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  3.    <title> Diary for 'Mumbles'</title>
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  5.    <description>Last 20 Diary Entries for 'Mumbles'.</description>
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  16.    <item>
  17.      <title>10/14/2015 - with photo</title>
  18.      <description>Had a great day meeting the other growers; BIG THANKS to everyone who made it all possible :-D</description>
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  21.      <pubDate>Wed, 14 Oct 2015 12:18:27 GMT</pubDate>
  22.    </item>
  23.    <item>
  24.      <title>10/14/2015 - with photo</title>
  25.      <description>Here's Ian &amp; Stewie's just about to hit the scales - congratulations on such an impressive pumpkin, I couldn't help but feel a little sorry for them being SOOO CLOSE to a PB &amp; another UK record!</description>
  26.      <link></link>
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  28.      <pubDate>Wed, 14 Oct 2015 12:17:15 GMT</pubDate>
  29.    </item>
  30.    <item>
  31.      <title>10/14/2015 - with photo</title>
  32.      <description>421 lbs - really wasn't expecting to take 4th place, obviously I'm thrilled to bits with that result!!</description>
  33.      <link></link>
  34.      <guid></guid>
  35.      <pubDate>Wed, 14 Oct 2015 12:14:56 GMT</pubDate>
  36.    </item>
  37.    <item>
  38.      <title>10/14/2015 - with photo</title>
  39.      <description>Good fun taking a pumpkin to a weigh-off for the first time - here she is just about to meet the scales.</description>
  40.      <link></link>
  41.      <guid></guid>
  42.      <pubDate>Wed, 14 Oct 2015 12:13:11 GMT</pubDate>
  43.    </item>
  44.    <item>
  45.      <title>10/14/2015 - with photo</title>
  46.      <description>.. and into the back of the van. I love it when a plan comes together! :-)</description>
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  49.      <pubDate>Wed, 14 Oct 2015 12:12:04 GMT</pubDate>
  50.    </item>
  51.    <item>
  52.      <title>10/14/2015 - with photo</title>
  53.      <description>All we had to do was cut a hole in next door's fence, carry it across her garden (thanks Jean!), &amp; get me mate to hi-ab it over her fence.</description>
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  56.      <pubDate>Wed, 14 Oct 2015 12:11:07 GMT</pubDate>
  57.    </item>
  58.    <item>
  59.      <title>10/14/2015 - with photo</title>
  60.      <description>Waiting for my mates to turn up so it can be stretchered out of the polytunnel.</description>
  61.      <link></link>
  62.      <guid></guid>
  63.      <pubDate>Wed, 14 Oct 2015 12:08:56 GMT</pubDate>
  64.    </item>
  65.    <item>
  66.      <title>10/14/2015 - with photo</title>
  67.      <description>Glad to see the bottom was sound!</description>
  68.      <link></link>
  69.      <guid></guid>
  70.      <pubDate>Wed, 14 Oct 2015 12:07:38 GMT</pubDate>
  71.    </item>
  72.    <item>
  73.      <title>10/14/2015 - with photo</title>
  74.      <description>Bought some lifting straps, got a mate to weld up a lifting ring &amp; borrowed a winch, some scaffolding &amp; some pallets...</description>
  75.      <link></link>
  76.      <guid></guid>
  77.      <pubDate>Wed, 14 Oct 2015 12:06:49 GMT</pubDate>
  78.    </item>
  79.    <item>
  80.      <title>09/24/2015 - with photo</title>
  81.      <description>The plant has had it! Half the leaves have turned brown &amp; are now lying on the dirt, &amp; what leaves are left aren't far behind. Pumpkin looks sound, I just hope it stays like that for another 16 days. ...</description>
  82.      <link></link>
  83.      <guid></guid>
  84.      <pubDate>Thu, 24 Sep 2015 10:34:55 GMT</pubDate>
  85.    </item>
  86.    <item>
  87.      <title>09/02/2015 - with photo</title>
  88.      <description>It's 246 inches OTT so estimated weight 335 lbs at 52 DAP.</description>
  89.      <link></link>
  90.      <guid></guid>
  91.      <pubDate>Wed, 02 Sep 2015 12:09:38 GMT</pubDate>
  92.    </item>
  93.    <item>
  94.      <title>09/02/2015 - with photo</title>
  95.      <description>Pumpkin looks okay, wish I could say the same for the rest of the plant! Leaves are turning yellow, loads of blackfly &amp; a lot of hungry caterpillars.</description>
  96.      <link></link>
  97.      <guid></guid>
  98.      <pubDate>Wed, 02 Sep 2015 12:08:12 GMT</pubDate>
  99.    </item>
  100.    <item>
  101.      <title>08/18/2015 - with photo</title>
  102.      <description>202 inches OTT so estimated 191 lbs at 37 DAP  :-)</description>
  103.      <link></link>
  104.      <guid></guid>
  105.      <pubDate>Tue, 18 Aug 2015 10:51:23 GMT</pubDate>
  106.    </item>
  107.    <item>
  108.      <title>08/18/2015 - with photo</title>
  109.      <description>Still got quite a nice shape!</description>
  110.      <link></link>
  111.      <guid></guid>
  112.      <pubDate>Tue, 18 Aug 2015 10:49:25 GMT</pubDate>
  113.    </item>
  114.    <item>
  115.      <title>08/18/2015 - with photo</title>
  116.      <description>Still trying to move the vine a little bit every couple of days...</description>
  117.      <link></link>
  118.      <guid></guid>
  119.      <pubDate>Tue, 18 Aug 2015 10:47:45 GMT</pubDate>
  120.    </item>
  121.    <item>
  122.      <title>08/06/2015 - with photo</title>
  123.      <description>It's 25 DAP for this 1179 Paton &amp; it's now the only one 'cos I culled the one on the secondary vine last saturday. It was an easy decision to make because it had 2 splits in the stem that went right u...</description>
  124.      <link></link>
  125.      <guid></guid>
  126.      <pubDate>Thu, 06 Aug 2015 11:03:51 GMT</pubDate>
  127.    </item>
  128.    <item>
  129.      <title>08/06/2015 - with photo</title>
  130.      <description>I was thinking I made a better job on the 's' bend or curve than last year, but I learned last year that when it's small you can move it a little bit every day, to get it in a better position. And it ...</description>
  131.      <link></link>
  132.      <guid></guid>
  133.      <pubDate>Thu, 06 Aug 2015 11:00:15 GMT</pubDate>
  134.    </item>
  135.    <item>
  136.      <title>08/06/2015 - with photo</title>
  137.      <description>This split started off in the vine &amp; started to move up the stem - but with a bit of sulphur it does seemed to have healed up a bit, hasn't got any worse in the last few days!</description>
  138.      <link></link>
  139.      <guid></guid>
  140.      <pubDate>Thu, 06 Aug 2015 10:52:44 GMT</pubDate>
  141.    </item>
  142.    <item>
  143.      <title>07/24/2015 - with photo</title>
  144.      <description>Some of the leaves at the back are looking old now &amp; a bit unhealthy; mind you the farmer sprayed the field behind with round-up, as if I didn't have enough to worry about, but I think I've got away w...</description>
  145.      <link></link>
  146.      <guid></guid>
  147.      <pubDate>Fri, 24 Jul 2015 11:30:44 GMT</pubDate>
  148.    </item>
  149.    <item>
  150.      <title>07/24/2015 - with photo</title>
  151.      <description>This is the 1179 Paton that has been self-pollinated on the main vine; not very impressive for 12 DAP. But I feel this is my last chance of getting a pumpkin, got a little split in the vine next to th...</description>
  152.      <link></link>
  153.      <guid></guid>
  154.      <pubDate>Fri, 24 Jul 2015 11:27:16 GMT</pubDate>
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Copyright © 2002-9 Sam Ruby, Mark Pilgrim, Joseph Walton, and Phil Ringnalda