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  3.    <title> Diary for 'jj604'</title>
  4.    <link>;grower=22117&amp;action=L</link>
  5.    <description>Last 20 Diary Entries for 'jj604'.</description>
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  16.    <item>
  17.      <title>09/08/2024 - with photo</title>
  18.      <description>150 sqft plant it’s been 21 days since I last measured it’s done 3.6 lbs per day for a total of 931 lbs.This plant is just about done and will be the next one off to a weigh off.</description>
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  21.      <pubDate>Sun, 08 Sep 2024 22:23:43 GMT</pubDate>
  22.    </item>
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  24.      <title>09/08/2024 - with photo</title>
  25.      <description>2501 it’s been 14 days and she’s done 4.7 per day for a weight of 1515. Looking like it is heavy with the shape and color on the front shoulders.</description>
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  27.      <guid></guid>
  28.      <pubDate>Sun, 08 Sep 2024 21:32:26 GMT</pubDate>
  29.    </item>
  30.    <item>
  31.      <title>09/08/2024 - with photo</title>
  32.      <description>1109 Sq front View still going in the right direction let’s hope it keeps going . We had some pretty cold  mornings this week, but the next 10 day forecast looks pretty good better than last week. </description>
  33.      <link></link>
  34.      <guid></guid>
  35.      <pubDate>Sun, 08 Sep 2024 21:23:30 GMT</pubDate>
  36.    </item>
  37.    <item>
  38.      <title>09/01/2024 - with photo</title>
  39.      <description>As the gourd gets to be about eight feet long  i  put a pice of wood along side of it to prevent it from swaying in the breeze, I tied it loosely with a cloth and keep an eye on it. You have to move t...</description>
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  42.      <pubDate>Sun, 01 Sep 2024 21:36:09 GMT</pubDate>
  43.    </item>
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  45.      <title>09/01/2024 - with photo</title>
  46.      <description>This is a 1 1/2” pvc pipe supported by an angle iron to support the stem of the long gourd. This gives the stem a big radius to prevent it from kinking too badly. I also have the junction of the stem ...</description>
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  49.      <pubDate>Sun, 01 Sep 2024 21:10:18 GMT</pubDate>
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  51.    <item>
  52.      <title>09/01/2024</title>
  53.      <description>150 sqft plant growing at 6 lbs per day at 855 lbs. 2501 doing the same at 1449 this time of the season I usually only tape every other week.</description>
  54.      <link></link>
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  56.      <pubDate>Sun, 01 Sep 2024 21:02:54 GMT</pubDate>
  57.    </item>
  58.    <item>
  59.      <title>09/01/2024 - with photo</title>
  60.      <description>1109 Squssh still chugging along not breaking any records but slow and steady. She did 11 last week and seven this week for a total of 1641 lbs. here in New England we’re lucky to grab another 150 to ...</description>
  61.      <link></link>
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  63.      <pubDate>Sun, 01 Sep 2024 20:35:24 GMT</pubDate>
  64.    </item>
  65.    <item>
  66.      <title>09/01/2024 - with photo</title>
  67.      <description>The good and the bad the good thing is I though my 495 squash was in trouble it had drop down to only 2lbs per day. Decided it was time to get it out of the patch and take it to the way off.  It weigh...</description>
  68.      <link></link>
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  70.      <pubDate>Sun, 01 Sep 2024 20:23:43 GMT</pubDate>
  71.    </item>
  72.    <item>
  73.      <title>08/18/2024 - with photo</title>
  74.      <description>Biggest Long gourd is around six ft</description>
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  77.      <pubDate>Sun, 18 Aug 2024 21:29:09 GMT</pubDate>
  78.    </item>
  79.    <item>
  80.      <title>08/18/2024 - with photo</title>
  81.      <description>1109 sq still holding strong 1515 doing 18 per day . The 2501 has drop down to 6 lbs per day at 1384 lbs.</description>
  82.      <link></link>
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  84.      <pubDate>Sun, 18 Aug 2024 21:24:32 GMT</pubDate>
  85.    </item>
  86.    <item>
  87.      <title>08/18/2024</title>
  88.      <description>495 squash 1170 dropped to 10 lbs per day</description>
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  91.      <pubDate>Sun, 18 Aug 2024 21:19:31 GMT</pubDate>
  92.    </item>
  93.    <item>
  94.      <title>08/18/2024 - with photo</title>
  95.      <description>150 sqft pumpkin at 811 doing 10 per day</description>
  96.      <link></link>
  97.      <guid></guid>
  98.      <pubDate>Sun, 18 Aug 2024 21:15:24 GMT</pubDate>
  99.    </item>
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  101.      <title>08/18/2024 - with photo</title>
  102.      <description>It’s that time of the season when you have to start your vomit protection. I got two mice around the same pumpkin. I also put some mouse bait out and they have been chewing on it. They have started ea...</description>
  103.      <link></link>
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  105.      <pubDate>Sun, 18 Aug 2024 21:13:02 GMT</pubDate>
  106.    </item>
  107.    <item>
  108.      <title>08/11/2024 - with photo</title>
  109.      <description>somehow, I always seem to miss a picture so here’s the 1109</description>
  110.      <link></link>
  111.      <guid></guid>
  112.      <pubDate>Sun, 11 Aug 2024 20:56:17 GMT</pubDate>
  113.    </item>
  114.    <item>
  115.      <title>08/11/2024</title>
  116.      <description>The 2501 is 1338  lbs holding at 16 per day. My 150 sq ft is Dap 49 741 lbs doing 17 lb per day. Lost my pumpking that was sapping and had a foaming stump not the least bit surprise. My small sq on a ...</description>
  117.      <link></link>
  118.      <guid></guid>
  119.      <pubDate>Sun, 11 Aug 2024 20:52:49 GMT</pubDate>
  120.    </item>
  121.    <item>
  122.      <title>08/11/2024 - with photo</title>
  123.      <description>495 Sq Dap 51 1101 lbs 26 per day</description>
  124.      <link></link>
  125.      <guid></guid>
  126.      <pubDate>Sun, 11 Aug 2024 20:41:15 GMT</pubDate>
  127.    </item>
  128.    <item>
  129.      <title>08/11/2024</title>
  130.      <description>1109 sq has slow down as they do now we have to have steady  growth for the long haul. Dap 56 1384 20lbs per day.</description>
  131.      <link></link>
  132.      <guid></guid>
  133.      <pubDate>Sun, 11 Aug 2024 20:38:24 GMT</pubDate>
  134.    </item>
  135.    <item>
  136.      <title>08/04/2024 - with photo</title>
  137.      <description>150 sqft plant pic</description>
  138.      <link></link>
  139.      <guid></guid>
  140.      <pubDate>Sun, 04 Aug 2024 20:05:09 GMT</pubDate>
  141.    </item>
  142.    <item>
  143.      <title>08/04/2024 - with photo</title>
  144.      <description>Long Gourd plants are a tangled up mess I will never cut the mains on the plants again. Next year I Think I’ll start a couple of weeks later. Goes to show you when you try something  new you should on...</description>
  145.      <link></link>
  146.      <guid></guid>
  147.      <pubDate>Sun, 04 Aug 2024 19:57:46 GMT</pubDate>
  148.    </item>
  149.    <item>
  150.      <title>08/04/2024 - with photo</title>
  151.      <description>1139 plant has A foaming stump and is Sapping very bad on the shoulders not quite sure if this Fruit is going to make it to the way offs. Dap 40 707 lbs 13 per day.</description>
  152.      <link></link>
  153.      <guid></guid>
  154.      <pubDate>Sun, 04 Aug 2024 19:41:13 GMT</pubDate>
  155.    </item>
  156.  </channel>
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Copyright © 2002-9 Sam Ruby, Mark Pilgrim, Joseph Walton, and Phil Ringnalda