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<header>Getting Help From Us</header>
<dl id="gethelp">
<dt>Contact Us</dt>
<dd><a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#e794929797889593a795828394908286938295c984888a">Email us</a> whenever you like. We usually respond within 24 hours.<br />
Not receiving a response? Check your email spam filter, or drop us a line on <a href="https://www.twitter.com/redsweater">Twitter</a> or <a href="https://facebook.com/redsweatersoftware">Facebook</a>.</dd>
<dt>Support Articles</dt>
<dd>We maintain a number of articles dedicated to documenting the functionality of our software, and workarounds to common problems. Visit the <a href="https://help.redsweater.com/">Red Sweater Help</a> pages to learn more.</dd>
<header>Answers to Common Questions</header>
<dl id="faq">
<dt>Where's my license?</dt>
<dd><p>If you purchased directly from <a href="https://redsweater.com/store/">our store</a>, please <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#92e1e7e2e2fde0e6d2e0f7f6e1e5f7f3e6f7e0bcf1fdff">send us an email</a>, including any names or emails you might have used when purchasing. We’ll find the license in our records and re-send it to you.</p>
<p>If you purchased from Apple's Mac App Store, you can reinstall by finding our product in the "Purchased Items" list of the App Store application.</p></dd>
<dt>Can I use the software on more than one Mac?</dt>
<dd>As long as you’re the only person using the application, feel free to install it on all of your computers. If you’re sharing a computer with other people, each person must use their own license.</dd>
<dt>Do you offer educational discounts?</dt>
<dd>We do not offer special pricing for students. We hope our competitive prices make our products accessible to everybody who can benefit from them.</dd>
<dt>What about bulk discounts?</dt>
<dd>Please <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#64171114140b161024160100171301051001164a070b09">get in touch</a> to learn more about our quantity discounts.</dd>
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<p>Copyright © 2024 Red Sweater Software, LLC. All Rights Reserved.</p>
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