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<div xmlns="" xml:space="preserve">“Tell me, what are words for?” They are for blogging!<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>Earlier today during an informal espresso live stream in the #<span class="p-category auto-tag">indieweb</span> cafe, Spotify was playing an auto-generated daylist, something like “romantic 80s tuesday morning”, and the 1982 song “Words”<a id="t5b51_ref-1" href="#t5b51_note-1">¹</a> by the band Missing Persons came on.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>When we heard this lyric:<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>🎶 What are words for when no one listens? 🎶<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>I remarked half-jokingly in response:<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>Words are for blogging, whether anyone is listening, reading, or not.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>Another participant noted that blogging sometimes feels like screaming into the void.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>I noted it doesn’t matter if anyone is reading (or listening), it’s fine to blog for an audience of one, yourself, even just to have something to refer to or reference in the future.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>When I write a post it’s often directed at only a small number of people, who may be part of a larger conversation. The point of publishing it publicly is to assert a level of confidence and credibility by the act of “putting it on the permanent record” (since nearly everything blogged is promptly indexed and archived.) with a permalink.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>The lyrics have some quite prescient bits, like this:<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>“No one notices, I think I'll dye my hair blue <br class="auto-break"/> Media overload bombarding you with action <br class="auto-break"/> It’s getting near impossible to cause distraction”<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>Written and sung more than forty years ago. Long before the web (or #<span class="p-category auto-tag">socialWeb</span>) was a thing.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>Rewriting the lyrics as a parody could be a fun project, e.g.:<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>🎶 What are blogs for when no one reads them? 🎶<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>some existing lyrics barely need any edits, like:<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>“It’s like the feeling at the end of the page<br class="auto-break"/> When you realize you don't know what you just read”<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>perhaps an exercise for the reader for now.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>Previously: “Inbox Zero” (parody of The Fixx “Saved by Zero”<a id="t5b51_ref-2" href="#t5b51_note-2">²</a>)<br class="auto-break"/>* <a class="auto-link" href=""></a> (2009-01-29 <a class="auto-link" href=""></a>)<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>This is post 10 of #<span class="p-category auto-tag">100PostsOfIndieWeb</span>. #<span class="p-category auto-tag">100Posts</span><br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>← <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/>→ 🔮<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>Glossary<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>blog<br class="auto-break"/> <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/>blogging<br class="auto-break"/> <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/>permalink<br class="auto-break"/> <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/>why blog<br class="auto-break"/> <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>References<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/><a id="t5b51_note-1" href="#t5b51_ref-1">¹</a> <a class="auto-link" href=""></a> (YouTube link inside)<br class="auto-break"/><a id="t5b51_note-2" href="#t5b51_ref-2">²</a> <a class="auto-link" href=""></a> (YouTube link inside)</div>
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<div xmlns="" xml:space="preserve">Something I wrote in the W3C Authentic Web Mini Workshop’s Zoom chat:<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>Another implicit assumption (flaw) that is often a part of "purely technical solutions" is the neglect or ignorance (innocent naïveté) of existing technical solutions.<br class="auto-break"/> <br class="auto-break"/>A technical proposal should not be praised for what it claims to solve.<br class="auto-break"/> <br class="auto-break"/>A technical proposal must be evaluated by what marginal difference or advantage does it provide over existing technologies.<br class="auto-break"/> <br class="auto-break"/>Any technical proposal that ignores prior technologies is itself doomed to be ignored by the next technical proposal.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>In addition to the slide presentations (links to come) in the mini workshop and Zoom verbal discussion which was minuted (link to come), there was a lot of very interesting discussion in the Zoom chat, which was not minuted. Sometimes such quick back & forth can help inspire summarizing of points which one had not previously written down. <br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>I was encouraged by a fellow workshop participant to blog this one so here it is!<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>#<span class="p-category auto-tag">W3C</span> #<span class="p-category auto-tag">credweb</span> #<span class="p-category auto-tag">credibleWeb</span> #<span class="p-category auto-tag">authenticWeb</span> #<span class="p-category auto-tag">technology</span> #<span class="p-category auto-tag">technical</span> #<span class="p-category auto-tag">proposal</span> #<span class="p-category auto-tag">technicalProposal</span> #<span class="p-category auto-tag">history</span></div>
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<div xmlns="" xml:space="preserve">I just participated in the first W3C Authentic Web Mini Workshop<a id="t5az1_ref-1" href="#t5az1_note-1">¹</a> hosted by the Credible Web Community Group<a id="t5az1_ref-2" href="#t5az1_note-2">²</a> (of which I’m a longtime member) and up front I noted that our very discussion itself needed to be careful about its own credibility, extra critical of any technologies discussed or assertions made, and initially identified two flaws to avoid on a meta level, having seen them occur many times in technical or standards discussions:<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>1. Politician’s Syllogism — "Something must be done about this problem. Here is something, let's do it!"<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>2. Solutions Looking For Problems — "I am interested in how tech X can solve problem Y"<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>After some back and forth and arguments in the Zoom chat, I observed participants questioning speakers of arguments rather than the arguments themselves, so I had to identify a third fallacy to avoid:<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>3. Ad Hominem — while obvious examples are name-calling (which is usually against codes of conduct), less obvious examples (witnessed in the meeting) include questioning a speaker’s education (or lack thereof) like what they have or have not read, or would benefit from reading.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>I am blogging these here both as a reminder (should you choose to participate in such discussions), and as a resource to cite in future discussions.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>We need to all develop expertise in recognizing these logical and methodological flaws & fallacies, and call them out when we see them, especially when used against others. <br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>We need to promptly prune these flawed methods of discussion, so we can focus on actual productive, relevant, and yes, credible discussions.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>#<span class="p-category auto-tag">W3C</span> #<span class="p-category auto-tag">credweb</span> #<span class="p-category auto-tag">credibleWeb</span> #<span class="p-category auto-tag">authenticWeb</span> #<span class="p-category auto-tag">flaw</span> #<span class="p-category auto-tag">fallacy</span> #<span class="p-category auto-tag">fallacies</span> #<span class="p-category auto-tag">logicalFallacy</span> #<span class="p-category auto-tag">logicalFallacies</span><br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>Glossary<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>Ad Hominem<br class="auto-break"/> attacking an attribute of the person making an argument rather than the argument itself<br class="auto-break"/> <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>Politician's syllogism<br class="auto-break"/> <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>Solutions Looking For Problems (related: #<span class="p-category auto-tag">solutionism</span>, #<span class="p-category auto-tag">solutioneering</span>)<br class="auto-break"/> Promoting a technology that either has not identified a real problem for it to solve, or actively pitching a specific technology to any problem that seems related. Wikipedia has no page on this but has two related pages: <br class="auto-break"/> * <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/> * <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/> Wikipedia does have an essay on this specific to Wikipedia:<br class="auto-break"/> * <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/> Stack Exchange has a thread on "solution in search of a problem":<br class="auto-break"/> * <a class="auto-link" href=""></a> <br class="auto-break"/> Forbes has an illustrative anecdote: <br class="auto-break"/> * <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>References<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/><a id="t5az1_note-1" href="#t5az1_ref-1">¹</a> <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/><a id="t5az1_note-2" href="#t5az1_ref-2">²</a> <a class="auto-link" href=""></a> and <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>Previously in 2019 I participated <a class="auto-link" href=""></a> #<span class="p-category auto-tag">MisinfoCon:</span> <br class="auto-break"/>* <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/>* <a class="auto-link" href=""></a></div>
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<div xmlns="" xml:space="preserve">Ten years ago today I coined the shorthand “js;dr” for “JavaScript required; Didn’t Read”<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>* <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>in reference to (primarily content) pages that were empty (or nearly so) without scripts.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>Since then js;dr found its way into a book:<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>Page 88 of “Inclusive Design Patterns” by <a class="auto-link" href=""></a> (<a class="auto-link" href=""></a>)<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/><a class="auto-link figure" href=""><img class="auto-embed" alt="Cropped photo of part of page 88 of Inclusive Design Patterns at an angle" src=""/></a><br class="auto-break"/>and stickers!<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/><a class="auto-link figure" href=""><img class="auto-embed" alt="A hand holding about a dozen stickers with the “js;dr” in black on white text die-cut around the edges of the lettering" src=""/></a><br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>At the time I made the claim that:<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>“in 10 years nothing you built today that depends on JS for the content will be available, visible, or archived anywhere on the web.”<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>I’ve seen and documented many such sites, built with a hard dependency on scripting, that end up dead and unarchived. Many of these have been documented on the IndieWeb’s js;dr page:<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>* <a class="auto-link" href=";dr">;dr</a><br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>I have to ask though: does anyone remember building a site 10 years ago (Internet Archive citation) with a Javascript library/framework dependency to display content, that still works today?<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>E.g. using one of the popular libraries/frameworks used to build such sites back then like AngularJS (discontinued 2022), Backbone.js, Ember.js, or even React which was still quite new at the time.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>The one almost exception I found was Facebook, e.g. this Smashing Magazine post on Facebook barely renders some content and all commentary is missing, in the earliest (2019) version saved on the Internet Archive:<br class="auto-break"/>* <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>You can extract the direct Facebook link if you want to try viewing it in the present.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>Regarding those libraries/frameworks themselves, I wrote:<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>“All your fancy front-end-JS-required frameworks are dead to history, a mere evolutionary blip in web app development practices. Perhaps they provided interesting ephemeral prototypes, nothing more.”<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>Of all those listed above, only React has grown since, likely at the expense of the others.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>However instead of fewer such libraries and frameworks today, it seems we have many more (though it feels like their average hypespan is getting shorter with each iteration). <br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>Since I wrote “js;dr”, the web has only become more fragile, with ever more dependencies on scripting just to display text content. The irony here is that Javascript, like XML, has draconian parsing rules. One syntax error and the whole script is thrown out.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>This means it’s far too easy for any such JS-dependent site to break, in one or more browsers, whenever browsers change, or Javascript changes, or both.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>You wouldn’t build a site today (or 20 years ago) that depends on fragile draconian XML parsing, so why build a site that depends on fragile draconian Javascript parsing?<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>I’ll repeat my claim from ten years ago, slightly amended, and shortened:<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>In 5 years nothing you (personally, not a publicly traded company) build today that depends on Javascript in the browser to display content will be available, visible, or archived anywhere on the web.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>There’s a lot more to unpack about what we’ve collectively lost in the past ten years of fragile scripting-dependent site-deaths, and why web developers are choosing to build more fragile websites than they did 10 or certainly 20 years ago.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>For now I’ll leave you with a few positive encouragements:<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>Practice Progressive Enhancement. <br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>Build first and foremost with forgiving technologies, declarative technologies, and forward and backward compatible coding techniques.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>All content should be readable without scripting.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>Links, buttons, text fields, and any other interactive HTML elements should all work without scripting.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>Scripts are great for providing an enhanced user experience, or additional functionality such as offline support. <br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>Then make sure to test your pages and sites without scripts, to make sure they still work.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>If it's worth building on the web, it's worth building it robustly, and building it to last.</div>
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<div xmlns="" xml:space="preserve">Last week I published my first Cybersecurity Friday post with three key steps for indieweb cybersecurity. In summary:<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>1. Email MFA/2FA. Add multi-factor authentication (sometimes called two-factor authentication) to everywhere you store or check email. Do not use phone/cell numbers.<br class="auto-break"/>2. Domain Registrar MFA. Add multi-factor authentication to your domain registrar account.<br class="auto-break"/>3. Web Host MFA. Same for your web host and any intermediate name servers (DNS) or content delivery network (CDN) service accounts.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>Full post: <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>Next time: entropy is your friend in security.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>If you want my #<span class="p-category auto-tag">Cybersecurity</span> Friday posts as soon as I publish them, follow my site <a class="auto-link" href=""></a> directly in your reader rather than using #<span class="p-category auto-tag">socialMedia</span> or #<span class="p-category auto-tag">Mastodon</span> or some other notes-centric #<span class="p-category auto-tag">fediverse</span> client.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>You can subscribe to my site directly with an h-feed supporting #<span class="p-category auto-tag">indieweb</span> Social Reader, or if you use a classic feed reader, it can auto-discover my Atom feed from my home page.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>You can also read my article blog posts and those from other Mozillians on the Mozilla Planet:<br class="auto-break"/>* <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/>If you look closely you might even find my not-so-secret articles-only Atom feed linked there if you prefer.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>This is post 9 of #<span class="p-category auto-tag">100PostsOfIndieWeb</span>. #<span class="p-category auto-tag">100Posts</span> #<span class="p-category auto-tag">cyber</span> #<span class="p-category auto-tag">security</span><br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>← <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/>→ 🔮<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>Glossary<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>article post<br class="auto-break"/> <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/>Atom<br class="auto-break"/> <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/>content delivery network<br class="auto-break"/> <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/>cybersecurity<br class="auto-break"/> <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/>DNS<br class="auto-break"/> <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/>domain registrar<br class="auto-break"/> <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/>entropy<br class="auto-break"/> <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/>feed reader<br class="auto-break"/> <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/>h-feed<br class="auto-break"/> <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/>MFA / 2FA<br class="auto-break"/> <a class="auto-link" href=""></a> sometimes called Two Factor Authentication or Second Factor Authentication<br class="auto-break"/>mobile number for MFA<br class="auto-break"/> <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/>note post<br class="auto-break"/> <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/>social reader<br class="auto-break"/> <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/>web host<br class="auto-break"/> <a class="auto-link" href=""></a></div>
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Welcome to my first Cybersecurity Friday (<abbr>CSF</abbr>) post.
Almost exactly one week ago I experienced (and had to fight & recover from)
a cybersecurity incident. While that’s a much longer story,
this post series is focused on sharing tips and incident learnings
from an
<a href="" class="hashtag">
#<span class="p-category auto-tag">indieweb</span></a>-centric
<h2>Steps for Cybersecurity</h2>
Here are the top three steps in order of importance,
that you should take <abbr title="as soon as possible">ASAP</abbr>
to secure your online presence.
<li><b>Email MFA/2FA.</b>
Add multi-factor authentication (<abbr>MFA</abbr>) using
an actual Authenticator application to <em>all</em> places
where you store or check email.
Some services call this <i>second factor</i> or <i>two factor authentication</i> (<abbr>2FA</abbr>).
While checking your email security settings, verify recovery settings:
<strong>Do not</strong> cross-link your emails as recovery methods for each other,
and <strong>do not</strong> use a mobile/cell number for recovery at all.
<li><b>Domain Registrar MFA.</b>
Add MFA to your Domain Registrar(s) if you have any.
Optionally disable password reset emails if possible (some registrars may allow this).
<li><b>Web Host MFA.</b>
Add MFA to your web hosting service(s) if you have any.
This includes both website hosting and any content delivery network (<abbr>CDN</abbr>)
services you are using for your domains.
<strong>Do not</strong> use a mobile number for MFA,
<strong>nor</strong> a physical/hardware key if you travel internationally.
There are very good reasons to avoid doing so. I’ll blog the reasons in another post.
Those are my top three recommended cybersecurity steps
for protecting your internet presence.
That’s it for this week. These are the bare minimum steps to take.
There are many more steps you can take to strengthen your personal cybersecurity.
I will leave you with this for now:
Entropy is your friend in security.
<p>Glossary for various terms, phrases, and further reading on each.</p>
<dt>content delivery network</dt>
<dd><a href=""></a></dd>
<dd><a href=""></a></dd>
<dt>domain registrar</dt>
<dd><a href=""></a></dd>
<dt>email recovery</dt>
<dd>A method for recovering a service account password
via the email account associated with that account.
See also: <a href=""></a>
<dd><a href=""></a></dd>
<dt><abbr>MFA</abbr> / <abbr>2FA</abbr></dt>
<dd><a href=""></a> sometimes called <b>Two Factor Authentication</b> or
<b>Second Factor Authentication</b></dd>
<dt>mobile number for MFA</dt>
<dd><a href=""></a></dd>
<dt>web host</dt>
<dd><a href=""></a></dd>
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<div xmlns="" xml:space="preserve">Some solid #<span class="p-category auto-tag">ResilienceStrategy</span> advice in here:<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/><a class="auto-link" href=""></a> (20 page PDF, a well-written quick read or skim)<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>January 2025<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>"National Resilience Strategy:<br class="auto-break"/> A Vision for a More Resilient Nation"<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>While explicitly a #<span class="p-category auto-tag">NationalResilienceStrategy</span>, it has a lot of sound guidance for understanding, analyzing, and developing a resilience strategy at all levels, for yourself and your home, with your neighbors and relationships, to civic resilience, and beyond.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>Here is an overview of the sections, to get an idea (if you avoid PDFs), and to help with discovery across various services:<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>* The Need for Collective Action toward National Resilience<br class="auto-break"/>* Defining Resilience<br class="auto-break"/> * Adaptive<br class="auto-break"/> * Protective<br class="auto-break"/> * Collaborative<br class="auto-break"/> * Fair and Just<br class="auto-break"/> * Human-Centered<br class="auto-break"/> * Interdependent<br class="auto-break"/> * Sustainable and Durable<br class="auto-break"/>* Understanding the Resilience Landscape<br class="auto-break"/>* Strategic Approach to Build Attributes of a Resilient Nation<br class="auto-break"/>* Throughlines of a Resilient Nation<br class="auto-break"/> * Cross-system and cross-sector use of resources<br class="auto-break"/> * Resilience manifests in adaptive capacity and communities<br class="auto-break"/> * Layered resilience<br class="auto-break"/> * Cascading reliance<br class="auto-break"/> * Environmental hazards, including climate change<br class="auto-break"/> * Technology innovation and digital transformation<br class="auto-break"/> * Cyber infrastructure<br class="auto-break"/> * Iterative continuous feedback loops<br class="auto-break"/> * Supply chains<br class="auto-break"/> * Robust safety nets<br class="auto-break"/>* Resilience Pillars<br class="auto-break"/> * Pillar I: Governance Systems<br class="auto-break"/> * Pillar II: Social and Community Systems<br class="auto-break"/> * Pillar III: Economic Systems<br class="auto-break"/> * Pillar IV: Infrastructure Systems<br class="auto-break"/>* Conclusion<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>And yes the text contents of the PDF include the terms #<span class="p-category auto-tag">diversity</span> #<span class="p-category auto-tag">diverse</span> #<span class="p-category auto-tag">equity</span> #<span class="p-category auto-tag">equitable</span> #<span class="p-category auto-tag">inclusivity</span> #<span class="p-category auto-tag">inclusive</span>, in many contexts (including and beyond the ones that may come to mind).<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>Related: <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>Previously, previously:<br class="auto-break"/>* <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/>* <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>#<span class="p-category auto-tag">NationalResilience</span> #<span class="p-category auto-tag">Resilience</span> #<span class="p-category auto-tag">Strategy</span> #<span class="p-category auto-tag">Biden</span> #<span class="p-category auto-tag">BidenWhitehouse</span></div>
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<div xmlns="" xml:space="preserve">My Seek 2024 Year in Review:<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>* 141 new species observed, of those, the top three kinds:<br class="auto-break"/> * 79 plants<br class="auto-break"/> * 20 insects<br class="auto-break"/> * 16 fungi<br class="auto-break"/>* 56 challenge badges earned<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>June was the month I observed the most new species in 2024, followed by March, and then July.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>Seek also gave me a graph of observations per month, and also a map of where I made my discoveries.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>Rather than posting screenshots of the Year in Review that Seek provided me in the app, I am posting the relevant content here in a post on my personal site, which I know I’ll be able to search and look up in the future.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>Seek is a delightful free (like actually free, free of tracking, free of surveillance) native mobile application for identifying species.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>Made by the iNaturalist folks (<a class="auto-link" href=""></a>), Seek works without creating an account, and is able to work completely offline to identify species out in the wild (and add them to your local collection).<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>Seek awards you Species Badges when you discover a number of species of a particular grouping, as well as Challenge Badges when you complete one or more of their monthly challenges that they post.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>In some ways it’s like Pokemon Go, except based on finding and collecting observations of real living things.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>I have found it quite useful especially when traveling, and wondering is that plant (or animal) the same as one I’ve seen elsewhere, perhaps around home, or is it a slightly different species?<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>I also really like the good example that Seek provides for how an app can be immediately useful without requiring extra labor (like creating an account, or logging on) on behalf of the person using it.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>Lastly, Seek is an excellent example of a truly offline capable app where nearly all of its functionality works just fine without a network connection.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>Both of these capabilities (offline first, no login wall) are what we should aspire to when we build #<span class="p-category auto-tag">indieweb</span> apps or websites for ourselves and our friends.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>This is post 8 of #<span class="p-category auto-tag">100PostsOfIndieWeb</span>. #<span class="p-category auto-tag">100Posts</span> #<span class="p-category auto-tag">yearInReview</span> #<span class="p-category auto-tag">iNaturalist</span> #<span class="p-category auto-tag">SeekApp</span><br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>← <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/>→ <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>Glossary:<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>login wall<br class="auto-break"/> <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/>offline first<br class="auto-break"/> <a class="auto-link" href=""></a></div>
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<div xmlns="" xml:space="preserve">16 years ago today I wrote up and posted a proposal for a new calendar: <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>Having long been frustrated by unnecessary unevenness and other quirks of the Gregorian calendar, I designed and wrote up a more ordered, mathematically simpler, and more continuously consistent calendar.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>Building up from the atomic calendar unit of a 'day':<br class="auto-break"/>* five day weeks<br class="auto-break"/>* six week (30 day) months<br class="auto-break"/>* two month (60 day) + a sync day bims<a id="t5a31_ref-1" href="#t5a31_note-1">¹</a><br class="auto-break"/>* six bim years (minus a day for non-leap-years)<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>After giving it an obvious name, “New Calendar”, and somehow getting a short speakable .org domain (<a class="auto-link" href=""></a>), I wrote code to do all the calendar computations and conversions.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>The simpler calendar computations made me realize I had invented something that would help solve a completely different problem I was working on: an efficient date-based storage format for my new blog.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>It‘s rare that an invention, or reinvention of something inelegant, actually serves a useful purpose. This was one of those rare exceptions.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>I also taught myself and have kept practicing the use of ISO 8601 Ordinal dates for my own personal calendaring, which literally gave me a new perspective of time. A much smoother and more linear progression of time across the duration of a year.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>Previously: <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/><a id="t5a31_note-1" href="#t5a31_ref-1">¹</a> <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/><a id="t5a31_note-2" href="#t5a31_ref-2">²</a> <a class="auto-link" href=""></a></div>
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<div xmlns="" xml:space="preserve">🎉 Eight years ago today, the #<span class="p-category auto-tag">IndieWeb</span> Webmention protocol was published as a W3C REC <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>As a social web building block, #<span class="p-category auto-tag">Webmention</span> was designed to work with various other building blocks. Small pieces, loosely joined. Every year developers find new ways to work with Webmention, and new subtleties when combined with other building blocks.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>The primary uses of Webmention, peer-to-peer comments, likes, and other responses across web sites, have long presented an interesting challenge with the incorporation and display of external content originally from one site (the Webmention sender), on another site (the Webmention receiver).<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>There are multiple considerations to keep in mind when displaying such external content.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>Two examples of external content are images (e.g. people’s icons or profile images from the author of a comment) and text (e.g. people’s names or the text of their comments).<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>For external images, rather than displaying them in full fidelity, you may want to compress them into a smaller resolution for how your site displays the profile images of comment authors.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>If you accept Webmentions from arbitrary sources, there’s no telling what might show up in author images. You may want to pixelate images from unknown or novel sources into say 3x3 pixel grids of color (or grayscale) averages to make them uniquely identifiable while blurring any undesirable graphics beyond recognition.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>For external text, one thing we discovered in recent IndieWeb chat<a id="t5a01_ref-1" href="#t5a01_note-1">¹</a> is that someone’s comment (or in this case their name) can contain Unicode directional formatting characters, e.g. for displaying an Arabic or Hebrew name right-to-left. Text with such formatting characters can errantly impact the direction of adjacent text.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>Fortunately there is a CSS property, 'unicode-bidi', that can be used to directionally isolate such external text. Thus when you embed text that was parsed from a received Webmention, possibly with formatting characters, you have to wrap it in an HTML element (a span will do if you have not already wrapped it) with that CSS property. E.g.:<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/><span style="unicode-bidi: isolate;">parsed text here</span><br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>Though even better would be use of a generic HTML class name indicating the semantic:<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/><span class="external-text">parsed text here</span><br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>and then a CSS rule in your style sheet to add that property (and any others you want for external text)<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>.external-text { unicode-bidi: isolate; }<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>Previously: <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>This is post 7 of #<span class="p-category auto-tag">100PostsOfIndieWeb</span>. #<span class="p-category auto-tag">100Posts</span> #<span class="p-category auto-tag">socialWeb</span> #<span class="p-category auto-tag">openSocialWeb</span><br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>← <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/>→ <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>Glossary<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>HTML class name<br class="auto-break"/> <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/>IndieWeb chat<br class="auto-break"/> <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/>pixelate<br class="auto-break"/> <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/>small pieces, loosely joined<br class="auto-break"/> <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/>Unicode directional formatting characters<br class="auto-break"/> <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/>unicode-bidi CSS property<br class="auto-break"/> <a class="auto-link" href=""></a> <br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>References<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/><a id="t5a01_note-1" href="#t5a01_ref-1">¹</a> <a class="auto-link" href=""></a></div>
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<div xmlns="" xml:space="preserve">remembering losing #<span class="p-category auto-tag">aaronsw</span> twelve years ago today, and drawing connections with:<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>* Lawrence Lessig’s <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/>* Ben Werdmüller’s <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>Two points of connection:<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>1. Neutrality in ethical or policy matters is insufficient, empty, and cowardly. Especially when you know better, neutrality in action is not ethical, it is negligent and wrong, like a lie of omission.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>“Allyship demands more than neutrality — it demands action.” — <a class="auto-link" href=""></a> (<a class="auto-link" href=""></a>)<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>“… there are obviously plenty of contexts in which to be ‘neutral’ is simply to be wrong. ” <a class="auto-link" href=""></a> (<a class="auto-link" href=""></a> <a class="auto-link" href=""></a> <a class="auto-link h-cassis-username" href="">@lessig</a>)<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>2. Building community for collective action is required for resilient resistance<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>Aaron helped inspire and drive numerous acts of resistance against foes better funded and connected, many acts which succeeded to some degree or completely such as preventing the passage of SOPA.<a id="t5_z1_ref-1" href="#t5_z1_note-1">¹</a><br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>Similarly he built community for collective action, such as co-founding the Progressive Change Campaign Committee and the Demand Progress political advocacy group<a id="t5_z1_ref-2" href="#t5_z1_note-2">²</a> which remain active to this day.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>One of the best ways to honor Aaron’s memory is to build on the good examples he set that succeeded and continue to succeed.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>The only neutrality that Aaron supported was net neutrality, prioritizing those that use the internet over those that build & serve it, a priority of constituencies strongly aligned with the W3C’s official Ethical Web Principles.<a id="t5_z1_ref-3" href="#t5_z1_note-3">³</a><br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>If you too reject neutrality and instead embrace allyship & action, some of those actions will require resisting the status quo with the intent of changing it.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>If resistance with the goal of actual change is your primary objective (rather than recognition), build community to bring about that change, resist collectively not alone, both in the near term, and sustainably into the future.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>Still miss you Aaron.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>Previously:<br class="auto-break"/>* <a class="auto-link" href=""></a> (links to prior posts)<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/><a id="t5_z1_note-1" href="#t5_z1_ref-1">¹</a> <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/><a id="t5_z1_note-2" href="#t5_z1_ref-2">²</a> <a class="auto-link" href=""></a><br class="auto-break"/><a id="t5_z1_note-3" href="#t5_z1_ref-3">³</a> <a class="auto-link" href=""></a></div>
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<div xmlns="" xml:space="preserve">Alan Watts wrote in the “The World As Emptiness”:<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>“So in the same way, the coming and going of things in the world is marvelous. They go. Where do they go? Don’t answer, because that would spoil the mystery.”<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>I have to disagree with Watts here.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>Do ask and DO answer. Again and again. Embrace curiosity, explanation, understanding.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>Any mystery you can explain will reveal another mystery underneath.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>There is no spoiling the mystery, there is only the journey of one mystery after another.<br class="auto-break"/><br class="auto-break"/>#<span class="p-category auto-tag">meditationThoughts</span> #<span class="p-category auto-tag">Kula</span> #<span class="p-category auto-tag">meditation</span> #<span class="p-category auto-tag">liveMeditation</span> #<span class="p-category auto-tag">groupMeditation</span> #<span class="p-category auto-tag">AlanWatts</span> #<span class="p-category auto-tag">mystery</span></div>
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