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  7. <title type="text">B:\datenbrei</title>
  8. <subtitle type="text">Collaborating Individuals - All Knowledge on one Floppy</subtitle>
  10. <updated>2015-11-25T16:02:02Z</updated>
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  13. <id></id>
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  16. <generator uri="" version="4.4">WordPress</generator>
  17. <entry>
  18. <author>
  19. <name>[GNU]</name>
  20. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  21. </author>
  22. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Episode 2: making Nuleculization of Applications faster]]></title>
  23. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  24. <id></id>
  25. <updated>2015-11-25T16:02:02Z</updated>
  26. <published>2015-11-25T15:57:44Z</published>
  27. <category scheme="" term="development" /><category scheme="" term="Fedora" /><category scheme="" term="Red Hat" /><category scheme="" term="container" /><category scheme="" term="CentOS" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[With this episode I will try to shed some light on what a good container image is and what we can learn (or even generate) from it. First of all, it should fulfill my needs, it should not be something that I build for a single purpose. To fulfill my needs I need to configure [&#8230;]]]></summary>
  28. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>With this episode I will try to shed some light on what a good container image is and what we can learn (or even generate) from it.</p>
  29. <p>First of all, it should fulfill my needs, it should not be something that I build for a single purpose. To fulfill my needs I need to configure the container that is started from the image. I don&#8217;t want to build a special purpose container image that only fits my one application I am working on. The &#8216;good container image&#8217; should be a atomic component that will be reused by a Nulecule.</p>
  30. <p>Lets have a look at Postgresql, there is a wonderful <a href="">OpenShift Postgresql</a> container image based on CentOS7 and installing <a href="">Postgresql itself from the software collections</a>. In addition to the obvious, the OpenShift team has added a few LABELs which in turn are used by OpenShift: &#8220;io.openshift.expose-services&#8221; could be used to create an OpenShift service straight from that container image, &#8220;io.k8s.display-name&#8221; contains the string that will show up in the OpenShift web console if you look at pods based on this Postgresql container image. I think you got the pattern: lets use LABELs to deliver value add via the toolchain. And the OpenShift team has put lots of valuable documentation (in and) around the Dockerfile.</p>
  31. <p>Can we introduce LABELs that will help the Nulecule toolchain? I think so.</p>
  32. <p>I have set up a proof of concept to generate a Nulecule file from such a &#8216;good container image&#8217;. The POC will use labels under &#8220;io.projectatomic.nulecule&#8221; to give information what needs to be present in the Nulecule file. Lets have a look at the &#8216;(even more) good container image&#8217;: I put it on <a href="">my repo on github</a> wich is a fork of the OpenShift Postgresql.</p>
  33. <p>It first thing you will notice is that I translated the human readable documentation OpenShift team included as comments in the Dockerfile to labels. It is around <a href=""></a> you see a list of required and optional environment variables that this container images uses. These two labels can be directly translated to <a href="">Nulecule parameters</a> (ok, we lack constraints, but hey&#8230;)</p>
  34. <p>The second improvement of the good container image, is at line 65: VOLUME is used by docker build and the label &#8220;io.projectatomic.nulecule.volume&#8221; could be used to generate parts of <a href="">Nulecule&#8217;s storage requirements</a>.</p>
  35. <p>And by the way we can generate <a href="">Nulecule metadata</a> from <a href="">&#8220;io.k8s&#8221; and &#8220;io.openshift&#8221; labels (around the head of the Dockerfile)</a>.</p>
  36. <p>The proof of concept for these ideas is <a href="">Grasshopper</a> (it is also <a href="">available to Fedora 22/23</a>). You can use it to <em>guess</em> a Nulecule file from a good container image:</p>
  37. <pre>sudo dnf copr enable goern/grasshopper
  38. sudo dnf install grasshopper
  39. curl -gO
  40. grasshopper-0.0.47 nulecule guess Dockerfile.rhel7</pre>
  41. <p>What you will see is a Nulecule file (and ja, the parameters are missing with version 0.0.47, it&#8217;s a POC remember) completely generated from the Dockerfile. QED we can release the developer from writing all that Nulecule boiler plate code. What we can not do is to release  him from structuring his application, back to our example that means: he must write to WordPress Nulecule file and all its artifacts.</p>
  42. <p>Open Questions: can we even generate the artifacts for such a base container? I will explore this in the following weeks. What I know is that we can generate OpenShift/Kubernetes PersistentVolumeClaims from Nulecule&#8217;s storage requirement. That feature is targeted for grasshopper 0.1.0 (aka xmas) release.</p>
  43. <p>How do we know about good container images? Where to find them? I completely unashamed reused an <a href="">idea of Vasek: nulecule-library index searching</a> You can use grasshopper to find a set of Nuleculized applications which are based on (more or less) good container images:</p>
  44. <pre>grasshopper nulecule index list</pre>
  45. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  46. <p>Stay tuned!</p>
  47. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  48. ]]></content>
  49. </entry>
  50. <entry>
  51. <author>
  52. <name>[GNU]</name>
  53. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  54. </author>
  55. <title type="html"><![CDATA[What we can do with a Nulecule&#8230;]]></title>
  56. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  57. <id></id>
  58. <updated>2015-11-24T21:55:54Z</updated>
  59. <published>2015-11-24T21:55:54Z</published>
  60. <category scheme="" term="development" /><category scheme="" term="Fedora" /><category scheme="" term="Red Hat" /><category scheme="" term="container" /><category scheme="" term="CentOS" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[Over the past half year a team of Red Hatters has invented and pushed forward the Nulecule Specification. We want to define applications and provide a capability to parameterize and deploy them to a (so called provider). By now Atomic App is the reference implementation for the Nulecule Specification, so Atomic App is responsible for [&#8230;]]]></summary>
  61. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>Over the past half year a team of Red Hatters has invented and pushed forward <a href="">the Nulecule Specification</a>. We want to define applications and provide a capability to parameterize and deploy them to a (so called provider). By now <a href="">Atomic App</a> is the reference implementation for the Nulecule Specification, so Atomic App is responsible for the &#8216;parameterize and deploy&#8217; part of our mission.</p>
  62. <p>Now that we see some adoption of Atomic App and the Nulecule Specification, we also see some (maybe) limitations, at least we see some areas where we need to improve. You will notice that I am a big fan of the Nulecule Specification itself, not that I am one of the main authors&#8230; but I love its extensibility. In the end, we gave a meaning to a few statements in a JSON file (or YAML if you prefer). The statements can be evaluated by Atomic App, but inside of a Nulecule file there may be other statements, that have a meaning for other software. So you can basically put any information regarding &#8220;your Application&#8221; (or a component of your application) in a Nulecule file and have a centralized description (including &#8216;install howto&#8217;) of it.</p>
  63. <p>So we observed two major topic coming up with the early adopters:</p>
  64. <ul>
  65. <li>a guided walk thru from A to Z</li>
  66. <li>too much boiler plate, to less value add</li>
  67. </ul>
  68. <blockquote><p>Keep in mind: this is my blog, my thoughts and statements</p></blockquote>
  69. <p>Regarding the guided walk thru I have a quiet long conversation with <a href="">@kanarip</a>, it is obvious that we need to revive <a href="">the idea of an Über-example</a> I explained earlier. This just seems to be a GTD problem.</p>
  70. <p>But what about that boiler plate and too less value? Let me give you a super short walk thru&#8230;</p>
  71. <p>The Mission: Nuleculize WordPress</p>
  72. <p>Objectives:</p>
  73. <ul>
  74. <li>separate database from (web) frontend</li>
  75. <li>reuse container images that are available</li>
  76. <li>deploy to CentOS7
  77. <ul>
  78. <li>best case: OpenShift</li>
  79. <li>still ok: Kubernetes</li>
  80. </ul>
  81. </li>
  82. <li>deliver everything with a container</li>
  83. </ul>
  84. <p>Breakdown:</p>
  85. <p>We need to <strong>find some &#8220;good&#8221; container images</strong> for MariaDB (or Postgresql) and WordPress. As we want to run them on CentOS7 we should not choose some that carry the Ubuntu user space. There have been <a href="">long posts on this</a> topic. Further more these container images should be parameterizeable: we need to be able to set env vars within the container to modify the configuration of the application inside the container. If you have a look at<a href=""> OpenShift&#8217;s MySQL container</a>, you will see that they do a pretty good job at documenting what inputs this container images accepts/needs.</p>
  86. <p>Nice, we found all the good containers, so we can run a database and a frontend.. now, lets define what our application is: lets write a Nulecule. First of all, Nuleculize your application is a recursive and iterative process: we need to Nuleculize the database, than the frontend and afterwards define our application that consists of these two components. <strong>&#8220;Nuleculize&#8221; means</strong>: in addition to the fact that we know which good container images we would like to use, we need to define their dependencies and we need to define which parameters need to be there when deploying the application, what component needs to know which of these parameters (the database password for example). We said that we want to deploy our application on top of OpenShift and Kubernetes platforms, therefor we need to write (or find) configurations to run the backend and frontend containers on both of these platform: we need service definitions, replication controllers, routes&#8230; We call these configurations artifacts, and we need to declare within these configurations which parameters should be replaced by the value declared within the Nulecule file.</p>
  87. <p>Containers: found, Application: described, let&#8217;s package! Next step is to <strong>package everything we got</strong> into a container. We don&#8217;t want to deliver a <a href="">huge readme and a set of RPMs</a>. Short recap: MySql container image, WordPress, both Nuleculized (so we packaged their Nulecule files and artifacts separated) and the application&#8217;s Nulecule itself. So how many container images do we have now? Its #3&#8243;§53! But that is another aspect we will fix later ;)</p>
  88. <p>In the next episode I will focus on what a good container is and how we can make the life of a Nuleculizer a little easier.</p>
  89. ]]></content>
  90. </entry>
  91. <entry>
  92. <author>
  93. <name>[GNU]</name>
  94. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  95. </author>
  96. <title type="html"><![CDATA[upgrading to Fedora23]]></title>
  97. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  98. <id></id>
  99. <updated>2015-11-12T08:28:17Z</updated>
  100. <published>2015-11-12T08:28:17Z</published>
  101. <category scheme="" term="general blogging" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[just using dnf to do a system upgrade, will reboot now. see you on the other side PS: I don&#8217;t need to say how cool F23 is, not yet at the OSX level I used to use, but&#8230; getting closer]]></summary>
  102. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>just using dnf to do a system upgrade, will reboot now. see you on the other side</p>
  103. <p>PS: I don&#8217;t need to say <a href="">how cool F23</a> is, not yet at the OSX level I used to use, but&#8230; getting closer</p>
  104. ]]></content>
  105. </entry>
  106. <entry>
  107. <author>
  108. <name>[GNU]</name>
  109. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  110. </author>
  111. <title type="html"><![CDATA[The Atomic App is charged! Go get it!]]></title>
  112. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  113. <id></id>
  114. <updated>2015-09-01T08:22:40Z</updated>
  115. <published>2015-09-01T08:22:40Z</published>
  116. <category scheme="" term="Debian GNU/Linux" /><category scheme="" term="docker" /><category scheme="" term="container" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[With this super cool merge we have ported the Atomic App to Debian GNU/Linux Docker Land!]]></summary>
  117. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>With <a href="">this super cool merge</a> we have ported the Atomic App to Debian GNU/Linux Docker Land!</p>
  118. ]]></content>
  119. </entry>
  120. <entry>
  121. <author>
  122. <name>[GNU]</name>
  123. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  124. </author>
  125. <title type="html"><![CDATA[CentOS7 on Raspberry Pi 2 Model B]]></title>
  126. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  127. <id></id>
  128. <updated>2015-07-07T16:27:00Z</updated>
  129. <published>2015-07-07T16:27:00Z</published>
  130. <category scheme="" term="kubernetes" /><category scheme="" term="docker" /><category scheme="" term="container" /><category scheme="" term="CentOS" /><category scheme="" term="ARMv7" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[So here is a little sightseeing I did last night&#8230; I was down in ARMv7 land, looking at a RPI2 (some call it Raspberry Pi 2 Model B). The ultimate goal is to run an OpenShift3 PaaS on a cluster of RPI2. Therefor I would like to install CentOS7 on 3 or 4 RPI2. The [&#8230;]]]></summary>
  131. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>So here is a little sightseeing I did last night&#8230; I was down in ARMv7 land, looking at a RPI2 (some call it <a href="">Raspberry Pi 2 Model B</a>). The ultimate goal is to run an OpenShift3 PaaS on a cluster of RPI2. Therefor I would like to install CentOS7 on 3 or 4 RPI2. The first step was pretty straight forward and simple: flash some CentOS image to a SD Card. J described that on the <a href="">CentOS blog</a>, no need for me to redo that work. Afterwards I disabled all repos but c7buildroot and c7pass1. ARMv7 support is not in the official mirrors, so all the repos that use the mirror script (like <code>/etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo</code>) will fail!</p>
  132. <p>So, what do we have&#8230; a <code>Linux rpi2-os-gw 3.18.14-v7+ #794 SMP PREEMPT Sun Jun 7 12:50:51 BST 2015 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux</code> with <code>java-1.6.0-openjdk.armv7hl</code> and</p>
  133. <pre><code>
  134. [root@rpi2-os-gw ~]# sestatus
  135. SELinux status: disabled
  136. </code></pre>
  137. <p>Something else?</p>
  138. <pre><code>
  139. root@rpi2-os-gw ~]# yum search docker
  140. Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
  141. Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
  142. Warning: No matches found for: docker
  143. No matches found
  144. [root@rpi2-os-gw ~]# yum search kubernetes
  145. Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
  146. Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
  147. Warning: No matches found for: kubernetes
  148. No matches found
  149. [root@rpi2-os-gw ~]#
  150. </code></pre>
  151. <p>And&#8230; GO? No, no GO :(</p>
  152. ]]></content>
  153. </entry>
  154. <entry>
  155. <author>
  156. <name>[GNU]</name>
  157. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  158. </author>
  159. <title type="html"><![CDATA[producing themed PDF using Asciinurse (and she will convert your Asciidoc)]]></title>
  160. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  161. <id></id>
  162. <updated>2015-06-18T17:00:37Z</updated>
  163. <published>2015-06-18T17:00:36Z</published>
  164. <category scheme="" term="general blogging" /><category scheme="" term="Fedora" /><category scheme="" term="docker" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[In preparation of my current work assignment I have revisited Asciinurse and enabled here to produce PDF. Asciinurse is my take to separate Asciidoctor and all it&#8217;s dependencies into a single docker container image. With Version 1.3.0 I have enabled her to produce themed PDF out of your asciidoc files, simply by running docker run [&#8230;]]]></summary>
  165. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>In preparation of my current work assignment I have revisited <a href="">Asciinurse</a> and enabled here to produce PDF.</p>
  166. <p>Asciinurse is my take to separate <a href="">Asciidoctor</a> and all it&#8217;s dependencies into a single docker container image. With Version 1.3.0 I have enabled her to produce themed PDF out of your asciidoc files, simply by running <code>docker run --rm -t -i -v $PWD:/data -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime b4mad/asciinurse asciidoctor-pdf -a pdf-style=rh-ra -v myfile.asciidoc</code></p>
  167. <p>Looking at the command line, <code>-a pdf-style</code> will do the magic trick for you, it selects the theme to be applied by asciidoctor-pdf.</p>
  168. ]]></content>
  169. </entry>
  170. <entry>
  171. <author>
  172. <name>[GNU]</name>
  173. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  174. </author>
  175. <title type="html"><![CDATA[preparing my Atomic App demo for Red Hat Summit]]></title>
  176. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  177. <id></id>
  178. <updated>2015-06-04T17:11:17Z</updated>
  179. <published>2015-06-04T16:25:16Z</published>
  180. <category scheme="" term="general blogging" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[Beside the hands on lab I co-host with some colleagues &#8211; @collier_s @nhripps @erikonopen &#8211; I have prepared a short demo on #Atomicapp it gives a short context what we are solving and why, additionally there is one slide that explains what a #Nulecule is.&#160; From the presentation (and github): Application description and context maintained [&#8230;]]]></summary>
  181. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>Beside the <a href="">hands on lab</a> I co-host with some colleagues &#8211; @collier_s @nhripps @erikonopen &#8211; I have prepared a short demo on #Atomicapp it gives a short context what we are solving and why, additionally there is one slide that explains what a #Nulecule is.&nbsp;</p>
  182. <p>From the presentation (<a href="">and github</a>):</p>
  183. <ul>
  184. <li>Application description and context maintained within a single container through extensible metadata</li>
  185. <li>Composable definition of complex applications through inheritance and composition of containers into a single, standards-based, portable description.</li>
  186. <li>Simplified dependency management for the most complex applications through a directed graph to reflect relationships.</li>
  187. <li>Container and orchestration engine agnostic, enabling the use of any container technology and/or orchestration technology</li>
  188. </ul>
  189. <p>The second part of the demo is the famous <a href="">#WordPress Atomic App</a> referencing a pre-built #MySQL Atomic App.&nbsp;<br />
  190. You will find it on the #RedHatSummit channel and/or the #projectatomic channel on YouTube later this month.&nbsp;</p>
  191. ]]></content>
  192. </entry>
  193. <entry>
  194. <author>
  195. <name>[GNU]</name>
  196. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  197. </author>
  198. <title type="html"><![CDATA[super simple build services for docker container images]]></title>
  199. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  200. <id></id>
  201. <updated>2015-05-15T21:03:25Z</updated>
  202. <published>2015-05-15T21:03:25Z</published>
  203. <category scheme="" term="technology" /><category scheme="" term="docker" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[Over the course of the past three days I build many dozens of containers. I have not been using any container build service like OSBS for that. Finally, I got tired of checking for the correct docker build command in my history and implemented the super simple build service &#8211; ssbs. It consists of two [&#8230;]]]></summary>
  204. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>Over the course of the past three days I build many dozens of containers. I have not been using any container build service like <a href="">OSBS</a> for that. Finally, I got tired of checking for the correct docker build command in my history and implemented the super simple build service &#8211; ssbs.</p>
  205. <p>It consists of two parts:</p>
  206. <ul>
  207. <li>a LABEL within the Dockerfile and</li>
  208. <li>a shell alias</li>
  209. </ul>
  210. <p>The LABEL</p>
  211. <p>I have put <code>LABEL Build docker build --rm --tag goern/wordpress-centos7-atomicapp .</code> in my docker file. And this shell alias to evaluate it <code>alias docker-build='$(grep LABEL Dockerfile | grep Build | cut -d " " -f 3- )'</code>.</p>
  212. ]]></content>
  213. </entry>
  214. <entry>
  215. <author>
  216. <name>[GNU]</name>
  217. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  218. </author>
  219. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Asciinurse and live reloads]]></title>
  220. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  221. <id></id>
  222. <updated>2015-05-11T08:53:20Z</updated>
  223. <published>2015-05-11T08:53:20Z</published>
  224. <category scheme="" term="technology" /><category scheme="" term="container" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[Hi there, I have updated Asciinurse, she now provides support for LiveReload. This will automatically reload your browser windows whenever she has converted your Asciidoc into HTML5. To implement this, the Asciinurse docker container exposes port 35729/tcp. Additionally you need to enable the livereload plugin for your browser.]]></summary>
  225. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>Hi there,</p>
  226. <p>I have updated <a href="">Asciinurse</a>, she now provides support for <a href="">LiveReload</a>. This will automatically reload your browser windows whenever she has converted your Asciidoc into HTML5. To implement this, the Asciinurse docker container exposes port 35729/tcp. Additionally you need to enable the livereload plugin for your browser.</p>
  227. ]]></content>
  228. </entry>
  229. <entry>
  230. <author>
  231. <name>[GNU]</name>
  232. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  233. </author>
  234. <title type="html"><![CDATA[You really should use Asciidoc errm Asciinurse!]]></title>
  235. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  236. <id></id>
  237. <updated>2015-04-24T09:39:43Z</updated>
  238. <published>2015-04-23T09:35:01Z</published>
  239. <category scheme="" term="general blogging" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[While working on some OpenShift on Atomic Host for the past weeks I have produced some documentation. Within the Systems Engineering team (on twitter or Facebook) we have several alternatives to document our work: LibreOffice, the internal wiki, Asciidoc. I have chosen the latter: for ease of use and compatibility: the templates we use generate the [&#8230;]]]></summary>
  240. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>While working on some <a href="">OpenShift</a> on <a href="">Atomic Host</a> for the past weeks I have produced some documentation. Within the Systems Engineering team (on <a href="">twitter</a> or <a href="">Facebook</a>) we have several alternatives to document our work: <a href="">LibreOffice</a>, the internal wiki, <a href="">Asciidoc</a>. I have chosen the latter: for ease of use and compatibility: the templates we use generate the same PDF output as libreoffice does!</p>
  241. <p>But I am one of those &#8216;write a little and look at the design/layout&#8217; guys, so I was tiered of processing Asciidoc over and over again. And as I am a container guy. What&#8217;s the natural solution?</p>
  242. <p>Set up a service container that picks up my Asciidoc changes and transforms them to HTML5!</p>
  243. <p>Let  me introduce to you: the <a href="">Asciinurse</a>!  She is exactly that service container running in to background delivering a continous transformation from Asciidoc to HTML5. Once her shift starts, she keeps on taking care.</p>
  244. <p>For a more detained description please have a look at <a href=""></a></p>
  245. ]]></content>
  246. </entry>
  247. <entry>
  248. <author>
  249. <name>[GNU]</name>
  250. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  251. </author>
  252. <title type="html"><![CDATA[RHEL Vagrant base box plus additions!]]></title>
  253. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  254. <id></id>
  255. <updated>2015-03-16T20:59:51Z</updated>
  256. <published>2015-03-16T20:59:09Z</published>
  257. <category scheme="" term="technology" /><category scheme="" term="Red Hat" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[These days I have a low bandwidth connection, so each bit I could save saves time! This is especially true for the Vagrant based stuff I do at the moment: I rebuild base boxes from time to time, and I install lots of additional software into that boxes. To save a few bits on the [&#8230;]]]></summary>
  258. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>These days I have a low bandwidth connection, so each bit I could save saves time! This is especially true for the Vagrant based stuff I do at the moment: I rebuild base boxes from time to time, and I install lots of additional software into that boxes. To save a few bits on the wire I would like to put more software into the Vagrant base box so that it must not be installed in during Vagrant provision phase. Using the <a href="">vagrant-builder</a> enables us to do that easily. If  you take a look <a href="">around line 214</a> of the Makefile, you will see that vagrant-builder installes all additional packages listed in the variable PACKAGES. PACKAGES could be configured on line 65 of the Makefile by simply putting something in like &#8220;<code>sosreport telnet</code>&#8220;. After that, just rebuild your Vagrant base box and save time!</p>
  259. ]]></content>
  260. </entry>
  261. <entry>
  262. <author>
  263. <name>[GNU]</name>
  264. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  265. </author>
  266. <title type="html"><![CDATA[RHEL base box for Vagrant &#8211; DIY]]></title>
  267. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  268. <id></id>
  269. <updated>2015-02-24T21:44:56Z</updated>
  270. <published>2015-02-24T21:44:56Z</published>
  271. <category scheme="" term="Red Hat" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[James, you have done very well! Thanks for this very deep and complete article on how to build my own Vagrant base box using Red Hat Enterprise Linux&#8230;]]></summary>
  272. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p style="text-align: left;">James, you have done very well! Thanks for <a href="">this very deep and complete article on how to build my own</a> <a href="">Vagrant base box</a> using <a href="">Red Hat Enterprise Linux</a>&#8230;</p>
  273. ]]></content>
  274. </entry>
  275. <entry>
  276. <author>
  277. <name>[GNU]</name>
  278. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  279. </author>
  280. <title type="html"><![CDATA[setting up a Container Cluster]]></title>
  281. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  282. <id></id>
  283. <updated>2015-02-03T19:46:38Z</updated>
  284. <published>2015-02-03T19:46:38Z</published>
  285. <category scheme="" term="Red Hat" /><category scheme="" term="kubernetes" /><category scheme="" term="docker" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[Using docker and flannel it is easy to set up a cluster of docker hosts with automated container interconnectivity. So what will it be? Docker should be known by everyone: it provides containers on Linux hosts, separating different aspects of the operating system for a set of processes, what these processes are could be described [&#8230;]]]></summary>
  286. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>Using <a href="">docker</a> and <a href="">flannel</a> it is easy to set up a cluster of docker hosts with automated container interconnectivity. So what will it be?</p>
  287. <p>Docker should be known by everyone:<a href=""> it provides containers on Linux hosts</a>, separating different aspects of the operating system for a set of processes, what these processes are could be described by the docker container format. If you run a set of containers on different hosts, you may want to have network connectivity between these containers. And that is were flannel jumps in by providing an overlay network that connects containers across hosts.</p>
  288. <p>As we love <a href="">Vagrant</a> I used it for providing some virtual machines running RHEL7 to me, these machine will be docker hosts and networking on these hosts will be managed by flannel. As a dependency etc is installed (and some other stuff). One VM will be the kubernetes master and additional n hosts will be minions.</p>
  289. <p>For a details overview of the installation see a blog post by on of my colleagues: <a href="">Flannel and Docker on Fedora &#8211; Getting Started</a></p>
  290. <p>What I added to this basic installation is a Vagrant powered environment and an automated installation procedure driven by <a href="">Ansible</a>. What it will be in a few weeks: an infrastructure to <a href="">install OpenShift Origin 3 on CentOS</a>. This will rapidly set up an development environment for you ;)</p>
  291. <p>To set up an environment by yourself try the following steps.</p>
  292. <pre><code>git clone
  293. cd openshift-el
  294. vagrant up
  295. vagrant ssh master</code></pre>
  296. ]]></content>
  297. </entry>
  298. <entry>
  299. <author>
  300. <name>[GNU]</name>
  301. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  302. </author>
  303. <title type="html"><![CDATA[after traceroute&#8230; now ping from inside a container]]></title>
  304. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  305. <id></id>
  306. <updated>2015-02-03T19:01:53Z</updated>
  307. <published>2015-02-03T19:01:53Z</published>
  308. <category scheme="" term="OS" /><category scheme="" term="Red Hat" /><category scheme="" term="docker" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[If you run some RHEL (or CentOS) based container, you may figure that ping is not working as expected from inside the container. You may also try running the container with some additional capabilities enabled.. capabilities? container? What that means, and what you gain security-wise is described in detail in Dan Walsh&#8216;s post on docker [&#8230;]]]></summary>
  309. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>If you run some RHEL (or CentOS) based container, you may figure that <a href="">ping is not working as expected from inside the container</a>. You may also try running the container with some additional capabilities enabled.. capabilities? container? What that means, and what you gain security-wise is described in detail in <a href="">Dan Walsh</a>&#8216;s <a href="">post on docker security</a> over at</p>
  310. <p>How to run a docker container with some additional capabilities:</p>
  311. <pre><code>host# docker run --cap-add net_raw --cap-add net_admin --rm -t -i bash
  312. container# yum install -y iputils
  313. container# ping
  314. </code></pre>
  315. <p>To figure out what capabilities a binary needs you could use <code>getcap</code>.</p>
  316. ]]></content>
  317. </entry>
  318. <entry>
  319. <author>
  320. <name>[GNU]</name>
  321. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  322. </author>
  323. <title type="html"><![CDATA[five tips to hiring a generalizing specialist]]></title>
  324. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  325. <id></id>
  326. <updated>2015-01-12T09:14:55Z</updated>
  327. <published>2015-01-12T09:14:19Z</published>
  328. <category scheme="" term="general blogging" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[Hey Patrick, Thanks for the link!]]></summary>
  329. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>Hey <a href="">Patrick</a>, Thanks for the <a href="">link</a>!</p>
  330. ]]></content>
  331. </entry>
  332. <entry>
  333. <author>
  334. <name>[GNU]</name>
  335. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  336. </author>
  337. <title type="html"><![CDATA[tcpdumping in a container?]]></title>
  338. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  339. <id></id>
  340. <updated>2014-11-25T13:30:23Z</updated>
  341. <published>2014-11-25T13:30:23Z</published>
  342. <category scheme="" term="technology" /><category scheme="" term="docker" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[ja, sure&#8230; docker run --rm --net=host -ti rhel /bin/sh -c "yum -y install tcpdump &#38;&#38; tcpdump -i eth0" just give your container a little more privileges!]]></summary>
  343. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>ja, sure&#8230;</p>
  344. <pre>docker run --rm --net=host -ti rhel /bin/sh -c "yum -y install tcpdump &amp;&amp; tcpdump -i eth0"</pre>
  345. <p>just give your container a little more privileges!</p>
  346. ]]></content>
  347. </entry>
  348. <entry>
  349. <author>
  350. <name>[GNU]</name>
  351. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  352. </author>
  353. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Routing traffic (aka user requests) from the outside in (to a RHEL Atomic Host service)]]></title>
  354. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  355. <id></id>
  356. <updated>2014-11-21T17:11:04Z</updated>
  357. <published>2014-11-21T17:11:04Z</published>
  358. <category scheme="" term="Red Hat" /><category scheme="" term="kubernetes" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[The Application As a basic application I will deploy a http pod (based on fedora/apache)  and a service replicated onto two hosts. This will fulfil the requirement of a highly available service provided to the end user. Amazon Web Services (AWS) AWS provides three major tools to implement our requirements: Elastic IP and Elastic Load [&#8230;]]]></summary>
  359. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<h1>The Application</h1>
  360. <p>As a basic application I will deploy a http pod (based on fedora/apache)  and a service replicated onto two hosts. This will fulfil the requirement of a highly available service provided to the end user.</p>
  361. <h2>Amazon Web Services (AWS)</h2>
  362. <p><a href="">AWS</a> provides three major tools to implement our requirements:</p>
  363. <ul>
  364. <li><a href="">Elastic IP</a> and</li>
  365. <li><a href="">Elastic Load Balancer</a> and</li>
  366. <li><a href="">Route 53</a></li>
  367. </ul>
  368. <p>Route 53 is AWS’s DNS service. Usage and configuration is straightforward. In addition to the well known resource records of DNS (like A or <a href="">AAAA</a>), Route 53 is integrated with other AWS services like Elastic Load Balancer.</p>
  369. <p>Where as the Elastic IP is a permanent allocation of an IP address that could be dynamically assigned to a given EC2 instance and used with Route 53, the Elastic Load Balancer provides a permanent allocated IP address that could be reused within Route 53 (as a kind of a virtual DNS RR).</p>
  370. <p>Using only Elastic IP requires to handle load balancing by the DNS system (Route 53), either by manual configuration or by automated processes external to AWS services. If Elastic Load Balancer is used, its integration with Route 53 and handles most of the internals, like health check of the service, reconfiguration of DNS etc.</p>
  371. <p>I have chosen to use Elastic Load Balancer. The assignment of one Elastic IP is only for convenience, so that I have a fixed entry point into my Virtual Private Cloud (VPC as AWS calls it).</p>
  372. <h2><a href=""><img class="alignleft size-full wp-image-706" src="" alt="AtomicOnAws" width="496" height="414" srcset=" 300w, 496w" sizes="(max-width: 496px) 100vw, 496px" /></a></h2>
  373. <h2>AWS Setup</h2>
  374. <p>I created three instances on AWS running RHEL Atomic Host. (elastic IP) (internal: is the kubes master and and are two kubes minion.</p>
  375. <p>As a result of this first step I get:</p>
  376. <pre>[cloud-user@localhost ~]$ sudo kubectl get -o json minions
  377. {
  378.   "metadata": {
  379.       "selfLink": "/api/v1beta1/minions"
  380.   },
  381.   "items": [
  382.       {
  383.           "metadata": {
  384.               "name": "",
  385.               "resourceVersion": "12",
  386.               "creationTimestamp": null
  387.           },
  388.           "resources": {
  389.               "capacity": {
  390.                   "cpu": 1000,
  391.                   "memory": 3221225472
  392.               }
  393.           }
  394.       },
  395.       {
  396.           "metadata": {
  397.               "name": "",
  398.               "resourceVersion": "13",
  399.               "creationTimestamp": null
  400.           },
  401.           "resources": {
  402.               "capacity": {
  403.                   "cpu": 1000,
  404.                   "memory": 3221225472
  405.               }
  406.           }
  407.       }
  408.   ]
  409. }
  411. </pre>
  412. <p>As a service I created a Kubernetes replication set running two pods providing http via port 80. It’s just a simple web server based on docker image fedora/apache.</p>
  413. <pre>[cloud-user@master ~]$ cat &gt;replica.yaml &lt;&lt;EOT
  414. id: httpController
  415. apiVersion: v1beta1
  416. kind: ReplicationController
  417. desiredState:
  418. replicas: 2
  419. replicaSelector:
  420.   name: http
  421. podTemplate:
  422.   desiredState:
  423.     manifest:
  424.       version: v1beta1
  425.       id: http
  426.       containers:
  427.         - name: http
  428.           image: fedora/apache
  429.           ports:
  430.             - containerPort: 80
  431.               hostPort: 80
  432.               protocol: TCP
  433.   labels:
  434.     name: http
  435. EOT
  436. [cloud-user@master ~]$ sudo kubectl create -f replica.yaml
  437. [cloud-user@master ~]$ sudo kubectl get pods
  438. NAME                                   IMAGE(S)            HOST
  439. LABELS              STATUS
  440. d5d751b7-70a4-11e4-b4c4-063194b910ce   fedora/apache
  441. name=http           Running
  442. d5d73ed6-70a4-11e4-b4c4-063194b910ce   fedora/apache
  443. name=http           Running
  444. [cloud-user@master ~]$
  445. </pre>
  446. <p>On the both minions http server are serving port 80/tcp now. 80 is bound to the VPC IP address:</p>
  447. <pre>[cloud-user@minion1 ~]$ sudo docker ps
  448. CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                     COMMAND
  449. CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                NAMES
  450. 45b987434700        fedora/apache:latest      "/"    About
  451. an hour ago   Up About an hour
  452. k8s_http.6ac97f65_d5d751b7-70a4-11e4-b4c4-063194b910ce.default.etcd_1416481399_aee49744  
  453. 747eb021b0e0        kubernetes/pause:latest   "/pause"            About
  454. an hour ago   Up About an hour;80/tcp
  455. k8s_net.e9a68336_d5d751b7-70a4-11e4-b4c4-063194b910ce.default.etcd_1416481399_53c55094    
  456. [cloud-user@minion1 ~]$ sudo netstat -tanp | grep :80\
  457. tcp6       0      0 :::80                   :::*
  458. LISTEN      1774/docker-proxy  
  459. [cloud-user@minion1 ~]$ ip addr show eth0
  460. 2: eth0:  mtu 9001 qdisc pfifo_fast
  461. state UP qlen 1000
  462.   link/ether 06:03:82:79:3a:f2 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
  463.   inet brd scope global dynamic eth0
  464.      valid_lft 3015sec preferred_lft 3015sec
  465.   inet6 fe80::403:82ff:fe79:3af2/64 scope link
  466.      valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
  467. [cloud-user@minion1 ~]$
  468. </pre>
  469. <p>Using Amazon’s EC2 Management Console I configured a Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) so that Port 80 of the load balancer is forwarded to both AWS EC2 instances (aka the two minions). The Elastic Load Balancer gets an DNS hostname assigned that could be accessed from the outside: <a href=""></a>. As Elastic Load Balancer is integrated with Route 53, ELB updates the DNS zone used to access our service: both minions will be included in the zone with an A RR and the the ELB will also point to both minions.</p>
  470. <p>In my example I use the domain <a href=""></a> to be used with Route 53: the hostname <a href=""></a> is configured to be used by the ELB.</p>
  471. <p>Having a client requesting some service from <a href=""></a> has<br />
  472. the following sequence of steps:</p>
  473. <ol>
  474. <li>DNS query for <a href=""></a> public
  475. <ol>
  476. <li>dynamic IP addresses of both minions are returned</li>
  477. <li>select the first IP address and</li>
  478. </ol>
  479. </li>
  480. <li>make a request to 80/tcp
  481. <ol>
  482. <li>client sends request to 80/tcp of minion2</li>
  483. <li>minion2 receives request on 80/tcp on public dynamic IP address of EC2 instance</li>
  484. <li>request is forwarded by docker-proxy process to 80/tcp of the pod/docker<br />
  485. container httpd process within the container receives the request and answers it</li>
  486. </ol>
  487. </li>
  488. </ol>
  489. <p>If one minion goes down or the pod is stopped on one minion, ELB health check (will port 80 answer?) will observe that and will take the EC2 instance out of service.</p>
  490. <h1>Summary</h1>
  491. <p>AWS provides services to run RHEL Atomic Host and a multi host setup with a kubernetes master and 1 to n minions. In addition to that, EC2 and ELB provide a load balancing service. ELB integration with Route 53 automates the process of DNS configuration on changes within EC2 or Kubernetes.</p>
  492. ]]></content>
  493. </entry>
  494. <entry>
  495. <author>
  496. <name>[GNU]</name>
  497. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  498. </author>
  499. <title type="html"><![CDATA[… been in Google land and found an Atom!]]></title>
  500. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  501. <id></id>
  502. <updated>2014-10-21T09:47:59Z</updated>
  503. <published>2014-10-21T09:47:59Z</published>
  504. <category scheme="" term="Red Hat" /><category scheme="" term="kubernetes" /><category scheme="" term="docker" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[Hey all, so&#8230; the past weeks I have been in Google land, specifically: working on Google Compute Engine (GCE).  As part of the containerization of IT I started using an Atomic Host on GCE. This was basically and exercise to learn some of the GCE tools. But the important part: it gives a reusable Atomic [&#8230;]]]></summary>
  505. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>Hey all,</p>
  506. <p>so&#8230; the past weeks I have been in Google land, specifically: working on <a href="">Google Compute Engine</a> (GCE).  As part of <a href="">the containerization of IT</a> I started using an <a href="">Atomic Host</a> on GCE. This was basically and exercise to learn some of the GCE tools. But the important part: it gives a reusable Atomic Host with endless compute power. <a href="">I put together a basic example</a> of <a href="">a web server</a> running as <a href="">a container</a>, orchestrated by <a href="">kubernetes</a>&#8230;</p>
  507. <p>In the upcoming weeks, I will use this type of set up to expolore</p>
  508. <ol>
  509. <li>multi instance networking with kubernetes and</li>
  510. <li><a href="">troubleshooting containers</a>, aka. sosreport and docker</li>
  511. </ol>
  512. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  513. ]]></content>
  514. </entry>
  515. <entry>
  516. <author>
  517. <name>[GNU]</name>
  518. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  519. </author>
  520. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Bookmarks for August 12th through September 9th]]></title>
  521. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  522. <id></id>
  523. <updated>2014-09-09T11:02:27Z</updated>
  524. <published>2014-09-09T11:02:27Z</published>
  525. <category scheme="" term="my bookmarks" /><category scheme="" term="docker" /><category scheme="" term="nsenter" /><category scheme="" term="redhat" /><category scheme="" term="rhel" /><category scheme="" term="berg" /><category scheme="" term="bergcloud" /><category scheme="" term="littleprinter" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[These are my links for August 12th through September 9th: Week 483 &#124; Berg Blog &#8211; Get Started with Docker Containers in RHEL 7 &#8211; Red Hat Customer Portal &#8211; nsenter &#124; Docker Blog &#8211;]]></summary>
  526. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>These are my links for August 12th through September 9th:</p>
  527. <ul>
  528. <li><a href="">Week 483 | Berg Blog</a> &#8211; </li>
  529. <li><a href="">Get Started with Docker Containers in RHEL 7 &#8211; Red Hat Customer Portal</a> &#8211; </li>
  530. <li><a href="">nsenter | Docker Blog</a> &#8211; </li>
  531. </ul>
  532. ]]></content>
  533. </entry>
  534. <entry>
  535. <author>
  536. <name>[GNU]</name>
  537. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  538. </author>
  539. <title type="html"><![CDATA[on debugging and gathering information about containers]]></title>
  540. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  541. <id></id>
  542. <updated>2014-08-13T14:35:59Z</updated>
  543. <published>2014-08-13T14:35:59Z</published>
  544. <category scheme="" term="technology" /><category scheme="" term="docker" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[After having set up the basic environment for kubernetes and docker, I will explore into options on getting some information (eg logfiles, configurations) of containers. The main focus will be debugging of container configuration and/or containerized applications, so I am not primarily interested in the application&#8217;s logfile. And I assume that /dev/log is bound to [&#8230;]]]></summary>
  545. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>After having set up the basic environment for kubernetes and docker, I will explore into options on getting some information (eg logfiles, configurations) of containers. The main focus will be debugging of container configuration and/or containerized applications, so I am not primarily interested in the application&#8217;s logfile. And I assume that <code>/dev/log</code> is bound to the host via <code>docker -v /dev/log:/dev/log</code>.</p>
  546. <p>First of all, let me give a short overview of some of the options available for &#8220;logging with docker&#8221;. There has also been a <a href="!searchin/docker-dev/logging/docker-dev/3paGTWD6xyw/hvZlnFD5x5sJ">long discussion on the docker-dev mailing list</a>&#8230;</p>
  547. <ul>
  548. <li><a href="">using logstash</a> &#8211; not having syslog within the container and utilizing a forwarder</li>
  549. <li><a href="">or fluentd</a> &#8211; to parse the docker logs on the host&#8217;s disk</li>
  550. <li>or <a href="">shipping it off to logentries</a></li>
  551. <li>or have <a href="">a volume to bound to store the logs</a></li>
  552. </ul>
  553. <p>For the purpose of debugging a container&#8217;s configuration or the abnormal termination of an application I will try to gather some information:</p>
  554. <ul>
  555. <li>from outside the container, like network configuration, disks, cgroups, other processes, other logs</li>
  556. <li>from inside the container, docker&#8217;s own logfiles of the container</li>
  557. <li>and from inside the container, like network configuration, cgroups, &#8230;</li>
  558. </ul>
  559. <p>Gathering different kinds of information for an operating system environment has been solved before, and I will choose <a href="">sosreport</a> as the base for my work. sosreport is included in every major Linux distribution, including <a href="">Debian GNU/Linux</a>, <a href="">Fedora</a> and Red Hat Enterprise Linux.</p>
  560. <p>From outside a containers sosreport seems to do a pretty complete job, looking at the <code>ps</code> and <code>netstat</code> output we can reckon that docker daemon is running, <code>ip_addr</code> tells us that the docker0 interface has been set up correctly&#8230; so, we are set to go. sosreport also contains all the syslog (or systemd-journald nowadays) entries so we could inspect potential problems on dockerd startup.</p>
  561. <p>Having a look at more docker specific information is harder. sos plugins for docker specific informations are targeted for <a href="">milestone 3.2</a> or are available via github. However these plugins just gather some basic information. I have <a href="">started opening requests for enhancements</a> with the sos upstream project to get some more detailed docker information.</p>
  562. <p>Taking a peek inside the container is not covered by sosreport by now. In the upcoming days I will explore some options using <a href="">nsenter</a> and execute sosreport within the container and will followup on this article too.</p>
  563. <p>stay tuned&#8230;</p>
  564. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  565. ]]></content>
  566. </entry>
  567. <entry>
  568. <author>
  569. <name>[GNU]</name>
  570. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  571. </author>
  572. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Setting up my Kubernetes Environment]]></title>
  573. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  574. <id></id>
  575. <updated>2014-08-09T20:42:06Z</updated>
  576. <published>2014-08-11T09:53:31Z</published>
  577. <category scheme="" term="technology" /><category scheme="" term="kubernetes" /><category scheme="" term="docker" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[To set up the Kubernetes environment I described earlier, I deployed a docker registry on raw-0, all data is contained within a volume container: git clone cd Fedora-Dockerfiles/registry docker build --rm --tar="goern/registry" . docker run --name=registry-data -v /var/lib/docker-registry fedora:20 true # to hold our data docker run --name=registry -d -p 5000:5000 --volumes-from=registry-data goern/registry See [&#8230;]]]></summary>
  578. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>To set up the <a href="">Kubernetes environment I described earlier</a>, I deployed a docker registry on raw-0, all data is contained within a volume container:</p>
  579. <pre>git clone
  580. cd Fedora-Dockerfiles/registry
  581. docker build --rm --tar="goern/registry" .
  582. docker run --name=registry-data -v /var/lib/docker-registry fedora:20 true # to hold our data
  583. docker run --name=registry -d -p 5000:5000 --volumes-from=registry-data goern/registry
  584. </pre>
  585. <p>See also at <a href="">Scott&#8217;s howto</a>. Testing if the registry and dns and docker works via</p>
  586. <pre>[root@raw-2 ~]# docker pull raw-0.localdomain:5000/goern/mongo Pulling repository raw-0.localdomain:5000/goern/mongo a79fce803e4c: Download complete 511136ea3c5a: Download complete c69cab00d6ef: Download complete 88b42ffd1f7c: Download complete 8d8d8f2d03f7: Download complete a3c6facc68a0: Download complete daed86b3b2da: Download complete 07bbb4fa70f5: Download complete e6c22cdf122e: Download complete [root@raw-2 ~]#
  587. </pre>
  588. <p>The next thing I deployed was a simple mongo container I build and pushed to my local registry using the same pattern as above.</p>
  589. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  590. <pre>[root@raw-0 ~]# cat mongo.json
  591. {
  592. "id": "mongo",
  593. "desiredState": {
  594. "manifest": {
  595. "version": "v1beta1",
  596. "id": "mongo-1",
  597. "containers": [{
  598. "name": "master",
  599. "image": "raw-0.localdomain:5000/goern/mongo",
  600. "ports": [{
  601. "containerPort": 27017,
  602. "hostPort": 27017
  603. }, {
  604. "containerPort": 28017,
  605. "hostPort": 28017
  606. }]
  607. }]
  608. }
  609. },
  610. "labels": {
  611. "name": "apache"
  612. }
  613. }
  614. [root@raw-0 ~]# kubernetes-kubecfg -c mongo.json create pods
  615. I0809 12:03:27.817122 03020 request.go:220] Waiting for completion of /operations/2</pre>
  616. <p>Name                Image(s)                             Host                Labels<br />
  617. &#8212;&#8212;&#8212;-          &#8212;&#8212;&#8212;-                           &#8212;&#8212;&#8212;-          &#8212;&#8212;&#8212;-<br />
  618. mongo               raw-0.localdomain:5000/goern/mongo   /                   name=apache</p>
  619. <p>[root@raw-0 ~]#</p>
  620. ]]></content>
  621. </entry>
  622. <entry>
  623. <author>
  624. <name>[GNU]</name>
  625. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  626. </author>
  627. <title type="html"><![CDATA[kubernetes update]]></title>
  628. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  629. <id></id>
  630. <updated>2014-08-05T18:57:20Z</updated>
  631. <published>2014-08-05T10:36:50Z</published>
  632. <category scheme="" term="Fedora" /><category scheme="" term="kubernetes" /><category scheme="" term="docker" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[With the latest kubernetes version 0.0.11 Colin provided some of the steps that Scott described have changed: setting command line arguments within the .service files is no longer required: all configuration has been moved to /etc/sysconfig/kubernetes so copying the .service files is not required, simply link them from /lib/systemd/system to /etc/systemd/system etcd (on the master) [&#8230;]]]></summary>
  633. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>With the latest <a href="">kubernetes version 0.0.11 Colin provided</a> some of the steps that <a href="">Scott described</a> have changed:</p>
  634. <ul>
  635. <li>setting command line arguments within the .service files is no longer required: all configuration has been moved to /etc/sysconfig/kubernetes</li>
  636. <li>so copying the .service files is not required, simply link them from /lib/systemd/system to /etc/systemd/system
  637. <ul>
  638. <li>etcd (on the master)</li>
  639. <li>kubernetes-api-server, kubernetes-controller-manager (on the master)</li>
  640. <li>kubernetes-kubelet, kubernetes-proxy (on the minion)</li>
  641. </ul>
  642. </li>
  643. </ul>
  644. <p>So what I am aiming for is an environment of two (or three) hosts running a kubernetes orchestrated infrastructure on Fedora Rawhide.</p>
  645. <p><a href=""><img class="alignleft wp-image-682 size-full" src="" alt="" width="744" height="309" srcset=" 300w, 744w" sizes="(max-width: 744px) 100vw, 744px" /></a></p>
  646. <p>I put all that on top of my laptop on two KVMs:</p>
  647. <p><a href=""><img class="alignleft wp-image-680 size-full" src="" alt="" width="316" height="194" srcset=" 300w, 316w" sizes="(max-width: 316px) 100vw, 316px" /></a></p>
  648. <p>And just to dump the info, at the time of writing:</p>
  649. <p>[root@raw-0 ~]# rpm -qa | grep kube<br />
  650. kubernetes-0-0.0.11.gitc78206d.fc22.x86_64</p>
  651. <p>PS: the journal got lots of debugging and informational messages, dont let yourself confuse by that&#8230; :) its rawhide and bleeding edge technology</p>
  652. ]]></content>
  653. <link rel="replies" type="text/html" href="" thr:count="1"/>
  654. <link rel="replies" type="application/atom+xml" href="" thr:count="1"/>
  655. <thr:total>1</thr:total>
  656. </entry>
  657. <entry>
  658. <author>
  659. <name>[GNU]</name>
  660. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  661. </author>
  662. <title type="html"><![CDATA[exploring the world of kubernetes&#8230;.]]></title>
  663. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  664. <id></id>
  665. <updated>2014-08-02T13:31:00Z</updated>
  666. <published>2014-08-01T10:06:36Z</published>
  667. <category scheme="" term="general blogging" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[So the past week I spent on some of my project&#8230; worth mentioning is kubernetes &#8211; and ja, I know, everybody writes about it. At least for us at Red Hat kubernetes is a core part of the hybride cloud strategy and container orchestration. What we will use it for could be found in the Kubernetes Design Document. [&#8230;]]]></summary>
  668. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>So the past week I spent on some of my project&#8230; worth mentioning is kubernetes &#8211; and ja, I know, everybody writes about it. At least <a href="">for us at Red Hat kubernetes is a core part</a> of the hybride cloud strategy and container orchestration. What we will use it for could be found in the <a href="">Kubernetes Design Document</a>. Ah, and by the way, you should have a look at <a href="">Project Atomic and Atomic Host</a>.</p>
  669. <p>Scott Collier did a <a href="">real great writeup</a>, I learned lots from it.</p>
  670. ]]></content>
  671. </entry>
  672. <entry>
  673. <author>
  674. <name>[GNU]</name>
  675. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  676. </author>
  677. <title type="html"><![CDATA[being Red Hat]]></title>
  678. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  679. <id></id>
  680. <updated>2014-06-26T07:36:57Z</updated>
  681. <published>2014-06-26T07:36:57Z</published>
  682. <category scheme="" term="general blogging" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[So, it has been a few months now, and the ones I meet in person surly know what I am doing, for the others: I have become a Software Engineer for Red Hat&#8217;s Reference Architecture Team. We do System Design and Engineering! I am mostly committed to enhance the architecture underlying the Red Hat Services&#8230; [&#8230;]]]></summary>
  683. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>So, it has been a few months now, and the ones I meet in person surly know what I am doing, for the others: I have become a Software Engineer for <a href="">Red Hat&#8217;s Reference Architecture Team</a>. We do System Design and Engineering!</p>
  684. <p>I am mostly committed to enhance the architecture underlying the Red Hat Services&#8230; <a href="">ABRT</a> may be visible to you in the Fedora community, automated bug reporting will be a great step forward in serviceability on RHEL7. Another topic I look into is entitlement management, esp. for docker containers, but also to get a consistent user experience across different other products. Docker inside RHEL7 is basically an outcome of a <a href="">collaboration started a little while ago</a>. And the RH way of using containers running RHEL is to have these containers entitled to use the latest and most up to date RHEL, therefor&#8230; to receive updates and get the level of support that a enterprise deserves we try to have each docker container subscribed/entitled as smooth as possible.</p>
  685. <p>Stay tuned&#8230;</p>
  686. ]]></content>
  687. </entry>
  688. <entry>
  689. <author>
  690. <name>[GNU]</name>
  691. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  692. </author>
  693. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Bookmarks for March 12th from 22:32 to 22:32]]></title>
  694. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  695. <id></id>
  696. <updated>2014-03-13T08:00:00Z</updated>
  697. <published>2014-03-13T08:00:00Z</published>
  698. <category scheme="" term="my bookmarks" /><category scheme="" term="docker" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[These are my links for March 12th from 22:32 to 22:32: Docker Registry or How to Run your own Private Docker Image Repository &#124; codecentric Blogcodecentric Blog &#8211;]]></summary>
  699. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>These are my links for March 12th from 22:32 to 22:32:</p>
  700. <ul>
  701. <li><a href="">Docker Registry or How to Run your own Private Docker Image Repository | codecentric Blogcodecentric Blog</a> &#8211; </li>
  702. </ul>
  703. ]]></content>
  704. </entry>
  705. <entry>
  706. <author>
  707. <name>[GNU]</name>
  708. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  709. </author>
  710. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Bookmarks for March 6th from 20:15 to 20:15]]></title>
  711. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  712. <id></id>
  713. <updated>2014-03-07T08:00:00Z</updated>
  714. <published>2014-03-07T08:00:00Z</published>
  715. <category scheme="" term="my bookmarks" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[These are my links for March 6th from 20:15 to 20:15: Chronos by airbnb &#8211;]]></summary>
  716. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>These are my links for March 6th from 20:15 to 20:15:</p>
  717. <ul>
  718. <li><a href="">Chronos by airbnb</a> &#8211; </li>
  719. </ul>
  720. ]]></content>
  721. </entry>
  722. <entry>
  723. <author>
  724. <name>[GNU]</name>
  725. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  726. </author>
  727. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Bookmarks for February 25th from 15:40 to 15:40]]></title>
  728. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  729. <id></id>
  730. <updated>2014-02-26T08:00:00Z</updated>
  731. <published>2014-02-26T08:00:00Z</published>
  732. <category scheme="" term="my bookmarks" /><category scheme="" term="level:howto" /><category scheme="" term="docker" /><category scheme="" term="" /><category scheme="" term="docker:registry" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[These are my links for February 25th from 15:40 to 15:40: OCTO talks ! &#187; Docker registry first steps &#8211;]]></summary>
  733. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>These are my links for February 25th from 15:40 to 15:40:</p>
  734. <ul>
  735. <li><a href="">OCTO talks ! &raquo; Docker registry first steps</a> &#8211; </li>
  736. </ul>
  737. ]]></content>
  738. </entry>
  739. <entry>
  740. <author>
  741. <name>[GNU]</name>
  742. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  743. </author>
  744. <title type="html"><![CDATA[E-Mail address to be obsoleted]]></title>
  745. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  746. <id></id>
  747. <updated>2014-01-31T18:19:48Z</updated>
  748. <published>2014-01-31T17:35:49Z</published>
  749. <category scheme="" term="general blogging" /><category scheme="" term="Kommunikation" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[Starting 01.02.2014 you could consider any mail from &#60;; as Spam. This address is obsolete, as I left the company. goern at b4mad, gtld: net is stil valid. Thanks.]]></summary>
  750. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>Starting 01.02.2014 you could consider any mail from &lt;; as Spam. This address is obsolete, as I left the company. <em>goern at b4mad, gtld: net</em> is stil valid. Thanks.</p>
  751. ]]></content>
  752. </entry>
  753. <entry>
  754. <author>
  755. <name>[GNU]</name>
  756. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  757. </author>
  758. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Debian GNU/Linux update]]></title>
  759. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  760. <id></id>
  761. <updated>2014-01-25T19:58:41Z</updated>
  762. <published>2014-01-25T14:26:28Z</published>
  763. <category scheme="" term="technology" /><category scheme="" term="Debian GNU/Linux" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[I guess I am the last one on this planet but it&#8217;s done: tiny little server at home updated to Debian 7.3 Just to the records: this short german howto was helpful, the Upgrades from Debian 6.0 chapter and I learned that realtek NICs aint free. system maintenance for the next 5 years: done. UPDATE: so [&#8230;]]]></summary>
  764. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>I guess I am the last one on this planet but it&#8217;s done: tiny little server at home updated to <a href="">Debian 7.3</a> Just to the records: this short <a href="">german howto</a> was helpful, the <a href="">Upgrades from Debian 6.0</a> chapter and I learned that <a href="">realtek NICs aint free</a>.</p>
  765. <p>system maintenance for the next 5 years: done.</p>
  766. <p><strong>UPDATE</strong>: so I also moved from SysV init to systemd. nothing special as the move is <a href="">well documented </a><a href="">switching some services off</a> and looking at systemd and <a href="">how to debug</a> it helped a little to get everything clean again.</p>
  767. ]]></content>
  768. </entry>
  769. <entry>
  770. <author>
  771. <name>[GNU]</name>
  772. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  773. </author>
  774. <title type="html"><![CDATA[how to ship back a laptop]]></title>
  775. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  776. <id></id>
  777. <updated>2013-12-05T09:10:05Z</updated>
  778. <published>2013-12-05T09:10:05Z</published>
  779. <category scheme="" term="general blogging" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[This is just a short note to myself. As I finished my last project I need to ship back a Laptop that was provided by the client. To make it nice and clean I regularly use Darik&#8217;s Boot And Nuke to keep my data private &#8211; in some way. And this time I found out that the [&#8230;]]]></summary>
  780. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>This is just a short note to myself. As I finished my last project I need to ship back a Laptop that was provided by the client. To make it nice and clean I regularly use <a href="">Darik&#8217;s Boot And Nuke</a> to keep my data private &#8211; in some way. And this time I found out that the easiest was to use it it to set up a DHCP server to tftpboot DBAN and configure DBAN to just wipe&#8230; <a href="">This PXE boot DBAN howto</a> turned out to be the shortest working. Thanks for that!</p>
  781. ]]></content>
  782. </entry>
  783. <entry>
  784. <author>
  785. <name>[GNU]</name>
  786. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  787. </author>
  788. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Bookmarks for November 14th from 20:29 to 20:29]]></title>
  789. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  790. <id></id>
  791. <updated>2013-11-15T08:00:00Z</updated>
  792. <published>2013-11-15T08:00:00Z</published>
  793. <category scheme="" term="my bookmarks" /><category scheme="" term="level:howto" /><category scheme="" term="security" /><category scheme="" term="ssh" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[These are my links for November 14th from 20:29 to 20:29: Using ssh-agent with ssh &#8211;]]></summary>
  794. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>These are my links for November 14th from 20:29 to 20:29:</p>
  795. <ul>
  796. <li><a href="">Using ssh-agent with ssh</a> &#8211; </li>
  797. </ul>
  798. ]]></content>
  799. </entry>
  800. <entry>
  801. <author>
  802. <name>[GNU]</name>
  803. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  804. </author>
  805. <title type="html"><![CDATA[a LEAP development environment]]></title>
  806. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  807. <id></id>
  808. <updated>2013-11-14T18:31:07Z</updated>
  809. <published>2013-11-13T16:34:52Z</published>
  810. <category scheme="" term="projects" /><category scheme="" term="Debian GNU/Linux" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[So the other day I cleaned up all my stuff And a nice and shiny bright newly installed Debian GNU/Linux 7.2 remained on my Laptop. So libvirt-bin added and no virtualbox or lxc, Vagrant form the website and finally enriched Vagrant with a few plugins, especially the one that enabled Vagrant to manage KVMs rather than [&#8230;]]]></summary>
  811. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<blockquote><p>So the other day I cleaned up all my stuff</p></blockquote>
  812. <p>And a nice and shiny bright newly installed <a title="Debian GNU/Linux" href="">Debian GNU/Linux 7.2</a> remained on my Laptop. So libvirt-bin added and no virtualbox or lxc, <a title="Vagrant downloads" href="">Vagrant form the website</a> and finally <a title="Vagrant with libvirt plugin" href="">enriched Vagrant</a> with a few plugins, especially the one that enabled Vagrant to manage KVMs rather than Virtual.</p>
  813. <p>So here is the <strong>current status</strong>:</p>
  814. <p>I followed the <a href="">Platform Quick Start of LEAP</a> and started to set up a <a href="">development environment</a>. After running in <a href="">something I suspected to be a bug</a> yesterday, I have finished with the first BigCouch node this night. Lesson learned: always use ssh-agent and add your keys properly. Using ssh without ssh-agent seems to be old school, I need to <a title="ssh-agent and ssh" href="">update myself</a>.</p>
  815. ]]></content>
  816. </entry>
  817. <entry>
  818. <author>
  819. <name>[GNU]</name>
  820. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  821. </author>
  822. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Bookmarks for November 12th from 22:52 to 22:52]]></title>
  823. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  824. <id></id>
  825. <updated>2013-11-13T08:00:00Z</updated>
  826. <published>2013-11-13T08:00:00Z</published>
  827. <category scheme="" term="my bookmarks" /><category scheme="" term="privacy" /><category scheme="" term="security" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[These are my links for November 12th from 22:52 to 22:52: LEAP Encryption Access Project : privacy &#8211;]]></summary>
  828. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>These are my links for November 12th from 22:52 to 22:52:</p>
  829. <ul>
  830. <li><a href="">LEAP Encryption Access Project : privacy</a> &#8211; </li>
  831. </ul>
  832. ]]></content>
  833. </entry>
  834. <entry>
  835. <author>
  836. <name>[GNU]</name>
  837. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  838. </author>
  839. <title type="html"><![CDATA[that was a year]]></title>
  840. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  841. <id></id>
  842. <updated>2013-11-12T14:23:35Z</updated>
  843. <published>2013-11-12T14:23:35Z</published>
  844. <category scheme="" term="B4mad" /><category scheme="" term="Debian GNU/Linux" /><category scheme="" term="OpenStack" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[&#8230; that has just gone by without any post I have finished. I am terribly sorry. So for the next few weeks I have set up on my list: set up a docker based OpenStack controller, IPv6 only networking, no high availability &#8211; this is not going to be production-ready figure out what LEAP can [&#8230;]]]></summary>
  845. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>&#8230; that has just gone by without any post I have finished. I am terribly sorry. So for the next few weeks I have set up on my list:</p>
  846. <ul>
  847. <li>set up a docker based OpenStack controller, IPv6 only networking, no high availability &#8211; this is not going to be production-ready</li>
  848. <li>figure out what LEAP can do for me</li>
  849. <li>keep all of you updated with a few posts per month</li>
  850. </ul>
  851. <p>Wish me good luck!</p>
  852. ]]></content>
  853. </entry>
  854. <entry>
  855. <author>
  856. <name>[GNU]</name>
  857. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  858. </author>
  859. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Bookmarks for August 23rd from 09:50 to 09:50]]></title>
  860. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  861. <id></id>
  862. <updated>2013-08-24T08:00:17Z</updated>
  863. <published>2013-08-24T08:00:00Z</published>
  864. <category scheme="" term="my bookmarks" /><category scheme="" term="git" /><category scheme="" term="level:howto" /><category scheme="" term="gpg" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[These are my links for August 23rd from 09:50 to 09:50: Signing git commits with your GPG key &#124; Jazzy Coding &#8211; A Git Horror Story: Repository Integrity With Signed Commits &#8211;]]></summary>
  865. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>These are my links for August 23rd from 09:50 to 09:50:</p>
  866. <ul>
  867. <li><a href="">Signing git commits with your GPG key | Jazzy Coding</a> &#8211; </li>
  868. <li><a href="">A Git Horror Story: Repository Integrity With Signed Commits</a> &#8211; </li>
  869. </ul>
  870. ]]></content>
  871. </entry>
  872. <entry>
  873. <author>
  874. <name>[GNU]</name>
  875. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  876. </author>
  877. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Bookmarks for February 17th from 20:44 to 20:44]]></title>
  878. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  879. <id></id>
  880. <updated>2013-02-18T08:00:05Z</updated>
  881. <published>2013-02-18T08:00:00Z</published>
  882. <category scheme="" term="my bookmarks" /><category scheme="" term="testing" /><category scheme="" term="cloud" /><category scheme="" term="jenkins" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[These are my links for February 17th from 20:44 to 20:44: Running your watir-webdriver tests in the cloud, for free! &#124; WatirMelon &#8211;]]></summary>
  883. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>These are my links for February 17th from 20:44 to 20:44:</p>
  884. <ul>
  885. <li><a href="">Running your watir-webdriver tests in the cloud, for free! | WatirMelon</a> &#8211; </li>
  886. </ul>
  887. ]]></content>
  888. </entry>
  889. <entry>
  890. <author>
  891. <name>[GNU]</name>
  892. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  893. </author>
  894. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Bookmarks for February 10th from 23:04 to 23:04]]></title>
  895. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  896. <id></id>
  897. <updated>2013-02-11T08:01:07Z</updated>
  898. <published>2013-02-11T08:00:00Z</published>
  899. <category scheme="" term="my bookmarks" /><category scheme="" term="viaifttt" /><category scheme="" term="Aggregated" /><category scheme="" term="feed" /><category scheme="" term="of" /><category scheme="" term="all" /><category scheme="" term="JBoss" /><category scheme="" term="feeds" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[These are my links for February 10th from 23:04 to 23:04: This week in JBoss (7 Feb 2013): A new JavaChampion &#124; Weekly Editorial &#124; Planet JBoss Community &#8211; from Aggregated feed of all JBoss feeds]]></summary>
  900. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>These are my links for February 10th from 23:04 to 23:04:</p>
  901. <ul>
  902. <li><a href="">This week in JBoss (7 Feb 2013): A new JavaChampion | Weekly Editorial | Planet JBoss Community</a> &#8211; from Aggregated feed of all JBoss feeds</li>
  903. </ul>
  904. ]]></content>
  905. </entry>
  906. <entry>
  907. <author>
  908. <name>[GNU]</name>
  909. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  910. </author>
  911. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Bookmarks for February 7th from 13:34 to 13:34]]></title>
  912. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  913. <id></id>
  914. <updated>2013-02-08T08:04:42Z</updated>
  915. <published>2013-02-08T08:00:00Z</published>
  916. <category scheme="" term="my bookmarks" /><category scheme="" term="viaifttt" /><category scheme="" term="Droid" /><category scheme="" term="Boy" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[These are my links for February 7th from 13:34 to 13:34: &#8211; from Droid Boy]]></summary>
  917. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>These are my links for February 7th from 13:34 to 13:34:</p>
  918. <ul>
  919. <li><a href=""></a> &#8211; from Droid Boy</li>
  920. </ul>
  921. ]]></content>
  922. </entry>
  923. <entry>
  924. <author>
  925. <name>[GNU]</name>
  926. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  927. </author>
  928. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Bookmarks for January 31st from 20:32 to 20:32]]></title>
  929. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  930. <id></id>
  931. <updated>2013-02-01T08:00:08Z</updated>
  932. <published>2013-02-01T08:00:00Z</published>
  933. <category scheme="" term="my bookmarks" /><category scheme="" term="rails3.2" /><category scheme="" term="AAA" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[These are my links for January 31st from 20:32 to 20:32: Rails 3 Authentication and Authorization with Devise and CanCan (Part 1) :: Starqle Indonesia &#8211; Rails 3 Authentication and Authorization with Devise and CanCan (Part 2) :: Starqle Indonesia &#8211;]]></summary>
  934. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>These are my links for January 31st from 20:32 to 20:32:</p>
  935. <ul>
  936. <li><a href="">Rails 3 Authentication and Authorization with Devise and CanCan (Part 1) :: Starqle Indonesia</a> &#8211; </li>
  937. <li><a href="">Rails 3 Authentication and Authorization with Devise and CanCan (Part 2) :: Starqle Indonesia</a> &#8211; </li>
  938. </ul>
  939. ]]></content>
  940. </entry>
  941. <entry>
  942. <author>
  943. <name>[GNU]</name>
  944. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  945. </author>
  946. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Bookmarks for January 29th from 09:47 to 09:47]]></title>
  947. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  948. <id></id>
  949. <updated>2013-01-30T08:02:32Z</updated>
  950. <published>2013-01-30T08:00:00Z</published>
  951. <category scheme="" term="my bookmarks" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[These are my links for January 29th from 09:47 to 09:47: [toread] 13 chart types and what each is good for &#8211;]]></summary>
  952. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>These are my links for January 29th from 09:47 to 09:47:</p>
  953. <ul>
  954. <li><a href="">[toread] 13 chart types and what each is good for</a> &#8211; </li>
  955. </ul>
  956. ]]></content>
  957. </entry>
  958. <entry>
  959. <author>
  960. <name>[GNU]</name>
  961. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  962. </author>
  963. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Bookmarks for January 22nd from 15:11 to 15:11]]></title>
  964. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  965. <id></id>
  966. <updated>2013-01-23T08:02:36Z</updated>
  967. <published>2013-01-23T08:00:00Z</published>
  968. <category scheme="" term="my bookmarks" /><category scheme="" term="cyrus" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[These are my links for January 22nd from 15:11 to 15:11: Moving Cyrus from a 32Bit to a 64Bit server &#124; Viktor &#8211; How to migrate 32-bit Cyrus IMAPD mailboxes to 64-bit &#171; Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? &#8211;]]></summary>
  969. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>These are my links for January 22nd from 15:11 to 15:11:</p>
  970. <ul>
  971. <li><a href="">Moving Cyrus from a 32Bit to a 64Bit server | Viktor</a> &#8211; </li>
  972. <li><a href="">How to migrate 32-bit Cyrus IMAPD mailboxes to 64-bit &laquo; Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?</a> &#8211; </li>
  973. </ul>
  974. ]]></content>
  975. </entry>
  976. <entry>
  977. <author>
  978. <name>[GNU]</name>
  979. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  980. </author>
  981. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Bookmarks for January 2nd from 20:11 to 20:11]]></title>
  982. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  983. <id></id>
  984. <updated>2013-01-03T08:00:47Z</updated>
  985. <published>2013-01-03T08:00:00Z</published>
  986. <category scheme="" term="my bookmarks" /><category scheme="" term="viaifttt" /><category scheme="" term="O&#039;Reilly" /><category scheme="" term="Radar" /><category scheme="" term="Insight" /><category scheme="" term="analysis" /><category scheme="" term="and" /><category scheme="" term="research" /><category scheme="" term="about" /><category scheme="" term="emerging" /><category scheme="" term="technologies" /><category scheme="" term="-" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[These are my links for January 2nd from 20:11 to 20:11: 14 big trends to watch in 2013 &#8211; O&#8217;Reilly Radar &#8211; from O&#039;Reilly Radar &#8211; Insight, analysis, and research about emerging technologies]]></summary>
  987. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>These are my links for January 2nd from 20:11 to 20:11:</p>
  988. <ul>
  989. <li><a href="">14 big trends to watch in 2013 &#8211; O&#8217;Reilly Radar</a> &#8211; from O&#039;Reilly Radar &#8211; Insight, analysis, and research about emerging technologies</li>
  990. </ul>
  991. ]]></content>
  992. </entry>
  993. <entry>
  994. <author>
  995. <name>[GNU]</name>
  996. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  997. </author>
  998. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Bookmarks for December 5th from 18:51 to 21:22]]></title>
  999. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  1000. <id></id>
  1001. <updated>2012-12-05T20:01:03Z</updated>
  1002. <published>2012-12-06T08:00:00Z</published>
  1003. <category scheme="" term="my bookmarks" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[These are my links for December 5th from 18:51 to 21:22: The 2nd Tenet of Hybrid Clouds: Hybrid is About Portability &#8211; Openstack and rsyslog &#8211;]]></summary>
  1004. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>These are my links for December 5th from 18:51 to 21:22:</p>
  1005. <ul>
  1006. <li><a href="">The 2nd Tenet of Hybrid Clouds: Hybrid is About Portability</a> &#8211; </li>
  1007. <li><a href="">Openstack and rsyslog</a> &#8211; </li>
  1008. </ul>
  1009. ]]></content>
  1010. </entry>
  1011. <entry>
  1012. <author>
  1013. <name>[GNU]</name>
  1014. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  1015. </author>
  1016. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Bookmarks for November 25th from 18:38 to 18:38]]></title>
  1017. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  1018. <id></id>
  1019. <updated>2012-11-26T08:00:00Z</updated>
  1020. <published>2012-11-26T08:00:00Z</published>
  1021. <category scheme="" term="my bookmarks" /><category scheme="" term="viaifttt" /><category scheme="" term="GigaOM" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[These are my links for November 25th from 18:38 to 18:38: With SaaS, it&#8217;s not just about your apps &#8212; it&#8217;s how you connect those apps, too &#8212; Tech News and Analysis &#8211; from GigaOM]]></summary>
  1022. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>These are my links for November 25th from 18:38 to 18:38:</p>
  1023. <ul>
  1024. <li><a href="">With SaaS, it&rsquo;s not just about your apps &mdash; it&rsquo;s how you connect those apps, too &mdash; Tech News and Analysis</a> &#8211; from GigaOM</li>
  1025. </ul>
  1026. ]]></content>
  1027. </entry>
  1028. <entry>
  1029. <author>
  1030. <name>[GNU]</name>
  1031. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  1032. </author>
  1033. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Bookmarks for November 21st from 18:02 to 18:02]]></title>
  1034. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  1035. <id></id>
  1036. <updated>2012-11-22T08:00:00Z</updated>
  1037. <published>2012-11-22T08:00:00Z</published>
  1038. <category scheme="" term="my bookmarks" /><category scheme="" term="jabber" /><category scheme="" term="viaifttt" /><category scheme="" term="Planet" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[These are my links for November 21st from 18:02 to 18:02: Closed protocols come and go &#8211; ejabberd and XMPP remains &#8211; 10 years of success &#8211; from Planet Jabber]]></summary>
  1039. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>These are my links for November 21st from 18:02 to 18:02:</p>
  1040. <ul>
  1041. <li><a href="">Closed protocols come and go &ndash; ejabberd and XMPP remains &ndash; 10 years of success</a> &#8211; from Planet Jabber</li>
  1042. </ul>
  1043. ]]></content>
  1044. </entry>
  1045. <entry>
  1046. <author>
  1047. <name>[GNU]</name>
  1048. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  1049. </author>
  1050. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Bookmarks for November 16th from 12:35 to 15:49]]></title>
  1051. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  1052. <id></id>
  1053. <updated>2012-11-16T14:00:37Z</updated>
  1054. <published>2012-11-17T08:00:00Z</published>
  1055. <category scheme="" term="my bookmarks" /><category scheme="" term="openstandards" /><category scheme="" term="pm" /><category scheme="" term="helferlein" /><category scheme="" term="scrum" /><category scheme="" term="retrospektive" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[These are my links for November 16th from 12:35 to 15:49: We decorate. &#8211; Holisticon AG &#124; ProjektProzessManagement / Agiles Logbuch &#8211; Open Standards Consultation documents &#124; Cabinet Office &#8211;]]></summary>
  1056. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>These are my links for November 16th from 12:35 to 15:49:</p>
  1057. <ul>
  1058. <li><a href="">We decorate.</a> &#8211; </li>
  1059. <li><a href="">Holisticon AG | ProjektProzessManagement / Agiles Logbuch</a> &#8211; </li>
  1060. <li><a href="">Open Standards Consultation documents | Cabinet Office</a> &#8211; </li>
  1061. </ul>
  1062. ]]></content>
  1063. </entry>
  1064. <entry>
  1065. <author>
  1066. <name>[GNU]</name>
  1067. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  1068. </author>
  1069. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Bookmarks for November 12th from 09:23 to 09:23]]></title>
  1070. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  1071. <id></id>
  1072. <updated>2012-11-13T08:00:00Z</updated>
  1073. <published>2012-11-13T08:00:00Z</published>
  1074. <category scheme="" term="my bookmarks" /><category scheme="" term="viaifttt" /><category scheme="" term="MDLog:/sysadmin" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[These are my links for November 12th from 09:23 to 09:23: HowTo upgrade Chef from 0.10 to 0.10.2 &#8211; rubygems install &#8211; MDLog:/sysadmin &#8211; from MDLog:/sysadmin]]></summary>
  1075. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>These are my links for November 12th from 09:23 to 09:23:</p>
  1076. <ul>
  1077. <li><a href="">HowTo upgrade Chef from 0.10 to 0.10.2 &#8211; rubygems install &#8211; MDLog:/sysadmin</a> &#8211; from MDLog:/sysadmin</li>
  1078. </ul>
  1079. ]]></content>
  1080. </entry>
  1081. <entry>
  1082. <author>
  1083. <name>[GNU]</name>
  1084. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  1085. </author>
  1086. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Bookmarks for November 5th from 20:39 to 20:39]]></title>
  1087. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  1088. <id></id>
  1089. <updated>2012-11-06T08:00:00Z</updated>
  1090. <published>2012-11-06T08:00:00Z</published>
  1091. <category scheme="" term="my bookmarks" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[These are my links for November 5th from 20:39 to 20:39: New Charlie Brown Christmas Prints &#8211;]]></summary>
  1092. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>These are my links for November 5th from 20:39 to 20:39:</p>
  1093. <ul>
  1094. <li><a href="">New Charlie Brown Christmas Prints</a> &#8211; </li>
  1095. </ul>
  1096. ]]></content>
  1097. </entry>
  1098. <entry>
  1099. <author>
  1100. <name>[GNU]</name>
  1101. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  1102. </author>
  1103. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Bookmarks for November 3rd from 14:37 to 14:37]]></title>
  1104. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  1105. <id></id>
  1106. <updated>2012-11-04T08:00:00Z</updated>
  1107. <published>2012-11-04T08:00:00Z</published>
  1108. <category scheme="" term="my bookmarks" /><category scheme="" term="viaifttt" /><category scheme="" term="News" /><category scheme="" term="Eucalyptus" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[These are my links for November 3rd from 14:37 to 14:37: New FastStart for Eucalyptus is officially live. &#124; Cloud Computing Software from Eucalyptus &#8211; from Eucalyptus News]]></summary>
  1109. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>These are my links for November 3rd from 14:37 to 14:37:</p>
  1110. <ul>
  1111. <li><a href="">New FastStart for Eucalyptus is officially live. | Cloud Computing Software from Eucalyptus</a> &#8211; from Eucalyptus News</li>
  1112. </ul>
  1113. ]]></content>
  1114. </entry>
  1115. <entry>
  1116. <author>
  1117. <name>[GNU]</name>
  1118. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  1119. </author>
  1120. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Bookmarks for November 2nd from 09:50 to 21:32]]></title>
  1121. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  1122. <id></id>
  1123. <updated>2012-11-02T20:00:09Z</updated>
  1124. <published>2012-11-03T08:00:00Z</published>
  1125. <category scheme="" term="my bookmarks" /><category scheme="" term="viaifttt" /><category scheme="" term="GigaOM" /><category scheme="" term="VS-Geheim" /><category scheme="" term="(Aus" /><category scheme="" term="dem" /><category scheme="" term="Alltag" /><category scheme="" term="eines" /><category scheme="" term="Polizisten)" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[These are my links for November 2nd from 09:50 to 21:32: The Weekly Outfit: Late Fall Cycling &#8211; VS-Geheim: Steel Tales &#8211; Die Pilotfolge &#8211; from VS-Geheim (Aus dem Alltag eines Polizisten) Commutist podcast: Sandy&#8217;s social, infrastructure impact, and Forstall &#8212; Tech News and Analysis &#8211; from GigaOM]]></summary>
  1126. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>These are my links for November 2nd from 09:50 to 21:32:</p>
  1127. <ul>
  1128. <li><a href="">The Weekly Outfit: Late Fall Cycling</a> &#8211; </li>
  1129. <li><a href="">VS-Geheim: Steel Tales &#8211; Die Pilotfolge</a> &#8211; from VS-Geheim (Aus dem Alltag eines Polizisten)</li>
  1130. <li><a href="">Commutist podcast: Sandy&rsquo;s social, infrastructure impact, and Forstall &mdash; Tech News and Analysis</a> &#8211; from GigaOM</li>
  1131. </ul>
  1132. ]]></content>
  1133. </entry>
  1134. <entry>
  1135. <author>
  1136. <name>[GNU]</name>
  1137. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  1138. </author>
  1139. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Bookmarks for October 27th from 09:35 to 09:35]]></title>
  1140. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  1141. <id></id>
  1142. <updated>2012-10-28T08:00:00Z</updated>
  1143. <published>2012-10-28T08:00:00Z</published>
  1144. <category scheme="" term="my bookmarks" /><category scheme="" term="viaifttt" /><category scheme="" term="codecentric" /><category scheme="" term="Blog" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[These are my links for October 27th from 09:35 to 09:35: Eindr&#252;cke von der MongoDB Munich 2012 &#124; codecentric Blog &#8211; from codecentric Blog]]></summary>
  1145. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>These are my links for October 27th from 09:35 to 09:35:</p>
  1146. <ul>
  1147. <li><a href="">Eindr&uuml;cke von der MongoDB Munich 2012 | codecentric Blog</a> &#8211; from codecentric Blog</li>
  1148. </ul>
  1149. ]]></content>
  1150. </entry>
  1151. <entry>
  1152. <author>
  1153. <name>[GNU]</name>
  1154. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  1155. </author>
  1156. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Bookmarks for October 26th from 21:10 to 21:10]]></title>
  1157. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  1158. <id></id>
  1159. <updated>2012-10-27T08:00:00Z</updated>
  1160. <published>2012-10-27T08:00:00Z</published>
  1161. <category scheme="" term="my bookmarks" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[These are my links for October 26th from 21:10 to 21:10: Ghost Trains Roar Back to Life in Modern England &#8211;]]></summary>
  1162. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>These are my links for October 26th from 21:10 to 21:10:</p>
  1163. <ul>
  1164. <li><a href="">Ghost Trains Roar Back to Life in Modern England</a> &#8211; </li>
  1165. </ul>
  1166. ]]></content>
  1167. </entry>
  1168. <entry>
  1169. <author>
  1170. <name>[GNU]</name>
  1171. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  1172. </author>
  1173. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Bookmarks for October 23rd from 09:30 to 09:30]]></title>
  1174. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  1175. <id></id>
  1176. <updated>2012-10-24T08:00:00Z</updated>
  1177. <published>2012-10-24T08:00:00Z</published>
  1178. <category scheme="" term="my bookmarks" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[These are my links for October 23rd from 09:30 to 09:30: Whisper: Tracing the Propagation of Twitter Messages in Time and Space &#8211;]]></summary>
  1179. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>These are my links for October 23rd from 09:30 to 09:30:</p>
  1180. <ul>
  1181. <li><a href="">Whisper: Tracing the Propagation of Twitter Messages in Time and Space</a> &#8211; </li>
  1182. </ul>
  1183. ]]></content>
  1184. </entry>
  1185. <entry>
  1186. <author>
  1187. <name>[GNU]</name>
  1188. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  1189. </author>
  1190. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Bookmarks for October 21st from 15:11 to 15:11]]></title>
  1191. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  1192. <id></id>
  1193. <updated>2012-10-22T08:00:00Z</updated>
  1194. <published>2012-10-22T08:00:00Z</published>
  1195. <category scheme="" term="my bookmarks" /><category scheme="" term="lampe" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[These are my links for October 21st from 15:11 to 15:11: [priv] Lamp : goldschmidtboeing &#8211;]]></summary>
  1196. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>These are my links for October 21st from 15:11 to 15:11:</p>
  1197. <ul>
  1198. <li><a href="">[priv] Lamp : goldschmidtboeing</a> &#8211; </li>
  1199. </ul>
  1200. ]]></content>
  1201. </entry>
  1202. <entry>
  1203. <author>
  1204. <name>[GNU]</name>
  1205. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  1206. </author>
  1207. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Bookmarks for October 3rd from 19:00 to 19:00]]></title>
  1208. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  1209. <id></id>
  1210. <updated>2012-10-04T08:00:00Z</updated>
  1211. <published>2012-10-04T08:00:00Z</published>
  1212. <category scheme="" term="my bookmarks" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[These are my links for October 3rd from 19:00 to 19:00: First Beta of Hibernate OGM with Infinispan, Ehcache and MongoDB support &#8211;]]></summary>
  1213. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>These are my links for October 3rd from 19:00 to 19:00:</p>
  1214. <ul>
  1215. <li><a href="">First Beta of Hibernate OGM with Infinispan, Ehcache and MongoDB support</a> &#8211; </li>
  1216. </ul>
  1217. ]]></content>
  1218. </entry>
  1219. <entry>
  1220. <author>
  1221. <name>[GNU]</name>
  1222. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  1223. </author>
  1224. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Bookmarks for September 23rd from 21:44 to 21:44]]></title>
  1225. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  1226. <id></id>
  1227. <updated>2012-09-24T08:00:00Z</updated>
  1228. <published>2012-09-24T08:00:00Z</published>
  1229. <category scheme="" term="my bookmarks" /><category scheme="" term="viaifttt" /><category scheme="" term="GigaOM" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[These are my links for September 23rd from 21:44 to 21:44: #CloudFail: Six pitfalls to avoid with enterprise cloud deployment &#8212; Tech News and Analysis &#8211; from GigaOM]]></summary>
  1230. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>These are my links for September 23rd from 21:44 to 21:44:</p>
  1231. <ul>
  1232. <li><a href="">#CloudFail: Six pitfalls to avoid with enterprise cloud deployment &mdash; Tech News and Analysis</a> &#8211; from GigaOM</li>
  1233. </ul>
  1234. ]]></content>
  1235. </entry>
  1236. <entry>
  1237. <author>
  1238. <name>[GNU]</name>
  1239. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  1240. </author>
  1241. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Bookmarks for September 19th from 17:14 to 17:14]]></title>
  1242. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  1243. <id></id>
  1244. <updated>2012-09-20T08:00:00Z</updated>
  1245. <published>2012-09-20T08:00:00Z</published>
  1246. <category scheme="" term="my bookmarks" /><category scheme="" term="openvswitch" /><category scheme="" term="networking" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[These are my links for September 19th from 17:14 to 17:14: Fedora 17 with Open vSwitch &#124; Silicon Loons &#8211;]]></summary>
  1247. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>These are my links for September 19th from 17:14 to 17:14:</p>
  1248. <ul>
  1249. <li><a href="">Fedora 17 with Open vSwitch | Silicon Loons</a> &#8211; </li>
  1250. </ul>
  1251. ]]></content>
  1252. </entry>
  1253. <entry>
  1254. <author>
  1255. <name>[GNU]</name>
  1256. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  1257. </author>
  1258. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Hello again]]></title>
  1259. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  1260. <id></id>
  1261. <updated>2012-09-20T06:39:38Z</updated>
  1262. <published>2012-09-20T06:39:38Z</published>
  1263. <category scheme="" term="general blogging" /><category scheme="" term="B4mad" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[So I have been away from the blog for quite some time&#8230; and now I will be back on schedule: posting one or two little things per week^H^H^H^Hmonth. And I will try to focus on two things: Infrastructure and Method. Expect the worst&#8230;]]></summary>
  1264. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>So I have been away from the blog for quite some time&#8230; and now I will be back on schedule: posting one or two little things per week^H^H^H^Hmonth. And I will try to focus on two things: Infrastructure and Method. Expect the worst&#8230;</p>
  1265. ]]></content>
  1266. </entry>
  1267. <entry>
  1268. <author>
  1269. <name>[GNU]</name>
  1270. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  1271. </author>
  1272. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Bookmarks for September 7th from 09:39 to 09:39]]></title>
  1273. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  1274. <id></id>
  1275. <updated>2012-09-08T08:00:00Z</updated>
  1276. <published>2012-09-08T08:00:00Z</published>
  1277. <category scheme="" term="my bookmarks" /><category scheme="" term="rails" /><category scheme="" term="nginx" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[These are my links for September 7th from 09:39 to 09:39: Der Netzlogger: Rails-Applikationen mit nginx und Thin &#8211;]]></summary>
  1278. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>These are my links for September 7th from 09:39 to 09:39:</p>
  1279. <ul>
  1280. <li><a href="">Der Netzlogger: Rails-Applikationen mit nginx und Thin</a> &#8211; </li>
  1281. </ul>
  1282. ]]></content>
  1283. </entry>
  1284. <entry>
  1285. <author>
  1286. <name>[GNU]</name>
  1287. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  1288. </author>
  1289. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Bookmarks for September 6th from 15:04 to 15:04]]></title>
  1290. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  1291. <id></id>
  1292. <updated>2012-09-07T08:00:00Z</updated>
  1293. <published>2012-09-07T08:00:00Z</published>
  1294. <category scheme="" term="my bookmarks" /><category scheme="" term="viaifttt" /><category scheme="" term="" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[These are my links for September 6th from 15:04 to 15:04: openPlanB: Open-Data-Aktivisten ver&#246;ffentlichen Fahrplandaten des deutschen Fernverkehrs &#8211; from]]></summary>
  1295. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>These are my links for September 6th from 15:04 to 15:04:</p>
  1296. <ul>
  1297. <li><a href="">openPlanB: Open-Data-Aktivisten ver&ouml;ffentlichen Fahrplandaten des deutschen Fernverkehrs</a> &#8211; from</li>
  1298. </ul>
  1299. ]]></content>
  1300. </entry>
  1301. <entry>
  1302. <author>
  1303. <name>[GNU]</name>
  1304. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  1305. </author>
  1306. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Bookmarks for September 4th from 08:27 to 08:27]]></title>
  1307. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  1308. <id></id>
  1309. <updated>2012-09-04T08:00:45Z</updated>
  1310. <published>2012-09-04T08:00:00Z</published>
  1311. <category scheme="" term="my bookmarks" /><category scheme="" term="viaifttt" /><category scheme="" term="Aggregated" /><category scheme="" term="feed" /><category scheme="" term="of" /><category scheme="" term="all" /><category scheme="" term="JBoss" /><category scheme="" term="feeds" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[These are my links for September 4th from 08:27 to 08:27: Human Interactions: Task List UIs Requirements &#124; Drools &#8211; Because Knowledge Matters &#124; Planet JBoss Community &#8211; from Aggregated feed of all JBoss feeds]]></summary>
  1312. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>These are my links for September 4th from 08:27 to 08:27:</p>
  1313. <ul>
  1314. <li><a href="">Human Interactions: Task List UIs Requirements | Drools &#8211; Because Knowledge Matters | Planet JBoss Community</a> &#8211; from Aggregated feed of all JBoss feeds</li>
  1315. </ul>
  1316. ]]></content>
  1317. </entry>
  1318. <entry>
  1319. <author>
  1320. <name>[GNU]</name>
  1321. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  1322. </author>
  1323. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Bookmarks for August 28th from 14:13 to 14:13]]></title>
  1324. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  1325. <id></id>
  1326. <updated>2012-08-29T08:00:00Z</updated>
  1327. <published>2012-08-29T08:00:00Z</published>
  1328. <category scheme="" term="my bookmarks" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[These are my links for August 28th from 14:13 to 14:13: Partei ohne Ideen &#8211; Warum die Piraten keine Zukunft haben &#8211; Politik &#8211; &#8211; maik_aussendorf: @suddeutsche: Partei ohne Ideen: Warum die Piraten keine Zukunft haben: &#8230; #fb]]></summary>
  1329. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>These are my links for August 28th from 14:13 to 14:13:</p>
  1330. <ul>
  1331. <li><a href="">Partei ohne Ideen &#8211; Warum die Piraten keine Zukunft haben &#8211; Politik &#8211;</a> &#8211; maik_aussendorf: @suddeutsche: Partei ohne Ideen: Warum die Piraten keine Zukunft haben: &#8230; #fb</li>
  1332. </ul>
  1333. ]]></content>
  1334. </entry>
  1335. <entry>
  1336. <author>
  1337. <name>[GNU]</name>
  1338. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  1339. </author>
  1340. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Bookmarks for August 27th from 15:57 to 15:57]]></title>
  1341. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  1342. <id></id>
  1343. <updated>2012-08-28T08:00:00Z</updated>
  1344. <published>2012-08-28T08:00:00Z</published>
  1345. <category scheme="" term="my bookmarks" /><category scheme="" term="viaifttt" /><category scheme="" term="The" /><category scheme="" term="Hickensian" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[These are my links for August 27th from 15:57 to 15:57: Things 2 &#124; The Hickensian &#124; Hicksdesign &#8211; from The Hickensian]]></summary>
  1346. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>These are my links for August 27th from 15:57 to 15:57:</p>
  1347. <ul>
  1348. <li><a href="">Things 2 | The Hickensian | Hicksdesign</a> &#8211; from The Hickensian</li>
  1349. </ul>
  1350. ]]></content>
  1351. </entry>
  1352. <entry>
  1353. <author>
  1354. <name>[GNU]</name>
  1355. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  1356. </author>
  1357. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Bookmarks for August 5th through August 6th]]></title>
  1358. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  1359. <id></id>
  1360. <updated>2012-08-06T00:00:03Z</updated>
  1361. <published>2012-08-06T08:00:00Z</published>
  1362. <category scheme="" term="my bookmarks" /><category scheme="" term="viaifttt" /><category scheme="" term="Sébastien" /><category scheme="" term="han" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[These are my links for August 5th through August 6th: Multi MySQL instances with Galera &#8211; S&#233;bastien Han &#8211; from S&#233;bastien Han How NASA battle-tested its Mars rover live stream &#8211;]]></summary>
  1363. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>These are my links for August 5th through August 6th:</p>
  1364. <ul>
  1365. <li><a href="">Multi MySQL instances with Galera &#8211; S&eacute;bastien Han</a> &#8211; from S&eacute;bastien Han</li>
  1366. <li><a href="">How NASA battle-tested its Mars rover live stream</a> &#8211; </li>
  1367. </ul>
  1368. ]]></content>
  1369. </entry>
  1370. <entry>
  1371. <author>
  1372. <name>[GNU]</name>
  1373. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  1374. </author>
  1375. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Bookmarks for August 2nd from 20:25 to 20:25]]></title>
  1376. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  1377. <id></id>
  1378. <updated>2012-08-03T08:00:00Z</updated>
  1379. <published>2012-08-03T08:00:00Z</published>
  1380. <category scheme="" term="my bookmarks" /><category scheme="" term="viaifttt" /><category scheme="" term="Pro-Linux" /><category scheme="" term="News" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[These are my links for August 2nd from 20:25 to 20:25: Apache Software Foundation ver&#246;ffentlicht Apache Deltacloud 1.0 &#8211; Pro-Linux &#8211; from Pro-Linux News]]></summary>
  1381. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>These are my links for August 2nd from 20:25 to 20:25:</p>
  1382. <ul>
  1383. <li><a href="">Apache Software Foundation ver&ouml;ffentlicht Apache Deltacloud 1.0 &#8211; Pro-Linux</a> &#8211; from Pro-Linux News</li>
  1384. </ul>
  1385. ]]></content>
  1386. </entry>
  1387. <entry>
  1388. <author>
  1389. <name>[GNU]</name>
  1390. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  1391. </author>
  1392. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Bookmarks for July 30th through July 31st]]></title>
  1393. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  1394. <id></id>
  1395. <updated>2012-07-30T23:01:08Z</updated>
  1396. <published>2012-07-31T08:00:00Z</published>
  1397. <category scheme="" term="my bookmarks" /><category scheme="" term="viaifttt" /><category scheme="" term="GigaOM" /><category scheme="" term="Sébastien" /><category scheme="" term="han" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[These are my links for July 30th through July 31st: Tip Ceph: public/private network configuration &#8211; S&#233;bastien han &#8211; from S&#233;bastien han Netflix open sources cloud-testing Chaos Monkey &#8212; Cloud Computing News &#8211; from GigaOM]]></summary>
  1398. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>These are my links for July 30th through July 31st:</p>
  1399. <ul>
  1400. <li><a href="">Tip Ceph: public/private network configuration &#8211; S&eacute;bastien han</a> &#8211; from S&eacute;bastien han</li>
  1401. <li><a href="">Netflix open sources cloud-testing Chaos Monkey &mdash; Cloud Computing News</a> &#8211; from GigaOM</li>
  1402. </ul>
  1403. ]]></content>
  1404. </entry>
  1405. <entry>
  1406. <author>
  1407. <name>[GNU]</name>
  1408. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  1409. </author>
  1410. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Bookmarks for July 17th from 08:04 to 08:04]]></title>
  1411. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  1412. <id></id>
  1413. <updated>2012-07-17T08:00:15Z</updated>
  1414. <published>2012-07-17T08:00:00Z</published>
  1415. <category scheme="" term="my bookmarks" /><category scheme="" term="viaifttt" /><category scheme="" term="" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[These are my links for July 17th from 08:04 to 08:04: Gerichtsurteil erlaubt anonyme Nutzung offener WLANs &#8211; from]]></summary>
  1416. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>These are my links for July 17th from 08:04 to 08:04:</p>
  1417. <ul>
  1418. <li><a href="">Gerichtsurteil erlaubt anonyme Nutzung offener WLANs</a> &#8211; from</li>
  1419. </ul>
  1420. ]]></content>
  1421. </entry>
  1422. <entry>
  1423. <author>
  1424. <name>[GNU]</name>
  1425. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  1426. </author>
  1427. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Bookmarks for July 15th from 22:16 to 22:16]]></title>
  1428. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  1429. <id></id>
  1430. <updated>2012-07-16T08:00:00Z</updated>
  1431. <published>2012-07-16T08:00:00Z</published>
  1432. <category scheme="" term="my bookmarks" /><category scheme="" term="git" /><category scheme="" term="bzr" /><category scheme="" term="migration" /><category scheme="" term="level:howto" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[These are my links for July 15th from 22:16 to 22:16: &#187; Bzr to Git Migration Brain Matters &#8211;]]></summary>
  1433. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>These are my links for July 15th from 22:16 to 22:16:</p>
  1434. <ul>
  1435. <li><a href="">&raquo; Bzr to Git Migration Brain Matters</a> &#8211; </li>
  1436. </ul>
  1437. ]]></content>
  1438. </entry>
  1439. <entry>
  1440. <author>
  1441. <name>[GNU]</name>
  1442. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  1443. </author>
  1444. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Bookmarks for July 13th from 13:19 to 13:19]]></title>
  1445. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  1446. <id></id>
  1447. <updated>2012-07-14T08:00:00Z</updated>
  1448. <published>2012-07-14T08:00:00Z</published>
  1449. <category scheme="" term="my bookmarks" /><category scheme="" term="viaifttt" /><category scheme="" term="Aggregated" /><category scheme="" term="feed" /><category scheme="" term="of" /><category scheme="" term="all" /><category scheme="" term="JBoss" /><category scheme="" term="feeds" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[These are my links for July 13th from 13:19 to 13:19: JBoss BRMS 5.3 &#8211; adding on Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) Reporting &#124; Eric D. Schabell &#8211; JBoss &#124; Planet JBoss Community &#8211; from Aggregated feed of all JBoss feeds]]></summary>
  1450. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>These are my links for July 13th from 13:19 to 13:19:</p>
  1451. <ul>
  1452. <li><a href="">JBoss BRMS 5.3 &#8211; adding on Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) Reporting | Eric D. Schabell &#8211; JBoss | Planet JBoss Community</a> &#8211; from Aggregated feed of all JBoss feeds</li>
  1453. </ul>
  1454. ]]></content>
  1455. </entry>
  1456. <entry>
  1457. <author>
  1458. <name>[GNU]</name>
  1459. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  1460. </author>
  1461. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Bookmarks for July 9th from 10:19 to 10:19]]></title>
  1462. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  1463. <id></id>
  1464. <updated>2012-07-10T08:00:00Z</updated>
  1465. <published>2012-07-10T08:00:00Z</published>
  1466. <category scheme="" term="my bookmarks" /><category scheme="" term="viaifttt" /><category scheme="" term="GigaOM" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[These are my links for July 9th from 10:19 to 10:19: Why the days are numbered for Hadoop as we know it &#8212; Cloud Computing News &#8211; from GigaOM]]></summary>
  1467. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>These are my links for July 9th from 10:19 to 10:19:</p>
  1468. <ul>
  1469. <li><a href="">Why the days are numbered for Hadoop as we know it &mdash; Cloud Computing News</a> &#8211; from GigaOM</li>
  1470. </ul>
  1471. ]]></content>
  1472. </entry>
  1473. <entry>
  1474. <author>
  1475. <name>[GNU]</name>
  1476. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  1477. </author>
  1478. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Bookmarks for July 6th from 09:55 to 09:55]]></title>
  1479. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  1480. <id></id>
  1481. <updated>2012-07-07T08:00:00Z</updated>
  1482. <published>2012-07-07T08:00:00Z</published>
  1483. <category scheme="" term="my bookmarks" /><category scheme="" term="art" /><category scheme="" term="code" /><category scheme="" term="qr" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[These are my links for July 6th from 09:55 to 09:55: QArt Coder &#8211;]]></summary>
  1484. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>These are my links for July 6th from 09:55 to 09:55:</p>
  1485. <ul>
  1486. <li><a href="">QArt Coder</a> &#8211; </li>
  1487. </ul>
  1488. ]]></content>
  1489. </entry>
  1490. <entry>
  1491. <author>
  1492. <name>[GNU]</name>
  1493. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  1494. </author>
  1495. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Bookmarks for July 5th from 08:19 to 08:19]]></title>
  1496. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  1497. <id></id>
  1498. <updated>2012-07-05T08:02:23Z</updated>
  1499. <published>2012-07-05T08:00:00Z</published>
  1500. <category scheme="" term="my bookmarks" /><category scheme="" term="viaifttt" /><category scheme="" term="Aggregated" /><category scheme="" term="feed" /><category scheme="" term="of" /><category scheme="" term="all" /><category scheme="" term="JBoss" /><category scheme="" term="feeds" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[These are my links for July 5th from 08:19 to 08:19: JBossWorld Keynote Demo &#124; Drools &#8211; Because Knowledge Matters &#124; Planet JBoss Community &#8211; from Aggregated feed of all JBoss feeds]]></summary>
  1501. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>These are my links for July 5th from 08:19 to 08:19:</p>
  1502. <ul>
  1503. <li><a href="">JBossWorld Keynote Demo | Drools &#8211; Because Knowledge Matters | Planet JBoss Community</a> &#8211; from Aggregated feed of all JBoss feeds</li>
  1504. </ul>
  1505. ]]></content>
  1506. </entry>
  1507. <entry>
  1508. <author>
  1509. <name>[GNU]</name>
  1510. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  1511. </author>
  1512. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Bookmarks for June 28th from 12:19 to 12:19]]></title>
  1513. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  1514. <id></id>
  1515. <updated>2012-06-29T08:00:00Z</updated>
  1516. <published>2012-06-29T08:00:00Z</published>
  1517. <category scheme="" term="my bookmarks" /><category scheme="" term="viaifttt" /><category scheme="" term="" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[These are my links for June 28th from 12:19 to 12:19: Chef for OpenStack &#124; &#8211; from]]></summary>
  1518. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>These are my links for June 28th from 12:19 to 12:19:</p>
  1519. <ul>
  1520. <li><a href="">Chef for OpenStack |</a> &#8211; from</li>
  1521. </ul>
  1522. ]]></content>
  1523. </entry>
  1524. <entry>
  1525. <author>
  1526. <name>[GNU]</name>
  1527. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  1528. </author>
  1529. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Bookmarks for June 26th from 09:23 to 09:23]]></title>
  1530. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  1531. <id></id>
  1532. <updated>2012-06-27T08:00:00Z</updated>
  1533. <published>2012-06-27T08:00:00Z</published>
  1534. <category scheme="" term="my bookmarks" /><category scheme="" term="viaifttt" /><category scheme="" term="codecentric" /><category scheme="" term="Blog" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[These are my links for June 26th from 09:23 to 09:23: Testmanagement mit JIRA &#124; codecentric Blog &#8211; from codecentric Blog]]></summary>
  1535. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>These are my links for June 26th from 09:23 to 09:23:</p>
  1536. <ul>
  1537. <li><a href="">Testmanagement mit JIRA | codecentric Blog</a> &#8211; from codecentric Blog</li>
  1538. </ul>
  1539. ]]></content>
  1540. </entry>
  1541. <entry>
  1542. <author>
  1543. <name>[GNU]</name>
  1544. <uri>http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/</uri>
  1545. </author>
  1546. <title type="html"><![CDATA[Bookmarks for June 19th from 21:18 to 21:18]]></title>
  1547. <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" />
  1548. <id></id>
  1549. <updated>2012-06-20T08:00:00Z</updated>
  1550. <published>2012-06-20T08:00:00Z</published>
  1551. <category scheme="" term="my bookmarks" /><category scheme="" term="viaifttt" /><category scheme="" term="Aggregated" /><category scheme="" term="feed" /><category scheme="" term="of" /><category scheme="" term="all" /><category scheme="" term="JBoss" /><category scheme="" term="feeds" /> <summary type="html"><![CDATA[These are my links for June 19th from 21:18 to 21:18: From zero to testing: setting up the JBoss BRMS BPM Rewards Approval Demo project (IDE) &#124; Eric D. Schabell &#8211; JBoss &#124; Planet JBoss Community &#8211; from Aggregated feed of all JBoss feeds]]></summary>
  1552. <content type="html" xml:base=""><![CDATA[<p>These are my links for June 19th from 21:18 to 21:18:</p>
  1553. <ul>
  1554. <li><a href="">From zero to testing: setting up the JBoss BRMS BPM Rewards Approval Demo project (IDE) | Eric D. Schabell &#8211; JBoss | Planet JBoss Community</a> &#8211; from Aggregated feed of all JBoss feeds</li>
  1555. </ul>
  1556. ]]></content>
  1557. </entry>
  1558. </feed>
Copyright © 2002-9 Sam Ruby, Mark Pilgrim, Joseph Walton, and Phil Ringnalda