHP In Detail</div>
  411. <p class="text">PHP is server side script language like ASP. Its scripts executes on server.</p>
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  415. <a href="" class="topic_list" style="color:#D94E67;">
  416. <div class="heading">Array Functions</div>
  417. <p class="text">The array functions allow you to manipulate arrays. It also allow you to access arrays.</p>
  418. </a>
  419. </li>
  420. <li>
  421. <a href="" class="topic_list" style="color:#D94E67;">
  422. <div class="heading">String Functions</div>
  423. <p class="text">String functions are used to manipulate a string or query information about a string.</p>
  424. </a>
  425. </li>
  426. <li>
  427. <a href="" class="topic_list" style="color:#D94E67;">
  428. <div class="heading">How to Start PHP</div>
  429. <p class="text">In this topic we define the basic of PHP with installation.</p>
  430. </a>
  431. </li>
  432. <li>
  433. <a href="" class="topic_list" style="color:#D94E67;">
  434. <div class="heading">PHP with MySql</div>
  435. <p class="text">The Mysql database is a open source database server in existence used in conjunction.</p>
  436. </a>
  437. </li>
  438. <li>
  439. <a href="" class="topic_list" style="color:#D94E67;">
  440. <div class="heading">Operators in PHP</div>
  441. <p class="text">The PHP operators that you use to manipulate your data, $variable +8 adds 8 to the value in $variable.</p>
  442. </a>
  443. </li>
  444. <li>
  445. <a href="" class="topic_list" style="color:#D94E67;">
  446. <div class="heading">Loop in PHP</div>
  447. <p class="text">Loop is used to define you want the same block of code to run over and over again in a row .</p>
  448. </a>
  449. </li>
  450. <li>
  451. <a href="" class="topic_list" style="color:#D94E67;">
  452. <div class="heading">Array in PHP</div>
  453. <p class="text">Array is a collection of similar data types stored the index based value.</p>
  454. </a>
  455. </li>
  456. <li>
  457. <a href="" class="topic_list" style="color:#D94E67;">
  458. <div class="heading">Function Examples</div>
  459. <p class="text">A function is something that performs a specific task.</p>
  460. </a>
  461. </li>
  462. <li>
  463. <a href="" class="topic_list" style="color:#D94E67;">
  464. <div class="heading">PHP FAQ</div>
  465. <p class="text">In this topic we define the interview questions and answers related to PHP.</p>
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  480. <a href=""  class="topic_list" style="color:#7f8c8d;">
  481. <div class="heading">Javascript</div>
  482. <p class="text">Javascript is a  scripting programming language that is used to make web pages interactive.</p>
  483. </a>
  484. </li>
  485. <li>
  486. <a href="" class="topic_list" style="color:#7f8c8d;">
  487. <div class="heading">CSS</div>
  488. <p class="text">CSS is made up of style rules that tell a browser how to present a document.</p>
  489. </a>
  490. </li>
  491. <li>
  492. <a href="" class="topic_list" style="color:#7f8c8d;">
  493. <div class="heading">XML</div>
  494. <p class="text">XML is a specification developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).</p>
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  497. <li>
  498. <a href="" class="topic_list" style="color:#7f8c8d;">
  499. <div class="heading">HTML</div>
  500. <p class="text">HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language for describing web documents.</p>
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  502. </li>
  503. <li>
  504. <a href="" class="topic_list" style="color:#7f8c8d;">
  505. <div class="heading">PhotoShop</div>
  506. <p class="text">Adobe Photoshop is a graphics editing program used for making attaractive images.</p>
  507. </a>
  508. </li>
  509. <li>
  510. <a href="" class="topic_list" style="color:#7f8c8d;">
  511. <div class="heading">VBScript</div>
  512. <p class="text">VBScript is a light version of Microsoft's scripting programming language.</p>
  513. </a>
  514. </li>
  515. <li>
  516. <a href=""  class="topic_list" style="color:#7f8c8d;">
  517. <div class="heading">Software Testing</div>
  518. <p class="text">Though software testing is part of the software development process to check the bugs ,flow etc.</p>
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  522. <a href="" class="topic_list" style="color:#16a085;">
  523. <div class="heading">MCQs</div>
  524. <p class="text">MCQs: multiple choice questions and answers. e.g NEET Mock Tests ,NEET Practice Papers,Biology,GK etc.
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  532. <p class="text">Online Exam by oLete multiple choice questions and answers.</p>
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