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  396. On average, certified employees earn 15 percent more than those without certification.
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  409. Upon earning a certification, 61 percent of tech professionals say they earned a promotion.
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  422. Microsoft-certified developers are 90 percent more productive and nearly 60 percent more efficient.
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  448. <p class="font-size-xl font-weight-semibold margin-bottom-xxs">Ricardo Lessa</p>
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  452. <p class="color-text-subtle margin-block-xs">"I was able to believe again in the possibility of starting over, updating myself, and returning to the IT market."</p>
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  467. <p class="font-size-xl font-weight-semibold margin-bottom-xxs">Jacqueline Ye</p>
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  471. <p class="color-text-subtle margin-block-xs">"I want others to know that with some hard work, dedication, and having an always be learning mindset, you can have a fullfilling career."</p>
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  486. <p class="font-size-xl font-weight-semibold margin-bottom-xxs">Charles-Henri Sauget</p>
  487. <p>Data platform and technical leader</p>
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  490. <p class="color-text-subtle margin-block-xs">"Certifications have really helped me earn my customer&#39;s trust as a consultant."</p>
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