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  59. <h1><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to What Are The Dangers of Using Facebook to Grow Your Business?">What Are The Dangers of Using Facebook to Grow Your Business?</a></h1>
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  66. <p>Several years ago, if you wanted to grow your business, Facebook was the most popular method. And many people still feel today that using this Social Media Platform is practical.</p>
  67. <p>This thought process is nativity glorified. When Facebook launched in 2004, my friend called and invited me to join her. After about a year I finally did it. It did not occur to me that I could grow a business using it.</p>
  68. <p>Several years later after I closed my brick and mortar business, I helped other small business owners develop and grow their business on social media. And like most consultants, I recommended and used Facebook. My small business owners were successful, so I was successful.</p>
  69. <p>Later when I retired from small business consulting, I decided to open my doors to on-line marketing. And it was enjoyable as well as educational. Like so many other people, I learned from failure. Marketing anything on-line is challenging because of the scams.</p>
  70. <p>When I finally earned my master&#8217;s degree from the University of Hard Knocks using Internet for my business adventures, I found that I too could use Facebook to grow and expand my bank account.</p>
  71. <p>Using Facebook Groups, and building relationships was easy. I opened four groups of my own. All was going very well. Although I was not completely happy with Facebook it was producing results. And I did buy Facebook advertising occasionally.</p>
  72. <p>Several of my business associates cautioned about changes on the horizon. But I was successful and did not listen. That was my mistake.</p>
  73. <p>The point here is this; do not trust this platform. They have a unique way of selling our personal information, and an even more unique way of tracking our posts. (Yes, even our business content).</p>
  74. <p>The insidious fact checking is primary. Mostly because the fact checking is not fact checking, it is a way to silence and control our content.</p>
  75. <p>Be careful if you are building your business on this platform. At any moment they can disable your account. And much of the time you are not told exactly the reason.</p>
  76. <p>I lost all my personal groups, plus my thousands of followers and my account. If I had only listened to my associates before this happened, I would never used this platform.</p>
  77. <p>My business was moral, legal, ethical and above-board. I lost my Facebook account because my content didn&#8217;t fit their narrative.</p>
  78. <p>I have opened a new account. But never again will I trust a platform that controls my content; business or personal.</p>
  79. <p>Anyone who suggests that you build your business with Facebook is naive. The marketplace and business environment is not what it was five or tens years ago. Today, it&#8217;s about control. Your business is your livelihood; it&#8217;s your hard work. Think about it before you move forward. Perhaps you may want to make changes.</p>
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  90. <h1><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to Preparing to Scale Your Online Business">Preparing to Scale Your Online Business</a></h1>
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  97. <p> If you want to get rich online, you&#8217;re going to need to scale your business at some stage. Scaling a business is the process of stepping up operations to take on more customers, more business, more assets and more staff. It is generally a slow, organically fueled process, with online businesses reinvesting profit earned in buying more websites or developing new, more expensive products, although this isn&#8217;t always the case, and with some businesses scale is required to even get things off the ground, such as social networking sites and business services like affiliate platforms.Before you can think about scaling your business, though, there are certain fundamental aspects of groundwork that must be fulfilled, to ensure you can handle expansion and can meet your obligations as they become more intense. The first thing to prepare when considering expansion is the operations side of your business. Fairly obviously, before increasing the number of customers you see or the amount of traffic to your online publishing network, you need to make sure you&#8217;re confident in your ability to execute on your promises, and you have enough man hours available to fulfill demand. For some this may mean taking on staff, while for others hiring extra freelance help may suffice. Either way, it&#8217;s crucial to make sure you&#8217;re in a position to handle demand, to avoid disappointing customers and damaging your reputation.Next, and equally as important, you need to scale your back-end support services. That includes marketing, payroll, accounting, legal, admin &#8211; all the things that take up much of your time as an online business owner that you don&#8217;t directly get paid for. Your back-end needs to be running as smoothly as can be before you consider expanding, and you might like to think about outsourcing certain aspects of these processes to other businesses to provide greater specialisation and to take the burden off your hands. Getting rid of this work load during a period of expansion is a great tip, and it&#8217;s money well spent if it allows you to concentrate on the growth of the business and the development of further expansion plans.Scaling any business, online or otherwise, requires some degree of preparation to ensure the groundwork is solid, and to avoid running into more serious problems when sales begin to increase. Building a business on weak foundations is a recipe for disaster, and it&#8217;s far easier to resolve business problems when you&#8217;re small than later down the line. By ensuring that both the delivery side and the administrative side are well organised and ready for expansion, you can give your business a better chance of survival and success through the difficult growth period. <br/><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a><a style="display:none;" target="_blank" href=""></a></p>
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  108. <h1><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to The Best Books on Cryptocurrency">The Best Books on Cryptocurrency</a></h1>
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  115. <p>The Sovereign Individual ~ by James Dale Davidson and William Rees Morg</p>
  116. <p>The Sovereign Individual is one of those books that forever changes how you see the world. It was published in 1997 but the degree to which it anticipates the impact of blockchain technology will give you chills. We&#8217;re entering the fourth stage of human society, shifting from the industrial to an information age. You need to read this book to understand the scope and scale of how things are going to change.</p>
  117. <p>As it becomes easier to live comfortably and earn an income anywhere, we already know that those who truly thrive in the new information age will be workers who are not tethered to a single job or career and are location independent. The pull to choose where to live based on price savings is already more appealing, but this goes beyond digital nomadism and freelance gigs; the foundations of democracy, government and money are shifting.</p>
  118. <p>The authors predicted Black Tuesday and the collapse of the Soviet Union, and here they foresee that the rising power of individuals will coincide with decentralized technology nibbling away at the power of governments. The death toll for the nation states, they predicted with extraordinary prescience, will be private, digital cash. When that happens, the dynamic of governments as stationary bandits robbing hard-working citizens with taxation will change. If you&#8217;ve become someone who can solve problems for people anywhere in the world, then you&#8217;re about to enter the new cognitive elite. Don&#8217;t miss this one.</p>
  119. <p>Choice Quotation: &#8220;When technology is mobile, and transactions occur in cyberspace, as they increasingly will do, governments will no longer be able to charge more for their services than they are worth to the people who pay for them.&#8221;</p>
  120. <p>Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind ~ by Yuval Noah Harari</p>
  121. <p>Whenever I want to impress on someone how good this book is, I ask: &#8220;Do you want to know the fundamental difference between humans and monkeys? A monkey can jump up and down on a rock and wave a stick around and screech to his friends that he&#8217;s seen a threat coming their way. &#8216;Danger! Danger! Lion!&#8217; A monkey can also lie. It can jump up and down on the rock and wave a stick around and screech about a lion when there is, in fact, no lion. He&#8217;s just fooling around. But what a monkey cannot do is jump up and down and wave a stick around and screech, &#8216;Danger! Danger! Dragon!&#8217;&#8221;</p>
  122. <p>Why is this? Because dragons aren&#8217;t real. As Harari explains, it is human imagination, our ability to believe in and talk about things we have never seen or touched that has elevated the species to cooperate in large numbers with strangers. There are no gods in the universe, no nations, no money, no human rights, no laws, no religions and no justice outside the common imagination of human beings. It is us that makes them so.</p>
  123. <p>All of which is a rather magnificent preamble to where we are today. After the Cognitive Revolution and the Agricultural Revolution, Harari guides you into The Scientific Revolution, which got underway only 500 years ago and which may start something completely different for humankind. Money, however, will remain. Read this book to understand that money is the greatest story ever told and that trust is the raw material from which all types of money are minted.</p>
  124. <p>Choice Quotation: &#8220;Sapiens, in contrast, live in triple-layered reality. In addition to trees, rivers, fears and desires, the Sapiens world also contains stories about money, gods, nations and corporations.&#8221;</p>
  125. <p>The Internet of Money ~ by Andreas M. Antonopoulos</p>
  126. <p>If the two books mentioned above help us to understand the historical context in which Bitcoin first appeared, then this book expands on the &#8216;why&#8217; with infectious enthusiasm. Andreas Antonopolous is perhaps the most respected voice in the crypto space. He&#8217;s been traveling the world as a Bitcoin evangelist since 2010 and this book is a summary of talks he gave on the circuit between 2013 and 2016, all tightened up for publication.</p>
  127. <p>His first book, Mastering Bitcoin, is a technical deep-dive into the technology, aimed more specifically at developers, engineers, and software and systems architects. But this book uses some choice metaphors to explain why you can&#8217;t ban Bitcoin or turn it off, how the scaling debate doesn&#8217;t really matter and why Bitcoin needs the help of designers to lock in mass adoption.</p>
  128. <p>&#8220;When you first ride your brand new automobile in a city,&#8221; he writes, &#8220;you are riding on roads used by horses with infrastructures designed and used for horses. There are no light signals. There are no road rules. There are no paved roads. And what happened? The cars got stuck because they didn&#8217;t have balance and four feet.&#8221; But fast forward one hundred years and the cars that were once ridiculed are absolutely the norm. If you want to swim around in the philosophical, social and historical implications of Bitcoin, this is your starting point.</p>
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