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  2. <rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom="" xmlns:content="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:media=""><channel><title>Blaze Media</title><link></link><description>Blaze Media</description><atom:link href="" rel="self"></atom:link><language>en-us</language><lastBuildDate>Fri, 03 May 2024 11:15:00 -0000</lastBuildDate><image><url></url><link></link><title>Blaze Media</title></image><item><title>Today’s campus chaos channels the revolutionary zeal of 1968</title><link></link><description><![CDATA[
  3. <img src=""/><br/><br/><p>To better understand what’s happening on campuses around the country, read “First We Take Columbia: Lessons from the April 1968 Occupations Movement.” <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">The essay</a>, which appeared April 20 at the autonomist website Ill Will, is penned by anonymous participants of the late Columbia and Yale protest encampments. The authors recall another occupation, another Columbia, which took place 56 years ago, while urging on their fellow occupiers.</p><p>The first thing you’ll notice is that essay says practically nothing, beyond a brief reference to “solidarity with Gaza,” about the ongoing war in the Middle East.</p><p class="pull-quote">It is unmistakably the case that Columbia is less about antiwar or even anti-Israel sentiment than it is about domestic revolution.</p><p>Instead, the authors divide their advice into sections with headers such as “Occupations are effective because they are disruptive,” “An occupation needs to spread in order to survive,” and “Every occupation is a commune” together with examples from the 1968 Columbia campus protests.</p><p>The symmetry between 1968 and 2024 became increasingly clear this week as protests have escalated across the country, with students seizing university buildings, building barricades, and bringing in reinforcements from among outside radicals. Columbia protesters <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">reportedly briefly held Columbia staff hostage</a>, refusing to allow them to leave the building in a manner reminiscent of Columbia Dean William Coleman’s capture a half century earlier.</p><p>If the current radicals seem bent on recreating the spirit of ’68, perhaps there is much we could learn from those events to explain what we’ve seen this week and where these events are likely headed.</p><h2>‘Occupations draw strength from the specter of a riot’</h2><p>The Columbia ’68 occupations, which began as a protest action opposing a Columbia think tank’s ties to the Pentagon and the building of a gym, were preceded by a series <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">of race riots in large cities</a>. The Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee was behind a number of those riots, some beginning as early as 1965. The campus protests underway now are supposedly also benefiting from the specter of the preceding Black Lives Matter riots of 2020.</p><p>While the anonymous article does not name them, the earlier Columbia protests were the brainchild of the Students for a Democratic Society. SDS Columbia was the coming-out party for the likes of Mark Rudd, John “JJ” Jones, David Gilbert, and Bernadine Dohrn — the leadership cadre of a collective that would eventually become the domestic terrorist group known as the Weather Underground.</p><p>While some conservative wags have suggested that protesters at elite schools like Yale and Columbia are destroying their post-college career opportunities, the organizers are really auditioning for the jobs they want. Like the Weather Underground before them, they’re vying for leadership roles in the coming revolution.</p><h2>‘The first task then is to open the campus to the community’</h2><p>While media outlets have attempted to give cover to student protests by claiming outsiders are to blame for vandalism and violence, in truth no daylight exists between the “agitators” and the student protesters. In recently released videos from Columbia, professional anarchist and “direct action consultant” Lisa Fithian can be seen directing students to build barricades. Fithian has played a key role in organizing chaos for nearly 40 years, from the 2000 “Battle in Seattle” to the Ferguson riots to (perhaps most notably) the 2008 Republican National Convention.</p><h2>‘A proliferation of occupied spaces requires the space for a proliferation of autonomous initiatives’</h2><p>It is unmistakably the case that Columbia is less about antiwar or even anti-Israel sentiment than it is about domestic revolution. The protests we have seen consist of a mélange of participating groups ranging from Anarchists to Marxists to Islamists of every stripe. It is, therefore, no surprise that viral videos of the encampments have something for everyone. Islamic prayer, Hamas chants, praise of North Korea, Black liberation rhetoric, on and on.</p><p>Curiously, however, many of these tumultuous factions exist on the largesse of massive left-wing foundations, <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">such as Tides Foundation</a> and <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Open Society Foundations</a>, which are funding multiple participant groups. Numerous protest organizers are linked to the larger pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel campaign network.</p><p>While many look upon these donors as the masterminds of the events, it is better to view them as a gas pedal than a steering wheel. When these entities desire disruption, they release the tap to let money flow down to the fiscal sponsor nonprofit organizations, and from there to the bail funds and dime-a-dozen community groups, and then to the street radicals.</p><p>The Columbia protest organizers then, as now, were not a single unified front, operating on any one person’s orders. They were a wild mess of competing revolutionary Marxist factions, organizations, and sub-groups, each seeking to mobilize the attendees toward their own version of doctrinaire leftism, with heroes from Cuba to China to Algeria. But within the morass was the beginning of a struggle to determine the shape and direction of the New Left and where it would lead them.</p><h2>'This is only the beginning'</h2><p>Every sign points to the reality that these encampment protests are not really about Israel or Palestine at all. The protesters insist the goal is revolution, and revolutions are fundamentally about seizing power.</p><p>Many observers have noted that elite colleges and universities are reaping what they have sown with radical students <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">alienating longtime alumni</a> donors and even <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">threatening endowments</a>. In many ways, the primary target is a left-leaning establishment that has maintained Alexander Kerensky’s maxim “no enemies to the left” and is increasingly likely to meet <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Kerensky’s fate</a>. </p><p>If it is the case that the ongoing chaos is aimed not toward geopolitical affairs but domestic political ones, then the road to revolution is likely to lead from Columbia to Chicago, where in 1968 a variety of student factions, including the SDS, led massive and chaotic protests that sank establishment Democrat Hubert Humphrey’s chances against law-and-order anti-communist Richard Nixon. </p><p>There are differences in 2024 to be sure, at least on the surface. The 1968 Democratic National Convention was contested, with incumbent Lyndon Johnson having formally declined to run for re-election. But then, as now, the Democrat Party base was in upheaval. Large swaths of the Democratic Party base would have <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">strongly preferred</a> that Biden not run this year. Post October 7<sup> </sup>protest organizers have not been shy at naming Biden as a target, either, deliberately targeting Arab voters in the swing state of Michigan in a push to reject Biden in the primary, if only symbolically.</p><p>Already, we are seeing signs of protests intended to target the convention, under the heading, "<a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">March on DNC 2024 Coalition</a>." The organizers of that effort are a mixed bag but include Chicago Students for Justice in Palestine, a Palestinian campus group with links to Palestinian terror groups PFLP and Hamas, which have played a role in campus encampment protests.</p><p>Other participants include the Freedom Road Socialist Organization, which played an outsized role in giving birth to the BLM movement, together with BLM’s Chicago chapter. Other groups include a bevy of Filipino American organizations linked to the New People’s Army, the Philippines’ Communist Guerilla movement.</p><p>Unlike in 1968, however, there is no longer a Richard Daly strongman in Chicago. Instead, the city is helmed by a radical disciple of the local teachers’ union. Mayor Brandon Johnson last year <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">held a sit-down</a> with Black Panther and repeated Communist Party USA presidential candidate Angela Davis. This is the same Chicago where former Weathermen leaders Bernadine Dohrn and Bill Ayers hold court as hometown heroes, with Ayers recently <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">weighing in</a> on plans for the 2024 DNC protest.</p><p>Following the 1968 DNC protests, the Weathermen went to seize control of the entire SDS in 1969 and launched a terror campaign that didn’t end until the early 1980s.</p><p>What we are seeing on college campuses today is not the climax of something but rather the beginning. The networks and relationships now being established by these radicals will strengthen, and radicals will further be radicalized.</p><p>What is coming out of Columbia isn’t about Israel or Palestine or campus politics. It’s about revolution.</p>]]></description><pubDate>Fri, 03 May 2024 11:15:00 +0000</pubDate><guid></guid><category>Opinion &amp; analysis</category><dc:creator>Kyle Shideler</dc:creator><media:content medium="image" type="image/jpeg" url=";width=980"></media:content></item><item><title>From fathers to failures: Feminization of society endangers us all</title><link></link><description><![CDATA[
  4. <img src=""/><br/><br/><p>
  5. As my Blaze Media colleague Jason Whitlock often says, we have too many young men who are over-mothered and under-fathered. That explains the entire culture.
  6. </p><p>
  7. What is traditionally viewed as masculine discipline has been defined in today’s world as harsh. And here’s the thing: <em>It is</em>. Which is why when it comes to the riots and disturbances and melees happening on college campuses right now, I would suggest letting Dad take his belt off in the following way, particularly in blue states.
  8. </p><p>
  9. Let them fight.
  10. </p><p>
  11. Those who were taught and nurtured by the administrations at all of these “educational” institutions are now turning against their masters. This is also a reflection of the voting patterns of the states where the chaos is most pronounced. Which is why the worst thing we could do, in my opinion, would be to try to tame this situation and ultimately let the evil and the rot remain institutionally in place.</p><p>
  12. What will happen if that occurs? Western Europe will occur. Canada will occur. Australia will occur. This is the death of the West. We’ve decided we’re not going to confront human nature any more and instead thought we could tame it. But the Borg won't stay on deck 16, will they?</p><p>
  13. Take a good, hard look, America. You need to see what your lies and excessive comfort have wrought.
  14. </p><p class="pull-quote">
  15. We are on the edge of a knife as a civilization about to lose the whole damn thing.
  16. </p><p>
  17. I applaud the police for standing down at UCLA, no matter their reason for it. I would no more send any police in there than I would want my son to go fight for Ukraine. We must let the laws of sowing and reaping do their work. This is Romans 1. See how horrible it truly is to be given over to your own depraved minds.</p><p>
  18. The lampstand is taken away. Scripture is fulfilled in our hearing. This is judgment. Men and fathers used to understand that, but we just don’t have a lot of them any more because such things all seem too harsh to us today. Yet it was the harsh spiritual discipline sometimes inherent in that biblical worldview that led to this civilization of ours even being established in the first place. We simply can’t escape that. Destruction awaits if we try. And in the case of these college campuses, they will richly deserve it.</p><div class="rm-embed embed-media"><iframe frameborder="0" height="200" scrolling="no" src="" width="100%"></iframe></div><p>The feminization of our culture, though, has led us to the point now that the minute we see any sign of struggle, conflict, or anything that might draw attention to us, we beg for it to go away as quickly as possible through the most convenient and least personal means available. Like when I weighed 380 pounds and preferred the trance of self-medicating because my stepdad smacked me around too much as a kid instead of telling myself I was just lazy and ate too much bad food. I needed to stop. I needed to reverse trends. I needed to take a long and hard look in the mirror.<br/></p><p>
  19. It’s harsh but necessary. We don’t have time for games. We don't have time for bleeding hearts. We are on the edge of a knife as a civilization about to lose the whole damn thing. And a lot of it is because we’ve ignored our heavenly Father and we didn’t have an earthly father worth spit to teach us discipline.
  20. </p><p>
  21. So let the colleges touch that hot stove and burn themselves into oblivion if they must. The scar that remains if we all finally learn our lesson about what happens when we push God aside will be a far better outcome than letting them burn the entire house down and taking all of us with them.
  22. </p>]]></description><pubDate>Fri, 03 May 2024 11:00:00 +0000</pubDate><guid></guid><category>Opinion &amp; analysis</category><dc:creator>Steve Deace</dc:creator><media:content medium="image" type="image/jpeg" url=";width=980"></media:content></item><item><title>Americans are fleeing blue cities — and their suburbs</title><link></link><description><![CDATA[
  23. <img src=""/><br/><br/><p>
  24. People have been leaving many of America’s major cities for years, as high taxes and the failure or deliberate refusal to maintain law and order have generated a downward spiral of living conditions. Now, suburbanites are increasingly deserting high-tax, high-disorder urban areas as well.
  25. </p><p>
  26. “Major metropolitan areas (over 1,000,000 population) lost 2 million net domestic migrants to other parts of the nation in just three years (2021-2023),” the Committee to Unleash Prosperity <a href="" target="_blank">reports</a>.
  27. </p><p class="pull-quote">
  28. Support for Trump was associated with population gains even in counties in states that lost population overall, while the opposite occurred in Biden-supporting areas.
  29. </p><p>
  30. This exodus is not just a matter of Americans in big cities moving to nearby suburbs. Suburban counties in the New York City metro area lost more than 200,000 people between 2020 and 2023. Cities surrounding Los Angeles, Chicago, Washington, D.C., and Miami also lost population during that time, the report notes.
  31. </p><p>
  32. This makes sense given that many suburbanites work within the city limits or patronize businesses there and are thus made vulnerable to the rise in urban pathologies.
  33. </p><p>
  34. Millions of Americans have been victimized by the rise of crime. Retail stores, restaurants, bars, and other gathering places have closed down or fled to less-disturbed places. Service deterioration and lack of commuter safety have made public transit a reasonable choice only for the desperate, such as those who must use it to get to work. Large areas are no-go zones because of the preponderance of unpredictable homeless people. Illegal immigrants flood the local schools and make learning difficult for those already there. Declining services and torn-up streets impede commerce and safety. And so on.
  35. </p><p>
  36. A particularly compelling factor is many urban governments’ conscious choice during the past decade not to apprehend and prosecute large numbers of people who commit crimes. Broken streetlights, tangled traffic, and streets marred by potholes are inconveniences. Crime is a dire threat to people’s lives and well-being.
  37. </p><p>
  38. The flight from the suburbs of deteriorating cities has important policy implications: The outflow is massive where Democrats run things. The defining characteristic of the biggest population gainers and losers in all the nation’s counties is whether their residents voted for Donald Trump in 2020, the editorial board of Issues and Insights<em> </em><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">notes</a>.
  39. </p><p>
  40. “Last year, the 10 counties that gained the most through net migration had one thing in common — they were conservative counties that voted for Donald Trump in 2020,” the editors write. “At the other end of the spectrum, all 10 counties that saw the biggest negative net migration also have one thing in common — they all voted for Biden in 2020.”
  41. </p><p>
  42. Although correlation is not causation, it stands to reason that local governments in Trump-supporting counties would be more conservative in their policies and those in Biden-voting regions would be left of center. Issues and Insights confirmed this on the national level: “Biden-voting counties lost a net of 3.7 million people (3,670,516 to be exact) to Trump-voting counties from 2020 through 2023.”
  43. </p><p>
  44. That amounts to more than 1% of the nation’s population fleeing Democratic-voting places in three years, I&I notes.
  45. </p><p>
  46. Among the counties with the worst population losses, the association with Biden support was a rather conclusive 100%: “The 11 counties that had the biggest population declines over the past three years <em>all voted for Biden,</em>” I&I reports (emphasis in original). “They lost a net total of 2 million people.”
  47. </p><p>
  48. Support for Trump was associated with population gains even in counties in states that lost population overall, while the opposite occurred in Biden-supporting areas.
  49. </p><p>
  50. One wonders how many millions more would have emigrated if financial and family circumstances and other such ties had not prevented them from doing so.
  51. </p><p>
  52. The reason for this mass migration from Biden’s America to Trump’s America is obvious. States that vote for Republican presidential candidates have <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">better governments</a>, <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">lower tax rates</a>, <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">better job markets</a>, <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">higher fertility rates</a> with <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">a widening advantage over other states</a>, <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">much smaller percentages of homeless people</a>, <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">lower murder rates at the county level</a>, <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">better protections against voter fraud</a>, and superiority in a variety of other measures.
  53. </p><p>
  54. The nation’s biggest cities, all run by Democrats, are increasingly driving people out of their core areas and now even<em> </em>out of their suburbs. This is all a result of the catastrophic mismanagement and arrogance of urban governments in one-party, Democrat-controlled cities.
  55. </p><p>
  56. Throughout the country, Democrat-run metros are falling into a destructive-governance spiral in which bad policies create adverse outcomes, productive people leave, the government increases tax rates and cuts services for those who remain, more people and businesses depart, the shrinking tax base reduces government revenues further, the government cuts services, more people leave, and the decline accelerates. Things are going to get even worse in these places unless their governments reverse course and restore order.
  57. </p><p>
  58. Americans are voting with their feet, increasingly leaving Democrat-run places and their problems for greener pastures. Meanwhile, many of those cities persist in imposing policies that are detrimental to them, heightening the misery for those left behind. As is often the case, the populace is proving to be far wiser than the politicians.
  59. </p>]]></description><pubDate>Fri, 03 May 2024 10:45:00 +0000</pubDate><guid></guid><category>Opinion &amp; analysis</category><category>Politics</category><dc:creator>S.T. Karnick</dc:creator><media:content medium="image" type="image/jpeg" url=";width=980"></media:content></item><item><title>Weekend Watch: Spike Lee gets real about racism</title><link></link><description><![CDATA[
  60. <img src=""/><br/><br/><p>
  61. <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">“Everyone's a Little Bit Racist”</a> goes a jaunty tune from the 2004 Broadway hit “Avenue Q.” It's funny because it's true.
  62. </p><p>
  63. Humans are by nature tribal. We tend to mistrust and stereotype outsiders. Acknowledging this can relieve tension and lead to honest, productive conversation.
  64. </p><p>
  65. Spike Lee has spent his career sparking such conversations, nowhere more effectively than in his 1989 film <a href="" target="_blank">“Do the Right Thing.”</a> Depicting the simmering racial tension of one hot summer day in Brooklyn, Lee's film at first seems to side mainly with its black characters.
  66. </p><p>
  67. As it progresses, however, Lee makes sure we also see the complicated humanity of their white antagonists. They, like everyone else in the film, are just trying to get by and live their lives. They have more important things to worry about than race.
  68. </p><p><a href="" target="_blank">One scene</a> in particular captures Lee's “we're-all-in-this-together” approach: different characters – the black protagonist (played by Lee himself), a Korean grocer, a white cop, a Puerto Rican neighbor – address the camera with rapid-fire racial slurs. The creativity and fluency with which each character denigrates another race makes it funny; the genuine anger behind it makes it uncomfortable.
  69. </p><p>
  70. <iframe allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" src="" title="YouTube video player" width="560"></iframe>
  71. <br/>
  72. </p><p>
  73. When the tension finally explodes in violence and destruction (which can't help but remind us of the summer of 2020, if not our current campus unrest), “Do the Right Thing” again chooses to unsettle. Nobody has proven a point; nobody has “won.” The characters, like the audience, are left to ponder the seemingly insurmountable human impulse to scapegoat and turn strangers into enemies.
  74. </p>]]></description><pubDate>Fri, 03 May 2024 10:30:00 +0000</pubDate><guid></guid><category>Lifestyle</category><dc:creator>Matt Himes</dc:creator><media:content medium="image" type="image/jpeg" url=";width=980"></media:content></item><item><title>Columbia law students demand exams be canceled over feelings of trauma from police 'violence' against anti-Israel protesters</title><link></link><description><![CDATA[
  75. <img src=""/><br/><br/><p>
  76. The student editors of the Columbia Law Review demanded that exams be cancelled over their trauma from witnessing and experience police "violence" against anti-Israel protesters.
  77. </p><p>
  78. The students made their <a href="" target="_blank">demand</a> in a letter sent out on Thursday after police liberated the <a href="" target="_blank">college's Hamilton Hall </a>from pro-Hamas protesters on Tuesday and arrested about a hundred people.
  79. </p><p>
  80. "As the Administrative Board of student editors of the Columbia Law Review, we urge the Law School to cancel exams and give all students passing grades for their work throughout the semester," the letter read in part.
  81. </p><p>
  82. "The violence we witnessed last night has irrevocably shaken many of us on the Review. We know this to be the same for a majority of our classmates. Videos have circulated of police clad in riot gear mocking and brutalizing our students. The events of last night left us, and many of our peers, unable to focus and highly emotional during this tumultuous time," they continued.
  83. </p><p>
  84. Police were assaulted by protesters after they forced their way into Hamilton Hall and <a href="" target="_blank">forcibly dragged out</a> the protesters. While the damage to the hall was great, it paled in comparison to the deep emotional trauma that the students suffered throughout the ordeal. </p><blockquote>This only follows the growing distress that many of us have felt for months as the humanitarian crisis abroad continues to unfold, and as the blatant antisemitism, islamophobia, and racism on campus have escalated. Our response is not disproportionate to the outsized impact it has had on many of us in the community— a crowd of people that proudly represent their membership in a white supremacist, neo-fascist hate group were storming our campus just days ago.<br/><span></span></blockquote><p>"The current exam policy raises concerns around equity and academic integrity," the statement continued. "Many are unwell at this time and cannot study or concentrate while their peers are being hauled to jail."</p><p>
  85. A group of anti-Israel protesters have <a href="" target="_blank">filed a lawsuit </a>against the university over the alleged racist "harassment" they faced during the occupation of the hall. </p><p>
  86. Thursday morning, several police agencies joined the LAPD in crashing through barricades at UCLA and dismantling the <a href="" target="_blank">pro-Hamas encampment</a> that several students had constructed. Protesters tried to fight back by spraying police with unidentified chemicals.
  87. </p><p>
  88. In one comical incident lampooned online, several UCLA protesters <a href="" target="_blank">rushed at police</a> with makeshift shields fashioned out of garbage cans, and they were unceremoniously wrestled to the ground.
  89. </p><p>
  90. More than 200 protesters were arrested in that police action, and the encampment was completely obliterated.
  91. </p><h2>Here's more about the liberation of Columbia:</h2><p class="shortcode-media shortcode-media-youtube">
  92.        <span class="rm-shortcode" data-rm-shortcode-id="5e54c10df65995290a91e569479c3386" style="display:block;position:relative;padding-top:56.25%;"><iframe frameborder="0" height="auto" lazy-loadable="true" scrolling="no" src="" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;" width="100%"></iframe></span>
  93. </p><p><em>Like Blaze News? Bypass the censors, sign up for our newsletters, and get stories like this direct to your inbox. </em><em><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_self">Sign up here</a></em><em>! </em><br/>
  94. </p>]]></description><pubDate>Fri, 03 May 2024 03:07:23 +0000</pubDate><guid></guid><category>Columbia protest</category><category>Students traumatized by police</category><category>Police vs gaza protesters</category><category>Columbia u liberation</category><category>Politics</category><dc:creator>Carlos Garcia</dc:creator><media:content medium="image" type="image/jpeg" url=";width=980"></media:content></item><item><title>13 House Democrats vote for resolution that condemns 'the Biden administration's open-borders policies'</title><link></link><description><![CDATA[
  95. <img src=""/><br/><br/><p>In a 223-191 vote, the House of Representatives passed a <a href="" target="_blank">resolution</a> that decries "the Biden administration's open-borders policies" and presses for the administration to rescind them and "implement policies that end his administration's border crisis."</p><p>Thirteen Democrats and 210 Republicans <a href="" target="_blank">voted</a> in favor of passing the resolution while 191 Democrats opposed it.</p><p>The resolution includes language asserting that "President Joe Biden and Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas have created the worst border security crisis in the Nation’s history" and that "President Biden, beginning on day one of his administration, systematically dismantled effective border security measures and interior immigration enforcement."</p><p>Earlier this year, when the House <a href="" target="_self">voted</a> 214-213 in favor of impeaching Department of Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas, no Democrats voted for impeachment. Then later, Democratic and independent senators ultimately <a href="" target="_blank">put the kibosh</a> on the impeachment effort.</p><p>The text of the resolution also includes language stating that the House "affirms the Biden administration has taken executive actions that created the current border crisis" and "condemns the public safety crisis caused by the Biden administration’s open-borders policies."</p><p>The 13 Democrats who voted in favor of passage include: </p><ul><li>Reps. Nikki Budzinski of Illinois</li><li>Yadira Caraveo of Colorado</li><li>Angie Craig of Minnesota</li><li>Henry Cuellar of Texas</li><li>Sharice Davids of Kansas</li><li>Donald Davis of North Carolina</li><li>Jared Golden of Maine</li><li>Josh Harder of California</li><li>Steven Horsford of Nevada</li><li>Susie Lee of Nevada</li><li>Mary Sattler Peltola of Alaska</li><li>Marie Gluesenkamp Perez of Washington</li><li>Eric Sorensen of Illinois</li></ul><p><em>Like Blaze News? Bypass the censors, sign up for our newsletters, and get stories like this direct to your inbox. <a href="" target="_self">Sign up here!</a></em></p>]]></description><pubDate>Fri, 03 May 2024 01:10:00 +0000</pubDate><guid></guid><category>President biden</category><category>Alejandro mayorkas</category><category>Democrats</category><category>Border</category><category>Resolution</category><category>Biden administration</category><category>Politics</category><dc:creator>Alex Nitzberg</dc:creator><media:content medium="image" type="image/jpeg" url=";width=980"></media:content></item><item><title>Man posts video of himself sucker-punching elderly man without provocation, New Mexico police say they can't do anything</title><link></link><description><![CDATA[
  96. <img src=""/><br/><br/><p>
  97. A New Mexico man sucker-punched an elderly man and published video of himself doing it, but police said they are unable to do anything about it, despite admitting they saw the video.
  98. </p><p>
  99. The video was posted to Facebook by Armando Gandara III and showed him punching someone who appears to be an elderly man in Albuquerque before running away.
  100. </p><p>
  101. The Bernalillo County Sheriff's Office said in a statement to KOB-TV that they had seen the video but could do nothing without the victim coming forward.
  102. </p><blockquote><em>The victim in this case has not come forward and we do not have a confirmed identity of the victim. Without a statement and report made by the victim this case cannot move forward. We urge the victim in the video to come forward and speak with a deputy to ensure we can move forward with appropriate charges in the pursuit of justice.</em></blockquote><p>
  103. The post was later removed.
  104. </p><p class="pull-quote">
  105. "He is completely unhinged."
  106. </p><p>
  107. KOB also spoke to Amanda Kimbrel, who says she works alongside Gandara at UPS and fears his violence may escalate. She says working in the same place as the man has her fearing for her life.
  108. </p><p>
  109. “When I go to work every morning, I am, my anxiety level is through the roof because I don’t know what he’s going to do," she said. "No precautions have been taken to secure my safety or my co-workers. I go to work every day wondering, ‘Am I going to die today?’ And I know that sounds dramatic, but it’s truly not because he is completely unhinged."
  110. </p><p>
  111. Kimbrel says she filed a restraining order against Gandara in January but that he keeps violating it without any repercussions.
  112. </p><p>
  113. “He violated it I think a total of seven times now, maybe six," she claimed. "He stole one of his friends phones, reached out to me, pretending to be the other friend. He violates it at work. He’s supposed to, you know, stay within 100 yards of me. He comes right next to me."
  114. </p><p class="pull-quote">"People need to stand up."<br/></p><p>
  115. Kimbrel says she plans on taking Gandara to court over the restraining order violations but she hopes that the elderly victim will also step forward and press charges.
  116. </p><p>
  117. “People need to stand up to people like this, and stop taking it," she said. "So whoever that older gentleman was that he, you know, sucker punched like that. I hope he comes forward."
  118. </p><h2>Here's a video about the incident:</h2><p class="shortcode-media shortcode-media-youtube">
  119.        <span class="rm-shortcode" data-rm-shortcode-id="0ab522609bd2531140403c7d88ae699f" style="display:block;position:relative;padding-top:56.25%;"><iframe frameborder="0" height="auto" lazy-loadable="true" scrolling="no" src="" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;" width="100%"></iframe></span>
  120. </p><p><em>Like Blaze News? Bypass the censors, sign up for our newsletters, and get stories like this direct to your inbox. </em><em><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_self">Sign up here</a></em><em>! </em><br/>
  121. </p>]]></description><pubDate>Fri, 03 May 2024 00:38:51 +0000</pubDate><guid></guid><category>Albuquerque sucker punch</category><category>Armando gandara crime</category><category>Elderly man sucker punched</category><category>Sucker punch video</category><category>Crime</category><dc:creator>Carlos Garcia</dc:creator><media:content medium="image" type="image/jpeg" url=";width=980"></media:content></item><item><title>Mike Lee gets poetic, hammers the 'Uniparty' with haikus</title><link></link><description><![CDATA[
  122. <img src=""/><br/><br/><p>Republican Sen. Mike Lee of Utah has been riffing on the idea of the "Uniparty," the notion that Republicans and Democrats join together to advance big government objectives, much to the chagrin of conservatives.</p><p>"Conservatives: 'You're spending too much and enacting the Dems' priorities. Our voters hate it,'" Lee wrote in a <a href="" target="_blank">post</a> illustrating the "Uniparty" issue. </p><p>"The Uniparty™️: 'You're being mean & uncivil,'" he added. </p><p>"Conservatives: 'It's neither mean nor uncivil to note that you voted for things we promised to oppose,'" Lee wrote. </p><p>"The Uniparty™️: 'Extremists!'" he concluded his post.</p><blockquote class="rm-embed twitter-tweet" data-partner="rebelmouse" data-twitter-tweet-id="1785823270018646123">
  123.        <div style="margin:1em 0"></div> —  (@)
  124.        <a href=""></a>
  125.    </blockquote>
  126.        <script async="" charset="utf-8" src=""></script><p>Lee has even been posting haikus on the topic. A haiku involves three lines, with the first having five syllables, the second containing seven syllables, and the third having five syllables, according to <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p><p>"Printing money fast. Uniparty's grip tightens. Americans pay," Lee <a href="" target="_blank">tweeted</a>, adding the hashtag, "#UnipartyHaiku."</p><blockquote class="rm-embed twitter-tweet" data-partner="rebelmouse" data-twitter-tweet-id="1785885696739176806">
  127.        <div style="margin:1em 0"></div> —  (@)
  128.        <a href=""></a>
  129.    </blockquote>
  130.        <script async="" charset="utf-8" src=""></script><p>In a post that has been deleted, Lee had included a haiku that <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">read</a>, "Unitards are nuts. They steal the souls of many. Sapping our freedom."</p><p>"Unitards in bloom. Draining your hard-earned savings. The press will praise them," Lee had <a href="" target="_blank">written</a> in another post that has been deleted.</p><p>"After considerable reflection, I've decided that both the symbol and the 'demonym' I'll attach to The Uniparty™️ is this majestic creature—the unicorn," Lee <a href="" target="_blank">announced</a>. "While other options exist, none get the job done like this one. It's a symbol. It's a nickname. It's the Uniparty Unicorn™️."</p><blockquote class="rm-embed twitter-tweet" data-partner="rebelmouse" data-twitter-tweet-id="1786148691897958809">
  131.        <div style="margin:1em 0"></div> —  (@)
  132.        <a href=""></a>
  133.    </blockquote>
  134.        <script async="" charset="utf-8" src=""></script><p>Lee posted altered versions of the two deleted haiku posts that had used the term "Unitards." </p><p>"Unicorns are nuts. They steal the souls of many. Sapping our freedom," he <a href="" target="_blank">tweeted</a>. "Unicorns in haste. Draining your hard-earned savings. The press will praise them," he wrote in another <a href="" target="_blank">post</a>.</p><blockquote class="rm-embed twitter-tweet" data-partner="rebelmouse" data-twitter-tweet-id="1786150121002201146">
  135.        <div style="margin:1em 0"></div> —  (@)
  136.        <a href=""></a>
  137.    </blockquote>
  138.        <script async="" charset="utf-8" src=""></script><p><em>Like Blaze News? Bypass the censors, sign up for our newsletters, and get stories like this direct to your inbox. <a href="" target="_self">Sign up here!</a></em><br/></p>]]></description><pubDate>Thu, 02 May 2024 23:09:46 +0000</pubDate><guid></guid><category>Mike lee</category><category>Haiku</category><category>Uniparty</category><category>Republicans</category><category>Democrats</category><category>Politics</category><dc:creator>Alex Nitzberg</dc:creator><media:content medium="image" type="image/jpeg" url=";width=980"></media:content></item><item><title>Horrifying video shows pack of dogs mauling pedestrian before cop shoots at them in Philadelphia</title><link></link><description><![CDATA[
  139. <img src=""/><br/><br/><p>
  140. A horrifying video was captured by a bystander's cellphone showing a <a href="" target="_blank">man being mauled</a> by a pack of dogs before a police officer rushed in to shoot at the animals.
  141. </p><p>
  142. The video shows the dogs run and attack a 53-year-old man walking near the intersection of Fairmount Avenue and Union Street in the neighborhood of Mantua in western Philadelphia at about 10:16 a.m. on Wednesday.
  143. </p><p>
  144. An officer initially tried to scare the dogs away with the siren on his vehicle but that was unsuccessful. The video shows him running toward the dogs and shooting. One dog is struck while the others run away.
  145. </p><p>
  146. Graphic video of the horrifying attack was <a href="" target="_blank">posted to social media</a>, where it quickly went viral.
  147. </p><p>
  148. Police said the dog that was shot and killed was a Cane Corso and the other three dogs involved were pit bulls.
  149. </p><p>
  150. The victim was transported to a local hospital for treatment of multiple dog bites throughout his body. He is listed in stable condition.
  151. </p><p>
  152. The officer was not injured during the incident, but he was placed on administrative leave pending an investigation by internal affairs.
  153. </p><p>
  154. A similar incident unfolded on Friday when 41-year-old Kaheem Robinson was <a href="" target="_blank">mauled and killed</a> by his own pit bull dog at an apartment in the Bronx borough of New York City. Police responded to the call and found the dog biting Robinson's leg and neck. They shot and killed the dog and the man was declared dead later at St. Barnabas Hospital.
  155. </p><p>
  156. Robinson's family said he had just obtained the dog and likely got it in order to deal with the recent loss of his 18-year-old daughter to cancer. He had also been homeless for two years before being able to find the apartment. They added that the entire family loved animals and Robinson had grown up with dogs, cats, and snakes.
  157. </p><p>The officers involved in that shooting were treated for trauma. </p><h2>
  158. <span></span>Here's more about the incident:
  159. </h2><p class="shortcode-media shortcode-media-youtube">
  160.        <span class="rm-shortcode" data-rm-shortcode-id="da05da05f811f58743a507e5b340465f" style="display:block;position:relative;padding-top:56.25%;"><iframe frameborder="0" height="auto" lazy-loadable="true" scrolling="no" src="" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;" width="100%"></iframe></span>
  161. </p><p>
  162. <em>Like Blaze News? Bypass the censors, sign up for our newsletters, and get stories like this direct to your inbox. </em><em><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_self">Sign up here</a></em><em>!</em>
  163. </p>]]></description><pubDate>Thu, 02 May 2024 22:14:54 +0000</pubDate><guid></guid><category>Dog mauling philadelphia</category><category>Cop shoots dog</category><category>Pack of dog mauling</category><category>Dog mauling</category><category>Crime</category><category>Human interest</category><dc:creator>Carlos Garcia</dc:creator><media:content medium="image" type="image/jpeg" url=";width=980"></media:content></item><item><title>Ex-attorney for Daniels, McDougal says clients wanted to revive careers — and he never saw Trump’s signature on agreement</title><link></link><description><![CDATA[
  164. <img src=""/><br/><br/><p>The <a href="" target="_blank"><u>New York</u></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><u>criminal case</u></a> against former President Donald Trump continued Thursday with a hearing on additional alleged gag order violations and testimony from the prosecution's witness attorney, Keith Davidson. Davidson previously represented porn actress Stormy Daniels and former Playboy model Karen McDougal, both of whom allegedly had an affair with Trump.<br/></p><p>Davidson testified that he never saw a copy of the so-called hush money agreement between "David Dennison," allegedly Donald Trump, and "Peggy Peterson," allegedly Stormy Daniels, that was actually signed by Trump. He saw only  an agreement signed by Cohen, allegedly on Trump's behalf.</p><p>Additionally, Davidson noted that there was a side agreement that did use the parties' real names. That agreement listed Peggy Peterson as Stephanie Gregory Clifford, Daniels' legal name. However, it read, "David Dennison a.k.a." followed by a blank line.</p><p>According to prosecutor Joshua Steinglass, the side agreement did include Trump's name, but Davidson admittedly was the one who handwrote it. Davidson noted that he has never met Trump and had never even been in the same room as him until these court proceedings.</p><p>Davidson claimed that he received a call from Cohen after Trump won the 2016 presidential election, expressing frustration and anger that he was "not going to Washington" with Trump "after everything I've done for that f**king guy."</p><p>"That f**king guy is not even paying me the $130,000 back," Cohen allegedly stated, according to Davidson. The money referred to the payment Cohen sent to Daniels for the alleged agreement between Trump and her.</p><p>According to Davidson, per the agreement, Cohen instructed him to tell the Wall Street Journal that the allegation of an affair between Daniels and Trump was not true.</p><p>Davidson made a statement to the WSJ in 2018 on behalf of Daniels that read, "I am saying with complete clarity that this is absolutely false." </p><p>The attorney rejected the corporate media's use of the terms "hush money" and "payout."</p><p>"It wasn't a 'payout,' and it wasn't 'hush money.' It was consideration in a civil settlement," Davidson argued.</p><p>He noted that Daniels made plans to appear on Jimmy Kimmel's show despite the settlement agreement because she wanted to "talk about her life and reinvigorate her career."</p><p>Trump's lawyer, Emil Bove, played a recording of Davidson telling Cohen that Daniels wanted the money "more than you could ever imagine."</p><p>Davidson went on to say in the recording, "If [Trump] loses this election, and he's going to lose, we all lose all f***ing leverage. ... This case is worth zero."</p><p>Davidson testified that like Daniels, former Playboy model McDougal was also attempting to revive her career. </p><p>According to Davidson, McDougal said selling her story of having an alleged affair with Trump to the National Enquirer was her "dream deal." He stated the contract between the tabloid and McDougal promised her a monthly column on aging and fitness in Star and OK magazines.</p><p><em><em>Like Blaze News? Bypass the censors, sign up for our newsletters, and get stories like this direct to your inbox. </em></em><a href="" target="_self"><u><em><em>Sign up here</em></em></u></a><em><em>!</em></em></p>]]></description><pubDate>Thu, 02 May 2024 21:15:55 +0000</pubDate><guid></guid><category>Donald trump</category><category>Trump</category><category>Trump tracking</category><category>Trump trial</category><category>New york trial</category><category>Alvin bragg</category><category>Keith davidson</category><category>Karen mcdougal</category><category>Stormy daniels</category><category>Michael cohen</category><category>Emil bove</category><category>Politics</category><dc:creator>Candace Hathaway</dc:creator><media:content medium="image" type="image/jpeg" url=";width=980"></media:content></item><item><title>Exposing the harsh reality of Hamas</title><link></link><description><![CDATA[
  165. <img src=""/><br/><br/><p>
  166. The hypocrisy — or just pure lack of intelligence — of the pro-Hamas protesters is getting clearer every single day.
  167. </p><p>
  168. In one viral video, a drag queen is shown in front of a group of kids at a drag queen story hour. The drag queen says, “If you’re a drag queen and you know it, shout ‘free Palestine,'” as the children erupt in a chorus of pro-Hamas propaganda.
  169. </p><p>
  170. “You know they’d kill you, moron; they’d throw you off a building; they’d cut your head off,” Pat Gray says, astounded. “Why don’t you go to the Gaza strip and do your cute little routine there.”
  171. </p><p>
  172. “They hate your guts, and he is singing their praises,” he adds, disgusted.
  173. </p><p>
  174. Keith Malinak agrees.
  175. </p><p>
  176. “It’s just gross on so many levels. You’ve got this trans dude hanging out with little kids and then talking about ‘free Palestine,’” he says, adding, “There shouldn’t be this many parents allowing kids in the nation to go to one of these events, much less one.”
  177. </p><p>
  178. “We are just committing suicide as a nation, and we are destroying the children,” he continues.
  179. </p><h3></h3><br/><span class="rm-shortcode" data-rm-shortcode-id="f63318985bd91da13207780a1bdfef6b" style="display:block;position:relative;padding-top:56.25%;"><iframe frameborder="0" height="auto" lazy-loadable="true" scrolling="no" src="" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;" width="100%"></iframe></span><h2>Want more from Pat Gray?</h2><p>To enjoy more of Pat's biting analysis and signature wit as he restores common sense to a senseless world, <a href="" target="_blank">subscribe to BlazeTV</a> — the largest multi-platform network of voices who love America, defend the Constitution, and live the American dream.</p>]]></description><pubDate>Thu, 02 May 2024 20:45:04 +0000</pubDate><guid></guid><category>Blaze</category><category>Blaze podcasts</category><category>Blazetv</category><category>Columbia protest</category><category>Columbia protests</category><category>Columbia university</category><category>Columbia university protest</category><category>Commentary</category><category>Glenn beck</category><category>Hamas</category><category>Israel</category><category>News</category><category>Nypd</category><category>Pat</category><category>Pat and stu</category><category>Pat gray</category><category>Pat gray podcast</category><category>Pat gray radio</category><category>Pat gray show</category><category>Pat gray unleashed</category><category>Pat gray videos</category><category>Pat gray youtube</category><category>Pat grey</category><category>Pat grey unleashed</category><category>Pat heads</category><category>Pat unleashed</category><category>Shorts</category><category>Social commentary</category><category>Stu does america</category><category>Talk radio</category><category>Video</category><category></category><dc:creator>BlazeTV Staff</dc:creator><media:content medium="image" type="image/jpeg" url=";width=980"></media:content></item><item><title>REPUBLICANS just passed a HATE SPEECH bill under the guise of 'anti-Semitism'</title><link></link><description><![CDATA[
  180. <img src=""/><br/><br/><p>
  181. The House of Representatives just passed a major bill to combat "anti-Semitism" and had the majority of both parties on board.
  182. </p><p>
  183. The bill itself is described as enforcing the Department of Education to adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Allies definition of anti-Semitism when enforcing the 1964 Civil Rights Act on college campuses.
  184. </p><p>
  185. Its opposition consisted of only 21 Republicans and 70 Democrats.
  186. </p><p>
  187. While the bill was passed under the guise of fighting anti-Semitism, Glenn Beck realizes what it’s really about: criminalizing hate speech.
  188. </p><p>
  189. “When I hear people say ‘the Jews killed Jesus’ or ‘those dirty Jews run the world’ or ‘those Jews are responsible for everything bad’ or ‘you’re just saying things because you have a Zionist master,’ I think to myself, you’re a bloody idiot,” Glenn says.
  190. </p><p>
  191. “You shouldn’t be running around saying these things, but I kind of actually like it when you do because I know exactly who you are,” he adds.
  192. </p><p>
  193. Despite the way he feels about people who are anti-Semitic, it doesn’t change the way he feels about the bill.
  194. </p><p>
  195. “I am dead set against this, and you should be too. Something can be legally permissible and morally repulsive at the same time. Speech needs to be protected, not the stuff we all agree on, but the stuff we don’t agree on,” he explains.
  196. </p><p>
  197. “The people who voted for this bill, I’m sure it was well-intended, but they’re misguided by human nature itself. Governments cannot fix human hearts,” he continues, asking, “Why is it this Congress can only pass the things that seemingly only hurt the strength of America and only cut across the Constitution?”
  198. </p><h3></h3><br/><span class="rm-shortcode" data-rm-shortcode-id="fd09d15d88f7cc1e02cd7689d4c8fb37" style="display:block;position:relative;padding-top:56.25%;"><iframe frameborder="0" height="auto" lazy-loadable="true" scrolling="no" src="" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;" width="100%"></iframe></span><h2>Want more from Glenn Beck?</h2><p>To enjoy more of Glenn’s masterful storytelling, thought-provoking analysis, and uncanny ability to make sense of the chaos, <a href="" target="_blank">subscribe to BlazeTV</a> — the largest multi-platform network of voices who love America, defend the Constitution, and live the American dream.</p>]]></description><pubDate>Thu, 02 May 2024 20:43:33 +0000</pubDate><guid></guid><category>Anti semitism bill</category><category>Antisemitism bill</category><category>Beck</category><category>Beck podcast</category><category>Blaze</category><category>Blaze tv</category><category>Blazetv</category><category>Campus protests</category><category>College campus protests</category><category>College protests</category><category>Conservative</category><category>Conservative podcast</category><category>Gaza</category><category>Gaza war</category><category>Glen</category><category>Glen beck</category><category>Glenbeck</category><category>Glenn</category><category>Glenn beck</category><category>Glenn beck podcast</category><category>Glenn beck radio</category><category>Glenn beck rant</category><category>Glenn tv</category><category>Glennbeck</category><category>Glenntv</category><category>Israel</category><category>Israel palestine</category><category>Israel protest</category><category>Israel war</category><category>News</category><category>Palestine</category><category>Palestine protests</category><category>Theblaze</category><category>Video</category><category></category><category>The glenn beck program</category><category>The glenn beck program</category><dc:creator>BlazeTV Staff</dc:creator><media:content medium="image" type="image/jpeg" url=";width=980"></media:content></item><item><title>'Politically motivated prosecutions': Jim Jordan investigates DOJ-tied prosecutor in Trump's New York case</title><link></link><description><![CDATA[
  199. <img src=""/><br/><br/><p>House Republicans launched an investigation into a former top-ranking Department of Justice official who is now leading the prosecution in Donald Trump's New York trial, according to documents recently obtained by the <a href="" target="_blank"><u>Daily Caller News Foundation</u></a>.<br/></p><p>On Tuesday, the DCNF reported that House Judiciary Chairman Representative Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) penned a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland requesting documents and communications regarding prosecutor Matthew Colangelo.</p><p>A copy of the letter, obtained by the news outlet, explained that Colangelo was previously a senior DOJ official, which has "given the perception that the Justice Department is assisting in" New York County District Attorney Alvin Bragg's (D) "politicized prosecution" of former President Trump.</p><p>"The Committee on the Judiciary is conducting oversight of politically motivated prosecutions by state and local officials," Jordan's letter to Garland read. "Since last year, popularly elected prosecutors—who campaigned for office on the promise of prosecuting President Trump—engaged in an unprecedented abuse of prosecutorial authority: the indictment of a former President of the United States and current leading candidate for that office."</p><p>House Republicans accused Bragg of "engag[ing] in one such politicized prosecution."</p><p>Jordan claimed that, during Colangelo's former employment with the DOJ, he "demonstrate[d] his obsession with investigating a person rather than prosecuting a crime." He noted that Colangelo conducted investigations into Trump that prompted "a wave of state litigation against Trump administration policies," according to an article from the <a href="" target="_blank"><u>Associated Press</u></a>. The piece also noted that Colangelo, while working with the attorney general's office, oversaw a lawsuit that ultimately led to the closure of Trump's charitable foundation.</p><p>Jordan noted that a <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><u>New York Times</u></a> article from 2022 said Colangelo has "a history of taking on Donald J. Trump and his family business." The NYT also wrote that Bragg's decision to hire the former high-ranking DOJ official signaled that his office was seeking to "ramp up its investigation" into Trump.</p><p>"Bragg's prosecution concerns federal subject matter identical to a matter that the Justice Department closed in 2018, raising concerns that a state-level prosecutor is seeking to relitigate an issue on which the federal government previously declined prosecution," Jordan's letter read. "In addition, Bragg's prosecution relies heavily on the testimony of his star witness, Michael Cohen, a convicted felon with a demonstrable animus towards President Trump."</p><p>"Cohen pleaded guilty to lying to Congress in 2018," Jordan continued. "In 2019, when he testified before the Democrat-led House Committee on Oversight and Reform in a hearing orchestrated by a longtime Democrat activist to aid their fruitless investigation into President Trump, Cohen lied again—six times."</p><p>House Republicans accused the Biden administration's DOJ of becoming "politicized and weaponized."</p><p>The letter to Garland requested "all documents and communications" involving Colangelo or his employees that mention Trump. It also demanded documents related to Colangelo's "hiring, employment, and termination" at the DOJ.</p><p>The DOJ did not respond to a request for comment from the <a href="" target="_blank">New York Post</a>.<br/></p><p><em><em>Like Blaze News? Bypass the censors, sign up for our newsletters, and get stories like this direct to your inbox. </em></em><a href="" target="_self"><u><em><em>Sign up here</em></em></u></a><em><em>!</em></em></p>]]></description><pubDate>Thu, 02 May 2024 20:16:06 +0000</pubDate><guid></guid><category>News</category><category>Jim jordan</category><category>House republicans</category><category>Donald trump</category><category>Alvin bragg</category><category>Merrick garland</category><category>Matthew colangelo</category><category>Trump trial</category><category>Trump tracker</category><category>Politics</category><dc:creator>Candace Hathaway</dc:creator><media:content medium="image" type="image/jpeg" url=";width=980"></media:content></item><item><title>Jase has a ‘stop the chariot’ moment with the Smallbones &amp; encouraging Christian artists</title><link></link><description><![CDATA[
  200. <img src=""/><br/><br/><p>
  201. There was a point in Christian history when the church was the epicenter of art, but that has unfortunately changed.
  202. </p><p>
  203. However, there is a glimmer of hope — and Jase Robertson sees it in films like “Unsung Hero,” which is based on a true story about the Smallbones family.
  204. </p><p>
  205. “Every once in awhile, you meet people who you just can’t help but see that they love Jesus and they want to get him out in the world,” Jase says, adding, “and since we’re kind of traveling in that same circle, I just want to support and help what they’re doing.”
  206. </p><p>
  207. Alan is in agreement, telling Phil, Zach, and Jase, “We’ve turned the corner on filmmaking for faith films and telling great stories.”
  208. </p><p>
  209. “I think that movies like this, where Jesus loving people make a movie in our culture, and everything we do see around in our world sometimes is really bad, I think these are the times where the Church of Jesus should stop the chariot and go support this movie,” Jase adds.
  210. </p><p>
  211. Zach has noticed that while the church is no longer the epicenter of art, there is a movement toward gaining back that ground that is growing.
  212. </p><p>
  213. “I love the fact that the church in the last 20 years has been like, ‘Wait a second, we need to be involved in the arts. We need to be involved in philosophy. We need to be involved in culture at every level if we’re truly kingdom people.’ So, I love it," he says.
  214. </p><p>
  215. “And let’s face it,” he continues, “we are shaped by the stories that we entertain ourselves with; we are shaped by the music that we listen to; we are shaped by the books that we read; and so, we need to be in these spaces telling a better story, a bigger story that really transcends this cultural moment and moves people closer to who God is.”
  216. </p><h3></h3><br/><span class="rm-shortcode" data-rm-shortcode-id="797e8a5d16ebea4c1285e814f92ff69b" style="display:block;position:relative;padding-top:56.25%;"><iframe frameborder="0" height="auto" lazy-loadable="true" scrolling="no" src="" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;" width="100%"></iframe></span><h2>Want more from the Robertsons?</h2><p>To enjoy more on God, guns, ducks, and inspiring stories of faith and family, <a href="" target="_blank">subscribe to BlazeTV</a> — the largest multi-platform network of voices who love America, defend the Constitution, and live the American dream.</p>]]></description><pubDate>Thu, 02 May 2024 19:53:19 +0000</pubDate><guid></guid><category>Blaze</category><category>Blaze podcasts</category><category>Blazetv</category><category>Camera phone</category><category>Columbia protest</category><category>Columbia protests</category><category>Columbia university</category><category>Columbia university protest</category><category>Commentary</category><category>Free</category><category>Glenn beck</category><category>Hamas</category><category>Israel</category><category>News</category><category>Nypd</category><category>Pat</category><category>Pat and stu</category><category>Pat gray</category><category>Pat gray podcast</category><category>Pat gray radio</category><category>Pat gray show</category><category>Pat gray unleashed</category><category>Pat gray videos</category><category>Pat gray youtube</category><category>Pat grey</category><category>Pat grey unleashed</category><category>Pat heads</category><category>Pat unleashed</category><category>Sharing</category><category>Shorts</category><category>Social commentary</category><category>Stu does america</category><category>Talk radio</category><category>Upload</category><category>Video</category><category>Video phone</category><category></category><category>Unashamed with phil robertson</category><dc:creator>BlazeTV Staff</dc:creator><media:content medium="image" type="image/jpeg" url=";width=980"></media:content></item><item><title>Biden campaign makes strategic blunder by highlighting Trump's condemnation of jihadist takeover</title><link></link><description><![CDATA[
  217. <img src=""/><br/><br/><p>
  218. Former President Donald Trump indicated in a campaign speech Wednesday in Waukesha, Wisconsin, that he intends to spare the United States from the kind of accelerated cultural degradation and jihadist takeover he believes have alternatively rendered Paris and London "unrecognizable."
  219. </p><p>
  220. The Biden campaign apparently figured Trump's remarks were beyond the pale or at the very least out of touch with popular sentiment and decided to share them on social media. It appears this was a grave strategic error.
  221. </p><p>
  222. Trump's condemnation of radical Islam, failed cultural assimilation, and unchecked immigration from hostile lands appears to have found great resonance online, just as similar comments resonated with voters in 2016.
  223. </p><h2>The speech
  224. </h2><p>
  225. After highlighting the Biden administration's failure to secure the southern border, Trump noted that the White House has
  226. <a href="" target="_blank">reportedly been considering importing Palestinians</a>.
  227. </p><p>
  228. "It should be no surprise that in addition to the millions and millions of people invading our country from the border, crooked Joe is now reportedly planning — and this is wonderful news for you people in Wisconsin — to bring massive numbers of Gazans from the Middle East,"
  229. <a href="" target="_blank">said</a> Trump. "Your towns and villages will now be accepting people from Gaza. Lots of people from Gaza and various other places. Yemen. Lots of other places."
  230. </p><p>
  231. The Republican suggested that between the southern border and the proposed importation of more immigrants from hostile nations, the Biden administration was effectively setting the scene for an "October 7-style attack right here in America. It's going to happen."
  232. </p><p>
  233. "Under no circumstances should we bring thousands of refugees from Hamas-controlled terrorist epicenters like Gaza to America," continued Trump. "We do not need a jihad in the United States of America. We do not need our once-great cities to become hotbeds of terrorism."
  234. </p><p>
  235. Trump committed to restoring his travel ban, suspending refugee admissions, and "keeping terrorists the hell out of our country."
  236. </p><p>
  237. The comments that evidently caught the eye of someone at the Biden campaign came next.
  238. </p><p>
  239. "I'm not sure if many of you here are big travelers or not, but we've seen what happened when Europe opened their doors to jihad. Look at Paris. Look at London. They're no longer recognizable," said Trump.
  240. </p><p>
  241. It's unclear whether Trump was referring to the gargantuan <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">anti-Israel</a> <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">rallies</a> that swept <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">both cities</a> in the immediate aftermath of the Oct. 7, 2023, Hamas terror attacks, the various Islamic <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">terror attacks</a> that have rocked both cities in recent years, or broader demographic trends. However, his remarks appear to echo his statements one month after the Nov. 13, 2015, Islamic terror attack in Paris that left 131 innocent people dead around the Bataclan theater.
  242. </p><p>
  243. He <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">told</a> MSNBC at the time, "We have to get our hands around a very serious problem. Look at what happened in Paris, the horrible carnage. ... Paris is no longer the same city it was. They have sections in Paris that are radicalized where the police refuse to go there. They're petrified. The police refuse to go in there. We have places in London and other places that are so radicalized that the police are afraid for their own lives. We have to be very smart and very vigilant."
  244. </p><p>
  245. In 2018, Trump touched on the same theme, telling the Sun (U.K.), "I think allowing millions and millions of people to come into Europe is very, very sad. I think you are losing your culture. Look around. You go through certain areas that didn't exist ten or 15 years ago."
  246. </p><p>
  247. In his speech Wednesday, Trump added, "And I'm going to get myself into a lot of trouble with the folks in Paris and the folks in London, but you know what: that's the fact. They are no longer recognizable and we can't let that happen to our country."
  248. </p><p>
  249. "We have incredible culture, tradition. Nothing wrong with their culture, their tradition. Can't let that happen here and I'll never let that happen to the United States of America," said Trump.
  250. </p><blockquote class="rm-embed twitter-tweet" data-partner="rebelmouse" data-twitter-tweet-id="1785759162783224174">
  251.        <div style="margin:1em 0"></div> —  (@)
  252.        <a href=""></a>
  253.    </blockquote>
  254.        <script async="" charset="utf-8" src=""></script><h2>The reception
  255. </h2><p>
  256. When the Biden campaign shared an excerpt of former President Donald Trump's campaign speech Wednesday to social media, the video received a largely positive response.
  257. </p><p>
  258. "They have their head buried so deep they don't even realize this is a great clip,"
  259. <a href="" target="_blank">wrote</a> Matt Rinaldi, chairman of the Texas GOP.
  260. </p><p>
  261. Josie Glabach, who goes by the Red Headed Libertarian on X,
  262. <a href="" target="_blank">wrote</a>, "Beginning to think the Biden HQ account is on the Trump train lmao."
  263. </p><p>
  264. Libby Emmons, the editor in chief at the Post Millennial,
  265. <a href="" target="_blank">noted</a>, "This is an amazing self-own by the Biden-Harris HQ. Trump loves America and our culture and believes it's worth saving, Biden doesn't."
  266. </p><p>
  267. Wall Street Silver
  268. <a href="" target="_blank">quipped</a>, "Biden-Harris account is promoting Trump now."
  269. </p><p>
  270. Michael Seifert, the founder of Amazon alternative PublicSquare,
  271. <a href="" target="_blank">wrote</a>, "Does the intern who runs this account realize that the American people are completely behind Trump on this? He's 10000% right here."
  272. </p><p>
  273. Even critics farther afield recognized it as a significant messaging blunder.
  274. </p><p>
  275. Australian news anchor and columnist Rita Panahi
  276. <a href="" target="_blank">noted</a>, "How dumb are these people to promote this video & believe it hurts Trump. Anyone who has been to Paris or London in recent years knows precisely what he’s talking about."
  277. </p><p>
  278. <em>Like Blaze News? Bypass the censors, sign up for our newsletters, and get stories like this direct to your inbox. </em><em><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_self">Sign up here</a></em><em>!</em>
  279. </p>]]></description><pubDate>Thu, 02 May 2024 19:50:16 +0000</pubDate><guid></guid><category>Donald trump</category><category>Paris</category><category>London</category><category>Islam</category><category>Jihad</category><category>Islamic</category><category>Terrorism</category><category>Gaza</category><category>Palestine</category><category>Hamas</category><category>Trump</category><category>Election</category><category>Culture</category><category>Politics</category><dc:creator>Joseph MacKinnon</dc:creator><media:content medium="image" type="image/jpeg" url=";width=980"></media:content></item><item><title>Whitlock: The war on patriarchy explains Caitlin Clark’s stardom and Anthony Edwards’ obscurity</title><link></link><description><![CDATA[
  280. <img src=""/><br/><br/><p>
  281. Anthony Edwards is poised to become the NBA's next big star — but he already could have been had America not launched a war on the so-called patriarchy.
  282. </p><p>
  283. “Edwards is on the cusp of being the next big thing in basketball,” Jason Whitlock says, noting that the number one Minnesota Timberwolves draft pick just had a 40-point explosion against Kevin Durant and the Phoenix Suns.
  284. </p><p>
  285. “Casual basketball fans are about to be introduced to the most exciting and transformational player since Michael Jordan,” he continues, adding, “or should I say the most exciting and transformational player since Caitlin Clark.”
  286. </p><p>
  287. However, Whitlock explains, the obsession with women’s college basketball over men's “has ultimately hurt the relevancy of the NBA.”
  288. </p><p>
  289. “I’ll sound a tiny bit conspiratorial here, but I think the destruction of men’s college basketball is by design. Feminists and enemies of the patriarchy do not want young men properly developed. They don’t want to create more male icons,” Whitlock says.
  290. </p><p>
  291. “It’s really no different from our border crisis,” he continues. “It’s a controlled demolition.”
  292. </p><p>
  293. But how did we get here?
  294. </p><p>
  295. “It only makes sense when you realize the anti-patriarchy crowd wants Caitlin Clark to be a bigger deal than Anthony Edwards,” Whitlock says.
  296. </p><p>
  297. <br/>
  298. </p><h3></h3><br/><span class="rm-shortcode" data-rm-shortcode-id="c94f82484d6ed0815ca2f006aa58b588" style="display:block;position:relative;padding-top:56.25%;"><iframe frameborder="0" height="auto" lazy-loadable="true" scrolling="no" src="" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;" width="100%"></iframe></span><h2>Want more from Jason Whitlock?</h2><p>To enjoy more fearless conversations at the crossroads of culture, faith, sports, and comedy with Jason Whitlock, <a href="" target="_blank">subscribe to BlazeTV</a> — the largest multi-platform network of voices who love America, defend the Constitution, and live the American dream.</p>]]></description><pubDate>Thu, 02 May 2024 19:27:00 +0000</pubDate><guid></guid><category>Anthony edwards</category><category>Anthony edwards block</category><category>Anthony edwards dunk</category><category>Anthony edwards highlights</category><category>Anthony edwards interview</category><category>Anthony edwards kevin durant</category><category>Anthony edwards mix</category><category>Anthony edwards nba</category><category>Anthony edwards poster dunk</category><category>Anthony edwards suns</category><category>Anthony edwards vs suns</category><category>Blaze</category><category>Blaze media</category><category>Blaze podcast network</category><category>Blazetv</category><category>Fearless</category><category>Fearless with jason whitlock</category><category>Jason whitlock</category><category>Jason witlock</category><category>Minnesota timberwolves</category><category>Nba</category><category>Sports podcast</category><category>The blaze</category><category>Video</category><category>Whitlock</category><category>Whitlock fearless</category><category></category><dc:creator>BlazeTV Staff</dc:creator><media:content medium="image" type="image/jpeg" url=";width=980"></media:content></item><item><title>DARPA reveals 'extra large' Manta Ray underwater drone — which can be deployed rapidly 'throughout the world'</title><link></link><description><![CDATA[
  299. <img src=""/><br/><br/><p>The United States' Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency revealed a prototype for its new underwater drone, called the Manta Ray.</p><p>The uncrewed underwater vehicle, known as a UUV, is capable of long excursions and delivering a payload, which could include torpedoes or ballistic missiles. However, payload parameters were not specified.</p><p>DARPA <a href="" target="_blank">announced</a> that it had completed in-water testing off the coast of Southern California in February and March 2024 after the vehicle was shipped from Maryland by defense contractor Northrop Grumman.</p><p>Testing included hydrodynamic performance, submerged operations, and demonstrations of the vehicle's propulsion modes using buoyancy, propellers, and control surfaces.</p><p>"Our successful, full-scale Manta Ray testing validates the vehicle's readiness to advance toward real-world operations after being rapidly assembled in the field from modular subsections," said Dr. Kyle Woerner, the weapon's program manager.</p><p>Woerner's <a href="" target="_blank">official biography</a> reads that he has worked at DARPA since 2018, previously working at the Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard, focusing on the employment of expeditionary robotic systems payloads and submarine modernization.</p><p>The vehicle was assembled through a combination of "cross-country modular transportation, in-field assembly, and subsequent deployment."<br/></p><p>This means that the UUV can be rapidly deployed throughout the world without crowding the pier at naval facilities, as it is has been described as an "extra-large UUV."</p><p>"Shipping the vehicle directly to its intended area of operation conserves energy that the vehicle would otherwise expend during transit," said Woerner. "Once deployed, the vehicle uses efficient, buoyancy-driven gliding to move through the water. The craft is designed with several payload bays of multiple sizes and types to enable a wide variety of naval mission sets."</p><blockquote class="rm-embed twitter-tweet" data-partner="rebelmouse" data-twitter-tweet-id="1785671213160825071">
  300.        <div style="margin:1em 0">Manta Ray #UUV prototype completes full-scale, in-water testing off the coast of SoCal. DARPA program exhibits modular, first-of-kind capability for an extra-large uncrewed underwater vehicle. Built by @northropgrumman.</div> —  (@)
  301.        <a href=""></a>
  302.    </blockquote>
  303.        <script async="" charset="utf-8" src=""></script><p>DARPA specifically noted that the Manta Ray was aimed at demonstrating the capabilities of a new class of long-duration, long-range, payload-capable UUVs. This would seem to indicate the Department of Defense is ready to implement a fleet of underwater drones for operations.</p><p>The program has publicized <a href="" target="_blank">a list of plans</a> to advance certain key technologies for certain underwater drone designs, which included the following:</p><ul>  <li>Novel energy management techniques for UUV operations and undersea energy harvesting techniques at operationally relevant depths;</li><li>Low-power, high-efficiency undersea propulsion systems;</li><li>Low-power means of underwater detection of threats or hazards;</li><li>Unique approaches that assist in high-efficiency underwater navigation;</li><li><span></span>Finding new approaches to mitigate biofouling, corrosion, and other material degradation for long-duration missions.</li></ul><p>It was also noted that PacMac Technologies was also working on testing an energy harvesting system in 2024 for the Manta Ray.</p><p><em>Like Blaze News? Bypass the censors, sign up for our newsletters, and get stories like this direct to your inbox. </em><em><a href="" target="_self">Sign up here</a></em><em>!</em><br/></p>]]></description><pubDate>Thu, 02 May 2024 19:22:30 +0000</pubDate><guid></guid><category>Darpa</category><category>Military</category><category>Defense</category><category>Uav</category><category>Drone</category><category>Uuv</category><category>Tech</category><dc:creator>Andrew Chapados</dc:creator><media:content medium="image" type="image/jpeg" url=";width=980"></media:content></item><item><title>Second-largest Protestant denomination in US votes to allow LGBT clergy — but African pastor holds the line</title><link></link><description><![CDATA[
  304. <img src=""/><br/><br/><p>
  305. United Methodists voted on Wednesday to rescind a denominational rule prohibiting LGBT clergy from ordination, a historic moment for the country's second-largest Protestant denomination and its progressive drift.
  306. </p><p>
  307. In 1984, the United Methodist Church took a stand for orthodox Christian sexual ethics, <a href="" target="_blank">declaring</a>:
  308. </p><blockquote>
  309. Since the practice of homosexuality is incompatible with Christian teaching, self-avowed, practicing homosexuals are not to be accepted as candidates, ordained as ministers or appointed to serve in the United Methodist Church.
  310. </blockquote><p>Now, 40 years later, the UMC will officially allow LGBT clergy.</p><p>At the UMC's general conference meeting in Charlotte, the denomination <a href="" target="_blank">struck the prohibition from denomination guidelines</a> with an overwhelming vote, 93% to 7%. The change was passed alongside nearly two dozen other pieces of legislation <em>without debate</em>. </p><p>The change follows the conference's trend, which has been to pass denominational legislation normalizing the LGBT lifestyle and to remove ethical and disciplinary measures related to LGBT-identifying and LGBT-practicing Christians. Conference delegates are expected to pass additional pro-LGBT measures before the conference ends on Friday.</p><p>Methodists who oppose the UMC's progressive trend began breaking away from the denomination several years ago, starting the Global Methodist Church or remaining independent. Thousands of Methodist congregations have already joined the ranks of the Global Methodist body.</p><p>The pro-LGBT affirming vote is representative of the split, as most conservative Methodists chose not to attend the conference.</p><p>Still, some faithful Methodists, especially from Africa, are holding the line.</p><p>"We see homosexuality as a sin," Forbes Matonga, a pastor from West Zimbabwe, <a href="" target="_blank">said</a>. "So to us, this is a fundamental theological difference where we think others no longer regard the authority of Scripture."</p><p>Whereas the UMC is now going the way of other progressive Christian denominations in the U.S. — like the Episcopal Church, the Presbyterian Church (USA), and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America — it's important to remember that the embrace of pro-LGBT theology is almost uniquely confined to the Western church, where issues of sexuality and gender have become cultural lightning rods.</p><p>The vast majority of Christians in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, however, continue to uphold orthodox Christian teaching on sexual ethics.</p><p><em>Like Blaze News? Bypass the censors, sign up for our newsletters, and get stories like this direct to your inbox. <a href="" target="_self">Sign up here</a>!</em></p>]]></description><pubDate>Thu, 02 May 2024 19:00:00 +0000</pubDate><guid></guid><category>United methodist church</category><category>Christianity</category><category>Faith</category><category>Lgbtq</category><category>Umc</category><dc:creator>Chris Enloe</dc:creator><media:content medium="image" type="image/jpeg" url=";width=980"></media:content></item><item><title>Another Boeing-linked whistleblower dies suddenly</title><link></link><description><![CDATA[
  311. <img src=""/><br/><br/><p>
  312. Joshua Dean, 45, of Wichita, Kansas, worked as a quality auditor at Spirit AeroSystems' flagship manufacturing site, which supplies Boeing with various plane parts — including the
  313. <a href="" target="_blank">door plug</a> that popped off an
  314. <a href="" target="_blank">Alaska Airlines 737 MAX flight</a>, forcing a rough landing in January. Dean, who held a degree in mechanical engineering and had decades of experience, was among the first whistleblowers to claim that Spirit had turned a blind eye to defects on the controversial airliner.
  315. </p><p>
  316. Dean died suddenly Tuesday — several weeks after Boeing whistleblower John Barnett <a href="" target="_blank">supposedly killed himself</a> in a truck outside his South Carolina hotel amidst depositions in Charleston. Police are still investigating Barnett's death.
  317. </p><p>
  318. Barnett and Dean were both represented by the same South Carolina-based law firm, and both raised awareness about quality control issues in the Boeing supply chain.
  319. </p><h2>Background
  320. </h2><p>
  321. <a href="" target="_blank">According</a> to the Seattle Times, Dean was fired in April 2023 for allegedly bungling inspections, leading to the shipment of defective tail fin fittings to Boeing. Dean alternatively maintained that he had been canned in retaliation for having repeatedly flagged errors he observed on the factory floor — errors he suggested Spirit supervisors had ignored. He indicated as much in his November 2023 wrongful termination complaint to the Department of Labor.
  322. </p><p>
  323. A former co-worker, Lance Thompson, told the Times that Dean frustrated the mechanics on the factory floor precisely because of his attention to detail.
  324. </p><p>
  325. "There was value in what he did, and he found some things you might not expect to," said Thompson. Dean "caught 'em because he was standing over their shoulder watching them, and nobody else was."
  326. </p><p>
  327. Investors brought a federal class action lawsuit in January against Spirit, claiming they suffered financial damage after the company's stock took a nosedive over the quality control scandal. The company's former CEO, Tom Gentile, who resigned in October, and the company's CFO, Mark Suchinski, were named co-defendants in the suit.
  328. </p><p>
  329. The complaint stated that "constant quality failures resulted in part from Spirit’s culture which prioritized production numbers and short-term financial outcomes over product quality,"
  330. <a href="" target="_blank">reported</a> the Wichita Eagle.
  331. </p><p>
  332. The
  333. <a href="" target="_blank">lawsuit</a> contained Dean's allegations against Spirit, including the claim that he was threatened when he attempted to draw his superiors' attention to defects.
  334. </p><p>
  335. According to the suit, Dean identified improperly drilled holes on a 737 MAX aft pressure bunkhead in 2022. This was especially troubling because that plane component helps maintain pressure during flight. Dean submitted a written report to his manager about the issue and alerted other supervisors. The defect was, however, apparently hidden from Boeing and investors
  336. <a href="" target="_blank">until August</a>, some ten months later.
  337. </p><p>
  338. The complaint alleged that Dean was fired over his continued efforts to highlight such defects.
  339. </p><p>
  340. Thompson said, "They went after him and fired him to make it look like we had one crazy guy who's to blame."
  341. </p><p>
  342. Dean indicated in his deposition that Spirit had effectively been gutted by the pandemic, such that a great many experienced workers left or were laid off. In fact, Dean was laid off during cutbacks in 2020 but brought back the next year in a different role.
  343. </p><p>
  344. According to the whistleblower, the turnover resulted "in more rework and repairs that had to be performed" on account of a deterioration in the quality of the work.
  345. </p><p>
  346. These problems were allegedly compounded by the company's "culture of not wanting to look for or to find problems."
  347. </p><p>
  348. "We strongly disagree with the assertions made by the plaintiffs," a Spirit spokesman said of the lawsuit.
  349. </p><p>
  350. Dean
  351. <a href="" target="_blank">told</a> the Wall Street Journal in January, "It is known at Spirit that if you make too much noise and cause too much trouble, you will be moved."
  352. </p><p>
  353. "It doesn't mean you completely disregard stuff, but they don't want you to find everything and write it up," he added.
  354. </p><h2>
  355. Sudden death
  356. </h2><p>
  357. Dean reportedly succumbed Tuesday morning to a sudden and fast-spreading infection.
  358. </p><p>
  359. His aunt, Carol Parsons, told the Seattle Times that two weeks prior to his death, Dean had taken ill and went to the hospital with breathing troubles. Things reportedly got much worse at the hospital, where he was intubated, then developed pneumonia. Soon he was plagued by MRSA, an antibiotic-resistant staph bacteria.
  360. </p><p>
  361. Dean's condition quickly deteriorated. He was flown from Wichita to a hospital in Oklahoma City, according to his aunt. In Oklahoma City, he was placed on an extracorporeal membrane oxygenation machine that resupplies oxygen-filled blood to the body. The Times indicated further that doctors had him sedated, then put on dialysis. A CT scan later revealed he had also suffered a stroke.
  362. </p><p>
  363. "It was brutal what he went through," said Parsons. "Heartbreaking."
  364. </p><p>
  365. Before he died, doctors had even considered amputating his infection-blackened hands and feet.
  366. </p><p>
  367. The New York Post
  368. <a href="" target="_blank">indicated</a> that both doctors and family members were astonished by the destructive and fast-acting illness.
  369. </p><p>
  370. "He is in the worst condition I have ever known or heard of," his sister-in-law Kristen Dean wrote on Facebook. "Even the hospital agrees.
  371. </p><p>
  372. The whistleblower's family indicated Sunday night that he was "giving up his fight" and "refusing to let them do any life saving procedures,"
  373. <a href="" target="_blank">reported</a> Time.
  374. </p><p>
  375. However, his mother indicated that she "told the doctor he doesn't know what he wants, I'm sure he wants to live, he's afraid, scared and depressed."
  376. </p><p>
  377. Brian Knowles, the lawyer who represented both deceased Boeing whistleblowers, told Time, "Josh's passing is a loss to the aviation community and the flying public."
  378. </p><p>
  379. "He possessed tremendous courage to stand up for what he felt was true and right and raised quality and safety issues," added Knowles.
  380. </p><p>
  381. <em>Like Blaze News? Bypass the censors, sign up for our newsletters, and get stories like this direct to your inbox. </em><em><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_self">Sign up here</a></em><em>!</em>
  382. </p>]]></description><pubDate>Thu, 02 May 2024 18:45:00 +0000</pubDate><guid></guid><category>Death</category><category>Whistleblower</category><category>Boeing</category><category>737</category><category>Dying</category><category>Influenza</category><category>Joshua dean</category><category>Dean</category><category>Josh dean</category><category>Swift aerosystems</category><category>Swift</category><category>Human interest</category><dc:creator>Joseph MacKinnon</dc:creator><media:content medium="image" type="image/jpeg" url=";width=980"></media:content></item><item><title>CIA confirms contractor in damning footage was employed by agency but denies his claims about the agency's approach to Trump</title><link></link><description><![CDATA[
  383. <img src=""/><br/><br/><p>
  384. James O'Keefe released hidden camera footage Wednesday of an undercover journalist's troubling conversations with a Central Intelligence Agency contractor. The unsuspecting interviewee, Amjad Fseisi, claimed that while former President Donald Trump was in office, the CIA leadership "kept information from him because we knew he'd f***ing disclose it," thereby leaving the democratically elected leader in the dark.
  385. </p><p>
  386. A CIA spokeswoman confirmed to O'Keefe that Fseisi, listed on his
  387. <a href="" target="_blank">now-scrubbed LinkedIn page</a> as a Virginia-based manager at Deloitte, formerly worked for the agency but called his allegations "ridiculous."
  388. </p><h2>The interviewee
  389. </h2><p>
  390. O'Keefe introduced Fseisi as "a senior intelligence officer with a
  391. <a href="" target="_blank">top-secret / sensitive compartmentalized information clearance</a>," suggesting he "has worked at the CIA for over a decade, and his knowledge and his position and access show he has a high-level awareness about the agency, its current culture, and how it has been corrupted by bureaucratic politics and how it has over the years and continues to use its powers to weaponize the CIA to spy on President Trump."
  392. </p><p>
  393. While O'Keefe initially indicated the CIA contractor served as a project manager in cyber operations, the investigative journalist has since issued a correction noting that Fseisi was, as he identified himself in the video, a program manager at the agency with its
  394. <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">China Mission Center</a>.
  395. </p><p>
  396. "I work for the CIA," Fseisi tells the unnamed citizen journalist on camera, indicating he has done so since 2008. "I do cyber operations. I've been doing it for a long time."
  397. </p><p>
  398. At one point he brags about being "fully vetted" and having received TS SCI.
  399. </p><p>
  400. "I help the mission center," continued the contractor. "Across the entire enterprise."
  401. </p><p>
  402. Fseisi explained that he presently works for Deloitte "but based out of the CIA" and that he previously worked for Lockheed Martin, for Northrop Grumman, and for the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.
  403. </p><p>
  404. After showing the undercover journalist what appears to be his green badge with a photo he indicates was taken in 2013, Fseisi says, "Okay, I'm getting a little nervous now."
  405. </p><p>
  406. Chelsea Robinson, a spokeswoman for the agency,
  407. <a href="" target="_blank">told</a> the O'Keefe Media Group that the "individual making these allegations is a former contractor who does not represent CIA."
  408. </p><p>
  409. O'Keefe has since seized upon the agency's indication that Fseisi no longer works for the CIA, noting that in the video taken last week, Fseisi "waves his intelligence community green badge."
  410. </p><p>
  411. The investigative journalist intimated that if Fseisi is a former contractor, then his termination must hake taken place in the past several days, quoting the former deputy director of national intelligence as saying, "An individual possessing a contractor Green badge is only allowed to lawfully possess it while official [sic] employed as a contractor to the intelligence community. Upon any termination, credentials are returned to the home agency and destroyed immediately."
  412. </p><h2>The interview
  413. </h2><p>
  414. The journalist says to Fseisi, "You've said that Mike Pompeo was working with the heads of the other intel agencies."
  415. </p><p>
  416. Fseisi interrupts, "That's correct."
  417. </p><p>
  418. "To withhold information from Trump," continues the journalist.
  419. </p><p>
  420. Following a video edit, Fseisi appears to answer, "His predecessor, Gina Haspel, did."
  421. </p><p>
  422. When asked whether former CIA Director Gina Haspel withheld information from Trump, Fseisi responds, "And I believe Mike Pompeo did the same thing too."
  423. </p><p>
  424. The ex-CIA contractor alleged that Trump would routinely call Russian President Vladimir Putin and provide him with intelligence. When asked why he would allegedly do so, Fseisi said, "He's a f***ing moron."
  425. </p><p>
  426. In a video ostensibly taken on another occasion, the journalist presses the issue, asking Fseisi, "So the agencies all kind of, like, all got together and said, we're not going to tell Trump."
  427. </p><p>
  428. "The higher-ups," answered Fseisi. "Put it this way: the executive staff. We're talking about the director and his subordinates."
  429. </p><p>
  430. "We kept information from him because we knew he would f***ing disclose it," says Fseisi. "There are certain people that would give him a high-level overview but never give him any details. Do you know why? Because he'd leak those details."
  431. </p><p>
  432. This is not the first time that a person with insider knowledge of the CIA has indicated the agency kept secrets from the nation's lawfully and democratically elected leader.
  433. </p><p>
  434. Douglas London, who served as a top CIA conterterrorism official during the Trump administration,
  435. <a href="" target="_blank">told</a> the New York Times in 2022, "We certainly took into account 'what damage could he do if he blurts this out?'"
  436. </p><p>
  437. The Times
  438. <a href="" target="_blank">suggested</a> that in one instance early in his presidency, Trump informed Russian officials of an Islamic State terror plot brought to Washington's attention by Israel. This transparency greatly angered the intelligence community.
  439. </p><p>
  440. Former CIA Director John Brennan
  441. <a href="" target="_blank">suggested</a> in March that upon Trump securing the Republican nomination, the CIA and other intelligence agencies would likely go back to keeping him in the dark.
  442. </p><p>
  443. "Now, I'm pretty certain that my former intelligence colleagues will provide briefings that are not going to do any type of damage to sources and methods in terms of providing information to Donald Trump that he could misuse," Brennan told MSNBC's Nicolle Wallace. "I think it's going to be analysis that will be devoid of the sources and methods, the sensitive things that we are most concerned about, the types of things that were in all those documents that he had in the bathroom and all those areas in Mar-a-Lago."
  444. </p><p>
  445. Brennan was among the intel alumni that signed the misleading Hunter Biden "intel"
  446. <a href="" target="_blank">letter</a> that impacted the 2020 election. The letter, which appears to have been the product of an initiative <a href="" target="_blank">driven</a> by then-senior Biden campaign adviser Antony Blinken, suggested the Hunter Biden laptop story had "all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation."
  447. </p><p>
  448. Fseisi not only suggested that high-ranking CIA officials would keep the president in the dark but that they keep him under constant surveillance.
  449. </p><p>
  450. "We have human intelligence and we also have people that monitor [Trump's] ex-wife," said Fseisi. "He likes to use burner phones."
  451. </p><p>
  452. When asked whether the intelligence community was still spying on Trump, Fseisi answered, "We monitor everything. ... Nothing goes  by without somebody watching."
  453. </p><p>
  454. Although Fseisi suggested the intelligence community largely despised Trump and thought he was the "biggest f***ing idiot," he noted there were a few holdouts who "really do love him inside." Fseisi suggested those few company men who liked their president were "rednecks who live out in the middle of nowhere, in the sticks."
  455. </p><p>
  456. Extra to intimating that the intelligence agencies don't trust Trump over fears he may exercise more of the powers granted him by the American people, Fseisi suggested the intelligence agencies don't trust each other.
  457. </p><p>
  458. When asked whether the CIA works with the NSA, he said, "No, because they're very territorial. ... They don't like sharing information."
  459. </p><h2>Fseisi clams up
  460. </h2><p>
  461. O'Keefe followed up with Fseisi, noting, "Michael Shellenberger and Matt Taibbi did some reporting on the information that was withheld from Trump. It's actually a crime for the director of the CIA to withhold information from Trump."
  462. </p><p>
  463. "It's not — I have no idea," said Fseisi. "Everything I said is unbeknownst to me. I don't know. I have no intel. I have no knowledge."
  464. </p><p>
  465. Confronted with a series of his own quotes, Fseisi can be seen in the video throwing up his hands, then stating, "I can have an opinion, but I don't know."
  466. </p><p>
  467. O'Keefe later noted that Fseisi's sudden caution may have been the result of his realization that "he could be held liable for violating internal agency provisions and federal laws like the Executive Agency ethics provisions, which restrict what he may share with others outside of his contracted-to agency."
  468. </p><p>
  469. CIA spokeswoman Chelsea Robinson said, "These claims about CIA are absolutely false and ridiculous. CIA is a resolutely apolitical institution that provides intelligence support to policymakers including the president of the United States, irrespective of who occupies the office."
  470. </p><p>
  471. "We are a foreign intelligence-focused agency and do not monitor the former president," added Robinson.
  472. </p><p>
  473. Citing "multiple credible sources" close to a House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence investigation, Shellenberger, Taibbi, and Alex Gutentag
  474. <a href="" target="_blank">reported</a> in February that the CIA illegally mobilized foreign intelligence agencies to spy on Trump advisors prior to the 2016 election.
  475. </p><p>
  476. According to the sources, then-President Barack Obama's CIA Director John Brennan identified 26 of Trump's associates as targets for members of the "Five Eyes" intelligence alliance to "'bump,' or make contact with or manipulate. They were targets of our own IC and law enforcement — targets for collection and misinformation."
  477. </p><p>
  478. In response to O'Keefe's video, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.)
  479. <a href="" target="_blank">requested</a> that the House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government open a formal investigation into the "concerning actions allegedly perpetrated by the intelligence community against President Trump."
  480. </p><p>
  481. Rep. Tim Burchett (R-Tenn.)
  482. <a href="" target="_blank">similarly indicated</a> he would be requesting an investigation.
  483. </p><p class="shortcode-media shortcode-media-youtube">
  484.        <span class="rm-shortcode" data-rm-shortcode-id="e161f7eee9ccfbf834eb414a0eb6278c" style="display:block;position:relative;padding-top:56.25%;"><iframe frameborder="0" height="auto" lazy-loadable="true" scrolling="no" src="" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;" width="100%"></iframe></span>
  485. <small class="image-media media-photo-credit" placeholder="Add Photo Credit...">
  486. <a href="" target="_blank">
  487. </a>
  488. </small>
  489. </p><p>
  490. <em>Like Blaze News? Bypass the censors, sign up for our newsletters, and get stories like this direct to your inbox. </em><em><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_self">Sign up here</a></em><em>!</em>
  491. </p>]]></description><pubDate>Thu, 02 May 2024 16:10:00 +0000</pubDate><guid></guid><category>Government</category><category>Central intelligence agency</category><category>Intel</category><category>Intel agencies</category><category>Cia</category><category>Donald trump</category><category>Spying</category><category>Mike pompeo</category><category>Amjad fseisi</category><category>Politics</category><category>Media</category><dc:creator>Joseph MacKinnon</dc:creator><media:content medium="image" type="image/jpeg" url=";width=980"></media:content></item><item><title>Riot police successfully take control at UCLA, throwing away Hamas-endorsed radicals' Palestinian flag</title><link></link><description><![CDATA[
  492. <img src=""/><br/><br/><p>
  493. Armored officers with the Los Angeles Police Department and California State Police took control of the illegal encampment at the University of California, Los Angeles, early Thursday morning, busting through the
  494. <a href="" target="_blank">Hamas-endorsed</a> student radicals' barricades, flattening the occupiers' tents, and arresting some of those individuals  who ignored their <a href="" target="_blank">repeated warnings</a> and invitations to leave.
  495. </p><p>
  496. The LAPD and other law enforcement agencies
  497. <a href="" target="_blank">responded</a> Tuesday night to the UCLA campus after the leftist university pleaded for help in dealing with the fallout of the same ideas taught inside its classrooms. It was not until Thursday morning that they were able to successfully overwhelm the radicals in Dickson Plaza.
  498. </p><p>
  499. Blaze News national correspondent Julio Rosas was on the scene as the pro-Hamas students, wearing masks and equipped with makeshift shields, faced off with the group of around 30 LAPD officers who initially breached the radicals' illegal encampment. The radicals can be heard taunting and castigating the officers, who had been flanked on both sides.
  500. </p><blockquote class="rm-embed twitter-tweet" data-partner="rebelmouse" data-twitter-tweet-id="1785951610361045495">
  501.        <div style="margin:1em 0">Anti-Israel protesters inside the encampment at UCLA lined up with shields to face LAPD officers.</div> —  (@)
  502.        <a href=""></a>
  503.    </blockquote>
  504.        <script async="" charset="utf-8" src=""></script><p>
  505. Rosas indicated that the outnumbered officers ultimately withdrew. As the officers gave up hard-won ground, they had to fight off elements of the frenzied mob, which pursued them out of the encampment.
  506. </p><p>
  507. "I'm not entirely sure what the reason was for them to make that first breach," Rosas told Blaze News. "But it wasn't a good one. Obviously."
  508. </p><p>
  509. Similar standoffs appear to have taken place around campus, where police apparently had difficulties making inroads largely on account of their incredible restraint.
  510. </p><blockquote class="rm-embed twitter-tweet" data-partner="rebelmouse" data-twitter-tweet-id="1785979107173618033">
  511.        <div style="margin:1em 0">\ud83d\udea8California Highway Patrolmen in riot gear are attempting to breach one side of the UCLA encampment. Occupiers rushed with people and shields to push back against the officers. So far CHP has not broken through this route.</div> —  (@)
  512.        <a href=""></a>
  513.    </blockquote>
  514.        <script async="" charset="utf-8" src=""></script><p>
  515. Radicals pelted officers with rocks and attempted to disorient them with fire extinguisher blasts while desperately maintaining their barricades. The officers, in turn, used multiple flash-bangs.
  516. </p><blockquote class="rm-embed twitter-tweet" data-conversation="none" data-partner="rebelmouse" data-twitter-tweet-id="1785981337398284747">
  517.        <div style="margin:1em 0">Absolute chaos right now. Occupiers are trying to hold the main makeshift wall as police repeatedly fire flashbangs.</div> —  (@)
  518.        <a href=""></a>
  519.    </blockquote>
  520.        <script async="" charset="utf-8" src=""></script><p>
  521. Evidently growing tired of the violent, selfie-taking mob's sporadic attacks, police began to push back in a big way around 3 a.m. PT.
  522. </p><p>
  523. "That's when the California Highway Patrolmen in riot gear started to make multiple breaches at the main side of the encampment, the side with the makeshift barriers," said Rosas. "They were fighting each other. Protesters were using their bodies. They had a ton of shields and palettes and material to keep pushing up against the riot officers."
  524. </p><p>
  525. Some of the radicals attempted to form a human chain, but the police evidently found a few weak links. Rosas noted that roughly 20 of those in the chain were arrested after police kettled them.
  526. </p><p>
  527. Rosas reported that around 3:30 a.m., police began to successfully tear down the main makeshift wall bordering the illegal encampment. Upon doing so, it quickly became clear that police would soon be able to raze the encampment and clear out the remaining radicals therein.
  528. </p><blockquote class="rm-embed twitter-tweet" data-partner="rebelmouse" data-twitter-tweet-id="1785992060929221044">
  529.        <div style="margin:1em 0"></div> —  (@)
  530.        <a href=""></a>
  531.    </blockquote>
  532.        <script async="" charset="utf-8" src=""></script><p>
  533. CHP riot police advanced on the camp from other directions as well, tearing down the radicals' agitprop and pushing occupiers out of the way.
  534. </p><p>
  535. A CHP officer effectively signaled the radicals' defeat by flinging down the Palestinian flag at the heart of the illegal encampment.
  536. </p><blockquote class="rm-embed twitter-tweet" data-partner="rebelmouse" data-twitter-tweet-id="1786003467288690709">
  537.        <div style="margin:1em 0">While pushing back occupiers at UCLA, a California Highway Patrolman removed the big Palestinian flag in the middle of the encampment and threw it on the ground.</div> —  (@)
  538.        <a href=""></a>
  539.    </blockquote>
  540.        <script async="" charset="utf-8" src=""></script><p>
  541. Before dawn, officers effectively controlled the camp, littered with leftist propaganda and other radical refuse.
  542. </p><blockquote class="rm-embed twitter-tweet" data-conversation="none" data-partner="rebelmouse" data-twitter-tweet-id="1786007025375387687">
  543.        <div style="margin:1em 0">The encampment is almost cleared out. CHP is tearing down tents and pushing remaining occupiers out of the area.</div> —  (@)
  544.        <a href=""></a>
  545.    </blockquote>
  546.        <script async="" charset="utf-8" src=""></script><p>
  547. Rosas indicated that "it didn't need to come to this. ... If the encampment was cleared sooner, without giving the occupiers so much time to prepare for this, it would have been much easier for law enforcement to clear it out. But because this was allowed to take place for a while."
  548. </p><p>
  549. When asked about the rioters' initial success in repelling, Rosas suggested they "did a pretty good job at communicating with each other — to call for backup, call for materials, call for shields at different points of the border of the encampment. That's part of the reason why it took a while for police to take a significant foothold — because they were very flexible in putting manpower and material in their way."
  550. </p><p>
  551. This is a developing story and will be updated.
  552. </p><p>
  553. <em>Like Blaze News? Bypass the censors, sign up for our newsletters, and get stories like this direct to your inbox. </em><em><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_self">Sign up here</a></em><em>!</em>
  554. </p>]]></description><pubDate>Thu, 02 May 2024 13:52:12 +0000</pubDate><guid></guid><category>Ucla</category><category>Hamas</category><category>Palestine</category><category>Israel</category><category>University of california</category><category>Los angeles</category><category>Lapd</category><category>Riot</category><category>Chp</category><category>Police</category><category>Demonstration</category><category>Julio rosas</category><category>Crime</category><category>Politics</category><dc:creator>Joseph MacKinnon</dc:creator><media:content medium="image" type="image/jpeg" url=";width=980"></media:content></item><item><title>Befriend this flamethrowing robot dog … before it’s too late</title><link></link><description><![CDATA[
  555. <img src=""/><br/><br/><p>
  556. Last week, flamethrowing robo-dogs became the newest draft pick for the military-industrial complex.
  557. </p><p>
  558. Now, I love dogs. I am proudly a “dog person.” Hopefully, my dog buddies will be waiting for me in heaven. But I don’t know how to feel about
  559. <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Throwflame’s weaponized dog</a>, Thermonator. With the push of a button for the plasma arc ignition, the murder mutt starts marching in a perfect cadence.
  560. </p><p class="pull-quote">
  561. This quarter-gallon of canned Mt. Vesuvius is undoubtedly capable of far more than we even realize, but who needs to be a worrywart about the prospect of automated doom?
  562. </p><p>
  563. Think of it as a kind of video game. A great one about the collapse of human civilization or imprisonment of sentient robot soldiers: These diesel-fueled canine machines are as heartless as any death-ready contraption.
  564. </p><p>
  565. I’m told they don’t
  566. <em><em>currently</em></em> provide decapitation or fatal electricity, but I suspect that it’s only a matter of time before these geniuses have that light-bulb moment. In the meantime, we can only dream. Additionally, we have confirmed that our inevitable dystopia will have lots of fire. For $9,420, you can sample the horrendous technological weaponry that is coming to enslave us and our children. Probably for generations! If you’re looking for the ARC flamethrower without the pup friend, it starts at $699, but where’s the fun (and terror) in that?
  567. </p><p class="shortcode-media shortcode-media-youtube">
  568.        <span class="rm-shortcode" data-rm-shortcode-id="44c5cadfb9e0c8c43268fd832802edd3" style="display:block;position:relative;padding-top:56.25%;"><iframe frameborder="0" height="auto" lazy-loadable="true" scrolling="no" src="" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;" width="100%"></iframe></span>
  569. <small class="image-media media-caption" placeholder="Add Photo Caption...">The Robot Dog With A Flamethrower | Thermonator</small>
  570. <small class="image-media media-photo-credit" placeholder="Add Photo Credit...">
  571. <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
  572. </small>
  573. </p><p>
  574. Suspend, for a moment, the primal fear of seeing man’s best friend weaponized into a robotic flamethrowing maniac. If you can get over that image, this little side road on the voyage to a brighter future is a little easier to gulp down. This weaponized scorch-pup has all sorts of uses, like warfare, combat, espionage, torture, and genocide.
  575. </p><p>
  576. We have been slowly making ourselves redundant with engineering machinery and software increasingly capable of outsmarting and outperforming us. But sure, why not? Why
  577. <em><em>shouldn’t </em></em>we construct a flamethrowing robot dog capable of sprinting at literal breakneck speeds within the blink of an eye? Don’t let its mechanical death eyes frighten you. Or better yet, scoot back far enough that you can’t see them — the flame has a 30-foot max firing range anyway.
  578. </p><p>
  579. Careful not to pet the Thermonator’s seamless 6061-T6 aluminum body. It could be warm from the flamethrowing.
  580. </p><p>
  581. This quarter-gallon of canned Mt. Vesuvius is undoubtedly capable of far more than we even realize, but who needs to be a worrywart about the prospect of automated doom?
  582. </p><p>
  583. The specs on the robot dog are similar to Boston Dynamics iterations of robo-dogs, beginning with Big Dog, a giant four-legged robot that looks like a massive nightmare flea but is more closely linked to the
  584. <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">beloved</a> and <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">popular</a> robotic dog named Spot. The Throwflame version more closely resembles Boston Dynamics' LittleDog, which ought not to need an explanation. Then, in 2016, Boston Dynamics released a robot unlike any of its others: It was vaguely human: The Agile Anthropomorphic Robot "Atlas" is a six-foot (183 cm) bipedal humanoid robot, based on Boston Dynamics' earlier PETMAN humanoid robot, and designed for a variety of search and rescue tasks.
  585. </p><p class="shortcode-media shortcode-media-youtube">
  586.        <span class="rm-shortcode" data-rm-shortcode-id="099e06811d9dbf97e1a11372184e7242" style="display:block;position:relative;padding-top:56.25%;"><iframe frameborder="0" height="auto" lazy-loadable="true" scrolling="no" src="" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;" width="100%"></iframe></span>
  587. <small class="image-media media-caption" placeholder="Add Photo Caption...">Meet Sparkles | Boston Dynamics</small>
  588. <small class="image-media media-photo-credit" placeholder="Add Photo Credit...">
  589. <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
  590. </small>
  591. </p><p>
  592. Although ultimately, we may find the most guidance from YouTube, the top comment of the promo for the flamethrowing robo-pup: "Just as the founding fathers intended."</p><p>
  593. Thankfully, these robots can’t start a revolution. Not yet, at least!
  594. </p>]]></description><pubDate>Thu, 02 May 2024 13:00:00 +0000</pubDate><guid></guid><category>Robotics</category><category>Boston dynamics</category><category>Boston dynamics dog</category><category>Robot</category><category>Boston dynamics spot robot</category><category>Throwflame</category><category>Flamethrower dog</category><category>Tech</category><dc:creator>Kevin Ryan</dc:creator><media:content medium="image" type="image/png" url=";width=980"></media:content></item><item><title>The internet has turned us into zombies</title><link></link><description><![CDATA[
  595. <img src=""/><br/><br/><p>The internet spreads out like a virus. As it becomes ubiquitous, so are its influences. The same slang is shared in all fifty states through the influence of social media, the same arguments are repeated online by people in disparate corners of faraway states, and gradually, the same manner of dress is adopted almost universally. The internet is a force of widespread cultural homogenization much in the same way that the spread of the English language via the British Empire was, only the internet is way more powerful.</p><p>As the recent years of lockdowns have proven, we exist in an environment where you can work, eat, sleep, be entertained, and socialize without leaving your home. As the phone swallowed paper maps, calculators, cameras, and more, the internet has consumed ever greater portions of previously physical components of human life. Social media is used by many not to supplement but to replace physical social interactions. Amazon is soon to complete the bludgeoning death of brick-and-mortar retail. What human shape is being molded by a life lived in the frame of the internet? </p><p>You will find plenty of differences between various subcultures on the internet. Political factions and subcultures online distinguish themselves by using niche memes to create exclusivity and barriers to entry. The USSR-enthusiast side of X does not use the same memes as the traditional Catholic side of X. However, this seeming uniqueness is deceiving as it rarely indicates genuine individual thought but rather represents conformity to a subset of culture. The very structure of online spaces promotes conformity of thought by identical mechanisms no matter which non-territory one belongs to. </p><h2>Striving for likes</h2><p>Say you have an X account. There is instant feedback of “likes” for posts, reflecting what others want to see and hear. Posts are not made in a vacuum; unlike a novelist writing quietly in the confines of his room, the X poster receives immediate reactions to his works. Every “like'' affirms his social worth and encourages similarly structured messages. He wants to chase that feeling, that little “zap” of pleasure upon seeing another notification. In seeking to repeat earlier successes, he posts similar content in a similar format, almost necessarily derived from identical thought patterns. </p><p>As social beings, the drive to pursue approval from others is nothing new; however, the pervasive, incessant presence of the internet as a social reality <em><em>is </em></em>new. People are socially engaged and thus alter their thoughts in response to social pressures, even in the restroom, at red lights, sitting alone in bed, etc. Solitude is a receding territory, like a tectonic plate slowly chewed by the earth into magma, replaced by a panopticon we opt into. </p><p>With originality comes risk and often a disappointment. More idiosyncratic beliefs are less likely to receive high praise from a great many people, as they are less likely to be relatable and shared. Cycles of affirmation compel the perpetuation of similar speech and opinion. To combat cognitive dissonance, the mind adopts the beliefs expressed in the public sphere as genuine. These pressures exist in nearly every conscious moment of the slouch-backed social media addict, an increasingly common human type. </p><p>As the online world takes up more room in social space, the importance of conformity grows. Approval from others online becomes more critical to psychological well-being as social interaction is relegated to online spaces. Facebook, X, and Instagram become outlets for a stream of consciousness cultivated by the compulsion to be liked. Dependence on approval from your online peers restricts possibilities of thought. Political influencers, like the trite conservative pundits or the shrill overbearing liberal pundits, would risk their livelihoods by changing their opinions in fundamental ways. The average person is increasingly under pressure, similar to the pundit class. </p><p>Regular users of social media risk losing acceptance in their online communities, however niche, by straying too far from what is considered acceptable opinion in their spaces. This is the construction of human psychological hives, the reduction of human beings to bees all too content to trade individual thought for community acceptance. This is due to incentive structures created by an online social world with instant feedback loops of rejection and approval. Not only is the hive ever-present, but the signals are instantaneous, which makes for quick training. Pavlov trained dogs to salivate upon ringing a bell by pairing that stimulus with food presentation and fitting the notification symbol across nearly all social media platforms to be shaped like a bell. </p><p>Negative comments, praise, likes, and all of this feedback are available the second it happens, making for more effective cognitive training. The “bell” rings exactly when one receives social feedback. This makes for powerful psychological associations that change one’s thinking, one’s cognitive behavior. Beliefs expressed for the underlying purpose of obtaining approval come to be genuinely held, and little joy comes from questioning beliefs required for acceptance within a community. Consequently, there is an adoption of a particular frame of thought that is not of your own making. This environment is increasingly replacing the physical world in terms of where the majority of social interaction takes place, and this has dire consequences for the stability of people’s relationships with others and themselves. </p><h2>Digital community </h2><p class="shortcode-media shortcode-media-rebelmouse-image">
  596.        <img alt="" class="rm-shortcode" data-rm-shortcode-id="ed11c54a24d5a9ba338b045a908b37aa" data-rm-shortcode-name="rebelmouse-image" id="1f2af" loading="lazy" src=""/>
  599.        <small class="image-media media-photo-credit" placeholder="Add Photo Credit...">shironosov/Getty </small></p><p>It used to be that a community was located in a physical place composed of a patchwork of people belonging to a particular setting. The social environments in which pre-internet people grew up were rooted in commonalities that extended, root-like into the earth, beyond a shared interest in a product line, a fetish, or ideological commitments. You were from a <em><em>place, </em></em>and that place mattered because all of the people you talked to, hung out with, fought with, or dated were also from that same place. In such physical spaces, one’s history with others matters in a way that doesn’t exist online. The memories of time spent with people in physical spaces are tangible to the mind; such memories evoke the senses and possess more feeling, so one’s history and reputation in an actual community are not so fragile as one wrong opinion away from being shattered. The story is different today. </p><p>In the modern context, there is little stable foundation for community acceptance and moral certainty. Mainstream views held by many in 2000 (for example, that marriage is strictly between a man and a woman) become deadly to even touch in a matter of a few years. The foundations of online social and moral acceptance are built of sand. People must update their opinions consistently to maintain their standing within their online communities. With each revision of belief, there is less resistance to further alteration; convictions risk becoming scribbles on an Etch A Sketch that are liable to be erased at a moment’s notice. Histories and prior interactions with others matter less for maintaining one’s reputation in the face of controversy because online interactions still lack the impression of reality despite how dramatically they shape us. One does not think about the little profile picture spouting his opinions in written format in the same way that one does a human being in the flesh. </p><p>Also, unlike in an actual community, one’s actions, temperament, and all the inexpressible traits that make a person's substance are largely irrelevant. What is real is what is posted online, primarily just selective expression. It’s not what you <em><em>do</em></em>; it's what you <em><em>say</em></em> that matters in the modern “community.” Acceptance, then, in an online world, to a great extent, means agreement. The spread of sycophancy is like a virus. And you’re trained to love it as a drone in a hive.</p>]]></description><pubDate>Thu, 02 May 2024 12:15:00 +0000</pubDate><guid></guid><category>Social media</category><category>X</category><category>Twitter</category><category>Social media outrage</category><category>Social media addiction</category><category>Social media free speech</category><category>Internet culture</category><category>Tech</category><category>Likes and validation</category><category>Eli drummond</category><category>Return</category><dc:creator>Eli Drummond</dc:creator><media:content medium="image" type="image/jpeg" url=";width=980"></media:content></item><item><title>Jordan Peterson, an Uber driver, and a ex-atheist walk into a 14,000-seat arena</title><link></link><description><![CDATA[
  600. <img src=""/><br/><br/><p>
  601. I waited in line alongside a woman with a cane wearing a cross necklace and a group of teenage boys in board shorts. A blind man was led along by two other gentlemen past a well-dressed lady in petite black heels and her suit-wearing date. A toddler held her daddy's hands as we entered into the arena and were met with the overwhelming smell of funnel cake.
  602. </p><p>
  603. The Dickies Arena in Fort Worth can hold up to 14,000 people. As I took my seat, bright screens in every direction advertised the upcoming entertainment:
  604. <em>Disney On Ice, Dierks Bentley, Justin Timberlake.</em>
  605. </p><p>
  606. “So what brings you to the Jordan Peterson tour?” I asked the man next to me over the sound of classical music mingled with popcorn-munching that flowed through the air.
  607. </p><p class="pull-quote">
  608. If only I could only go back to my college theory courses, raise my scared little hand, and say, “That’s really fascinating that Nietzsche said 'God is dead,’ but how does that hold up in the face of the Genesis account?”
  609. </p><p>
  610. “I got some things I want to wrestle with God about,” he said and gestured to the projection of the tour's title on the front screen:
  611. <em>We Who Wrestle with God Tour.</em>
  612. </p><p>
  613. “And the best part is,” he told me,
  614. <em> </em>“I 'cash flowed' the whole thing. No credit card.”
  615. </p><p>
  616. He was an Uber driver who had worked extra hours to afford this night out because he thought, “I ought to do something for myself.”
  617. <em> </em>He’d found Jordan Peterson’s videos online and realized that “a lot of what he was talking about is the way I was raised.”
  618. </p><p>
  619. A live musician took the stage. As he plucked the first notes on his guitar, my new friend next to me leaned over to my husband to say that he got off early and went to Buc-ee's before this.
  620. </p><p>
  621. “This and Buc-ee's makes for the perfect day.”
  622. </p><p>
  623. His easygoing demeanor and untucked polo shirt defied the typical nose-in-the-classics intellectual stereotype you might expect at an academic lecture. He had not brought his pocket "Poetics," nor did he try to assert his own intelligence with a nonchalant reference to one of Dostoevsky’s lesser-known works. He never said “penultimate,” “epistemological," or "a priori." Instead, he sipped his Diet Coke and tapped his foot along to the music
  624. </p><p>
  625. As more and more people filled the arena, my husband leaned over to me and whispered, “We are all here to hear a man ponder.” We laughed at the idea. In a few months, Justin Timberlake would pack this same arena and bring the ladies to their knees with another rendition of "SexyBack." But tonight, we were gathered to listen to a lecture about God from a Canadian psychologist.
  626. </p><p>
  627. Jordan Peterson took the stage with the charisma of a soft-spoken elder trying to make a crucial decision for his tribe. His hands were pressed in front of his lips as he paced, speaking extemporaneously and pausing to think for a length of time that would make any professional speaker blush.
  628. </p><p>
  629. The question at hand for the night’s lecture was, in essence, “Why God?”
  630. </p><p>
  631. As Peterson mused aloud over women's attraction to men who can dance (a tangent well worth exploring, in my opinion) I had to ask myself, “Why are we all here?”
  632. </p><p>
  633. What was it about this 61-year-old clinical psychologist’s exploration of the Bible that had drawn Texans out in droves on a Monday night?
  634. </p><p>
  635. I couldn’t imagine we were there for the spectacle – for the thrill. Peterson is an engaging speaker, but his presentation is still essentially a lecture – 90 minutes of what he calls "the theater of the mind."
  636. </p><p>
  637. Were we there for advice, or inspiration? Arguably a man who writes a book called "12 Rules for Life" is offering a kind of "self-help." But Peterson's presentation lacks the flashy stagecraft, dramatic epiphanies and dopamine-releasing rituals that accompany most motivational speakers.
  638. </p><p>
  639. Besides, I had “helped” myself quite enough, actually. I’d taken the latest personality tests, adopted some “Atomic Habits,” gave up sugar, and tried cold-showers. I worked out everyday, did calming breathing exercises, and kept a tightly organized personal planner.
  640. </p><p>
  641. But there are some things even a good Pilates session and the “power of positive thinking” can’t fix.  I remembered what my seat neighbor had said: I got some things I want to wrestle with God about. Then it hit me: like the man sitting next to me, I wasn't there for the high-falutin' thrill of mental gymnastics. I was there because I had some sh** to work out.I wasn’t there for self-help. I was there for God-help.</p><p>
  642. The online portal to submit a question for Jordan featured a way to “upvote” different comments to push them to the top of the feed. Here are some of the questions people were asking:<br/>
  643. </p><p>
  644. <em>“What is the meaning of life and why should I care?</em>
  645. </p><p>
  646. <em>“What is the most important verse in the Bible to live by?”</em>
  647. </p><p>
  648. <em>“Was Jesus everything he claimed to be, per what we read in the Gospels?”</em>
  649. </p><p>
  650. <em>“Is there any way to have an absolute moral structure apart from religion?’”</em>
  651. </p><p>
  652. <em>‘’’How do you forgive what seems like an unforgivable act?”</em>
  653. </p><p>
  654. One audience member wrote,
  655. <em> “I struggle with my sexuality. I don't want this life for me. I'm a devoted, conservative-leaning Christian, I don't know what to do. What are your opinions?”</em>
  656. </p><p>
  657. He was there, like me, like the Uber driver to my right, to wrestle with God.
  658. </p><p>
  659. Then there was the man to my left — my husband.
  660. </p><p>
  661. It wasn't that long ago that he was a teenager disillusioned by the church and drawn to New Atheist leaders like Sam Harris and Richard Dawkins. For many curious young people, New Atheism was the satisfyingly rebellious answer to religion's seeming inability to address the hard questions.
  662. </p><p>
  663. Those same seekers, after some time and deeper thought, also found the proposal of a godless world to be unreasonable and hollow.
  664. </p><p>
  665. What was a disillusioned atheist to do next?
  666. </p><p>
  667. Enter Dr. Jordan Peterson, a man who has never publicly confessed adherence to any particular faith and yet travels the world teaching about Abraham and Moses to packed stadiums as if he’s Billy Graham.
  668. </p><p>
  669. Why?
  670. </p><p>
  671. As he said in the lecture that night,
  672. <em> </em>“We've come to a time when we have to understand what the stories our culture is predicated on actually mean."  In his opinion, the Bible is that story, and with it, we've created “arguably the greatest culture on earth. … If you want to keep the culture, keep the story. If you want to keep the story, you have to keep God.”
  673. </p><p>
  674. As I shuffled out of the arena with my chocolate-chip cookie wrapper, I heard a man behind me offer the pointed observation that Jordan, a somewhat religiously ambiguous man who had paced the stage in a suit jacket patterned with the faces of saints, “is more Christian than most Christians.”
  675. </p><p>
  676. I thought about my husband again and the hours of conversations we’d had as he’d listened to Jordan Peterson’s lecture series on the book of Genesis.
  677. </p><p>
  678. We had talked about Cain and Abel and the nature of evil, the power of words to speak life into existence, and the idea that men are created in the image of God. They were the conversations I’d been desperate to have since we’d met in college but never knew how to start.
  679. </p><p>
  680. I suppose that’s one of the reasons I love Peterson, because he gave me the gift of those conversations — and not only with my husband, but with people everywhere.
  681. </p><p>
  682. Even if Peterson hadn't claimed to take the Bible literally, he’d taken it seriously. He’d pursued the ancient writings with the vigor that the intellectual class typically reserved for Darwin and Freud. For me, his influence shattered the false separation of intellect and faith.
  683. </p><p>
  684. If only I could only go back to my college theory courses, raise my scared little hand, and say, “That’s really fascinating that Nietzsche said 'God is dead,’ but how does that hold up in the face of the Genesis account?”
  685. </p><p>
  686. With the wind of Peterson’s high-level biblical analysis at my back, I would tell every professor that I would be bringing both my God
  687. <em>and </em>my reason into class, <em>thank you very much.</em>
  688. </p><p>
  689. But there was no Jordan Peterson when I waded the godless waters of academia, not yet.
  690. </p><p>
  691. Today there are “Jordan Petersons” popping up everywhere. They're blowing the dust off their old Bibles and saying, “Hey, before we throw all our norms and ethics down the memory hole, why don't we give this God guy a shot?” Honestly, what do we have to lose? Or, even more honestly, do we have any other options?
  692. </p><p>
  693. If we had other options, would we still have men like Jordan Peterson? Or are men like him only forged in times like these?
  694. </p><p>
  695. My husband and I had parked at a church down the street. As he opened the car door to let me in, I noticed the stream of fellow audience members passing under the steeple. The modest silver cross was only barely visible by the dim glow of streetlights.
  696. </p><p>
  697. We drove home talking about God.
  698. </p>]]></description><pubDate>Thu, 02 May 2024 11:30:00 +0000</pubDate><guid></guid><category>Lifestyle</category><category>Faith</category><category>Mikayla hendricks</category><category>Align</category><category>Jordan peterson</category><category>Review</category><category>God</category><category>Bible</category><category>Philosophy</category><category>Social commentary</category><dc:creator>Mikayla G. Hedrick</dc:creator><media:content medium="image" type="image/jpeg" url=";width=980"></media:content></item><item><title>Don’t save Democrats from their own campus disaster</title><link></link><description><![CDATA[
  699. <img src=""/><br/><br/><p>
  700. My dear conservative friends, we need to have a talk. This is more of an intervention than anything else. You must stop protecting institutions that are committed to destroying your way of life. The university system hates you. It always has. It will continue to hate you until it is dismantled brick by brick and replaced with something else. Something better. The universities will just never be into you, and if two factions of the left want to destroy themselves while shutting down college campuses, that’s what we in politics like to call a win.
  701. </p><p>
  702. You don’t need to ride to the rescue. You aren’t the white knight in this scenario. Just grab some popcorn and enjoy the show; I promise this will work out in your favor if you let it.
  703. </p><p class="pull-quote">
  704. Red-state governors should maintain the safety of those under their care but otherwise leave leftists to their own devices. Let those factions fight.
  705. </p><p>
  706. Protests surrounding the Hamas terror attack on October 7 in Gaza and the subsequent response by Israel have now raged on college campuses across the country for weeks. The establishment left is nominally pro-Israel due to a legacy attachment to the nation and the need to maintain a healthy relationship with major donors. The more radical leftist vanguard has drunk deeply from the well of wokeness and made the natural connection between anti-European decolonization rhetoric and Israel, which it now identifies as a white colonial oppressor.
  707. </p><p>
  708. Jews have been stalwart Democratic voters for a long time and have avoided being dropped to the bottom of the party’s oppression hierarchy, but that arrangement is now being called into question by other members of the coalition. The left has imported and elevated a generation of immigrants who feel no attachment to America’s past relationship with Israel, and many in the vanguard come from cultures that are openly hostile to the Jewish nation.
  709. </p><p>
  710. The progressive coalition has always been tenuous, and October 7 created an eruption across the most critical fault line that has manifested as an intra-leftist civil war playing out on college campuses.
  711. </p><p>
  712. Most opposing political parties would recognize this as a gift from on high. The Republicans, on the other hand, have several specific hang-ups that compel them to solve this problem for their opponents.
  713. </p><p>
  714. The conservative impulse to protect institutions is an admirable one. In a healthy society, institutions are the formal structures that help to enshrine a culture’s values and transmit them to the next generation. But American society is not healthy, and the long march through the institutions perpetrated by the left has installed a hostile ideology deep into the heart of the university system.
  715. </p><p>
  716. College campuses are not places of learning where promising young minds develop the leadership skills necessary to forge a brighter future. These institutions are progressive seminaries where students go deeply into debt to learn how to hate their parents, religion, and nation. This ideological poison is then distributed through every major corporation, piece of entertainment, and news headline as college graduates take their places as leaders and managers throughout society.
  717. </p><p>
  718. Conservatives have complained for decades that the public schools are hostile indoctrination centers designed to secure leftist hegemony, but when the pandemic shut down these enemy institutions, conservatives became the most vocal proponents of reopening them.
  719. </p><p>
  720. The same dynamic is currently playing itself out on university campuses. Conservatives may complain about the education system, but they are ultimately defenders of the status quo and would rather see these institutions continue to operate, even if they are calling for the literal destruction of the United States.
  721. </p><p>
  722. Part of this response is linked to the natural and admirable conservative impulse toward order. Conservatives recoil at the idea of violence and intimidation on these campuses, and where Republican governors are in charge, they should absolutely protect the physical safety of all students.
  723. </p><p>
  724. But there is also an impulse among many Republican politicians to punish public criticism of Israel, and this is a serious problem.
  725. </p><p>
  726. The right has spent endless hours mocking the leftist ideas of hate speech and safe spaces, but now many GOP politicians are suddenly obsessed with implementing exactly those policies. Governors like Greg Abbott of Texas and Kevin Stitt of Oklahoma, for example, have come out in favor of cracking down on “hate speech” and anti-Semitism in the wake of these protests. It is becoming hard not to notice that most of these politicians took no action as anti-white rhetoric and demonstrations dominated academia for the last decade, to the point where that ideology has now made its way into several best-selling books.
  727. </p><div class="rm-embed embed-media"><iframe frameborder="0" height="200" scrolling="no" src="" width="100%">
  728. </iframe></div><p>
  729. The Democrats are already facing a critical election in which they must run a deeply unpopular dementia patient against a former president who maintains a strong base of support despite being hit with an endless barrage of fake criminal charges. The very last thing the left wanted was a civil war on college campuses that exposed the disastrous contradictions at the heart of its coalition.
  730. </p><p>
  731. The only thing that could possibly rescue the Democrats from this nightmare scenario would be footage of Republican governors sending in police to violently silence protesters. This would bail out the establishment and allow mainstream liberals to put the woke vanguard in its place while pointing at the GOP as the real enemy, a unifying symbol of authority to hate.
  732. </p><p>
  733. I know the gut instinct of the right is to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, but the GOP must sit on its hands and let this play out.
  734. </p><p>
  735. Try for a moment to imagine any scenario where two factions inside the right are destroying each other and humiliating themselves in an election year and the left dives on that grenade for conservatives. You can’t, because it would never happen.
  736. </p><p>
  737. Again, red-state governors should maintain the safety of those under their care but otherwise leave leftists to their own devices. Let those factions fight. In the worst-case scenario, some kids don’t get to attend Hate America 101. And the best case? Things get so bad that the Democratic coalition rends itself asunder while desperate parents plead for the right to reform the university system from the ground up.
  738. </p><p>
  739. I am begging you, my conservative allies, take the easy win just this once.
  740. </p>]]></description><pubDate>Thu, 02 May 2024 11:00:00 +0000</pubDate><guid></guid><category>Opinion &amp; analysis</category><category>Auron macintyre</category><category>Hamas protests</category><category>University hamas brigades</category><category>Take thewin</category><category>Take the win</category><category>Conservatism</category><category>Kevin stitt</category><category>Overreaction</category><category>Palestine protest</category><category>Antisemitism</category><dc:creator>Auron MacIntyre</dc:creator><media:content medium="image" type="image/jpeg" url=";width=980"></media:content></item><item><title>How popular primaries foil conservatives and protect the uniparty</title><link></link><description><![CDATA[
  741. <img src=""/><br/><br/><p>
  742. Letting the masses decide the party’s nominee for down-ballot offices is tantamount to letting the elites and special interests decide the outcome.
  743. </p><p>
  744. We are stuck with a uniparty because incumbents are rarely defeated in district races and are almost never defeated in primaries for statewide offices — including senator and governor. The only way to change the party in one election cycle is by transitioning from popular primaries to representative conventions where high-information delegates may separate the frauds from dedicated conservatives.
  745. </p><p class="pull-quote">
  746. Money can buy you name ID in popular primaries, but it can’t buy you love from highly informed delegates and precinct captains.
  747. </p><p>
  748. If Utah would only return the glory to its convention system, it would stand as a model for the nation.
  749. </p><p>
  750. Republicans have liberal governors ruining red states. This is why we only hear about the successes of Ron DeSantis in Florida and few others. Western red states — from Utah and Idaho to Wyoming and North Dakota — are full of progressive Republicans. It is practically impossible for insurgent candidates to raise enough money to win statewide elections, and it is essentially unheard of to knock out a sitting governor in a primary.
  751. </p><p>
  752. And yet, if Utah’s convention had been the final deciding election for the nomination, Governor Spencer Cox would not only have been defeated, but he would also have lost by a 2-1 margin.
  753. </p><p>
  754. GOP delegates met on Saturday for the Utah nominating convention and selected state Representative Phil Lyman as the party’s nominee for governor with 67.5% of the vote. The delegates are so much better informed about the issues, true records, and motivations of each candidate that a sitting governor without a known scandal only received a third of the vote from the delegates.
  755. </p><p>
  756. Sadly, in recent years, the party has gutted the power of the convention by allowing the loser to collect signatures and head to a popular primary, which is decisive. Cox has already qualified for the GOP primary on June 25 by gathering 28,000 signatures. Can you imagine the sort of party we would have if the convention delegates had the final say<em> in every red state</em>?
  757. </p><p>
  758. Thus far, however, we have failed to knock off a single House incumbent in a primary. Had the convention results been binding, 1st District Rep. Blake Moore would have been booted. He was defeated by 10 points in the final round of voting by political novice Paul Miller, who criticized Blake’s votes for the spending bills. Miller would never stand a chance in a popular primary, and unfortunately Blake has collected enough signatures for the primary. As vice chairman of the House Republican Conference, Moore is the seventh-ranking Republican member and will have infinite money to run a campaign full of oleaginous political ads misrepresenting himself as a conservative.
  759. </p><p>
  760. In District 2, incumbent Republican Celeste Maloy was edged out by former Green Beret Colonel Colby Jenkins. Maloy was a congressional staffer who took over for her moderate Republican boss, former Rep. Chris Stewart, and has voted with leadership. Jenkins was endorsed by Senator Mike Lee, himself a product of convention success. Lee is one of the few people to successfully knock off a long-standing incumbent Republican from the right because in 2010 the convention was still decisive.
  761. </p><p>
  762. And speaking of the open Senate race, Trent Staggs beat out Rep. John Curtis by a 2-1 margin at the convention for the nomination to replace Mitt Romney. Again, Staggs would never have had the ability to crush a sitting congressman in an open primary, although he does have a boost from Trump and his network. Ironically, <a href=",at%20the%20foes%20of%20liberty.%E2%80%9D" target="_blank">Mitt Romney also lost the convention</a> in 2018 to Mike Kennedy, a member of the legislature, but was able to advance to a popular primary, where his war chest and superior name ID won the day with low-information voters.</p><div class="rm-embed embed-media"><iframe frameborder="0" height="200" scrolling="no" src="" width="100%"></iframe></div><p>It's unclear whether these insurgent candidates can carry their momentum into the primaries, but the convention demonstrates that meaningful party change requires moving away from popular primaries.<br/></p><p>
  763. The problem is that although most Republican voters have similar expectations for their candidates, they are often unaware of the specific records and associations of their particular Republican representatives. Every Republican, particularly in conservative districts, runs broadly on conservative talking points. The one with the most money and name ID espousing those talking points usually emerges as the winner, but more often he is a creature of the uniparty engaged in perfidious campaigning to disguise the truth. Money can buy you name ID in popular primaries, but it can’t buy you love from highly informed delegates and precinct captains.
  764. </p><p>
  765. Popular primaries were an innovation of the Progressive Era over a century ago, and now we know why. They ensure that no matter who wins the general election, the progressive always comes out on top.
  766. </p>]]></description><pubDate>Thu, 02 May 2024 10:45:00 +0000</pubDate><guid></guid><category>Opinion  &amp; analysis</category><category>Politics</category><category>Opinion &amp; analysis</category><category>Primaries</category><category>Utah convention</category><category>Daniel horowitz</category><category>Conservative review</category><category>Conservatism</category><category>Republican party</category><dc:creator>Daniel Horowitz</dc:creator><media:content medium="image" type="image/jpeg" url=";width=980"></media:content></item><item><title>Blaze News original: The surprising companies accused of helping sexual exploitation — and how to protect your children online</title><link></link><description><![CDATA[
  767. <img src=""/><br/><br/><p>
  768. You might be surprised to learn which digital entities are accused of facilitating, enabling, and even profiting from sexual abuse and exploitation online.
  769. <br/>
  770. </p><p>
  771. Last month, the National Center on Sexual Exploitation released
  772. <a href="" target="_blank">its annual “Dirty Dozen” list</a>, a campaign bringing attention to entities and companies it believes are complicit in sexual exploitation.
  773. </p><p>
  774. This year’s list includes the following entities and the NCOSE's reasoning for including them:
  775. </p><ul>
  776. <li><a href="" target="_blank"><u>Apple</u></a>: "This Big Tech titan refuses to scan for child sex abuse material, hosts dangerous apps with deceptive age ratings and descriptions, and won’t default safety features for teens."</li>
  777. <li><a href="" target="_blank"><u>Cash App</u></a>: "This peer-to-peer payment app appeals to pimps, predators, and pedophiles looking for a covert way to conduct criminal activity."</li>
  778. <li><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><u>Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act</u></a>: "The Greatest Enabler of Online Sexual Exploitation. Misinterpretations of Communications Decency Act Section 230 grant Big Tech blanket immunity for any and all types of abuses they facilitate."</li>
  779. <li><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><u>Cloudflare</u></a>: "Providing a platform for sex buyers and traffickers. Cloudflare says it wants to build a better internet. So why does it provide services to some of the most prolific prostitution forums and deepfake sites?"</li>
  780. <li><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><u>Discord</u></a>: "This platform is popular with predators seeking to groom kids and with creeps looking to create, trade, or find sexually abusive content of children and unsuspecting adults."</li>
  781. <li><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><u>LinkedIn</u></a>: "LinkedIn legitimizes Pornhub and other exploitative enterprises by giving them a platform, overlooks deepfake tool promotion, and is rampant with sexual harassment against women."</li>
  782. <li><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><u>Meta</u></a>: "Meta’s launch of end-to-end encryption, open-sourced AI, and virtual reality are unleashing new worlds of exploitation."</li>
  783. <li><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><u>Github</u></a>: "The vast majority of deepfakes, 'nudify' apps, and AI-generated child sex abuse content originate on this platform owned by the world’s richest company."</li>
  784. <li><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><u>Reddit</u></a>: "Child sex abuse material, sex trafficking, and image-based sexual abuse hide in plain sight among endless pornography subreddits allowed on this platform."</li>
  785. <li><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><u>Roblox</u></a>: "Roblox treats child protection like a game. Among the avatars, blocks, and buildings, kids are exposed to predators, rape-themed games, and age-inappropriate content like sex parties."</li>
  786. <li><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><u>Spotify</u></a>: "Sexually explicit images, sadistic content, and networks trading child sex abuse material on its platform prove Spotify is out of tune with basic child safety measures and moderation practices."</li>
  787. <li><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><u>Telegram</u></a>: "Messaging app Telegram serves as a safe haven for criminal communities across the globe. Sexual torture rings, sextortion gangs, deepfake bots, and more all thrive on an alarming scale."</li>
  788. </ul><p>
  789. What is immediately obvious about the list is that children and teenagers use these applications and programs every day.
  790. </p><p>
  791. Children are, therefore, being exposed to the dangers of sexual exploitation through these entities, according to the NCOSE, an alarming phenomenon that validates the thesis of psychologist Jonathan Haidt’s newest book, “The Anxious Generation.”
  792. </p><p>
  793. His central idea
  794. <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">goes like this</a>: “We have overprotected children in the real world and underprotected them in the virtual world.”
  795. </p><p>
  796. That our children face an onslaught of digital dangers in an increasingly technological world raises an important question:
  797. How can parents protect their children in our digital world?
  798. </p><p>
  799. If you asked Haidt for his prescription to the problem, he would counsel you not to buy your children a smartphone until they begin high school. And social media? Don’t let them use it before age 16 — at the earliest.
  800. </p><p>
  801. Others believe the dangers that screens and social media pose are too great for any child because, after all, a person's brain won't complete its development until one's mid-20s.
  802. </p><p>
  803. But experts who spoke with Blaze News made it clear: This is not an issue parents can ignore because the well-being of your family and the lives of your children are at stake.
  804. </p><p>
  805. "We have a distorted view of the creepy guy in the van picking up our kids on the way to the playground or the fear of a child climbing too high on the tree," Lina Nealon, vice president and director of corporate advocacy at NCOSE, told Blaze News.
  806. </p><p>
  807. "But then we give them this very dangerous device with very little oversight or even understanding of the dangers that are literally in the palm of their hands," she warned.
  808. </p><p><em>Blaze News reached out to each of the companies listed above. None provided a response to NCOSE's allegations.</em><br/></p><h2>The problem is vast</h2><p>
  809. Mental health challenges like anxiety, depression, bullying, suicidal ideations, addictions, and exploitation — those are just some of the problems with the digital world.
  810. <br/>
  811. </p><p>
  812. But the unique challenge with the digital world is that social media and digital technologies are designed to hook users by hijacking their brain chemistry to keep them scrolling without understanding the consequences of such behavior.
  813. </p><p>
  814. "They are dangerous by their very design because their profit is made by facilitating those connections and making people stay online," Nealon said.
  815. </p><p>
  816. This online world is not only dangerous for you, according to Nealon, but your children are particularly vulnerable.
  817. </p><p>
  818. "First of all, there are very little limitations and protections for children online from being accessed by adults in general — adult strangers and certainly predatory adults," she explained.
  819. </p><p>
  820. "Teenagers, they are built to seek connection and meet. They want to meet new people. They want to know where they fit into the world. And so these companies — Instagram and Snapchat and TikTok — create this environment where it is very easy," she said. "It's not only easy for predators to access kids, but they're creating the very environment that makes kids more susceptible to sexual abuse and exploitation."
  821. </p><p>
  822. Through connection, likes, and shares, social media companies tap into the vulnerabilities of children, Nealon explained — and make them even more vulnerable.
  823. </p><p>
  824. "These platforms are actually reducing the self-esteem and self-worth of these children, and then they are allowing predators and adults to access them to see what they're doing, to see those vulnerabilities, to actually interact with them," she said. "So, from that perspective, it's very dangerous."
  825. </p><p>
  826. What is most alarming, Nealon told Blaze News, is that social media and digital companies do not have an incentive to protect your children.
  827. </p><p>
  828. "It's their very business model to put these kids at risk," she said. "I would say that they themselves are predators in a sense because they are preying on our children and their vulnerabilities for profit."
  829. </p><h2>How to protect your family</h2><p>
  830. Thankfully, all is not lost.
  831. </p><p>
  832. You can protect your family and children from the harms of the digital world — but it requires intentionality and sacrifice.
  833. </p><h4>1. Educate yourself and your children</h4><p>
  834. Melanie Hempe, <a href="" target="_blank">founder of ScreenStrong</a>, said the most important step to protect your family from the dangers of the digital world is to educate yourself and your family.
  835. </p><p>
  836. "Get educated and understand how kids are different from adults," Hempe told Blaze News. "The way an adult uses a screen is very different from the way a child uses a screen. We tend to think our kids are just little adults — and that's not true. They don't have impulse control. They're high-risk takers, and they're going to be searching for novelty even more than we are."
  837. </p><p>
  838. The sheer power of digital technology is exactly why parents need to be educated, Hempe explained, so that they "know how to harness the power."
  839. </p><p>
  840. "I'm telling you: You pay now or you pay later, but someone will pay. And most of the time, our kids are the ones paying," she warned.
  841. </p><p>
  842. Nealon delivered a similar warning.
  843. </p><p>
  844. "Be educated and keep up with the trends and what's happening," she said. "There's so much research out there ... and I think the less digital, the healthier your kids will be."
  845. </p><h4>2. Cultivate a community of shared values</h4><p>
  846. Engaging in conversations with other adults where your children are — such as school, church, and friends' houses — is critical to protect them from the harms of the digital world.
  847. </p><p>
  848. "Having conversations with adults where your children are going to be — at school, at church, in activities and youth groups — we are constantly shocked at how even leadership, people who are supposed to be caring for children, don't understand even some of the basic risks of the technology they may be using and actually encouraging kids to use," Nealon told Blaze News.
  849. </p><p>
  850. "It's critical to have those conversations when your child is going elsewhere because you can have all of the safety features at home. You can have the conversations, you can be very vigilant," she explained. "But, of course, they're out there in the world, and you hope that your children will make the right decisions — but they're also children."</p><p>
  851. "So, we need to make sure that the other adults that we put in their care are also paying attention and know and can also be sure that they're doing what they can to minimize the risks to the kids," she said.
  852. </p><p>
  853. Hempe agreed that cultivating community is necessary when seeking the proper relationship with screens and the digital world.
  854. </p><p>
  855. "It's hard to be alone and doing this on your own, especially when you have kids — they want to play with other kids who are not on Fortnite all day," she said. "You want your kids to be around other kids who have the same values and that are shooting for the high bar like you are."
  856. </p><h4>3. Internet filters</h4><p>
  857. If you choose to let your children use digital technology, consider installing software on devices that filter what they will be able to see and access.<span></span>
  858. </p><p>
  859. "Make use of technology that's out there to protect your kids online," Nealon advised.
  860. </p><p>
  861. Companies like <a href="" target="_blank">Bark</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">Canopy</a>, and <a href="" target="_blank">Covenant Eyes</a> have built solutions for parents looking for filtering software. The benefit of these technologies is that you can limit what your children can access (i.e., harmful content) while still allowing them to use the internet.
  862. </p><h4>4. Be a coach</h4><p>
  863. When it comes to technology and your family, Hempe said parents need to be a coach.
  864. </p><p>
  865. "They need us to be like a coach," she said.
  866. </p><p>
  867. "My daughter was in gymnastics for years, and I learned so much about coaching," she explained. "I learned the coach has to be present when a child is doing something that's kind of dangerous. The coach has to be there. The coach can't be in the other room. And she learned that, 'Hey, I need my coach right here to spot me.' That's how it is with screens: We have to be there to spot our kids."
  868. </p><p>
  869. Hempe said it's not about being "controlling" or "legalistic." But she warned that giving children unfettered access to technology not only exposes them to the harms of the digital world — like screen addictions and sexual exploitation — but it's like letting your children drive a Mack truck on the interstate.
  870. </p><p>
  871. "They're not going to be safe on the highway when they're 10 years old driving the Mack truck," she explained.
  872. </p><h2>Tools, not toys</h2><p>
  873. The truth is that technology is not going anywhere. In less than 20 years' time, we've gone from the iPhone to AI, and Gen Z cannot fathom a life without social media or the digital world.
  874. </p><p>
  875. It is up to parents, then, to take serious the relationship their family will have to technology. Exploitation, digital addictions, and attachment dysfunctions are just some of the ramifications that parents are now facing because of technology, screens, and social media.
  876. </p><p>
  877. When discerning how to move forward with technology, remember this one principle from Hempe: Screens are a "tool — not a toy."
  878. </p><p>
  879. If you can remember that, Hempe promised you will figure out how to raise children in a digital world, all while protecting your family from the built-in harms of the technology.
  880. </p><p>
  881. <em>Like Blaze News? Bypass the censors, sign up for our newsletters, and get stories like this direct to your inbox. <a href="" target="_self">Sign up here</a>!</em>
  882. </p>]]></description><pubDate>Thu, 02 May 2024 10:30:00 +0000</pubDate><guid></guid><category>Child development</category><category>Child protection</category><category>Crime</category><category>Cybersecurity</category><category>Digital literacy</category><category>Digital parenting</category><category>Digital well-being</category><category>Digital world</category><category>Harmful content filtering</category><category>Internet safety</category><category>Lina nealon</category><category>Melanie hempe</category><category>National center on sexual exploitation</category><category>News</category><category>Online predators</category><category>Online safety</category><category>Parental controls</category><category>Screen time management</category><category>Screens</category><category>Screenstrong</category><category>Sexual exploitation</category><category>Social media risks</category><category>T3</category><category>Tech</category><category>Technology</category><category>Technology addiction</category><dc:creator>Chris Enloe</dc:creator><media:content medium="image" type="image/jpeg" url=";width=980"></media:content></item><item><title>Blaze News original: 9 Hollywood movies with hidden conservative messages</title><link></link><description><![CDATA[
  883. <img src=""/><br/><br/><p><a href="" target="_blank">Hollywood</a> is known to be a liberal enclave, but there are a handful of movies that have <a href="" target="_blank">hidden or secret conservative messages</a>. While not always obvious, some Hollywood movies have elements or themes that align with conservative values or perspectives.</p><h4>'The Chronicles of Narnia'</h4><p>C.S. Lewis drifted into atheism during his youth but later returned to Christianity to write "The Chronicles of Narnia" series, thanks in part to his friendship with fellow author J.R.R. Tolkien. The books present a direct allegory of Christian themes.  </p><p>Of the seven books by Lewis, three were adapted into movies: "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" (2005), "Prince Caspian" (2008), and "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader" (2010). The movies often reflect Christian beliefs. The films also feature symbolic representations of the characters, places, objects, and themes that represent biblical ideas and entities.</p><p>The religious symbolism  is seen in the consequences of one's choices and battles between good and evil. Aslan is a representation of Jesus Christ, while the White Witch can be seen as an allegorical depiction of Satan. In "The Chronicles of Narnia," Peter's leadership as the high king can be interpreted as a parallel to the Apostle Peter in the Bible. </p><p>There are Christian virtues throughout "The Chronicles of Narnia" series, including sacrifice, redemption, atonement, and salvation through <a href="" target="_blank">faith</a>. The characters often find solace in the belief that with God's providence, they will be safely guided through life's challenges.</p><h4>'The Dark Knight Rises'</h4><p>"The Dark Knight Rises" boasts conservative themes, such as individualism, justice, self-reliance, and the limitations of government. </p><p>Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy finale stresses the importance of individual action and self-reliance. With crime running rampant in Gotham because of the city government's ineptitude, Bruce Wayne takes on the mantle of Batman to carry out vigilante justice. Wayne not only fights crime in the streets but also uses his wealth to fund social programs to enhance the lives of Gotham City's citizens. </p><p>The superhero movie attacks the mob mentality and that a revolution cannot be achieved through mass violence. </p><p>A recurring theme in "The Dark Knight Rises" is the preservation of traditional values in the face of societal challenges when government institutions fail. Batman upholds the traditional values of personal freedom, individual sacrifice, honor, heroism, and valuing law and order. </p><p>Gotham City is plagued by corruption within various institutions of government. There is also a battle against authoritarianism and reclaiming civil liberties. </p><p>The movie has a tenet of community, where residents have shared values, cooperation, and collective responsibility for each other's well-being. Citizens banded together after Bane brought chaos, took over the city, and dismantled critical societal structures.</p><h4>'Forrest Gump'</h4><p>"Forrest Gump" champions the virtues of patriotism, loyalty, hard work, perseverance, personal responsibility, and resilience of the American spirit.</p><p>The Tom Hanks vehicle celebrates American values, such as Forrest Gump's love for his country. He faithfully served his country by putting his life on the line by fighting in the deadly Vietnam War. Forrest also becomes a symbol of American exceptionalism.</p><p>In the movie directed by Robert Zemeckis, there is a reflection of traditional American ideals. There is also an appreciation of American nostalgia for a bygone era. The film portrays major moments in American history from the 1950s through the 1980s — that some conservatives consider to be the golden age of the United States.</p><p>The protagonist overcomes his disadvantaged upbringing to attain success in various endeavors through his grit, determination, and self-reliance.</p><p>Forrest Gump has unending loyalty to his friends that lasts for his entire life, even when they are struggling or don't appreciate his friendship. </p><h4>'Gattaca'</h4><p>This 1997 science-fiction drama provides an admonitory tale about trans-humanism and the progressive fantasy of a eugenically correct world. "Gattaca" presents how an overbearing government could corrode civil liberties under the guise of genetic determinism. The movie also foretells the pitfalls of pursuing scientific progress without considering the broader ethical implications instilled by unchecked entities. </p><p>The movie highlights the eroding of individual freedoms and privacy under a pervasive surveillance state. This future society is completely controlled by biometric technologies and big brother tools. </p><p>This dystopian film exhibits a societal hierarchy and class system where superior genetic individuals are given a higher social status and afforded better opportunities. The government forces its citizens to be subjected to genetic tests from birth, and their genetic profiles determine their opportunities. The cautionary story warns of how eugenicists would try to eliminate humans they deem to be less worthy of enjoying what the world has to offer. </p><p>"Gattaca" raises ethical questions about genetic engineering and eugenics. The future society in the movie practices eugenics, where the citizenry is subjected to selective breeding to produce offspring with desirable genetic traits while discouraging or preventing the reproduction of individuals considered genetically inferior — who are called "invalids." </p><p>Some argue that the movie shows the perils of eugenics, where biotechnology could become so advanced that it might mean that babies with Down syndrome or who are disabled could be aborted before their birth. </p><p>The movie's protagonist – Vincent Freeman, portrayed by actor Ethan Hawke – is an invalid who dreams of becoming an astronaut. However, Freeman is considered genetically inferior in the society, thus he is limited to a lower-status occupation because of the genetic discrimination. "Gattaca" illustrates the hazards of a society that is not a meritocracy. </p><p>Despite being deemed an "invalid," Freeman demonstrates virtues of resilience, determination, hard work, and ingenuity to overcome adversity. There is a significant spotlight on self-reliance and the importance of the nuclear family throughout the film. </p><h4>'Ghostbusters'</h4><p>"Ghostbusters" delivers a variety of timeless conservative vantage points, including government overreach, entrepreneurship, and capitalism.</p><p>Faced with a calamity that threatens New York City, a ragtag group of trailblazers is able to demonstrate American ingenuity. They successfully create a service that is necessary for survival and embraced by the free market. However, a regulation-happy EPA bureaucrat threatens to ruin the Ghostbusters' business as well as the safety of millions of New Yorkers. The film shows the challenges of the entrepreneurs fighting back against the red tape of the Environmental Protection Agency. The scientists also show a healthy skepticism of authority that pays off in the end. </p><p>The supernatural comedy movie reveals how capitalism and the free market provide a fertile environment for success and the American dream. The scientists are self-made achievers through hard work, innovation, and entrepreneurship. </p><p>There is also a message about heroism and how a group of nerdy scientists can take on a supernatural entity that threatens to end the world. The troupe utilizes camaraderie, teamwork, and ingenuity to overcome their most arduous challenges. </p><h4>'Gran Torino'</h4><p>Clint Eastwood's "Gran Torino" showcases Christian values of redemption and sacrifice, while also sharing conservative messages of traditional values, personal responsibility, and a love of one's community.</p><p><span></span>Eastwood's character, Walt Kowalski, is a Korean War veteran who confronts gangs in his neighborhood over spiking violence and crime. Kowalski's old-school sense of masculinity is highlighted by his commitment to hard work, self-reliance, and stoicism.</p><p>Kowalski boasts a strong sense of unwavering patriotism and reverence for the American flag. He values the spirit of resilience but despises the erosion of traditional values and the decline of moral standards in society. </p><p>Initially, Kowalski does not appreciate his immigrant neighbors but then develops a strong bond over mutual aspirations to make the neighborhood safer. His story is one of redemption as he overcomes his own prejudices and atones for his past sins. He is able to find salvation through faith and repentance after his moral awakening after finding solidarity and mutual respect with his neighbors. The movie tells of the transcendent forces of compassion, empathy, and human connection.</p><p>Kowalski has a deep-rooted sense of community and is willing to stand up for what he believes is the right thing to do even if it puts him in jeopardy by confronting gang members terrorizing residents. </p><h4>'The Incredibles'</h4><p>"The Incredibles" highlights the superpowers of the nuclear family structure.</p><p>This 2004 Disney and Pixar animated film is about a family of superheroes living in a world where superheroes are forced to hide their superpowers because of public backlash and government regulations. The film has a hidden message about limiting government interaction and expanding individual autonomy. The movie also has a secret conservative message regarding government overreach as a hindrance to individual liberty and innovation.</p><p>Mr. Incredible and his wife, Elastigirl, save the day — all while raising a young family. The husband and wife superhero parents show each other love, support, and mutual respect. <br/></p><p>Mr. Incredible embodies traditional masculine traits, such as strength, bravery, and a desire for adventure.</p><p>At its core, "The Incredibles" celebrates the conservative ideals of traditional family values and emphasizes that the nuclear family is the cornerstone of society. The film honors the sanctity of marriage and the countless rewards of parenthood.</p><p>The animated movie highlights themes of heroism, personal responsibility, independence, empowerment, and not adopting a victimhood mentality. </p><h4>'Rocky'</h4><p>In its essence, "Rocky" embodies the American dream and one man's determination to build the life he has always fantasized about with the woman of his dreams. </p><p>The 1976 sports classic shows the rise to fame of a humble man who had a blue-collar job. Rocky Balboa becomes the heavyweight champion through hard work, perseverance, and grit. The boxer never makes excuses and always holds himself accountable.  </p><p>"Rocky" praises conservative ideals of hard work, self-reliance, and personal responsibility. It also presents the importance of a meritocracy. Meanwhile, the underdog film also shares the dangers of entitlement and victimhood. </p><p>Rocky Balboa personifies traditional masculine traits such as physical strength, courage, sacrifice, perseverance, and pushing himself to his absolute limits. Conversely, Adrian Pennino reflects the traditional female gender role of the woman who is a devoutly supportive and nurturing partner who stands by her man through thick and thin.</p><h4>'The Matrix'</h4><p>Conservatives have embraced the iconic scene in "The Matrix" where the hero – Neo, played by Keanu Reeves – takes the red pill over the blue pill when given the option by his mentor Morpheus – portrayed by Laurence Fishburne. The red pill represents an awakening, enlightenment, courage to question accepted truths that could be illusions, and challenging the status quo. Neo  embarks on a journey of self-discovery, rebelling against the system, and liberation after consuming the red pill. </p><p>The sci-fi dystopian thriller features themes of individualism, the quest for objective truth, self-reliance, individualism, resistance to oppressive systems, a healthy skepticism of authority, and the triumph of individualism over collectivism.</p><p>The world in "The Matrix" has been hijacked by authoritarian machines. The film warns viewers about the dangers of unchecked government tyranny and the corrosion of individual liberty. </p><p>The movie presents a case for showing concern regarding the fast-paced rise of technology that lacks humanity and the overwhelming reach of artificial intelligence. </p><p>"The Matrix" examines the concepts of fate and choice, destiny and fortuity, and free will.</p><p><em>Like Blaze News? Bypass the censors, sign up for our newsletters, and get stories like this direct to your inbox. <a href="" target="_self">Sign up here!</a></em></p><p class="shortcode-media shortcode-media-youtube">
  884.        <span class="rm-shortcode" data-rm-shortcode-id="d76818720e29759f1c5628eb51ff1e0c" style="display:block;position:relative;padding-top:56.25%;"><iframe frameborder="0" height="auto" lazy-loadable="true" scrolling="no" src="" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;" width="100%"></iframe></span>
  885.        <small class="image-media media-caption" placeholder="Add Photo Caption...">Blue Pill or Red Pill - The Matrix (2/9) Movie CLIP (1999) HD</small>
  886.        <small class="image-media media-photo-credit" placeholder="Add Photo Credit...">
  888.    <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
  890.        </small>
  891.        </p>]]></description><pubDate>Wed, 01 May 2024 18:30:00 +0000</pubDate><guid></guid><category>Conservative movies</category><category>Rightwing movies</category><category>Conservative movies with hidden message</category><category>Entertainment</category><category>Hollywood</category><category>T3</category><category>Red pill</category><category>News</category><category>Movie review</category><category>Align</category><dc:creator>Paul Sacca</dc:creator><media:content medium="image" type="image/jpeg" url=";width=980"></media:content></item><item><title>How media memory holes are erasing reality and rewriting your worldview</title><link></link><description><![CDATA[
  892. <img src=""/><br/><br/><p>The media is being used to change your perception of reality.<br/><br/>Memory is important. It’s more than a record or the sum of our experiences. It’s more than the mere chronicle of our lives and the tally of good and bad lessons learned. Although our memory is those things, it is fundamentally the key to who we are.</p><p class="pull-quote">We are cutting the flowers of our future. This only happens if we allow someone to cut us from the root.</p><p>Entities that lose their memory, whether it be people, groups, or nations, don’t merely lose knowledge of their past, of who they were or have been. They lose the knowledge of themselves, the knowledge of their purpose, of <em>who they are</em>, of who they’re meant to be. They lose the present and the future. </p><p>This is exactly what the media is doing. It is creating “memory holes.”<br/><br/>In “1984,” everyone was forced to go into the “Ministry of Truth” where they were taught the lies that were integral for keeping the tyrannical powers in control. These lies were taught in rooms where they would take evidence of the “old truth” like photos and documents and throw them down the “memory holes.” At the bottom of the memory hole was a fiery furnace. All the memories of the past would be gone forever, priming the people for a new history, a new identity.<br/><br/>When you lose the knowledge of yourself, you lose your purpose and who you were meant to be. You are truly lost.</p><p>Think of any movie or series that starts with the hero waking up to find his memory gone. His fundamental character traits may remain, but he's unmoored, not only unable to recognize family from strangers but also without the knowledge of who he is and how he should act next. It leaves people open to manipulation, to being reprogrammed with lies by whatever bad actor who wants to use them for his own purposes. </p><p>This is also true for societies. If we forget our stories, if we stop telling them or allow others to edit them to suit their purposes, we lose them. We forget who we are and who we <em>can</em> and <em>should</em> be. We leave ourselves open to anyone with an alternate story to tell.</p><p>This is what’s happened to Christianity. We’ve stopped reading the Bible, and now we're listening to scientists and atheists and others who say, “Live for today.” What’s wrong with that? Living merely for today is living life on our own terms. There lies the problem. We forget who we are and who we serve and leave ourselves open to the enemy. This is the trait of every postmodern, post-Western, radical atheistic, Marxist thinker or leader.</p><p>“Remember who you are, Simba! Remember who you are.” That seems kind of important for the entire story of “The Lion King”<em> — </em>that Simba remembers his roots. Why is it not so important for us? These stories tell us why we’re here and what we’re here to do. But now, we are being told new stories. The old memories are torn apart and must be denied, delegitimized, erased. Now, the new, more suitable, “enlightened” stories can replace them.<br/><br/>Many on the left truly believe the old stories are garbage and that the new stories are true. Yet, they can enjoy the fruits of what’s built on the foundation of the old stories, the material and moral benefits that they take for granted and are currently destroying. They are cutting down the flowers of liberty. But cut flowers are not alive. When you cut a flower, it fades, wilts, and dies. They're a silent memory of what was and what could have been. To misquote <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Patrick Rothfuss</a>, “All around them hangs the cut flowers, the silence the beauty of a culture waiting to die.” They don’t produce any seeds. There is no next generation of flowers. When they fade, only rot will remain. What was, will be no more.</p><p>We are cutting the flowers of our future. This only happens if we allow someone to cut us from our roots.</p><p>Do you know why our families are so broken? Because we don’t know where we came from or how we got here. “We’re all immigrants.” That's what everybody says. But how many of us know why they brought their family here? What it cost them? Millions have risked their lives to come <em>here for a reason. </em>We need to remember these stories. But memory requires a conscious effort, a choice, a ritual. It requires that a story be told over and over again.</p><p>We aren’t retelling these stories, and in the vacuum we've created, new stories are being told, stories that are rewriting our past to form the foundation of the elite’s “Brave New World.” The story is one that defines humanity in the Marxist categories of oppressor and oppressed, one that promises safety and security at the expense of freedom, one that is antihuman rather than championing the dignity of the individual. It’s being told over and over and over again, and look how quickly our identity is being lost.</p><p>This is our memory hole, and we are at risk of losing our memory of <em>who we are </em>as individuals, as a people, as a nation. But the solution starts with us. We must tell our stories. We must tell the truth. We must tell the stories of our own lives, of our families. </p><p>And we must retell our stories over and over again. Tell the stories of your family. Teach your children the beautiful stories that forged this nation. Memory holes require a vacuum. It's on us to fill that void with <em>true and beautiful stories.</em></p><p><em>Want more from Glenn Beck? Get Glenn's <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">FREE email newsletter</a> with his latest insights, top stories, show prep, and more delivered to your inbox.</em></p>]]></description><pubDate>Wed, 01 May 2024 12:00:00 +0000</pubDate><guid></guid><category>Opinion &amp; analysis</category><dc:creator>Glenn Beck</dc:creator><media:content medium="image" type="image/jpeg" url=";width=980"></media:content></item><item><title>‘Baby Bron’ can’t fix LeBron’s bad Lakers marriage</title><link></link><description><![CDATA[
  893. <img src=""/><br/><br/><p>According to conventional wisdom, bad marriages spiral into divorce around year seven. It’s called the “seven-year itch.”</p><p>LeBron James and the Los Angeles Lakers just concluded the sixth year of their shotgun marriage, losing to the Denver Nuggets in five games in the first round of the playoffs. </p><p class="pull-quote">The Lakers don’t have a system, and they married a superstar player who only buys into himself. </p><p>Let’s look at the LeBron James Hollywood Experiment. The Lakers have missed the playoffs twice, exited in the first round twice, and advanced to the NBA Finals once. In 72 months, they won a single title with LeBron, the 2020 “COVID bubble” championship.</p><p>By Lakers standards, the marriage to LeBron has been a failure. In the 64-year history of the Los Angeles Lakers, the franchise has competed in 27 NBA Finals. On average, every 2.5 years, the Lakers play in the NBA Finals. With the league’s all-time leading scorer, the franchise has advanced to the NBA’s biggest stage once in six years. </p><p>This is a bad marriage. It’s showing all the signs. </p><p>What happens when spouses realize they’re in a sour marriage? One of the parties concludes adding a child will rekindle the spark that united them.</p><p>Shortly after the Nuggets eliminated the Lakers on Monday night, NBA information guru Shams Charania reported that owner Jeanie Buss was open to adding LeBron’s unqualified son Bronny James to the Lakers roster. </p><p>Making Bronny the NBA’s first “make-a-wish” kid is the key to salvaging this bad marriage. </p><p>Only in Hollywood.</p><p>I say that because many people will rush to lay all the blame for this failed experiment on LeBron James. An equal amount of blame falls on the Lakers’ outdated strategy. </p><p>The truth is, the Lakers have never been an expertly run sports franchise. I say that with the full knowledge that the great Jerry West served as the franchise’s general manager for nearly two decades, and legends Pat Riley and Phil Jackson coached the team through two dynasties. </p><p>But the Lakers have been the NBA’s most dominant franchise solely because it has been allowed to acquire the biggest and most dominant forces in basketball — Wilt Chamberlain, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Shaquille O’Neal, and LeBron James. </p><p>The Lakers didn’t draft and develop any of those players. They acquired them via trade or free agency. It’s good for the league to have its most indomitable forces located in the city known for creating TV icons. Plucking Chamberlain from Philadelphia, Abdul-Jabbar from Milwaukee, O’Neal from Orlando, and James from Cleveland served the NBA’s bottom line. </p><p>The NBA, like all sports leagues, is just another TV show. </p><p>But, given all the rule manipulation and the dramatic change in style of play, the formula no longer works. Wilt, Kareem, and Shaq played during a physical era when a brute in the low post created the space for his four other teammates to flourish. </p><p>The game is now spaced, three-point shooters rule, and an analytics-driven strategy delivers championships and consistent winning. LeBron hangs out along the three-point line like everyone else. His brute strength and physical advantages are nullified in the modern NBA. </p><p>Great coaching and homegrown talent are the key to consistent winning. You could see it in the Steve Kerr-Steph Curry Golden State dynasty. You can see it in what Michael Malone, Nikola Jokic, and the Denver Nuggets have built. You can see it with the Minnesota Timberwolves, the Oklahoma City Thunder, and even the Boston Celtics. </p><p>You need a system and players willing to buy into it. </p><p>The Lakers don’t have a system, and they married a superstar player who only buys into himself. </p><p>LeBron has had eight different NBA coaches. Paul Silas, Brendan Malone, Mike Brown, Erik Spoelstra, Ty Lue, David Blatt, Frank Vogel, and Darvin Ham. Ham is likely to be fired by the Lakers this offseason. </p><p>In comparison, starting with high school and including the Olympics, Michael Jordan had eight different basketball coaches: Clifton Harring in high school; Dean Smith in college; Bobby Knight at the 1984 Olympics; Kevin Lougherty, Stan Albeck, Doug Collins, and Phil Jackson with the Bulls; Chuck Daly at the 1992 Olympics; Doug Collins at the Wizards.</p><p>LeBron James is the Liz Taylor of basketball divorce. He’s in another toxic relationship. Adding Baby Bronny won’t fix what’s broken inside the Lakers organization. </p>]]></description><pubDate>Wed, 01 May 2024 11:30:00 +0000</pubDate><guid></guid><category>Sports</category><dc:creator>Jason Whitlock</dc:creator><media:content medium="image" type="image/jpeg" url=";width=980"></media:content></item></channel></rss>

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