It looks like this is a web page, not a feed. I looked for a feed associated with this page, but couldn't find one. Please enter the address of your feed to validate.

--> -->
<type 'exceptions.UnicodeDecodeError'>
Python 2.7.18: /usr/bin/python
Sat Jun 1 17:35:02 2024

A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.

 /var/www/ in <module>()
    344                 print '%s: %s\r\n' % (header, value),
    345             print
=>  346         for output in checker_app(os.environ, start_response):
    347             print output.decode('utf-8')
    348     else:
output = '<div class="specialmessage">\n<p>It looks like th...the address of your feed to validate.</p>\n</div>\n', checker_app = <function checker_app>, os = <module 'os' from '/usr/lib64/python2.7/os.pyc'>, os.environ = {'HTTP_REFERER': '': 'gzip, br, zstd, deflate'}, start_response = <function start_response>
 /var/www/ in checker_app(environ={'HTTP_REFERER': '': 'gzip, br, zstd, deflate'}, start_response=<function start_response>)
    300                 if msc == Error:
    301                     from feedvalidator.logging import ObsoleteNamespace
=>  302                     if len(output.getErrors())==1 and \
=>  303                         isinstance([0],ObsoleteNamespace):
    304                         yield applyTemplate('notsupported.tmpl')
builtin len = <built-in function len>, output = [<feedvalidator.logging.HttpError instance at instance at 0x7f30cb129cd0>], output.getErrors = <bound method Formatter.getErrors of [< instance at 0x7f30cb129cd0>]>, builtin isinstance = <built-in function isinstance>, = [<feedvalidator.logging.HttpError instance>, <feedvalidator.logging.UnexpectedContentType instance>, <feedvalidator.logging.SAXError instance>, <feedvalidator.logging.UndefinedElement instance>], ObsoleteNamespace = <class feedvalidator.logging.ObsoleteNamespace>
 /var/www/ in getErrors(self=[<feedvalidator.logging.HttpError instance at instance at 0x7f30cb129cd0>])
     18   def getErrors(self):
=>   19     return [self.format(msg) for msg in if isinstance(msg,Error)]
     21   def getWarnings(self):
self = [<feedvalidator.logging.HttpError instance at instance at 0x7f30cb129cd0>], self.format = <bound method Formatter.format of [< instance at 0x7f30cb129cd0>]>, msg = <feedvalidator.logging.HttpError instance>, = [<feedvalidator.logging.HttpError instance>, <feedvalidator.logging.UnexpectedContentType instance>, <feedvalidator.logging.SAXError instance>, <feedvalidator.logging.UndefinedElement instance>], builtin isinstance = <built-in function isinstance>, global Error = <class feedvalidator.logging.Error>
 /var/www/ in format(self=[<feedvalidator.logging.HttpError instance at instance at 0x7f30cb129cd0>], event=<feedvalidator.logging.HttpError instance>)
    100       rc += u'''<span class="message">%s: <code>%s</code></span>''' % (escape(self.getMessage(event)), escape(unicode(event.params['value'])))
    101     else:
=>  102       rc += u'''<span class="message">%s</span>''' % escape(self.getMessage(event))
    103     rc += u'''%s ''' % self.getCount(event)
    104     rc += u'''[<a title="more information about this error" href="%s.html">help</a>]</p>''' % self.getHelpURL(event)
rc = u'<li><p>', global escape = <function escape>, self = [<feedvalidator.logging.HttpError instance at instance at 0x7f30cb129cd0>], self.getMessage = <bound method Formatter.getMessage of [< instance at 0x7f30cb129cd0>]>, event = <feedvalidator.logging.HttpError instance>

<type 'exceptions.UnicodeDecodeError'>: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc4 in position 32: ordinal not in range(128)
      args = ('ascii', 'Server returned HTTP Error 404: \xc4\x8cl\xc3\xa1nek nebyl nalezen', 32, 33, 'ordinal not in range(128)')
      encoding = 'ascii'
      end = 33
      message = ''
      object = 'Server returned HTTP Error 404: \xc4\x8cl\xc3\xa1nek nebyl nalezen'
      reason = 'ordinal not in range(128)'
      start = 32