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  42. <h1 class="posttitle">life insurance now</h1>
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  45. <p><p><a target="new" href="" >Health Insurance Quotes - Compare Medical Insurance Plans</a><br/>Compare health insurance plans and insurance rates on individual and family .   health insurance options, we prepare you to prosper and thrive?no matter what   life throws your way. . Get affordable prices and cheap health insurance now.<br/><span></span></p><p><a target="new" href="" >Life Insurance: Now More Than Ever</a><br/>The Life and Health Insurance Foundation for Education is a nonprofit   organization dedicated to helping consumers make smart insurance decisions to .<br/><span></span></p></p>
  46. <p><p><a target="new" href="" >Auto Insurance Quotes | Home, Life &amp; Car Insurance | Farmers ...</a><br/>Home, life and auto insurance quotes from Farmers Insurance Group. With   discounts on . Contact a Farmers agent or get an online Home insurance quote   now.<br/><span></span></p><p><a target="new" href="" >Free Life Insurance for Dental Students | ADA Insurance Plans for ...</a><br/>But why do I need life insurance now? You may have the opportunity of earning a   substantial income while practicing dentistry, but income is only one part of .<br/><span></span></p></p>
  47. <p><p><a target="new" href="" >Universal, Whole &amp; Term Life Insurance Rates - Get an Instant Quote!</a><br/>Instant Term Life Insurance Quotes Now. The Advantage One Insurance website   helps you find the right insurance policies to best suit your needs. If you&#39;re .<br/><span></span></p></p>
  48. <h4>Term Life Insurance (for healthy seniors)</h4>
  49. <p>Key features:</p>
  50. <ul>
  51. <li>Medical examination required, to prove that the insured is in good health</li>
  52. <li><p><a target="new" href="" >If I Purchase Term Life Insurance Now, Can I Increase my Coverage ...</a><br/>Increasing your coverage after purchasing your policy can be done. However,   make sure you understand how much it will cost you and what the proper .<br/><span></span></p></li>
  53. <li>Insured covered up to the age of 90 or 95 (depends on insurance company guidelines)</li>
  54. <li>Premiums increase towards the end of the Term</li>
  55. <li>Many seniors outlive the fixed term so look for a policy that can be converted to whole life insurance</li>
  56. <li>Consider purchasing Burial Insurance also, should the senior outlive the Term</li>
  57. </ul>
  58. <h4>Burial Insurance (for healthy seniors)</h4>
  59. <p>Key features:</p>
  60. <ul>
  61. <li>No medical examination required</li>
  62. <li>Insured person is covered for life</li>
  63. <li>Premiums are locked-in and do not change</li>
  64. <li>Moreover, cash value increases over time</li>
  65. <li>If the insured is healthy, then you receive full benefit the day after you pay your first premium</li>
  66. <li>Coverage cannot be canceled as long as you pay your premiums on time</li>
  67. <li>Proceeds can be used for burial costs and other end-of-life expenses</li>
  68. </ul>
  69. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  70. <h4>Graded Benefits Burial Insurance (for seniors <span style="text-decoration: underline;">with</span> health problems)</h4>
  71. <p>Key features:</p>
  72. <ul>
  73. <li>No medical examination required</li>
  74. <li>Insured person is covered for life</li>
  75. <li>Premiums are locked-in and do not change</li>
  76. <li>Policy increases in cash value over time</li>
  77. <li>You typically only get partial coverage for the first two years, and the full insured amount only in the third year of the policy</li>
  78. <li>Insurance company cannot cancel coverage as long as you pay premiums on time</li>
  79. <li>Proceeds can be used for burial costs and other end-of-life expenses</li>
  80. </ul>
  81. <p><p><a target="new" href=",_not_later/" >A Few Reasons You Need Life Insurance Now, Not Later.</a><br/>Feb 16, 2012 . The truth of the matter is, they needed that life insurance 20 years ago. Now that   doesn&#39;t mean there is not a need for life insurance in a middle .<br/><span>,_not_later/</span></p></p>
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