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<title>Pancake Geiger M?ller Tubes and a new Power Supply</title>
<description>New pancake Geiger M?ller tubes and a fairly small power sup ...
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<title>Alan Yates' Laboratory - Category: High Voltage</title>
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<description>Me and my geeky hobbies</description>
<title>ACoC 2014: Day 14: De-shocker Wand</title>
<description>An electrostatic discharge wand with neon indicator lamp.</description>
<title>ACoC 2014: Day 13: Field Mill</title>
<description>A simple field mill made from PCB material and a small electric motor.</description>
<title>Wireless Power Experiments</title>
<description>Experiments in wireless power transfer for a practical application, lead to some interesting side-bar observations on plasma physics, and the cutest little Tesla coil you've ever seen.</description>
<title>TRON Backpack</title>
<description>Electroluminescent trimmed backpack inspired by TRON.</description>
<title>Pancake Geiger M?ller Tubes and a new Power Supply</title>
<description>New pancake Geiger M?ller tubes and a fairly small power supply for them.</description>
<title>Soft X-ray Output from a Vacuum Rectifier</title>
<description>Abuse of an old 2X2 vacuum tube with a HT power supply to create a soft x-ray source.</description>
<title>Switching Boost Converter Power Supply</title>
<description>I try my hand at designing a switchmode power converter for a B+ supply using an Atmel ATtiny13 for the controller.</description>
<title>Diagram Error</title>
<description>Fred Kennedy noticed the circuit diagram might be wrong.</description>
<title>Circuit Diagram</title>
<description>Richard Solis asked me to post the circuit diagram.</description>
<title>Quickie Marx Generator</title>
<description>Built to show ceramic caps are generally OK for Marx service.</description>