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  11. <title>Random Ramblings of a Raconteur</title>
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  14. <description>What&#039;s new on my sites?</description>
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  21. <title>Blogging is over</title>
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  23. <pubDate>Sun, 12 Feb 2017 20:16:42 +0000</pubDate>
  24. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Axel Berger]]></dc:creator>
  25. <category><![CDATA[Current affairs]]></category>
  26. <category><![CDATA[Israel]]></category>
  27. <category><![CDATA[Science View]]></category>
  29. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  30. <description><![CDATA[After an enforced update WordPress has become totally unusable. This blog is closed. Please see for a longer explanation. But its content is going to continue appearing. The new address for scientific journal comments is and my political musings have moved to . There too RSS-feeds will be made available. Until all [&#8230;]]]></description>
  31. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>After an enforced update WordPress has become totally unusable. This blog is closed. Please see <a href=""></a> for a longer explanation.</p>
  32. <p>But its content is going to continue appearing. The new address for scientific journal comments is <a href=""> <img src="/pics/external.gif" class="txt" border="0" alt="" title="Externer Verweis" /></a> and my political musings have moved to <a href=""> <img src="/pics/external.gif" class="txt" border="0" alt="" title="Externer Verweis" /></a>. There too RSS-feeds will be made available.</p>
  33. <p>Until all the old content can be moved, it will stay available here as an archive.</p>
  34. ]]></content:encoded>
  35. </item>
  36. <item>
  37. <title>Articles to 2017-02-05</title>
  38. <link></link>
  39. <comments></comments>
  40. <pubDate>Sun, 05 Feb 2017 20:42:05 +0000</pubDate>
  41. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Axel Berger]]></dc:creator>
  42. <category><![CDATA[Science View]]></category>
  44. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  45. <description><![CDATA[First the link to this week&#8217;s complete list as HTML and as PDF. *** Ordinary people&#8217;s choices are seldom as stupid and ill-informed as ivory-tower sociologists make them out to be. Are engineers really as sought after as Rozek et al. try to make out? From all I hear about career opportunities, pay offers, and [&#8230;]]]></description>
  46. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>
  47. First the link to this week&#8217;s complete list <a href="">as HTML</a> and <a href="">as PDF</a>.
  48. </p>
  49. <p style="text-align: center" align="center">
  50. <b>***</b>
  51. </p>
  52. <p>
  53. Ordinary people&#8217;s choices are seldom as stupid and ill-informed as ivory-tower sociologists make them out to be. Are engineers really as sought after as <span style="font-variant:small-caps">Rozek et al.</span> try to make out? From all I hear about career opportunities, pay offers, and forced early retirement, it does not look like it. What in American society are the real prestige jobs <span id="more-2040"></span>besides football and rock stars? Going by what the media present it has to be lawyers, damagers and other scroungers. Of course brainwashing always works locally and on a small scale, applied with blanket coverage people soon become savvy to it and continue to go by what&#8217;s true in their real world. As Feynman remarked, only in Jewish household is a physics professor greeted like a footballer or military officer would be.
  54. </p>
  55. <p style="text-align: center" align="center">
  56. <b>***</b>
  57. </p>
  58. <p>
  59. Human society is breeding itself for stupidity. Tis claim has often been made with good but unproven arguments, but now finally <span style="font-variant:small-caps">Kong et al.</span> supply the long-awaited proof. Combining this with <span style="font-variant:small-caps">Murray&#8217;</span>s <em>Coming Apart</em> we might even be breeding two distinct subspecies in an Eloi vs. Morlocks like scenario.
  60. </p>
  61. <p style="text-align: center" align="center">
  62. <b>***</b>
  63. </p>
  64. <p>
  65. As educational <em>advances</em> have shown time and again, something that seems to work well in the laboratory need not yield equal results in real life. <span style="font-variant:small-caps">Kravchenko et al.</span> demonstrate the same thing happening in agriculture.
  66. </p>
  67. <p style="text-align: center" align="center">
  68. <b>***</b>
  69. </p>
  70. <p>
  71. In American English a <em>storm</em> as in <span style="font-variant:small-caps">Zhu et al.</span> has little to do with wind speed but with precipitation, what in English you&#8217;d expect to be called a <em>downpour</em>. Of course it&#8217;s a common enough term for readers to know it, but still in my opinion a bad choice of word for an international readership
  72. </p>
  73. <p style="text-align: center" align="center">
  74. <b>***</b>
  75. </p>
  76. <p>
  77. <span style="font-variant:small-caps">Isern et al.</span> again quote the long refuted slow spread of the Neolithic at around 1&nbsp;km/a. As their model seems to work around the Mediterranean, something like it should be looked for in the Bandkeramik and other sudden bursts of expansion.
  78. </p>
  79. <p style="text-align: center" align="center">
  80. <b>***</b>
  81. </p>
  82. <p>
  83. A new and unproven method and a rather sensational result on its first use &#8212; normally that would suffice to ignite all the warning lights. But reading closely <span style="font-variant:small-caps">Wiktorowicz et al.&#8217;</span>s result seems sound and their interpretation plausible.</p>
  84. ]]></content:encoded>
  85. <wfw:commentRss>;p=2040</wfw:commentRss>
  86. <slash:comments>0</slash:comments>
  87. </item>
  88. <item>
  89. <title>Articles to 2017-01-28</title>
  90. <link></link>
  91. <comments></comments>
  92. <pubDate>Sat, 28 Jan 2017 10:25:03 +0000</pubDate>
  93. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Axel Berger]]></dc:creator>
  94. <category><![CDATA[Science View]]></category>
  96. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  97. <description><![CDATA[First the link to this week&#8217;s complete list as HTML and as PDF. *** Helen Czerski&#8217;s The Physics of Everyday Life is exceptionally cheap at only 11.24&#160;€ for the upcoming paperback. If it&#8217;s only half as good as Engel claims it is, it may make the ideal gift for less science oriented friends. *** McDonnell&#8217;s [&#8230;]]]></description>
  98. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>
  99. First the link to this week&#8217;s complete list <a href="">as HTML</a> and <a href="">as PDF</a>.
  100. </p>
  101. <p style="text-align: center" align="center">
  102. <b>***</b>
  103. </p>
  104. <p>
  105. <span style="font-variant:small-caps">Helen Czerski&#8217;</span>s <i>The Physics of Everyday Life</i> is exceptionally cheap at only 11.24&nbsp;€ for the upcoming paperback. If it&#8217;s only half as good as <span style="font-variant:small-caps">Engel</span> claims it is, it may make the ideal gift for less science oriented friends.
  106. </p>
  107. <p style="text-align: center" align="center">
  108. <span id="more-2037"></span><b>***</b>
  109. </p>
  110. <p>
  111. <span style="font-variant:small-caps">McDonnell&#8217;</span>s way of paper writing is the one taught in most courses and exactly the one I see many fellow students struggle with. My own method is one I call <q>&ldquo;concentrically from the inside out&rdquo;</q>. I start with whatever comes to mind first and whatever well-formed sentence comes to me under the shower and let it grow from there. This way the introduction naturally comes last, as it ought to. You can only introduce something well, if you know exactly what that is in the first place. The same goes for the conclusion. More than once that has changed for me, while carefully discussing the results in a well structured manner.
  112. </p>
  113. <p style="text-align: center" align="center">
  114. <b>***</b>
  115. </p>
  116. <p>
  117. Just like so many others, <span style="font-variant:small-caps">Sands</span> completely ignores the outcome of homoeostatic rebound. What she looks at is an instantaneous reaction to a short term unconscious exposure. From this she extrapolates to long term and consciously observed changes in circumstance. All human, and indeed biological, experience teaches us, that this kind of inference is (nearly) always wrong.
  118. </p>
  119. <p style="text-align: center" align="center">
  120. <b>***</b>
  121. </p>
  122. <p>
  123. Early Neolithic societies are seen to have been essentially egalitarian, at least between households and families. (The structure inside the individual household is largely unknown as is the number of dependent household members.) This picture does not sit well with <span style="font-variant:small-caps">Karmin et al.&#8217;</span>s male chromosome bottleneck implying a reproductive monopoly centred on a small number of male lineages.
  124. </p>
  125. <p style="text-align: center" align="center">
  126. <b>***</b>
  127. </p>
  128. <p>
  129. On two counts <span style="font-variant:small-caps">Hands</span> puts his conclusions stronger than they deserve to be. First he calls the deduction of temperature from oxygen isotopes well established. This is certainly true for isotopic enrichment and depletion. But that&#8217;s not what we measure. All we get are resulting absolute values. For the deduction of their enrichment we also need the ambient basic values they started from and these are not as well constrained over very long periods as we may wish for. Secondly all he has is a correlation. While from first principles and basic physics there can be no doubt about the warming effect of carbon dioxide, it rarely if ever was the independent driver of change. Mostly carbon dioxide concentration was itself an effect and acted as a positive feedback. The recent anthropogenic influence drives it in the opposite direction of its (currently downward) natural change. So while in the past the sun as driver and carbon dioxide as feedback acted in concert, the current rise is acting against the sun&#8217;s cooling trend. Any warming this results in has to be much weaker than the unicausal interpretation of past correlations suggests.</p>
  130. ]]></content:encoded>
  131. <wfw:commentRss>;p=2037</wfw:commentRss>
  132. <slash:comments>0</slash:comments>
  133. </item>
  134. <item>
  135. <title>Articles to 2017-01-22</title>
  136. <link></link>
  137. <comments></comments>
  138. <pubDate>Sun, 22 Jan 2017 20:59:52 +0000</pubDate>
  139. <dc:creator><![CDATA[Axel Berger]]></dc:creator>
  140. <category><![CDATA[Science View]]></category>
  142. <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
  143. <description><![CDATA[First the link to this week&#8217;s complete list as HTML and as PDF. *** To my knowledge Croft et al. is the first report about a female menopause and grandmothering in a non-hominid species and should provide a good test for its differing explanatory hypotheses.]]></description>
  144. <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>
  145. First the link to this week&#8217;s complete list <a href="">as HTML</a> and <a href="">as PDF</a>.
  146. </p>
  147. <p style="text-align: center" align="center">
  148. <b>***</b>
  149. </p>
  150. <p>
  151. To my knowledge <span style="font-variant:small-caps">Croft et al.</span> is the first report about a female menopause and grandmothering in a non-hominid species and should provide a good test for its differing explanatory hypotheses.</p>
  152. ]]></content:encoded>
  153. <wfw:commentRss>;p=2035</wfw:commentRss>
  154. <slash:comments>0</slash:comments>
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