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  23. <title>AI for Earth: How NASA’s Artificial Intelligence and Open Science Efforts Combat Climate Change</title>
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  26. <pubDate>Thu, 18 Apr 2024 21:06:28 +0000</pubDate>
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  30. <description><![CDATA[As extreme weather events increase around the world due to climate change, the need for further research into our warming planet has increased as well. For NASA, climate research involves not only conducting studies of these events, but also empowering outside researchers to do the same. The artificial intelligence (AI) efforts spearheaded by the agency […]]]></description>
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  34. <p class="label carbon-60 margin-0 margin-bottom-3 padding-0">4 min read</p>
  35. <h1 class="display-48 margin-bottom-2">AI for Earth: How NASA’s Artificial Intelligence and Open Science Efforts Combat Climate Change</h1>
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  42. <figure class="hds-media-inner hds-cover-wrapper hds-media-ratio-none "><img fetchpriority="high" decoding="async" width="1041" height="693" src="" class="attachment-2048x2048 size-2048x2048" alt="Lights brighten the night sky in this image of Europe" style="transform: scale(1); transform-origin: 50% 50%; object-position: 50% 50%; object-fit: cover;" block_context="nasa-block" srcset=" 1041w,,200 300w,,511 768w,,682 1024w,,266 400w,,399 600w,,599 900w" sizes="(max-width: 1041px) 100vw, 1041px" loading="eager" /></figure><figcaption class="hds-caption padding-y-2">
  43. <div class="hds-caption-text p-sm margin-0">Lights brighten the night sky in this image of Europe, including Poland, taken from the International Space Station.</div>
  44. <div class="hds-credits">NASA</div>
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  48. <p>As extreme weather events increase around the world due to climate change, the need for further research into our warming planet has increased as well. For NASA, climate research involves not only conducting studies of these events, but also empowering outside researchers to do the same. The artificial intelligence (AI) efforts spearheaded by the agency offer a powerful tool to accomplish these goals.</p>
  49. <p>In 2023, NASA teamed up with IBM Research to create an AI geospatial foundation model. Trained on vast amounts of NASA’s widely used <a href="" rel="noopener">Harmonized Landsat and Sentinel-2 (HLS)</a> data, the model provides a base for a variety of AI-powered studies to tackle environmental challenges. In keeping with open science principles, <a href="" rel="noopener">the model is freely available for anyone to access</a>.</p>
  50. <p>Foundation models serve as a baseline from which scientists can develop a diverse set of applications, enabling powerful and efficient solutions. “Foundation models only know what things are represented in the data,” explained Manil Maskey, the data science lead at NASA’s Office of the Chief Science Data Officer (OCSDO). “It’s like a Swiss Army Knife—it can be used for multiple different things.”</p>
  51. <p>Once a foundation model is created, it can be trained on a small amount of data to perform a specific task. To date, the Interagency Implementation and Advanced Concept Team (IMPACT) along with collaborators have demonstrated the geospatial foundation model’s capabilities by fine-tuning it to detect burn scars, to delineate flood water, and to classify crop and other land use categories.</p>
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  55. <figure class="hds-media-inner hds-cover-wrapper hds-media-ratio-none "><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="2048" height="1366" src="" class="attachment-2048x2048 size-2048x2048" alt="Green and white aquaculture ponds extend across the Tumbes River Delta shown in this image, acquired on March 14, 2024, by the OLI-2 (Operational Land Imager-2) on Landsat 9. The ponds on the west side of the delta are likely topped with white pond covers, providing some shade." style="transform: scale(1); transform-origin: 50% 50%; object-position: 50% 50%; object-fit: cover;" block_context="nasa-block" srcset=" 2539w,,200 300w,,512 768w,,683 1024w,,1024 1536w,,1366 2048w,,267 400w,,400 600w,,600 900w,,800 1200w,,1334 2000w" sizes="(max-width: 2048px) 100vw, 2048px" /></figure><figcaption class="hds-caption padding-y-2">
  56. <div class="hds-caption-text p-sm margin-0">Rectangular ponds for shrimp farming line the coast of northern Peru in this image captured on March 14, 2024 by the OLI-2 (Operational Land Imager-2) on Landsat 9.</div>
  57. <div class="hds-credits">NASA Earth Observatory / Lauren Dauphin</div>
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  61. <p>Because of the computational resources required to create the initial foundation model, a partnership was necessary for success. In this case, NASA brought the data and scientific knowledge, while IBM brought the computing power and AI algorithm optimization expertise. The team’s shared commitment to making their research accessible through open science principles ensures that their model can be useful to as many researchers as possible.</p>
  62. <p>“To build a foundation model at scale, we realized early on that it’s not feasible for one institution to build it,” Maskey said. “Everything we have done on our foundation models has been open to the public, all the way from pre-training data, code, best practices, model weights, fine-tuning training data, and publications. There’s transparency, so researchers can trace why certain things were used in terms of data or model architecture.”</p>
  63. <p>Following on from the success of their geospatial foundation model, NASA and IBM Research are continuing their partnership to create a new, similar model for weather and climate studies. They are collaborating with Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), NVIDIA, and several universities to bring this model to life.</p>
  64. <p>This time, the main dataset will be the <a href="" rel="noopener">Modern-Era Retrospective analysis for Research and Applications, Version 2 (MERRA-2)</a>, a huge collection of atmospheric reanalysis data that spans from 1980 to the present day. Like the geospatial foundation model, the weather and climate model is being developed with an open science approach, and will be available to the public in the near future.</p>
  65. <p>Covering all aspects of Earth science would take several foundation models trained on different types of datasets. However, Maskey believes those future models might someday be combined into one comprehensive model, leading to a “digital twin” of the Earth that would provide unparalleled analysis and predictions for all kinds of climate and environmental events.</p>
  66. <p>Whatever innovations the future holds, NASA and IBM’s geospatial and climate foundation models will enable leaps in Earth science like never before. Though powerful AI tools will enhance researchers’ work, the team’s dedication to open science supercharges the possibilities for discovery by allowing anyone to put those tools into practice and pave the way for groundbreaking research to help better care for the planet.</p>
  67. <p>For more information about open science at NASA, visit:<br /><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"></a></p>
  68. <p><strong><em>By <a href="">Lauren Leese</a></em><br /><em>Web Content Strategist for the Office of the Chief Science Data Officer</em></strong></p>
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  111. <div class="grid-col-8">Apr 18, 2024</div>
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  271. <title>Sols 4159-4160: A Fully Loaded First Sol</title>
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  274. <pubDate>Thu, 18 Apr 2024 19:31:44 +0000</pubDate>
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  281. <description><![CDATA[Earth planning date: Wednesday, April 17, 2024 Curiosity continues to make progress along the margin of upper Gediz Vallis ridge, investigating the broken bedrock in our workspace and acquiring images of the ridge deposit as the rover drives south. Today’s 2-sol plan focused on a DRT, contact science, and drive on the first sol, followed […]]]></description>
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  286. <h1 class="display-48 margin-bottom-2">Sols 4159-4160: A Fully Loaded First Sol</h1>
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  294. <div class="hds-caption-text p-sm margin-0">This image was taken by Chemistry &#038; Camera (ChemCam) onboard NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity on Sol 4158 (2024-04-17 07:52:27 UTC).</div>
  295. <div class="hds-credits">NASA/JPL-Caltech/LANL</div>
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  299. <p>Earth planning date: Wednesday, April 17, 2024</p>
  300. <p>Curiosity continues to make progress along the margin of upper Gediz Vallis ridge, investigating the broken bedrock in our workspace and acquiring images of the ridge deposit as the rover drives south.</p>
  301. <p>Today’s 2-sol plan focused on a DRT, contact science, and drive on the first sol, followed by untargeted remote sensing on the second sol.  The team had to make some decisions at the start of planning about whether to drive on the first or second sol of this plan, and how that would affect the upcoming weekend activities.  As it turned out, the team was able to fit all of the desired contact science and remote sensing activities on the first sol, in addition to the drive on the first sol, which means we’ll be able to downlink more information about our end-of-drive location to better inform planning for the weekend.  Weekend plans provide opportunities for a lot of great contact science, so it will be really helpful to have that additional data down for planning.</p>
  302. <p>That means the first sol of this plan is fully loaded!  The plan begins with a DRT activity to expose a fresh surface on the bedrock target “Tilden Lake,” followed by APXS integrations to investigate its composition. Then the Geology theme group planned several hours of remote sensing activities, including ChemCam LIBS on the bedrock target “Curry Village,” which has a similar “dragon scale” texture (or “tire tracks”) to what we had observed in the previous workspace. This big remote sensing block also includes ChemCam long distance RMI mosaics to assess the stratigraphy at Gediz Vallis ridge and the distant butte Kukenan.  These long distance RMI images reveal a lot of great detail about distant targets, like the diversity of clasts at Gediz Vallis ridge, as seen in the above image.  </p>
  303. <p>The plan also includes a number of Mastcam activities to characterize local textures, sedimentary structures, dark rocks, and sandy aeolian bedforms (known as Transverse Aeolian Ridges, aka TARs) in a nearby trough.  The Environmental theme group also planned activities to monitor the movement of fines on the rover deck, search for dust devils, and monitor atmospheric dust.  After this big remote sensing block, Curiosity will use MAHLI to image the contact science target, and then continue driving south.  The second sol includes untargeted activities like an autonomously selected ChemCam AEGIS target, additional Navcam deck monitoring, and Navcam line-of-sight observations. After the drive we’ll take post drive imaging to prepare for the next plan.</p>
  304. <p>Looking forward to seeing what other surprises our next workspace will reveal!</p>
  305. <p>Written by Lauren Edgar, Planetary Geologist at USGS Astrogeology Science Center</p>
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  512. <title>Water Touches Everything</title>
  513. <link></link>
  514. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Monika Luabeya]]></dc:creator>
  515. <pubDate>Thu, 18 Apr 2024 17:25:07 +0000</pubDate>
  516. <guid isPermaLink="false">;p=649861</guid>
  518. <description><![CDATA[Real satellite imagery from NASA&#8217;s Terra, Aqua, and Landsat missions takes the shape of whales and swirling clouds in the agency’s Earth Day 2024 poster, “Water Touches Everything.” The major ocean basins – Atlantic, Pacific, Arctic, Indian, and Southern – shape our planet’s climate and weather by absorbing, storing, and moving heat, water, and carbon [&#8230;]]]></description>
  519. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<div id="" class="hds-media hds-module wp-block-image"><div class="margin-left-auto margin-right-auto nasa-block-align-inline"><div class="hds-media-wrapper margin-left-auto margin-right-auto"><figure class="hds-media-inner hds-cover-wrapper hds-media-ratio-none "><img decoding="async" width="2048" height="1280" src="" class="attachment-2048x2048 size-2048x2048" alt="This 2024 Earth Day poster is an ocean themed vertical 15x30 illustration created from NASA satellite cloud imagery overlaid on ocean data. The white cloud imagery wraps around shapes, defining three whales and a school of fish. Swirly cloud patterns, called Von Kármán Vortices, create the feeling of movement in the composition. The focal point is a cyclone in the upper third of the poster. At the center flies the recently launched PACE satellite. The ocean imagery – composed of blues, aquas, and greens – is filled with subtle color changes and undulating patterns created by churning sediment, organic matter and phytoplankton." style="transform: scale(1); transform-origin: 50% 50%; object-position: 50% 50%; object-fit: cover;" block_context="nasa-block" srcset=" 3840w,,188 300w,,480 768w,,640 1024w,,960 1536w,,1280 2048w,,250 400w,,375 600w,,563 900w,,750 1200w,,1250 2000w" sizes="(max-width: 2048px) 100vw, 2048px" loading="eager" /></figure><figcaption class="hds-caption padding-y-2"><div class="hds-caption-text p-sm margin-0">The ocean holds about 97 percent of Earth&#8217;s water and covers 70 percent of our planet&#8217;s surface. According to the United Nations, the ocean may be home to 50 to 80 percent of all life on Earth. Even if you live hundreds of miles from a coast, what happens in the ocean is fundamental to your life.</div><div class="hds-credits">NASA/Jenny Mottar</div></figcaption></div></div></div>
  522. <p>Real satellite imagery from NASA&#8217;s Terra, Aqua, and Landsat missions takes the shape of whales and swirling clouds in the agency’s <a href="" rel="noopener">Earth Day 2024 poster</a>, “Water Touches Everything.”</p>
  526. <p>The major ocean basins – Atlantic, Pacific, Arctic, Indian, and Southern – shape our planet’s climate and weather by absorbing, storing, and moving heat, water, and carbon dioxide. For nearly five decades, <a href="" rel="noopener">NASA missions have enabled researchers to observe from above</a> and measure changes in the ocean across days, months, seasons, and years. Scientists use our satellite and sub-orbital data and climate models to study ocean dynamics, sea level rise, hydrological cycles, marine life, and the intersections of land and sea.</p>
  530. <p><a href="" rel="noopener">Hear NASA Science Mission Directorate Art Director, Jenny Mottar, explain her inspiration behind this year&#8217;s poster concept and design.</a></p>
  534. <p><em>Image Credit: NASA/Jenny Mottar</em></p>
  535. ]]></content:encoded>
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  538. <title>NASA’s Juno Gives Aerial Views of Mountain, Lava Lake on Io</title>
  539. <link></link>
  540. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Naomi Hartono]]></dc:creator>
  541. <pubDate>Thu, 18 Apr 2024 17:00:14 +0000</pubDate>
  542. <category><![CDATA[Juno]]></category>
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  544. <category><![CDATA[Jet Propulsion Laboratory]]></category>
  545. <category><![CDATA[Jupiter]]></category>
  546. <category><![CDATA[Jupiter Moons]]></category>
  547. <category><![CDATA[The Solar System]]></category>
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  550. <description><![CDATA[Imagery from the solar-powered spacecraft provides close-ups of intriguing features on the hellish Jovian moon. Scientists on NASA’s Juno mission to Jupiter have transformed data collected during two recent flybys of Io into animations that highlight two of the Jovian moon’s most dramatic features: a mountain and an almost glass-smooth lake of cooling lava. Other [&#8230;]]]></description>
  551. <content:encoded><![CDATA[
  552. <figure class="wp-block-embed is-type-video is-provider-youtube wp-block-embed-youtube"><div class="wp-block-embed__wrapper">
  553. <iframe title="Looking Into Io’s Loki Patera (Artist’s Concept)" width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  554. </div><figcaption class="wp-element-caption">This animation is an artist’s concept of Loki Patera, a lava lake on Jupiter’s moon Io, made using data from the JunoCam imager aboard NASA’s Juno spacecraft. With multiple islands in its interior, Loki is a depression filled with magma and rimmed with molten lava. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS</figcaption></figure>
  558. <p><em>Imagery from the solar-powered spacecraft provides close-ups of intriguing features on the hellish Jovian moon.</em></p>
  562. <p>Scientists on NASA’s Juno mission to Jupiter have transformed data collected during two recent flybys of Io into animations that highlight two of the Jovian moon’s most dramatic features: a mountain and an almost glass-smooth lake of cooling lava. Other recent science results from the solar-powered spacecraft include updates on Jupiter’s polar cyclones and water abundance.</p>
  566. <p>The new findings were announced Wednesday, April 16, by Juno’s principal investigator Scott Bolton during a news conference at the European Geophysical Union General Assembly in Vienna.</p>
  570. <p>Juno made extremely close flybys of Io in December 2023 and February 2024, getting within about 930 miles (1,500 kilometers) of the surface, obtaining the first close-up images of the moon’s northern latitudes.</p>
  574. <p>“Io is simply littered with volcanoes, and we caught a few of them in action,” said Bolton. “We also got some great close-ups and other data on a 200-kilometer-long (127-mile-long) lava lake called Loki Patera. There is amazing detail showing these crazy islands embedded in the middle of a potentially magma lake rimmed with hot lava. The specular reflection our instruments recorded of the lake suggests parts of Io’s surface are as smooth as glass, reminiscent of volcanically created <a href="" rel="noopener">obsidian glass</a> on Earth.”</p>
  577. <div id="" class="hds-media hds-module wp-block-image"><div class="margin-left-auto margin-right-auto nasa-block-align-inline"><div class="hds-media-wrapper margin-left-auto margin-right-auto"><figure class="hds-media-inner hds-cover-wrapper hds-media-ratio-fit "><img decoding="async" width="2048" height="2048" src="" class="attachment-2048x2048 size-2048x2048" alt="The JunoCam instrument on NASA’s Juno captured this view of Jupiter’s moon Io — with the first-ever image of its south polar region — during the spacecraft’s 60th flyby of Jupiter on April 9." style="transform: scale(1); transform-origin: 50% 50%; object-position: 50% 50%; object-fit: cover;" block_context="nasa-block" srcset=" 2296w,,150 150w,,300 300w,,768 768w,,1024 1024w,,1536 1536w,,2048 2048w,,50 50w,,100 100w,,200 200w,,400 400w,,600 600w,,900 900w,,1200 1200w,,2000 2000w" sizes="(max-width: 2048px) 100vw, 2048px" /></figure><figcaption class="hds-caption padding-y-2"><div class="hds-caption-text p-sm margin-0">The JunoCam instrument on NASA’s Juno captured this view of Jupiter’s moon Io — with the first-ever image of its south polar region — during the spacecraft’s 60th flyby of Jupiter on April 9.</div><div class="hds-credits">Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS. Image processing: Gerald Eichstädt/Thomas Thomopoulos (CC BY).</div></figcaption></div></div></div>
  580. <p>Maps generated with data collected by Juno’s Microwave Radiometer (<a href="" rel="noopener">MWR</a>) instrument reveal Io not only has a surface that is relatively smooth compared to Jupiter’s other <a href="" rel="noopener">Galilean moons</a>, but also has poles that are colder than middle latitudes.</p>
  584. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Pole Position</strong></h3>
  588. <p>During <a href="" rel="noopener">Juno’s extended mission</a>, the spacecraft flies closer to the north pole of Jupiter with each pass. This changing orientation allows the MWR instrument to improve its resolution of <a href="" rel="noopener">Jupiter’s northern polar cyclones</a>. The data allows multiwavelength comparisons of the poles, revealing that not all polar cyclones are created equal.</p>
  592. <p>“Perhaps most striking example of this disparity can be found with the central cyclone at Jupiter’s north pole,” said Steve Levin, Juno’s project scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California. “It is clearly visible in both infrared and visible light images, but its microwave signature is nowhere near as strong as other nearby storms. This tells us that its subsurface structure must be very different from these other cyclones. The MWR team continues to collect more and better microwave data with every orbit, so we anticipate developing a more detailed 3D map of these intriguing polar storms.”</p>
  596. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Jovian Water</strong></h3>
  600. <p>One of the mission’s primary science goals is to collect data that could help scientists better understand Jupiter’s water abundance. To do this, the Juno science team isn’t hunting for liquid water. Instead, they are looking to quantify the presence of oxygen and hydrogen molecules (the molecules that make up water) in Jupiter’s atmosphere. An accurate estimate is critical to piecing together the puzzle of our solar system’s formation.</p>
  604. <figure class="wp-block-embed is-type-video is-provider-youtube wp-block-embed-youtube"><div class="wp-block-embed__wrapper">
  605. <iframe title="Io’s ‘Steeple Mountain’ (Artist’s Concept)" width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  606. </div><figcaption class="wp-element-caption">Created using data collected by the JunoCam imager aboard NASA’s Juno during flybys in December 2023 and February 2024, this animation is an artist’s concept of a feature on the Jovian moon Io that the mission science team nicknamed “Steeple Mountain.” Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS</figcaption></figure>
  610. <p>Jupiter was likely the first planet to form, and it contains most of the gas and dust that wasn’t incorporated into the Sun. Water abundance also has important implications for the gas giant’s meteorology (including how wind currents flow on Jupiter) and internal structure.</p>
  614. <p>In 1995, NASA’s Galileo probe provided an early dataset on Jupiter’s water abundance during the spacecraft’s 57-minute descent into the Jovian atmosphere. But the data created more questions than answers, indicating the gas giant’s atmosphere was unexpectedly hot and — contrary to what computer models had indicated — bereft of water.</p>
  618. <p>“The probe did amazing science, but its data was so far afield from our models of Jupiter’s water abundance that we considered whether the location it sampled could be an outlier. But before Juno, we couldn’t confirm,” said Bolton. “Now, with <a href="" rel="noopener">recent results made with MWR data</a>, we have nailed down that the water abundance near Jupiter’s equator is roughly three to four times the solar abundance when compared to hydrogen. This definitively demonstrates that the Galileo probe’s entry site was an anomalously dry, desert-like region.”</p>
  622. <p>The results support the belief that the during formation of our solar system, water-ice material may have been the source of the heavy element enrichment (chemical elements heavier than hydrogen and helium that were accreted by Jupiter) during the gas giant’s formation and/or evolution. The formation of Jupiter remains puzzling, because Juno results on the core of the gas giant suggest a very low water abundance — a mystery that scientists are still trying to sort out.&nbsp;</p>
  626. <p>Data during the remainder of Juno’s extended mission may help, both by enabling scientists to compare Jupiter’s water abundance near the polar regions to the equatorial region and by shedding additional light on the structure of the planet’s dilute core.&nbsp;</p>
  630. <p>During Juno’s most recent flyby of Io, on April 9, the spacecraft came within about 10,250 miles (16,500 kilometers) of the moon’s surface. It will execute its 61st flyby of Jupiter on May 12.</p>
  634. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>More About the Mission</strong></h3>
  638. <p>NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of Caltech in Pasadena, California, manages the Juno mission for the principal investigator, Scott Bolton, of the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio. Juno is part of NASA’s New Frontiers Program, which is managed at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, for the agency’s Science Mission Directorate in Washington. The Italian Space Agency (ASI) funded the Jovian InfraRed Auroral Mapper. Lockheed Martin Space in Denver built and operates the spacecraft.</p>
  642. <p>More information about Juno is available at:</p>
  646. <p><a href=""><strong></strong></a></p>
  650. <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>News Media Contacts</strong></h3>
  654. <p>DC Agle<br>Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.<br>818-393-9011<br><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"></a></p>
  658. <p>Karen Fox / Charles Blue<br>NASA Headquarters, Washington<br>301-286-6284 / 202-802-5345<br><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"></a>&nbsp;/&nbsp;<a href=""></a><a href="mailto:"></a></p>
  662. <p>Deb Schmid<br>Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio<br>210-522-2254<br><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"></a></p>
  666. <p>2024-045</p>
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  800. <title>55 Years Ago: Three Months Until the Moon Landing</title>
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  802. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Kelli Mars]]></dc:creator>
  803. <pubDate>Thu, 18 Apr 2024 16:36:56 +0000</pubDate>
  804. <category><![CDATA[NASA History]]></category>
  805. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  807. <description><![CDATA[The rapid pace of preparations for the first Moon landing continued in April 1969. The successful Apollo 9 mission in March cleared the way for Apollo 10 to test all three components of the spacecraft in lunar orbit in May, in a dress rehearsal for the landing itself. Apollo 10 astronauts Thomas P. Stafford, John [&#8230;]]]></description>
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  809. <p>The rapid pace of preparations for the first Moon landing continued in April 1969. The successful <a href="">Apollo 9</a> mission in March cleared the way for Apollo 10 to test all three components of the spacecraft in lunar orbit in May, in a dress rehearsal for the landing itself. Apollo 10 astronauts <a href="">Thomas P. Stafford</a>, <a href="">John W. Young</a>, and <a href="">Eugene A. Cernan</a> and their backups <a href="">L. Gordon Cooper</a>, <a href="">Donn F. Eisele</a>, and <a href="">Edgar D. Mitchell</a> continued training in spacecraft simulators while engineers prepared their Saturn V rocket and Apollo spacecraft for the mid-May launch. Preparations continued in parallel for Apollo 11, the mission to attempt the first Moon landing. The astronauts trained for the flight, including rehearsing the activities for their historic spacewalk on the lunar surface. Fulfilling President John F. <a href="">Kennedy’s goal</a> by the appointed deadline looked promising.</p>
  813. <p><strong><em>Apollo 10</em></strong></p>
  817. <p><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="wp-image-649146" height="389" width="624" src="" alt="The Apollo 10 flight plan"><br><em>The Apollo 10 flight plan</em>.</p>
  821. <p>Apollo 10 would serve as a dress rehearsal for the Moon landing mission. After liftoff from Launch Pad 39B – the first use of that facility – the spacecraft, still attached to the Saturn V’s S-IVB third stage, would make two revolutions around the Earth. The S-IVB would reignite for the Trans-Lunar Injection to begin the journey toward the Moon. Shortly after, the astronauts would undock the Command and Service Module (CSM) from the S-IVB, turn around, and dock with the Lunar Module (LM), tucked away in the top of the rocket stage, in a maneuver called transposition and docking. After jettisoning the S-IVB, the docked spacecraft would coast toward the Moon for about three days. The Service Propulsion System (SPS) engine would fire to drop them into orbit around the Moon. Stafford and Cernan would enter the LM and undock, leaving Young alone in the CSM. Using the LM’s Descent Propulsion System engine to lower their altitude, Stafford and Cernan would descend to about 50,000 feet above the lunar surface, and photograph the primary Apollo 11 landing site in the Sea of Tranquility. The LM would travel up to 350 miles away from the CSM during these maneuvers. The Ascent Propulsion System engine would then fire as they jettisoned the descent stage, in a simulation of a litfoff from the Moon. Stafford and Cernan would then rejoin Young in the CSM. After jettisoning the LM’s ascent stage and completing 11 more orbits around the Moon, Apollo 10 would fire its SPS engine for the retrun trip to Earth, ending with a splashdown in the Pacific Ocean. Except for the actual descent to and touchdown on the surface, Apollo 10 would follow all the steps of the actual Moon landing mission.</p>
  825. <p><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="wp-image-649147" height="230" width="350" src="" alt="Apollo 10 astronauts Thomas P. Stafford, left, John W. Young, and Eugene A. Cernan during a press conference at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida" srcset=" 4674w,,197 300w,,505 768w,,673 1024w,,1009 1536w,,1346 2048w,,263 400w,,394 600w,,591 900w,,788 1200w,,1314 2000w" sizes="(max-width: 350px) 100vw, 350px" /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="wp-image-649148" height="230" width="319" src="" alt="Stafford, left, Young, and Cernan hold their mission patch following a press conference at the Manned Spacecraft Center, now NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston" srcset=" 4972w,,217 300w,,556 768w,,741 1024w,,1112 1536w,,1482 2048w,,290 400w,,434 600w,,651 900w,,869 1200w,,1448 2000w" sizes="(max-width: 319px) 100vw, 319px" /><br><em>Left: Apollo 10 astronauts Thomas P. Stafford, left, John W. Young, and Eugene A. Cernan during a press conference at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Right: Stafford, left, Young, and Cernan hold their mission patch following a press conference at the Manned Spacecraft Center, now NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston.</em></p>
  829. <p>During two press conferences, at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center (KSC) in Florida on April 8 and at the Manned Spacecraft Center (MSC), now NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston, on April 26, Stafford, Young, and Cernan discussed their eight-day mission with reporters. The trio described their upcoming flight as essentially a dress rehearsal for the Moon landing, with Stafford stating that Apollo 10 will “sort out all the unknowns and actually pave the whole way for the lunar landing mission.” They displayed their mission patch and revealed the call signs for their spacecraft – Charlie Brown for the CSM and Snoopy for the LM, after characters in the Peanuts© comic strip by Charles M. Schulz. According to Apollo Spacecraft Program Manager <a href="">George M. Low</a>, Apollo 10 would do “everything that we did on Apollo 9, only in lunar orbit.” Officials also announced that the Apollo 10 CM may carry a color TV system in addition to the standard black and white cameras. The color camera, equipped with a zoom lens, would provide live TV broadcasts from the spacecraft during critical mission operations and provide viewers at home with a glimpse of life aboard an Apollo spacecraft during a lunar mission. They also expected views of the Earth as well as the lunar landscape. During their low pass over the Moon, Stafford and Cernan would take high resolution stereo photographs of the Apollo 11 landing site. They would also activate the LM’s landing radar during the low passes, a critical test before the Moon landing. Regarding the complexity of the mission, Cernan added “I’ve never been involved in anything that has required as great an amount of coordination and team work as … to work with two vehicles in a lunar environment.”&nbsp;</p>
  833. <p><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="wp-image-649152" height="221" width="367" src="" alt="Apollo 10 astronauts Eugene A. Cernan, left, and Thomas P. Stafford in the Lunar Module simulator" srcset=" 4506w,,180 300w,,462 768w,,616 1024w,,924 1536w,,1232 2048w,,241 400w,,361 600w,,541 900w,,722 1200w,,1203 2000w" sizes="(max-width: 367px) 100vw, 367px" /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="wp-image-649153" height="221" width="294" src="" alt="Apollo 10 astronaut John W. Young in the Command Module simulator" srcset=" 3844w,,225 300w,,577 768w,,769 1024w,,1154 1536w,,1538 2048w,,300 400w,,451 600w,,676 900w,,901 1200w,,1502 2000w" sizes="(max-width: 294px) 100vw, 294px" /><br><em>Left: Apollo 10 astronauts Eugene A. Cernan, left, and Thomas P. Stafford in the Lunar Module simulator. Right: Apollo 10 astronaut John W. Young in the Command Module simulator.</em></p>
  837. <p>When not speaking with the press, Stafford, Cernan, and Young, as well as their backups, spent time almost daily in the LM and CSM simulators at MSC and KSC rehearsing various aspects of their upcoming mission. During many of these simulations, Mission Control in Houston was tied in for flight controllers to gain experience. The astronauts also spent time reviewing procedures, updating checklists, and receiving briefings on spacecraft systems and lunar topography.</p>
  841. <p><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="wp-image-649154" height="221" width="179" src="" alt="Apollo 10 astronauts John W. Young, left, Thomas P. Stafford, and Eugene A. Cernan during an inspection visit at Launch Pad 39B" srcset=" 4514w,,300 243w,,949 768w,,1024 828w,,1536 1243w,,2048 1657w,,400 324w,,600 485w,,900 728w,,1200 971w,,2000 1618w" sizes="(max-width: 179px) 100vw, 179px" /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="wp-image-649155" height="221" width="149" src="" alt="Young, front, Stafford, and Cernan inspect the slide wire escape mechanism at the top of Launch Pad 39B" srcset=" 3852w,,300 202w,,1139 768w,,1024 690w,,1536 1035w,,2048 1380w,,400 270w,,600 404w,,900 607w,,1200 809w,,2000 1348w" sizes="(max-width: 149px) 100vw, 149px" /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="wp-image-649156" height="221" width="326" src="" alt="Young, left, Stafford, and Cernan inside the blast room beneath the launch pad" srcset=" 5776w,,203 300w,,519 768w,,692 1024w,,1038 1536w,,1384 2048w,,270 400w,,405 600w,,608 900w,,811 1200w,,1351 2000w" sizes="(max-width: 326px) 100vw, 326px" /><br><em>Left: Apollo 10 astronauts John W. Young, left, Thomas P. Stafford, and Eugene A. Cernan during an inspection visit at Launch Pad 39B. Middle: Young, front, Stafford, and Cernan inspect the slide wire escape mechanism at the top of Launch Pad 39B. Right: Young, left, Stafford, and Cernan inside the blast room beneath the launch pad.</em></p>
  845. <p>Engineers at KSC completed the Flight Readiness Test (FRT) between April 7 and 10, an activity that ensured the flight readiness of all the vehicle systems and their interaction with ground support equipment. Stafford, Cernan, and Young took part in an emergency egress drill at Launch Pad 39B, including inspecting the slide wire escape mechanism and the blast room, a concrete reinforced structure under the launch pad used in case of a catastrophic emergency during fueling of the rocket or the countdown. Managers from NASA Headquarters, KSC, MSC, and the Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, met at KSC on April 23 to conduct the Flight Readiness Review for Apollo 10. At the conclusion of the meeting, during which they reviewed all aspects of the flight hardware as well as the readiness of the crew, the control centers, and the Manned Spaceflight Network, the managers decided that the mission could proceed toward a launch on May 18. On April 28, a planned power outage to conduct maintenance at KSC’s Launch Control Center also caused power outages at the launch pad, where not all systems had backup power. Workers had already loaded the rocket’s first stage with its flight load of RP-1 fuel, and the loss of power caused valves at the bottom of the tank to open, spilling 5,280 liters of fuel onto the launch pad’s flame trench. Since the fuel tank did not have any relief valves to allow air to enter the tank as fuel drained out, the loss of fluid volume caused the top of the tank to dimple inward. Quick thinking engineers at the pad instituted a work around to refill the tank and the dimple popped out with a very audible “boomp.” Launch pad manager John J. “Tip” Talone concluded of the quick action, “It worked like a champ.” Engineers resolved concern with any possible cracks in the fuel tank through non-destructive testing and visual inspections. The Countdown Demonstration Test, a final dress rehearsal of the countdown, took place between April 29 and May 6, with Stafford, Young, and Cernan participating in the final phase as if on launch day.</p>
  849. <p><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="wp-image-649168" height="240" width="353" src="" alt="The Apollo 10 backup crew of L. Gordon Cooper, left, Edgar D. Mitchell, and Donn F. Eisele prepare for the water egress test aboard the MV Retriever in the Gulf of Mexico" srcset=" 4734w,,204 300w,,523 768w,,697 1024w,,1045 1536w,,1394 2048w,,272 400w,,408 600w,,613 900w,,817 1200w,,1361 2000w" sizes="(max-width: 353px) 100vw, 353px" /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="wp-image-649169" height="240" width="318" src="" alt="Mitchell, left, Eisele, and Cooper in the life raft await pickup by a helicopter during the water egress test" srcset=" 2992w,,226 300w,,579 768w,,772 1024w,,1159 1536w,,1545 2048w,,302 400w,,453 600w,,679 900w,,905 1200w,,1509 2000w" sizes="(max-width: 318px) 100vw, 318px" /><br><em>Left: The Apollo 10 backup crew of L. Gordon Cooper, left, Edgar D. Mitchell, and Donn F. Eisele prepare for the water egress test aboard the MV Retriever in the Gulf of Mexico. Right: Mitchell, left, Eisele, and Cooper in the life raft await pickup by a helicopter during the water egress test.</em></p>
  853. <p>Apollo 10 backup crew members Cooper, Eisele, and Mitchell completed water egress training in the Gulf of Mexico on April 4. Using a boilerplate Apollo CM and tended by the Motorized Vessel (MV) Retriever, the astronauts practiced emerging from the capsule as if after splashdown, and with assistance from divers waited in a life raft for helicopter crews to retrieve them from the water.</p>
  857. <p><strong><em>Apollo 11</em></strong></p>
  861. <p><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="wp-image-649170" height="269" width="215" src="" alt="In the Manned Spacecraft Operations Building (MSOB) at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center (KSC) in Florida, workers complete attaching the landing legs to the Apollo 11 Lunar Module (LM)" srcset=" 3780w,,300 240w,,962 768w,,1024 818w,,1536 1226w,,2048 1635w,,400 319w,,600 479w,,900 719w,,1200 958w,,2000 1597w" sizes="(max-width: 215px) 100vw, 215px" /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="wp-image-649171" height="269" width="215" src="" alt="In the MSOB, workers lower the Command Service Module onto the Spacecraft LM Adaptor" srcset=" 3755w,,300 240w,,959 768w,,1024 820w,,1536 1230w,,2048 1640w,,400 320w,,600 480w,,900 721w,,1200 961w,,2000 1601w" sizes="(max-width: 215px) 100vw, 215px" /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="wp-image-649172" height="269" width="213" src="" alt="In KSC’s Vehicle Assembly Building, workers lower the Apollo 11 spacecraft onto its Saturn V rocket" srcset=" 3756w,,300 238w,,968 768w,,1024 813w,,1536 1219w,,2048 1626w,,400 317w,,600 476w,,900 714w,,1200 952w,,2000 1587w" sizes="(max-width: 213px) 100vw, 213px" /><br><em>Left: In the Manned Spacecraft Operations Building (MSOB) at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center (KSC) in Florida, workers complete attaching the landing legs to the Apollo 11 Lunar Module (LM). Middle: In the MSOB, workers lower the Command Service Module onto the Spacecraft LM Adaptor. Right: In KSC’s Vehicle Assembly Building, workers lower the Apollo 11 spacecraft onto its Saturn V rocket.</em></p>
  865. <p>As launch day neared for Apollo 10, work progressed to get Apollo 11 ready for its historic mission. In KSC’s Manned Spacecraft Operations Building (MSOB), workers attached the four landing legs to the Apollo 11 LM, mated it with its Spacecraft LM Adapter (SLA) on April 4, and three days later completed assembly of the spacecraft by adding the CSM. On April 14, they transported the spacecraft to the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB), where engineers stacked it atop its Saturn V rocket. They performed tests on the vehicle prior to its rollout to the launch pad in mid-May.</p>
  869. <p><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="wp-image-649186" height="230" width="147" src="" alt="Apollo 11 astronaut Neil A. Armstrong practices taking the first step onto the lunar surface"> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="wp-image-649187" height="257" width="331" src="" alt="Edwin E. “Buzz” Aldrin, left, and Armstrong train for lunar surface activities"> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="wp-image-649188" height="230" width="146" src="" alt="Aldrin trains to carry the science instruments"><br><em>Left: Apollo 11 astronaut Neil A. Armstrong practices taking the first step onto the lunar surface. Middle: Edwin E. “Buzz” Aldrin, left, and Armstrong train for lunar surface activities. Right: Aldrin trains to carry the science instruments.</em></p>
  873. <p>The Apollo 11 prime crew of <a href="">Neil A. Armstrong</a>, <a href="">Michael Collins</a>, and <a href="">Edwin E. “Buzz” Aldrin</a> and their backups <a href="">James A. Lovell</a>, <a href="">William A. Anders</a>, and <a href="">Fred W. Haise</a> busied themselves training for the Moon landing. On April 14, Apollo Spacecraft Program Manager Low announced in a press conference that Armstrong would most likely be the first person to exit the LM and take humanity’s first steps on the lunar surface. Aldrin would follow about 20 minutes later. The LM cabin’s configuration primarily dictated the rationale for this decision – because of the way the LM’s hatch opened inward, it would be difficult at best for Aldrin to exit first, since he would need to climb over Armstrong in the cramped quarters of the cabin, both of them wearing bulky spacesuits.&nbsp;</p>
  877. <p><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="wp-image-649189" height="221" width="220" src="" alt="Apollo 11 astronaut Edwin E. “Buzz” Aldrin tests his spacesuit in a vacuum chamber" srcset=" 3678w,,150 150w,,300 300w,,769 768w,,1024 1022w,,1536 1533w,,2048 2044w,,50 50w,,100 100w,,200 200w,,400 400w,,600 600w,,900 898w,,1200 1198w,,2000 1996w" sizes="(max-width: 220px) 100vw, 220px" /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="wp-image-649190" height="221" width="221" src="" alt="Michael Collins prepares to enter the centrifuge gondola" srcset=" 4134w,,150 150w,,300 300w,,768 768w,,1024 1024w,,1536 1536w,,2048 2048w,,50 50w,,100 100w,,200 200w,,400 400w,,600 600w,,900 900w,,1200 1200w,,2000 2000w" sizes="(max-width: 221px) 100vw, 221px" /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="wp-image-649191" height="221" width="218" src="" alt="Neil A. Armstrong trains with a lunar sample container in a vacuum chamber" srcset=" 3671w,,300 295w,,780 768w,,1024 1009w,,1536 1513w,,2048 2017w,,50 50w,,100 100w,,400 394w,,600 591w,,900 886w,,1200 1182w,,2000 1970w" sizes="(max-width: 218px) 100vw, 218px" /><br><em>Left: Apollo 11 astronaut Edwin E. “Buzz” Aldrin tests his spacesuit in a vacuum chamber. Middle: Michael Collins prepares to enter the centrifuge gondola. Right: Neil A. Armstrong trains with a lunar sample container in a vacuum chamber.</em></p>
  881. <p>To ensure the space-worthiness of their spacesuits, the astronauts tested them in the 8-foot altitude chamber in MSC’s Crew Systems Division. Collins and Anders spent time in the centrifuge in MSC’s Flight Acceleration Facility, practicing profiles of a launch and a reentry from a lunar mission. In MSC’s <a href="">Building 9</a>, on April 18 Armstrong and Aldrin, wearing their spacesuits, completed a 2.5-hour simulation of activities, such as collecting rock and soil samples and deploying scientific instruments, that they will perform on the lunar surface. Armstrong, Aldrin, Lovell, and Haise each completed sea-level runs in Chamber B of MSC’s <a href="">Space Environment Simulation Laboratory</a>. During these tests, the astronauts wore their spacesuits and practiced the various lunar surface activities, such as activating the television camera, collecting rock samples, and deploying the scientific experiments of the <a href="">Early Apollo Surface Experiment Package</a> (EASEP). They followed up these ambient sessions with altitude runs in early May.</p>
  885. <p><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="wp-image-649208" height="221" width="226" src="" alt="One of the three Lunar Module-2 drop tests conducted during the first week of April" srcset=" 3690w,,294 300w,,753 768w,,1004 1024w,,1506 1536w,,2008 2048w,,50 50w,,392 400w,,588 600w,,882 900w,,1177 1200w,,1961 2000w" sizes="(max-width: 226px) 100vw, 226px" /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="wp-image-649209" height="221" width="451" src="" alt="The Lunar Receiving Laboratory for astronauts and lunar samples returning from the Moon" srcset=" 5008w,,147 300w,,376 768w,,501 1024w,,752 1536w,,1003 2048w,,196 400w,,294 600w,,441 900w,,588 1200w,,979 2000w" sizes="(max-width: 451px) 100vw, 451px" /><br><em>Left: One of the three Lunar Module-2 drop tests conducted during the first week of April. Right: The Lunar Receiving Laboratory for astronauts and lunar samples returning from the Moon.</em></p>
  889. <p>To certify the LM and its systems for the loads it would encounter during a lunar landing, engineers at MSC continued drop tests with the flight-like <a href="">LM-2</a> in the <a href="">Vibration and Acoustics Test Facility</a> (VATF).&nbsp; Beginning the series in late March, engineers completed three of the five drop tests in early April. These tests induced lateral accelerations on the wire harnesses and plumbing in the spacecraft’s aft equipment bay, produced high acceleration loads around the inertial measurement unit and the environmental control system, and stressed the LM’s front face and side hatch. The final test in early May completed the certification of the LM for the first lunar landing. Elsewhere at MSC, staff continued to prepare the <a href="">Lunar Receiving Laboratory</a> (LRL) for the return of astronauts and samples from the Moon. Workers completed long-duration simulations of the LRL’s major functions including the Crew Reception Area in early April. The tests highlighted some deficiencies requiring correction prior to the first Moon landing flight. These included problems with the sterilization equipment and the gloves used in gloveboxes to handle lunar samples repeatedly developed holes, compromising the biological barrier. A management readiness review held April 17-18 also noted these as areas needing improvement. To solve these issues, MSC Director <a href="">Robert R. Gilruth</a> named his special assistant <a href="" rel="noopener">Richard S. Johnston</a> to oversee all aspects of the LRL. Workers corrected the problems and the LRL received certification just prior to the Apollo 11 mission.</p>
  893. <p><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="wp-image-649210" height="163" width="239" src="" alt="At Ellington Air Force Base in Houston, NASA pilot Harold E. “Bud” Ream at the controls of Lunar Landing Training Vehicle-2 (LLTV-2) on its first flight after flights resumed" srcset=" 5419w,,205 300w,,525 768w,,700 1024w,,1049 1536w,,1399 2048w,,273 400w,,410 600w,,615 900w,,820 1200w,,1366 2000w" sizes="(max-width: 239px) 100vw, 239px" /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="wp-image-649211" height="163" width="234" src="" alt="Ream walks away from LLTV-2 after the successful flight" srcset=" 5366w,,209 300w,,535 768w,,714 1024w,,1071 1536w,,1428 2048w,,279 400w,,418 600w,,627 900w,,837 1200w,,1394 2000w" sizes="(max-width: 234px) 100vw, 234px" /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="wp-image-649212" height="163" width="188" src="" alt="Multiple exposure of a practice landing at the Lunar Landing Research Facility at NASA’s Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia" srcset=" 460w,,261 300w,,348 400w" sizes="(max-width: 188px) 100vw, 188px" /><br><em>Left: At Ellington Air Force Base in Houston, NASA pilot Harold E. “Bud” Ream at the controls of Lunar Landing Training Vehicle-2 (LLTV-2) on its first flight after flights resumed. Middle: Ream walks away from LLTV-2 after the successful flight. Right: Multiple exposure of a practice landing at the Lunar Landing Research Facility at NASA’s Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia.&nbsp;</em></p>
  897. <p>At Ellington Air Force Base near MSC, the <a href="">Lunar Landing Training Vehicle</a> (LLTV) resumed flight operations on April 7 with MSC pilot Harold E. “Bud” Ream at the controls. Apollo commanders relied on the LLTV as a key training tool to simulate the flying characteristics of the LM, especially of the final 500 feet of the descent. But NASA managers had grounded the LLTV after a <a href="">crash in December 1968</a>, and following investigations had allowed flights to resume but only by test pilots. Ream completed more than a dozen flights before managers cleared the LLTV for astronaut training in June. While the LLTV remained grounded, Apollo 11 astronauts made use of the <a href="">Lunar Landing Research Facility</a> (LLRF) at the NASA Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia, to train for the final descent to the lunar surface.&nbsp; Lovell and Haise practiced Moon landings in the LLRF in mid-April. Armstrong and Aldrin would use the facility for practice landings in late June. Once managers cleared the LLTV for astronaut use in early June, Armstrong and Lovell completed training flights in that higher fidelity vehicle later that month.</p>
  901. <p><strong><em>Apollo 12</em></strong></p>
  905. <p>Looking beyond Apollo 11, NASA continued preparations for the next missions. In case Apollo 11 could not achieve the Moon landing, the agency established readiness dates for Apollo 12 of Sept. 13 and Apollo 13 of Nov. 10, to try again. If Apollo 11 succeeded, the follow on missions would occur at four-month intervals and explore different regions of the Moon with an expanded set of science instruments and geology objectives.</p>
  909. <p><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="wp-image-649221" height="259" width="263" src="" alt="Apollo 12 astronauts Charles “Pete” Conrad, left, Richard F. Gordon, and Alan L. Bean pose in front of a boilerplate Apollo capsule during water egress training when they served as the backup crew for Apollo 9" srcset=" 3796w,,296 300w,,757 768w,,1009 1024w,,1514 1536w,,2019 2048w,,50 50w,,394 400w,,591 600w,,887 900w,,1183 1200w,,1972 2000w" sizes="(max-width: 263px) 100vw, 263px" /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="wp-image-649222" height="259" width="389" src="" alt="Apollo 12 prime crew members Conrad, left, and Bean, right, review Apollo Lunar Surface Experiment Package equipment as backup astronaut James B. Irwin, with arms folded, looks on" srcset=" 3780w,,200 300w,,512 768w,,683 1024w,,1024 1536w,,1365 2048w,,267 400w,,400 600w,,600 900w,,800 1200w,,1333 2000w" sizes="(max-width: 389px) 100vw, 389px" /><br><em>Left: Apollo 12 astronauts Charles “Pete” Conrad, left, Richard F. Gordon, and Alan L. Bean pose in front of a boilerplate Apollo capsule during water egress training when they served as the backup crew for Apollo 9. Right: Apollo 12 prime crew members Conrad, left, and Bean, right, review Apollo Lunar Surface Experiment Package equipment as backup astronaut James B. Irwin, with arms folded, looks on.</em></p>
  913. <p>On April 10, NASA announced the prime and backup crews for Apollo 12. The prime crew consisted of <a href="">Charles “Pete” Conrad</a>, <a href="">Richard F. Gordon</a>, and <a href="">Alan L. Bean</a>. The three had served as the backup crew for the March 1969 <a href="">Apollo 9</a> mission. Conrad had flown in space twice before, during the then record-breaking eight-day <a href="">Gemini V</a> mission in 1965 and with Gordon on his only previous mission during <a href="">Gemini XI</a> in 1966, when they achieved a then-record human space flight altitude of 853 miles. NASA <a href="">selected Bean</a>, a spaceflight rookie, in 1963. The Apollo 12 backup crew of <a href="">David R. Scott</a>, <a href="">Alfred M. Worden</a>, and <a href="">James B. Irwin</a> would fly the mission in case something happened to the prime crew. Scott had previously flown in space aboard <a href="">Gemini VIII</a> in 1966, the mission that accomplished the first docking in space and also made the first emergency landing, and more recently he flew aboard Apollo 9. Worden and Irwin had not yet flown in space, but Worden had served on support crews and Irwin as the commander of the crew that conducted tests with <a href="">LM Test Article-8</a> (<a href="">LTA-8</a>) in 1968 to evaluate the LM in a vacuum chamber at MSC.</p>
  917. <p><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="wp-image-649223" height="201" width="258" src="" alt="At NASA’s Kennedy Space Center (KSC) in Florida, workers unwrap the Apollo 12 Lunar Module (LM) descent stage shortly after its arrival in the Manned Spacecraft Operations Building"> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="wp-image-649224" height="205" width="159" src="" alt="Workers lower the Apollo 12 LM ascent stage onto the Command Module for a docking test"> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="wp-image-649225" height="247" width="256" src="" alt="Workers roll the Apollo 12 Saturn V S-II second stage into KSC’s Vehicle Assembly Building"><br><em>Left: At NASA’s Kennedy Space Center (KSC) in Florida, workers unwrap the Apollo 12 Lunar Module (LM) descent stage shortly after its arrival in the Manned Spacecraft Operations Building. Middle: Workers lower the Apollo 12 LM ascent stage onto the Command Module for a docking test. Right: Workers roll the Apollo 12 Saturn V S-II second stage into KSC’s Vehicle Assembly Building.</em></p>
  921. <p>At KSC, components for Apollo 12 began to arrive for processing. The Saturn V’s S-IVB third stage had arrived at the VAB in March, joined by the S-II second stage on April 21, with the S-IC first stage expected in May. The Apollo 12 LM and CSM had arrived in the MSOB in March, and as workers finished up work with the Apollo 11 spacecraft, they shifted their focus to processing Apollo 12. On April 18, they conducted a docking test between the LM’s ascent stage and the CSM, already placed in its altitude chamber for future testing.</p>
  925. <p><em>To be continued …</em></p>
  929. <p><em>News from around the world in April 1969:</em></p>
  933. <p>April 1 – At MSC, Director of Engineering <a href="" rel="noopener">Maxime A. Faget</a> displayed a wood and paper model of a concept that would develop into the reusable space shuttle.</p>
  937. <p>April 1 – The Hawker-Siddeley Harrier – a vertical take-off and landing fighter jet – began service with the Royal Air Force.</p>
  941. <p>April 4 – Surgeon Dr. Denton Cooley implanted the first temporary artificial heart in a human in an operation at St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital in Houston.</p>
  945. <p>April 7 – First use of what became the Internet, with circulation of a Request for Comments document among the Network Working Group developing communications protocols for the ARPANET, the Internet’s forerunner.</p>
  949. <p>April 14 – The Montreal Expos beat the visiting St. Louis Cardinals in the first Major League Baseball game played outside the U.S.</p>
  953. <p>April 20 – Princeton University announced that for the first time in its 223- year history it would admit women starting in the fall of 1969.</p>
  957. <p>April 22 – Robin Knox-Johnson completed the first solo sail around the world without stopping or taking on supplies during the entire 312-day voyage.</p>
  961. <p>April 28 – Charles de Gaulle resigned as president of France after 11 years in office.</p>
  965. <p>April 29 – President Richard M. Nixon awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom to bandleader Duke Ellington.</p>
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  1038. <title>Two NASA Sounding Rockets Launch from Alaska During Solar Flare</title>
  1039. <link></link>
  1040. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Jamie Adkins]]></dc:creator>
  1041. <pubDate>Thu, 18 Apr 2024 15:52:29 +0000</pubDate>
  1042. <category><![CDATA[Solar Flares]]></category>
  1043. <category><![CDATA[Sounding Rockets]]></category>
  1044. <category><![CDATA[Sounding Rockets Program]]></category>
  1045. <category><![CDATA[Wallops Flight Facility]]></category>
  1046. <guid isPermaLink="false">;p=649669</guid>
  1048. <description><![CDATA[Two Black Brant IX sounding rockets launched from Poker Flat Research Range in Fairbanks, Alaska, April 17, 2024, during an M-class solar flare for NASA&#8217;s sounding rocket solar flare campaign. The first rocket launched at 2:13 p.m. local Alaska time for the Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager (FOXSI) mission that used X-ray vision to observe [&#8230;]]]></description>
  1049. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<div id="" class="padding-top-5 padding-bottom-3 width-full maxw-full hds-module hds-module-full wp-block-nasa-blocks-article-intro"><div class="width-full maxw-full article-header"><div class="margin-bottom-2 width-full maxw-full"><p class="label carbon-60 margin-0 margin-bottom-3 padding-0">1 min read</p><h1 class="display-48 margin-bottom-2">Preparations for Next Moonwalk Simulations Underway (and Underwater)</h1></div></div></div>
  1051. <div id="" class="hds-media hds-module wp-block-image"><div class="margin-left-auto margin-right-auto nasa-block-align-inline"><div class="hds-media-wrapper margin-left-auto margin-right-auto"><figure class="hds-media-inner hds-cover-wrapper hds-media-ratio-fit "><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="1365" height="2048" src="" class="attachment-2048x2048 size-2048x2048" alt="A sounding rocket just seconds after launch with a bright white plume of smoke trailing underneath against a muted snowy landscape." style="transform: scale(1); transform-origin: 50% 50%; object-position: 50% 50%; object-fit: cover;" block_context="nasa-block" srcset=" 1600w,,300 200w,,1152 768w,,1024 683w,,1536 1024w,,2048 1365w,,400 267w,,600 400w,,900 600w,,1200 800w,,2000 1333w" sizes="(max-width: 1365px) 100vw, 1365px" /></figure></div></div></div>
  1054. <p>Two Black Brant IX sounding rockets launched from Poker Flat Research Range in Fairbanks, Alaska, April 17, 2024, during an M-class solar flare for NASA&#8217;s sounding rocket solar flare campaign. The first rocket launched at 2:13 p.m. local Alaska time for the <a href=";utm_medium=NASAWallops&amp;utm_campaign=NASASocial&amp;linkId=387743167" data-type="link" data-id=";utm_medium=NASAWallops&amp;utm_campaign=NASASocial&amp;linkId=387743167">Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager (FOXSI)</a> mission that used X-ray vision to observe the Sun during the solar flare event by focusing directly on high-energy X-rays. The second rocket launched at 2:14 p.m. for the <a href=";utm_medium=NASAWallops&amp;utm_campaign=NASASocial&amp;linkId=387743164" data-type="link" data-id=";utm_medium=NASAWallops&amp;utm_campaign=NASASocial&amp;linkId=387743164">High Resolution Coronal Imager, or Hi-C</a>, mission designed to observe a large, active region in the Sun’s corona. The rockets reached altitudes up to 168 miles (271 km) and were able to successfully observe the solar flare.<br><br>Photo Credit: NASA/Lee Wingfield</p>
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  1110. <title>Climate Change Research</title>
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  1112. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Ana Guzman]]></dc:creator>
  1113. <pubDate>Thu, 18 Apr 2024 15:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
  1114. <category><![CDATA[ISS Research]]></category>
  1115. <category><![CDATA[Climate Change]]></category>
  1116. <category><![CDATA[Ecostress (ECOsystem Spaceborne Thermal Radiometer Experiment on Space Station)]]></category>
  1117. <category><![CDATA[EMIT (Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source Investigation)]]></category>
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  1119. <category><![CDATA[International Space Station (ISS)]]></category>
  1120. <category><![CDATA[SAGE III (Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment)]]></category>
  1121. <category><![CDATA[SAGE-III Meteor-3M (Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment III on Meteor-3M)]]></category>
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  1124. <description><![CDATA[Science in Space: April 2024 Everyone on Earth is touched by the effects of climate change, such as hotter temperatures, shifts in rain patterns, and sea level rise. Collecting climate data helps communities better plan for these changes and build more resilience to them. The International Space Station, one of dozens of NASA missions contributing [&#8230;]]]></description>
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  1132. Climate Change Research </h1>
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  1137. <figure class="hds-media-background  "><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="1536" height="1024" src="" class="attachment-1536x1536 size-1536x1536" alt="The Kibo laboratory module from the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (comprised of a pressurized module and exposed facility, a logistics module, a remote manipulator system and an inter-orbit communication system unit) was pictured as the International Space Station orbited over the southern Pacific Ocean east of New Zealand." style="transform: scale(1.1); transform-origin: 0% 67%; object-position: 0% 67%; object-fit: cover;" block_context="nasa-block" srcset=" 5568w,,200 300w,,512 768w,,683 1024w,,1024 1536w,,1365 2048w,,267 400w,,400 600w,,600 900w,,800 1200w,,1333 2000w" sizes="(max-width: 1536px) 100vw, 1536px" /></figure> </div>
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  1144. <div><figcaption>The Kibo laboratory module from the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (comprised of a pressurized module and exposed facility, a logistics module, a remote manipulator system and an inter-orbit communication system unit) pictured as the International Space Station orbits over the southern Pacific Ocean east of New Zealand.</figcaption></div>
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  1147. <span>Credits: </span>
  1148. <span>NASA</span>
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  1156. <h2 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Science in Space: April 2024</strong></h2>
  1160. <p>Everyone on Earth is touched by the effects of climate change, such as hotter temperatures, shifts in rain patterns, and sea level rise. Collecting climate data helps communities better plan for these changes and build more resilience to them.</p>
  1164. <p>The International Space Station, one of dozens of NASA missions contributing to this effort, has multiple instruments collecting various types of climate-related data. Because the station’s orbit passes over 90 percent of Earth’s population and circles the planet 16 times each day, these instruments have views of multiple locations at different times of day and night. The data inform climate decisions and help scientists understand and solve the challenges created by climate change.</p>
  1168. <p>While crew members have little involvement in the ongoing operation of these instruments, they do play a critical role in unpacking hardware when it arrives at the space station and in assembling and installing the instruments via spacewalks or using the station’s robotic arm.</p>
  1171. <div id="" class="hds-media hds-module wp-block-image"><div class="margin-left-auto margin-right-auto nasa-block-align-inline"><div class="hds-media-wrapper margin-left-auto margin-right-auto"><figure class="hds-media-inner hds-cover-wrapper hds-media-ratio-fit "><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="1920" height="1357" src=";h=1357&amp;fit=clip&amp;crop=faces%2Cfocalpoint" class="attachment-2048x2048 size-2048x2048" alt="A topographic map of California is on the right side of this image. A pop-out box of the Central Valley has multiple tiny squares ranging from dark blue to light blue, green, and brown. The colors indicate the level of water use within the squares." style="transform: scale(1); transform-origin: 49% 26%; object-position: 49% 26%; object-fit: cover;" block_context="nasa-block" srcset=";h=1357&amp;fit=crop&amp;crop=faces%2Cfocalpoint 1920w,;h=212&amp;fit=crop&amp;crop=faces%2Cfocalpoint 300w,;h=543&amp;fit=crop&amp;crop=faces%2Cfocalpoint 768w,;h=724&amp;fit=crop&amp;crop=faces%2Cfocalpoint 1024w,;h=1086&amp;fit=crop&amp;crop=faces%2Cfocalpoint 1536w,;h=283&amp;fit=crop&amp;crop=faces%2Cfocalpoint 400w,;h=424&amp;fit=crop&amp;crop=faces%2Cfocalpoint 600w,;h=636&amp;fit=crop&amp;crop=faces%2Cfocalpoint 900w,;h=848&amp;fit=crop&amp;crop=faces%2Cfocalpoint 1200w" sizes="(max-width: 1920px) 100vw, 1920px" /></figure><figcaption class="hds-caption padding-y-2"><div class="hds-caption-text p-sm margin-0">This ECOSTRESS evapotranspiration image of California’s Central Valley from May 22, 2022, shows high water use (blue) and dry conditions (brown).</div><div class="hds-credits">NASA</div></figcaption></div></div></div>
  1174. <p>One investigation on the orbiting lab that contributes to efforts to monitor and address climate change is ECOsystem Spaceborne Thermal Radiometer Experiment on Space Station (<strong>ECOSTRESS</strong>). It provides thermal infrared measurements of Earth’s surface that help answer questions about water stress in plants and how specific regions respond to climate change. Research confirmed the accuracy of ECOSTRESS surface estimates<sup>1</sup> and found that the process of photosynthesis in plants begins to fail at 46.7 degrees C (114 degrees F).<sup>2</sup> Average temperatures have increased 0.5 degrees C per decade in some tropical regions, and temperature extremes are becoming more pronounced. Rainforests are a primary producer of oxygen and, without sufficient mitigation of the effects of climate change, leaf temperatures in these tropical forests soon could approach this failure threshold.</p>
  1178. <p>The Total and Spectral Solar Irradiance Sensor (<strong>TSIS</strong>) measures total solar irradiance (TSI) and solar spectral irradiance (SSI). TSI is the total solar energy input to Earth and SSI measures the Sun’s energy in individual wavelengths. Energy from the Sun drives atmospheric and oceanic circulations on Earth, and knowing its magnitude and variability is essential to understanding Earth’s climate. Researchers verified the instrument’s performance and showed that it made more accurate measurements than previous instruments.<sup>3,4</sup> TSIS maintains a continuity of nearly 40 years of data on solar irradiance from space-based observations.</p>
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  1194. <div>This visualization blends US Forest Service plot locations (orange dots) with vegetation height data from GEDI (green) across the continental US.  Credits: NASA</div>
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  1201. <p>The Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (<strong>GEDI</strong>) observes global forests and topography using light detection and ranging (lidar). These observations could provide insight into important carbon and water cycling processes, biodiversity, and habitat. One study used GEDI data to estimate pan-tropical and temperate biomass densities at the national level for every country observed and the sub-national level for the United States.<sup>5</sup></p>
  1204. <div id="" class="hds-media hds-module wp-block-image"><div class="margin-left-auto margin-right-auto nasa-block-align-inline"><div class="hds-media-wrapper margin-left-auto margin-right-auto"><figure class="hds-media-inner hds-cover-wrapper hds-media-ratio-fit "><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="1920" height="932" src=";h=932&amp;fit=clip&amp;crop=faces%2Cfocalpoint" class="attachment-2048x2048 size-2048x2048" alt="This image shows a large swath of land along the Uzbekistan/Turkmenistan border. A purple triangle covering the middle of the image is a 50-mile by 50-mile area captured by EMIT. There is one large purple plume near the bottom center and a cluster of plumes at the point of the triangle that are methane emissions." style="transform: scale(1); transform-origin: 50% 50%; object-position: 50% 50%; object-fit: cover;" block_context="nasa-block" srcset=";h=932&amp;fit=crop&amp;crop=faces%2Cfocalpoint 1920w,;h=146&amp;fit=crop&amp;crop=faces%2Cfocalpoint 300w,;h=373&amp;fit=crop&amp;crop=faces%2Cfocalpoint 768w,;h=497&amp;fit=crop&amp;crop=faces%2Cfocalpoint 1024w,;h=746&amp;fit=crop&amp;crop=faces%2Cfocalpoint 1536w,;h=194&amp;fit=crop&amp;crop=faces%2Cfocalpoint 400w,;h=291&amp;fit=crop&amp;crop=faces%2Cfocalpoint 600w,;h=437&amp;fit=crop&amp;crop=faces%2Cfocalpoint 900w,;h=583&amp;fit=crop&amp;crop=faces%2Cfocalpoint 1200w" sizes="(max-width: 1920px) 100vw, 1920px" /></figure><figcaption class="hds-caption padding-y-2"><div class="hds-caption-text p-sm margin-0">A cluster of methane plumes detected by EMIT in 2022 in a region approximately 150 square miles in Uzbekistan. EMIT captured in an instant what might have taken 65 hours of flight time with an airborne instrument.</div><div class="hds-credits">NASA</div></figcaption></div></div></div>
  1207. <p>Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source Investigation (<strong>EMIT</strong>) determines the type and distribution of minerals in the dust of Earth’s arid regions using an imaging spectrometer. Mineral dust affects local warming and cooling, air quality, rate of snow melt, and ocean plankton growth. Researchers demonstrated that data from EMIT also can be used to identify and monitor specific sources of methane and carbon dioxide emissions. Carbon dioxide and methane are the primary human-caused drivers of climate change. Increasing emissions in areas with poor reporting requirements create significant uncertainty in the global carbon budget.<sup>6</sup> The high spatial resolution of EMIT data could allow precise monitoring even of sources that are close together.</p>
  1210. <div id="" class="hds-media hds-module wp-block-image"><div class="margin-left-auto margin-right-auto nasa-block-align-inline"><div class="hds-media-wrapper margin-left-auto margin-right-auto"><figure class="hds-media-inner hds-cover-wrapper hds-media-ratio-fit "><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="1041" height="975" src=";h=975&amp;fit=clip&amp;crop=faces%2Cfocalpoint" class="attachment-2048x2048 size-2048x2048" alt="This image is a map with areas around Los Angeles labeled. It is covered in squares ranging in color from deep purple to yellow that indicate localized concentration of carbon dioxide." style="transform: scale(1); transform-origin: 50% 50%; object-position: 50% 50%; object-fit: cover;" block_context="nasa-block" srcset=";h=975&amp;fit=crop&amp;crop=faces%2Cfocalpoint 1041w,;h=281&amp;fit=crop&amp;crop=faces%2Cfocalpoint 300w,;h=719&amp;fit=crop&amp;crop=faces%2Cfocalpoint 768w,;h=959&amp;fit=crop&amp;crop=faces%2Cfocalpoint 1024w,;h=375&amp;fit=crop&amp;crop=faces%2Cfocalpoint 400w,;h=562&amp;fit=crop&amp;crop=faces%2Cfocalpoint 600w,;h=843&amp;fit=crop&amp;crop=faces%2Cfocalpoint 900w" sizes="(max-width: 1041px) 100vw, 1041px" /></figure><figcaption class="hds-caption padding-y-2"><div class="hds-caption-text p-sm margin-0">This image accumulated data from OCO-3 to show carbon dioxide concentrations in Los Angeles.</div><div class="hds-credits">NASA</div></figcaption></div></div></div>
  1213. <p>The station’s Orbiting Carbon Observatory-3 (<strong>OCO-3</strong>) collects data on global carbon dioxide during sunlit hours, mapping emissions of targeted local hotspots. This type of satellite-based remote sensing helps assess and verify emission reductions included in national and global plans and agreements. Monitoring by OCO-3 and the Italian Space Agency’s PRecursore IperSpettrale della Missione Applicativa (PRISMA) satellite of 30 coal-fired power plants between 2021 and 2022 showed agreement with on-site observations.<sup>7</sup> This result suggests that under the right conditions, satellites can provide reliable estimates of emissions from discreet sources. Combustion for power and other industrial uses account for an estimated 59% of global human-caused carbon dioxide emissions.</p>
  1216. <div id="" class="hds-media hds-module wp-block-image"><div class="margin-left-auto margin-right-auto nasa-block-align-inline"><div class="hds-media-wrapper margin-left-auto margin-right-auto"><figure class="hds-media-inner hds-cover-wrapper hds-media-ratio-fit "><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="1024" height="576" src="" class="attachment-2048x2048 size-2048x2048" alt="A three-dimensional graph includes latitude and date on the bottom axes and altitude from top to bottom. There are purple, blue, and gray spikes in the graph that indicate particles in the atmosphere from Australian wildfires in 2019-202, Siberian wildfires in 2019, two volcanic eruptions in 2019, and one eruption in 2018." style="transform: scale(1); transform-origin: 50% 50%; object-position: 50% 50%; object-fit: cover;" block_context="nasa-block" srcset=" 1024w,,169 300w,,432 768w,,225 400w,,338 600w,,506 900w" sizes="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" /></figure><figcaption class="hds-caption padding-y-2"><div class="hds-caption-text p-sm margin-0">This image shows approximately three years of SAGE III aerosol data from across the globe, showing the effect of wildfires and volcanic eruptions on the atmosphere. </div><div class="hds-credits">NASA</div></figcaption></div></div></div>
  1219. <p>The Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment III-ISS (<strong>SAGE III-ISS</strong>) measures ozone and other gases and tiny particles in the atmosphere, called aerosols, that together act as Earth’s sunscreen. The instrument can distinguish between clouds and aerosols in the atmosphere. A study showed that aerosols dominate Earth’s tropical upper troposphere and lower stratosphere, a transition region between the two atmospheric levels. Continuous monitoring and identification of these layers of the atmosphere helps quantify their effect on Earth’s climate.<sup>8</sup></p>
  1223. <p>An early remote sensing system, ISS SERVIR Environmental Research and Visualization System (<strong>ISERV</strong>), automatically took images of Earth to help scientists assess and monitor disasters and other significant events. Researchers reported that this type of Earth observation is critical for applications such as mapping land use and assessing carbon biomass and ocean health.<sup>9</sup></p>
  1227. <p><strong><em>John Love, ISS Research Planning Integration Scientist<br>Expedition 71</em></strong></p>
  1231. <p><strong>Search </strong><a href=""><strong>this database</strong></a><strong> of scientific experiments to learn more about those mentioned above.</strong></p>
  1235. <div style="height:20px" aria-hidden="true" class="wp-block-spacer"></div>
  1239. <p><strong>Citations:</strong></p>
  1243. <p><sup>1 </sup>Weidberg N, Lopez Chiquillo L, Roman S, Roman M, Vazquez E, et al. Assessing high resolution thermal monitoring of complex intertidal environments from space: The case of ECOSTRESS at Rias Baixas, NW Iberia. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment. 2023 November; 32101055. DOI: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">10.1016/j.rsase.2023.101055.</a></p>
  1247. <p><sup>2 </sup>Doughty CE, Keany JM, Wiebe BC, Rey-Sanchez C, Carter KR, et al. Tropical forests are approaching critical temperature thresholds. Nature. 2023 August 23; 621105-111. DOI: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">10.1038/s41586-023-06391-z.</a></p>
  1251. <p><sup>3 </sup>Richard EC, Harber D, Coddington OM, Drake G, Rutkowski J, et al. SI-traceable spectral irradiance radiometric characterization and absolute calibration of the TSIS-1 Spectral Irradiance Monitor (SIM). Remote Sensing. 2020 January; 12(11): 1818. DOI:&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">10.3390/rs12111818.</a></p>
  1255. <p><sup>4 </sup>Coddington OM, Richard EC, Harber D, Pilewskie P, Chance K, et al. The TSIS-1 hybrid solar reference spectrum. Geophysical Research Letters. 2021 April 26; 48(12): e2020GL091709. DOI:&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">10.1029/2020GL091709</a></p>
  1259. <p><sup>5</sup> Dubayah R, Armston J, Healey S, Bruening JM, Patterson PL, et al. GEDI launches a new era of biomass inference from space. Environmental Research Letters. 2022 August; 17(9): 095001. DOI: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">10.1088/1748-9326/ac8694.</a></p>
  1263. <p><sup>6 </sup>Thorpe A, Green RD, Thompson DR, Brodrick PG, Chapman DK, et al. Attribution of individual methane and carbon dioxide emission sources using EMIT observations from space. Science Advances. 2023 November 17; 9(46): eadh2391. DOI: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">10.1126/sciadv.adh2391.</a></p>
  1267. <p><sup>7</sup> Cusworth DH, Thorpe A, Miller CE, Ayasse AK, Jiorle R, et al. Two years of satellite-based carbon dioxide emission quantification at the world&#8217;s largest coal-fired power plants. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2023 November 24; 23(22): 14577-14591. DOI: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">10.5194/acp-23-14577-2023.</a></p>
  1271. <p><sup>8</sup> Bhatta S, Pandit AK, Loughman R, Vernier J. Three-wavelength approach for aerosol-cloud discrimination in the SAGE III/ISS aerosol extinction dataset. Applied Optics. 2023 May; 62(13): 3454-3466. DOI: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">10.1364/AO.485466</a>.</p>
  1275. <p><sup>9 </sup>Kansakar P, Hossain F. A review of applications of satellite earth observation data for global societal benefit and stewardship of planet earth. Space Policy. 2016 May; 3646-54.</p>
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  1303. <span>Station Science 101: Earth and Space Science</span>
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  1318. <p class="margin-bottom-0 margin-top-2 color-carbon-20-important">NASA is a global leader in studying Earth’s changing climate.</p>
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  1347. <title>Hubble Goes Hunting for Small Main Belt Asteroids</title>
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  1350. <pubDate>Thu, 18 Apr 2024 14:00:13 +0000</pubDate>
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  1362. <description><![CDATA[Like boulders, rocks, and pebbles scattered across a landscape, asteroids come in a wide range of sizes. Cataloging asteroids in space is tricky because they are faint and they don’t stop to be photographed as they zip along their orbits around the Sun. Astronomers recently used a trove of archived images taken by NASA’s Hubble […]]]></description>
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  1366. <p class="label carbon-60 margin-0 margin-bottom-3 padding-0">5 min read</p>
  1367. <h1 class="display-48 margin-bottom-2">Hubble Goes Hunting for Small Main Belt Asteroids</h1>
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  1371. <p>Like boulders, rocks, and pebbles scattered across a landscape, asteroids come in a wide range of sizes. Cataloging asteroids in space is tricky because they are faint and they don’t stop to be photographed as they zip along their orbits around the Sun.</p>
  1372. <p>Astronomers recently used a trove of archived images taken by NASA’s <a href="" rel="noopener">Hubble Space Telescope</a> to visually snag a largely unseen population of smaller asteroids in their tracks. The treasure hunt required perusing 37,000 Hubble images spanning 19 years. The payoff was finding 1,701 asteroid trails, with 1,031 of the asteroids previously uncatalogued. About 400 of these uncatalogued asteroids are below 1 kilometer in size.</p>
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  1376. <figure class="hds-media-inner hds-cover-wrapper hds-media-ratio-fit "><img fetchpriority="high" decoding="async" width="2048" height="1463" src="" class="attachment-2048x2048 size-2048x2048" alt="This is a Hubble Space Telescope image of the barred spiral galaxy UGC 12158. The majestic galaxy has a pinwheel shape made up of bright blue stars wound around a yellow-white hub of central stars. The hub has a slash of stars across it, called a bar. The galaxy is tilted face-on to our view from Earth. A slightly s-shaped white line across the top is a Hubble image is of an asteroid streaking across Hubble's view. It looks dashed because the image is a combination of several exposures of the asteroid flying by like a race car." style="transform: scale(1); transform-origin: 50% 50%; object-position: 50% 50%; object-fit: cover;" block_context="nasa-block" srcset=" 2634w,,214 300w,,549 768w,,732 1024w,,1097 1536w,,1463 2048w,,286 400w,,429 600w,,643 900w,,857 1200w,,1429 2000w" sizes="(max-width: 2048px) 100vw, 2048px" loading="eager" /></figure><figcaption class="hds-caption padding-y-2">
  1377. <div class="hds-caption-text p-sm margin-0">This Hubble Space Telescope image of the barred spiral galaxy UGC 12158 looks like someone took a white marking pen to it. In reality it is a combination of time exposures of a foreground asteroid moving through Hubble’s field-of-view, photobombing the observation of the galaxy. Several exposures of the galaxy were taken, what is evidence in the dashed pattern.</p>
  1378. <p>The asteroid appears as a curved trail due to parallax: because Hubble is not stationary, but orbiting Earth, and this gives the illusion that the faint asteroid is swimming along a curved trajectory. The uncharted asteroid is in inside the asteroid belt in our solar system, and hence is 10 trillion times closer to Hubble than the background galaxy. </p>
  1379. <p>Rather than a nuisance, this type of data are useful to astronomers for doing a census of the asteroid population in our solar system.</p></div>
  1380. <div class="hds-credits">NASA, ESA, Pablo García Martín (UAM); Image Processing: Joseph DePasquale (STScI); Acknowledgment: Alex Filippenko (UC Berkeley)</div>
  1381. </figcaption></div>
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  1386. <span class="line-height-alt-1">Download this image</span><br />
  1387. <svg viewBox="0 0 32 32" fill="none" xmlns=""><circle class="button-primary-circle" cx="16" cy="16" r="16"></circle><path d="M8 16.956h12.604l-3.844 4.106 1.252 1.338L24 16l-5.988-6.4-1.252 1.338 3.844 4.106H8v1.912z" class="color-spacesuit-white"></path></svg><br />
  1388. </a></p></div>
  1389. <p>Volunteers from around the world known as “citizen scientists” contributed to the identification of this asteroid bounty. Professional scientists combined the volunteers’ efforts with machine learning algorithm to identify the asteroids. It represents a new approach to finding asteroids in astronomical archives spanning decades, which may be effectively applied to other datasets, say the researchers.</p>
  1390. <p>“We are getting deeper into seeing the smaller population of main belt asteroids. We were surprised with seeing such a large number of candidate objects,” said lead author Pablo García Martín of the Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain. “There was some hint of this population existing, but now we are confirming it with a random asteroid population sample obtained using the whole Hubble archive. This is important for providing insights into the evolutionary models of our solar system.”</p>
  1391. <p>The large, random sample offers new insights into the formation and evolution of the asteroid belt. Finding a lot of small asteroids favors the idea that they are fragments of larger asteroids that have collided and broken apart, like smashed pottery. This is a grinding-down process spanning billions of years.</p>
  1392. <p>An alternative theory for the existence of smaller fragments is that they formed that way billions of years ago. But there is no conceivable mechanism that would keep them from snowballing up to larger sizes as they agglomerated dust from the planet-forming circumstellar disk around our Sun. “Collisions would have a certain signature that we can use to test the current main belt population,” said co-author Bruno Merín of the European Space Astronomy Centre, in Madrid, Spain .</p>
  1393. <p><strong>Amateur Astronomers Teach AI to Find Asteroids</strong></p>
  1394. <p>Because of Hubble’s fast orbit around the Earth, it can capture wandering asteroids through their telltale trails in the Hubble exposures. As viewed from an Earth-based telescope, an asteroid leaves a streak across the picture. Asteroids “photobomb” Hubble exposures by appearing as unmistakable, curved trails in Hubble photographs.</p>
  1395. <p>As Hubble moves around the Earth, it changes its point of view while observing an asteroid, which also moves along its own orbit. By knowing the position of Hubble during the observation and measuring the curvature of the streaks, scientists can determine the distances to the asteroids and estimate the shapes of their orbits.</p>
  1396. <p>The asteroids snagged mostly dwell in the main belt, which lies between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Their brightness is measured by Hubble’s sensitive cameras. And comparing their brightness to their distance allows for a size estimate. The faintest asteroids in the survey are roughly one forty-millionth the brightness of the faintest star that can be seen by the human eye.</p>
  1397. <p>“Asteroid positions change with time, and therefore you cannot find them just by entering coordinates, because at different times, they might not be there,” said Merín. “As astronomers we don’t have time to go looking through all the asteroid images. So we got the idea to collaborate with over 10,000 citizen-science volunteers to peruse the huge Hubble archives.”</p>
  1398. <p>In 2019 an international group of astronomers launched the Hubble Asteroid Hunter, a citizen-science project to identify asteroids in archival Hubble data. The initiative was developed by researchers and engineers at the European Science and Technology Centre (ESTEC) and the European Space Astronomy Centre’s science data center (ESDC), in collaboration with the Zooniverse platform, the world’s largest and most popular citizen-science platform, and Google.</p>
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  1402. <figure class="hds-media-inner hds-cover-wrapper hds-media-ratio-cover "><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="2048" height="1152" src="" class="attachment-2048x2048 size-2048x2048" alt="This graph plots the size of asteroids versus their abundance, based on a Hubble Space Telescope archival survey that found 1,701 mostly previously undetected asteroids lying between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. The vertical axis lists number of objects from zero to 70. The horizontal axis lists size, from zero kilometers on the left, to 2 kilometers on the right. The graph slopes up such that the most abundant asteroids detected by Hubble in the survey are 0.5 kilometers across in size." style="transform: scale(1.2); transform-origin: 50% 50%; object-position: 50% 50%; object-fit: cover;" block_context="nasa-block" srcset=" 3840w,,169 300w,,432 768w,,576 1024w,,864 1536w,,1152 2048w,,225 400w,,338 600w,,506 900w,,675 1200w,,1125 2000w" sizes="(max-width: 2048px) 100vw, 2048px" /></figure><figcaption class="hds-caption padding-y-2">
  1403. <div class="hds-caption-text p-sm margin-0">This graph is based on Hubble Space Telescope archival data that was used to identify a largely unseen population of very small asteroids in their tracks. The asteroids were not the intended targets, but instead photobombed background stars and galaxies in Hubble images. The comprehensive treasure hunt required perusing 37,000 Hubble images spanning 19 years. This was accomplished by using “citizen science” volunteers and artificial intelligence algorithms. The payoff was finding 1,701 asteroid trails of previously undetected asteroids.</div>
  1404. <div class="hds-credits">Pablo García Martín (UAM), Elizabeth Wheatley (STScI)</div>
  1405. </figcaption></div>
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  1410. <span class="line-height-alt-1">Download this image</span><br />
  1411. <svg viewBox="0 0 32 32" fill="none" xmlns=""><circle class="button-primary-circle" cx="16" cy="16" r="16"></circle><path d="M8 16.956h12.604l-3.844 4.106 1.252 1.338L24 16l-5.988-6.4-1.252 1.338 3.844 4.106H8v1.912z" class="color-spacesuit-white"></path></svg><br />
  1412. </a></p></div>
  1413. <p>A total of 11,482 citizen-science volunteers, who provided nearly 2 million identifications, were then given a training set for an automated algorithm to identify asteroids based on artificial intelligence. This pioneering approach may be effectively applied to other datasets.</p>
  1414. <p>The project will next explore the streaks of previously unknown asteroids to characterize their orbits and study their properties, such as rotation periods. Because most of these asteroid streaks were captured by Hubble many years ago, it is not possible to follow them up now to determine their orbits.</p>
  1415. <p>The <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">findings</a> are published in the journal <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Astronomy and Astrophysics</a>.</p>
  1416. <p>To learn how you can participate in citizen science projects related to NASA, visit <a href="" rel="noopener"></a>. Participation is open to everyone around the world, not limited to U.S. citizens or residents.</p>
  1417. <p>The Hubble Space Telescope has been operating for over three decades and continues to make ground-breaking discoveries that shape our fundamental understanding of the universe. Hubble is a project of international cooperation between NASA and ESA (European Space Agency). NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, manages the telescope and mission operations. Lockheed Martin Space, based in Denver, Colorado, also supports mission operations at Goddard. The Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) in Baltimore, Maryland, which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, conducts Hubble science operations for NASA.</p>
  1418. <h4 class="wp-block-heading" id="h-learn-more"><strong>Learn More:</strong></h4>
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  1420. <a href="" target="_self" class="button-primary button-primary-md link-external-true" aria-label="Hubble Sees Nearby Asteroids Photobombing Distant Galaxies" rel="noopener"><br />
  1421. <span class="line-height-alt-1">Hubble Sees Nearby Asteroids Photobombing Distant Galaxies</span><br />
  1422. <svg viewBox="0 0 32 32" fill="none" xmlns=""><circle class="button-primary-circle" cx="16" cy="16" r="16"></circle><path d="M8 16.956h12.604l-3.844 4.106 1.252 1.338L24 16l-5.988-6.4-1.252 1.338 3.844 4.106H8v1.912z" class="color-spacesuit-white"></path></svg><br />
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  1425. <a href="" target="_self" class="button-primary button-primary-md link-external-true" aria-label="Tracking Evolution in the Asteroid Belt" rel="noopener"><br />
  1426. <span class="line-height-alt-1">Tracking Evolution in the Asteroid Belt</span><br />
  1427. <svg viewBox="0 0 32 32" fill="none" xmlns=""><circle class="button-primary-circle" cx="16" cy="16" r="16"></circle><path d="M8 16.956h12.604l-3.844 4.106 1.252 1.338L24 16l-5.988-6.4-1.252 1.338 3.844 4.106H8v1.912z" class="color-spacesuit-white"></path></svg><br />
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  1430. <a href="" target="_self" class="button-primary button-primary-md link-external-true" aria-label="Uncovering Icy Objects in the Kuiper Belt" rel="noopener"><br />
  1431. <span class="line-height-alt-1">Uncovering Icy Objects in the Kuiper Belt</span><br />
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  1434. <p><strong><em><span style="text-decoration: underline">Media Contact</span>:</em></strong></p>
  1435. <p><strong><em>Claire Andreoli</em></strong><br /><strong><em>NASA’s </em></strong><a href=""><strong><em>Goddard Space Flight Center</em></strong></a>, <strong><em>Greenbelt, MD</em></strong><br /><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"><strong><em></em></strong></a></p>
  1436. <p><strong><em>Ray Villard<br />Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, MD</em></strong></p>
  1437. <p><strong><em><span style="text-decoration: underline">Science Contact</span>:</em></strong><br /><strong><em>Pablo García Martín<br />Autonomous University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain</em></strong></p>
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  1480. <div class="grid-col-8">Apr 18, 2024</div>
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  1525. <p class="margin-bottom-0 margin-top-2 color-carbon-20-important">Since its 1990 launch, the Hubble Space Telescope has changed our fundamental understanding of the universe.</p>
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  1576. <title>OSDR hosts Blue Origin Erika Wagner</title>
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  1578. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Elizabeth E. Keller]]></dc:creator>
  1579. <pubDate>Thu, 18 Apr 2024 00:13:44 +0000</pubDate>
  1580. <category><![CDATA[Ames Space Biosciences]]></category>
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  1583. <description><![CDATA[Open Science Data Repository Team Hosts Blue Origin’s Dr Erika Wagner at the Meet the Expert Seminar Series Focused on Flight Integrators Friday, March 29, 2024—The Open Science Data Repository hosted the sixth presentation showcasing flight integrators in the “Meet the Expert” series. This series is targeted for the Open Science Analysis Working Group (AWG) [&#8230;]]]></description>
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  1587. <h4 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Open Science Data Repository Team Hosts Blue Origin’s Dr Erika Wagner at the Meet the Expert Seminar Series Focused on Flight Integrators</strong></h4>
  1590. <div id="" class="hds-media hds-module wp-block-image"><div class="margin-left-auto margin-right-auto nasa-block-align-inline"><div class="hds-media-wrapper margin-left-auto margin-right-auto"><figure class="hds-media-inner hds-cover-wrapper hds-media-ratio-none "><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" alt="" style="transform: scale(1); transform-origin: 50% 50%; object-position: 50% 50%; object-fit: cover;" src="" ></figure></div></div></div>
  1593. <p>Friday, March 29, 2024—The Open Science Data Repository hosted the sixth presentation showcasing flight integrators in the “Meet the Expert” series. This series is targeted for the Open Science Analysis Working Group (AWG) community to aide their space biology experiments. In this latest presentation, Dr Erika Wagner—a Senior Director of Emerging Market Development for Blue Origin—provided an introduction to Blue Origin, and how to participate in conducting microgravity research on their platforms. She also spoke a bit to her personal journey from biomedical engineering to aerospace. This meeting included a one-hour presentation that was attended by 26 AWG members followed by a networking social happy hour where AWG members continued to connect with the expert as well as each other.</p>
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  1609. <span>NASA Biological &#038; Physical Sciences</span>
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  1612. <p class="margin-bottom-0 margin-top-2 color-carbon-20-important">BPS administers NASA’s: BPS partners with the research community and a wide range of organizations to accomplish its mission. Grants&hellip;</p>
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  1622. <span>International Space Station</span>
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  1634. <span>Human Research Program</span>
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  1646. <span>Ames Research Center</span>
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  1658. <title>NASA’s TESS Returns to Science Operations</title>
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  1661. <pubDate>Wed, 17 Apr 2024 22:34:23 +0000</pubDate>
  1662. <category><![CDATA[Astrophysics]]></category>
  1663. <category><![CDATA[Goddard Space Flight Center]]></category>
  1664. <category><![CDATA[TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite)]]></category>
  1665. <category><![CDATA[The Universe]]></category>
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  1668. <description><![CDATA[NASA’s TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite) has returned to work after science observations were suspended on April 8, when the spacecraft entered into safe mode. All instruments are powered on and, following the successful download of previously collected science data stored in the mission’s recorder, are now making new science observations. Analysis of what triggered […]]]></description>
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  1672. <p class="label carbon-60 margin-0 margin-bottom-3 padding-0">2 min read</p>
  1673. <h1 class="display-48 margin-bottom-2">NASA’s TESS Returns to Science Operations</h1>
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  1676. </div>
  1677. <p>NASA’s <a href="" rel="noopener">TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite)</a> has returned to work after science observations were suspended on April 8, when the spacecraft entered into safe mode. All instruments are powered on and, following the successful download of previously collected science data stored in the mission’s recorder, are now making new science observations.</p>
  1678. <p>Analysis of what triggered the satellite to enter safe mode is ongoing.</p>
  1679. <p>The TESS mission is a NASA Astrophysics Explorer operated by MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Launched in 2018, TESS has been <a href="">scanning almost the entire sky</a> looking for planets beyond our solar system, known as <a href="">exoplanets</a>. The TESS mission has also uncovered other cosmic phenomena, including <a href="">star-shredding black holes</a> and <a href="">stellar oscillations</a>. Read more about TESS discoveries at <a href="" rel="noopener"></a>.</p>
  1680. <p><strong>Media contact:</strong><br /><strong><a href="">Claire Andreoli</a></strong><br /><strong>301-286-1940</strong><br /><strong><a href=""></a><br /></strong><strong><a href="">NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center</a>, Greenbelt, Md.</strong></p>
  1681. </p>
  1682. <h6 class="wp-block-heading">April 11, 2024</h6>
  1683. <h3 class="wp-block-heading">NASA’s TESS Temporarily Pauses Science Observations</h3>
  1684. <p>NASA’s TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite) entered into safe mode April 8, temporarily interrupting science observations. The team is investigating the root cause of the safe mode, which occurred during scheduled engineering activities. The satellite itself remains in good health.</p>
  1685. <p>The team will continue investigating the issue and is in the process of returning TESS to science observations in the coming days.</p>
  1686. <p>The TESS mission is a NASA Astrophysics Explorer operated by MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Launched in 2018, TESS has been scanning almost the entire sky looking for planets beyond our solar system, known as exoplanets. The TESS mission has also uncovered other cosmic phenomena, including <a href="">star-shredding black holes</a> and <a href="">stellar oscillations</a>. Read more about TESS discoveries at <a href="/Users/amfishe4/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/INetCache/Content.Outlook/2HHHRFYO/">nasa.</a><a href="" rel="noopener">gov</a><a href="/Users/amfishe4/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/INetCache/Content.Outlook/2HHHRFYO/">/tess</a>.</p>
  1687. <p><strong>Media Contact:</strong><br /><strong>Claire Andreoli</strong><br /><strong>(301) 286-1940</strong><br /><strong><a href=""></a></strong><br /><strong><a href="">NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center</a>, Greenbelt, Md.</strong></p>
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