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  414. <h4><strong>Advance Certificate EV Technology & Business management</strong></h4>
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  448. <p>India represents the <b>fourth largest automobile market</b> in the world and the second-largest two-wheeler market. It is also a country with massive dependency on oil imports, with a USD 112 billion oil import bill in FY19. EV market likely to be Rs 50,000-cr opportunity in India by 2025. <b>India is expected to command leadership in EV space</b> with a projected share of 30% of new vehicles sold by 2030. Government has tabled a proposal to have a <b>charging station</b> every 3KM in major cities & every 50KM on major national highway. Growing Sales of Electric Vehicles - A Significant Opportunity for Li-ion Batteries Market. The government plans to offer $4.6 billion in incentives to companies setting up advanced battery manufacturing facilities as it seeks to promote the use of electric vehicles and cut down its dependence on oil, according to a government proposal seen by Reuters.<br><br>
  449. In this fast moving Electric Vehicle Market <b>Academy of EV Technology a fully focused in Entrepreneurship development</b> offering a startup and business friendly course to make you or your organization to flourish in this new age technological market. <br><br>
  450. This course will deliver from basic of EV to EVSE equipment like <b>Lithium-ion battery, Battery pack assembly process, EV Motor, Charger, charging station development</b> and all others parts/ equipment’s calculation, selection, building a Legal Foundation, <b>Understanding Finance Basics, Business Planning and Fundraising</b>.
  451. </p>
  453. <h4>Live Interactive Classes::</h4>
  454. <p>  <b>AEVT Live Interactive Class</b>, where students and teachers meet together at schedule class time with <b>whiteboard, voice and live video, Lectures and Question answer</b> occur at the same hour. <br><br>
  455. Our expert faculty members take session on each paper that is <b>delivered through live sessions.</b> These sessions are joined by students from India and Abroad. Trainers will discuss in each class session about <b>Key concepts, whiteboard calculation, design, costing, documentation, case studies and real life examples</b>. Students also get chance to <b>clarify their doubts / academic clarifications</b>. If by any chance you miss these live classes, don't worry, each class recorded sessions are uploaded in the AEVT  E-Library/LMS.
  456. </p>
  457. <h4>Hands-on Practical</h4>
  458. <p>We know that only theoretical knowledge by online or virtual classes are not sufficient to get full expertise. An individual needs a practical exposure to flourish in a Job or business market.<br>
  459. So we offer practical session at AEVT Lab/Workshop after completion of live interactive online classroom session .In this approach a trainees can fulfill his/her knowledge in a very effective way and time.<br><br>
  460. We offer project-based blended learning experiences that promote academic and career success for Technical Education. <br><br>
  462. </p>
  463. <h4>Teaching and Learning Material</h4>
  464. <p>
  465. AEVT have dedicated online library (AEVT E-Library) facility for students and stored all Learning Material (E-book, class recording, business releated documents) at AEVT E-Library. <br>AEVT E Library System provides access to more than 100 + e-books covering all fields of knowledge, e.g. EV Battery - BMS, Charging Station Design, Installation, Government rules and Business opportunity etc and also we have a huge collection of national and international journals, case studies, research papers.Student can access this E-library for self study.
  466. </p>
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  470. <h1>Eligibility</h1>
  471. <p>For Entrepreneurs, Startups: <br>
  472. Minimum Educational Qualifications: 12th Pass<br>
  473. Minimum age 18 years, No Upper Age bar
  474. </p>
  475. <h1>Medium:</h1>
  476. <p> English<br>
  477. </p>
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  483. <h1>Dedicated Service Desk for Startups - <a href="" target="_blank">EDP Desk</a></h1>
  484. <p>"Ringfenced resource to support your business".<br><br>
  485. GATE Trust dedicated service desk will provide you with access to a group of engineers, advisors to supporting you and your business needs.</p>
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  489. <h1>Certificate will be Awarded by</h1>
  490. <p> Academy of EV Technology, A Unit of Global Advanced Training & Educational Trust, Regd. under NCT New Delhi, Govt. of India  </p>
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  495. <h4>Online Virtual Class and Offline Practical Course</h4>
  496. <h1>Course Syllabus:</h1>
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  500.    <div class="col-md-2"><h4>Unit: BEE</h4></div>
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  502.    <span style="font-size:14px"><i class="fa fa-check-square-o"  style="font-size:20px;"> </i> <b> Basic Electrical Engineering</b>   </span>
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  504.        <div class="collapse" id="BEE"><br>
  505.        <div style="padding-left:30px">Electrical parts of electric Vehicle - The motors, batteries, inverters, chargers, and power wiring between those parts, are what's new in the car now that it is finally electric again.
  506.        <br><ul>
  507.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Major Components in an Electric Vehicle Powertrain - Vehicle Dynamics, Controllers</li>
  508.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i>  Different Types of High-efficiency Motor Technology
  509.        <ol style="padding-left:50px;"><li>Motor Types</li><li>Selection and sizing of Motor</li><li>Motor Control Functions and Applications</li><li>Selection methodology</li></ol></li>
  510.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Power Converters </li>
  511.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> PID Controlled PWM</li>
  512.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Others Electronic components - Switches, High-performance Control Circuit, Microcontrollers, Gate Drivers, Snubber Circuits, Electric engine, Regenerative braking</li>
  513.        <li>Grid and Renewable Sources - Effect of EV charging on the Distribution Grid</li>
  514.        </ul>
  515.     </div>
  517.    </div>
  518.    </div></div>
  519. </div><br>
  521. <div class="row">
  522.    <div class="col-md-2"><h4>Unit: EVT</h4></div>
  523.    <div class="col-md-10"><div class="text-container">
  524.    <span style="font-size:14px"><i class="fa fa-check-square-o"  style="font-size:20px;"> </i> <b> Electric Vehicle Technology</b>   </span>
  525.        <span style="float:right"><button data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#EVT" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseExample"><i style='font-size:24px' class='fa fa-random'></i></button></span>
  526.        <div class="collapse" id="EVT"><br>
  527.        <div style="padding-left:30px">
  528.            <ul>
  529.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Electric vehicle configuration Vehicle Dynamics</li>
  530.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Types of Electric Vehicle -
  531.        <ol style="padding-left:50px;"><li>Hybrid Electric Vehicles</li><li>Plug-in Hybrids</li><li>Battery Electric Vehicles</li></ol></li>
  532.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Type of Charger </li>
  533.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Clarification & Specification Discussion
  534.        <ol style="padding-left:50px;"><li>Bharat EV AC Charger (BEVC-AC001)</li><li>Bharat EV DC Charger (BEVC-DC001)</li><li>DC Fast Charging</li></ol></li></li>
  535.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Basic principles of regenerative braking, Basic principles of conventional braking</li>
  536.        </ul>
  537.     </div>
  539.    </div>
  540.    </div></div>
  541. </div><br>
  544. <div align="right" >Click to Explore <i class="fa fa-arrow-down" aria-hidden="true"></i></div>
  545. <div class="row">
  546.    <div class="col-md-2"><h4>BFC</h4></div>
  547.    <div class="col-md-10"><div class="text-container">
  548.    <span style="font-size:14px"><i class="fa fa-check-square-o"  style="font-size:20px;"> </i>
  549.    <b> Battery Fundamental and Classification</b>
  550.    </span>    <span style="float:right"><button data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#B-1-2" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseExample"><i style='font-size:24px' class='fa fa-random'></i></button></span>
  551.        <div class="collapse" id="B-1-2"><br>
  552.    A brief classification of li Ion cell technology and its electro-chemistry. Advantage and disadvantages of over different cell technologies.
  553.    <ol>
  554.        <li>BATTERY ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEM (BESS) </li>
  555.        <li>Relationship between Power and Energy</li>
  556.        <li>Energy storage capacity</li>
  557.        <li>Type of Battery / Cell</li>
  558.        <li>Lithium-ion cells Cathode and Anode Materials</li>
  559.        <li>Type of Lithium-ion Cell </li>
  560.        <li>Main characteristics of lithium cell chemistry types</li>
  561.        <li>Comparison of Lithium-ion Chemistries</li>
  562.        <li>Safer battery materials</li>
  563.        <li>Indian Li-ion Battery manufacturers</li>
  564.    </ol>
  565.    </div>
  566.    </div></div>
  567. </div><br>
  568. <div class="row">
  569.    <div class="col-md-2"><h4>BCP</h4></div>
  570.    <div class="col-md-10"><div class="text-container">
  571.    <span style="font-size:14px"><i class="fa fa-check-square-o"  style="font-size:20px;"> </i>
  572.    <b> Battery cell Parameters</b>   </span>
  573.        <span style="float:right"><button data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#B-2" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseExample"><i style='font-size:24px' class='fa fa-random'></i></button></span>
  574.        <div class="collapse" id="B-2"><br>
  575.    Know your Lithium-ion Cells, Cell Specifications & Performance Parameters. Classification of li-Ion cell technology and its electro-chemistry. Advantages and disadvantages of over different cell technologies
  576.    <ol>
  577.       <li>Capacity, Capacity Retention</li>
  578.       <li>Rated Voltage and Operating Voltage </li>
  579.       <li>cell Datasheet</li>
  580.       <li>Working voltage, Self –discharge voltage</li>
  581.       <li>Continuous current and Peak Current</li>
  582.       <li>Constant voltage / constant current(CVCC) </li>
  583.       <li>C-rate, c-rate effects </li>
  584.       <li>State of Charge (SOC)</li>
  585.       <li>Li-ion Battery Voltage vs SoC</li>
  586.       <li>State of Health (SOH)</li>
  587.       <li>State of power (SOP)</li>
  588.       <li>Internal resistance</li>
  589.       <li>Depth of Discharge (DoD) </li>
  590.       <li>Cycle life of Li-ion batteries</li>
  591.       <li>Lithium Batteries Degradation</li>
  592.       <li>Lithium Ion Battery Failure Modes</li>
  593.       <li>Battery Thermal Runway </li>
  594.       <li>Degrade of Battery Pack cycle</li>
  595.    </ol>
  596.    </div>
  597.    </div></div>
  598. </div><br>
  600. <div class="row">
  601.    <div class="col-md-2"><h4>LiCC</h4></div>
  602.    <div class="col-md-10"><div class="text-container">
  603.    <span style="font-size:14px"><i class="fa fa-check-square-o"  style="font-size:20px;"> </i>
  604.    <b> Lithium-ion Cell Chemistry  </b>   </span>
  605.        <span style="float:right"><button data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#B-3" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseExample"><i style='font-size:24px' class='fa fa-random'></i></button></span>
  606.        <div class="collapse" id="B-3"><br>
  607.    An industry detail of Li-ion battery cells, covering the most popular sizes, formats, and chemistries. Given the diversity of Li-ion cells available, the focus is on cylindrical and prismatic cells in metal cases.
  608.    A brief discussion on li-ion cell chemistry, Cell Anode, Cathode, Electrolytes, binder and Separators materials
  609.    <ol>
  610.        <li>Cell Chemistry Trends</li>
  611.        <li>Cell Anode and Cathode materials</li>
  612.        <li>Cathode Metal Composition</li>
  613.        <li>Active Material, Inactive Material, SEI formation </li>
  614.        <li>Dendrite growth </li>
  615.    </ol>
  616.    </div>
  617.    </div></div>
  618. </div><br>
  620. <div class="row">
  621.    <div class="col-md-2"><h4>LiCA</h4></div>
  622.    <div class="col-md-10"><div class="text-container">
  623.    <span style="font-size:14px"><i class="fa fa-check-square-o"  style="font-size:20px;"> </i>
  624.    <b> Lithium-ion Cell Architecture  </b>   </span>
  625.        <span style="float:right"><button data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#B-4" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseExample"><i style='font-size:24px' class='fa fa-random'></i></button></span>
  626.        <div class="collapse" id="B-4"><br>
  627.    A brief discussion on insights into architecture, design and manufacture
  628. of electrodes for lithium-ion cell, Cell Anode, Cathode, Electrolytes, binder and Separators materials.
  629. <ol>
  630.    <li>This chapter investigates the effects of electrode thickness, porosity, pore size and particle size at the electrode level. </li>
  631.    <li>Architecture design and manufacturing processes for high-performing lithium-ion batteries</li>
  632.    <li>Lithium ion battery Basic Structure</li>
  633. <li>Cell components</li>
  634. <li>Anode, Cathode, Electrolytes and Separators materials</li>
  635. <li>CID, PTC, Safety Vent, Gasket, Plastic Parts</li>
  637. <li>Common sizes of cylindrical Li-ions</li>
  639. </ol>
  640. </div>
  641.    </div></div>
  642. </div><br>
  644. <div class="row">
  645.    <div class="col-md-2"><h4>BTM</h4></div>
  646.    <div class="col-md-10"><div class="text-container">
  647.    <span style="font-size:14px"><i class="fa fa-check-square-o"  style="font-size:20px;"> </i>
  648.    <b> Battery Thermal Management System  </b>   </span>
  649.        <span style="float:right"><button data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#B-5" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseExample"><i style='font-size:24px' class='fa fa-random'></i></button></span>
  650.        <div class="collapse" id="B-5"><br>
  651.    This chapter identified analyses and approaches that engineers should consider when they design a battery thermal management system. A brief discussion on Thermal Design of Battery Pack.
  652.    <ol>
  653.        <li>Thermal runaway of Battery Pack</li>
  654.         <li>Anode active material failure mechanism
  655. <li>Cathode active material failure mechanism
  656. <li>Electrolyte failure mechanism
  657. <li>Separatore failure mechanism
  658. <li>Current collector failure mechanism
  659. <li>Required Functions of Thermal Design
  660. <li>Low temperature effects
  661. <li>High temperature effects
  662. <li>Modes and Function of Battery Thermal Management Systems
  663. <li>Air Cooling System
  664. <li>Liquid Cooling System
  665. <li>PCM material cooling system
  666.    </ol>
  668.    </div>
  669.    </div></div>
  670. </div><br>
  672. <div class="row">
  673.    <div class="col-md-2"><h4>BMS</h4></div>
  674.    <div class="col-md-10"><div class="text-container">
  675.    <span style="font-size:14px"><i class="fa fa-check-square-o"  style="font-size:20px;"> </i>
  676.    <b> Battery Management Systems </b>   </span>
  677.        <span style="float:right"><button data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#B-6" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseExample"><i style='font-size:24px' class='fa fa-random'></i></button></span>
  678.        <div class="collapse" id="B-6"><br>
  679.    Learn the high-level basics of what role battery management systems (BMSs) play in power design and what components are necessary for their basic functions.
  680.    <ol>
  681.        <li>What the BMS does for battery?</li>
  682.        <li>Function of BMS - Safety, Performance, Longevity, Consistence, Temperature Monitoring and control</li>
  683.        <li>Type of BMS</li>
  684.        <li>Cell Balancing </li>
  685.        <li>Real Time Operating System of BMS</li>
  686.        <li>Example of BMS Wiring Diagram</li>
  687.        <li>How we can select perfect BMS for your battery pack? </li>
  688.    </ol>
  689.    </div>
  690.    </div></div>
  691. </div><br>
  693. <div class="row">
  694.    <div class="col-md-2"><h4>BPC</h4></div>
  695.    <div class="col-md-10"><div class="text-container">
  696.    <span style="font-size:14px"><i class="fa fa-check-square-o"  style="font-size:20px;"> </i>
  697.    <b> Battery Pack Considerations </b>   </span>
  698.        <span style="float:right"><button data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#B-7" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseExample"><i style='font-size:24px' class='fa fa-random'></i></button></span>
  699.        <div class="collapse" id="B-7"><br>
  700.    Battery pack differ in size, geometry, and individual cell parameters as capacity and supplied power. A brief discussion on li-ion cell selection, BMS selection for different types of battery.
  701.    <ol>
  702.        <li>Design Considerations of Battery Pack</li>
  703.        <li>Cell Selection</li>
  704.        <li>BMS Selection, Thermal Selection</li>
  705.        <li>High Voltage Side Design</li>
  706.        <li>Low Voltage Side Design</li>
  707.    </ol>
  708.    </div>
  709.    </div></div>
  710. </div><br>
  712. <div class="row">
  713.    <div class="col-md-2"><h4>BPS</h4></div>
  714.    <div class="col-md-10"><div class="text-container">
  715.    <span style="font-size:14px"><i class="fa fa-check-square-o"  style="font-size:20px;"> </i>
  716.    <b> Battery Pack Sizing </b>   </span>
  717.        <span style="float:right"><button data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#B-8" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseExample"><i style='font-size:24px' class='fa fa-random'></i></button></span>
  718.        <div class="collapse" id="B-8"><br>
  719.    A battery pack consists of cells connected and made into modules, and modules connected into series and parallel connections to suffice the overall load requirements.
  720.    A brief discussion of different sizes of battery pack used for electric vehicle & energy storage.
  721.    <ol>
  722.        <li>How to make a Battery Pack?</li>
  723.        <li>The basic calculations that are used in battery design</li>
  724.        <li>Battery pack Technical Specification </li>
  725.        <li>Battery pack designing </li>
  726.        <li>Battery Module and Battery Pack Construction Methods</li>
  727.        <li>Cylindrical and Prismatic Battery Pack</li>
  728.    </ol>
  729.    </div>
  730.    </div></div>
  731. </div><br>
  733. <div class="row">
  734.    <div class="col-md-2"><h4>BPA</h4></div>
  735.    <div class="col-md-10"><div class="text-container">
  736.    <span style="font-size:14px"><i class="fa fa-check-square-o"  style="font-size:20px;"> </i>
  737.    <b> Battery Pack Assembly </b>   </span>
  738.        <span style="float:right"><button data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#B-9" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseExample"><i style='font-size:24px' class='fa fa-random'></i></button></span>
  739.        <div class="collapse" id="B-9"><br>
  740.   A brief discussion of battery module/pack making equipment/accessories.
  741.   Trainees can learn how to make battery modules and Pack.
  742.   <h4>Battery Pack Accessories </h4>
  743.     <ol>
  744.        <li>Material need to assemble battery Modules & pack</li>
  745.        <li>Wires, connector selection, heat shrink, cell holder</li>
  746.        <li>Different types of accessories related to battery pack construction </li>
  747.    </ol>
  748.    <h4>Battery Module & Pack Making </h4>
  749.    <b>Battery module / Cell block assembly process</b>
  750.    <ol>
  751.        <li>Supply and testing of battery cells & sorting </li>
  752.        <li>Cleaning of cells (plasma cleaning)</li>
  753.        <li>Stacking of modules to form cell block</li>
  754.        <li>Module Formation, Spot Welding, Laser welding</li>
  755.        <li>Thermal management - Application of glue, </li>
  756.        <li>Insertion of cells in modules- Pre-assembly</li>
  757.        <li>Busbar installation</li>
  758.        <li>Module BMS integration, Testing</li>
  759.        <li>Screw fitting of battery module housing</li>
  760.    </ol>
  761.    <b>Battery pack assembly Process</b>
  762.    <ol>
  763.        <li>Integration of cell block in pack</li>
  764.        <li>Application of temperature conductive paste</li>
  765.        <li>Screw fitting of battery housing (housing substructure + housing upper structure)</li>
  766.        <li>Flashing of modules</li>
  767.        <li>Leak testing (helium)</li>
  768.        <li>EOL testing (source-drain)</li>
  769.        <li>Insulation test</li>
  770.        <li>Failure test</li>
  771.    </ol>
  772.    </div>
  773.    </div></div>
  774. </div><br>
  776. <div class="row">
  777.    <div class="col-md-2"><h4>CPT</h4></div>
  778.    <div class="col-md-10"><div class="text-container">
  779.    <span style="font-size:14px"><i class="fa fa-check-square-o"  style="font-size:20px;"> </i>
  780.    <b> Cell and Pack Level Testing </b>   </span>
  781.        <span style="float:right"><button data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#B-9-2" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseExample"><i style='font-size:24px' class='fa fa-random'></i></button></span>
  782.        <div class="collapse" id="B-9-2"><br>
  783.   Battery cell testing helps develop better electric vehicle batteries that pack more power density to give longer range performance. Batteries go through an acceptance inspection before they are put together into modules and packs.
  784.   <ol>
  785.       <li>Cell, Module and Pack industry slandered Test  </li>
  786.       <li>Testing Equipments and Lab</li>
  787.   </ol>
  789.    </div>
  790.    </div></div>
  791. </div><br>
  793. <div class="row">
  794.    <div class="col-md-2"><h4>BPAL</h4></div>
  795.    <div class="col-md-10"><div class="text-container">
  796.    <span style="font-size:14px"><i class="fa fa-check-square-o"  style="font-size:20px;"> </i>
  797.    <b> Battery Pack Assembly Line  </b>   </span>
  798.        <span style="float:right"><button data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#B-10" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseExample"><i style='font-size:24px' class='fa fa-random'></i></button></span>
  799.        <div class="collapse" id="B-10"><br>
  800.   A brief knowledge of Battery Pack Assembly Line development, required machinery details (manual, semi-auto and automatic production line), national & international vendors contact details, required lenience and documents, Financial Report.
  801.   <h4>Battery Pack Assembly Line </h4>
  802.   <ol>
  803.        <li>Manufacturing process of battery pack</li>
  804.        <li>Safety Considerations for BMS (Thermal Runaway, Short Circuit Detection etc)</li>
  805.        <li>Functional Safety Overview</li>
  806.        <li>Brief discussion about different machineries used in manufacturing</li>
  807.        <li>Flow chart of assembly process of li ion battery pack</li>
  808.        <li>Technical details of manufacturing machineries </li>
  809.    </ol>
  810.    <h4>Battery Pack Assembly Line Development </h4>
  811.    <ol>
  812.        <li>Li-ion Battery Assembly Line </li>
  813.        <li>Assembly Machinery and Functional Specifications</li>
  814.        <li>Different size of Module and Pack</li>
  815.        <li>List of Vendors of Raw materials and Machinery supplier</li>
  816.    </ol>
  817.    <h4>Financial Projection of Li-ion battery pack Manufacturing</h4>
  818.    <ol>
  819.        <li>Cost analysis of different machineries and manpower requirements</li>
  820.        <li>Return of Investment (ROI) of li ion battery pack business</li>
  821.        <li>Business projection to start a li ion battery pack business </li>
  822.    </ol>
  823.    </div>
  824.    </div></div>
  825. </div><br>
  827. <div class="row">
  828.    <div class="col-md-2"><h4>LBO</h4></div>
  829.    <div class="col-md-10"><div class="text-container">
  830.    <span style="font-size:14px"><i class="fa fa-check-square-o"  style="font-size:20px;"> </i>
  831.    <b> Lithium Business Oppertunies   </b>   </span>
  832.        <span style="float:right"><button data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#B-11" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseExample"><i style='font-size:24px' class='fa fa-random'></i></button></span>
  833.        <div class="collapse" id="B-11"><br>
  834.  A business guide and motivation session for startups, entrepreneurs on Lithium-ion Battery Pack Assembly business and Battery Swaping business.
  835.  <h4>Future trends in Energy Storage Battery and Customized Battery </h4>
  836.   <ol>
  837.        <li><b>Energy Storage Battery</b> Solar Street Light Battery, Outdoor Battery</li>
  838.        <li><b>Industrial Energy Storage Battery</b></li>
  839.        <li><b>Customized Battery</b> - <br>Customized solution on demand for Consumer electronics, Smart Home Appliance - Floor Cleaner, Vacuum Cleaner, Smart Door Lock, Smart Camera, Home Light, Smart Lamp, drown battery etc</li>
  840.    </ol>
  841.    <h4>Trends in Indian electric vehicle domain </h4>
  842.    <ol>
  843.        <li>2 wheeler  and 3 wheeler battery market </li>
  844.        <li>Wireless charging of EV</li>
  845.        <li>Battery swap technology</li>
  846.    </ol>
  847.    <h4>Business Model/Case Study</h4>
  848.    <ol>
  849.        <li>What is the size of the EV market in India?</li>
  850.         <li>Govt. Policies and Regulations</li>
  851.         <li>Business models, </li>
  852.         <li>Choose best product/item as per your planing </li>
  853.         <li>Battery swapping, </li>
  854.    </ol>
  855.    </div>
  856.    </div></div>
  857. </div><br>
  862. <div class="row">
  863.    <div class="col-md-2"><h4>Lab Practical</h4></div>
  864.    <div class="col-md-10"><div class="text-container">
  865.    <span style="font-size:14px"><i class="fa fa-check-square-o"  style="font-size:20px;"> </i>
  866.    <b> Hands-on Practical at Institute Lab/Workshop </b>   </span>
  867.        <span style="float:right"><button data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#practical" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseExample"><i style='font-size:24px' class='fa fa-random'></i></button></span>
  868.        <div class="collapse" id="practical"><br>
  869.        <div style="padding-left:30px">
  870.        <ul>
  871.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Cell Selection - Ah testing, IR testing</li>
  872.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Charging Discharging test, cell balancing</li>
  873.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Battery Pack Construction </li>
  874.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Module/Pack Spot Welding</li>
  875.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> BMS Selection and Connection (as per System Design)</li>
  876.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Pack testing </li>
  877.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Battery Pack Casing</li>
  878.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Battery Pack Leveling</li>
  879.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Battery Pack Boxing</li>
  880.        </ul>
  881.     </div>
  882.    <span style="font-size:14px"><img src=""/>
  883.    3 day Hands-on Practical at institute Battery Lab</span><br>
  884.    </div>
  885.    </div></div>
  886. </div><br>
  892. </td><!--<td>9</td><td>0</td><td>8</td>--></tr>
  897. <div class="row">
  898.    <div class="col-md-2"><h4>Unit: CI</h4></div>
  899.    <div class="col-md-10"><div class="text-container">
  900.    <span style="font-size:14px"><i class="fa fa-check-square-o"  style="font-size:20px;"> </i> <b> Charging Infrastructure - Electric Drive and controller</b>   </span>
  901.        <span style="float:right"><button data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#CI" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseExample"><i style='font-size:24px' class='fa fa-random'></i></button></span>
  902.        <div class="collapse" id="CI"><br>
  903.        <div style="padding-left:30px">
  904.            <ul>
  905.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Introduction to EV Charging technology</li>
  906.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Onboard charging and Off-board charging</li>
  907.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> AC charging vs DC charging</li>
  908.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Conductive Charging - AC & DC</li>
  909.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Inductive Charging Static</li>
  910.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Inductive Charging Dynamic</li>
  911.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> AC charging - Type 1,2,3</li>
  912.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> DC charging - Chademo, Tesla, CCS</li>
  913.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Fast charging and its limitations</li>
  914.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Smart charging and applications</li>
  915.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Introduction of Vehicle to grid (V2G) technology</li>
  916.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Introduction of Wireless charging of EV</li>
  917.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> On-road charging of EV</li>
  918.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Battery swap technology</li>
  919.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Solar-powered EVs</li>
  920.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment -
  921.        <ol style="padding-left:50px;"><li>Different types of EV charger connectors</li><li>single-phase or three-phase socket</li><li>SAE J1773</li><li>CHAdeMO standard - DC fast charging</li><li>SAE J1772 Combo</li></ol></li>
  922.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Cords and Cables, Earthing, Lightning Protection of Electric Vehicle Charging, Residual current device (RCD) </li>
  923.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> National & International EV Standard Codes - IEC applicable for EVSE</li>
  924.        </ul>
  925.     </div>
  927.    </div>
  928.    </div></div>
  929. </div><br>
  935. <div class="row">
  936.    <div class="col-md-2"><h4>Unit: CSA</h4></div>
  937.    <div class="col-md-10"><div class="text-container">
  938.    <span style="font-size:14px"><i class="fa fa-check-square-o"  style="font-size:20px;"> </i> <b> Charging Station Site Assessment</b>   </span>
  939.        <span style="float:right"><button data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#CSA" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseExample"><i style='font-size:24px' class='fa fa-random'></i></button></span>
  940.        <div class="collapse" id="CSA"><br>
  941.        <div style="padding-left:30px">
  942.            <ul>
  943.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> site analysis for EV charging station</li>
  944.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Choosing the location - Public charging stations </li>
  945.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Site Selection Considerations, General Site Issues, URDPFI Guidelines, Planning Considerations</li>
  946.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Design Guidelines and Site Drawings, EVSE Typical Site Plans, Station Configuration</li>
  947.        </ul>
  948.     </div>
  950.    </div>
  951.    </div></div>
  952. </div><br>
  954. <div class="row">
  955.    <div class="col-md-2"><h4>Unit: CSD-1</h4></div>
  956.    <div class="col-md-10"><div class="text-container">
  957.    <span style="font-size:14px"><i class="fa fa-check-square-o"  style="font-size:20px;"> </i> <b> Charging Station Design  & Costing - EV with PV</b>   </span>
  958.        <span style="float:right"><button data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#CSD-1" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseExample"><i style='font-size:24px' class='fa fa-random'></i></button></span>
  959.        <div class="collapse" id="CSD-1"><br>
  960.        <div style="padding-left:30px">
  961.            <ul>
  962.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Energy consumption</li>
  963.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Guidelines on Charging Infrastructure </li>
  964.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Public Charging Infrastructure (PCI) - Components of charging station </li>
  965.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Finincial Detail of charging station </li>
  966.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Proposed Tariff for EV Charging</li>
  967.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Electric Vehicle Charging Tariff in Different States of India</li>
  968.        </ul>
  969.     </div>
  971.    </div>
  972.    </div></div>
  973. </div><br>
  975. <div class="row">
  976.    <div class="col-md-2"><h4>Unit: CSD-2</h4></div>
  977.    <div class="col-md-10"><div class="text-container">
  978.    <span style="font-size:14px"><i class="fa fa-check-square-o"  style="font-size:20px;"> </i> <b> Charging Station Design  & Costing - Part 2</b>   </span>
  979.        <span style="float:right"><button data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#CSD-2" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseExample"><i style='font-size:24px' class='fa fa-random'></i></button></span>
  980.        <div class="collapse" id="CSD-2"><br>
  981.        <div style="padding-left:30px">
  982.            <ul>
  983.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> PLANNING FOR YOUR STATION </li>
  984.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Solar powered electric vehicle charging station</li>
  985.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Calculation and selection - Components of charging station </li>
  986.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Finincial Detail of charging station </li>
  987.        </ul>
  988.     </div>
  990.    </div>
  991.    </div></div>
  992. </div><br>
  994. <div class="row">
  995.    <div class="col-md-2"><h4>Unit: CSD-3</h4></div>
  996.    <div class="col-md-10"><div class="text-container">
  997.    <span style="font-size:14px"><i class="fa fa-check-square-o"  style="font-size:20px;"> </i> <b> Charging Station Design - Part 3</b>   </span>
  998.        <span style="float:right"><button data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#CSD-3" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseExample"><i style='font-size:24px' class='fa fa-random'></i></button></span>
  999.        <div class="collapse" id="CSD-3"><br>
  1000.        <div style="padding-left:30px">
  1001.            <ul>
  1002.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Design On-Grid solar charging stations for a parking lot </li>
  1003.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Plans for EVSE Installation</li>
  1004.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Single line diagram of charging station</li>
  1005.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> EV Related Signage</li>
  1006.        </ul>
  1007.     </div>
  1009.    </div>
  1010.    </div></div>
  1011. </div><br>
  1016. <div class="row">
  1017.    <div class="col-md-2"><h4>Unit: SEV</h4></div>
  1018.    <div class="col-md-10"><div class="text-container">
  1019.    <span style="font-size:14px"><i class="fa fa-check-square-o"  style="font-size:20px;"> </i> <b> Safety for EV Charging System</b>   </span>
  1020.        <span style="float:right"><button data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#SEV" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseExample"><i style='font-size:24px' class='fa fa-random'></i></button></span>
  1021.        <div class="collapse" id="SEV"><br>
  1022.        <div style="padding-left:30px">
  1023.            <ul>
  1024.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Electrical safety from the charging socket to the electric vehicle</li>
  1025.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Different aspects of electric safety </li>
  1026.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Electric Vehicle Charging Safety Guidelines</li>
  1027.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Protection against electric shock,  fault protection</li>
  1028.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> IEC IEC 60068-2 (1,2,14,30), IEC 61683, IEC 60227, IEC 60502 IEC 60947 part I,II, III ,IEC 61215 and more</li>
  1029.        </ul>
  1030.     </div>
  1032.    </div>
  1033.    </div></div>
  1034. </div><br>
  1036. <div class="row">
  1037.    <div class="col-md-2"><h4>Unit: ICS</h4></div>
  1038.    <div class="col-md-10"><div class="text-container">
  1039.    <span style="font-size:14px"><i class="fa fa-check-square-o"  style="font-size:20px;"> </i> <b> Installation of EV Charging Station</b>   </span>
  1040.        <span style="float:right"><button data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#ICS" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseExample"><i style='font-size:24px' class='fa fa-random'></i></button></span>
  1041.        <div class="collapse" id="ICS"><br>
  1042.        <div style="padding-left:30px">
  1043.            <ul>
  1044.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Charging Station Permitting</li>
  1045.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Execution of work
  1046.        <ol style="padding-left:50px;"><li>Installation Instruction</li><li>Installing an outdoor public station</li><li>Pedestal Charging station</li></ol>        </li>
  1047.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Installation Procedure</li>
  1048.        </ul>
  1049.     </div>
  1051.    </div>
  1052.    </div></div>
  1053. </div><br>
  1056. <div class="row">
  1057.    <div class="col-md-2"><h4>Unit: EVB</h4></div>
  1058.    <div class="col-md-10"><div class="text-container">
  1059.    <span style="font-size:14px"><i class="fa fa-check-square-o"  style="font-size:20px;"> </i> <b> EV Business - Government rules and opportunity</b>   </span>
  1060.        <span style="float:right"><button data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#EVB" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseExample"><i style='font-size:24px' class='fa fa-random'></i></button></span>
  1061.        <div class="collapse" id="EVB"><br>
  1062.        <div style="padding-left:30px"><h4>Future trends in electric vehicle domain</h4>
  1063.            <ul>
  1064.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Wireless charging of EV  </li>
  1065.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> On-road charging of EV</li>
  1066.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Battery swap technology</li>
  1067.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Solar powered EVs Charging EVs from renewables</li>
  1068.        </ul>
  1069.     </div>
  1071.        <div style="padding-left:30px"><h4>Business Model/Case Study</h4>
  1072.            <ul>
  1073.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> What is the size of the EV market in India? </li>
  1074.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Govt.  Policies and Regulations</li>
  1075.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Business models,   Utilities , Charging space providers,  Battery swapping,  Digital and information technology</li>
  1076.        <li><i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Business Model</li>
  1077.        </ul>
  1078.     </div>
  1080.    </div>
  1081.    </div></div>
  1084. </div><br>
  1086. <hr><h4>Project based Practical</h4>
  1087. <div class="row">
  1088.    <div class="col-md-2"><h4>Battery Project</h4></div>
  1089.    <div class="col-md-10"><div class="text-container">
  1090.    <span style="font-size:14px"><i class="fa fa-check-square-o"  style="font-size:20px;"> </i> <b>Self Project Documentation: Lithuim-ion Battery pack Production Line</b>   </span>
  1091.        <span style="float:right"><button data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#p-1" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseExample"><i style='font-size:24px' class='fa fa-random'></i></button></span>
  1092.        <div class="collapse" id="p-1"><br>
  1093.        <div style="padding-left:30px">
  1094.            <ul>
  1096.        </ul>
  1097.     </div>
  1099.    </div>
  1100.    </div></div>
  1101. </div><br>
  1103. <div class="row">
  1104.    <div class="col-md-2"><h4>Battery Lab</h4></div>
  1105.    <div class="col-md-10"><div class="text-container">
  1106.    <span style="font-size:14px"><i class="fa fa-check-square-o"  style="font-size:20px;"> </i> <b> Lithuim-ion Battery pack Production Line</b>   </span>
  1107.    <br><b>Optional:</b> <blink>Ondemand 3 Days Practical </blink>available at Head office at any time.
  1108.        <span style="float:right"><button data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#lab-1" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseExample"><i style='font-size:24px' class='fa fa-random'></i></button></span>
  1109.        <div class="collapse" id="lab-1"><br>
  1110.        <div style="padding-left:30px">
  1111.            <ol>
  1112. <li>Pre production Testing</li>
  1113. <li>Cell Capacity Testing</li>
  1114. <li>Lithium-ion Battery layout drawing & design</li>
  1115. <li>Selection of Battery Pack Construction Meterials</li>
  1116. <li>Cells Spot welding </li>
  1117. <li>BMS Intregation</li>
  1118. <li>Install in Thermal Isolation</li>
  1119. <li>Battery Pack Enclosure Installation</li>
  1120. <li>Battery Pack Ageing (Charging Discharging) Test</li>
  1121. <li>Battery pack Quality Testing</li>
  1122. <li>Preparation of Battery pack Datasheet</li>
  1123. <li>Pack specification, safety sign, Leveling</li>
  1124. <li>Boxing for Transport</li>
  1125.        </ol>
  1126.     </div>
  1128.    </div>
  1129.    </div></div>
  1130. </div><br>
  1132. <div class="row">
  1133.    <div class="col-md-2"><h4>CS Project</h4></div>
  1134.    <div class="col-md-10"><div class="text-container">
  1135.    <span style="font-size:14px"><i class="fa fa-check-square-o"  style="font-size:20px;"> </i> <b>Self Project Documentation: Road side Public Charging Station</b>   </span>
  1136.        <span style="float:right"><button data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#p-2" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseExample"><i style='font-size:24px' class='fa fa-random'></i></button></span>
  1137.        <div class="collapse" id="p-2"><br>
  1138.        <div style="padding-left:30px">
  1139.            <ol>
  1140. <li>Location Selection</li>
  1141. <li>Volume of Vehicle Projection</li>
  1142. <li>CS Design</li>
  1143. <li>BOQ</li>
  1144. <li>Financial Projection</li>
  1145. <li>Vendor Selection</li>
  1146. <li>Work Flow Presentation</li>
  1147. <li>Approval Documentation</li>
  1148. <li>Income and ROI Projection</li>
  1149. <li>Final Project Documentation </li>
  1150.        </ol>
  1151.     </div>
  1153.    </div>
  1154.    </div></div>
  1155. </div><br>
  1157. <div class="row">
  1158.    <div class="col-md-2"><h4>CS Lab</h4></div>
  1159.    <div class="col-md-10"><div class="text-container">
  1160.    <span style="font-size:14px"><i class="fa fa-check-square-o"  style="font-size:20px;"> </i> <b> Level - II Charging station Installation</b>   </span>
  1161.    <br><b>Optional: </b><blink>Ondemand 1 Day Practical </blink>available at Head office at any time.
  1162.        <span style="float:right"><button data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#lab-2" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseExample"><i style='font-size:24px' class='fa fa-random'></i></button></span>
  1163.        <div class="collapse" id="lab-2"><br>
  1164.        <div style="padding-left:30px">
  1165.            <ol>
  1166. <li>Read the manufacturer’s installation instructions</li>
  1167. <li>Check drawings and specifications</li>
  1168. <li>Calculate the total load according to the Code and ensure there is an adequate supply voltage distribution panel nearby;</li>
  1169. <li>Check required conduits and excavation</li>
  1170. <li>Provide physical protection from vehicle impacts, e.g., bumper posts, safety
  1171. clearance or a raised platform.</li>
  1172. <li>Provide for adequate lighting of the station and the surrounding area</li>
  1173. <li>Clearly identify where charging vehicles are to park, using both ground markings and signage</li>
  1174. <li>Follow Installation Flowchart</li>
  1175. <li>Follow Electrical Connection Flowchart</li>
  1176. <li>Follow Electrical Code and EVSE Code</li>
  1177. <li>A separate branch circuit is installed for each station</li>
  1178. <li>Follow Electrical distribution room design</li>
  1179. <li>Follow Single-phase distribution wiring</li>
  1180. <li>Supply line switch on</li>
  1181. <li>Charger Switch on</li>
  1182. <li>Troubleshooting of Charger</li>
  1183. <li>Connect Charger gun with vehicle (Prototype Model), Test charging</li>
  1184. <li>Disconnect Charger form Prototype Model</li>
  1185. <li>Check Charging billing system</li>
  1186. <li>Safety practice for CS Satff members</li>
  1187. <li>Regular and Periodic Maintaince</li>
  1188.        </ol>
  1189.     </div>
  1191.    </div>
  1192.    </div></div>
  1193. </div><br>
  1197. </div><!--End courses-->
  1199. </div><!--end tab-pane-->
  1201. <div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane" id="cost">
  1203. <div class="row">
  1204. <div class="col-md-6">
  1205.    <p> <b>Indian candidates Fees</b><br>
  1206. <b>Online Live Class Fees:</b> Rs. 24999/-<br>
  1207. Discount on Live Class Fees= 10%<br>
  1208. Fees after discount: Rs. 22499/- <br>
  1210. All Fees Excluding 18% GST<br>
  1211. <br>
  1212. <b>Foreign Candidates Fees</b><br>
  1213. Online Live Class Fees: $ 470 USD <br>
  1214. Discount on Live Class Fees= 10%<br>
  1215. Fees after discount: $ 423 USD <br>
  1216. All Fees Excluding 18% GST
  1217. <hr>
  1218. <a href="" target="_blank" class="btn btn-primary">Submit Registration</a>
  1219. </p>
  1223. </div>
  1224. <div class="col-md-6">
  1225.    <h3>Admission Process</h3>
  1226.    <ol>
  1227.        <li>Submit Registration</li>
  1228.        <li>Admission cell will check form data and they will inform you to pay Course fees</li>
  1229.        <li>Deposit Course fees</li>
  1230.        <li>Admission cell will send your E-registration certificate and E-library access</li>
  1231.        <li>Training cell will send you class schedule </li>
  1232.        <li>Study options:
  1233.        <ul style="padding-left:10px">
  1234.        <li><i class="fa fa-dot-circle-o"></i> 2 Month (1 month in-house Technical and commercial class and onside practical, 1 month project work)</li>
  1235.        <li><i class="fa fa-dot-circle-o"></i> For working Professionals: 2 Months (1 month weekend in-house Technical and commercial class and onside practical, 1 month project work)</li>
  1236.        </ul>
  1237.              <li>Training cell inform you about practical session at the end of theory class session</li>        <li>Exam cell will conduct online examination and send E-Certificate, E-marksheet</li>
  1238.        <li>EDP Desk will provide business guide/support for you </li>
  1239.    </ol>
  1240. </div>
  1241. </div>
  1244. </div><!--end tab-pane-->
  1247. <div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane" id="success_history">
  1248. <div style="font-size:17px;font-weight:400;border: 1px solid #e1e100;padding-left:50px; padding-right:10px;">
  1249.    <div class="row">
  1250.        <div class="col-md-4" style="padding-top:10px;" valign="center"><h3 style="font-size: 30px; text-align: right;color:#FF5718;font-family:signika,sans-serif;font-weight:bold">
  1251.            Become an EV Expert with Verified Skill Certification</h3></div>
  1252.        <div class="col-md-8"><img src="" alt="Demo Certificate"></div>
  1253.    </div>
  1254. </div>
  1255. <div style="font-size:16px;font-weight:400;padding:15px;">
  1256.    Academy of EV Technology is a unit of <b>Global Advanced Training and Educational Trust (GATE Trust)</b>, An <b>International Institute</b><br>
  1257.    <br>1. An <b>Autonomous Institute</b> registered under NCT, Govt. of India under Indian Trust Act.
  1258.    <br>2. Registered Under NGO-DARPAN, <b>NITI Aayog Govt. of India</b>
  1259.    <br>3. <b>ISO 9001:2015</b> registered Educational Trust
  1260.    <br>4. Academic Partner of University of Petroleum & Energy Studies (2020)
  1261.    <br>5. Registered under <b>80G and 12A and CSR Act, Govt. of India</b>
  1262.    <br>6. Awarded Full Accreditation by <b>International Accreditation Organization (IOA)</b> for global education standards.
  1263.    <br>7. Fully organised <b>Practical and Research Lab</b> at GATE Trust Howrah, West Bengal
  1264.    <br>8. <b>GATE Research</b> - Research unit of Global Advanced Training and Educational Trust. You can Write & Publish a Review/Research paper,
  1266. </div>
  1267. </div><!--end tab-pane-->
  1268. <hr>
  1276. </div><!--end tab-content-->
  1279. <script type="application/ld+json">
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  1284. "keywords":["Charging Station Network", "EV business", "EVSE business", "e-mobility", "charging station business", "Hybrid & Electric Vehicles"],
  1286. "description":"Electric vehicle market grows and the business opportunities are high. Commercial engineering is a somewhat broad area of practice that encompasses all projects related to commercial pursuits.",
  1288. "datePublished":"2019-11-18T14:09:53+05:30","dateModified":"2019-11-18T14:12:38+05:30",
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  1299.  "description": "You'll learn - Electric Vehicle Technology, Charging Infrastructure, EV Battery, Charging Station Design, EV Business - Government rules and opportunity, Business models, Payback and commercial model.",
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  1321. <div class="list_block related_post_sec"><div class="upcoming_events">
  1322. <h4>Upcoming Training at <br />
  1323. <b>Notice</b>:  Undefined variable: branch_name in <b>/home/uwsaevtgt/bangalore/courses/business-management-ev-technology.php</b> on line <b>59</b><br />
  1324. </h4><ul>
  1325. <!-- online course new -->
  1326. <!--
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  1328.    {      "@context": "",      "@type": "Event",
  1329. "name": "Post Graduate on Electric Vehicle Powertrain",  
  1330. "startDate": "2024-10-02",  
  1331. "endDate": "2025-07-30",
  1332. "eventStatus": "",
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  1339. "description": "Online Live Class University of Petroleum and Energy Studies Post Graduate Programme on Electric Vehicle Powertrain prepares you with the latest technologies in automotive and defense ground vehicle industries.",      
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  1353.      }    }    
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  1355. -->
  1356.      <!-- online course end-->
  1358. <!-- online course new -->
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  1360.    {
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  1362.      "@type": "Event",
  1363.      "name": "Oct-2024 Electrical vehicle EVSE Development course for EV Startups",
  1364.  "startDate": "2024-10-02",
  1365.  "endDate": "2024-10-30",
  1366.      "eventStatus": "",
  1367.      "eventAttendanceMode": "",
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  1371.        },
  1372.      "image": "",
  1373.      "description": "Online Live Class E-Course Techno Commercial skill for EV Startups: This course also explains how electric mobility can work for various businesses, including fleet managers, automobile manufacturers and charging infrastructure providers. you can able to create e-mobility business for your company",
  1374.      "offers": {
  1375.        "@type": "Offer",
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  1377.        "price": "16999",
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  1393. <!-- online course new end -->
  1397. <!-- online course new -->
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  1400.      "@context": "",
  1401.      "@type": "Event",
  1402.      "name": "Oct-2024 Lithium-ion Battery pack assembly course for MSME, startups",
  1403.  "startDate": "2024-10-02",
  1404.  "endDate": "2024-10-30",
  1405.      "eventStatus": "",
  1406.      "eventAttendanceMode": "",
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  1409.        "url": ""
  1410.      },
  1411.      "image": "",
  1412.      "description": "Online Live Class E-Course EV Battery Technology and assembly lines training, the vehicle manufacturers and component suppliers may quickly and easily implement their development ideas. FREE Techno-Commercial Feasibility Report of MRP Rs. 30000",
  1413.      "offers": {
  1414.        "@type": "Offer",
  1415.        "url": "",
  1416.        "price": "12999",
  1417.        "priceCurrency": "INR",
  1418.        "availability": "",
  1419.        "validFrom": "2024-10-02"
  1420.      },
  1421.      "performer": {
  1422.        "@type": "PerformingGroup",
  1423.        "name": "Academy of EV Technology"
  1424.      },
  1425.      "organizer": {
  1426.        "@type": "Organization",
  1427.        "name": "Academy of EV Technology",
  1428.        "url": ""
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  1430.    }
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  1432. <!-- online course new end -->
  1434. <!-- online course new -->
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  1437.    {
  1438.      "@context": "",
  1439.      "@type": "Event",
  1440.      "name": "Oct-2024 Electrical vehicle Charging Station Course for Startups",
  1441.  "startDate": "2024-10-02",
  1442.  "endDate": "2024-10-30",
  1443.      "eventStatus": "",
  1444.      "eventAttendanceMode": "",
  1445.      "location": {
  1446.        "@type": "VirtualLocation",
  1447.        "url": ""
  1448.      },
  1449.      "image": "",
  1450.      "description": "Online Virtual class on EV Charging Station Designs, planing, costing, ROI, vendor selection and serves as a starting point for EV charging installation projects. Case study of EV charging station business model.",
  1451.      "offers": {
  1452.        "@type": "Offer",
  1453.        "url": "",
  1454.        "price": "12999",
  1455.        "priceCurrency": "INR",
  1456.        "availability": "",
  1457.        "validFrom": "2024-10-02"
  1458.      },
  1459.      "performer": {
  1460.        "@type": "PerformingGroup",
  1461.        "name": "Academy of EV Technology"
  1462.      },
  1463.      "organizer": {
  1464.        "@type": "Organization",
  1465.        "name": "Academy of EV Technology",
  1466.        "url": ""
  1467.      }
  1468.    }
  1469.    </script>
  1471. <!-- online course new end -->
  1473. <!-- online course new
  1474. <script type="application/ld+json">
  1475.    {
  1476.      "@context": "",
  1477.      "@type": "Event",
  1478.      "name": "Oct-2024 Electric Bike Design, Servicing & Maintenance",
  1479.  "startDate": "2024-10-02",
  1480.  "endDate": "2024-10-30",
  1481.      "eventStatus": "",
  1482.      "eventAttendanceMode": "",
  1483.      "location": {
  1484.        "@type": "VirtualLocation",
  1485.        "url": ""
  1486.      },
  1487.      "image": "",
  1488.      "description": "Set up and repair a broad spectrum of electric 2 wheeler along with an understanding of the specific standards and legal aspects that apply to them.",
  1489.      "offers": {
  1490.        "@type": "Offer",
  1491.        "url": "",
  1492.        "price": "14999",
  1493.        "priceCurrency": "INR",
  1494.        "availability": "",
  1495.        "validFrom": "2024-10-02"
  1496.      },
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  1498.        "@type": "PerformingGroup",
  1499.        "name": "Academy of EV Technology"
  1500.      },
  1501.      "organizer": {
  1502.        "@type": "Organization",
  1503.        "name": "Academy of EV Technology",
  1504.        "url": ""
  1505.      }
  1506.    }
  1507.    </script>
  1508. online course new end -->
  1509. <!-- online course new -->
  1510. <script type="application/ld+json">
  1511.    {
  1512.      "@context": "",
  1513.      "@type": "Event",
  1514.      "name": "Oct-2024 Electric Bike and E-rickshaw Repairing",
  1515.  "startDate": "2024-10-02",
  1516.  "endDate": "2024-10-30",
  1517.      "eventStatus": "",
  1518.      "eventAttendanceMode": "",
  1519.      "location": {
  1520.        "@type": "VirtualLocation",
  1521.        "url": ""
  1522.      },
  1523.      "image": "",
  1524.      "description": "Become an Certificate in Electric Bike and E-rickshaw Repairing Technician.",
  1525.      "offers": {
  1526.        "@type": "Offer",
  1527.        "url": "",
  1528.        "price": "14999",
  1529.        "priceCurrency": "INR",
  1530.        "availability": "",
  1531.        "validFrom": "2024-10-02"
  1532.      },
  1533.      "performer": {
  1534.        "@type": "PerformingGroup",
  1535.        "name": "Academy of EV Technology"
  1536.      },
  1537.      "organizer": {
  1538.        "@type": "Organization",
  1539.        "name": "Academy of EV Technology",
  1540.        "url": ""
  1541.      }
  1542.    }
  1543.    </script>
  1544. <!-- online course new end -->
  1545. <script type="application/ld+json">{
  1546.  "@context": "",
  1547.  "@type": "VideoObject",
  1548.  "name": "EV EVSE - Strat Up Training Course",
  1549.  "description": "EV EVSE Business Management Course for Entrepreneurs India to become a manufacturing hub for electric vehicles in five years. Indian EV industry to represent Rs 500 billion opportunity by 2025. This Techno-Commercial course: Throughout this training session, AEVT bridges the needs of startups so that candidate can understand the technology from basic EV to EVSE equipment like Lithium-ion battery, Battery pack assembly process, EV Motor, Charger, charging station development, and all other parts/ equipment's calculation, selection, building a Legal Foundation, Understanding Finance Basics, Business Planning",
  1550.  "thumbnailUrl": "",
  1551.  "uploadDate": "2021-03-21T07:31:59Z",
  1552.  "duration": "PT6M9S",
  1553.  "embedUrl": "",
  1554.  "interactionCount": "36"
  1555. }</script><!--Video Markup Code Generated by -->
  1557. <script type="application/ld+json">{
  1558.  "@context": "",
  1559.  "@type": "VideoObject",
  1560.  "name": "E Bike Design Servicing Training Course",
  1561.  "description": "Electric Bike Design, Servicing & Maintenance course - Set up and repair a broad spectrum of electric 2 wheeler along with an understanding of the specific standards and legal aspects that apply to them.",
  1562.  "thumbnailUrl": "",
  1563.  "uploadDate": "2021-03-24T06:00:56Z",
  1564.  "duration": "PT2M13S",
  1565.  "embedUrl": "",
  1566.  "interactionCount": "2"
  1567. }</script><!--Video Markup Code Generated by -->
  1569. <script type="application/ld+json">{
  1570.  "@context": "",
  1571.  "@type": "VideoObject",
  1572.  "name": "LI ION Battery Business Training Course",
  1573.  "description": "Government of India is planning to incentivize the production of Lithium-ion batteries in India, which is likely to help in the setting up of Lithium-ion battery manufacturing units in the country over the next five years. Lithium Battery Pack Assembly course will cover li-ion cell to battery characteristics, different parameters, EV battery Pack design aspect, calculation, assembly line unit detailing with financial aspects, govt guidelines, policies, etc.",
  1574.  "thumbnailUrl": "",
  1575.  "uploadDate": "2021-03-23T10:14:05Z",
  1576.  "duration": "PT5M1S",
  1577.  "embedUrl": "",
  1578.  "interactionCount": "10"
  1579. }</script><!--Video Markup Code Generated by -->
  1580. <div class="sharethis-inline-share-buttons">
  1581.    <b>Admission going on for Oct-2024</b>
  1582.    <!--<h4><mark style="background-color: yellow;">Class will start from next week</mark></h4>-->
  1583.    </div>
  1584. </b>
  1585. <div class='rel_right'>
  1586. <h4 style="color:green">Online In-person online live class for working professionals</h4>
  1587. <p>
  1588.    In-person One and half hours class starting time: (immediate class facility availability)<br>
  1589.    <table width="100%" border="1px solid">
  1590.        <tr><td>Slot</td><td>IST</td><td>WAT</td><td>SAST</td><td>EAT</td><td>KST</td></tr>
  1591.        <tr><td>1</td><td>3:00 PM</td><td>10:30 AM</td><td>11:30 AM</td><td>12:30 PM</td><td>5:30 PM</td></tr>
  1592.    </table><br> To cofirm, slot availability WhatsApp us
  1593. </p><hr>
  1594. <h4 style="color:green">Online Live class Batch: </h4>
  1595.    <table width="100%" border="1px solid">
  1596.        <tr><td>Slot</td><td>IST</td><td>WAT</td><td>SAST</td><td>EAT</td><td>KST</td></tr>
  1598.        <tr><td>1</td><td>730 AM</td><td>3 AM</td><td>4 AM</td><td>5 AM</td><td>10 AM</td></tr>
  1599.       <tr><td>2</td><td>8 PM</td><td>3:30 PM</td><td>4:30 PM</td><td>5:30 PM</td><td>10:30 PM</td></tr>
  1601.    </table><br>To cofirm, slot availability WhatsApp us
  1602.    <hr>
  1604. <h4 style="color:green">In-house classroom training </h4>
  1605. <table width="100%" border="1px solid">
  1606.    <tr><td colspan="3"><p style="text-align:center"><b>Weekday Class</b> (Any one session)</p></td></tr>
  1607.    <tr><td colspan="3">2 Months program</td></tr>
  1608.    <tr><td>Morning Session</td><td>10 AM to 12 Noon</td><td>3 Days/Week</td></tr>
  1609.    <tr><td>Afternoon Session</td><td>3 PM to 5 PM</td><td>3 Days/Week</td></tr>
  1610. </table><br>
  1611. <table width="100%" border="1px solid">
  1612.    <tr><td colspan="2"><p style="text-align:center"><b>Weekend Class</b></p></td></tr>
  1613.    <tr><td colspan="2">2 Months program</td></tr>
  1614.    <tr><td>Saturday</td><td>3 PM to 5 PM</td></tr>
  1615.    <tr><td>Sunday</td><td>11AM to 1PM, 2PM to 4PM</td></tr>
  1616. </table><br>
  1617. <table width="100%" border="1px solid">
  1618.    <tr><td colspan="2"><p style="text-align:center"><b>Regular Class</b> </p></td></tr>
  1619.    <tr><td colspan="2">Continuous 8 Days program. On demand corporate training.</td></tr>
  1620.    <tr><td>Morning Session</td><td>10 AM to 1 PM</td></tr>
  1621.    <tr><td>Afternoon Session</td><td>2 PM to 5 PM</td></tr>
  1622. </table><hr>
  1623. <h4>Course Page <i class="fa fa-arrow-right" aria-hidden="true"></i> </h4>
  1624. <a href=""><h4>EV Technology and Business Management - Techno Commercial Training  (Offline)</h4></a>
  1625. <div><img src=""></div>
  1626. <div class='meta'>
  1627. <div class='meta'><i class='fa fa-calendar' aria-hidden='true'></i> Admission going on for <!--Next week Batch-->
  1628. <!--Training from:
  1629. 1st week of--> Oct-2024<!-- -->
  1630. <!-- to --> <img src='' alt='New schedule'></div><div style="padding:5px;"></div>
  1631. <!--<div class='meta label label-success' style='font-size:12px;padding:5px'><strong>No of Batch per Month: 1 Batch</strong></div><div style="padding:5px;"></div>
  1632. <div class='meta label label-success' style='font-size:12px;padding:5px'><strong>Maximum 5 candidates Batch
  1633. </strong></div><br>-->
  1634. <div class='meta'>
  1635. <a href="" target="_blank" class="btn btn-primary">Submit Registration (Offline Course)</a></div>
  1636. </div> </div>
  1637. <br>
  1638. <hr>
  1640. <h4>Course Page <i class="fa fa-arrow-right" aria-hidden="true"></i> <a href="">EV Technology and Business Management - Techno Commercial Training </a> (online)</h4>
  1641. <div><img src=""></div>
  1642. <div class='meta'>
  1643. <div class='meta'><i class='fa fa-calendar' aria-hidden='true'></i> Admission going on for
  1644. <!--Training from:
  1645. 1st Week of -->Oct-2024 <!-- -->
  1646. <img src='' alt='New schedule'>
  1647. </div>
  1648. <div style="padding:5px;">
  1650. <!-- to --> </div>
  1651. <!--<div class='meta label label-success' style='font-size:12px;padding:5px'><strong>No of Batch per Month: 4 Batch</strong></div><div style="padding:5px;"></div>
  1652. <div class='meta label label-success' style='font-size:12px;padding:5px'><strong>Total Seat: 10 Nos per Batch</strong></div><div style="padding:5px;"></div>
  1653. -->
  1654. <div class='meta'>
  1655. <a href="" target="_blank" class="btn btn-primary">Submit Registration (Online Course)</a></div>
  1656. </div> </div>
  1657. <br>
  1658. <hr>
  1659. <div class='rel_right'>
  1660. <h4>Course Page <i class="fa fa-arrow-right" aria-hidden="true"></i> <br><a href="">EV Battery pack assembly line </a> (online)</h4>
  1661. <div><img src=""></div>
  1662. <div class='meta'>
  1663. <div class='meta'><i class='fa fa-calendar' aria-hidden='true'></i> Admission going on for
  1664. <!--Training from:
  1665. 1st Week of--> Oct-2024<!-- -->
  1666. <!-- to -->
  1667. <img src='' alt='New schedule'>
  1669. </div>
  1670. <!--<div class='meta label label-success' style='font-size:12px;padding:5px'><strong>No of Batch per Month: 4 Batch</strong></div><div style="padding:5px;"></div>
  1671. <div class='meta label label-success' style='font-size:12px;padding:5px'><strong>Total Seat: 10 Nos per Batch</strong></div><div style="padding:5px;"></div>
  1672. -->
  1673. <div class='meta'>
  1674. <a href="" target="_blank" class="btn btn-primary">Submit Registration (Online)</a>
  1675. <br><h4>Practical at Lab </h4></div>
  1676. </div> </div>
  1677. <br><hr>
  1678. <div class='rel_right'>
  1679. <h4>Course Page <i class="fa fa-arrow-right" aria-hidden="true"></i>
  1680. <a href="">EV Lithium-ion Battery Repair and Maintenance </a> (online)</h4>
  1681. <div><img src=""></div>
  1682. <div class='meta'>
  1683. <div class='meta'><i class='fa fa-calendar' aria-hidden='true'></i> Admission going on for
  1684. <!--Training from:
  1685. 1st Week of --> Oct-2024<!-- -->
  1686. <!-- to -->
  1687. <img src='' alt='New schedule'>
  1688. </div>
  1689. <!--<div class='meta label label-success' style='font-size:12px;padding:5px'><strong>No of Batch per Month: 4 Batch</strong></div><div style="padding:5px;"></div>
  1690. <div class='meta label label-success' style='font-size:12px;padding:5px'><strong>Total Seat: 10 Nos per Batch</strong></div><div style="padding:5px;"></div>
  1691. -->
  1692. <div class='meta'>
  1693. <a href="" target="_blank" class="btn btn-primary">Submit Registration (Online)</a>
  1694. <br><h4>Practical at Lab </h4></div>
  1695. </div> </div>
  1696. <hr>
  1697. <div class='rel_right'>
  1698. <h4>Course Page <i class="fa fa-arrow-right" aria-hidden="true"></i><br>
  1699. <a href=''>Solar Power EV Charging Station</a> (online)</h4>
  1700. <div><img src=""></div>
  1701. <div class='meta'>
  1702. <div class='meta'><i class='fa fa-calendar' aria-hidden='true'></i>  Admission going on for
  1703. <!--1st Week of -->Oct-2024<!-- -->
  1704. <!-- to --> <img src='' alt='New schedule'>
  1705. </div><div style="padding:5px;"></div>
  1706. <!--<div class='meta label label-success' style='font-size:12px;padding:5px'><strong>No of Batch per Month: 4 Batch</strong></div><div style="padding:5px;"></div>
  1707. <div class='meta label label-success' style='font-size:12px;padding:5px'><strong>Total Seat: 10 Nos per Batch</strong></div><div style="padding:5px;"></div>
  1708. -->
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  1715. <h4><a href=''>Electric Bike and E-rickshaw Repairing </a> (Offline)
  1716. <img src='' alt='New schedule'>
  1717. </h4>
  1718. <div class='meta'>
  1719. <div class='meta'><i class='fa fa-calendar' aria-hidden='true'></i> Training from: 22nd July 2022 </div>
  1720. <div class='meta label label-success' style='font-size:12px;padding:5px'><strong>Total Seat: 10 Nos</strong></div>
  1721. <div class='meta label label-success' style='font-size:12px;padding:5px'><strong>Admission Going On</strong></div>
  1722. <div class='meta'><i class='fa fa-pencil-square-o' aria-hidden='true'></i>Online Registration<br>
  1723. <a href="" target="_blank" class="btn btn-primary">Submit Registration</a></div>
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  1725. <br>-->
  1726. <!--
  1728. <div class='rel_right'>
  1729. <h4><a href=''>PGP on Electric Vehicle Powertrain </a>
  1730. </h4>
  1731. <div class='meta'>
  1732. <div class='meta'><i class='fa fa-calendar' aria-hidden='true'></i> Training from: 2024-10-02 </div>
  1733. <div class='meta'><i class='fa fa-calendar' aria-hidden='true'></i> Last Date of Admission: 2024-09-15 <img src='' alt='New schedule'></div>
  1734. <div class='meta label label-success' style='font-size:12px;padding:5px'><strong>Total Seat: 30 Nos</strong></div>
  1735. <div class='meta label label-success' style='font-size:12px;padding:5px'><strong>Admission Going On</strong></div>
  1736. <div class='meta'><i class='fa fa-pencil-square-o' aria-hidden='true'></i>Online Registration<br>
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  1738. </div> </div>
  1739. <br>
  1740. <hr>-->
  1741. <!--
  1742. <div class='rel_right'>
  1743. <h4><a href=''>Certificate in EV Technology </a>
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  1745. <div class='meta'>
  1746. <div class='meta'><i class='fa fa-calendar' aria-hidden='true'></i> Training from: 2024-10-02 </div>
  1747. <div class='meta'><i class='fa fa-calendar' aria-hidden='true'></i> Last Date of Admission: 2024-09-15 <img src='' alt='New schedule'></div>
  1748. <div class='meta label label-success' style='font-size:12px;padding:5px'><strong>Total Seat: 10 Nos</strong></div>
  1749. <div class='meta label label-success' style='font-size:12px;padding:5px'><strong>Admission Going On</strong></div>
  1750. <div class='meta'><i class='fa fa-pencil-square-o' aria-hidden='true'></i>Online Registration<br>
  1751. <a href="" target="_blank" class="btn btn-primary">Submit Registration</a></div>
  1752. </div> </div>
  1755. <div class='rel_right'>
  1756. <h4><a href=''>PGP on Electric Vehicle Powertrain </a>
  1757. </h4>
  1758. <div class='meta'>
  1759. <div class='meta'><i class='fa fa-calendar' aria-hidden='true'></i> Training from: 2024-10-02 </div>
  1760. <div class='meta'><i class='fa fa-calendar' aria-hidden='true'></i> Last Date of Admission: 2024-09-15 <img src='' alt='New schedule'></div>
  1761. <div class='meta label label-success' style='font-size:12px;padding:5px'><strong>Total Seat: 30 Nos</strong></div>
  1762. <div class='meta label label-success' style='font-size:12px;padding:5px'><strong>Admission Going On</strong></div>
  1763. <div class='meta'><i class='fa fa-pencil-square-o' aria-hidden='true'></i>Online Registration<br>
  1764. <a href="" target="_blank" class="btn btn-primary">Submit Registration</a></div>
  1765. </div> </div>
  1768. <div class='rel_right'>
  1769. <h4><a href=''>Electric Bike Design, Servicing & Maintenance</a></h4>
  1770. <div class='meta'>
  1771. <div class='meta'><i class='fa fa-calendar' aria-hidden='true'></i> Training from: Oct-2024</div>
  1772. <div class='meta'><i class='fa fa-calendar' aria-hidden='true'></i> Last Date of Admission: 2024-09-15 <img src='' alt='New schedule'></div>
  1773. <div class='meta label label-success' style='font-size:12px;padding:5px'><strong>Total Seat: 10 Nos</strong></div>
  1774. <div class='meta label label-success' style='font-size:12px;padding:5px'><strong>Admission Going On</strong></div>
  1775. <div class='meta'><i class='fa fa-pencil-square-o' aria-hidden='true'></i>Online Registration<br>
  1776. <a href="" target="_blank" class="btn btn-primary">Submit Registration</a></div>
  1777. </div> </div> -->
  1778. <!--
  1779. <div class='rel_right'>
  1780. <h4><a href=''>Certificate in Electric Bike and E-rickshaw Repairing</a></h4>
  1781. <div class='meta'>
  1782. <div class='meta'><i class='fa fa-calendar' aria-hidden='true'></i> Training from: Oct-2024</div>
  1783. <div class='meta'><i class='fa fa-calendar' aria-hidden='true'></i> Last Date of Admission: 2024-09-15 <img src='' alt='New schedule'></div>
  1784. <div class='meta label label-success' style='font-size:12px;padding:5px'><strong>Total Seat: 10 Nos</strong></div>
  1785. <div class='meta label label-success' style='font-size:12px;padding:5px'><strong>Admission Going On</strong></div>
  1786. <div class='meta'><i class='fa fa-pencil-square-o' aria-hidden='true'></i>Online Registration<br>
  1787. <a href="" target="_blank" class="btn btn-primary">Submit Registration</a></div>
  1788. </div> </div> -->
  1791. </ul>
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  1812. <p style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 1.5rem; font-family: Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: 400; line-height: 1.5; letter-spacing: 0.00938em; max-width: 90%; text-align: center;">Practical & Doubt Classes</p>
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