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  58. <h1><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to Fitting Tips For Swim Wear">Fitting Tips For Swim Wear</a></h1>
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  66. <p>When buying a suit for competitive or serious swimming, the most important thing to remember is fit.  Because you&#8217;ll be spending a considerable amount of time in your suit, you want to make sure you&#8217;ll be able to move comfortably without hindering your movement through the water.  Here is what you should look for to achieve a good, comfortable fit.</p>
  67. <p>The suit should like perfectly flat against your torso making sure there are no puckering or pulling at the seams.  Also be sure there is no pulling from the straps or openings.  A suit that has a higher spandex content will allow for a flat fit.  You are looking for a snug fit that will accommodate a good range of body motion, but not a fit that is too tight.</p>
  68. <p>Make sure you can stretch your body out without any stretching from the leg or neck openings.</p>
  69. <p>The next thing you&#8217;ll want to look for is how the leg openings fit.  Make sure the elastic in the openings do not dig into your legs or pucker.  Move to a larger size if the leg openings are too tight.</p>
  70. <p>Check the back for adequate coverage.  If the suit does not provide enough coverage you may want to try a larger size or perhaps a different style.</p>
  71. <p>How do the shoulder straps look and feel on your shoulders?  Make sure they do not dig into the skin.  A suit with wider straps may work better for you than a narrow one.  Rotate your shoulders to determine if the straps will remain comfortable and in place in all arm positions.  You want straps that are not too loose which can slow you down if they don&#8217;t stay securely on your shoulders as you swim.</p>
  72. <p>When fitting the suit to the chest and bust area you are looking for one that will provide you with sufficient coverage.  Lift your arms in front of a mirror to determine if the suit is adequate.  Make sure the suit provides ample support without completely flattening the breasts.</p>
  73. <p>If you are a serious swimmer and have considered purchasing a full body suit, be aware these suits can be quite pricey because of all the additional fabric used in making them.  They can be great for shaving off fractions of seconds, but are probably not necessary if you are merely swimming for fitness purposes.  These suits should fit snuggly against all parts of the body, but not so tight that they are uncomfortable, painful, or cuts off circulation.</p>
  74. <p>Now that you&#8217;ve got the tools for correctly fitting competition suit, you are ready to go out and purchase a suit that you feel confident in!</p>
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  86. <h1><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to The Best Email Marketing Tip Ever">The Best Email Marketing Tip Ever</a></h1>
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  94. <p>Regardless if you have a small business that you want to bring to the internet, or you are just starting out and looking for a way to make some extra cash on the internet, email marketing is the smart way to go, and in this article I am going to give you what I consider to be the biggest email marketing tip that you will ever hear.</p>
  95. <p>That may sound like a bogus claim, especially once you see how amazingly simple it is, but trust me&#8230; If you take this one simple email marketing tip to heart, then you are almost guaranteed to build a big online business.</p>
  96. <p>So what is this big secret email marketing tip?</p>
  97. <p>First you have to GIVE, and give GENEROUSLY, and THEN you can ASK.</p>
  98. <p>That&#8217;s it. The big secret of all successful online entrepreneurs is that they have a relationship with their email list. That relationship is what transforms that list of worthless email addresses into a powerful asset that will pay you for the rest of your life.</p>
  99. <p>In order to develop that relationship you must give that person a reason to know, like, and trust you. You can&#8217;t just ask for something and never give back in return. Unfortunately, many marketers quickly burn out their lists by doing this.</p>
  100. <p>So the best email marketing tip that I can give you is the one above&#8230;</p>
  101. <p>Write it down somewhere and put it where you can see it on a daily basis. When you make this &#8220;tip&#8221; more like a &#8220;rule&#8221;, I can almost guarantee that your relationship with your list will increase drastically.</p>
  102. <p>And when your relationship with your list increases drastically, so does the amount of money you will make from that list.</p>
  103. <p>I realize this sounds relatively simple, but from someone who earns a full time income from home (and has done things the wrong way before), please don&#8217;t take this email marketing tip lightly.</p>
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  108.  <p class="tags">Tags: <a href="" rel="tag">content marketing</a> <a href="" rel="tag">digital marketing</a> <a href="" rel="tag">email marketing</a> <a href="" rel="tag">learn digital marketing</a> <a href="" rel="tag">linkedin marketing</a> <a href="" rel="tag">Marketing</a> <a href="" rel="tag">marketing 101</a> <a href="" rel="tag">marketing analytics</a> <a href="" rel="tag">marketing de afiliados</a> <a href="" rel="tag">marketing digital</a> <a href="" rel="tag">marketing funnel</a> <a href="" rel="tag">marketing show</a> <a href="" rel="tag">marketing strategies</a> <a href="" rel="tag">marketing strategy</a> <a href="" rel="tag">marketing tips</a> <a href="" rel="tag">sales &amp; marketing</a> <a href="" rel="tag">sms marketing</a> <a href="" rel="tag">social media marketing</a> <a href="" rel="tag">what is digital marketing</a></p>        </div>
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  115. <h1><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to Video As an Engaging Content Marketing Tool">Video As an Engaging Content Marketing Tool</a></h1>
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  123. <p>If you are an Internet marketer, blogger, webmaster, and online retailer, you must be turning the Web inside out looking for a strategy to keep your website visitors a few seconds longer on your page. There are a million and one advises or suggestions you can try, but you can save yourself from much trouble by grabbing what seems to be a current trend: video content marketing strategy.</p>
  124. <p><b>What is video content marketing?</b></p>
  125. <p>Video content marketing makes use of the video as the heart of the content marketing strategy with the social media being used to support and promote the video content. Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube and embedding videos in blog posts offer the most engaging way to share video message to the target audience.</p>
  126. <p>A message that informs, entertains or is useful can foster maximized engagement, spread and conversion by using the content as the message. This can best be achieved by seamlessly integrating the message with the look, feel and flavor of the video. You know you have done well when your message is talked about in forums, discussion boards, and even mainstream media channels.</p>
  127. <p>The use of videos may not really be a new idea. What is novel is the recognition that it can be a very effective vehicle of information and a powerful strategy that prompts immediate action. You have heard about YouTube ranking as the second largest search engine in the Internet and passing the 1 billion monthly users mark. This is equivalent to over 4 billion hours of video viewing each month. With these explosive statistics, it is not surprising to see how it is gaining strength as a source of content marketing.</p>
  128. <p><b>Will online video be just another over hyped and soon-will-fade craze?</b></p>
  129. <p>Based on current researches and surveys, it seems unlikely. For instance, consider the data from B2B Demand Generation Benchmark Survey for 2012 entitled Percentage of Marketers Using Each Content or Offer (survey compiled by Eloqua, and Software Advice).</p>
  130. <p><b>What makes video a crown jewel of content marketing?</b></p>
  131. <p>Video communication is an effective strategy of reaching target market as it pools the pluses of &#8220;classic&#8221; TV advertising and the Internet&#8217;s interactivity. Powerful and compelling videos can more likely motivate viewers to buy on impulse than those who merely read text ads. In a way, it seems like it is irresistible having a &#8220;biological&#8221; or &#8220;human&#8221; factor about it. This may be attributed to the fact that videos can simultaneously affect several senses. If you want to understand the science behind web trending towards video, the explanation of Susan Weinschenk, Ph.D. in Forbes&#8217; article Why Online Video Is Vital For Your 2013 Content Marketing Objectives says it all.</p>
  132. <p>According to Dr. Weinschek, there are four major reasons why people are drawn to videos: the fusiform facial area or the face easily catches and holds attention; the voice can effectively convey rich information and meaningful content; the emotions and the body language are pleasing to watch and infectious; and movements grab attention due to the human&#8217;s innate power of peripheral motion. For online marketers looking for a way to engage their visitors, the question is: How must you leverage this 100% human connection to video? The answer lies in what innovative option you will use to make a simple, but impactful video.</p>
  133. <p><b>If video is not a passing fancy among content creators, then how will it affect future content marketing?</b></p>
  134. <p>In Kissmetrics&#8217; article The Future of Content Marketing Revealed, some ways to get ahead of competing pack are emphasized. There are three major points made; the content becoming big (long blog posts, giving away of free eBooks, and offering multiple lead magnets) and two stressed the importance of visual content such as use of infographics and videos.</p>
  135. <p>In ReelSEO&#8217;s 2012 Online Video Marketing Survey Report, 81% of the respondents/online marketers said they used online video in their marketing efforts. Over two thirds of them (67%) use these videos to social networking sites, and about half (52%) used video in email marketing.</p>
  136. <p>Moreover, approximately 64% of these marketers indicated they intend to spend more money in the coming years intended for technologies, platforms and services allied to the use of video for business marketing programs.</p>
  137. <p>There are of course other statistics that may say otherwise, but for now it seems that content marketing is going beyond text.</p>
  138. <p><b>Where is video content now?</b></p>
  139. <p>&#8220;Video gives us the opportunity to wow our customers and this in turn delivers results. We have tested and proven that when someone watches our video reviews they&#8217;re 120.5% more likely to buy, spend 157.2% longer on the site and spend 9.1% more per order&#8230; &#8221; (Matt Lawson, Head of Conversion at Appliances Online).</p>
  140. <p>With all these stats, YouTube&#8217;s sensational rise to fame and the cheap video technologies, how can you not use it as a marketing tool? Many think that video is still an underused marketing tool at the moment, but not so in the coming days. Those into it are starting to enjoy improved SEO rankings, site engagement and customer conversion. Maybe you just found a way for your visitors to stay little bit longer on your site.</p>
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  145.  <p class="tags">Tags: <a href="" rel="tag">aarthi short videos</a> <a href="" rel="tag">comedy videos</a> <a href="" rel="tag">fail videos</a> <a href="" rel="tag">family video</a> <a href="" rel="tag">family videos</a> <a href="" rel="tag">full video</a> <a href="" rel="tag">funny animal videos</a> <a href="" rel="tag">funny fail video</a> <a href="" rel="tag">funny fails videos</a> <a href="" rel="tag">funny video</a> <a href="" rel="tag">funny videos</a> <a href="" rel="tag">funny videos 2022</a> <a href="" rel="tag">funny videos 2023</a> <a href="" rel="tag">kids video</a> <a href="" rel="tag">music video shoot</a> <a href="" rel="tag">race video</a> <a href="" rel="tag">racing video</a> <a href="" rel="tag">sad video</a> <a href="" rel="tag">shorts story videos</a> <a href="" rel="tag">shorts video</a> <a href="" rel="tag">shorts videos</a> <a href="" rel="tag">story video</a> <a href="" rel="tag">travel videos</a> <a href="" rel="tag">videos de comida</a> <a href="" rel="tag">videos de horror</a> <a href="" rel="tag">videos de miedo</a> <a href="" rel="tag">videos interesantes</a> <a href="" rel="tag">videos paranormales</a></p>        </div>
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  152. <h1><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to Shopping Cart Loss and Theft &#8211; Prevent Loss at Your Store">Shopping Cart Loss and Theft &#8211; Prevent Loss at Your Store</a></h1>
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  160. <p>Shopping carts are provided by a store for customer use. Customers use shopping carts as a convenient way to collect merchandise as they shop around the store. The customers collect the desired merchandise in their cart and continue to the check-out stand to pay for their goods. Once they have gone through the check out line, customers transport the paid merchandise from their shopping cart to their cars. Often times they do not bring their carts back to the appropriate destination, leaving them scattered throughout the parking lot, or even worse they are stolen! Lost shopping carts can add up to an eight to ten thousand dollar drain in your revenue each year. Lost or stolen shopping carts have become such a nuisance that over 200 cities around the United States have implemented ordinances requiring retailers to find ways to keep their carts from leaving their property. Fortunately there are a number of solutions to prevent shopping cart theft. Electronic systems such as locking wheels, the boot or brake shell, and alarm systems are effective in preventing shopping cart theft. Physical limitations such as security guards, vertical pole attachments, and magnetic strips can be effective in preventing shopping cart theft as well.</p>
  161. <p>The most effective way to prevent people from stealing shopping carts is an electronic wheel locking system. This system works with a thin wire embedded below the surface of the perimeter of the stores parking lot. If the wheel is pushed beyond the perimeter it will automatically lock disabling the cart. The wheels can be unlocked by the touch of a button on a remote control.</p>
  162. <p>Alternatively, the boot or braking shell is not inside the wheel but rather a covering. When the shopping cart is taken beyond the stores designated perimeter, the braking shell covers the wheel disabling it from rolling. One drawback to this method is that if any part of the boot breaks, the entire mechanism must be replaced. It is easy for dirt, snow, and other materials to get jammed in the boot and disabling it. Another downside to this method is rather than using a remote control to unlock the wheel like the electronic wheel locking system, one must bend down and unlock the boot manually in order for the cart to be of use again.</p>
  163. <p>Motorized shopping carts are popular among the elderly or shoppers with disabilities. These carts tend to be extremely expensive and therefore highly desired by thieves! Losing just one motorized shopping cart can hit retailers hard financially. To prevent the loss of these assets, a wireless device attached to the back of the motorized cart preventing the cart from working when it reaches the designated invisible barrier. The cart can be reactivated with the touch of a button on the store&#8217;s remote control, or by pushing it back into the unlock field.</p>
  164. <p>Another effective way to prevent shopping cart loss and theft is an alarm system. The alarm system has two components: an alarm, and a transmitter perimeter circuit that is installed at the entrances and exits of the store. The shopping cart has a warning signal and an alarm signal. Once the shopping cart crosses the warning line, the warning sound will go off. The alarm is deactivated once the cart is returned to the designated area. If the shopper chooses to ignore the warning signal and continues to cross the line, the shopping cart will sound a higher pitch and louder alarm. While this system may embarrass the customer it does not stop the cart from leaving the premises.</p>
  165. <p>Security guards are people hired to protect property, assets, and people. Shoppers are less likely inclined to steal shopping carts if they know they are being watched. Security guards reduce shopping cart theft tremendously, however hiring additional personnel can become costly. In order for security guards to have a significant impact, one must be placed at each exit way of the parking lot to ensure no one leaves with a shopping cart.</p>
  166. <p>A physical limitation that reduces shopping cart theft is the implementation of the vertical pole. This pole is attached to the shopping carts preventing the carts from leaving the store. The only downside to this method is the inconvenience it may have on customers who have large amounts of groceries or merchandise that they need to transport from the store to their car.</p>
  167. <p>The last method to prevent shopping cart theft is the implementation of a magnetic strip embedded in the concrete of the perimeter of the shopping center. Each shopping cart has a locking device fitted to two wheels and as the cart approaches the magnetic strip, the wheels lock rendering it immovable.</p>
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  179. <h1><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to Find Freelance Work With Free Classifieds Online">Find Freelance Work With Free Classifieds Online</a></h1>
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  186. <p> Are you one of the increasing number of people joining the freelance workforce?  Or are in you in the position of either having been made redundant, or facing job cuts at work? If so, then free classifieds online could be one way of finding employment working for yourself.What skills do you have?  What kind of service could you offer? If you have a skill that other people could use, then with a bit of help from a free classifieds online service you can build a business that will allow you the freedom of using your skills to build a business.Time is one of the scarcest resources many people have today, and so anyone with a skill that can save someone else time is likely to find themselves being hired. If you place an ad with a free classifieds online site you&#8217;ll be able to let people know what you can do for them and how by employing you, they will be able to spend less time doing what they have to do and more time doing what they want to do.For example, are you any good at gardening? Yard work is a chore for most professional people who spend far too many hours in the workplace. They want to spend their weekends relaxing with their partners and children, not tending to the yard.  Place an ad that tells these people that the cost of spending time with their family over a weekend without feeling guilty about mowing the lawn is $x &#8211; you&#8217;re a freelancer, you set the rate! Don&#8217;t just think about selling your services, think about selling the idea of free time; remember that&#8217;s the commodity people are looking for.Read through the other ads in the free classifieds online site that offer similar services to the ones you&#8217;re trying to sell. How have they worded their ads? If you were in need of their services, would you be tempted to ring one of these people?  Think about the services you offer.  If you needed someone like you, what would attract you to a certain ad? This is the kind of wording you need to put in your own ad. If you wouldn&#8217;t hire you based on your ad, why should someone else?Keep your ad short and to the point. Take the time to think out the words that people will search for when looking for your type of service. Think about the things you can offer, not just in terms of your professional expertise, but other important things such as flexibility, customized, free quotes. Are you qualified in the area you&#8217;re seeking work? If so, make sure you state you are certified. These are all things that can set you apart from other freelancers.Free classifieds online cost you nothing but the time to focus your mind on selling yourself. Use the time wisely and make the most out of these sites, they could hold the key to your future. </p>
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  190.  <p class="tags">Tags: <a href="" rel="tag">Employment Work</a></p>        </div>
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  197. <h1><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to How to Use and Select Stock Photography Services">How to Use and Select Stock Photography Services</a></h1>
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  204. <p> There are two main types of photography to sell, that is assignment photography and Stock Photography. Assignment photography is taking photographs of a predetermined event, and stock Photography is taking photographs in the hope that you will be able to find a future buyer. Most professional photographers take both types, the weddings and portraits take care of immediate bills, as they command a higher price, because they are generally only of interest to a limited number of people. There are exceptions like being hired for a specific assignment to photograph an Olympic Event, and then being able to sell that photograph Internationally. In general, stock photographs command a lower price, but they are more saleable to a wider base.Stock photographs&#8217; are generally sold on the Internet through what is known as &#8220;Stock Libraries&#8221;. They generally all work on a very similar system, you take photographs and submit them to a stock library and they sell them to interested parties such as travel brochure companies, advertising agents, book publishers. This way of marketing photographs has distinct advantages, if you are a part time freelancer, or have just started your own business. Either way you are probably too busy making portfolios, and taking pictures to market them. Another factor, which makes this method of marketing advantageous, is that when you are starting you do not have the network of contacts to market your photographs. Added to that there are some people who won&#8217;t or can&#8217;t perfect their marketing skills.A downside of this marketing method is that there is a little more to it than taking photographs and waiting for the Royalty cheques to come in.  Most stock libraries, will want to re-caption your pictures to fit in with their image, this can be a time consuming process and it can take months to get them online. Like many aspects of selling it is a &#8220;numbers game&#8221;, the more photographs you have available to sell the more you are likely to sell. This is a fairly general aspect of marketing, but it is more specific in this instance, as prospective buyers may look at other images, if they like one particular one. Because of the time factor of getting your work to the buyers or the public, many stock libraries, have insisted on a minimum contract, which means that they typically ask to retain your work for a minimum of two years.Some of the stock libraries are general and some are more specific. Marine Themes obviously specialise in underwater photography, and they scan and correct all their images before sale. They are then color corrected to ensure that any prints will be the best quality. All this takes time, to get the images actually for sale on the Internet. The benefit is that marine photography is highly specialised, and this process does increase your chances to merchandise your work.In the past the market was limited to buyers who were sent colour brochures and made their selection from them, now the market is expanding, as many libraries have widened their sales base by allowing customer&#8217;s to make their purchases directly on line. This factor alone has increased the numbers game the more people who have access, the more who are likely to buy. Some stock libraries are general and some are highly specific such as South African images. Some cover specialist areas such as marine photography, or nature.So how do you choose the stock library that will be the most beneficial to you? There are independent reports covering the various strengths and weaknesses. The annual Freelance Photographer&#8217;s Market Handbook in the UK features a section on stock libraries and is an excellent reference guide. Some of the stock libraries have been established for ten years. They have hundreds of photographer&#8217;s and hundreds of thousands of images. As a result of this they may be reluctant to take on new clients. However if you have a large portfolio available immediately it may be worth trying one of the older companies. However you will be competing with established photographers who have built up a client base. Many of the new companies have less than a hundred photographers and you will start by being a bigger fish in a smaller pond.At the end of the day, the choice has to be your personal decision, and there is nothing to stop you from registering with more than one library. Whilst the market is growing and will continue to grow to encompass on line sales, remember to consider that sales from a printed catalogue will be important for a while, and it may be advantageous for you to choose a library with a well referenced catalogue.Every stock library has different terms and conditions. In general most give you a straight 50% of the earnings. However some do let the images go into the hands of &#8220;sub agents&#8221;, and they will expect an additional cut from any sales. Read your contract well before you sign and beware of copyright issues. Normally when the photograph is sold the buyer is issued with a license number, which only allows them to use the image the once. You minimise your royalties if you allow a buyer to pay once and then get multiple uses out of it.All in all if you are prepared to look at your market strategy over a long period of time, stock libraries offer you an option. There are forums for professional photographers that do address the issue, and it may be worth you looking into othe peoples style and work. Here are some I recommend you look into and consider selling your stock through:- PhotoStockPlus and Photo.comThere are also available a huge number of royalty free sites. You may question why buyer&#8217;s would consider paying for an image whilst they can obtain other&#8217;s free? The answer here is that royalty free photographs don&#8217;t make them free, you do purchase them, but you have the rights to re-use the stock photos and CDs for as many different projects and clients as you wish without paying further licensing fees. </p>
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  208.  <p class="tags">Tags: <a href="" rel="tag">ai photography</a> <a href="" rel="tag">digital photography</a> <a href="" rel="tag">ed sheeran photograph</a> <a href="" rel="tag">film photography</a> <a href="" rel="tag">landscape photography</a> <a href="" rel="tag">landscape photography tips</a> <a href="" rel="tag">landscape photography tutorial</a> <a href="" rel="tag">learn photography</a> <a href="" rel="tag">lyrics photograph</a> <a href="" rel="tag">outdoor photography</a> <a href="" rel="tag">photograph</a> <a href="" rel="tag">photograph lyrics</a> <a href="" rel="tag">photography</a> <a href="" rel="tag">photography for beginners</a> <a href="" rel="tag">photography ideas</a> <a href="" rel="tag">photography lessons</a> <a href="" rel="tag">photography tips</a> <a href="" rel="tag">photography tutorial</a> <a href="" rel="tag">street photography</a> <a href="" rel="tag">street photography basics</a> <a href="" rel="tag">street photography tips</a> <a href="" rel="tag">travel photography</a></p>        </div>
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  215. <h1><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to Importance of Automotive Internet Marketing">Importance of Automotive Internet Marketing</a></h1>
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  222. <p>If you are a business in the automotive industry and looking to increase sales and services creating a strong online presence is a must.SEO is becoming a very competitive arena in a lot of industries, making it harder for companies to compete for top search engine results on Google, Bing, Yahoo. The good news for the automotive industry is that only 5% of automotive repair service companies are actively marketing their website or services. I personally have seen a huge growth in automotive marketing online in California, but other areas of the United States have been a lot slower to adapt. So what does this mean for automotive repair shops across the United States? A huge opportunity for automotive repair shops to beat the competition through actively marketing their website through search engine optimization and making themselves more visible on business directories online where you can rate and review shops. The world has moved away from flipping through the thick Yellowpages Book to find local businesses (more useful as a paperweight) and has moved towards Whether on the PC, Smartphone, or tablet.So whats the next step? Do a simple local test search online to see where your company ranks among the competition. (e.g. search &#8220;your town or surrounding towns&#8221; auto repair or more specific searches &#8220;your town&#8221; alignment repair, &#8220;your town&#8221; engine repair). After doing a few test searches how does your company rank? Top of the first page, second page, bottom of the third page, not visible at all? By doing this test you should be able to get a clear understanding where you rank locally online compared to the competition. If your company is at the top of the search results great, but do not get comfortable. Stay offensive and strengthen that position by reaching out to a SEO company or attending an SEO workshop. If your business is not ranked at the top, start planning. Reach out to a couple SEO consultative companies, compare pricing and packages, attend workshops, get your self listed in online directories, join social media websites, and have customers leave reviews on review websites. SEO Packages typically range anywhere from $300/month &#8211; $1500/month depending on the local competition and the amount of heavy lifting needed to be done to get your company to the top.Key Takeaway: If you are in the automotive repair industry and want to get ahead do your homework and start planning an effective online marketing strategy. You will be ahead of the marketing curve and it will have a direct impact on revenue.</p>
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  268. <p> Technology has moved at a fast pace over the last decade. Wouldn&#8217;t you agree? As a result, many technologies have replaced the need for human resources in some fields, and it has also impacted education drastically.Before delving into the impacts of technology on education however, consider:· How travel agents have been largely replaced by online reservation systems.· In 1901, Charles Holland Duel stated that &#8220;Everything that can be invented has been invented&#8221;. This was over one century ago, where numerous inventions had yet to be patented and trademarked.· The number one focus on this list of technological impacts, is how computers and the internet has affected lifestyles and education. Everything can be shared in an instant, and snail mail is no longer the main method of communication. In the past one had to wait a few days before receiving a message, unless a phone or fax were used.In the 21st century, educational institutions have moved with the times by integrating technology into learning. After all, our educational systems are a critical part of societal norms.Here are some of the key ways that technology has broadened teaching horizons:Traditional colleges have adopted online methods of learning, which is otherwise known as online colleges. No longer do students have to relocate from thousands of miles away to get a quality education. All that&#8217;s needed is a computer and connection to the internet to plug into online learning.This has opened up numerous doors for working adults who have previously been restricted by time and resources. The technology of online videos or recorded tutorials allows students to study on their own time, whether day or night.A study by US News purports that nearly 6.1 million students were enrolled in online college course in 2011. This number is expected to grow as the stigma of online certification has somewhat been lifted due to its increasing popularity in the workplace.Other ways that technology affects education include the student&#8217;s ability to research faster than ever, compared to pouring over books in the library. As an example, a study by the Pew Research Center suggests that digital technologies have helped students to become more self-sufficient researchers.Educators too have integrated technology into learning, with the distribution of course material and online video, voice, or written tutorials for student references.Finally, there has also been a dynamic shift in the communication between students and teachers via online, social and digital mediums. </p>
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  272.  <p class="tags">Tags: <a href="" rel="tag">Astronomy</a> <a href="" rel="tag">Biology</a> <a href="" rel="tag">College University</a> <a href="" rel="tag">Education</a> <a href="" rel="tag">Future Concepts</a> <a href="" rel="tag">Home Schooling</a> <a href="" rel="tag">Languages</a> <a href="" rel="tag">Nature</a> <a href="" rel="tag">Online Education</a> <a href="" rel="tag">Psychology</a> <a href="" rel="tag">Reference and Education</a> <a href="" rel="tag">Schools</a> <a href="" rel="tag">teaching</a></p>        </div>
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  279. <h1><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to Educated Management Will Help Keep Your Business in Labor Law Compliance">Educated Management Will Help Keep Your Business in Labor Law Compliance</a></h1>
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  286. <p> Managers are the primary contact with most of the rank-and-file employees in an organization. Whether it is an office manager in doctor&#8217;s office, the warehouse manager in a storage facility, or an inventory manager in a retail operation, all managers interact with their staff on a daily basis. As such, maintaining an educated and informed management team will go a long way in helping your business comply with complicated labor and employment laws.In an informal poll taken by AllBusiness (a division of Dunn &#038; Bradstreet), managers were asked, &#8220;What is a manager&#8217;s role&#8221;? The answers were wide-ranging, but all shared the same underlying theme: daily oversight of the staff:&#8221;A manager&#8217;s role is to provide proper oversight and direction to a group that is trying to accomplish a certain task. They may also act as a mediator between those under him. Managers may need to be called upon at times to be disciplinarians or morale boosters.&#8221;"To make sure the place runs smoothly.&#8221;"A manager&#8217;s role is to maintain a productive atmosphere while conserving cost. He is the  communication link between the employees and upper management.&#8221;The Manager&#8217;s RoleFor a manager to effectively do their job, they must be educated on the proper methods of discipline, motivation, and management. Furthermore, managers act as a direct extension of the executives and ownership of the organization. As such, any misstep by a manager may expose the entire organization to an employment lawsuit. While much of a manager&#8217;s role may seem like common sense, they must virtually become employment law and human resources experts to do their job properly.Dozens of State and Federal laws dictate precisely how managers can treat employees, speak to them, discipline, warn, and terminate them.Some of the most important laws governing these areas are Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which prohibits employment discrimination; the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA), which protects individuals who are 40 years of age or older; the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), which prohibits disability discrimination, and the Civil Rights Act of 1991, which, among other things, provides monetary damages in cases of intentional employment discrimination.Educated Managers = Safe EmployersSo, while you may have hired your manager to &#8220;make sure the place runs smoothly&#8221;, or to &#8220;maintain a productive atmosphere&#8221;, equally, if not more important, is to make sure your management team is aware of the laws that govern their daily interaction with their staff. If you follow the steps below, you&#8217;ll be on your way to protecting your company, and yourself, from lawsuits:<br />
  287. Make sure management is familiar with all company policies and procedures.<br />
  288. Managers should actively review the Employee Handbook.<br />
  289. They should be familiar with the company Mission Statement.<br />
  290. Managers should be positive role models, always acting ethically with motivational leadership skills.<br />
  291. Act professionally at all times.<br />
  292. Encourage management to attend training classes to further educate themselves.<br />
  293. CONSTANTLY and CONSISTENTLY contact the Human Resources department before taking employment-related action.<br />
  294. In summary, encourage and provide learning opportunities to your management staff. Make it clear to them that conscious application of that knowledge is expected on a daily basis. Following these best practices will go a long way to help you and your business remain compliant with employment and labor laws, while promoting a positive and motivated work environment. </p>
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  305. <h1><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to 10 Things You Didn&#8217;t Know About Affiliate Marketing">10 Things You Didn&#8217;t Know About Affiliate Marketing</a></h1>
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  312. <p> Most people have heard of affiliate marketing, even if they haven&#8217;t actually started doing it. Affiliate marketing is basically referring people to various products and services around the internet. For each sale you generate through your affiliate link, you earn a commission. The size of the commission depends on the products themselves, who is selling them and the percentage offered by the seller to the affiliate.But what is actually involved in affiliate marketing? What do affiliates do on a daily basis? How do they earn money and how do they learn what to do?1 An Example Of A Successful WebsiteThere&#8217;s several ways of marketing products and services online. Many affiliates create a blog first and sell products and services through their blog. Martin Lewis has a very successful website called This is also an affiliate website. By creating content and helping people decide which service to use: which credit card offers to choose, the best interest rate etc. makes money by sending website visitors to various offers. If a sale is made through this website, the link this credited to it and a commission is made. By creating content, offering value and helping people make sensible choices, the website has built a reputation and become more prevalent over time. Google ranks the site highly in the search engines and thousands of people use it to make purchasing decisions every day.2 How Can I Get Started As An Affiliate?Affiliate marketing is huge. There are thousands of people already making their main source of income from the internet. To get started as an affiliate you need to learn some basic strategies and build various methods of generating traffic from the internet to those offers. A lot of affiliates start with a simple blog. Many travelers &#8216;blog&#8217; about their travels. If you don&#8217;t have a passion or interest to blog about, you can start by following an online course which will help. See my bio for more info on this.3 How Long Does It Take To Make A Living?Some people go into affiliate marketing with the intention of creating a second income. Some people want to make big money. Depending on how much time you can dedicate to your affiliate business, and how dedicated you are to it, is a big factor in determining your results. Results vary from person to person. With a large advertising budget and the right business model, some affiliates have replaced their living in 6-12 months. For others it can take years before it replaces their existing income. Depending on your approach, advertising budget, and business model, it can take between 3 months and several years to build it to a point where it can replace an existing income.4 Can Anyone Do It?One of the great things about affiliate marketing is that the technology is now available to allow anyone to build their own online business. As long as you are prepared to learn and implement that knowledge, anyone who can operate an email, can use online platforms and tools to build their own online business. The main thing you need is the desire to learn. Affiliate marketing isn&#8217;t for everyone though. It does take a lot of hard work and it can take years before you are rewarded financially.5 What Are The Pitfalls Of An Affiliate Business?You need to dedicate some time to your affiliate business for it to work for the long term. Some people go into affiliate marketing thinking it is some magic pill which will pay them instantly in cash. Much like a job you can&#8217;t expect to get out more than you put in. Affiliate marketing is performance related. This means you don&#8217;t get paid unless you can successfully sell products and services online. If you don&#8217;t know what you are doing it can take years to do this. You can&#8217;t be a dabbler and expect to earn the big money. The big earnings are created over years of hard work. Don&#8217;t expect to achieve this with only a small amount of input.6 What Are The Best Things About Affiliate Marketing?Affiliate marketing offers an incredible amount of flexibility and freedom. You can work an affiliate business from anywhere in the world providing you have a laptop and an internet connection. You can choose your own hours and build it up around existing work. Many people come into affiliate marketing because it offers this kind of flexibility. They can choose their priorities in life: spend more time with family, choose your working hours, travel and work abroad. No more commuting to work or working long hours for a boss you don&#8217;t like.Affiliate marketing also offers incredible scalability. A business which is local is always limited to the people who can travel to that business. An online business can be global. Using digital products in conjunction with a global reach, you can scale using tools and software to reach thousands of people through digital technology. By using automation much of the work involved with an online business can be pre-built. By building automation into the business model, you can focus your activities on reaching a larger audience through content creation and paid advertising.7 Why Am I Struggling With My Affiliate Business?A lot of people struggle with their affiliate businesses.This can be for a number of reasons. Firstly building up an affiliate business takes time. You need to dedicate a lot of time to an affiliate business in the first place. Only when you reach a &#8216;tipping point&#8217; do you really start to see your progress. Many affiliates simply don&#8217;t realise how much work is involved. They underestimate how much time they need to dedicate to their online business to make it work.<br />
  313. Paid advertising can allow you to grow your affiliate business quickly. But it costs money and you need the right products too. You can&#8217;t advertise small value items with paid advertising. You won&#8217;t generate enough profit to cover your advertising costs. You need a range of products and an email list to advertise through.<br />
  314. Content marketing takes much longer to work, depending on your chosen area of business. If you find an untapped niche to market your blog in, you can make some fast progress. However, with a competitive niche you will struggle to get noticed above all the other content which you will have to compete with. There&#8217;s several reasons why you might struggle. The main one is lack of knowledge. Get the right education first and your affiliate business will move much faster.8 What&#8217;s The Best Affiliate Model To Use? There are many different affiliate models, all offering something different to suit the individual. Some affiliates target search traffic and aim to get their content found on Google. Some create their own products and sell them directly to customers. However, having a range of products which you can sell over and over to existing customers is a great model for long term success. Selling a single item online is limited. It means you can only make one commission from each sale. By choosing membership products to promote which also offer back end sales and a built in sales team, you can benefit from monthly commissions and up-sell commissions for the lifetime of any given customer. Selling membership products is definitely a game changer when it come to affiliate marketing because you make an income from each customer, rather than a single commission. But a good model to choose is one in which you have a passion for and can keep doing for the long term. Choosing products which you have no interest in is a short sighted plan. Think about what you would like to do online to generate an income. If you choose to go with your passion, your business will last much longer, and be more successful.9 Can I Just Sell My Own Products?Many affiliates create their own products to sell online. However, when you are starting out it is a good idea to learn the basics of marketing first. That way you can start earning more quickly from your affiliate business. I spent a long time creating my own products when I first discovered affiliate marketing. But I didn&#8217;t sell anything because of a couple of reasons. Firstly I didn&#8217;t research whether my products would have a big enough demand. Secondly I didn&#8217;t know how to market them. By joining a program which teaches you how to market products first, you can start making money more quickly. Don&#8217;t waste time creating products if you don&#8217;t know how to sell them. Marketing is a much more important skill for making money online. Once you know this skill, you can then apply it later when marketing your own products and services. Also your own products will be limited in range. By using an existing product range, you can benefit from products which are already selling. You can choose a program which offers high ticket commission, monthly memberships, back end sales and a built in sales team. Building your own products which offers all of these things not a possibility for most people when starting out.10 What&#8217;s The Point Of Affiliate Marketing?Some people struggle with the concept of affiliate marketing.They think it sounds too &#8216;salesy&#8217;. When I understood affiliate marketing I immediately found it appealing simply because I needed a flexible way to work around my contract work. I had to drop what I was doing at a moments notice if the phone went. This meant other jobs were awkward to juggle around. No-one wants to employ a &#8216;flaky&#8217; employee. I wanted to work from my laptop and affiliate marketing gave me that opportunity. For many people this is the reason why they choose affiliate marketing. They can earn an income from their laptop, choose their working hours and not have a boss or place of employment. You don&#8217;t have to sell directly to anyone or even talk to a customer. There is no stock to hold. Added to this, the scalability of affiliate marketing which lets you scale up to a global audience and deliver products on autopilot, makes it the best flexible business of the future. </p>
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