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  22. <title>Getting Your Home Ready For the Market</title>
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  25. <pubDate>Sun, 28 May 2023 13:54:21 +0000</pubDate>
  26. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  45. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  46. <description><![CDATA[As a seller, your No. 1 goal is to sell your home as quickly as possible at or near the listing price. In today&#8217;s market, where there is much more competition for buyers, it is important to put your best foot, or in this case, home forward because first impressions are vital. Many of today&#8217;s [...]]]></description>
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  48. <p>As a seller, your No. 1 goal is to sell your home as quickly as possible at or near the listing price. In today&#8217;s market, where there is much more competition for buyers, it is important to put your best foot, or in this case, home forward because first impressions are vital.</p>
  49. <p>Many of today&#8217;s prospective homebuyers have busy lifestyles and are looking for properties that don&#8217;t require a lot of work. Therefore a home in move-in condition is much more attractive. Before placing your home on the market, you may want to invest in making needed repairs.</p>
  50. <p>To get started, inspect both the inside and outside of the home. Take inventory of practical and aesthetic repairs. You may want to apply a fresh coat of paint on the walls, doors, and shutters. Clean the carpet and buff and polish wooden floors. Tighten and polish hardware. Repair cracks in sidewalks and driveways, and clean any stains on them. Replace missing or warped roofing. Clean or re-grout kitchen and bathrooms. Repair dripping faucets and drains or plumbing fixtures that aren&#8217;t operating.<br />
  51. Fix sticking doors and replace old locks and doorknobs. Replace old bulbs and broken electrical sockets. Replace cracked windows and torn screens. Repair broken fencing and reseal the deck. Clean up stains on the tiles and countertops.</p>
  52. <p>Some experts also recommend hiring a certified home inspector to thoroughly and impartially evaluate the property. (For a list of inspectors in your area, visit the American Society of Home Inspectors website, <a target="_new" rel="nofollow" href=""></a>, or ask your real estate professional for recommendations.) A standard report will review the condition of the home&#8217;s heating system, central air conditioning, plumbing and electrical systems, the roof, attic, walls, ceilings, floors, windows and doors, the foundation, basement and visible structure. If there are recommendations for improvement, consult with your real estate professional in prioritizing the list of repairs.</p>
  53. <p>Depending on your goals and budget, you may want to repair only items that could cause significant deterioration to the home, such as a leak. In addition, your local market conditions may dictate how extensive your repairs need to be. Let your budget and your real estate professional guide you.<br />
  54. However, be careful about major repairs. Sellers rarely recoup money on major remodeling projects, and you may want to save funds for your new home.</p>
  55. <p>A home in good condition demonstrates pride of ownership. Taking the time to make small repairs to your home can go a long way in making sure that your home is presented to potential buyers in its best possible light. They also just might make the sale.</p>
  56. <p>Paloma Contreras can be reached at (713)857-5792. Prudential Gary Greene, Realtors is an independently owned and operated member of Prudential Real Estate Affiliates, Inc., a Prudential Financial company. Equal Housing Opportunity.</p>
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  63. <title>Prenatal Fitness &#8211; Tips and Secrets for a Healthy and Happy Pregnancy</title>
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  66. <pubDate>Sun, 28 May 2023 06:21:38 +0000</pubDate>
  67. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  86. <description><![CDATA[Prenatal fitness encompasses reasonable exercises and a healthy diet as well as limiting stress for emotional health. Expecting a new baby is an exciting time and any shortcomings in the area of prenatal care can have a detrimental effect on your physical and emotional well-being. When taking care of yourself during your pregnancy, you need [...]]]></description>
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  88. <p><strong>Prenatal fitness</strong> encompasses reasonable exercises and a healthy diet as well as limiting stress for emotional health.  Expecting a new baby is an exciting time and any shortcomings in the area of prenatal care can have a detrimental effect on your physical and emotional well-being.</p>
  89. <p>When taking care of yourself during your pregnancy, you need to consider your emotional and mental state as well as that of your physical condition.  Being subjected to a lot of stress or negative emotions can affect your ability to care for yourself physically, resulting in unhealthy weight gain or inadequate nutrition.</p>
  90. <p>Many first time moms get a lot of unsolicited advice. You may have read all the books and completed hours of research, confident with the idea that you are doing what&#8217;s best for your baby, but there&#8217;s always someone who&#8217;s going to rain on your parade.  For those women who have gone before you, this is the opportunity to tell you what you need to eat, how you need to prepare for the baby and how horrible the labor and delivery is. Although well intentioned, they often don&#8217;t realize that this is putting undue stress on the first time expectant mom. When it&#8217;s your first baby, you want to make sure that you&#8217;re doing everything right.</p>
  91. <p>The best way to deal with this unexpected advice is to politely thank them and do what you feel is best.   Instead of reaching for ice cream or some other comfort food, go for a walk around the block. This not only provides much needed exercise but also lightens your mood. It&#8217;s been scientifically proven that exercise has a positive effect on depressive moods and you already know about its physical benefits. Engaging in a daily exercise routine will improve your mood and physical appearance.</p>
  92. <p>Any prenatal fitness program should include getting plenty of rest, particularly in the final months.  This is when you&#8217;ll be getting the most fatigued by carrying all that extra weight around. Don&#8217;t feel bad about taking that nap in the afternoon if you need it.  If you&#8217;re tired, your body is telling you that you need rest.</p>
  93. <p>Of course a reasonable diet without a lot of junk food goes without saying. Try to limit the amount of processed foods you consume, as you don&#8217;t know what&#8217;s really in them. This makes control of what you&#8217;re eating more difficult.</p>
  94. <p>Approach your prenatal fitness as a complete solution that addresses the physical, nutritional, and emotional aspects of pregnancy. This way you will spend this time enjoying the prospect of becoming a new mother and not feeling run down and stressed out.</p>
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  101. <title>Seven Email Marketing Tips</title>
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  104. <pubDate>Sat, 27 May 2023 23:01:59 +0000</pubDate>
  105. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  128. <description><![CDATA[Email marketing is one of the most important tool which, if used properly, could bring immediate cash to any internet marketer. This article would discuss the most successful email marketing tips to follow. 1) What should be the Subject Line of the email? The success of your email marketing campaign highly depends upon the &#8220;Open [...]]]></description>
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  130. <p>Email marketing is one of the most important tool which, if used properly, could bring immediate cash to any internet marketer.</p>
  131. <p>This article would discuss the most successful email marketing tips to follow.</p>
  132. <p><b>1) What should be the Subject Line of the email?</b></p>
  133. <p>The success of your email marketing campaign highly depends upon the &#8220;Open rate&#8221; for your emails. Open rate is the percentage of people who actually open your emails. Higher the open rate higher would be the chances of your products being sold.<br />
  134. To have maximum number of people open your email your subject line should be eye catchy. Most of the people mention their product in the subject line itself &amp; the receiver ignores the mail assuming it as just another marketing email.</p>
  135. <p>You should use email subject lines such that would create curiosity in the minds of the receiver. This would force him/her to open the email &amp; read through it.<br />
  136. You should avoid using words like Free report, offer etc. as most of the email servers consider these words as spam &amp; may block your emails.</p>
  137. <p><b>2) Be specific in writing your email:</b></p>
  138. <p>The emails should be written in a very brief way &amp; the flow of discussion should grab the attention of the receiver &amp; should compel him/her to read through till the end of the email. The emails should be interesting &amp; should not contain repetitive words. I would recommend that you should write very brief &amp; interesting emails for maximum conversions.</p>
  139. <p><b>3) Be Honest:</b></p>
  140. <p>I have seen many internet marketers sending emails with unbelievable claims. For example &#8220;Earn $1,000,000 in 4 days&#8221; or &#8220;Reduce 15 lbs in 2 days&#8221; etc. As most of the buyers now a days are well informed they would harshly respond to such mails either by un subscribing or simply deleting all mails from you. Believe me, false claims would not earn you anything but loss of goodwill &amp; loss of prospects.<br />
  141. You should not make false claim but instead be genuine in all your emails.</p>
  142. <p><b>4) Be personal:</b></p>
  143. <p>You should keep in mind the fact that you are sending mails which humans would read. Your email should be appealing to the minds of the readers. You may address them by their First name in the email. (Most of the email marketing programs provide personal tags in their software) This would create a personal touch in the communication. Your email should evidence that you are a real living human being. This would improve the conversion rate of your email marketing campaign.</p>
  144. <p><b>5) Be Realistic:</b></p>
  145. <p>You can discuss the problems which you have faced in the past, the efforts you put to overcome them &amp; explain how the product you are promoting helped you to overcome the problems. This would make a feel in the minds of the readers that they are not alone who are facing the problems but there are other people who have faced the same problems. They would definitely buy your product in the hope of solving their problems. But be sure that you are not deceiving the people with false promises.</p>
  146. <p>I have seen that many affiliate programs are providing ready made emails for promoting their products. Although most of them are OK to send directly to your email lists I would recommend that you should not simply copy paste those mails. You should first study the products you are promoting &amp; should redraft the emails in such a way that they don&#8217;t appear to be hype or over optimistic claims but they should appear as solutions to specific problems.</p>
  147. <p><b>6) Send Emails at Reasonable Intervals:</b></p>
  148. <p>The frequency at which you are sending the emails is also a very important factor for success of email marketing. No one can standardize the frequency or interval between two mailings applicable for all the niches. You should decide at what interval you want to mail to your lists. If you are mailing your lists once in a Quarter there are chances are that people may forget you. On the other hand if you are mailing on a daily basis people may get frustrated &amp; may unsubscribe &amp; opt out of your list. This entirely depends upon which niche markets you are targeting.</p>
  149. <p>Suppose you are sending stock market tips, people might be interested in receiving the daily tips. Contrary to this, if you are promoting Electronics or other Consumer Goods it may be pertinent to send emails twice in a month. You have to decide at what interval you would be sending the mails. The decision is yours.</p>
  150. <p>There is a popular misconception that you should send as many emails as possible. Believe me, this is completely wrong. You have to judge the situation in the light of above mentioned parameters &amp; decide upon the frequency.</p>
  151. <p><b>7) Do not Always Promote things:</b></p>
  152. <p>Many people target their all energies in stuffing affiliate links in the emails hoping that they would crack a sale &amp; nothing in wrong in that if done properly. Imagine that you are receiving mails from XYZ person who always send affiliate links in his mails which requires you to buy something. Would you buy from those affiliate sites. Definitely not! Because you know that this person always promotes affiliate programs to the extent possible.</p>
  153. <p>Instead of always promoting affiliate links you can send something which really adds some value but the receiver does not need to buy anything. You can send informative articles, free reports, free e books, free coupon codes &amp; so on. This would create a very different image about you in the minds of your subscribers &amp; they would not consider you as a hyper marketer.</p>
  154. <p>In summary we can say that email marketing if done properly could be a very useful tool which can bring wonders.</p>
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  161. <title>An Introduction to Video Surveillance Recorders &#8211; Definitions, Types, Characteristics, Differences</title>
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  164. <pubDate>Fri, 26 May 2023 21:24:17 +0000</pubDate>
  165. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  196. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  197. <description><![CDATA[The Video Recorders came with the camera and monitor first, closely followed by the Video Cassette Recorder (VCR), technology then brought us the multiplexer, which allowed several streams of video to be recorded onto the same tape and separated out into discrete and viewable streams. Nowadays there are different types of Video Recorders such as [...]]]></description>
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  199. <p>The Video Recorders came with the camera and monitor first, closely followed by the Video Cassette Recorder (VCR), technology then brought us the multiplexer, which allowed several streams of video to be recorded onto the same tape and separated out into discrete and viewable streams. Nowadays there are different types of Video Recorders such as DVR and NVR. One of the problems the user must face when choosing a security system is whether or not they want to record with the NVR or DVR.</p>
  200. <p>In this article we provide a brief description of the most important types of Video Recorders such as DVR and NVR.</p>
  201. <p><strong>Digital Video Recorder </strong></p>
  202. <p>DVR is defined as Digital Video Recorder, a device that records video from analog cameras to one or more hard drives. The videos from IP cameras can be recorded on DVRs but a codec is needed for each camera to convert the IP video stream back to an analog signal so it can be recorded. Some DVRs connect to the network and can be viewed using the camera.</p>
  203. <p>DVRs have the following internal components:</p>
  204. <p>1- An analog to digital converter, or encoder, which converts the analog video signals into the digital domain.</p>
  205. <p>2- Digital storage, usually hard disks, where digital representation of the analog signals is stored and is ready for use.</p>
  206. <p>3- A database, relating the digital information to references; time, alarms and other metadata, enabling the video information to be retrieved and displayed quickly and easily.</p>
  207. <p>4- Digital to analog conversion and replay controls.</p>
  208. <p>5- These are usually found more in Smaller, standalone DVRs and less common in enterprise level DVRs.</p>
  209. <p>6- An operating system, which runs the whole DVR.</p>
  210. <p>7- A computer network interface, found in more recent DVRs, to allow the DVR to be interrogated remotely.</p>
  211. <p>DVRs have an input for every camera connected i.e., there is a direct connection, typically by BNC, UTP or fiber between each camera and the DVR.</p>
  212. <p><strong>Network Video Recorder</strong></p>
  213. <p>NVR is defined as Network Video Recorder, a device for recording digitized IP video streams, originating either from analog cameras connected via IP encoders and/or IP cameras where the IP video streams are created inside each camera. It includes a computer and special software required to not only record the video but also allow many people to view real time and recorded video that includes both the computer and special video management software. The computer can use Windows, UNIX or MAC operating system.</p>
  214. <p>Network video server is a computer that runs special VMS (Video Management Software) that is used to record video from IP cameras and is so similar to NVR in that they both record the video. The NVR comes with VMS already installed while the video server does not include the VMS software. The video server runs windows operating system and is more flexible than NVR because it is easier to expand but NVR has a fixed limit to the number of cameras it will support.</p>
  215. <p>NVRs have the following internal components:</p>
  216. <p>1- Digital storage, usually hard disks, where the digital IP video signals are stored</p>
  217. <p>and are ready for use.</p>
  218. <p>2- A database, relating the digital information to references; time, alarms and other metadata, so that the video information required can be retrieved and displayed quickly and easily.</p>
  219. <p>3- Digital to analog conversion and replay controls. These are usually found more in smaller, standalone NVRs and less common within enterprise level NVRs.</p>
  220. <p>4- An operating system, which runs the whole NVR.</p>
  221. <p>5- A computer network interface, which is the primary input for IP video streams into the NVR and also the primary way of connecting playback equipment in large systems.</p>
  222. <p><strong>Main Differences between DVR and NVR</strong></p>
  223. <p>While digital video recorders (DVR) are a very good choice for home surveillance, they are not your only option. A network video recorder serves the same intended purpose of recording activity in and around your home, but does so by employing a different process. Here we notice the main differences between NVRs and DVRs, such as their structures, costs, reliabilities, flexibilities, etc.</p>
  224. <p>NVR is a single common input, a network connection for all the IP video inputs. This common connection is also used for the connection of playback client PCs. A network switch connects individual IP cameras, IP encoders and playback PCs to this common single connection. NVRs are less expensive than DVRs. The internal components inside an NVR are less than DVRs. The A/D encoding takes place outside of an NVR in the IP camera and IP encoders. The minimum that one need in an NVR is single network connection, operating system, database and storage devices. The OS and database can be software so only a minimum amount of hardware is needed and also A/D conversion circuit needed in DVR is completely eliminated, saving cost. NVRs are more reliable than DVRs. The more components, the more there is to go wrong and the less will be the reliability of the device. NVRs can produce more details than DVRs. DVRs record analog video signals and the maximum resolution capable of being recorded is that produced by the analog cameras themselves. NVR can record IP video streams and also can record megapixel cameras, but DVRs can&#8217;t. NVRs can deliver much more high definition recordings than DVRs, allowing fine detail to be discerned from a surveillance view even when the image is zoomed in digitally. The DVR takes an analog signal and processes and compresses it and stores it. The NVR takes the stream directly from IP camera and archives it, because the cameras are already putting out a JPEG or MPEG, so there is no need to perform a compression at NVR side. NVRs are more flexible in their application than DVRs. NVRs can record analog camera and IP camera of both standard and megapixel resolution. DVRs can only record analog cameras. DVRs have BNC connectors for analog cameras but NVRs use Ethernet cable.</p>
  225. </p></div>
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  231. <title>What Are the Benefits to Online Shopping?</title>
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  234. <pubDate>Fri, 26 May 2023 17:28:33 +0000</pubDate>
  235. <dc:creator>admin</dc:creator>
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  261. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  262. <description><![CDATA[Online shopping has taken the world by storm. As more and more individuals are discovering the ease of shopping online, the ecommerce world is booming with sales. As a matter of fact, the world of shopping would not be as powerful as it is had it not been for the introduction of online shopping. For [...]]]></description>
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  264. <p>Online shopping has taken the world by storm. As more and more individuals are discovering the ease of shopping online, the ecommerce world is booming with sales. As a matter of fact, the world of shopping would not be as powerful as it is had it not been for the introduction of online shopping.</p>
  265. <p>For those taking on online shopping in Canada, they are finding that some of the best deals are found on the Internet. Between online coupons and special online deals that you cannot find in stores, a lot of money is to be saved even though you usually have to pay shipping and handling on your purchases.</p>
  266. <p>Here are the benefits of online shopping in Canada:</p>
  267. <p>- The convenience &#8211; The fact that you do not have to leave your home is an incredible plus when it comes to shopping online. You can sit back with a laptop in your lap or at your computer desk and do all of your Christmas, birthday, anniversary, and special occasion shopping.</p>
  268. <p>- No business hours &#8211; Because you&#8217;re shopping online, there are no business hours. If you realize that you forgot someone&#8217;s birthday at 3:00 a.m., you can get on your computer and arrange for overnight shipping on the gift that you choose. You don&#8217;t have to worry about having a certain amount of time to shop. This is especially convenient for those who are unable to shop during the day because of their jobs.</p>
  269. <p>- Comparison shop &#8211; Something you cannot do when shopping in a traditional store is compare the prices of different stores. The only way that you can do this is if you have a sales flyer for each store that sells the same merchandise. When online shopping in Canada, you are able to have several shopping websites up at once so that you can compare the prices. This also involves comparing shipping costs so that you can determine what will really be the cheapest in the end.</p>
  270. <p>- No geographic limitation &#8211; When you shop online, you are not limited to your own geographic location. As a matter of fact, you have Canada, the U.S., and other countries to choose from. If you can&#8217;t find it in Canada, you just might find what you are looking for somewhere else in the world.</p>
  271. <p>- Discounts &#8211; There are many stores that will have &#8220;online only&#8221; deals. They will provide coupon codes or special sales that they do not do in their stores. For instance, a clothing store may have a sale in their physical location, but the sale is even better online. The store may not be having a sale at their physical location at all, but will always have some sort of incentive sale online. Even with shipping and handling, the deal is excellent.</p>
  272. <p>- Time saved &#8211; Because shopping online in Canada can take place at any time, you save a lot of time. You do not have to drive to the stores, go on the search for what you want, and have to battle traffic coming back home. For those with busy lifestyles, that can turn the enjoyable task of shopping into something absolutely miserable.</p>
  273. <p>So this may make you think twice before you buy that next gift from the shopping mall. Yes, there are times that a trip to the mall is warranted because you may need something extremely fast or you feel like going out and shopping. But for those other times when you don&#8217;t have the time and you don&#8217;t need something in less than 24 hours, the Internet presents a lot of online shopping opportunities.</p>
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  280. <title>Cheap Domain Registration And Web Hosting &#8211; How It Can Work For You</title>
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  283. <pubDate>Fri, 12 May 2023 06:15:17 +0000</pubDate>
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  285. <category><![CDATA[Employment Work]]></category>
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  288. <description><![CDATA[Cheap domain registration and web hosting has made the dream of being self employed, working from home and having your own business a much more realistic and achievable goal than ever before. Previously when someone wanted to start their own business there were tremendous barriers to overcome and for many the biggest barrier was the [...]]]></description>
  289. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> Cheap domain registration and web hosting has made the dream of being self employed, working from home and having your own business a much more realistic and achievable goal than ever before. Previously when someone wanted to start their own business there were tremendous barriers to overcome and for many the biggest barrier was the cost of getting the setup equipment or material needed to start the business.For example if you wanted to take your knowledge and experience gained through your previous schooling, and on the job training as a corporate or business professional working for someone else and you wanted to start your own, let&#8217;s say career as a freelance worker, you would have had to save, borrow or raise the capital needed to buy or rent office space, get your basic equipment and cover your operating cost which would include monthly rent, electric bill, water, licensing fees, etc, etc,etc&#8230;Fortunately as a result of the wide availability of cheap domain registration and web hosting the internet provides you with a much more affordable option for starting your own business and even working from home to start and grow a successful and profitable online business.For millions of people all over the world the internet has allow them to earn money online by creating informative and useful blogs on topics that they are not only very knowledgeable about but also covering the topics that they are passionate about and that their reading are also passionate about and enjoy learning more and more about.A few good examples of this dog training, singing, creative writing, investing, cooking, photography and many many more topics where people have had an interest and a strong passion for a certain topic and as a result of cheap domain registration and web hosting have been able to successfully create an online business that allows them to make money, work from home and earn an online income doing something that they enjoy doing.Even though as a result of the internet it is a lot easier now than ever before to start your own business, it is important to develop the right mindset, habits and to have realistic expectations to make your business a success.A lot of people get misled into thinking that once the online business is setup that it will run itself. This may be one of the main reasons why so many initial businesses fail. It&#8217;s important to remember that you will be engaging in a competitive activity (building a business) and you will need to have or develop the self discipline needed to learn what you need to learn and do what you need to do to be successful to get the best from the domain hosting providers.It will take time, training, persistence and a lot of effort on your part to make this kind of endeavor a long term success that you can look forward to reaping the benefits from year after year, but thanks to cheap domain registration and web hosting it is something that has become a lot more affordable for a lot more people everywhere. </p>
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  295. <title>Photography Poses &#8211; The Missing Ingredient</title>
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  298. <pubDate>Tue, 18 Apr 2023 20:55:16 +0000</pubDate>
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  325. <description><![CDATA[You&#8217;ve read all the &#8220;best digital camera&#8221; articles, got the best price on your first digital camera, and even glanced at its owner&#8217;s manual. Are you itching to take some shots of your family, or what?Slow down, soldier. Before you take 200 shots that seem great at the time, but then upon review of the [...]]]></description>
  326. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> You&#8217;ve read all the &#8220;best digital camera&#8221; articles, got the best price on your first digital camera, and even glanced at its owner&#8217;s manual. Are you itching to take some shots of your family, or what?Slow down, soldier. Before you take 200 shots that seem great at the time, but then upon review of the final picture are less than what you expected, let&#8217;s prepare. Prepare?!?! I&#8217;ll bet you thought charging the battery was the hardest part of taking great photos, didn&#8217;t you? Sorry to disappoint you, but if you want to improve your photo results 50% in 2 minutes, let&#8217;s review some basic advice of the pros.There are two categories of GENERAL ADVICE which applies, regardless of whether you&#8217;re using a digital camera to take family portrait poses, baby pictures, pet portraits, group pictures, funny photos, or even maternity portraits. The first category is&#8230;&#8221;Good Planning&#8221; Advice for Photography Poses1) Prepare For The EventPrepare for the event by thinking about every photograph you want to take and what kind of photography pose or poses you would like to capture. Consider who, where, how, and the type of environment.2) Take Multiple PhotographsTake multiple shots of each pose (remember, digital memory is reusable, a.k.a. &#8220;free&#8221;). Regardless of what you say or do, people will blink. And don&#8217;t count on spotting small problems on the tiny camera LCD screen (even on full magnification); which leads to&#8230;3) Check LCD ScreenCheck the digital camera&#8217;s LCD screen for general framing of the picture, any movement, visibility of faces, and the histogram. Note that you can think up a fantastic photography pose; arrange everyone perfectly; and, have the photograph &#8220;frozen&#8221; (no blinking, and no shaking of the camera)&#8230;but, when you check it out in the LCD, you see 2 drunks fighting in the background! And, my favorite&#8230;4) Funny PhrasesHave some funny phrases handy to use just before you take the photo. Don&#8217;t use it when setting up for the shot. And, don&#8217;t use the same phrase all the time. Throw in funny anecdotes, phrases, names, words that you know your family will find more amusing than &#8220;cheese.&#8221; A natural smile looks four times better than a fake one. The second category is&#8230;&#8221;Location&#8221; Advice for Photography PosesTaking indoor family photography, is very different than outdoor family photograph (duh!). For INDOOR pictures&#8230;1) Wide AngleYou will tend to use the wide angle more often than your telephoto setting. Pay particular attention to your &#8220;end people&#8221; (those farthest to the right and the left in your viewfinder), and verify there is enough space in picture, so that if cropping is required, the end people don&#8217;t have to lose a limb.2) The FlashFlash considerations are critical. Do not be outside your &#8220;flash range.&#8221; For example, if at ISO 100, your flash can properly illuminate 12 feet, don&#8217;t attempt any photography pose that requires anyone to stand at 14 feet (unless, of course, it&#8217;s evil cousin Ira who you want to appear in darkness).3) Plan &#8220;B&#8221;If you need to be further away than your flash allows, here are 2 things you can try&#8230;First, increase the ISO setting (but not so much as to produce to much noise), or second, move to a significantly brighter location.4) Watch Your BackgroundIf there are distracting features, change your settings to blur the background (see the Techniques page). The best photography pose in the world won&#8217;t look right with a distracting background. And finally&#8230;5) Mirror, Mirror, on the WallIf there are mirrors or reflective surfaces in the background and you can&#8217;t find a different location, only take the picture in such a way that the flash is not perpendicularto the surface, but at an angle (unless you want a nice photo of your flash).Outdoor family photography has completely different issues. For OUTDOOR photography&#8230;6) The SunAvoid photographing in direct sunlight, or in mixed light and shade, especially faces. Optimal lighting results from a slightly overcast sky.7) ShadeWhen photographing in shade, use fill-flash (see terms) when necessary. And, really finally&#8230;8) BeautyIf practical, take the picture at one of the beautiful natural settings near you. Imagine the result of a creative photography pose captured in a stunning environment. Can you say: &#8220;Over the mantle!&#8221;?To see some sample pictures including more photography tips, go to 2005 Robert Bezman. All rights reserved. </p>
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  332. <title>The Automotive Industry and Global Trade</title>
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  335. <pubDate>Wed, 05 Apr 2023 09:00:44 +0000</pubDate>
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  352. <description><![CDATA[In the United States, one city is typically synonymous with the automotive industry. It&#8217;s challenging to think of an American made car without thinking of Detroit, Michigan, and in recent years the financial trouble the automobile giant has endured. Though foreign manufacturers in Japan and Korea have gained strength and drivers in the US, it [...]]]></description>
  353. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> In the United States, one city is typically synonymous with the automotive industry. It&#8217;s challenging to think of an American made car without thinking of Detroit, Michigan, and in recent years the financial trouble the automobile giant has endured. Though foreign manufacturers in Japan and Korea have gained strength and drivers in the US, it doesn&#8217;t necessarily mean US automakers are done. MSNBC reported in late 2011 that the Big 3 in Detroit &#8211; Chrysler, Ford, and GM &#8211; enjoyed a nearly 30 percent increase due to a demand in sports utility vehicles and trucks.Quick Facts About the Automotive Industry<br />
  354. Since 2000, an average of 48 million passenger cars alone have been manufactured annually around the world.<br />
  355. According to Worldometers, China produces one of every four new cars, and more than half of all cars are produced in Asia and Oceania.<br />
  356. Of the approximated one billion passenger cars on the road around the world, close to 25 percent of them are registered in the United States. (Source: International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers)<br />
  357. According to Businessweek, the top selling car in the world is the Toyota Corolla, with sales of well over 35 million.<br />
  358. Major Exporters of AutomobilesWhile China is one of the world&#8217;s largest producers of passenger vehicles, the country is not necessarily ranked high among top global exporters. The International Trade Centre recently put out a report on top automotive exporters, with the following leading the pack:<br />
  359. Germany &#8211; The roots of the German automotive industry date back to the late nineteenth century and the various patents owned by Karl Benz. Where in that time the country produced barely a thousand cars a year, now over five million are manufactured. Popular German brands include Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen, BMW, and Porsche.<br />
  360. Japan &#8211; Gasoline-powered vehicles have been built in Japan early as 1907. Despite natural disasters that threatened the nation&#8217;s economy, Japan has worked to maintain its place among top car producers and exporters. Toyota, one of the top selling brands of all time, is based in Japan, as are Nissan, Honda, Mazda, and Subaru.<br />
  361. The United States &#8211; The US auto industry took a hit in recent years due to the economy. Through a combination of asset liquidation and government funding, the major brands (Ford, Chrysler, and General Motors) have worked to stay afloat. Despite this issues, the US remains a top producer with over seven million cars made on average in the country.<br />
  362. Republic of Korea &#8211; Over the last decade, South Korea has established itself as an automotive power thanks to an association between Daewoo Motors and GM, and Hyundai&#8217;s presence in the US with a major assembly plant.<br />
  363. Canada &#8211; While the country has no major native brand, Canada is important to the automotive industry by virtue of the many plants established by foreign brands, including Ford, Toyota, Chrysler and Honda.<br />
  364. Major Importers of AutomobilesWhile many countries produce domestic brands, automobile imports remain strong in economies that seek certain qualities, such as fuel efficiency and safety features. Among the top importers of automobiles:<br />
  365. The United States &#8211; Of the top brands sold in the US in the last year, many names bring to mind manufacturers from other lands: the Toyota Camry and Corolla, the Nissan Altima, and the Honda Civic and Accord.<br />
  366. Germany &#8211; While German brands dominated domestic sales in 2011, there is enough of a demand for foreign models to make Germany an important importer. Ford, Skoda (based in the Czech Republic), and Hyundai are popular names.<br />
  367. United Kingdom &#8211; Luxury is often synonymous with the British automotive industry. Aston Martin, Bentley, and Rolls Royce are three makes manufactured here, though Ford, Volkswagen, and the French Peugeot are seen more often on the roads.<br />
  368. Italy &#8211; Italy is known for the Fiat and Ferrari, but foreign makes like the Ford Fiesta, the French Citroen C3, and the Volkswagen Golf are also in demand.<br />
  369. France &#8211; The French appear greatly committed to domestic brands, particularly Renault and Peugeot, but foreign models from Ford, Volkswagen and the Romanian Dacia are gaining ground in the last year.<br />
  370. The AftermarketEqually important to the automotive industry is the manufacture and sale of auto parts and accessories, commonly known as the aftermarket. Sub-industries relevant to automobile sales may include products like tires and paint, stereo and GPS, engines and chemicals needed for operation, leather and vinyl for seating and safety features.  According to the Automotive Aftermarket Industry Association (AAIA), the aftermarket in the US alone totals over $250 billion.Though faltering economies and natural disasters have given the international automotive industry a number of challenges, one can conclude sales are destined to remain strong so long as the need for personal transportation remains. How and where people will by their cars may change over time as considerations for eco-friendly features grow in demand, but so long as people continue to buy automobiles the global industry will continue to gain speed. </p>
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  404. <title>The Best Educational Science Book For Studying Human Anatomy</title>
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  407. <pubDate>Tue, 04 Apr 2023 22:32:23 +0000</pubDate>
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  424. <description><![CDATA[If you are searching for an anatomy atlas then you have probably already heard of Grant, Netter and of course Gray&#8217;s. An Atlas of Anatomy (Thieme Anatomy) by Gilroy, MacPherson, Ross and Schuenke should be considered up there with the best. Gilroy&#8217;s atlas is blessed with over 2000 impressive full-colour illustrations by Voll and Wesker. [...]]]></description>
  425. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p> If you are searching for an anatomy atlas then you have probably already heard of Grant, Netter and of course Gray&#8217;s. An Atlas of Anatomy (Thieme Anatomy) by Gilroy, MacPherson, Ross and Schuenke should be considered up there with the best. Gilroy&#8217;s atlas is blessed with over 2000 impressive full-colour illustrations by Voll and Wesker. These two artists have managed to achieve an effective 3-dimensional representation of structures. An excellent bonus feature with this atlas of anatomy is the rub-off code you get which gives you access to the interactive website &#8220;;. The atlas contains many tables and charts providing ready reference and easy to find information at a glance. It has been written as a tool for learning anatomical relationships, not as a surgeon&#8217;s reference. Great for students, because you can &#8220;read&#8221; a chapter and the book will help you build an understanding of the body. You will likely have those &#8220;Aaaaahhh&#8230;that makes sense&#8221; moments unlike Netter&#8217;s and Grant&#8217;s which can be a bit heavy going.If you ever need to see a tendon or muscle that is the source of symptoms or you need to refer back to an anatomy text from school to remind yourself of the relationship between structures or you are a student taking anatomy then the newly published book from Thieme, Atlas of Anatomy should be on your reference shelf. Of the several atlases that are available to the student, the atlas of anatomy by Gilroy is one of the most useful and complete. The completeness of this atlas of anatomy along with its presentation, clarity of illustrations, and content brings everything together for the student. I must return to the illustrations as they have exceptional clarity, which makes them visually pleasing and engaging. The atlas employs excellent organizational strategies; it is filled with excellent illustrations, diagrams and clinical notes.The atlas is very well organized leading the reader step-by-step through each region of the body. Beginning with the foundations of the skeleton and then adding in turn the muscles, organs, vessels, nerves, and finally presenting topographic anatomy to complete the picture.Key Features:<br />
  426. - Over 2000 full-colour illustrations of exquisite detail<br />
  427. - Concise introductory texts for each new topic<br />
  428. - Clinical correlates and images, including radiographs, MRIs, CT scans, and endoscopic views<br />
  429. - Muscle Fact pages<br />
  430. - Navigators that orient the reader with location and plane of dissection<br />
  431. - A scratch-off code provides access to an interactive online study aidThis atlas of anatomy is a brilliant masterpiece, filled with anatomical illustrations of great accuracy, appropriately labelled and aesthetically appealing. It flows logically and systematically through the regions of the body. Indispensable not only for medical students, medical residents in surgical specialties, but also for health professionals and practitioners. This atlas would not look out of place in a home library either. This atlas provides everything in just the right format, making the mastery of human anatomy eminently achievable. </p>
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  437. <title>All You Need to Know About the Stone Cleaning Process</title>
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  440. <pubDate>Wed, 14 Sep 2022 15:54:51 +0000</pubDate>
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  452. <description><![CDATA[Stone cleaning and restoration is a real science. It is one that demands great understanding of the differences and intricacies of natural stone floors and manmade tiles. This understanding and knowledge base comes from exhaustive training and experience on the job. While you can train the theory of stone cleaning, nothing offers a better understanding [...]]]></description>
  453. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Stone cleaning and restoration is a real science. It is one that demands great understanding of the differences and intricacies of natural stone floors and manmade tiles. This understanding and knowledge base comes from exhaustive training and experience on the job. While you can train the theory of stone cleaning, nothing offers a better understanding than actually completing the work. This is where you will be faced with the challenges and need to come up with a conclusive solution that will allow your client to receive the best possible and long-lasting finishes.</p>
  454. <p>There is no practicing when you get to clean a client&#8217;s floor. You cannot make mistakes and rewind time. It is therefore incredibly important that you start the job fully equipped to take it on and confidence to achieve the highest standards.</p>
  455. <p>For anyone contemplating a stone cleaning and restoration project, it is important to be well-informed in relation to the process. Knowledge is power and it will inevitably lead you to finding the best specialist to restore your home or business stone flooring.</p>
  456. <p>The first part of the process will be researching local companies. You will get a feel from their websites as to their experience. They should have examples of the work they have completed. They should have a range of contact details so that contact is simple and straightforward. They should be happy to talk about their journey and training they have received. Furthermore, when you first speak with them you should get the sense that they want to help and are happy to answer your questions.</p>
  457. <p>From this point a survey will be arranged. This survey is a great opportunity to gain more information about the company. Try to ask questions and try to make sure that you are not left without answers for anything. An experienced company will be able to answer queries and offer guidance in relation to the process. They will offer advice on how to achieve the exact look you require and how to make it long-lasting.</p>
  458. <p>From this point, it is important that you receive a written quotation to complete the work. This should be a formal document that outlines all of the work to be carried out. If you are getting multiple quotations then this is an easier way of making direct comparisons. Did you know that your chosen company can complete a test area? This is a great way of identifying the possible results for your stone flooring.</p>
  459. <p>The work will then be scheduled and completed in a timely manner. Your chosen company should keep in contact in order to schedule the work and make sure there are no outstanding questions. The stone cleaning process uses a variety of machines and products to remove the surface coatings. The stone flooring is then comprehensively cleaned before it is then recoated with a protective sealant.</p>
  460. <p>Make sure to get information about general care and upkeep. This really is an important part of the process as it will offer you great value for money and the confidence to do what is best for your beautiful stone floor.</p>
  461. <p>MCS Stonecare specialise in cleaning, polishing and restoring stone floors. For more details on stone floor restoration please visit MCS Stonecare.</p>
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Copyright © 2002-9 Sam Ruby, Mark Pilgrim, Joseph Walton, and Phil Ringnalda